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Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-16-21

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | March 16, 2021

COVID vaccine to be available for all Mississippi residents

People can get vaccinated at state-run drive-thru sites, at private gibility expands
to the entire
at state-run drive-thru sites in
counties across the state, at
clinics and community health centers and some pharmacies state.
“ A l m o s t
private clinics and community
health centers and some phar-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to ALL Mississippians,” Reeves health care workers and those 10,000 appoint- macies, like Walmart and Wal-
tweeted Monday. “Get your who are at least 16 and have ments available greens.
JACKSON — All Mississippi shot friends — and let’s get health conditions that might statewide over People eligible to receive the
residents will be eligible for the back to normal!” make them more vulnerable to next 3 weeks,” coronavirus vaccine can make
coronavirus vaccine starting Vaccinations in Mississip- the virus. he said. “If you’re an appointment at COVIDvac-
Tuesday, Gov. Tate Reeves said. pi are currently available for Reeves urged those in the 50 over 50, lock them down TO- cine.umc.edu or by calling the
“Starting tomorrow, ALL anyone ages 50 or over, staff at and up age group to make ap- DAY!” COVID-19 call center at 1-877-
new appointments will be open K-12 schools, first responders, pointments Monday before eli- People can get vaccinated 978-6453.

New sculpture of DANCE BREAK

local civil rights
activists coming
to Unity Park
$8,600 project to be
paid for with Mississippi
Arts Commission grant

Supervisors ap-
proved a proposal
Monday for the addi-
tion of small figurine
structures to Unity
Park on Douglas
L. Conner Drive to
symbolize social jus- Karges
This project, “Onward,” is led
by local Mississippi artist and ar-
chaeologist, Dylan Karges. He
plans to install six- to 12-inch iron
sculptures with different faces of
people from Oktibbeha County
into a four- to five-inch raised base.
He hopes the sculptures will be an-
other way to celebrate the diversity
and uniqueness of the county resi-
dents, he said.
“The idea is to pull the focus
back to the history and the legacy Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff
See UNITY PARK, 3A Maliyah Hairston, 8, takes a break from posing to dance in her yard in Columbus. She is a brand representative for small
shops on Facebook. Her mother had been taking photos of her when she stopped to dance for a bit. “My mom made my tutu.
She used fur to make the seeds,” Maliyah said. She is the daughter of Puneshia Hairston.

of murdered New Lowndes County supervisors implement
Hope man to stand mask policy they admit has no teeth
trial today Hairston: ‘It’s mostly a recommendation cerned about the procedural
faux pas.
tions for buildings on March
2. “But the (COVID) num-
Martinez charged with anyway. It’s not enforced’ “The thing is, it’s mostly bers are rising again, so the
a recommendation anyway,” only stipulation I would make
first-degree murder in BY SLIM SMITH mandate since its previous Hairston said. “It’s not en- is for people to wear a mask.
ssmith@cdispatch.com mandate expired Dec. 15, forced.” I think we should extend the
Vasquez case 2020, which means the board District 5 Supervisor Le- mask mandate until the end
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT has approved the extension roy Brooks raised the mask of April, then we can come
of an ordinance that doesn’t discussion back and reevaluate it at that
— Lowndes
The trial of a wom- exist. near the end time. That’s my motion.”
County resi-
an accused of helping dents will be Asked to address that of Monday’s With only District 1 Su-
kill her son-in-law in required to point, county officials didn’t meeting. pervisor Harry Sanders vot-
New Hope nearly six wear a face appear to be particularly con- “The gov- ing against the proposal, the
years ago is slated to mask in pub- cerned with the handling of ernor says measure passed, 4-1.
begin today in Oktib- lic settings Hairston the matter. we’re ready The board’s attitude to-
beha County. through the end of April, the “Yes, it probably needed to rock and ward mask requirements was
Lydia Martinez, Lowndes County Board of to be an ordinance instead of roll and every- Brooks emphasized just after the
61, is one of two peo- Supervisors decided during an extension,” Board Attor- thing is open,” mask vote when Parks Direc-
ple arrested and eventually indicted its regular meeting Monday. ney Tim Hudson said. Brooks said, noting Gov. Tate tor Roger Short approached
for the 2015 murder of New Hope Or will they? Board President Trip Hair- Reeves’ ending the state- the board to recommend the
resident and San Antonio, Texas, One sticking point: the ston concurred, although wide mask mandate and county’s eight community
See MARTINEZ, 6A county hasn’t had a mask he didn’t appear overly-con- rolling back capacity restric- See SUPES, 3A


Classifieds 5,6B 1 Your appendix is on the right
Thursday, MEETINGS
Comics 4B side of your body. True or false? Today:
Crossword 6B
Dear Abby 4B
2 What name is given to the
fourth runner on a relay team —
March 25 Starkville Board
■ Candidate forum: of Aldermen,
Health 6A anchor, bridge or sail?
Hear Columbus mu- 5:30 p.m., City
Obituaries 5A 3 What is the smallest state
Opinions 4A in the land area of the United nicipal candidates at Hall
States of America? the 2021 Candidate April 13:
4 What long-running comic is the Forum at the Lyceum at Starkville-Oktib-
basis for the TV show “River- beha Consoli-
WEATHER dale”?
Lee (former Lee High
School). The event is dated School
5 What ancient civilization built
74 Low 62 co-sponsored by The District Board
the Pyramids of Giza? of Trustees, 6
High Dispatch and WCBI and
p.m., Greens-
Cloudy with rain Answers, 6B will follow a Q&A format
Full forecast on with a moderator. COVID boro Center
page 3A. precautions will be
taken for a limited live
audience and the event
will be livestreamed
online by WCBI. Reserve Caron Byrd enjoys being involved
free tickets online at with her children, watching them play
cdispatch.com/forum ball and volunteering at their school.


2A TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

‘I don’t need the vaccine’: GOP worries threaten virus fight

Poll: 42 percent of Republicans say they probably or definitely will the onset of the virus.
While polls have found vac-
slowing registration. And the
impact is expected to grow
not get the shot, compared with 17 percent of Democrats cine hesitancy falling overall,
opposition among Republicans
when supply begins to surpass
demand by late April or early
BY JILL COLVIN AND Laura Biggs, a 56-year-old is well established.” remains stubbornly strong. May, said Ashish Jha, dean of
HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH who has already recovered That sentiment demon- A new poll from The Associ- the Brown University School of
The Associated Press from the virus, is wary of tak- strates the challenge ahead for ated Press-NORC Center for Public Health.
ing the vaccine. Reassurances public health officials as the Public Affairs Research found “This is going to be the big
FRONT ROYAL, Va. — In from the Centers for Disease U.S. intensifies its efforts for that 42 percent of Republicans issue,” he said. “And if we get
this rural swath of Virginia’s Control and Prevention and the widespread vaccinations that say they probably or definitely stuck at 60 or 65 percent vacci-
Shenandoah Valley, former Food and Drug Administration could put an end to a devastat- will not get the shot, compared nated, we are going to contin-
President Donald Trump re- have done little to ease her ing pandemic that has left more with 17 percent of Democrats ue to see significant outbreaks
mains deeply admired, with alarm that the vaccine could than 530,000 dead. The cam- — a 25-point split. and real challenges in our
lawn signs and campaign flags lead to death. paign could falter if it becomes While demand for vacci- country, and it’s going to be
still dotting the landscape. The “The way I feel about it is: I another litmus test in Ameri- nations still far outstrips the much, much harder to get back
vaccines aimed at taming the don’t need the vaccine at this ca’s raging culture wars, just available supply in most parts to what we think is normal un-
coronavirus, however, aren’t so point,” she said. “And I’m not as mandates for mask-wearing of the country, there are al- less we can get that number
popular. going to get the vaccine until it were a point of polarization at ready signs in some places of higher.”

Push to prevent next meat shortage hits big obstacle Haaland OK’d at
Due to consolidation in the meat spreading among workers. There’s little doubt Interior, first Native
industry, 80 percent or more of meat
“Even a significant in-
crease in processing ca-
the grants will help small
processors and in turn American Cabinet head
pacity in those small and provide sorely needed BY MAT THEW DALY
is slaughtered by just a few companies mid-size processors, that’s
a small amount in the
rural jobs, but the eco-
nomics of meat now cen-
The Associated Press

BY SCOTT MCFETRIDGE ty meat counters was a grand scheme of things,” ters on large, highly ef- WASHINGTON — The Senate on Monday
The Associated Press shock to many Americans Iowa Agriculture Secre- ficient slaughterhouses, confirmed New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland as
unaccustomed to scarci- tary Mike Naig said. “Yes, not smaller plants whose interior secretary, making her the first Native
MAXWELL, Iowa — ties. But where most oth- it provided some relief but numbers have been de- American to lead a Cabinet department and the
Sudden meat shortages er supply gaps are being no, it’s not at the level that creasing sharply. first to lead the federal agency that has wielded
last year because of the addressed by changing will rival the big proces- The number of smaller influence over the nation’s tribes for nearly two
coronavirus led to millions how the U.S. acquires key sors.” operations that meet local centuries.
of dollars in federal grants items, the money flowing Or as Terry Houser, a demand plunged by 42 Haaland was confirmed by a 51-40 vote, the
to help small meat proces- to small slaughterhouses meat processing expert at percent to 1,910 between narrowest margin yet for a Cabinet nomination
sors expand so the nation shows no sign of solving Iowa State University, put 1990 and 2016, according by President Joe Biden. Four Republicans voted
could lessen its reliance the meat problem. it, “Small plants cannot re- to the U.S. Department of yes: Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan of Alaska,
on giant slaughterhouses The meat industry place the big plants when Agriculture. Susan Collins of Maine and Lindsey Graham of
to supply grocery stores has been consolidating they go down.” When the coronavirus South Carolina.
and restaurants. for decades, and 80 per- The problem illustrates sickened thousands of Democrats and tribal groups hailed Haaland’s
Like shortages of pro- cent or more of meat is the difficulty of creating workers at the big slaugh- confirmation as historic, saying her selection
tective clothing for health slaughtered by just a few more sources of supply in terhouses, forcing some means that Indigenous people — who lived in
care workers, hospital companies, whose oper- an industry that is trend- to close temporarily, out- North America before the United States was
equipment and even toilet ations were crippled last ing in the opposite direc- put dropped to 60 percent created — will for the first time see a Native
paper, the reality of emp- year when the virus began tion. of normal. American lead the powerful department where
decisions on relations with the nearly 600 fed-
erally recognized tribes are made. Interior also
oversees a host of other issues, including energy
development on public lands and waters, national

LGBTQ Catholics stung by Vatican rebuff of same-sex unions parks and endangered species.
“Rep. Haaland’s confirmation represents a
gigantic step forward in creating a government
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a formal statement Mon- executive director of New outreach to the gay and that represents the full richness and diversity of
day from the Vatican’s Ways Ministry, which lesbian community “will this country,’’ said Senate Majority Leader Chuck
The Vatican’s declara- orthodoxy office, the Con- advocates for greater continue to do so, except Schumer, D-N.Y.
tion that same-sex unions gregation for the Doctrine LGBTQ acceptance in the that it will be even more “Native Americans for far too long have been
are a sin the Roman of the Faith, saying Roman church, said that if those under the table ... than it neglected at the Cabinet level and in so many oth-
Catholic Church cannot Catholic clergy may not priests who have already was before.” er places,’’ Schumer said.
bless was no surprise for bless such unions since been blessing same-sex
LGBTQ Catholics in the God “cannot bless sin.” unions now stop doing
United States — yet it It was approved by Pope so, lay Catholics could be
stung deeply nonetheless. Francis. moved take their place.
Marianne Dud-
“Having sin be ex- “If priests and pastoral
dy-Burke, executive direc-
plicitly included in this ministers no longer feel
tor of DignityUSA, said
statement kind of brings they can perform such a
her organization’s mem-
bership includes same-sex us back to zero,” said blessing, the Catholic laity
couples who have been to- Ross Murray, who over- will step in and perform
gether for decades, perse- sees religious issues for their own rituals,” DeBer-
vering in their love for one the LGBTQ rights group nardo said. “The tooth-
another in the face of bias GLAAD. paste is out of the tube,
and family rejection. He expressed dismay and it can’t be put back
“The fact that our that “the ability for us to inside.”
church at its highest lev- live out our lives fully and The Rev. Bryan Mass-
els cannot recognize the freely is still seen as an ingale, an openly gay
grace in that and cannot affront to the church or, Catholic priest and profes-
extend any sort of bless- worse yet, an affront to sor of theology and social
ing to these couples is just God, who created us and ethics at Fordham Uni-
tragic,” she said. knows us and loves us.” versity, said priests who
She was responding to Francis DeBernardo, want to engage in pastoral

