Centrifuges in Chemical Processes Gea - tcm11 29028
Centrifuges in Chemical Processes Gea - tcm11 29028
Centrifuges in Chemical Processes Gea - tcm11 29028
The strongest compound 04
Separation in the chemical industry 06
Full safety 08
Full efficiency 10
Product development
Global test center network 12
Petrochemical additives 14
Chemical catalysts 16
Viscose 18
Polymers 20
Nitroaromatic compounds 22
Peroxides 24
Paints, dyes, inks 26
Zero Liquid Discharge 28
Centrifuge technology 30
Decanter centrifuges 34
Maximum-protection solutions 36
GEA Service
GEA Service – For your continued success 39
From boosting oil wells or biochemical cell treatment to
the finished chemical product, from product development
to global production – GEA expertise and solutions cover
the entire range of chemical applications.
Full efficiency
GEA offers pioneering concepts in chemical engineering to increase the feasibility
and reliability of processes, the reproducibility of results and the sustainability of
each process step. As modern life continues to depend on plastics, synthetic fabrics,
paints, fuels, and many other chemical products, GEA gives customers an edge in
competitive markets.
Full safety
Plant operators turn to GEA to ensure the highest level of safety in industrial
chemical processing to protect the plant’s personnel, operations and the environment
as well as the manufacturer’s investment and brand reputation.
Strong partnership
GEA has been supporting the chemical and petrochemical industries for decades
in a variety of separation tasks. The technology leader supplies disk stack and
decanter centrifuges for such process lines. The systems convince our partners
worldwide by the high quality of the end products, cost effectiveness and a
conservative approach to resource handling.
A recurring task in chemical processes, often in multiple cycles, Modular customization options to fit any task
is the mechanical separation or clarification of substances and GEA provides centrifuges optimized for the task to meet the
phases or the extraction of substances. Centrifugation offers specific conditions present on every customer’s premises.
not only high yields from the employed raw materials but also Current machines are available in suitable design variants to
ensures reliable process management which makes efficient use fit specific processes and processed product. Different design
of resources. executions are available with ideally suited special materials
for a given purpose or hardfacing.
State-of-the-art centrifuge technology
Outstanding GEA innovations that have become industry- On the other hand, many GEA centrifuge models are equipped
leading standards include state-of-the-art feed and discharge to accommodate multiple process applications, saving efforts for
systems on disk stack, nozzle and solid-wall bowl centrifuges. plant management and maintenance.
GEA also offers decanter centrifuges with optimized machine
geometry and both high and low speeds for varying solid
Important products:
• Agar-agar
• Aluminum hydroxide
• Amines
• Aniline dyes
• Ash leaching
• Barium sulfate
• Black liquor
• Cellulose and derivatives
• Catalyst recovery
• Dyes
• Ethyl amines
• Filter backflush liquid
• Fungicides, etc.
• Gum arabic
• Herbicides
• Ink
• Insecticides
• Lignocellulose
• Lyes
• Nitro compounds
• Petrochemical additives
• Paints
• Peroxides
• Phosphoric acid
• Polyacetates
• Polybutadiene, etc.
• Polycarbonate
• Polymer
• PTA (purified terephtalic acid)
• Salts (various)
• Sodium borohydride
• Suspensions with metals, oxides,
hydroxides, catalysts
• Tall oil
• Viscose, cellulose acetate, etc.
Full safety
Chemical production involves hazards hardly experienced
in any other industry – complex reactions, inflammable
materials, concentrated acids, heat, high pressure, risks of
decomposing and explosion.
GEA centrifuges are optimally protected, using six strategies to 3. ATEX 2014 / 34 / EC compliance
fulfill your specific process needs: GEA machines for use in explosive environments are monitored
and certified according to ATEX regulations.
1. Corrosion resistance
Strong, non-corrosive stainless steel alloys and nickel-based 4. Inert gas blanketing
alloys are selected for each centrifuge depending on the For numerous processes, units for blanketing the centrifuge
unique application. bowl with inert gas are available, reducing the oxygen content
inside the centrifuge below the critical level.
