Motto:Education Is The Best Legacy: Instructions: Choose A, B, C or D To Answer The Following Objective Questions
Motto:Education Is The Best Legacy: Instructions: Choose A, B, C or D To Answer The Following Objective Questions
Motto:Education Is The Best Legacy: Instructions: Choose A, B, C or D To Answer The Following Objective Questions
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
(1) By Him who dominates my soul I swear(a)that you are the Prophet of this nation …(b)you
will be abused and you will be(c)persecuted. If I should ever live to see that(d)day, I shall
surely help the cause of Allā h’.
(2)Who made the statement above?(a). Muhammaed Husayn Haikai(b) Waraqah b. Nawfal(c)
‘Abdul Muttalib(d) Abbā s b. Mirdas
(3)The verse above means that divorce may be pronounced twice and then the woman
must(a) go after the third time (b) be retained in honour or allowed to go with kindness(c)
forfeit her wealth and go with kindness(d) be retained in honour unless she has no children
(4)The ninth year of hijrah is known as the year of (a)
(5)After the Prophet (S.A.W) had migrated to al-madīnah, the first two major wars he fought
against the Makkans were(a). Badr and Hudabiyyah(b) Uhud and Khaybar(c) Khandaq and
Mu’tah(d). Badr and Uhud.
(6)The Prophet’s uncle who lost his life in the battle of Badr was(a) Hamzah(b)Abbā s (c)Abū
Tā lib(d) Abū Jahl
(7)The Quyaysh boycotted Banū Hā shim because they (a) had all accepted Islam (b)refused
to accept Islam (c)planned to migrate to Yathrib with the Prophet (S.A.W) (d) protected the
Prophet (S.A.W) and refused to surrender him.
(8)The success of the business venture which Muhammed (S.A.W) carried out for Khadījah
was due mainly to (a) Khadījah’s love for him (b) the fact that he was a prophet (c)his
dedication and honesty. (d) the skill and hardwork of his assistants.
(9)The social reforms witnessed by Arabia during the life time of the Prophet (S.A.W)
included the (a) abolition of slave ownership (b) improvement in slave/master relations (c)
modification of the practice of infanticide (d) universal recognition of the Arabs as the
superior race
(10)The treaty of al-Hudaybiyyah was expected to last (a) ten years (b) three years (c)ten
months (d). six months
(11)The conversion of ‘Umar b. al-Khattā b was turning point in the history of Islam because
(a) it encouraged the actualization of the Prophet’s mission (b) the entire Quraysh were
immediately converted to Islam (c) he publicly announced his migration to al-Madinah and
was not challenged (d) the boycott of Banū Hā shim was terminated
(12)The battle of Siffin led to the emergence of the (a)Khawā rij (b)Ahl al-Sunnah
(c)Munā fiqū n (d)Umayyads
(13)During the reign of Caliph ‘Ali, the seat of administration moved from al-Madīnah to (a)
Basra (b) Damasus (c) Mecca (d)Kū fah.
(14)The first Qur’ā nic verse revealed,instructed the Prophet (S.A.W) to (a) engage in
preaching and warning (b) seek knowledge through reading (c) keep vigil the night long
(d)read the minds of people
(15)The Sū rah that tells us the story of how the Ka’abah was delivered from destruction is (a)
al-Fā tihah (b) al-‘Alaq (c) al-Fīl (d)‘Abasa
(16)In Sū rat an-Nā s, protection was sought from the evils of (a)men and women (b)husband
and wife (c)men and jinn (d) male and female.
(17)Reference to a special night is made in Sū rat (a) ad.-Duhā (b) al-Tin (c) al-Falaq (d) al-
(18)The verse Wa la sawfa yu’tīka rabbuka fatardā is immediately preceded by (a). a lam
yajidka yatīman fa ‘ā wā (b) wa rafa nā laka dhikruka (c) Walal-ā khiratu khayrun laka minal
ū lā (d) thumma latus alunna yawma idhin ‘anin-na im.
(19)A Makkan Sū rah with the main objective of reassuring the prophet (S.A.W.) at a time of
distress is (a)at-Takā thur (b) ad-Duhā (c) al-Kā firū n (d). al-mā ū n.
(20)In Sū rat an-Nā s, protection was sought from the evils of (a). men and women (b)
husband and wife (c) men and jinn (d) male and female.
(21)Reference to a special night is made in Sū rat (a) ad.-Duhā (b)al-Tin (c) al-Falaq (d) al-
(22)The verse Wa la sawfa yu’tīka rabbuka fatardā is immediately preceded by (a) a lam
yajidka yatīman fa ‘ā wā (b) wa rafa nā laka dhikruka (c)Walal-ā khiratu khayrun laka minal
ū lā (d) thumma latus alunna yawma idhin ‘anin-na im.
