Westfalia Fish
Westfalia Fish
Westfalia Fish
Mechanical Separation
The rivers, lakes and oceans of the world are the source market leader in centrifugal separation technology.
of one of the most important foodstuffs. Fish is a The spectrum covers application-oriented, innovative
valuable supplier of protein and other essential solutions in machine technology and process
nutrients. However, today’s industrial fish processing engineering for a wide range of applications in
industry is facing new challenges. The conventional the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, dairy
processes for the recovery of fish meal and fish oil were and beverage technology, the starch industry,
designed for processing large fish quantities of up environmental technology, mineral oil technology
to 200 t/h. However, in times when resources are and oils and fats recovery. The first separator for the
in increasingly short supply, processes must be recovery of fish oil was commissioned back in 1929.
found which can also efficiently process small Since then, Westfalia Separator has developed,
quantities of fish. manufactured and delivered more than a thousand
centrifuges for the fish oil industry while at the same
Consequently, Westfalia Separator has developed new time successfully and innovatively optimising the
processes for the fish industry which are worthwhile processes.
investing in particularly when processing small quantities.
The new processes, which are based on the traditional
three-phase process, have been simplified so that
now 2 – 4 t/h can be processed without difficulty
while additionally increasing the added value of the
complete process.
2 Industry
Westfalia Separator
Raw material
Metal detector
Mincer Steam
Heating tank
Clean oil
Turbid oil
Clean oil
Low expenditure, high benefit The oil phase from the decanter contains small
quantities of free water and solids and can be polished
The offal obtained during the filleting of, for example, in a separator. The solids from the separator can either
salmon still contains valuable oil and utilizable solids. be processed to fish meal in suitable driers or can be
For this reason, Westfalia Separator has designed the utilized untreated as raw material for ensilage plants.
new small installation for the recovery of fish oil from The aqueous phase or stick water from the decanter is
offal. The fish offal is first gently crushed to disintegrate concentrated in evaporators due to the substantial
the fat-containing cells and very carefully coagulated proportion of dissolved solids and processed to fish
in the heating tank. This is important to maximize the meal together with the solids. The compactness and
oil yield and to obtain optimum quality of the end low number of process stages make this process ideal
product. The coagulated raw material is subsequently for processing small quantities.
separated into solids, oil and an aqueous phase in a
3-phase decanter. This process can do without presses
to separate the solids. Therefore, no expenses are incurred
for purchasing and operating those presses.
Industry 3
Westfalia Separator
Recovering high-grade proteins control is necessary to recover “tailor-made” hydrolyzate.
Properties and taste can be individually determined via
Highly soluble and low-fat protein hydrolyzates can be this control.
recovered with this enzymatic process. This turns them
into an extremely high-grade additive for the food After screening off the bones, the liquid phase is
industry and also an attractive fodder in aquaculture, sent to the 3-phase decanter. Here, the suspension is
particularly for breeding young fish. separated into oil, solids and protein-containing water.
The big advantage of the 3-phase technology is the
Virtually all fish raw materials can be processed to separation of the insoluble solids and oil in one step.
hydrolyzates. However, the most suitable are offal from
salmon, trout or remains from canned fish or Surimi Only by this means is the highly soluble, low-fat protein
production. retained in the aqueous phase. A high-performance
separator then separates the protein from the
The enzymatic treatment of the crushed material takes remaining small quantities of solids and oil. Following
place in a reactor in which temperature and dwell time evaporation of the water, the concentrated protein is
can be precisely set. The extremely precise process flash pasteurised and spray dried.
Hot water Condensate
Water Bones to
further processing
Preheating Enzyme Pre-
deactivation heating
Protein phase
Protein Cream/oil
Clean oil
Oil polishing
Washing water
Heating tank
from canning plant
Flotation tank
Buffer tank
Clean oil
Oil polishing
Industry 5
Westfalia Separator
Decanters and Separators for
Efficiently Processing Small Capacities
in the Fish Industry
Decanters at a glance
CD 205
Motor rating: 7.5 kW
6 Industry
Westfalia Separator
Separators at a glance
OSD 10
Motor rating: 5.5 kW
No supervision required
Industry 7
Westfalia Separator
Beverage Technology
Dairy Technology
Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals
and Biotechnology
Environmental Technology
Westfalia Separator
Take the Best – Separate the Rest