PurCom Speech
PurCom Speech
PurCom Speech
positive steps that can be taken to promote mental health and wellbeing. Suicidal rate in the country
have been gradually increasing due to some are unattended like no one is checking out for them or their
already signs and no one able to address the mental and emotional aspect of a person where their
option has been narrowed to ending their selves.
For me, Healthy mind means heathy life. But, how can we achieve healthy mind where every day we
face struggles, problems and responsibility. Some are worst having the feeling of being useless,
frustrated and tired because of the system of our society or for no reason at all or worst we don’t know
our purpose here in the world. That’s why for me a simple gesture can save a life. Also, it is supported
with other Research for it indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less
depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health. They may even live longer. So, whenever you
feel lost? Unmotivated or feeling sad and lonely for no reason try reconnecting with the people around
you so here are some of the tips I’ve read and research that I think is very helpful to me and to you.
First, connect: Develop your relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours as these
connections support you and enrich your life. Take notice: Be aware of the world around you and see
the beauty in everyday and unusual things. Reflect on them to appreciate what matters to you. Learn:
Try something new or rediscover an old interest, or take on a new responsibility or challenge. Learning
inspires confidence. Give: Do something for a friend or stranger and see yourself and your happiness
linked to the wider community. Actually, there is more we can do aside from what I mention. Again, we
can rest, we still have tomorrows to do this but we should try this at least we don’t have regrets.
I am sure you will agree that Mental Health Awareness is vitally important in raising awareness of the
continuing need to make mental health a priority for all people. Especially in this pandemic. Let’s build
one another, hand in hand. We can achieve wellness.