(23)A Makkan Sū rah with the main objective of reassuring the prophet (S.A.W.) at a time of
distress is (a) at-Takā thur (b) ad-Duhā (c)al-Kā firū n (d)al-mā ū n.
(24)Sū ratul-Kawthar concerns the Prophet’s (a)birthday (b) marriage to Khadijah (c). loss of
his son (d)triumphant entry into Makkah.
(25)In the verse Yā ayyuhal - ladhīna ā manū lā taqrabus-salā ta wa antum sukā rā (Q.
(26) Allā h is asking the Muslims not to attempt to (a) sleep when it is prayer time (b) pray
when they are in a drunken state (c) eat when they are in prayer (d)pray when at war
(27)The verse (Q. 95.8) above means ‘Is Allah not’ (a) a good judge? (b) our judge? (c) the best
of judges? (d) the Head of all Judges?
(28)The expression “Man kā na yu ‘minu billā hi wal yawmil ‘ā khir fal yaqual khayran aw li
yasmut” means a believer should (a) desire for his neighbour what he wishes for himself
(b)never be angry (c) make good utterances or keep silent (d) honour his parents.
(29)The main function of Angel Azrā il is (a). carrying messages to the Prophets (b)causing
rain to fall (c)keeping the gate of Hell (d) taking the lives of people
(30)Prophet ‘īsā spoke in the cradle and (a) cleared the conscience of the people
(b)exonerated his mother (c) performed other miracles (d) silenced the people.
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Domestic violence occurs in the A. Home B. market C. church D. School
4. The trouble or problem between members of the same family is called A. physical fight
B. Verbal confrontation C. domestic trouble D. domestic violence
5. Bamboo houses are mostly found in A. urban areas B. rural areas C. both rural and
urban areas D. riverine areas
6. One of the following must be done to prevent domestic violence A. preaching and
practicing of love among family members B. taking the children out on recreation C.