2 charged in assault of Capitol officer who died after riot

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS officer with a dangerous inside the Capitol. But
weapon, conspiracy and many rioters are facing
WASHINGTON — other offenses. The idea charges of injuring po-
U.S. officials have arrest- that Sicknick died after lice officers, who were at-
ed and charged two men being sprayed by a chem- tacked with bats, sprayed
with assaulting U.S. Cap- ical irritant has emerged with irritants, punched
itol Police officer Brian
in recent weeks as a new and kicked, and rammed
Sicknick with bear spray
theory in the case. with metal gates meant
during the Jan. 6 riot,
The arrests are the to keep the insurrection-
but they do not know yet
whether it caused the of- closest federal prosecu- ists from the Capitol.
ficer’s death. tors have come to iden- Investigators initially
George Tanios, 39, of tifying and charging believed that Sicknick
Morgantown, West Vir- anyone associated with was hit in the head with
ginia, and Julian Khater, the deaths that happened a fire extinguisher, based
32, of Pennsylvania, were during and after the riot. on statements collected
arrested Sunday on an Five people died, includ- early in the investigation,
array of charges, includ- ing a woman who was according to two people
ing assaulting a federal shot by a police officer familiar with the case.

Defense in ex-cop’s trial fears impact of $27M settlement

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS his previously unsuccess- approved the settlement,
ful motion to move Derek and questioned the tim-
MINNEAPOLIS — Chauvin’s trial to another ing, though he said he
An attorney for a former city. was not making accusa-
Minneapolis police offi- “I am gravely con- tions. Keith Ellison heads
cer charged in George cerned with the news that the prosecution team and
Floyd’s death asked the broke on Friday,” Nelson often has been present in
judge Monday to delay said, adding that the an- the courtroom.
the trial, saying the an- nouncement “has incred- During a break in jury
nouncement of a $27 mil- ible potential to taint the selection, Keith Ellison
lion settlement for Floyd’s jury pool.” stopped at Nelson’s table
family could make a fair Nelson also noted that and said: “Is there any-
trial impossible. Minnesota Attorney Gen- thing else anyone would
Defense attorney Eric eral Keith Ellison’s son like to not accuse me of?”
Nelson also raised the Jeremiah sits on the City Nelson looked at Ellison
possibility of renewing Council that unanimously but did not reply.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 3A

Mississippi tax overhaul appears headed to doom in Senate

‘I cannot find any votes the way it’s currently
written. ... I haven’t found any support.’ Mississippi legislators chop pecan bill from to-do list
Mississippi Senate president pro tempore Dean Kirby of Pearl THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as proposals to increase penalties for stealing
pecans. The House bill died Feb. 11.
BY EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS items, including tobacco, alco- JACKSON — Critics had said it was nutty The Senate bill became a shell of the origi-
The Associated Press hol, farm implements and man- for Mississippi legislators to consider pecan nal proposal. It was changed to simply create a
ufacturing equipment. harvesting bills during a year with big issues study committee about pecan harvesting.
JACKSON — A bill to over- “Eliminating the income tax that required urgent attention — things like The House passed the updated version of the
haul Mississippi’s tax structure is the single most important responding to the coronavirus pandemic or in- Senate bill on Tuesday — but then bill was held
faces a critical deadline Tuesday item for future and sustained creasing teacher pay. for the possibility of more debate.
in the state Senate, but it ap- long term economic growth,” Now, the last surviving pecan bill is dead. The bill died because House failed to have
pears unlikely to survive despite Reeves wrote Monday on Twit- House Bill 284 and Senate Bill 2072 started that second debate before a Friday deadline.
a push from Republican Gov. ter. He has not taken a position
Tate Reeves. on other parts of the bill. in the Senate, many senators ough evaluation of how it would not discussed how a feder-
The Senate president pro Republican House Speaker say they want more time to eval- affect businesses and others. al coronavirus relief package
tempore, Republican Dean Kir- Philip Gunn and his allies in- uate it. The bill will die if sena- “The most important thing might affect their tax proposal.
by of Pearl, said in response to troduced the bill Feb. 22, and it tors don’t pass it by the Tuesday for us to do is to do something The package signed by Presi-
reporters’ questions Monday: zipped through the House Ways deadline, either with or without responsibly that puts our state in dent Joe Biden last week pro-
“I cannot find any votes the way and Means Committee that day. amendments. the best position to be compet- hibits states from using federal
it’s currently written. ... I haven’t It passed the Republican-con- The Senate Finance Com- itive — competitive for growth, relief money to pay for tax cuts.
found any support.” trolled House the next day on an mittee met Monday but did competitive for prosperity, com- But the Mississippi tax cut plan
House Bill 1439 would phase 85-34 vote that was largely along not bring the bill up for discus- petitive for success,” Harkins originated weeks before the fed-
out Mississippi’s income tax and party lines, with only a few Dem- sion. The committee chairman, said. eral legislation was signed.
cut the 7 percent state grocery ocrats supporting it and only Republican Josh Harkins of Harkins said the Finance “Our tax policy needs to be
tax in half. It also would increase one Republican opposing it. Flowood, told reporters after- Committee will meet on the tax formulated on what’s best for
the sales tax on most items from Passing a tax bill requires a ward that the bill, which runs bill Tuesday only “if we have the Mississippi, not ... as the winds
7 percent to 9.5 percent and three-fifths majority. Although more than 300 pages, is “intrigu- votes to bring something up.” blow from D.C.,” Harkins said
would increase taxes on other Republicans hold that margin ing,” but he wants to see a thor- Mississippi legislators have Monday.

Unity Park
Continued from Page 1A
of the park,” Karges said. “Each Karges told The Dispatch af-
piece would be unique to represent ter the meeting that the sculpture
all of the individuals in the commu- should be completed by the end of
nity just for their role. Everybody May.
has a stake in bringing the commu- District 4 Supervisor Bricklee
nity together, so each one will be Miller said the project
different.” will be something to
The board of supervisors cre- spark the interest of
ated Unity Park in 2013 after con- the community.
cerned citizens believed there “I think that’s a
should be something honoring neat concept,” Miller
those who fought for civil rights said. “I think that will
in Oktibbeha County and the state make people be like,
of Mississippi. The supervisors ‘What are they look- Miller
named the area “Unity Park,” ing at?’ I think it’s something else to
where the Oktibbeha County draw attention to.”
School System Office Building was
She did express concern about
once located, and built a wall com-
people potentially demolishing these
memorating six civil rights activ-
sculptures or tearing them down.
ists: A. Philip Randolph, President
Karges said the figures will contain
John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther
a rod and be bolted down as a perma-
King, Jr. and Gov. William Winter. Courtesy photo
County residents have added local Small figurines will soon be in- nent installation.
names to the wall each year with stalled at Unity Park to symbolize District 3 Supervisor Marvell
the two most recent being the late the diversity of Oktibbeha County Howard echoed Mill-
George W. Evans and the late Fen- and the fight for social justice. er’s approval, pointing
These six- to 12-inch sculptures will out the project rep-
ton Peters.
be placed around the park repre- resents the original
“I just felt like it was great sym- senting the different and unique
bolism to still come together with objective of the park.
residents of the county.
all those faces of the figures point- “I like the fact that
ing towards the wall that acknowl- mission grant and the rest coming it seems like it’s going
edges the history and the ongoing from the county. to be unique,” Howard
efforts of the community to work Karges presented a prototype of said. “Also, it’s going Howard
towards bringing the community one of these figures at the meeting to be diverse, and that has always
together,” Karges said. Monday. He said although he has been the original concept of Unity
The cost of this project will be been making sculptures like these Park, to have a diverse group of peo-
$8,600 with half the funding com- in clay for 20 years, the figures will ple come together to create unity in
ing from a Mississippi Arts Com- be cast in iron for durability. Oktibbeha County.”

Continued from Page 1A
centers be reopened after county doesn’t really have have in this recommenda- Chambry, Concord, Craw-
being closed because of any way to enforce it, ei- tion, including the masks, ford, New Hope and Plum
COVID restrictions since ther.” are fine. If somebody Grove. Those using the Send in your church event!
last March. Brooks said lack of en- rents a community center community center are re- Email editorialassistant@cdispatch.com
“I don’t know where to forcement doesn’t mean for a birthday or a family quired to wear masks and Subject: Religious brief
go with this recommen- the mask mandate doesn’t reunion and somebody to arrange for tables and
dation,” Short said.” If we have value. comes in and doesn’t want seating to allow six feet of
have a mask mandate, I “At this juncture, it’s the to wear a mask, the lessee social distancing between
don’t know how we could psychological notions at- can deal with it.” them.
enforce that. I think we tached to wearing a mask,” The board voted 5-0
might have to table it.” Brooks said. “The people to re-open the county’s
“Why?” Sanders asked. who don’t want to wear a eight community centers
“It’s the same situation mask will not wear it. But — Anderson Grove, Ar-
with the county. The I think the stipulations you tesia, Caledonia, Charles

Ackerman man dies in Monday morning car crash

BY TYLER B. JONES ed to the crash at 6:24 a.m., according
tjones@cdispatch.com to an MHP press release issued Monday.
Public Information Officer Sgt. Der-
An Ackerman man has died after a car rick M. Beckom said Vick was heading
crash on Highway 12 and Smith Road in eastbound in a Toyota Tacoma when he
Oktibbeha County Monday morning. drove off the right side of the highway
Oktibbeha County Coroner Michael and overturned. He was unrestrained
Hunt identified the victim as Robert An- when authorities found him.
drew Vick, 52. Beckom said the incident remains un-
Mississippi Highway Patrol respond- der investigation.

