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Nahw (وﺣﻧﻟا) : Lafdh

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CIL Y1 Arabic Review class

Nahw (‫)النحو‬
What is Nahw?
It is that science which teaches us:

1. How to join an Ism, Fi'l and Harf to form a complete sentence

2. What the Iraab of the last letter of each word should be

What is the objective of learning Nahw?

To understand how to read and write Arabic correctly so that we can understand
the Qur'an and Hadith thereby ultimately gaining the pleasure of Allah (SWT)


Any word uttered by a human is called Lafdh.

How many types of Lafdh are there?

‫( َموْ ضُوع‬meaningful) and ‫( ُم ْه َمل‬meaningless)
How many types of ‫ َموْ ضُوع‬are there?
1. ‫( ُم ْف َرد‬Singular word- conveys one meaning, also called Kalimah), for
e.g day,night,he,she,yes,no..
2. ‫( ُم َر َّكب‬Group of two or more words- can be a complete or
incomplete sentence) for e.g-‫ كتاب هللا‬,‫رسول هللا‬
How many types of ‫ ُم ْف َرد‬/ Kalimah are there?
1. ‫( اِسْم‬Noun)

2. ‫(فِعْل‬Verb)

3. ‫حرْ ف‬
َ (Particle)

. ‫ اِسْم‬-It is the name of a person, place or thing

-It doesn't have a tense

-It is an independent word/you do not need another word to
understand its meaning
-It has Al before it OR Tanween at the end
-It will never get an Alif-Laam and Tanween at the same time.

-e.g ‫السَّمآ ُء‬،‫ت‬ ُ ‫اَ ْلبي‬

ٌ ‫بِ ْن‬،‫ْت‬ ،‫َز ْي ٌد‬
‫فِعْل‬-It denotes an action
-It has a tense (past, present/ future)
-It is an independent word
-It can never have an Alif-Laam or Tanween
-‫ب‬ َ َ‫َجل‬
َ ‫ َكت‬،‫س‬
َ ،‫َب‬
َ ‫ض َر‬

‫ َحرْ ف‬-It is a particle

-It is a dependent word, its meaning cannot be understood without
joining it to an Ism, a Fi'l or both.

-‫ثُ َّم‬،‫َو‬ ،‫ب‬

ِ ،‫ل‬،‫على‬
ِ ،‫ِم ْن‬
How many types of ‫ اِسْم‬are there and what are they?
1. Jaamid ‫ جا ِمد‬- fixed/frozen, Primary Noun: It is neither derived

ٌ ‫حما‬,
from another word nor is any word derived from it, e.g-‫ر‬ ِ ‫َر ُج ٌل‬
2. Masdar‫ َمصْ َدر‬- Root Noun: Many words are derived from it./

represents the action of the verb e.g- ‫ قَتَ ٌل‬,ٌ‫سفَر‬

3. Mushtaq - Derived Noun: Those Nouns that are derived from a
Masdar e.g, ‫ُمسافِر‬ ‫قاتِل‬
How many types of ‫ فِعْل‬are there and what are they?
1. ‫ماضي‬-
ِ Past tense verb-‫س‬
َ َ‫َجل‬
2. ‫ضارع‬
ِ ‫ ُم‬- Present/ Future tense verb- ُ‫يَجْ لِس‬
3. ‫َأ ْمر‬- Positive command- ْ‫ِإجْ لِس‬
4. ‫نَهْي‬- Negative command- ْ‫ال يَجْ لِس‬

How many types of Harf are there and what are they?
1. ‫عا ِمل‬- Causative Particle: It is that Harf which causes Iraab change in
the word after it.e.g- ‫ين‬ َ ‫ ْال َح ْم ُد لِلَّـ ِه َربِّ ْال َعالَ ِم‬,‫علی ُکلِّ شی ٍء ق ِدیر‬
ٰ ‫ا َّن ہّٰللا‬