provision of enough food D. disciplining family members
8. A meal which has each of the groups in a correct amount is called A. mixed diet B.
proteinous diet C. invalid diet D. balanced diet
9. The link between one family member and the other is called A. family ties B. family
cycles C. family relationship D. family membership
10. Another name for a nuclear family is A. polygamous family B. monogamous family
C. one family D. extended family
12. The secondary needs of a family include the following except A. money B. education
C. car D. food
13. The location of a family house is described as A. place of work B. position of a family
house C. size of the family house D. position of land
14. One of the following does not belong to the group A. sitting room B. dinning room C.
kitchen D. duplex
15. A family that include aunts , uncles and cousins and their relation is called A. expanded
family B. extension family C. extended family D. expensive family
16. The primary needs include A. food B. clothing C. shelter D. all of the above
17. All the following foods are in the body building group except A. rice B. meat
C. beans D. fish
18. The major nutrient found in cod liver oil is A. protein B. mineral salt C. fats and oils
D. vitamins
20. The two layers of the skin are A. true skin and sweat duct B. epidermis are dermis
C. the pore and their hair D. all of the above
21. The unpleasant smell that comes from the body is called A. perfume B. odour C.
smell D. gas
22. One of the following is important for bowel movement and prevent constipation A.
carbohydrate 23. Carbohydrates and fats are A. healthy foods B. energy giving
foods C. body building foods D. complete foods
24. Sweat is produced in the skin by A. dermis B. sweat pore C. sweat gland D. blood
25. Which of the following is a cure for fatigue A. rest B. walk C. work D. posture
26. One of the following makes muscles strong and firm A. sleep B. rest C. exercise D.
27. Reading in poor light can do one of the following A. strain your eyes B. make you
tired C. make you sleep D. strain you
28. When the feet is constantly wet , bacteria and fungi can grow in the toes causing A.
calluses B. corn C. athletes D. wet foot
29. The nerve that travel from the nose to the brain are called A. Optic nerves B.
olfactory nerves C. sensory nerves D. auditory nerves
30. Which of the following is not a reason for wearing clothes? A. protection B.
appearance C. culture D. height
(i) Nose
(ii) Hair
(iii) Eyes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. _________ Is anything that has mass+ and occupies space.(a)football (b)metal (c)matter (d)none of the
2. All living things consist of_________ (a)loamy soul (b)soil (c)matter (d)bone
3. Matter is made up of_____________ (a)particles (b)blood (c)game (d)none of the above
4. Matter exists in ______ states (a)4 (b)8 (c)3 (d)9
5. _______ is a living things that lives in wet .(a)fish (b)earthworm (c)SNAKE (D)snail
6. ______ can change from on state to another.(a)air (b)matter (c)sand (d)sky
7. A______ has a definite shape (a)liquid (b)gas (c)solid (d)none of that above
8. Mention the state of the matter _____________________________
9. Give one example of each state_____________________________
10. what is mass___________________________________________________________________
11. the structure of an organism and specific activity that helps it live comfortably in its peculiar habitat is
called _____(a)adaptation (b)home (c)field world (d)abode
12. salt waterhabitat are found in the ocean and ______(a) lake (b) seas (c) well (d) pond
13. plants and animals lives in a place that suits them (a) true (b) false (c) a and b (d) all of the above
write the habitat of the following animals:
14. Water lily _____________________________
15. Earthworm ________________________
16. Weaver bird_____________________
17. Tilapia fish _________________________
State the various adaptive features of these creatures
18. Tilapia fish _______________________
19. Earth worm _______________________
20. Humming bird _____________________________________________________
21. Which of the following is not a class of vitamin? (a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin H
(e) Vitamin D
22. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes ________. (a) Bone abnormality (b) shortage of red blood cells (c) scurvy
(d) night blindness (e) sterility in animals.
23. The following are properties of a solid EXCEPT______ (a) definite shape (b) definite mass (c) definite
volume (d) particles are closely packed (e) non of the above
24. Which of the following is a type of food?......(a) baked or boiled (b) fresh or stale (c) local or imported (d)
ripe or unripe (e) big or small
25. The following are stages in the development of housefly EXCEPT_______ (a) adult (b) caterpillar (c) egg
(d) maggot (e) pupa
26. Substances expand when _______energy is supplied. (a) chemical (b) heat (c) kinetic (d) light (e) sound
27. Which of the following classes of food is best for body building? (a) carbohydrates (b) fats (c) proteins
(d) vitamins (e) water
28. The following factors are necessary for growth EXCEPT (a) occupation (b) disease (c) food (d) heredity (e)
rest and exercise
29. Which of the following insects is NOT a vector of disease (a) butterfly (b) cockroach (c) housefly (d)
mosquito (e) tsetse fly
30. Metals are malleable. This means that metals ______(a) are generally strong and hard (b) are good
conductors of electricity (c) can be beaten into thin sheets (d) can be drawn into wires (e) can be painted
in different colors
Instructions:Answer all questions
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. All these require first aid except (a) cut (b) bonds (c) accident (d) death
2. Which of these is not a work hazard? (a) falling of trees (b) carving in of mine (c)catching of thieves
(d)drowning of fishermen
3. The first aid box is painted _____with _________ cross drawn on it (a) purple, orange (b) black, yellow
(c) red, white (d)white, red
4. What is first aid?________________________________________________________________
5. List six (6) contents of first aid box. __________________ ___________________
_____________________ _________________________ ________________________
6. Briery discuss the abc of first aid to
7. Victims of common workshop accident ____________________________________________
8. Road accident victims ____________________________________________________________
9. Rescue operations are series of operation or activities carried out to make s7ure that victims of disaster
and accident as_______(a)save (b)die (c)a and b (d)none of the above
10. _______is not an example of nature disaster. (a)flooding (b)road accident (c) famine (d)earthquake
11. Which of these is not an aspect of rescue operation? (a) securing the environment (b)securing the
vehicle (s) (c)securing the victims (d) none of the above
12. Write the full meaning of t each of these
13. FRSC __________________________________
14. NEMA __________________________________
15. LASTMA ____________________________________
16. Explain what is meant of rescue operations:___________________________________________
17. Give three (3)advantages of rescue operation.
18. _____________________________________________________
19. ______________________________________________________
20. _______________________________________________
21. Describe the step involved in each aspect of rescue
22. Wood is a porous and fibrous structural tissue in the stem and roots for tree and other woody plant.
(a)true (b)false (c)A&B (d)all of the above
23. an instrument used for drawing straight line(a)eraser(b)stick(c)T-square(d)biro
24. a drawing instruments used for drawing angles(a)T-
25. A wooden platform on which drawing paper is placed while drawing is called.........
(a)setsquare(b)paperclips(c)drawing board(d)eraser
26. used to support setsquare during drawings(a)ruler(b)T-square(c)French curves(d)all
27. used to keep the tip of drawing pencils
28. used for transferring measurement from the metric rule to the drawing(a)pencil(b)set
29. used for drawing arcs(a)T-square(b)ruler(c)compass(d)adhesive tapes
30. Drawing without using measuring or drawing tools is ..........
(a)scape(b)construction(c)shading(d)free hand
Instructions:Answer all questions
(1a)what is technology ?
(2a)Define accident ?