Storms taking aim at South could bring strong tornadoes

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Center is forecasting. Birmingham, Alabama; SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

On Wednesday, sev- and Jackson, Mississippi. peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
ATLANTA — Severe eral tornadoes will be “Some of the tornadoes Major 3:20a 4:03a
Minor 9:36a 10:05a
weather will bring the possible in a region that could become strong,” the Major 3:42p 4:23p
potential for flash flood- includes large parts of National Weather Service Minor 9:59p 12:53p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

ing and tornadoes across

of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Arkansas, Mississippi, in Jackson, Mississippi

The Dispatch
a large part of the South, Alabama and parts of warned in its outlook for
stretching from Texas to Louisiana and Tennessee, Wednesday’s storms.
Georgia, forecasters say. forecasters said. In Alabama, strong
On Tuesday, storms The area at enhanced tornadoes, golf ball-sized The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
could bring large hail risk for severe storms hail and winds of up to 60 Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
and possible tornadoes Wednesday is home to mph will be possible on Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
to Texas, Oklahoma and more than 9 million peo- Wednesday, the weather The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website: cdispatch.com/help
Gulf Coast states, the na- ple and includes the cities service’s Birmingham of- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip: news@cdispatch.com
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
tional Storm Prediction of Memphis, Tennessee; fice said.
4A TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Caledonia’s new water
rates need reconsideration

he Mississippi Public Service Commission
(MSPSC) has pressured the Town of Caledo-
nia (Town) into surrendering to an undesir-
able water rate structure to increase a needed cash
flow for operations.
The original petition (September, 2020) was to
increase the existing $7.25 per 1,000 gallons flat rate
to $10.25 per 1,000 gallons flat rate (42% increase for
all users). This was met with opposition and denied
by the MSPSC.
With the last rate increase seven years ago, the
MSPSC approved a $7.25 per 1,000 gallons flat rate
(or level term water rate) but has insisted on going
back to a $16.00 minimum for the first 1,000 gallons
and then $6.50 per 1,000 gallons thereafter with this
rate increase.
This newly adopted MSPSC rate structure means
a 55% increase to users with low usage (that may be
on a fixed income or have a vacant dwelling) and a
varying percent of decreases for users using over
15,000 gallons. “Unfair.”
Meter services with multiple users (such as
apartment complexes, trailer parks, etc.) are being
charged an additional $16.00 (allowing an additional
1,000 gallons accordingly) for every extra user as a
minimum before the $6.50 per 1,000 gallons there-
after. “Ouch.”
Contrary to the MSPSC opinion, a “flat rate” is
fair to everyone (when you only pay for water that
passes through the meter at an equal rate).
In comparing a suggested revised $8.75 per
1,000 gallon “flat rate” (one-half of the original
proposed increase) with the “unfair” MSPSC rate
of $16.00 minimum per 1,000 gallons (per user) and
$6.50 per 1,000 gallons thereafter, both rates would
generate the same needed revenue based on the
same gallons sold.
It has been seven years since water rates have
been increased. If the suggested revised $8.75
per 1,000 gallons flat rate had been adopted, a 22%
percent increase would have been applied equally to
every user. An increase annually of 3% over 7 years
would not be unreasonable to maintain a sustainable
water supply.
No hearing was held in Caledonia by the MSPSC
to consider this revised option of a flat rate struc-
The MSPSC regulates utility rates only for users
over one mile outside the Town limits that make
up approximately 80% of the total water users. The
elected officials of the Town determine the rates of
all users and have made all rates the same.
The legal requirements of the MSPSC to obtain
a rate increase requires a laborious and expensive
process which makes it impractical to have smaller
increases regularly.
Caledonia is a growing community that required
upsizing its facilities to continue growth. Additional
funds were needed to maintain the depreciating
infrastructure properly.
I am proud of the improved water quality and
service from the Town of Caledonia and I support a
fair increase in water rates. I am disappointed in the
MSPSC insisting on the Town reverting back to an
unfair rate system where low-end users subsidize
high-end users and penalize extra users served by
one meter.
Grant Mitchell is a Caledonia citizen and general
manager of East Lowndes Water Association.

Car collisions with big rigs don’t have to be so deadly
nytime I’m the horrific death of deaths in such accidents. The underside of the trailer plans to cover those already
driving a celebrity to bring Among them is Marianne slices through the windshield on the road. After-market side
down the better ones into Karth, who lost two daughters of the car before smashing the guards would cost less than
highway behind a operation. when their car was knocked heads of the test dummies. $3,000, and building them into
semitruck, I look for Mansfield’s under a semitrailer. She and Air bags and seat belts are new trailers would undoubtedly
the horizontal metal accident spurred Lois Durso-Hawkins, whose no help. In the crashes with reduce that figure. Keep in
bar that spans the federal highway daughter died in another trucks equipped with guards, mind that a new rig typically
space underneath officials to propose underride accident, founded by contrast, the passenger goes for between $125,000 and
the trailer. It makes a new require- STOP Underrides, which is compartment and its occupants $175,000.
me feel a bit safer. ment. But trucking part of a coalition of safety remain intact. As for the alleged practical
And it reminds me interests managed groups lobbying Congress to Federal data shows between drawbacks, side underride
of Jayne Mansfield. to block action, enhance protections. 1994 and 2018, more than guards have long been re-
She was a Steve Chapman arguing that it was The STOP Underrides Act, 6,000 car occupants died in quired in European Union
well-known film “fundamentally sponsored by Sens. Kirsten underride accidents with large countries, without noticeably
actress who died in unfair to place all of Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Marco trucks. Additional guards could hampering the trucking indus-
a traffic accident in Louisiana the onus on the innocent party, Rubio, R-Fla., would require mean the difference between try. The Globalist magazine
in 1967. Her car rear-ended the truck, to protect the driver underride guards on the side life and death, or between reports that trucks carry a larg-
an 18-wheeler and slid under- of the impacting vehicle.” A and front of new tractor-trailers serious injury and none, for er share of freight in Europe
neath the trailer. The top of the new mandate had to wait until and other large trucks. These hundreds each year. than they do here — but have a
car was demolished, killing 1996. Since then, these bars devices would address what So, who could oppose the lower rate of fatal accidents.
Mansfield and the driver. The have become a ubiquitous fea- the National Highway Traffic idea? The American Trucking Anytime a car and a 40-
coroner reported that the ture of the highway landscape, Safety Administration refers to Associations. Dan Horvath, ton semi collide, the car will
upper portion of her skull “was a mundane innovation that has as the “geometrical mismatch” vice president for safety policy, inevitably get the worst of the
severed,” though it was widely saved many lives. between tractor-trailers and told me that the guards would exchange. That’s a physical
believed she had been decapi- But similar accidents and lower-slung passenger vehi- be an expensive burden that reality. But deaths from under-
tated. deaths continue to happen. cles. The bill would also stiffen would divert investment from rides happen even though they
The wreck had another no- That’s because the underride standards on rear guards. better safety improvements are easily preventable. That’s a
table consequence: those bars guards are required only in the The Insurance Institute for and possibly cause trucks to political failure.
on truck trailers, known as rear — and in many crashes, Highway Safety (IIHS) has get hung up at railroad cross- Steve Chapman blogs at
underride guards. Most drivers cars slide underneath the side carried out test crashes that ings. http://www.chicagotribune.com/
probably take them for grant- or front of these trailers. dramatize the danger. Those But the advocates have news/opinion/chapman. Follow
ed, if they notice them at all. A group of families of people in which a car slams into the made a huge concession on him on Twitter @SteveCha-
Those used in 1967, though, killed hopes to spare other side of an 18-wheeler without a the cost issue by limiting the pman13 or at https://www.
were not much use, and it took Americans from unnecessary side guard are hard to watch. rule to new vehicles, dropping facebook.com/stevechapman13.

Make Your Voice Heard

Write The Dispatch: voice@cdispatch.com
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH dle Funeral Home of arrangements. Nolen Arnold Jr. Harris of Prairie and Oklahoma City, Oklaho-
OBITUARY POLICY Millport is in charge of She was preceded in Lenora Mae Moore of ma; four grandchildren;
Obituaries with basic informa- SULLIGENT, Ala. —
tion including visitation and
arrangements. death by her parents; Nolen L. Arnold Jr., 75, Amory; step-son, Eric two step-grandchildren;
service times, are provided Mr. Moore was husband, Thomas Low- died March 12, 2021, at Smith of Addison, Ala- and one great-grand-
free of charge. Extended born Dec. 12, 1931, in ell White; son, Danny his residence. bama; siblings, Eugene child.
obituaries with a photograph, Columbus, to the late Lowell White; and Terrell of Smithville, Pallbearers will be
A private family
detailed biographical informa- Aurthur Milton Moore brother, Jerry Baswell. Bobby Terrell of Guin, Ryan Williams, Solon
graveside service will
tion and other details families and Euda Mae (Gilm- She is survived by Alabama, Teresa Mar- Williams, Marvin
may wish to include, are avail- be held at the Gilmer
ore) Moore. her children, Kathy shall of Amory, Eunice Thompson, Terry True-
able for a fee. Obituaries must Addition of Sulligent
He is survived by his Trull, Rita Fortner Lynn Crump of Tupelo love, Clifton Terrell and
be submitted through funeral
and Wanda Cunning- City Cemetery. Otts Fu- and Grace Terrell of Donnie Adkinson.
homes unless the deceased’s wife, Shirley Moore;
ham; siblings, Mary neral Home of Sulligent
body has been donated to children, Billie Sue
Ann Blanton and is in charge of arrange-
science. If the deceased’s Glenn, Sharee M. Karg
body was donated to science, both of Columbus, James Baswell; five ments.
the family must provide official Paula Rose of New- grandchildren; and 14 Mr. Arnold was born
proof of death. Please submit
bern, Tennessee and great-grandchildren. Sept. 6, 1945, in Hugo,
all obituaries on the form pro-
David Shaw of Millport, Pallbearers will be Oklahoma, to the late
vided by The Commercial Dis- Nolen L. Arnold Sr. and
patch. Free notices must be Alabama; sister, Brenda Tommy Cunningham,
submitted to the newspaper Moore Jewel of Ethel- Chris Cunningham, Patsy Nunn. He was
no later than 3 p.m. the day ville, Alabama; eight Anthony Fortner, a graduate of Booker
prior for publication Tuesday grandchildren; and 13 Brad Johnson, Brent T. Washington High
through Friday; no later than 4
great-grandchildren. Mitchell, Hunter Cun- School. He was former-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Pallbearers will be ningham, Tyler Cun- ly employed with Mur-
edition; and no later than 7:30
Allan Glenn, Robby ningham and Jonathan phy T.V., McCoy MFG
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re- McAdams, Walker Cunningham. and United Furniture.
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. McAdams, Drake He attended Allman

Stanley Gray
for the Monday through Friday McAdams, Kyle Shaw, Millissia Beatty Chapel CME.
editions. Paid notices must be Tim Rose and Kolt COLUMBUS — Mil- In addition to his par-
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
McAdams. lissia Denise Beatty, 59, ents, he was preceded
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 died March 15, 2021, at in death by his siblings, Stanley R. Gray passed away
p.m. for Sunday and Monday JoAnn White her residence. Linda Adkinson and on Friday, March 12, 2021, at
publication. For more informa- MILLPORT, Ala. — Arrangements are Addie Course. the age of 88. Stanley passed
tion, call 662-328-2471.
JoAnn White, 82, died incomplete and will be He is survived by his peacefully with his beloved wife
March 15, 2021, at her announced by Lown- wife, Faye Carol Ar- of 65 years, Margaret, and his
Billy Moore residence. des Funeral Home of nold; children, Melody children and other loved ones
MILLPORT, Ala. — Funeral services will Columbus. by his side.
Billy Moore, 89, died be at 11 a.m. Thursday, Stanley was born March 8,
March 13, 2021, at his at Dowdle Funeral Wayne Parker 1933, and was the youngest of
residence. Home, with Gary Seay COLUMBUS — the ten children born to Thomas
Funeral services officiating. Burial will Wayne Parker, 61, died Carroll Gray and Fannie Dell Gray, née Edwards,
are at 11 a.m. today, at follow at Ebenezer March 15, 2021, at his in Crawford, Mississippi. Stanley joined the
Dowdle Funeral Home. Cemetery. Visitation residence. National Guard immediately after graduating
Burial will follow at will be one hour prior Arrangements are from high school and remained active for thirteen
Springhill Cemetery. to services at the funer- incomplete and will be years. His decision to join the National Guard
Visitation is one hour al home. Dowdle Fu- announced by Lown- was due to the guidance of Coach Bull Sullivan,
prior to services at the neral Home of Millport, des Funeral Home of his football coach at East Mississippi Community
funeral home. Dow- Alabama is in charge of Columbus. College (EMCC) and his platoon sergeant in the
National Guard. Stanley credits Coach Sullivan
with inspiring his love for football, teamwork,
Nancy Weathers discipline, and determination to succeed. In
Visitation: 2007, Stanley was chosen as a Distinguished
Football Fellow at EMCC.
Yo-Yo Ma serenades newly-
Tuesday, March 16 • 12:30-1:30 PM
2nd Ave. N. Location In 1956, Stanley married Margaret Ewing of
Graveside Services:
Tuesday, March 16 • 2 PM Brooksville, Mississippi, and soon after opened
vaccinated at inoculation clinic Pleasant Hill Baptist
Church Cemetery
Dixie Farm Supply in the same town. In 1962,
Stanley installed and operated the first bulk
Pleasant Hill Baptist feed elevator in Mississippi, and throughout his
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gle quoted Richard Hall of for essential workers and Church Cemetery
2nd Ave. N. Location
career Stanley won numerous sales awards and
the Berkshire COVID-19 first-responders.
PIT TSFIELD, Mass. recognitions in the farm supply industry. During
Vaccine Collaborative as Massachusetts state
— Newly vaccinated Mas- the 1960’s and 1970’s, his was the largest feed
saying. Rep. William Pignatel-
sachusetts residents were and fertilizer dealer in the state of Mississippi.
The quick concert li responded to a video
treated to a mini concert Stanley gave credit for his success to God, his
came exactly one year af- posted on social media
over the weekend when of the surprise show and
wife, Coach Sullivan, and Mississippi State
ter Ma started posting re-
famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma praised Ma for bringing memorialgunterpeel.com University (MSU). One of his favorite mottos
cordings of himself using
brought out his instru-
people “hope and opti-
was, “You can do anything if you put your mind
the hashtag #SongsOf-
ment after getting his sec-
mism through his beauti- to it.”
Comfort on social media
ond coronavirus shot. One of Stanley’s greatest joys was flying his
in an effort to ease anxi- ful music.”
A masked-up Ma took a Cessna 182 Skylane aircraft. As a private pilot
ety throughout the early