2. Wear protection
Hard-facing from durable materials, applied with sophisticated 5. Temperature control
processes, prevents mechanical failure and unnecessary wear on For products that can decompose at low temperatures,
machine parts. state-of-the-art monitoring at the critical points is available.
Full efficiency
Chemical products such as polymers and peroxides are
often mass produced, which means that manufacturers
need to achieve both high-quality results and maximum
production to be profitable. This is where the industry
experience of GEA pays off to provide the ideally selected
and customized solution.
Higher yield
All chemicals are different and require different properties from centrifuges for
maximum-efficiency clarification, polishing or extraction. The GEA high-performance
centrifuges and decanters can be fine-tuned in each different case to achieve exactly
the right parameters and to obtain exact and pure separation results with fewer
processing cycles and higher yield from the same raw materials.
Adjustable parameters include bowl types and dimensions, disk stack and nozzle sizes,
bowl angles, integrated feed and discharge systems, automated control options, rotation
speed, and numerous other parameters. Decanter centrifuges are equally optimized to
achieve highest yields.
Reproducible results
Exact mechanical operation is one reason for ensured reproducible results with GEA
machines. The other reason for this are extensive monitoring and control options –
either between batches or even during operation.
Reliable operation
Robust operation and plannable service intervals for maximum availability throughout
the entire life cycle is a key characteristic of all GEA centrifuges and decanters.
By combining advanced in-house From new product and feasibility trials Overcoming technical barriers throughout
technology with a thorough understanding to scale-up studies, training programs the entire process chain, there’s no limit
of the processing industries, we help our and process support, we believe that our to where the GEA global network of test
customers to maximize their development services greatly benefit anyone involved centers can take your research.
results, gain more know-how and in industrial R&D, equipment selection,
discover additional opportunities for their process optimization and product
applications. development.
The GEA global network of test facilities offers teams of experts On-site trials and test centers
who work closely with their customers to optimize procedures Centrifuges are available for process trials at the operator’s
and evaluate their products, enabling them to achieve their site to assess the feasibility and profitability of individual
process and production goals. process steps and combined operations.
GEA test center Separation In co-operation with the customer, GEA also develops and
At the GEA test center of competence, customers can test tests completely new processes. In this way, the GEA test
both new and established products in a wide range of centers also underline the innovation strength of GEA as a
separation operations or perform comparative process leading international technology group.
studies with our skilled operators. Other test programs in
GEA test centers around the world can be involved to test Prosper with GEA
entire manufacturing lines. Book your ticket to success at gea.com/contact
Reliable removal of solids without clogging
Oil additives
Chemical catalysts
Safe recovery at any required temperature and pressure
Catalysts are chemical substances that accelerate the reaction The pressure-stressed components hood, solids catcher and
rate and do not change themselves. Typically, the catalysts must protective hood meet the requirements of the European Pressure
subsequently be removed from the reaction product, as they Equipment Directive and the American ASME code. A double
are often valuable recyclables, such as platinum, cobalt, and mechanical seal provides the necessary segregation of the
manganese, or in some cases materials that could be hazardous product space from the environment.
to the environment. For efficient recycling of the catalysts, GEA
offers highly suitable nozzle-type centrifuges that are not only Product-wetted parts are made of Duplex stainless steel.
reliable but also particularly safe in operation and able to handle Depending on centrifuge size, Super-Duplex and Super-Austenitic
high temperatures and pressures. steel can be selected as well. Special materials such as Inconel
625 and suitable gasket elastomers such as FKM and FFKM are
Explosion- and pressure-proof operation also available.
GEA nozzle centrifuges for recovering catalysts are marked by a
fully sealed, explosion-proof centrifuge bowl. This is important
because a number of recovery processes demand temperatures
of up to 180 °C to reduce the viscosity of the carrier fluid, which
in turn may require increasing the pressure to up to 10 bar to
prevent the fluid from evaporating. Thanks to their closed-bowl
concept, GEA nozzle centrifuges operate safely and without
problems under these conditions.
Dependable performance
Nozzle-type centrifuges from GEA reliably provide highest
clarifying results with a defined solid concentration in the
nozzle discharge.