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Recreation is an activity of ______. (a)hard work (b)leisure (c)busy time (d)sports men
2. Recreational activities are often done for ________. (a)enjoyment (b)amusement (c)pleasure (d)all of
the above
3. Recreational activities are considered to be _______. (a)silly (b)tedious (c)tiring (d)fun
Give the three examples of recreational activities
4. ____________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. Public places such as _______ and ________ are used for recreational activities
8. Explain the following. Give two examples of each of them
9. Indoor activities: ________________________________________________________________
10. Outdoor activities: ______________________________________________________________
11. What is gymnastics?
12. _____ are recreational activities which are done for pleasure on regular basis. (a)sports (b)gym
(c)hobbies (d)none of the above
13. _____ is the time spent away from business|, work, job hunting, domestic chores and education.
(a)busy time (b)free time (c)engagement time (d)discussion time
14. Ludo and table tennis can be played by minimum of ______ and maximum of _____ people at the time.
(a)1,2 (b)2,4 (c)3,10 (d)7,15
give three (3) examples of recreational activities
15. _____________________
16. ______________________
17. _______________________
State three (3) advantages of engaging in recreational activities
18. _____________________________________________________
19. _______________________________________________________
20. __________________________________________________________
21. _________ education also helps to correct bad posture. A.Biology B. Basic C.Elementary D.
20. Sources of protein are the following EXCEPT A. Groundnut B. Milk C. Fish D.
21. An important equipment in relay is A. Whistle B. Baton C. Track D. Stop watch
22. Which of the following is NOT a sprint race? A. 500m B. 400m C. 200mD. 100m
23. The throwing sector for shot put is ____________ degree. A. 55 B. 50 C. 45
D. 29
24. The following are methods of starting sprint races EXCEPT A. Standing B. Elongated
C. Bunch D. Medium
25. One of the following is a team event in athletics A.100m B. Marathon C. Relay race D.
Cross country race
26. Which of the following is an offence in soccer game? A. PushingB. Tackling C. Shooting D.
27. Which of these is a source of protein? A. Cocoyam B. Beans C. Plantain D.
28. 4 X 100M and 4 X 400M are examples of ______________ races in athletics. A. Relay B.
Shuttle C. Middle D. Long
29. What is the duration of soccer game? A. 20 minutes B. 40 minutes C. 80 minutes D.
90 minutes
30. All are non-locomotor movements EXCEPT
A. Bending B. Stretching C. Running D. Pushing
Instructions:Answer all questions
(1)What is physical health education ?
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Computer are not classified based on______. (a)size (b) colour (c) generation (d)degree of versatility
2. Supercomputer, mainframe computer, minicomputer, workstation, microcomputer or person are
computer classification based on_____. (a)colour (a)size (c)generation (d)purpose
3. According to purpose , computers are either general purpose or _______ (a) analog (b)specific purpose
(c)log purpose (d)none all of the above
4. According to data handing, computers are analog, digital or______. (a) function (b)processing (c)system
5. Classify computer based on generation ______________________________________________
State two (2) classification of computer according to size
6. _________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________
Write short note on the following classification of computer
8. Digital computer ________________________________________________________________
9. Hybrid computer ________________________________________________________________
10. Analog computer ________________________________________________________________
11. Specific purpose, computers have the ability to store numerous program. (a)true (b)false (c)a and b
(d)none of the above
Write the full meaning of:
12. RAM ____________________________________________________
13. ROM _____________________________________________________
14. CPU _______________________________________________________
15. VDU ________________________________________________________
16. The hardware components can be grouped in into___________________, __________________
And _____________
17. A scanner is an example of _______________device
18. A computer system comprise _________ main parts
19. The keyboard, mouse, monitor and cabbies are examples of_______ part of a computer system
20. CPU means_____ (a)central processing unit (b)central people unit(c)central place(d)a and b
21. A mode of receiving information is __________(a)audio (b)visual (c)audio visual (d)all mentioned
22. An ancient method of transmitting information is by _______ means (a)burn
23. Qualities of a good information is ________ (a)accuracy (b)untimely (c)irrelevant(d)meaningless
24. Monitor is a/an _________device (a)input (b)output (c)down put (d)up put
25. Keyboard is a/an ________ device (a)input (b)output (c)down put (d)up put
26. Another name for the CPU is __________ (a)processor (b)box (c)system unit (d)monitor
27. CPU means _________(a)compact personal unit (b)central processing unit (c)computer processor
unit(d)computer printing unit
28. _______ is used for putting on/off the system unit (a)cooling fan (b)reset button (c)power
29. Rules that a computer user must follow are called _______(a)traffic rules (b)computer
methodology(c)computer ethics(d)crown
30. A computer room should always be _______(a)clean (b)rough(c)dirty(d)scattered
Instructions:Answer all questions
(2b)List the classification of computers according to group with two(2) examples each
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. integrity promotes peace and unity.(a)true (b)false (c)a and b(d)all of the above
2. integrity is a national value.(a)true (b)false (c)a and b(d)all of the above
listthree (3)attributes of integrity.