Mary Ann Cole

seat along the wall of the for over fifty years, he introduced many of his
observation area Satur- days of the pandemic.
“I wanted to find a way
friends and family to the excitement of aviation.
day at Berkshire Commu- Both of his sons, Stanley R. “Randy” Gray, Jr. and
nity College in Pittsfield to continue to share some
of the music that gives me Mary Ann Cole ended a truly William “Billy” Charles Gray, are private pilots.
and played for about 15 Stanley was a charter member of the local chapter
minutes to applause from comfort,” the cellist wrote faithful life in this world and
on Twitter on March 13, passed into the arms of her of the Experimental Aircraft Association, which
the other attendees.
2020. Savior on March 11, 2021, at is still active today, and a member of the Aircraft
The renowned musi-
Since then, Ma has Trinity Healthcare. In heaven, Owners and Pilots Association. Stanley loved
cian, who lives part-time
in the area, said he “want- also played surprise pop- she joins her parents, Dave Colorado and snow skiing, and proudly claims
ed to give something up concerts and live- and Ila Moore; her husband, he introduced this sport to many flat terrain
back,” The Berkshire Ea- streamed virtual concerts Bennie; her brothers, JT and Mississippians.
Charles Moore; and her sister, Stanley resided at his home in Brooksville with
his wife Margaret until they retired to Trinity

Nancy Weathers
Rama Roberts.
There will be a graveside service at Friendship Place Retirement Community in Columbus,
Cemetery in Columbus on Thursday, March Mississippi, in 2020. They were members of
Nancy Todd Weathers, age 82, of Hueytown, 18, 2021, at 11:00 AM with Bro. Earl McAnally McLeod Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian
AL, formerly of Columbus, MS, passed away officiating and Lowndes Funeral Home, Church in Macon. For almost sixty years, Stanley
March 15, 2021, at Self Healthcare & Rehab of Columbus, MS directing. A visitation will follow was active as a teacher, elder, treasurer, and
Hueytown. the service. superintendent in the Brooksville Cumberland
Graveside services will be Tuesday, March 16, Mary Ann was born Mary Ann Moore in 1933, Presbyterian Church until it closed in 2014.
2021, at 2:00 PM at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in the Flint Hill Community near Caledonia, Stanley was a 1955 graduate of MSU and
Cemetery with Rev. Joel Frederick officiating. Mississippi. Raised in a loving home, she received the Distinguished Fellow Award
Visitation will be from 12:30 PM until 1:30 graduated from Caledonia School in 1950 and from the MSU College of Agriculture and Life
PM at Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & moved to Columbus. It was there that she married Sciences in 2019. He was proud that two of his
Crematory 716 2nd Ave. North location. her husband, Bennie, in 1954. They were married children and one grandchild graduated from
Mrs. Weathers was born January 18, 1939, in 55 years before his untimely death in 2009. MSU. He was a founding member of the MSU
Vernon, AL, to the late A. L. “Billy” and Hazel She worked a variety of jobs before bringing Bulldog Club and had a life-long love of athletics
Barnes Todd. She was a graduate of Hueytown into the world her children, Vickie (Fred) Keogh, and everything Bulldog!
High School in 1957 before moving to Columbus currently of Ft. Atkinson, WI and David (Gina) Stanley is survived by his wife of sixty-five
where she was a former member of Pleasant Hill Cole, currently of Starkville, MS. She both worked years, Margaret, and three children, Randy Gray
Baptist Church. and stayed at home with her children until finding (Debby), an engineer in Columbus, Melinda
In addition to her parents, she was preceded her life’s calling – working with children. She Lucas (Alan), a dentist in Hattiesburg and Billy,
in death by her husband, Luther D. Weathers, Jr.; and her partner, Dot Vaughn, taught a generation a dentist in Starkville. He has four grandchildren
and grandson, T. J. Weathers. of children at Knee High School, where she was Brandy Gray Lewis, Carrie Gray Shaw, Meredith
Survivors include her sons, Timothy David known as Miss Mary Ann. After closing Knee Lucas Parker and Elizabeth Anne Lucas and two
Weathers and his wife Mimi of South Dakota, High, she taught another generation of children great-granddaughters, Seeley Margaret Lewis
and Luther David Weathers, III, of Columbus, at Sale Elementary School, where she was known and Azalea Gray Lewis. All his grandchildren
MS; brothers, Donald Todd and his wife Debra as Mrs. Cole. lovingly referred to him as “DiDi.”
of Hueytown, AL, Wayne Todd and his wife Alice Before moving to Trinity Healthcare, she was Stanley was the youngest of ten children and
of Hueytown, AL, David Todd and his wife Janet an active member of Wesley United Methodist is survived by James “Jimmy” Moore Gray, who
of Shannon, AL and Lynn Todd of Woodstock, Church, where she participated in Sunday resides in West Point, Mississippi, and Fran Gray
AL; sisters, Bettie Vernon of Bessemer, AL and School, Bible Study, United Methodist Women, Laufer, who resides in Annandale, Virginia.
Mary Stinson of Woodstock, AL; grandchildren, and other ministries. Stanley was preceeded in death by his siblings,
Jacob Weathers, Sabrina Weathers, Jonathan Mary Ann leaves behind her two children, five William Guy (Bud) Gray, Julia Gray Self, T.C.
Weathers, Christopher Weathers and his wife grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren, who Gray, Jr., Sam Fitzgearld Gray, John Franklin
Faith and Alex Weathers; and great grandchild, know her affectionately as Mamaw, as well as ten Gray, Howard Frederick Gray and Robert Lee
C. J. Weathers. nieces and nephews whom she also loved dearly. Gray.
Pallbearers will be family & friends. She also leaves behind a life of faithfulness, of Stanley, a life-long supporter of science,
Memorials may be made to charity of the love, of compassion, and of service. donated his body to the University of Mississippi
donor’s choice. The family wishes to thank the staff of Trinity Medical Center. As a result, and due to the
Healthcare for excellent, compassionate care of COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no visitation
our mother and Mamaw during these last three for Stanley.
years. In lieu of flowers, people wishing to honor
Out of respect for the family, friends are asked Stanley are asked to contribute to the Stanley
to wear masks. In lieu of flowers, the family asks and Margaret Gray
Sign the online guest book at Endowed Scholarship, Fund #501696.
www.memorialgunterpeel.com that you remember Mary Ann with a gift in her
memory to Loaves and Fishes, P.O. Box 441, Memorial donations may be given online at
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS msufoundation.com or by sending checks to:
Columbus, MS 39703. Lowndes Funeral Home is
in charge of arrangements. MSU Foundation, PO Box 6149, Mississippi
State, MS, 39762, with a memo in the check for
Compliments of Fund #501696.
cdispatch.com Lowndes Funeral Home
www.lowndesfuneralhome.net Paid Obituary - Cockrell Funeral Home
6A TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

n Sweat every day: Aim to sweat in some way each
day—whether that’s via running, biking, dancing, hot
yoga, or any other physical activity you enjoy.
Source: https://fourwellness.co

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

COVID-19 symptoms: Seven or smell, conges- many. Wind is now
tion or runny nose, transporting pollen
signs you should get a test nausea or vomiting, from far-flung plac-
The madness of King George and diarrhea. es, making allergy
is well known — but it wasn’t until The bottom line: season arrive ear-
2005 that researchers discovered If you have these lier and delivering
his symptoms of a rare inherited symptoms, get test- new pollen types to
metabolic disorder were aggravat- ed pronto. Google
ed by arsenic in medication he was tickle your nose.
“Community-Based This pol-
taking. Testing Sites for
Knowing what symptoms are len-palooza has
COVID-19” to find far-reaching
associated with a disease is essen- a nearby testing
tial so you can know if you should Drs. Oz and Roizen effects: It ups the
see a doctor — and for a doc, it’s number of emer-
essential for making an accurate gency room visits
diagnosis. That’s just as true for
Allergy news: for asthma sufferers and increases
COVID-19 as for a rare disease. Handling early sneezes and susceptibility to viral infections be-
Most folks think fever, loss of wheezes cause of respiratory inflammation
taste and coughing or breathing Sneezing can be funny. Come- and a weakened immune response.
issues are the warning signs that dian Henny Youngman thought The American College of Allergy,
should send them for a COVID-19 so: “When God sneezed, I didn’t Asthma and Immunology 2021
test. But a new study out of En- know what to say.” But whatever guidelines for managing allergies
gland found that 31 percent of you think about your sneezing advise:
people with COVID-19 don’t have and wheezing, as allergy season ■ Use only second-generation
those three symptoms early on blooms, one thing’s for sure — it’s antihistamines such as cetirizine
when they’re most infectious. arriving sooner and lingering lon- (Zyrtec), levocetirizine (Xyzal),
The researchers want everyone ger with more intensity than ever fexofenadine (Allegra), loratadine
to know that fatigue, sore throat, before. (Claritin) or desloratadine (Clar-
headache and diarrhea are also A new study in the Proceedings inex). Think twice, they say, before
symptoms. Writing in the Journal of the National Academy of Scienc- using Benadryl or Chlor-Trimeton.
of Infection, they say if folks were es reveals that the North American ■ Use intranasal corticoste-
tested for COVID-19 when they pollen season is up to 20 days
roids (fluticasone, mometasone,
had any of those seven symptoms, longer than it was three decades
budesonide, triamcinolone) for
well, those tests would catch 96 ago. To make matters worse, the
percent of symptomatic cases! persistent allergy symptoms,
concentration of pollen in the air
The Centers for Disease Con- has increased 21 percent. Texas including eye allergies.
trol and Prevention and Federal and the Midwest are the hardest ■ Find an allergist in your area
Emergency Management Agency’s hit. by going to acaai.org/locate-an-al-
advice is similar. They say people Why is this happening? The lergist.
with a cough or shortness of breath study cites lab experiments indicat- Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
or difficulty breathing should be ing elevated temperatures and car- Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
tested. Ditto if a person has at least bon dioxide concentrations from M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
two of the following symptoms: climate change have increased Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
fever, chills, repeated shaking with pollen production. It’s also because land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
chills, muscle or body aches, head- of related changes in weather pat- tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
ache, sore throat, new loss of taste terns, say researchers from Ger- www.sharecare.com.