Recovery from filter reject with maximum service life
As viscose continues to rank among the most used fabrics in GEA DSE SERIES
the world, GEA DSE centrifuges add efficiency and yield to the The equally smart and robust
manufacturer’s profit. machines offer long operating
times and a long service life,
meeting all requirements of
efficient viscose recovery.
Extreme purity and minimum residual water
Polymer Washing
Polymer Washing
Nitroaromatic compounds
Safe and efficient separation at just the right temperature
3 12
6 13 14
7 17
5 15 20
7 4
8 4 14 21
Customized solutions for safe maximum-purity processing
Hydrogen peroxide is used as a disinfectant and bleach in Highest yield and efficiency
many industries, while organic peroxides are used as chemical The extensive customization options for GEA TTC models also
reactants. Nowadays, peroxide is also used for processes such make sure to achieving highest yields and flow rates with any
as HPPO converting HP (peroxide) into PO (propylene oxide). given process setup and volume.
Since the peroxide production process requires particularly
accurate separation results and reliable explosion control, GEA Special design modifications are available to optimize separation
TTC centrifuges are effectively customized to individual process efficiency, particularly with regard to the peroxide process: Since
conditions and production parameters. the light phase accounts for more than 90 percent of the total
flow, most of the centrifuge capacity should be used to purify the
Maximum accuracy of separation light phase. Only GEA TTC can be configured to ensure this
Peroxides are most commonly obtained using the anthraquinone without sacrificing other performance benefits.
process, which puts an organic working solution through a cycle
of hydration, oxidation, washing and concentration. To extract Safe operation and temperature control
impurities, an aqueous phase is added to the working solution or The peroxide process is always critical in that peroxides can
directly to the organic peroxides, then both phases are separated decompose even in the absence of oxygen at temperatures above
with centrifuges. Since further processing requires a very pure certain limits. Hydrogen peroxide is even used as space rocket
organic phase, the GEA TTC solid-wall bowl centrifuges are
specially customized for separation with maximum accuracy.
2 6
3 3
5 5
4 4
than a few micrometers, typically require high speeds and large and the product chamber is gas-tight. The product chamber and
clarification areas in the centrifuge. In these applications, GEA drive chamber are blanketed with inert gas that reduces the
chamber bowl centrifuges and continuous disk stack centrifuges concentration of oxygen in the centrifuge to a non-critical level
have proven their benefit. and keeps it within safe parameters.
Effective, speedy discharge Decanter centrifuges are used for inks and paints with a high
To ensure maximum quality, the discharge system on GEA solid content. For classification of inks the decanter centrifuges
disk stack centrifuges is controlled by the GEA hydrostop are equipped with special control features to keep product
mechanism with operating water that does not come into temperatures below hazardous level. Explosion-proof design of
contact with the end product. The discharge system creates a these machines is provided if needed for the specific process
large discharge port for a particularly rapid discharge so that conditions.
sticky colors, dyes and inks will not clog the system.
In most cases, identical GEA models can be dedicated to most or
Safe operation all color variants of a given paint, dye or ink product in a plant.
When flammable organic solvents are used in a production
process, it is necessary to use explosion-protected centrifuges.
Machines from GEA are equipped with certified components
Reproducible results
In ZLD processes, decanter centrifuges are used to clarify the
spent process water and remove salts and other substances
so the liquid phase can be recycled as high-purity water to the
main process. GEA decanter centrifuges are designed particularly Customized for the task at hand
for efficient and reliable treatment of high-solid suspensions. The extensive experience of GEA in developing and customizing
All GEA machines for ZLD processes feature a flat pond design advanced centrifugal solutions gives every user an important edge
with 25 percent higher g-force at solid outlet than conventional in terms of reproducible results at minimum energy consumption.
centrifuges. All critical technical parameters, from centrifugal velocity to
cone angle and pond depth, are tailored to the task at hand by
Both the clarified phase and the removed solids are discharged GEA experts so that each customer achieves impeccable results
by gravity. In a typical continuous application, the solid content over a long service life.
in the liquid phase can be reduced to 0.1 percent or less.
