Wet Comminution in Stirred Media Mills: Review
Wet Comminution in Stirred Media Mills: Review
Wet Comminution in Stirred Media Mills: Review
The importance of stirred media mills in various industries as well as in research is steadily
increasing because the quality requirements of comminution products, e.g. the product fineness,
rise continuously. This paper gives a survey of different mill designs and of the influence of
various operating parameters on the specific energy consumption. The specific energy necessary
for a certain product fineness depends above all on the stress intensity, which is among other
things a function of the grinding media size and the circumferential stirrer speed. At similar
stress intensities, the influence of the stirrer and grinding chamber geometry is small and
scale-up using the specific energy is usually possible. Moreover residence time behaviour, wear
of grinding media and autogenous comminution are discussed.
1. Introduction 2. History of development and different mill
Stirred media mills are increasingly used for the
fine and ultrafine grinding of minerals, ceramic Originally, tumbling ball mills were often used for
materials, paint pigments, chemical products, wet fine and ultrafine grinding. But since the power
microorganisms and other materials. In these mills consumption of tumbling ball mills is limited by the
which are mainly operated wet, the product parti- number of revolutions at which the grinding media
cles are reduced in size between loose grinding are centrifugated at the chamber wall, the power
media usually made of glass, steel or ceramic density is relatively small. Thus, for the production
materials. Due to a very high number of stress of fine and ultrafine powders, very long comminu-
events per unit time and unit volume and due to an tion times are necessary. To improve the efficiency
appropriate stress intensity in the production of in fine grinding, in 1928 Szegvari (in [1]) proposed
very fine particles, the specific energy consumption a mill with a vertical stationary grinding chamber
of stirred media mills is less than that of tumbling in which spherical grinding media are moved by a
ball mills. The importance of stirred media mills slowly rotating agitator. An advanced design of this
increases steadily because of an increasing demand mill built in 1950 is shown in Figure 1. Such low-
for fine and very fine particles and because of the speed stirred media mills, also called "Attritors",
advantages of stirred media mills compared with with circumferential speeds up to approximately 6
other mills. Therefore, many developments regard- m/s are still built and used, mainly for the fine
ing minimization of specific energy, separation of grinding of minerals and ceramic materials. Parallel
very small grinding media, production of narrow to the further development of this mill (e.g. increase
particle size distributions and wear protection have in length/ diameter ratio of the vertical chamber),
been made in the last few years. Besides this, stirred high-speed stirred media mills were developed,
media mills are increasingly the subject of scientific which were operated with circumferential speeds of
study, so that recently many new results have been 8 to 20 m/s and with smaller grinding media. The
published. Above all this paper covers experimental industrial breakthrough of high-speed stirred media
results, whereas simulation results using the popula- mills occurred in 1948 with the introduction of
tion balance model or other models are not discus- DuPont's "sand mill", which has been primarily
sed. applied as a pigment grinder in the paint industry.
* Consultants, Rebenring 33, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
The product suspension is pumped through the
**Volkmaroder Str. 4/5, 38104 Braunschweig, Germany vertical grinding chamber of the "sand mill" from
' Received August 1, 1997 the bottom to the open top, where the grinding
(JG\t(kg/m_;) 2H94 7J5() <p(,w-=-0.50 o;..:c\1 -O./J
D '
y, [m/s] ~ 6.4 "' / tp(,\,--=0.70 -* 9(,..,,--0.K1
,., [m/s] ~ 9.6 •
'"' [m/s] o~ 12.R -" ~]()
d(, . .,[flm]=-=97 -WOO D '
__.:::: ]()
-A- Ann~i~gap
l133k)lkg . .
. 0.9
!': . li69k)/kg
·-f:j 0.6 Disc 1860 kj/kg . 0.7
15 l882kJ/kg
"E 0.5 1849 kj/kg 0.6 dcM=848 JJm
rfl 3345 kj/kg (/:iGM=Q,77
:..0 0.4 ~·] ·PiHounter-pin 33I8kJ/kg 0.5 v,=l2 m/s
c.; -•-Pin-counter-pm 3122 kj/kg Ysusp=}QQ 1/h
-~ 0.3i'----::_-::,_:.Fe€d:::::..:.A:::.hO::.'- - " ' " '
~ 0.2+···················· ···············,·o·:lf!'?
-3 01
§ 0.0+--~~~~n+-~~~~~~~-~~~ 0.1
u 01 10 100 o.o~~-,.-~----.--....-=~::::::;~~......,._j
Particle size x [11m] 0 2 3 4 5
Dimensionsless time fJ=t/ t [.]
Fig. 10 Comparison of grinding results at the same specific
energy input; three different grinding chamber geome- Fig. 11 Comparision of measured and calculated residence
tries [25,30] time distributions in a mill with disc stirrer
g,c a 0.4
'0 0.3
'i: "'" ~ 0.6-0.8
v,~ (6);8-!6 m·s·'
... rhsusp=8.1-42.7 kg· h-i 0.1
~ 0.001 +--~-~~~~~r--..:::::;:=:;:::::::;=:;:::::;::::::;:...-.-j 0.0
100 1000 10000 0.3 10 100 1000 3000
Energy related to the grinding chamder volume Ev,cc [1 ·cm- 3 ] Particle size x [J.tm]
Fig. 12 Effect of different operating parameters on the media Fig. 13 Cumulative size distribution of the hold-up for batch
wear (comminution of white fused alumina) [25,30] autogenous pebble comminution of limestone