Baptist, local doctors the second leading cause show that the earlier With 315 beds, Baptist
of death in the United cancer is diagnosed, the Golden Triangle is one
offering free colon Stated, according to the better the outcome for of the largest regional
cancer awareness National Institutes of the patient,” said Ash- hospital affiliated with
consultations Health. There’s no sure
way to prevent colorectal
leigh Guyton, Baptist
Golden Triangle commu-
the Memphis, Tenn.-
based Baptist Memorial
tist Memorial Hospital— cancer. But there are nity relations coordinator Health Care system. With
Golden Triangle and two things a person can do “National surveys physicians and surgeons
local physicians’ groups to help lower their risk, show that about half of representing almost
are teaming up to offer such as changing the risk the public say they have every medical specialty
free colon cancer aware- factors that can be skipped or postponed practicing at the hospital,
controlled such as being medical screenings such Baptist Golden Triangle
ness consultations for the
overweight; lack of phys- as colonoscopies, be- offers a wide range of
public later this month
ical activity; a diet that is cause of COVID. We may comprehensive medical
in recognition of colon
high in red meats; a low not know for years what care to patients of all
cancer awareness month
vitamin D level; smoking; the long-term effects ages.
in March.
and moderate to heavy these delays will have The hospital offers a
Physicians with
alcohol use. on the number of people variety of services to the
BMG—Golden Triangle When colorectal diagnosed with cancer in community, including the
General and Vascular cancer is found at an the later stages when it Baptist Cancer Center,
Surgery and Gastroenter- early stage before it has is more difficult to treat,” Baptist Behavioral Health
ology Associates of Co- spread, the 5-year relative she added. “We highly Care for those with
lumbus will be available survival rate is about 90 encourage the public to behavioral and mental
at the hospital’s Outpa- percent. But only about take advantage of this health problems, an
tient Pavilion from 8:00 to four out of 10 colorectal opportunity for this free emergency room with 24-
noon on Saturday, March cancers are found at this consultation time with hour ambulance service,
20 and Saturday, March early stage. When cancer a physician to get their an extensive rehabili-
27, to discuss all aspects has spread outside the questions answered and tation department, and
of colon health, including colon or rectum, survival to learn more about this educational programs.
risk factors, testing and rates are lower, according disease.” Baptist Golden Triangle
treatment options for to the National Cancer Everyone is required employs more than 1,000
colorectal cancer. Society. to wear a mask. There health care professionals.
Due to social distanc- “We are excited that will be free gifts for For more information,
ing and privacy require- these physicians are everyone who attends please call 662-244-1000
ments, appointments giving up their personal and refreshments will be or visit http://goldentri-
are required by calling time to make themselves available both Saturdays. angle.baptistonline.org or
662-244-2979 or 800-544- available to the public to For more information, follow us on Facebook at
8762, ext. 2979. answer questions about call Guyton at 244-1132 or www.facebook.com/Bap-
Colorectal cancer is colon health. Studies 800-544-8762, ext. 1132. tistgoldentriangle

Continued from Page 1A
businessman Manuel der, a grand jury initially three children. ing at one point to San
Vasquez. Lowndes Coun- charged her only with Lydia Martinez was re- Antonio, where Vasquez
ty authorities discovered accessory after the fact leased from jail on bond and his wife owned an
Vasquez’s remains at his — in stark contrast to and spent several years HVAC business together
Windchase Drive home charges leveled against living with her sister in — that suggested Mar-
in July 2015 and arrested Christina Martinez, who Colorado until Novem- tinez was a more “active
both Martinez and her faced first-degree mur- ber 2019, when another participant” in Vasquez’s
daughter and Vasquez’s der and felony domestic grand jury indicted her murder than authorities
wife, Christina Martinez, violence for allegedly for “unlawfully, willfully,
believed in 2015.
for murder. forcing Lydia Martinez to and feloniously, with the
Christina Martinez
Attorneys in the case drink antifreeze the day deliberate design to ef-
pleaded guilty to sec-
spent Monday choosing after authorities found fect his death, ... kill(ing)
a jury and are expected Vasquez’s remains. Lyd- and murder(ing) Manuel ond-degree murder in
to begin opening argu- ia claimed to both law Vasquez ….” 2019, months before Lyd-
ments today. enforcement and local At the time of Lydia ia Martinez’s indictment
Lydia Martinez’s role media that Christina shot Martinez’s second indict- was made public. She has
in the murder has been Vasquez before forcing ment, District Attorney not been sentenced.
unclear since her ini- Lydia to help dispose of Scott Colom said pros- If convicted of murder,
tial arrest. Though she his body by threatening ecutors gathered new Lydia Martinez could
was arrested for mur- to kill her and Vasquez’s evidence — even travel- face up to life in prison.

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.

news@cdispatch.com subject: Business brief

MSU softball run-ruled by Ole Miss as Rebels sweep opening SEC series
BY THEO DEROSA glove of Rebels sopho- nings for an 8-0 run-
tderosa@cdispatch.com more Nyomi Jones just rule victory in Monday’s
shy of the blue right- Southeastern Confer-
OXFORD — Fa Lei- field fence. Leilua head- ence finale. Ole Miss
lua tossed the bat aside ed back to the first-base (18-7, 3-0 SEC) finished
with a practiced motion. dugout, senior catcher off a sweep of the Bull-
The Mississippi State Mia Davidson scram- dogs (15-8, 0 -3) in Mis-
graduate first baseman bled back to the bag at sissippi State’s first SEC
knew she had made first base and junior left series since May 3-4,
solid contact when she fielder Chloe Malau’ulu 2019.
drove a 3-2 pitch from tagged up and returned “I don’t think we
Ole Miss junior start- to third. played to our potential,”
er Savannah Diederich Leilua had come up Mississippi State coach
deep to the opposite short. Samantha Ricketts said.
field with two runners So had Mississippi “We’ve got to hit a little
on base and nobody out State. better, pitch better, de-
in the fourth inning of The Bulldogs strand- fense — just kind of ev-
Monday’s game in Ox- ed both runners in the erything that you need
ford. Leilua discard- fourth, left the bases to be working.”
ed her bat and headed loaded in the top of the The Bulldogs man- Austin Perryman/Mississippi State athletics
down the first-base line. fifth and watched the aged just one run in Fa Leilua and the Bulldogs had just two hits in Monday’s SEC series finale at Ole
Then the ball settled Rebels score six more the entirety of the se- Miss in Oxford. Mississippi State (15-8, 0-3 SEC) lost 8-0 and suffered a sweep at
into the outstretched runs in those two in- See SOFTBALL, 3B the hands of the Rebels.


miss NCAA
for first
A requiem for the 2020-21 Mississippi
time since
State women’s basketball season

Mississippi State wom-
en’s basketball will
miss the NCA A Tour-
nament for the first
time since 2013-14.
MSU was not one of
the 64 teams announced
during ESPN’s bracket
reveal show Monday
night. The Bulldogs
were also left out of the
four COVID-related re-
placement teams that
would stand in should
pandemic issues ren-
der a squad unable to
The Bulldogs con-
cluded Nikki Mc-
Cray-Penson’s first
regular season in
Starkville 10 -9 (5 -7
SEC) with a loss to L SU
in the first round of the

See WBB, 3B

baseball Mississippi State women’s basketball will miss the NCAA tournament for the first time since the 2013-2014 season.
Mississippi State athletics

edges New BY BEN PORTNOY wasn’t even one of four poten- the Bulldogs’ tournament re- per game, field goal percent-
Hope bportnoy@cdispatch.com tial replacement teams should
any COVID-19 related issues
sume had they won. So too
would have an early-season
age, field goals per game, free
throw percentage and steals.
in extras STARK VILLE — During
a time of year when dancing
prevent a previously selected
squad from playing.
tournament against eventual
No. 1 overall seed UConn.
The Bulldogs increased in
has become an ever-present Monday night marked the Yet therein lies the prob- MSU’s opponents, by con-
BY THEO DEROSA part of the season, Mississip-
tderosa@cdispatch.com start of an offseason that will lem. MSU had chances at pad- trast, saw a boost in points per
pi State’s maroon suede shoes swirl with questions, ten- ding its resume taken away, game (60.6 to 67.6 this year),
STARK VILLE — will remain in their box in sion and, presumably, some but it also failed wildly in the rebounds (35 to 38 per game)
The Starkville High 2021. changeover. But, for now, let’s opportunities it was actually and assists (10.8 to 11.9 per
School baseball team There’s no foxtrot to be look back on the year that presented. contest).
eked out a 9-8 win over had. No cha cha looming. Per- was. The Bulldogs lost seven of For months, McCray-Pen-
New Hope in eight in- haps a slow waltz in honor of Call the 2020 -21 season their last nine games — the son harped that MSU would
nings on Monday in the slog of a season that final- what it was: disappointing, lone wins coming over an Au- find its stride later in the
Starkville. ly found its end is due. sad, underwhelming. Most burn team that finished win- year, presumably February.
After the Yellow Speaking of waltzes, Lou- variations of the word “bad” less in the conference and just It would happen, she said, the
Jackets (6 -5) went up isville coach Jeff Walz has the work fine. In short, Mc- fired its coach and an LSU Bulldogs just needed games.
7-0, the Trojans scored Cardinals as a No. 2 seed in Cray-Penson’s first season squad that was just 9-13 on the Now through January, Feb-
seven straight to tie the the NCA A tournament. Re- taking over for Vic Schaefer year. It trailed by double-dig- ruary and into March, MSU
game and pulled ahead member him from last offsea- was a disaster. its in all of those contests. Ev- played its games. Nearly 50
8-7 in the top of the sev- son’s coaching search? There are, of course, ca- ery. Single. One. percent of the time, the Bull-
enth. Starkville tied it The lack of dancing around veats to the problems, sure. In games against South dogs lost.
up to send the game to Starkville this spring isn’t due The lineup returned just four Carolina and Texas A&M, Monday, the NCA A wom-
extras, and Hayes Da- to some Footloose-ian town players who played more than MSU was lifeless despite en’s basketball tournament
vis drove in the winning ordinance or anything of the 14 minutes per game a season spending the past nine sea- field was revealed and for
run with two out in the like, though. Rather, it’s born ago. The nucleus of this year’s sons working ever so hard to the first time in five years,
eighth. out of pure basketball-based squad — sophomore Rickea match the SEC’s elite over the MSU wasn’t a part of it. A
Next up, New Hope ineptitude. Jackson, junior Myah Taylor past decade. source with knowledge of the
will face Madison Cen- Monday, MSU was left out and classmate Jessika Carter Even Alabama, a squad situation confirmed to The
tral at 6 p.m. Wednes- of the 64-team NCA A tourna- — were still green in major MSU lost to just four times Dispatch the Bulldogs had
day in the East Central ment field for the first time roles themselves after heavy since 2011, ran the Bulldogs also declined an invite to the
Community College since the 2013-14 season and, minutes last year. off the floor in Tuscaloosa in WNIT days ago.
Tournament. in all reality, it wasn’t that Through no fault of its own, a contest McCray-Penson’s In fairness, both journal-
Starkville will play close. ESPN bracketologist MSU also missed seven games bunch desperately needed to istically and as a human be-
Evangelical Christian Charlie Creme had the Bull- this season due to varying keep its tournament hopes ing, one season under a head
School (Tenn.) at Briar- dogs listed as the first team COVID-19-related issues with alive. coach shouldn’t be a complete
crest Christian School out ahead of the selection its opponents. Two of those Need more evidence at this indictment on that person.
(Tenn.) at 4 p.m. Thurs- show. When the slate was fi- games — at Ole Miss and year’s downturn? Take a look McCray-Penson’s teams dra-
day in Eads, Tennessee. nally revealed, MSU not only home against Tennessee — at the stats. The 2020 -21 team matically improved year-to-
See PREP, 3B wasn’t the first team out, it presumably would’ve helped saw its marks dip in points See MSU, 3B
2B TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Back-up plan: NCAA tourney standbys not expecting a call