3. ________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. ___________________________________
List three (3)attributes of contentment
6. __________________________________
7. ___________________________________
8. ____________________________________
9. Contentment is a good value. (a) true (b) false (c) none of the above (d) all of the above
10. A Contentedperson is not ______. (a) covetous (b) corrupt (c) greedy (d) all of the above
11. Which of these is not a value? (a) persistence (b) courage (c) integrity (d) none of the above/*
12. Which of these is synonymous to integrity? (a) failure (b) rudeness (c) morality (d) robbery
13. Contentment reduces the rate of_______ in the society (a)integrity (b)crime (c)loyalty (d)poverty
14. Which of these is not a types of courage? (a) plain courage (b) popular courage (c) simple courage (d)
physical courage
15. Which of these words can be used to mean courage (a) failure (b) boldness (c) fear (d) anger
16. ___ is the ability to act rightly in the face of shame (a) love courage (b) moral courage (c) rigid courage (d)
pure courage
17. _____ is the ability or willingness to confront fears, intimidation or challenge (a) wealth (b) popularity (c)
permission (d) courage
18. Courage prevent people from facing challenges and difficulties (a) true (b) false (c) A & B
Mention two (2) attributes of a courageous person
19. ________________________________________________
20. _________________________________________________
21. Civic education teaches us to know what to do for our country and our country to do for us as a citizen
(a)true (b)false (c)maybe (d)not sure
22. Working or acting together to achieve a goal is _______(a)dissolution (b)cooperation(c)job(d)friend
23. ________ is the act of being untruthful (a)honesty (b)dishonesty (c)abuse (d)divorce
24. A dishonest person _____ (a)lies (b)cheats (c)steals (d)all mentioned
25. Dishonest attitude can lead to _______(a)being hated (b)being loved (c)receiving gifts from
people(d)getting praises from parents
26. A factor that promotes cooperation is ________(a)lies(b)corruption(c)trust(d)cheating
27. A benefit of cooperation is ______(a)development (b)war (c)quarrel (d)backwardness
28. Depending on the ability of oneself is called ______(a)trust (b)action(c)assistance(d)self reliance
29. ________ is a person who is legally recognized as a member of a state (a)staff (b)citizen (c)friend (d)cliental
30. Citizen of a state have access to _______(a)rights (b)money (c)obligations (d)A and C
Instructions:Answer all questions
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. A______ is a group of people who are related by blood (a)system (b) club (c) union (d) family
2. Which of these is a right of citizen in Nigeria (a)right to education (b)right to life (c)right to own a
property (d)all of the above
3. The following are example of moral character except _____ (a)truthfulness (b)sincerity (c)respect
4. Which of these is a type of family (a)nuclear family (b)prose family (c)socio_extended family (d) degree
5. _____is the movement of people or goods from one place to anot- her
(a)cultivation (b)transfer (c)transportation (d)mobilization
6. The study of man and his physical and social environment is called _____(a)geography (b)social studies
(c)topography (d) digital science
7. Value is the same as clue (a)true (b)false (c)a and b (d)all of the above
Mention two (2) reason we study social studies
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
State three (3) means of land transportation
10. ___________________________
11. _______________________________
12. ________________________________
Answer true or false
13. Social studies enhances understanding of social system _________________
14. Social studies links the country with a history of nation building ______________
15. Social studies help citizen develop the spirit of patriotism _________
16. Social studies aids critical thinking and understanding of the environment __________
17. _________ is not a moral value (a)honesty (b)disobedience (c)loyalty (d)contentment
state7\athree (3) goals of social studies
18. _______________________________
19. ___________________________________
20. _____________________________________
21. Which of these statements is NOT true of the objectives of social studies?a. cultivating the spirit of
cooperation b. developing the power for survival C. encouraging good citizenship d. violating
the norms and regulations of the society
22. Importance of high land to man include one of the followinga. source of solid mineral resources
b. fertile land for agriculture c. easy communication lines d. high temperature throughout the
23. The total way of life of a people is their ---------- a. culture b.. religion c. language d.
24. Why is it necessary to study social studies? a. to make us good citizens b. to teach us how to
steal c. to know about our environment d. A and C above
25. Cultural _______ implies that the culture of other people are respected a. change b. festival
c. similarities d. tolerance
26. These are social problems in the country EXCEPT _____ a. drug abuse b. cultism c.
kidnapping d. contentment.