ِ ‫ون بِ ْال َغ ْي‬

‫ب‬ َ ‫الَّ ِذ‬
َ ُ‫ين يُْؤ ِمن‬
2. ‫غير عا ِمل‬- Non Causative Particle: It is that Harf which does not
َ ِ‫ت قُلُوبُ ُكم ِّمن بَ ْع ِد ٰ َذل‬
cause Iraab change in the word after it, e.g ‫ك‬ ْ ‫ثُ َّم قَ َس‬

َ ‫ُف فَ َد َخلُوا َعلَ ْي ِه فَ َع َرفَهُ ْم َوهُ ْم لَهُ ُمن ِكر‬

‫ُون‬ َ ‫ ( َو َجا َء ِإ ْخ َوةُ يُوس‬S yusuf,58)
ً‫ْت ِرسالَة‬
ُ ‫َكتَب‬
‫َخ َر َج ال َولَ ُد‬
ِ ‫جا َء َز ْي ٌد إلى ْالبَ ْي‬
‫ُم َر َّكب‬
Compound sentence-‫ ُمفيد‬and ‫ُمفيد‬ ‫غير‬
‫ ُمفيد‬-groups of words express a complete idea and join together to
form a complete sentence
‫الول ُد صال ٌح‬
ٌّ ‫اَ ْلقُرْ اَن َح‬
‫هللاُ َر ِحى ٌم‬
‫ُم َح َّم ٌد َر ُس ُو ٌل‬
‫زي ٌد طوي ٌل‬

‫غير ُمفيد‬-groups of words express an incomplete idea and join

together to form a phrase, or an incomplete sentence
‫نَصْ رُهللا‬
‫رسو ُل هللا‬
ٌ ‫ع ُد ٌّو ُم‬
‫ول ٌد صال ٌح‬

‫ ُمفيد‬-two types-‫ جملة خبرية‬and ‫جملة أنشائية‬

‫جملة خبرية‬-it gives us some information-it could be true or false-e.g
‫زي ٌد عالِ ٌم‬
‫ جملة إنشائية‬-you cant say it true or false e.g ْ‫ِإضْ ِرب‬,

‫ هَلْ ضرب زي ٌد‬, ْ‫…ال تضْ ِرب‬

‫جملة خبرية‬-two types-‫ جملة فعلية خبرية‬and ‫جملة اسمية خبرية‬

Nominal sentence- ‫ جملة إسمية‬has 2 parts mubtada ‫ مبتدأ‬and khabar ‫خبر‬.

Both Mubtada and Khabar are marfoo’(dhammah)

Khabar can be a word, phrase or a sentence

‫حام ٌد قصي ٌر‬

Here ٌ‫ حامد‬is ‫ مبتدأ‬and ‫ قصي ٌر‬is ‫خبر‬.

Both ‫ مبتدأ‬and ‫ خبر‬are ‫ مرفوع‬in ‫جملة اسمية‬.

Jumla ‫ اسمية‬: first ‫ اسم‬then ‫ خبر‬like

‫حامد ذهب الى المسجد‬

一 一 一 一

Ism harf fayl ism(faail)

一一一一一一一 一一一

JfK(khabar) mubtada



‫الول ُد صال ٌح‬

一一 一一
Ism ism

Khabar Mubtada



ِّ‫الحُرُّ بِ ْالحُر‬
一一 一一一
ism/Harf Ism

一一一一一 一一一一

Khabar Mubatada



Verbal sentence-‫خبرية‬ ‫جملة فعلية‬

‫ذهب حامد الى المسجد‬

一一一 一一 一一 一一一

Ism Harf subject/faail fayl


‫ق‬ َ ْ‫ت َواَأْلر‬
ِّ ‫ض بِ ْال َح‬ َ َ‫َخل‬
ِ ‫ق ال َّس َما َوا‬
一一 一一 一 一一 一一
Harf/ism object.2 harf Object1 Fayl/subject/Faail




‫َو َج َع ْلنَا نَ ْو َم ُك ْم ُسبَاتًا‬

ُ ْ‫القُر‬
ٌ‫آن ِكتاب‬

ِ ‫الول ُد‬
‫في المسج ِد‬
‫جملة إنشائية‬

A phrase (‫ )مركب‬is a group of words. There are two kinds of phrases in

1. Taam (‫)تام‬
2. Naqis (‫)ناقص‬

First type of phrase delivers full meanings, and so is called Mufeed (‫)مفيد‬
phrase or Jumlah (‫)جملة‬.