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS have all those negative with them about where large bid to the NCA A are working out indi- heads into its second
tests in a row, so we’ll you’re at and what’s in Tournament, or receive vidually in the interim. postseason in three
LOUISVILLE, Ky. be ready. I don’t see that front of you. a last-minute invite to “We had days where we years under Kermit Da-
— Louisville Cardinals happening by (Tuesday) “Again, as the time the Big Dance, they’ll be were practicing with vis having won eight of
coach Chris Mack isn’t night. There has to be a keeps going by and you heading to Indiana. seven and eight play- 13 games.
holding his breath wait- team that doesn’t have keep starting to look at Louisville’s second ers. And when you go Saint Louis (14-6)
ing for the call for his five players able to play, not what didn’t happen, interruption wiped out on two COVID pauses, had won three in a row
team to replace anoth- so I just I don’t see that but start to really focus four late Atlantic Coast lose your captain (Malik before losing to eventual
er unable to play in the happening.” on the opportunity you Conference contests and Williams to a foot inju- Atlantic 10 Conference
NCA A Tournament be- Meanwhile, fellow have in front of you and left little room for error ry), you have guys that champion St. Bonaven-
cause of COVID issues. potential replacement how lucky you really are upon returning. The Car- are injured, it wasn’t the ture. The Billikens will
Mindful that a squads Colorado State, to do that, I think you’ll dinals dropped three of right decision for this make their 19th NIT
school simply needs Saint Louis and Missis- go and attack it.” their final five games in- team to play in the end. appearance, the Rams
five healthy players
sippi are preparing to Mack said he and cluding a second-round “It’s been a long and their 10th and first since
to remain eligible for
play in the 16 -team NIT Louisville athletic di- ACC Tournament loss to challenging season for a 2017.
the 68 -team field, the
that begins Wednes- rector Vince Tyra had Duke, which ended its lot of reasons.” Granted, these
third-year coach didn’t
day in the Dallas-Fort discussed appearing in season the following day Louisville likely schools will play on a
see one having a worst-
Worth area. Like Lou- the NIT, which the Car- following a positive test would have been a No. much smaller stage
case scenario and pull-
ing out suddenly by the isville, CSU has no real dinals last participat- within the Blue Devils’ 1 seed in the NIT along compared to the Big
Tuesday night deadline. thoughts toward claim- ed just before Mack’s program. with CSU, Saint Louis Dance they dreamed of.
Although the Cardinals ing a last-minute NCA A hiring in March 2018. The disappointing de- and Ole Miss, whose But they’re still playing
(13-7) are the first alter- berth and just wants to When talking about the feat effectively quashed consolation for missing in a season that was no
nate to fill an open spot move forward from the decision of passing on Louisville’s hopes for the NCA A are being the lock to start with.
and undergoing testing sting of being among the NIT, among the fac- the NCA A appearance it teams to beat in the low- CSU forward Adam
protocols, Mack and his among the so-called tors Mack mentioned in- desperately sought just er-profile yet still presti- Thistlewood believes
program are resigned “First Four Out.” cluded potential health up I-65 in Indianapolis, gious tournament. his team will be able
to being on the outside “I don’t know that risks for a program that as opposed to traveling Ole Miss (16 -11) went to turn the NCA A snub
looking in on March there’s a manual to do- endured two lengthy to north Texas, a state 3-0 against Top-25 teams into extra motivation
Madness and the NIT ing that,” said coach COVID-related pauses where many COVID re- this season, joining top- and added that they’re
— which Louisville de- Niko Medved, whose this season, including strictions have been lift- ranked and NCA A over- “super excited to get
clined to participate in. Rams (18 -6) will remain a 19-day stretch last ed. all No. 1 seed Gonzaga back out there and prove
“I mean, we’ll be in Las Vegas following month during which he “The health of our and No. 13 Florida State to a lot of people that we
ready,” Mack said Mon- the Mountain West Tour- tested positive with mild team this year just to have at least three deserve to play not only
day during a virtual news nament until Wednesday symptoms. wasn’t very good, even ranked wins without in the NIT, but that we
conference call. “The before leaving for Texas. Though if the Cardi- down the stretch,” add- a loss. The Southeast- should’ve been in the
prerequisite is that you “You just try to be real nals had received an at- ed Mack, whose players ern Conference school tournament.”

Free agent round up: Bucs keeping title gang together

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS expensive free agents. problems on offense, but agency despite setting Okwara, who had a ca- n The Jets, with as
Of course, the Patriots anyone who saw their personal highs with 49 reer-high 10 sacks last much money to spend as
Tom Brady doesn’t went 7-9 without Brady line fall apart in the Su- tackles, six sacks and season in his third year almost any team, went
merely lead teams to in 2020. per Bowl recognizes the nine passes defensed in with the Lions and fifth for Bengals defensive
Super Bowl wins on the Joining them are value of adding Thuney. 2019. in the NFL. He has been end Carl Lawson, Titans
field. He also helps keep linebacker/edge rush- The other three AFC Elsewhere: a rare steady performer wide receiver Corey Da-
together championship er Matthew Judon from West teams were busy as n The Rams agreed on a weak defense in De- vis and linebacker Jar-
teams that have salary Baltimore; tight end Jon- well. with pass rusher Leon- troit and got a three-year rad Davis.
cap issues. nu Smith from Tennes- The Raiders, who ard Floyd on a four-year deal. The 25 -year-old Law-
So sackmaster Shaq see; nose tackle Davon have suffered defensive- deal. Floyd, who is com- n Arizona re-signed son got a three-year con-
Barrett, fellow standout Godchaux from Miami; ly since trading Khalil ing off the best season linebacker Markus tract. He has 20 sacks in
linebacker Lavonte Da- and defensive back Jalen Mack in 2018, agreed to of his five-year NFL ca- Golden for two-years. four seasons with weak
vid and old buddy Rob Mills from Philadelphia. a two-year contract with reer, signed last April The 30 -year-old Golden Cincinnati and joins a
Gronkowski will remain Judon, 28, will get a edge rusher Yannick after the Bears released has spent most of his ca- promising defensive
in Tampa Bay. four-year, $56 million Ngakoue. They are last him. The outside line- reer with the Cardinals line in New York that in-
Just as he had done pact with $32 million in the NFL with 66 sacks backer finished 10th in after being selected in cludes defensive tackle
several times in New En- guaranteed, a person and 357 pressures, ac- the league with 10 1/2 the second round of the Quinnen Williams.
gland, Brady reworked with knowledge of the cording to SportRadar, sacks while racking up 2015 draft. He played Corey Davis, 26,
his big-ticket contract contract told The Asso- since the trade. 55 tackles and 19 quar- with Arizona from 2015 - could become the Jets’
last week to free up mon- ciated Press. Smith, 25, Ngakoue has the terback hits. He also 18 before signing with No. 1 wideout. His deal
ey in free agency. The will be paid $50 million 12th-most sacks (45 excelled against the the New York Giants is worth $37.5 million
Buccaneers used it to over four years to try 1/2), third-most strip run while starting all 16 and was traded back to over three years, $27.5
keep David, and on Mon- to fill the void created sacks (15), sixth-most games. the Cardinals midway million guaranteed. Jar-
day, the first day of “le- when Gronkowski re- quarterback pressures n Cleveland might through the 2020 season rad David had fallen out
gal tampering” before tired after the 2018 sea- (190) and second-most have found a gem in and played well in Arizo- of favor in Detroit. The
the NFL’s business year son — only to return forced fumbles (18) in Rams safety John John- na. price tag reportedly is
begins on Wednesday, last year to reunite with his five pro seasons, son III. The 25 -year-old n Baltimore agreed $7 million for one year.
the 28 -year-old Barrett Brady in Tampa Bay. though he has slumped playmaker is a strong with guard Kevin Zeitler, n Carolina addressed
agreed to a four-year, The 26 -year-old God- the last two years. run defender who had 31, on a three-year, $22 offensive line issues by
$72 million contract with chaux gets $16 million The Chargers went four interceptions in million contract. The agreeing to terms with
$36 million guaranteed, for two years, with $9 with an offensive line 2018 and has eight over Ravens have needed Pat Elflein and Cameron
agent Drew Rosenhaus million guaranteed. upgrade, center Corey a career spanning 48 help at the position since Erving. Elflein received
confirmed. Mills, soon to turn 27, Linsley, an All-Pro with starts. His three-year perennial All-Pro Mar- a three-year, $13.5 mil-
Later in the day, comes in at four years Green Bay last sea- deal with the Browns shal Yanda retired after lion deal with $6 million
Gronk agreed to return for $29 million, also son. Linsley allowed a reportedly is valued at the 2019 season. Zeitler, guaranteed, while Erv-
for his 11th season with guaranteed $9 million. league-low four pres- $33.75 million, with $24 a nine-year veteran, was ing agreed to a two-year,
Brady on a one-year, $10 Clearly, the salary cap sures last season among million guaranteed. released by the New $10 million contract with
million deal — up from that decreased by about centers who played 13 or n San Francisco re- York Giants last week. $8 million guaranteed.
the $9.25 million he $16 million this year due more games, while L A’s signed 29-year-old cor- n Jacksonville added n The Cowboys are
earned in 2020. to lost revenues because Dan Feeney was tied for nerback Jason Verrett Bears defensive lineman set to bring back de-
Meanwhile, back in of the coronavirus pan- the most at 33. Linsley, for one year. He has Roy Robertson-Har- fensive tackle Antwaun
Brady’s former stomp- demic hasn’t prevented 29, spent seven seasons been plagued by inju- ris with a three-year, Woods and a pair of
ing grounds, the Patriots New England from div- with the Packers. ries throughout his ca- $24.4 million deal that receivers lower on the
were spending wildly in ing headfirst into the Los Angeles has also reer but stayed healthy includes $14 million depth chart in Cedrick
an attempt to recapture free agency waters. agreed to re-sign cor- in 2020 and excelled for guaranteed. The Jag- Wilson and Noah Brown.
the glory he produced But they let perhaps nerback Michael Davis the 49ers. Verrett start- uars also grabbed safety The team reported on its
before heading south the best offensive line- for three years. ed 13 games with two Rudy Ford and receiver website that Woods and
last season. man in this crop get away, Denver defensive end interceptions and seven Jamal Agnew, both spe- Wilson were expected
New England opened as 28 -year-old guard Joe Shelby Harris agreed to passes defensed and was cial teamers, as well as to be offered tenders as
its vaults wider than Thuney agreed to a five- a three-year, $27 million one of the top-graded receiver Phillip Dorsett restricted free agents
any other team on Mon- year, $80 million con- deal. The 29-year-old cornerbacks in cover- and running back Carlos while Brown had agreed
day, something unusual tract with Kansas City. Harris played on a one- age. Hyde. Defensive line- to a one-year contract
for a club that normally It might seem a stretch year deal last year after n Detroit brought man Dawuane Smoot as an unrestricted free
avoids chasing the most to think the Chiefs have finding no suitors in free back 25 -year-old Romeo was retained. agent.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 3B

