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TP-62 TP-42 TP-50 TP-70 TP-72: Pedal Timpani Timbale À Pédale Timbal De Pedal 踏板定音鼓

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TP-6220 /23 /26 /29 /32
TP-4223 /26 /29 /32
TP-5020(G/H) /23 (G/H) /26 (G/H) /29 (G/H) /32 (G/H)

TP-7020(H) /23(H) /26(H) /29(H) /32(H)
TP-7220 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32
Owner’s Manual

Mode d’emploi
Manual de Instrucciones


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Thank you for selecting a Yamaha musical instrument.
We are confident that the instrument will bring you years of musical
enjoyment and satisfaction. Please read through this booklet care-
fully. It contains important information about your instrument's care.
Your new Yamaha instrument, like all Yamaha musical instruments,
is the result of careful planning, testing and assembly using select
materials. Proper care will ensure that your Yamaha instrument will
deliver its full and rich sound for years to come.

When using the pedal timpani for the first time after unpacking, make
sure to set it up according to the instructions of section “Before Using
The Pedal Timpani” on pages 4 and 5.

• Fully depress the heel of the tuning pedal after use.

• Protect the head from heat, moisture, oil, and dust. Use a soft cloth to remove
dust and other foreign matter from the head surface, and cover the head with
the head protector when not in use.

• When using plastic heads such as the one initially supplied, loosening of the
head after use is not required.

• The kettle is very sensitive to shock and must not be bumped against another
object. Also, do not forget to remove dirt using a polishing cloth from time to

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Nomenclature & Lubrication
Head Protector

Tuning Bolt Kettle Edge


(Counter Hoop)

Tuning Indicator (Tuning Gauge)

Pointer Lock Nut

Adjustment Knob

PAC Adjustment Bolt

The TP-50xx (H/G) / TP-70xx (H)
series use a wing bolt on the
Caster PAC adjustment system.

Base Spring Tension

Adjustment Bolt
Tuning Pedal
Third Wheel
Caution Never put your hands etc. (removable)
under the pedal.

● Lubrication
Lubricate the moving parts of the tuning mechanism Points of lubrication
as shown in the diagram.
This should be done at least once a year, or as

* The illustrations on this page show a pedal timpani of the

TP-6200 series.

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Before Using The Pedal Timpani
Your Yamaha pedal timpani is equipped with a plastic head carefully mounted and tuned
(adjusted to a note) at the factory, and thus can be used after setup immediately. However,
new heads will tend to stretch gradually during shipping and storage, resulting in a tuning
deviation when you receive the instrument. Therefore, please perform the steps below to
restore the tuning to the factory setting prior to shipment:

1 The area between the kettle edge and the inner 3 If the heel of the pedal is fully lowered as in Fig.
circle of the counter hoop is called the collar. C, proceed with step 5.
Please make sure that the width of this collar is If the pedal position is as shown in Fig. D or the
uniform, as shown in the illustration titled “Cor- toe of the pedal is fully lowered, perform step 4
rect”. first.
Correct Wrong
Fig. C

Kettle Counter Kettle Counter

edge edge
Collar hoop Collar hoop

If the collar is not uniform (illustration titled

“Wrong”), keep the heel of the pedal fully de-
pressed as shown in Fig. C, and align head and
hoop as shown in the illustration titled “Correct”.

2 Make sure that the end of the wire tube is not

disengaged from the adjuster of the tuning indi- Fig. D
cator as shown in Fig. A. If it is disengaged,
insert it into the adjuster as shown in Fig. B.

Caution Never put your hands etc. under the

Fig. B pedal.

4 Fully depress the heel of the pedal as shown in
Fig. C. Hold the pedal in this position, as it will
Wire tube Fig. A return otherwise.

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Before Using The Pedal Timpani

5 Using the supplied timpani key, tighten the tun- 9 Tighten each tuning bolt by 1/8 of a turn (45°) in
ing bolts by 1/4 of a turn (90°) in the order the order shown in step 5.
shown below. It is very important to always
turn all tuning bolts by the same amount. 10 ● Toe and heel feel equal
→ Go to step 11
● Heel still feels heavier than toe
Timpani key → Repeat steps 8 through 10
● Heel feels lighter than toe
→ Head is tightened too much. Loosen the
head as described in step 7.