27. The following are advantages of integration EXCEPT a. conflict b. cooperation c.
development d. unity
28. The study of social studies seeks to develop the following attributes in students EXCEPT-----a.
socialist ideology b. democratic culture c. national consciousness d. self reliance
29. Marriage is essential because ______a. it makes couples live together b. it is an established
institution c. it ensures the survival, continuity and stability d. it does not support the
continuity of a society
30. What we learn from our parents as children has a strong influence on us because it_____a. enables us
to carry on b. enters our lives at the most significant period c. gives us the only guidelines for the
Instructions:Answer all questions
(1a)What is social_studies ?
(1b)Mention four 4 objectives of studying social studies
(1c)Define the following with their example (i) social environment (ii) physical environment
(2a)What is a family?
(2b)List and explain the various type of family
(2c)What is pollution (ii) List and explain the types of pollution
(2d)What is culture (ii) Mention 4 custom that should be changed
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
Instructions:There are two sessions in this examination. You are expected to answer questions
from both sessions.
This session has 30 objective questions, you are expected to answer all by WRITING ONLY THE LETTERS
that correspond [matches ] your answer.
1] Agriculture started by accident about ------ years ago.a] 5,000 [b] 15,000 [c] 10,000 [d] 1,500
2] The origin of agriculture by the early man was through ------------. [a] selection [b] collectioin of fruits
and hunting wild animals [c] cross breeding [d] planting improved seeds
Use the options below to answer questions 3 & 4
[a] economics [b] extension [c] education [d] information
3] The area of agriculture that is concerned with the education of farmers is agricultural
4] The area of agriculture concerned with how the farmer utilises his available resouces to maximize profit
is termed agricultural ------------ .
5] Agriculture is derived from the word �ager� and �cultura�. Cultura means --------. [a] civilization
[b] cultivation [c]culture [d] mechanization.
6] From the two Latin words,agriculture can be said to mean ------------.[a] land cultivation [b] soil
cultivation [c] forest cultivation [d] animal rearing
7] A farmer who provides food mainly to be consumed by him and his family is said to practice --------
agriculture. [a] commercial [b] subsistence [c] self [d] specialized
8] The most important function of the flower to the plant is that it serves as the ------------.
[a] site for photosynthesis [b] reproductive organ [c] storage organ [d] multiplication organ.
9] The bringing of animals under the care and control of man is known as ---------. [a] cultivation
[b]propagation [c] animalization [d] domestication
10] The settlement of man was based on ---------- agriculture. [a] rural [b] primitive [c] village [d]
11] Which of the following crops is used in the industry for making beverages [a] ground nut [b] cassava
[c] rice [d] cocoa.
12] The leaf is usually attached to the stem by a leaf stalk called -------. [a] stomata [b] net vein [c]petiole
[d] apex
13] Which of the following crops exhibit epigeal germination?[a] cowpea [b] rice [c] maize [d] millet
14] The importance of agriculture can be divided into --------. [a] four [b] two [c] three [d] six
15] The characteristics of commercial agriculture include the following EXCEPT -------.[a] availability of basic
amenities [b] the produce are sold [c]it requires a large area of land [d] it requires large capital
16] The word �Agriculture� is coined from two ------- words.[a] Hebrew [b] Arabic [c] Latin [d]
17] A scientist who specializes in treating sick animals is called ----------.[a] medical doctor [b]
entomologist [c] veterinarian [d] animal doctor
18] The crops grown mainly to beautify our enviroment is called an -------- crop. [a]vegetable [b] forage
[c] ornamental [d] cereal
19] Examples of agricultural products that are obtained from animals are ----------.
[a] protein,fats & carbohydrate. [b] beef,sugar & vitamin [c] beef,milk & eggs[d]beverage,palm oil &
20] A monocotyledonous plant has -------- cotyledon & --------- root system. [a] one & tap [b] two & fibrous
[c] two& tap [d] one & fibrous
Use the options below to answer questions 21 & 22
[a] leaf [b] shoot [c] stem [d] root
21] The flowers,stem,leaves are major parts of the ----------- system.
22] The part of the plant that is used for anchorage or support is the ---------.
23] Agro- allied industries are those industries that -----------. [a] produce agricultural export [b] use
agricultural raw materials[c] employ children of farmers [d] produce agricultural chemicals
24] After pollination, the ovary develops to form ---------. [a] flowers [b] leaves [c] seeds [d] fruits
Use the options below to answer question 25 - 27.
[a] tap [b] aerial [c] hypogeal [d] fibrous
25] The root system common with maize is -------- root system.
26] Dicotyledon plants have -------- root system.
27] Germination in monocotyledon is ---------- .