‫ جملة خبرية‬and ‫جملة أنشائية‬


The second type of phrase does not deliver full meanings. It is called Ghair
Mufeed (‫ )غير مفيد‬phrase
Types of ‫ جملة أنشائية‬-A non-informative sentence is actually just an
informative one with one of the following things done to it.

· it is turned into a question; compare “I also play” and “can I also play?”

· it is turned into a command; compare “you will play with us” and “play
with us”

· it is turned into a request; compare “it won’t rain” and “I hope it doesn’t
‫ مرکب غير ُمفيد‬/‫مرکب ناقص‬

It is a type of phrase that does not deliver full meanings. It is called Ghair
Mufeed (‫ )غير مفيد‬phrase.


1. Murakkab Towseefi/ ‫(المركب التوصيفي‬Descriptive Phrase)

2. Murakkab Idhaafi /‫(المركب اإلضافي‬Possessive phrase)

3. Murakkab Ishaari /‫(المركب اإلشاري‬Demonstrative phrase)

4. Murakkab 'Adadi /‫(المركب العددي‬Numerical phrase)

5. Murakkab Man'us Sarf/‫( المركب منع الصرف‬Indeclinable phrase)

‫مر ّكب توصيفى‬

Touseefi comes from the word "sifat" meaning quality. So these

murakkabat have two isms wherein one ism explains the quality of the

‫= مر ّكب توصيفى‬ (quality)‫ صفت‬+ Mousoof ‫(موصوف‬the noun who has the

Eg- ‫رسو ٌل كري ٌم‬

Honourable Messenger

Mawsoof and sift will be in full agreement with each other in terms of;

1. TYPE-Definite(‫ )المعرفة‬or Indefinite(‫)النكرة‬

e.g-‫ظي ٌم‬
ِ ‫َع‬ ٌ‫َولَهُ ْم َع َذاب‬
‫ا ْه ِدنَا الصِّ َراطَ ْال ُم ْستَقِي َم‬
2. GENDER-‫جنس‬-masculine or feminine

ُ‫النَّجْ ُم الثَّاقِب‬
‫فِي ِعي َش ٍة ر ِ‬
‫َّاضيَ ٍة‬
‫‪-singular/dual/plural‬العدد‪3. NUMBER-‬‬

‫بَلْ هُ َو قُرْ ٌ‬
‫آن َّم ِجي ٌد‬
‫ين ُأوتُوا ْال ِع ْل َم‬
‫ور الَّ ِذ َ‬
‫ص ُد ِ‬ ‫ات بَيِّنَ ٌ‬
‫ات فِي ُ‬ ‫بَلْ هُ َو آيَ ٌ‬
‫حالة الرفع ‪/‬مرفوع‪-dhamma-‬إعراب‪4. STATE-‬‬
‫حالة النصب ‪ /‬منصوب‪Fatah-‬‬
‫حالة الجر ‪/‬مجرور‪Kasara-‬‬

ً‫صةً ُم ْمتِ َعة‬ ُ ‫قَ َرْأ‬

َّ ِ‫ت ق‬ ‫الطا ِع ُم الشا ِك ُر ك‍‍الصاِئ ِم الصابِ ِر‬
M Tauseefi Fail/faail M Tauseef H.J M Taseefi
mafool fail/faail Majroor H.J M Tauseefi
*H.J-Harf e Jarr

Mausuf Sift ‫ِكتابٌ ُمفي ٌد‬

Mubtada Khabar- ‫ال ِكتابُ ُمفي ٌد‬

ُ ‫بَ َح ْث‬
ٍ ‫ت عن ِكتا‬
Fail/Faail, H jarr +Majroor(mafool) ‫ب ُمفي ٍد‬

GENDER-‫جنس‬-masculine or feminine

The grammatical gender of nouns is one of two: a noun may be masculine

or it may be feminine.
Particles in the Arabic language do not have gender. Verbs do, but their
gender is based on that of their subjects, and their subjects are, of course,
nouns. So, in reality, nouns are the only part of speech that have any
gender in Arabic.
A noun in Arabic is masculine by default so it does not need to have
anything special to reflect this. Femininity in Arabic however is not
default. In order for a noun to be feminine it needs to have one of 4 signs
appended to its end.