4 5 6 8
15 16
Self-cleaning disk stack centrifuges
Self-cleaning centrifuges are used in many applications in the
chemical and petrochemical industry, meeting all demands for
continuous operation.
Solid-wall bowl centrifuges Only when the centrifuge slows down the liquid enters this
Solid-wall bowl centrifuges from GEA are used to achieve highest discharge area. The liquid discharges completely from the bowl
separation of two liquid phases with a very low or negligible and is collected in downstream tanks via the frame drain. CIP
solids content. Although the manual removal of solids cannot is facilitated as the product drains out without the need to open
always be avoided, protective clothing is no longer needed, as the bowl, for a significant increase of production time and
GEA provides the only solid-wall bowl centrifuges in the world decrease of downtime (also see next page).
where the bowls are completely drained by gravity. Only small
quantities of medium (often very toxic) remain in the bowl to be GEA hydrostop discharge system
cleaned manually. Proper washing cycles after stopping the bowl The GEA hydrostop discharge system can be adjusted precisely
can reduce that quantity even further. and reproducibly to specific solids concentration requirements.
This patented system discharges extremely quickly, reducing
The trick is extremely effective: Special drain holes keep “dry” the actual discharge time to less than one tenth of a second, and
during machine operation because of the centrifugal forces. permits partial discharge starting from one-minute-intervals.
Ejection via
metering piston
Former standard
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Centripetal pumps
The centripetal pumps enable the separating zones to be set
precisely even in conjunction with very high density differences.
This is the only way to achieve optimum separating efficiency
with nitroaromatic compounds. If the light phase is valuable, the
separating zone can be positioned towards the periphery of
the bowl, whereby the light phase can be allocated to the maximum
clarifying area.
At the same time, the twin centripetal pump can discharge the
heavy phase under pressure in an enclosed system. This is a
major advantage particularly in the case of explosive or aggressive
media. Unlike processes that discharge under gravity, nothing
can be discharged onto the hood of the centrifuge, avoiding the
risk of corrosion.
Metering piston ejection system for precisely metered discharge quantities. No electric pump, no costs: The mechanical centripetal pump
consists of a cylindrical disc equipped with channels and is installed
in the so-called centripetal pump chamber of the rotating bowl.
Metering piston discharge technology It is stationary, and its external periphery is immersed in the
The metering piston ejection system on GEA centrifuges offers rotating liquid. The liquid is discharged towards the center of the
advantages: pump through the channels, and the rotational energy of the
• When very precise partial ejections are not required liquid is converted into pressure. This means that an additional
• When only a low operating water pressure is available (2 bar) pump is not necessary, thus achieving savings in investment and
• When minimal operating liquid consumption is desired operating costs.
Decanter centrifuges
Decanter centrifuges have been developed over decades by GEA The liquid flows to the opposite end. Remaining impurities
for high clarifying performance and the maximum possible are spun out by centrifugal force as the liquid flows through
degree of solids dewatering. Essential conditions for this include, the clarifying zone and is conveyed by the scroll to the solids
among others, high bowl speed and an adequate gear torque in discharge. The clarified liquid is discharged by centripetal
conjunction with a control system to synchronize differential pumps or gravity.
speed and solids load.
Decanter centrifuges are equipped with 3-phase AC motors
Decanter separation principle with frequency converter. This allows start-up current and
The product enters the decanter centrifuge through the feed current peaks on start-up to be reduced. The power is
tube and the distributor conveys it into the separating chamber transferred by belts and gear.
where it is accelerated to operating speed. The centrifugal
force quickly causes solid particles to sediment on the bowl The current GEA ecoforce decanter generation is extremely robust
wall. The cylindrical section of the bowl allows for an effective and uniquely combines excellent performance with a significant
clarification of the liquid, whilst the solids are dried in the reduction of power consumption. Machines can be adapted
conical section. The scroll rotates slightly faster than the bowl and even subsequently modified to individual process needs
shell and conveys separated solids continuously towards the with 2-phase or 3-phase design, varying gear sizes, lubrication
narrow end. Due to the conical shape there, the solids are lifted systems, differential speed ranges, bowl designs and
from the liquid, dewatered by centrifugal force and discharged. liquid outlets.