Indiana snapshot: Basketball temples take center stage

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that define Indiana bas- as Boilermakers oppo- Ginnis, who returned for riding to the 2011 NCAA prove even more costly.
ketball and the arenas nents. the 2014 reopening after a women’s title game. Mi- Dolson fired Miller
INDI A NA POLIS that helped create its The other three are $53 million renovation. “It chael Phelps even swam on Monday, armed with
— George McGinnis legacy. Six will go on full just a short drive from looks nice. The seats are in a temporary pool there, enough cash from private
remembers every de- display when the NCA A Hinkle: Indiana Farmers great.” constructed for the 2004 donations to cover the
tail from that night he Tournament tips off lat- Coliseum, which opened Assembly Hall has host- FINA World Champion- buyout and ready to an-
listened to the Indiana er this week. on the state fairgrounds ed many big acts ranging ships. swer a fan base angered
state basketball champi- The meccas only in 1939 and played host from Elvis Presley to Bob But talk to most people by four straight mediocre
onship in the parking lot start with Hinkle’s sun- to the Indiana Pacers’ Dylan and Bob Hope to around the state and one seasons.
of Hinkle Fieldhouse. lit court, which will host three ABA titles; Lucas Johnny Cash. The Jackson place still rules: Hinkle, “It’s a results-oriented
It was 1966, and he its first tourney games Oil Stadium, home of the Five played there, too, and the beloved old barn built business and I didn’t feel
and his Indianapolis since 1940 — 14 years NFL’s Colts and where President Barack Obama in 1928 that got a $36 mil- like we had made enough
Washington teammates prior to Bobby Plump Gordon Hayward’s half- and Bill Gates both spoke lion overhaul in 2014. Left progress,” Dolson said
sat in awe as the crowd of tiny Milan High mak- court heave came within inside the Hoosiers home alone were those signa- on a late afternoon Zoom
roared inside the big, ing the real shot that in- inches of giving Butler arena, which served as the ture windows high above call. “I thought we needed
brick basketball tem- spired “Hoosiers.” the 2010 national cham- site of the U.S. Olympic the court. a new voice and a new di-
ple. Like thousands of Five national cham- pionship; and Bankers men’s basketball tryouts “We’d drive there in rection.”
teenagers across the the summer, just sit in
pionship banners hang Life Fieldhouse, which in 1984 and later became The Hoosiers were
state, McGinnis and his the parking lot, thinking
from the rafters inside hosted three games the scene of Knight’s infa- already headed in the
friends dreamed about
Assembly Hall, home during the 2000 NBA Fi- mous chair toss. and each one of us would wrong direction before
playing inside Hinkle,
of the Indiana Hoo- nals — the first of Kobe Mackey Arena opened be like (broadcaster) Miller arrived in March
where champions were
siers. Three of those Bryant’s five title runs. in 1967 by pitting Wooden, Tom Carnegie calling the 2017 and four years lat-
crowned, hardwood
titles came under for- And the history of Lew Alcindor and mighty game: ‘He takes the shot er, the groans only grew
dreams became reality
mer coach Bob Knight, these venues stretches UCLA against Rick ... ,’” said Steve Downing, louder.
and folk heroes were
including the 1975-76 well beyond basketball. Mount, the 1966 Mr. Bas- a high school and college Indiana hasn’t been to
team — the last unde- The coliseum was ketball winner and Sports teammate of McGinnis the NCAA Tournament
Even today, at age 70
and after a Hall of Fame feated Division I men’s built as part of President Illustrated coverboy in his who is now the athletic since 2016, hasn’t reached
career, it’s one of McGin- champion. Franklin Roosevelt’s “New college debut. President director at nearby Mari- a Final Four since 2002
nis’ fondest memories “The hair on the back Deal” legislation and Reagan spoke there in an University. “We would and hasn’t won a national
because it helped spur of your neck stood up hosted Indiana’s basket- 1987. just go play basketball out championship since 1987
Washington to return to when you ran out on the ball state championships Lucas Oil Stadium and at Speedway or wherev- — the longest drought in
Hinkle three years later floor to the roar of Hoo- briefly in the 1940s when Bankers Life Fieldhouse, er and on the way home, school history. It has won
and complete a perfect sier Nation,” said Kent Hinkle served as a World meanwhile, have hosted we would drive by Hinkle just three Big Ten titles
season, just like Oscar Benson, a starter on that War II military barracks. dozens of major concerts Fieldhouse and just sit in since 1993 and now has
Robertson did in 1956. title team. “It shook the The Beatles performed and events but are best- that parking lot and day- five consecutive non-win-
“It was just packed,” building. It was abso- at the coliseum in 1964 known for their sports ties. dream about basketball.” ning seasons in Big Ten
McGinnis recalled. lutely deafening it was and it’s where McGinnis The retractable-roof play for the first time
so loud.” watched his first pro game stadium will host its third since 1911-19.
“There wasn’t really
a place to park, so we At Purdue’s Mack- and made his pro debut in national championship
Indiana fires Miller, Miller was 67-58 with
parked illegally and lis- ey Arena, fans will find 1971. game April 5. It served raises private money to the Hoosiers. He never
tened to the game on the banner honoring “The fans were right as the Super Bowl site in cover buyout made the NCAA Tourna-
the radio but you could John Wooden — the first on top of you and there February 2012 and college Archie Miller’s $10.3 ment during his time at
hear the crowd after ev- three-time All-Ameri- was just an air about it football’s title game will be million buyout was one of the school though many
ery basket. We said to can. And when the are- — the way the fans were played there in January. college basketball’s prici- believed Indiana would
ourselves ‘That’s going na is full, the decibels yakking. And there was Bankers Life, home est. have received a bid last
to be us one day, that’s resound off the metallic, no room for diving in for a of the Pacers has hosted Indiana athletic direc- year had the tourney not
going to be us.’’” domed roof, making life loose ball. If you did, you’d everything from hockey tor Scott Dolson decided been canceled because of
It’s one of many yarns as difficult for musicians kill somebody,” said Mc- games to professional bull keeping Miller would the COVID-19 pandemic.

Continued from Page 1B
ries, and it came in Sunday’s 4-1 loss. series after she closed out the Bull- Williams returned to the circle af- Leilua, senior designated player Car-
Against Diederich on Monday, the dogs on Sunday. The native Texan ter Allee’s base hit but fared little bet- ter Spexarth and junior right fielder
Bulldogs got just two hits — sopho- tossed a complete-game, two-hit shut- ter than Wesley. She followed a pop- Anna Kate Segars all flied out after
more second baseman Paige Cook’s out Saturday in the opening game of up for the second out with a walk, and Davidson drew a walk.
leadoff single and senior third base- the series. after a wild pitch moved both runners “That’s the name of the game:
man Montana Davidson’s double off “I thought she really did a great job up, freshman second baseman Blaise You’ve got to capitalize on opportuni-
the top of the center-field fence. Both just mixing different quadrants and Biringer reached on an infield hit to
ties when you have them, especially
came back to back in the top of the mixing speeds as well — just attack- end the game on the run rule with Ole
fifth inning as the Bulldogs, trailing ing,” Ricketts said. “It felt like we were Miss up eight. with the heart of our order,” Ricketts
3-0, threatened to tie the game or take behind 0 -2 just about every time.” “Ole Miss played a great game,” said. I think it’s kind of the story of
the lead. And while Mississippi State missed Ricketts said. “I thought they were re- the weekend: not being able to capital-
But Ole Miss brought in the pitch- its chance, the Rebels took advan- ally good in the box and on the mound, ize and execute.
er who had been a thorn in Mississip- tage of theirs. They didn’t give the so a lot of credit to them.” “Bottom line is, we have to execute
pi State’s side twice already on the Bulldogs another chance to score Gillespie brought home the Rebels’ better,” she added. It doesn’t have to
weekend and baffled the Bulldogs any runs, tagging senior starter Em- first run with a solo homer off a light be a home run; we can take a sac fly or
once again Monday. Ace senior Anna ily Williams and sophomore reliever pole in left center field in the second just something a little bit more small-
Borgen entered in relief of Diederich Aspen Wesley for five in the inning. inning, and Tate Whitley followed ball and play situationally to try to ex-
and got straight to work, inducing Senior first baseman Sydney Gutier- with an RBI double to center. Whitley ecute a little bit more when we’ve got
a ground ball to shortstop that the rez brought home a run on an infield had a sac fly in the fourth as Ole Miss opportunities on the bases for us.”
Rebels threw home to cut down Cook single off Wesley, and senior catcher extended its lead.
The Bulldogs will be back in action
at the plate. Junior Jackie McKenna Autumn Gillespie followed by lashing The Bulldogs didn’t have a single
struck out in a pinch-hitting appear- a triple over the head of Leilua at first baserunner Monday until Malau’ulu for a midweek game at Samford (9-12)
ance, and after Malau’ulu was hit by and into the right-field corner. The was hit by a pitch, the first of two such at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Birmingham,
an 0 -2 pitch, Mia Davidson grounded three-bagger brought home two runs instances, leading off the fourth in- Alabama. After that, Mississippi State
into a forceout to end the inning with- to make it a 6 -0 ballgame, and junior ning. The plunking extended her on- will host No. 6 Florida (17-2, 2-1 SEC)
out a single run coming across. shortstop Mikayla Allee soon brought base streak to 28 consecutive games, at Nusz Park for a three-game confer-
It was Borgen’s second save of the home Gillespie with a single. though it was little consolation when ence series from Friday to Sunday.

Continued from Page 1B

Other scores Lailah Henderson had the lone hit for the Tro- Raiders’ second game Monday in Decatur.
Prep Softball jans. Adi Dueitt had one strikeout in three innings Buchanan struck out four and allowed just three
Orange Beach (Ala.) 5, New Hope 1, four innings pitched, and Kensley Woolbright pitched one in- hits and one earned run in Oak Hill’s 8-2 win.
New Hope lost to Orange Beach (Alabama) in a ning. Cameron Dill hit a two-run triple in the first in-
four-inning game Monday at the Gulf Coast Classic ning, and the Raiders added a run in the second.
in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Prep Baseball Dill and Carson Taylor had doubles in the fourth
Kensley Woolbright pitched all four innings for Caledonia 8, Mendenhall 0 to put Oak Hill up 4-1, and Colin Boyd hit a two-out
the Trojans (4-6) with two strikeouts. Josh Pitts and Zack Gorum combined on a shut- RBI double in the sixth. The Raiders scored three
New Hope had four hits in the contest. out as Caledonia blanked Mendenhall 8-0 on Mon- more runs in the seventh.
The Trojans will play Jo Byrns (Tenn.) and host day at the East Central Community College Tour-
Gulf Shores (Ala.) at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tuesday in nament. Winston Academy 10, Oak Hill Academy 0, five in-
Gulf Shores. Pitts had a two-run single for the Cavaliers in the nings
first inning. Carson Elliott drove in two runs with a The Raiders were run-ruled 10 -0 by Winston
Northside (Ala.) 6, New Hope 2, five innings single in the fifth. Academy in their first game in Monday’s tourna-
The Trojans also fell in their first game Monday, Caledonia will play at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Fayette ment.
losing 6 -2 to Northside (Alabama) in the five-inning (Alabama). Winston scored two runs in the first inning, three
contest. in the second, three in the fourth and two more in
Northside scored four runs in the first inning Oak Hill Academy 8, Newton County Academy 2 the fifth.
and two in the second. New Hope responded with Brian Buchanan pitched a complete game as Oak Oak Hill will continue play in the tournament at
two runs in the third. Hill Academy beat Newton County Academy in the 3:30 p.m. Wednesday against Leake Academy.

Continued from Page 1B
Southeastern Conference Tournament. MSU had A source w ith knowledge of the situation con- The Bulldogs were expected to be an NCA A Tourna-
lost seven of its last nine games heading into firmed to The Dispatch that the school turned down ment team in 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic
the postseason and hadn’t beaten a team w ith a an invite to the WNIT a few days ago, thus ending canceled the tournament entirely.
w inning record since Dec. 31. the Bulldogs’ season. Prior to Monday’s selection show, ESPN brack-
T he Bulldogs’ lone w in over a team in the top The Bulldogs previously advanced to the Sweet etologist Charlie Creme projected MSU as the first
25 of the NE T rankings came against Georgia in 16 in each of the last four seasons and competed in team out of the f ield in his f inal update ahead of
their f irst SEC game of the season. back-to-back national title games in 2017 and 2018. the reveal.