28] The process by which plants manufacture their food is called ---------. [a] hydrolysis [b] photogenesis
[c] pollination [d] photosynthesis
29] Select the incorrect pair amongst the following local industries � commondity pairing.
[a] shoe/bag factory � hides and skin [b] plywood factory � timber
[c] textile mill � cotton [d] vegetable oil industry � cassava
30] The science of growing vegetable, fruits and ornamental plants is termed ------. [a] silviculture [b]
agronomy [c] horticulture [d] floriculture
1] Define agriculture.
[b] List five [5] importance of Agriculture
[c] Mention four [4] forms of Agriculture.
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL the questions.
(1) All the following religions define God as the creator of the heavens and the earth,
EXCEPT�����A.Humanism B.Islam C.Christianity D.African Traditional Religion
(2) According to Christianity, there has been God when there was no ��� A.sun B.moon
D.Heaven and Earth
(3) Which creature is not subject to God? A.sun B.none C.moon D.rock
(4) All the following are attributes of God EXCEPT A.Love B.Wisdom C.Spirit D.Injustice
(5) What is Nupe name for God? A.Saka B.Soko C.Oghene D.Abasi
(6) Ubangiji is the name of God among the ���. A.Hausa B.Benin C.Yoruba D.Urhobo
(7) The Omnipresent of God mean that���� A.He is in heaven B.He is far from us C. He is near us D.He
is everywhere
(8) Before creation,the whole earth was covered with ��. A.water B.darkness C.water and darkness
(9) On the first day,God created ���. A.sun B.moon C.might D. light
(10)How many times did God describe the things He created as good? A.six B.five C.four D.three
(11)A set of humanbeing is called���. A.twin B.tripet C.a generation D.a family
(12)From Adam to Noah there were �� generations of humanbeings.A.nine B.eight C.ten
(13)Man was ordered to share in God�s ����. Activities by developing the material resources of the
earth.A.physical B.spiritual C.skillful D.creative
(14)How many of Adam�s children were known by names?A.two B.three C.four D.five
(15)��The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and ��. it. A.keep
B.beautify C.fence D.water
(16)After the creation of all things on the earth,God said,��Let us make man in our image after our
������� A.need B.form C.spirit D.likeness
(17)When light was created,God seperated it from��� A.moon C.darkness D.water
(19)Who asked Eve if God told them not to eat of all the fruits in the garden? angel B.devil C.satan
(20)When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit their ��� was bad B.eyes were opened C.eyes
were cut D.hands were cut
(22)Jacob offended Esau by ��� A.deceiving him B.stealing his birthright C.raping his sister D.stealing his
(23)The quarrel between Esau and Jacob made Jacob to run to ��. A.Haran B.Herbon C.Horon D.Negeb
(24)After wasting his inheritance, the prodigal son was employed to feed��� A.pigs B.sheep C.goats
(25)Which of these is not a major religion in Nigeria? A.Taoism B.African Traditional Reliogion C.Islam
(26)Among the Igbos ���. Is the god of thunder A.ogun B.ijala C.amadioha D.soko
(27)The Yoruba name of god of iron is ��� A.ogun B.ijala C.ogun D.soko
(28)Sopona is the Yoruba name for god of ��.. A.chicken pox B.small pox C.malaria fever D.fertility
(30)The Itsekiri name for God is ��� A.Oritse B.Osanobua C.Oghene D.Chukwu
Choose from the options lettered A-E the correct word to complete the following sentences:
1. My cousin is the son of my -------(a) brother (b) nephew (c) sister (d) step
brother (e) uncle
2. Mary is my ------- since we only have the same father but not the same mother.(a) brother�s wife
(b) cousin (c) half-sister (d) father�s sister (e) step-sister
3. Audu has no --------, he is an orphan (a) brothers (b) friends (c) neighbours
(d) parents (e) relations
4. Immediately after the wedding occasion, the bridegroom carried up his ---------(a) baby
(b) best man (c) bride (d) girl friend (e) pastor
5. My ------ is my mother�s mother.(a) aunt (b) uncle (c) sister (d)
niece (e) grand mother
6. The children of the same parents are referred to as --------(a) cousins (b) brothers
(c) fianc� (d) siblings (e) nuclear family
7. I must obtain --------- university degree this year.(a) a (b) an (c) same
(d) the (e) these
8. There was ------- attack from the terrorist camp(a) is (b) an (c) the
(d) a (e) same
9. I prefer reading newspaper ------------ watching television programmes.(a) instead of (b)
more than (c) rather than (d) than (e) to
10. We -------------- the senior students recently .(a) are seeing (b) saw (c)
see (d) seen (e)sees
11. Koyejo bought -------------pens last week.(a) an (b) a (c) much (d)