1. a round Taa (‫ )ة‬at the end of the noun, e.g ٌ‫ َملِ َكة‬-‫ك‬
ٌ ‫ َمل‬, ٌ‫اِ ْبنَة‬-‫اِب ٌْن‬

2. an ‫ الف مقصورة‬at the end of the noun ‫ى‬, e.g-‫ُحسْنى َس ْلمى‬

3. an ‫ الف ممدودة‬at the end of the noun ‫ اء‬,e.g-‫صحْ را ُء‬

َ ‫َز ْهرا ُء‬

4. an assumed round-Taa(taqdeeri signs). There are only a handful of

words in the Arabic language that are feminine by means of an assumed
sign – this type of femininity is termed ‫مؤنث سماعي‬. The way we know that a
word is feminine despite not having an explicit sign is because the round
Taa appears in the word’s diminutive form. For example, the word ‫ شمس‬is
feminine despite there not being a sign; we say there is an assumed
round-Taa. The reason we know this word is feminine is because the
diminutive form is ‫( شميسة‬notice the Taa)

Apart from the above mentioned categories ,there are some nouns which
are feminine in accordance with usage, as heard from the Arabs, they are
known as ‫ي‬ ٌ َّ‫ُمَؤ ن‬
ٌ ‫ث ِسما ِع‬

1. Any word ref to a woman, ٌ‫اُ ٌّم َعرُوس‬

2. The names of several cities,countries and tribes,‫ستن ِمصْ ُر‬ُ ‫ با ِك‬,ُ‫َم َّكة‬
3. Those parts of the body which are in pairs,‫ُأ ُذ ٌن َعي ٌْن‬
4. Some elements of nature, ٌ‫َسما ٌء َأرْ ضٌ َش ْمس‬
5. ٌ ‫َحرْ بٌ دا ٌر فُ ْل‬
Miscellaneous; ‫ك َخ ْم ٌر نا ٌر‬

NOTE; some nouns are used as both masculine and feminine, ‫بَلَ ٌد نَ ْفسٌ رُو ٌح حا ٌل‬
ٌ ‫سُو‬
‫ق َسبِي ٌل‬

● Some masculine noun also end in the feminine suffix, ‘taa marbuta’
however they are masculine in meaning, ٌ‫عاويَة‬ ِ ‫ ُم‬, ٌ‫َخلِيفَةٌ دا ِعية‬
● Nouns feminine by meaning even if they do not conform to the
feminine form,‫َمرْ يَ ُم زَينَبُ حاِئضٌ حا ِم ٌل‬


femininity wherein the entity has a live,

masculine counterpart , For example: ‫ رجل‬which
means man is masculine. ‫ امرأة‬which means woman
‫مؤنث حقيقي‬ is feminine.
To make a masculine word feminine usually a ‫ ة‬is
ٌ ‫ َك‬- ٌ‫َك ْلب‬
added to the end of the word. E.g-,‫لبة‬
ٌ ‫ َمل‬, ٌ‫اِ ْبنَة‬-‫ اِب ٌْن‬,‫مُدَ رِّ َس ٌة‬- ٌ‫مُدَ رِّ س‬
ٌ‫ َملِ َكة‬-‫ك‬
‫مؤنث لفظي‬/ ‫مؤنث غيرحقيق‬
femininity wherein the entity does not have a
َ ,ُ‫ عاِئشة‬,‫َز ْهرا ُء‬
live, masculine counterpart,E.g-ٌ‫ش َج َرة‬

So how do we recognize ‫ ?مؤنث غيرحقيق‬by two ways:

1. presence of a certain combination of letters at the end of the word -‫ة اء‬
2. solely by the knowledge that Arabic speaking people use it as feminine -
‫ي‬ ٌ َّ‫ُمَؤ ن‬
ٌ ‫ث ِسما ِع‬

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