x kW
GEA varipond
The pond depth in the decanter is an important parameter with
which various performance parameters can be influenced. The
GEA varipond system gives the user the opportunity to alter
y kW
Maximum-protection solutions
Explosion-protected centrifuges
Centrifuges are used in the chemical industry for clarifying and
separating flammable liquids. Theoretically, such applications
can result in critical concentrations of solvent vapors and
oxygen inside the centrifuge housing that can cause explosions
or fires. Furthermore, process vapors must not leak from the
centrifuge as not to pose a risk to the health of operators and
the environment. Both these risks can be prevented reliably
by using gas-tight centrifuges from GEA. No sparks, no static
charges, no hot bearings – the test criteria of the strict European
ATEX standard are of course implemented in all GEA
explosion-protected centrifuges. In addition, before the start of
operation, the centrifuge is purged with inert gas and blanketed
with a slight excess pressure so that no further oxygen can
penetrate. This is because fire is not possible without oxygen.
When processing hazardous liquids, the necessary inert
gas atmosphere in the centrifuge is automatically monitored
throughout the entire operation.
An essential design feature of the gas-tight centrifuges from is displaced with inert gas before every start-up and the
GEA is the gas-tight sealing chamber that separates the drive excess pressure is maintained during operation to meet the
area from the product chamber. This sealing chamber is blanketed requirement for minimum inert gas consumption. The fittings
with inert gas, and the connecting spindle is protected with and measuring devices used have been subjected to extensive
dynamic special seals. The sealing chamber reliably prevents tests and have also been optimized as far as investment costs
the solvent from passing from the product chamber to the drive are concerned. The new inert gas supply facility complies with
area or into the environment. This is beneficial not only from the ATEX 2014 / 34 / EC directive but also with the TA Luft,
the point of view of fire and health protection, it is also not which means that product leakages from the equipment are
possible for solvent to dilute the oil, which would diminish its reduced to a minimum using state-of-the-art technology.
lubricating efficiency and thus pose a risk to the drive unit. In
reverse, no oil can penetrate the product chamber and impact GEA places great emphasis on complete and easy-to-understand
the quality of the valuable product. operator documentation as well as a carefully performed conformity
assessment procedure (CE symbol). The company also provides
According to the current ATEX 2014 / 34 / EC directive, a risk information concerning the correct installation of centrifuges
assessment of the relevant machines must be carried out to in zones that are exposed to the risk of explosion. Depending
identify any present or potential risks. Measurements are on the plant operation, the integration of a gas-tight centrifuge
documented and submitted to an Entitled Body. For this, GEA varies from plant to plant. With GEA expertise, our customers
centrifuges are equipped with failsafe vibration monitoring will find the optimum solution for their particular needs.
equipment and often also with a bearing temperature
measurement unit and an inert gas supply unit. All electrical
equipment carries an ATEX certificate or a manufacturer’s
GEA Service –
For your continued success
GEA Service offers dedicated teams of service experts. Our • Getting you started – Seamless support for instant
focus is to help our customers build, maintain, and improve productivity and performance
their performance, market presence and competitive edge for • Keeping it running – The cost-efficient way of
the entire life cycle of their plants and equipment. ensuring safety and reliability
• Constantly improving – Sharing our knowledge
Partnering with GEA gives you the benefit of our world- to safeguard your investment
renowned, customer-tailored service and recommended spares • Together with you – Enduring commitment to you
upgrade, modernization and optimization services. With our and your business
support you can be certain that every piece of GEA equipment
and technology will operate optimally from day one, and for
its complete lifespan, to give you maximum return on your
We live our values.
Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity
GEA is a global technology company with multi-billion euro sales operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in
1881 the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA is listed in
the STOXX® Europe 600 Index. In addition, the company is included in selected MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes.
B_CP-18-05-0015 EN © GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights reserved. Subject to modifications.
GEA Germany
GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
Werner-Habig-Straße 1 Tel +49 2522 77-0 sales.germany@gea.com
59302 Oelde, Germany Fax +49 2522 77-2488 gea.com