11 Move the pedal into an intermediate position, as

shown in Fig. D, and remove your foot from the
pedal. Confirm that the pedal stays in this posi-
tion and does not move.
26”, 29”, 32” 20”, 23” If the pedal stops in this position, adjust-
ment is complete. Return the pedal to the
position shown in Fig. C.
6 Take your foot off the pedal.
● If the toe of the pedal moves downward
● Heel still moves up → Repeat steps 8 through 10.
→ Repeat steps 4 through 6. ● If the heel of the pedal moves downward
● Heel stays down → Head is tightened too much. Loosen the
→ Go to step 7. head as described in step 7.

7 Put your foot on the pedal and fully depress it in 12 Strike the head lightly with the supplied mallet
either direction (toe and heel). etc. The standard striking point is shown below.
● Heel feels heavier than toe
→ Go to step 8. The standard striking
● Toe and heel feel equal point lies at distance
B from the kettle
→ Go to step 11. edge, which
● Heel feels lighter than toe corresponds to 1/4 to
Striking point
→ Head is tightened too much. Loosen the 1/3 of distance A
head. Keeping the heel of the pedal de- (distance between
kettle edge and
pressed, loosen the first tuning bolt by 1/ center of head).
2 turn and then retighten it by 1/4 of a
turn. Perform this operation for all other Pedal

tuning bolts in the order shown in step 5.

For note comparison a piano is most suitable.
If necessary, repeat this procedure, until
When the toe of the pedal is depressed, a higher
proper tension is obtained.
pitch is obtained.
8 Fully depress the heel of the pedal as shown in
For details on precise tuning refer to “Adjusting
The Sound Of Your Timpani” on the following
Fig. C.

Note As the head will stretch over time, readjustment should be performed periodi-
cally (starting with step 7 )

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Adjusting The Sound Of Your Timpani
When using the pedal timpani for the first time after unpacking, make sure to set it up according
to the instructions of section “Before Using The Pedal Timpani” on pages 4 and 5.

z Head Tuning* (* Adjusting the head tension to a specific note)

1 Tuning is performed for the lowest sound (note) When loosening the tuning bolts, always
of the timpani. loosen them by double the desired amount,
For this reason, the heel of the pedal must stay and then return (retighten) them by half.
fully lowered during the tuning procedure. When the sound lies within 1 halftone
The proper lowest note (and tonal range) de- below the desired pitch after loosening
pends on the size of your timpani. For example, the tuning bolts (repeatedly, if necessary),
as shown in the figure below, the lowest sound proceed with step 3.
of a 26” timpani should be tuned to A. When
tuned properly, your Yamaha timpani will give 3 Lightly strike the head with the mallet about 2
you its full tonal range without being inch (5 cm) from the kettle edge at each tuning
overtensioned. bolt. Check at which tuning bolt the sound is
■ Standard Tonal Ranges for Yamaha Timpani
● Pitch of highest sound higher than tuning
32" (81cm) 29" (74cm) 26" (66cm) 23" (58cm) 20" (51cm) note
→ Loosen the corresponding tuning bolt by
about 1/16 to 1/8 of a turn. First loosen
the bolt by double the desired amount,
and then return (retighten) it by half. After
loosening the tuning bolt, repeat from the
Keep the heel of the pedal fully lowered during beginning of step 3.
the tuning procedure (steps 2 through 7 below) if ● Pitch of highest sound lower than tuning
not specified otherwise. note
→ Go to step 4.

2 Strike the head and check the sound. The stan-

4 Tighten the other bolts little by little (by about 1/
dard striking point is shown below.
16 to 1/8 of a turn) until the sounds at the corre-
sponding striking points match the pitch of the
The standard striking
point lies at distance highest sound. Please note that tightening of
B from the kettle one bolt will also raise the pitch at the neighbor-
edge, which corre- ing and opposite tuning bolts. Thus, after tight-
Striking point sponds to 1/4 to 1/3 of
ening the tuning bolt with the lowest sound, first
distance A (distance
between kettle edge reconfirm the sound at the other tuning bolts
and center of head). before tightening the tuning bolt with the next
lower sound. While alternately tightening the other
bolts, do not touch the tuning bolt with the high-
● Sound lower than tuning note est sound (reference pitch).
→ Go to step 3.
● Sound higher than tuning note 5 Loosen all overtightened bolts according to the
→ Loosen tuning bolts by an equal amount procedure described in step 3. When the pitch is
in the order shown in the figure of step 5 approximately the same at each bolt, repeatedly
on page 5. depress the toe and heel of the pedal several