little (e) plenty
12. The book has ------- attractive colour.(a) some (b) few (c) an
(d) a (e) the
13. The --------- blew his whistle to signal the end of the football match.(a) captain (b)
commissioner (c) linesman (d) referee (e) umpire
14. Cholera is --------- disease(a) some (b) an (c) a (d) few
(e) the
15. Stanley�s shop is stocked --------- a wide range of items.(a) by (b) for
(c) in (d) to (e) with
16. Choose from the options lettered (a) to (e) the one that contains the given phonetic symbol
17. / f /(a) cord (b) cough (c)court (d) fault (e) ought
18. / i / (a) toy (b) symbol (c) house (d) gate (e) hair
19. / m /(a) Gather (b) leather (c) method (d) they (e) wither
20. / i : /(a) meal (b) bit (c) give (d) ink (e) lick
21. / g /(a) cough (b) sign (c) large (d) gate (e) ought
22. / i /(a)bee (b) field (c) pretty (d) half (e) fate
23. / v /(a) cough (b) life (c) van (d) half (e) fate
24. / ai /(a) go (b) gate (c) boat (d) cot (e)
25. / e / (a) love (b) mother (c) doctor (d) hen (e) bee
26. / t /(a) tight (b) mother (c) think (d) anthem (e) this
27. (36) ---------- is the place where the event of a story takes place.(a) Cast (b) Setting
(c) Theme (d) Simile (e) Fiction
28. A story that is based on real events or a true life story is a ----------------(a) Fiction (b)
Biography (c) Cast (d) Non-fiction (e) Plot
29. ---------- is the story of a man�s life written by someone else.(a) Biography (b) Geography
(c) Non- fiction (d) Fiction (e) Autobiography
30. -------- is the list of characters in a play(a) Fiction (b) Biography (c) Setting
(d) Cast (e) Autobiography
Read the following passages and answer the questions below each passage.
Passage A
One day, Owina was called by his father to get ready to travel with him to Lagos the following
day.The boy was very happy because he had never visited Lagos before. Moreover, he was going to
travel by air for the first time.
The other children became jealous when they heard the news. They had all gone to Lagos with
their father at different times in the past, but did not travel by air. So they cried and appealed to their
father to take them along. Their father�s stern look was enough to send them out of the sitting room.
They went back to the playground behind the house where they had been playing. Ogegere was going to
attend a meeting in Lagos.
He decided to take Owina this time because the other children always laughed at him for having
not been to Lagos. This often made the boy cry.
Owina�s preparation was little. He needed a few things as he was going to be away for only
three days. His mother got a few clothes and a pair of shoes. These were carefully put in a leather bag
which she bought for Owina.
(i) Why was Owina happy to go to Lagos?
(iii) How did father send the children out of the sitting room?
(iv) What was the children doing before they learnt that Owina was to travel to Lagos.
(i) /2+2/3_3/4
2 _2 _2
(ii) /5 /7 /7
2 _2 _1
(iii) /3 /4 /2
(iv) /2 of 3/8÷2/4
(1b) Find the L.C.M of the following: (1c) Find the H.C.F of the following:
(2a) Find the equivalent
8 of the following (i) 5,10 and 15
(i) 0.1(ii) 6,8and 10 (ii) 12,16 and 24
(ii) 0.2(iii) 9,12,and 16 (iii) 10,20 and 30
(iii) 0.15
(iv) 10,15,and 20 (iv) 7,14 and 21
(iv) 0.120
(2b) Change the following to mix fractions
(i) 14/3
(ii) 17/5
(iii) 9/4
(iv) 25/8
25. The process through which new products are brought to the notice of the public is known as
A. advertising B. commerce C. insurance D. transportation E. warehousing
26. How many types of office do we generally have in an organization?A. Five B. Four C. Six D. Three E.
27. Which of these sections does not belong to personnel department?A. interview programme B.
promotion and discipline C. Re-assignment Of staff D. staff training E. Wages and salaries
28. The two types of office layout are A. open and close office B. small and large office C. open and small
Office D. large and closed office E. open and large office
29. Which of these is not true of the accounting department.? A. It prepares and pays out wages and
salaries to workers. B. It ensures proper and judicious spending of resources C. It is responsible for all tax
issues relating to the organization D. It settles all the company�s bills E. It ensures that goods are
Produced in the right quality and quantity.
30. ------- department is responsible for buying all the materials and equipment
needed by the organization.A. Accounting B. sales C. purchasing D. Administrative E. Personnel
Attemt THREE questions only
1a. What is Business studies?
1bState five components of Business studies.
1cMention two career opportunities in Business studies.