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Adjusting The Sound Of Your Timpani

x Pedal Adjustment
6 Repeat steps 3 through 5 until the pitch at each After depressing the toe and heel of the pedal, turn
bolt is exactly the same. the spring tension adjustment bolt as described be-
7 Check the sound by striking the head as de- ● Heel moves up when releasing the foot from
scribed in step 2. the pedal after depressing the heel, or heel
● Sound lower than tuning note feels heavier than toe
→ Tune the instrument by tightening all tun- → Turn the spring tension adjustment bolt to
ing bolts by an equal amount (max. 1/16 the left (counterclockwise)
of a turn). ● Toe moves up when releasing the foot from
● Sound higher than tuning note the pedal after depressing the toe, or toe feels
→ Tune the instrument by loosening all tun- heavier than heel
ing bolts by an equal amount (max. 1/16 → Turn the spring tension adjustment bolt to
of a turn) according to the procedure de- the right (clockwise)
scribed in step 3. Turning the spring tension adjustment bolt is per-
formed using the timpani key. Do not turn by too
8 Operate the pedal as described in step 5. If the many full rotations at once, but re-check the adjust-
pitch does not change, the instrument is tuned ment state every 2 turns by depressing the toe and
properly. heel of the pedal.
(If the pitch changes, repeat from step 7.)
Note Do not loosen the spring tension ad-
The instrument is now tuned to the lowest sound justment bolt by more 3 rotations at a
(note) of its tonal range. Depress the toe of the time, as the toe of the pedal tends to
pedal to change to a higher pitch (note). drop abruptly after a specific point.

9 After tuning, perform x Pedal Adjustment and Caution Never put your hands etc. under the
then c Tuning Indicator Adjustment.

Spring tension
adjustment bolt

Spring Timpani key

● Pedal balance spring mechanism

Your Yamaha pedal timpani is equipped with a unique
pedal balance spring mechanism (a coil spring coun-
teracting the tension of the head) which allows you to
freely change the pitch (note) of the instrument at an
instant. When the pedals are moved, the pitch of the
head will change, and the balance spring ensures that
the pedal angle (pitch) will not change when you re-
move your foot from the pedal.

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Adjusting The Sound Of Your Timpani

c Tuning Indicator Adjustment

The tuning indicator shows to which note the pedal is ● Adjusting the Pointer Position
set. After tuning the instrument, you must set each First loosen the pointer lock nut and then turn the
note of the indicator to its proper position. adjuster as follows:

1 After you have tuned your timpani to the lowest ● Pointer is located beyond the lower rail end
note of its tonal range, make sure that the pointer when heel of pedal is lowered fully (lowest
is located within 10 mm from the pedal-side end note)
of the indicator rail. → Turn the adjuster to the left (counterclock-
* If not, adjust referring to “Adjusting the Pointer wise) until the pointer is aligned with the
Position”. lowest note of the indicator.
● Pointer moves beyond the upper rail end
2 Slide the lowest note of the indicator (“A” in case before toe of pedal reaches end of stroke,
of a 26” timpani — see “Standard Tonal Ranges or
for Yamaha Timpani” on page 6) to the position Pointer does not reach lower rail end when
where its center line coincides with the pointer. heel of pedal is lowered fully (lowest sound)
→ Turn the adjuster to the right (clockwise) to
3 Tune the instrument to the next higher pitch correct the pointer position as required.
(note) by moving the pedal, and then slide the
corresponding note on the rail to the respective After adjustment, securely tighten the pointer lock
pointer position. Repeat for each note. nut.

* The tuning indicator can be set to a desired angle

by loosening the indicator mounting screw using a
Phillips screwdriver.

Indicator rail Pointer
Indicator rail



Adjuster Adjustment nut

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Other Features
■ Pedal Adjustment Clutch

Using the PAC, you can adjust the rotational torque ● PAC Adjustment
of the pedal to a comfortable pedal force without Use the timpani key to turn the PAC adjustment bolt
degrading the smooth pedal action. In addition, the as follows:
PAC is useful in preventing undesirable happenings Turn the PAC adjustment bolt to the right (clockwise)
such as slight movement of the pedal when the head to tighten the pedal movement.
is struck strongly causing a small change in pitch. To return the tightened pedal movement to the initial
rotational torque setting, turn the PAC adjustment
bolt to the left (counterclockwise).

* Be sure to turn the timpani key using one hand

* Do not use both hands or an additional tool.

The TP-50xx (H/G) / TP-70xx (H) series use a

wing bolt on the PAC adjustment system.

Note on PAC Usage

PAC adjustment bolt • The pedal cannot be locked with the PAC,
even at its tightest position.
(Do not try to use the PAC for locking the
The PAC (Pedal Adjustment Clutch) is an original pedal, for example to prevent the toe of the
Yamaha mechanism that enables you to adjust the pedal from jumping up when the head is re-
pedal’s rotational torque (the force required to move moved.)
the pedal) by altering the amount of friction within the • The PAC adjustment bolt has limit positions in
pedal balance spring mechanism.
both turning directions. If the bolt is hard to
turn, do not force to overtighten it because this
may cause damage to the mechanism.

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Moving And Setup Your Timpani
The timpani can easily be moved when the third ● Attaching and Removing the Third Wheel
wheel is attached to the pedal section as shown on
the right. Attaching and removing the third wheel can Pedal Mounting plate
be performed easily.
To move the timpani on a flat surface, make sure to
hold it by the frame section on the pedal side and
push it in the direction opposite the pedal (see
illustration below).
Never hold the instrument by the counter hoop, as
this may result in a deformation of the head or the
counter hoop.
Locking shaft
On gravel and stairways the instrument should not
pushed on its casters. Instead, to prevent damage, it
1) Hook the mounting plate of the wheel onto
should be lifted by its frame and carried by at least the base end, and, while pushing both ends
two persons. of the locking shaft in the direction of the
timpani, push the wheel up in the direction of
the arrow, engaging the locking shaft into
the groove of the base.
Hold the instrument by
its frame and push in
2) To remove, disengage the locking shaft by
the direction opposite
fully pushing both ends in the direction of the
the pedal.
timpani, and pull the wheel down.

To stabilize the timpani, push down the “ON”

side of the caster lock.

* The illustration shows a pedal timpani of the TP-62xx

Using the Third Wheel (TP-70xx Series)
The third wheel can be easily moved in or out of
position with a single motion. To use the third
wheel, lean the tympani slightly forward to lift
After setting up the timpani, lock the other two the pedal off the ground then use your foot to
casters to stabilize the instrument during perfor- manipulate the wheel into the desired position.
mance. Also, the pedal wheel should be removed
for performance. If it is left attached, it may be
the cause of noise and will also result in different
head angles when several timpani of different
size are used.


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Replacing The Head
1 To prevent the pedal from being pulled down by 3 Place the new head with the hoop on the kettle.
the spring force, the heel of the pedal must be When using a Yamaha timpani head, its YAMAHA
kept down (this can easily be accomplished by logo must be on the side opposite the pedal.
placing a piece of wood or a softball between The hoop must be re-mounted in the same po-
the base and the pedal) while the tuning bolts sition as marked with cellophane tape in step 2.
are loosened alternately in the proper sequence. Tighten the tuning bolts alternately by hand until
the head is tensioned slightly. At this time, make
sure that head and hoop are centered on the
Softball etc. kettle.
Tighten each tuning bolt an additional 1/4 of a
turn using the timpani key. Repeat at least 4

4 Adjust the timpani as described on pages 4 and

5, “Before Using The Pedal Timpani”, starting
with step 5. For precise tuning, refer to the section
“Adjusting The Sound Of Your Timpani” on
page 6.
Caution Never put your hands etc. under the

2 After removing all tuning bolts, mark the pedal ● Interval For Head Replacement
side of the hoop with cellophane tape etc. and The maximum head life normally is approxi-
then remove the head together with the hoop. At mately 2 years and depends on the frequency
this time, be careful not to lose any of the tuning and duration of use. However, the head should
bolts and prevent dust from adhering. always be replaced before the sound quality
Also, avoid touching the tuning bolt threads, as deteriorates dramatically. If a head is left on
they are greased. and used more than two years, the following
problems may occur:
• It may become impossible to tune the
head to the proper pitch range.
• It may become impossible to balance
the pedal.
• The main unit mechanisms themselves
may become damaged.
Cellophane tape
When the head is slightly tensioned and its
surface looks wavy or shows dents, it is time to
* Be careful not to make any scratches in the tape replace the head with a new one.
attached to the kettle edge. If the tape is peeling or
badly damaged, it must be replaced with timpani
edge tape (Teflon™ tape).


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