Continued from Page 1B
year during her time at 55 guard Jasmine Shav- on campus as a mid-year ful of scholarships it still timistic that 2020-21 a lot. But hey, Jackson
Old Dominion, capping ers, three-star point enrollee. has to play with. was an outlier. That, of State will represent the
it off with a 24-6 season guard Mia Moore and It’s also expected Combine that all with course, doesn’t make Magnolia State in the
during her third year be- under-the-radar forward the Bulldogs will hit the a bizarre year in which Monday’s result sting Big Dance. Let’s give
fore she was hired away. Denae Carter as well. transfer portal hard this teams soldiered through any less. them the hand previous-
Reinforcements are KN’isha Godfrey, MSU’s offseason, whether that’s a once-in-a-generation So what is there to ly reserved for the state
hypothetically on the highest rated prospect in to replace departures or pandemic, and yes, there take from this season? school in Starkville. Hit
way in the form of top- the 2021 class, is already to make use of the hand- is reason to remain op- Honestly, not a hell of the jukebox.
4B TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Tennessee’s NCAA run continues, Notre Dame’s ends

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Harper and her team The Lady Vols become what she said is one less super sophomores, like guard who has been a
would love to end a less-flat- the fourth team Harper interaction for players South Carolina forward key part of the Game-
COLUMBIA, S.C. — tering run in NCAA play has led to the NCAA Tour- and coaches on the way Aliyah Boston, will join cocks bench this season.
Tennessee’s perfect NCAA — not making a Final Four nament (Western Caroli- to the NCAA bubble that first-year phenoms like Grissett was hurt in the
Tournament run is intact. since 2008. na, North Carolina State, could last several weeks. Paige Bueckers of UCo- team’s SEC Tournament
The Lady Vols have Tennessee was the Missouri State are the oth- “I get a headache think- nn in playing for the first title game victory over
made all 39 tournaments sport’s juggernaut from the ers), just the second wom- ing about we’re getting time in the NCAAs. Georgia on March 7. The
since the NCAA added the start, winning eight NCAA en’s coach to do that. ready to be in a bubble for Boston, the 6-foot6-5 crutches and walking
women’s event in 1982. It Tournaments and reach- “It t means I’ve had re- I don’t know how many force down low, said she boot, though, didn’t stop
was a mark that looked in ing 18 Final Fours between ally good players wherever days. You don’t know how anticipates a few butter- Grissett — with a little
jeopardy a season ago until 1982-2008. Things have I’ve been,” she said. “There long you’re going to be flies taking the court help — from climbing up
the coronavirus canceled slowed dramatically since are a lot of talented players there,” Mulkey said. “nd next weekend. She was a ladder to snip a piece
the tournament. with the Lady Vols missing out there that never get to when you’re there, you’re nervous enough Monday of the championship net.
The time, 13th-ranked the round of 16 in their past play in the NCAA Tourna- not coming home to re- night waiting to see the South Carolina coach
Tennessee is a three seed three appearances. ment, so I don’t take that group and go back. You’re Gamecocks name called. Dawn Staley said Gris-
and will open play Sunday Harper, whose team for granted.” there until you lose out.” “I had my phone ready” to sett had a lower leg injury
against No. 14 seed Mid- was beaten by South Car- D E F E N D I N G Baylor, seeded sec- record everything. and would miss the tour-
dle Tennessee. It’s also olina in the SEC Tourna- CHAMPS: Baylor was ond in its region, opens Bueckers helped the nament. The Gamecocks
the first time under coach ment semifinals last time it the last team to walk off against No. 15 seed Jack- Huskies finish No. 1 in had a similar situation in
Kellie Harper, the former played, held a workout ses- the court in celebration son State on Sunday. the AP Top 25 for the 16th 2017 when starter Alaina
Lady Vols point guard who sion outdoors during their after winning the 2019 WELCOME TO THE time this season. Coates was ruled out
won three national champi- down time. She hoped the NCAA Tournament. NCA A TOURNAMENT: INJURED GAME- of action with an injury
onships in college. change of venue and some Bears coach Kim Mulkey It won’t only be this year’s COCK: No. 1 seed South before the NCAAs. The
Getting there as coach? fresh air would clear their and her team are busing freshman class that gets Carolina will be without team responded with a
“That’s a big deal,” she heads in preparation of the the 180 miles or so from its first taste of NCAA its only senior in LeLe run to its first national
said. “It’s pretty cool.” NCAAs. Waco to San Antonio, Tournament play. Several Grissett, the 6-foot-2 championship.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: mate in which I reach out and mend the
I have been you tell him bond? Do I use this as a step-
with the you have been ping stone to start moving on?
same man for unhappy with I love her, but I know it really
almost 30 years. the status quo is a toxic relationship. — OFF
We are not mar- for a long time. AGAIN IN NEW JERSEY
ried and have no Then outline the DEAR OFF AGAIN: Please
children together. changes that reread the last sentence of
He is 15 years would make you your letter. Do not bother
older than I am. happy. If he isn’t reaching out and trying to
We have been willing to compro- mend the breach in your rela-
living in his house mise, then pack tionship. You cannot fix what’s
ZITS for the past sev- your bags and wrong with this old friend, but
en years. I feel leave because you can move on. Her silence
more like a renter you will know the is giving you the opportunity.
than a partner in feelings you have Take it!
this relationship. Dear Abby for him are not DEAR ABBY: My son is
I give him money mutual. getting married in a couple of
every month, and DEAR ABBY: weeks. Due to COVID-19, he
we sleep in separate rooms. I’ve been “friends” with a and his fiancee are having to
He wants to control everything woman for 25 years. For a downsize the list of invitees.
in his house, including how to time, we were best friends This includes asking those
clean, cook or what we eat. I and did everything together, who have already RSVP’d
bite my lip to avoid starting a but we couldn’t be more differ- “yes” and/or have already
confrontation. ent. It caused many fights and given them a wedding gift not
He is a lifelong bachelor, disagreements over the years. to attend. Should they return
GARFIELD while I have two adult children She has deeply hurt and the wedding gifts to those
and a couple of grandkids. embarrassed me countless they are disinviting to the
I’m not sure how much more times. She ruined birthdays, wedding? — WONDERING IN
of this I can take. I work all damaged other relationships THE SOUTH
day; he doesn’t. I want to — even ruined my bachelor- DEAR WONDERING: Your
leave, but at the same time, ette party. I don’t know why son and his fiancee should
I care and worry about him. I still bother with her. I think at least OFFER to return the
What should I do? — DISILLU- because of our deep roots, gifts. Considering the reason
SIONED IN ILLINOIS it’s hard to let go. for the downsizing, some of
DEAR DISILLUSIONED: Quit At the moment, we haven’t the no-longer-invited guests
biting your lip. Gather your spoken in more than two may tell them to keep them
courage and start an honest months, and I know she’s up- along with their good wishes,
conversation with your house- set with me yet again. Should while others will not.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March TAURUS (April 20-May 20). problem is custom-made and to
16). The year features a work If you are very hard on yourself, seek a bespoke solution.
advancement, but it’s relation- then you might rise to superior LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
ships that grow you the most. standards or you might quit out weakness is a strength, though
You’ll meet people who help of exhaustion. Self-directed it’s not activated until someone
you elevate your body, mind harshness eats energy. Play applies it to a worthy purpose.
and spirit. You will not be able the middle ground with gentle You’ve a gift for seeing the
to work on one aspect without encouragement toward improve- potential of qualities (in yourself
improving the others. A quest ment. or others) and putting them to
begins in the summer and will GEMINI (May 21-June good use.
last two years, culminating in 21). Add your flavor to the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
bodywork and insights. Gemini conversation without worrying You’ve been listening, and you
and Virgo adore you. Your lucky if others will relate. You bring really understand the needs of
BABY BLUES numbers are: 13, 5, 33, 28 a multidimensionality that will others. Your calm support will
and 10. extend beyond its context into be impactful. You will reas-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). other days, days in which new sure and speak for those who
You’ll get what you want and understandings will be reached. haven’t quite found the right
need because you’re willing to This is just the start. words yet.
let go of certain positions and CANCER (June 22-July 22). LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
ideas about yourself. For in- The simplest answer is not There are certain actions you
stance, you’re more than willing always the best answer. In fact, take that you do recognize
to sacrifice vanity and pride at today it’s a one-size-fits-none re- for the rituals they are. Their
the feet of a larger purpose. sult. You’re safe to assume the devotional qualities are hidden
to you, though today you’ll be
made quite aware of the quirkier
things you’ve made sacred.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You don’t have to respond to
BEETLE BAILEY every notification, phone call or
question. You are the gate, the
gatekeeper and all that’s behind
the gate, too. Take the first two
responsibilities seriously and
your domain remains your own.
21). No need to reward or
punish yourself. The reward is
intrinsic in an action or it’s not.
And if you didn’t make the right
move, that’s the punishment.
Your job is to keep moving in
acceptance that you’re learning
as you go.
19). Should you settle for a
thing that’s working pretty well
or go for what you really want?
It’s not an “either/or” situation
right now. You can do both.
Enjoy your place while you
visualize, plan and invest in your
leap to the next level.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You might not be aware
of how valuable your opinions
are to other people. When you
phrase your support well, it will
stick with others in a positive
FAMILY CIRCUS way and even be a guiding light.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Well-being is for the
well-rested and well-hydrated.
Also, it helps to believe that
it’s all going down just as it
needs to, so dial up the volume
on your senses and breathe it
all in.

Pain relief
aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- South boundary of said Northw-

fice in Book 2020 at Page est Quarter (NW1/4) of the
3268; and Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a STORAGE, 1702 Main Street,

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch, distance of 389.23 feet to a Columbus, MS, on March 24,
WHEREAS, default having been point; run thence South paral- 2021, at 9:00 AM.
made in the terms and condi- lel with the West boundary of

The Starkville Dispatch and Online

tions of said deed of trust and said Northwest Quarter Property to be sold is believed
the entire debt secured thereby (NW1/4) of the Southeast to be good, but at such sale,
having been declared to be due Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE
and payable in accordance with 25.0 feet to a point; run thence will convey only such title as is

Regions Bank d/b/a Regions

To place ads starting at only $12,
the terms of said deed of trust, West parallel with the South
boundary of said Northwest
vested in it pursuant to its
lease with the following and al-
call 662-328-2424 or visit ads.cdispatch.com
Mortgage, the legal holder of
said indebtedness, having re-
Quarter (NW1/4) of the South- lowed under Mississippi Code
east Quarter (SE1/4) a dis- Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
quested the undersigned Sub- tance of 389.23 feet to a seq (Supp 1988.)
stituted Trustee to execute the point; run thence North paral-
THE land
trust and sell said DISPATCH
with the West boundary n TUESDAY,
Billups - F-3 16, 2021 n 5B
property in accordance with the said Northwest Quarter
terms of said deed of trust and (NW1/4) of the Southeast Carter - H-8
for the purpose of raising the Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of
sums due thereunder, togeth- 25.0 feet to the initial point of Hendricks - G-10
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices erLegal
attorney's fees, Legal Noticescontaining 0.2
beginning, Legal Notices
Scott - E-19

trustee's fees and expense of acres, more or less.
Ready-Mix Concrete General IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Advertisement for Reverse Auc- sale.
Permit Public Notice LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- tion I WILL CONVEY only such title Bradford - A-7, A-1
SIPPI NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & as vested in me as Substi-
Coley - E-5
Call us: 662-328-2424 Mississippi Environmental
Quality Permit Board IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
East Mississippi Community
College Board of Trustees is re-
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- tuted Trustee.
ee in said deed of trust, will on
P. O. Box 2261 | Jackson, MS TATE OF RICHARD R. LAWS, ceiving un-priced solicitations April 13, 2021 offer for sale at WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on Kuhn - E-16
Legal Notices 39225 SR., DECEASED for the following: Commercial public outcry and sell within this 22nd day of February,
515 East Amite St. | Jackson, Truck Driving Program Equip- legal hours (being between the 2021. Tate - H-5
IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- MS 39201 CAUSE NO.: 2021-0022-PDE ment hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
Telephone No. (601) 961-5171 p.m.), at the Southeast Door of Shapiro & Brown, LLC Burr - A-23-C
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Solicitations will be received the County Courthouse of SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
Public Notice Start Date: until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Lowndes County, located at Franklin - G-2
3/19/21 THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI April 6, 2021, at the Adminis- 505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- LOGS Legal Group LLP
tration Office, Student Union bus, MS 39701, to the highest 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite Prentice - A-5
AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF MMC Materials, Inc. (Kyle TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Building, P.O. Box 100, May- and best bidder for cash or cer- B-202
Beckman) and MMC Materials Richard R. Laws Sr., also hew, MS 39753 (Attn: Dana tified funds the following de- Flowood, MS 39232 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
Inc, Columbus (at the Sever- known as Richard R. Laws and Mordecai) or by electronic sub- scribed property situated in (601) 981-9299 the February 21, 2021.
Corr Facility) located at 1945 Richard Reuben Laws, de- mission at www.centralauction- Lowndes County, State of Mis-
Airport Road in ceased, and Any Unknown house.com . Submissions will sissippi, to-wit: 561 Mac Davis Road Mary Tuggle, Owner
ANTS Columbus/Lowndes County, Parties In Interest be evaluated, and vendors sub- Columbus, MS 39702
Mississippi, 601-898-4000, mitting acceptable proposals Tract I: 20-025885 1702 Main Street
has applied to the Mississippi You have been made a defend- will be invited to participate in A lot or parcel of land located Columbus, MS 39702
NO. 2019-0005-ED2 1-662-241-5231
Department of Environmental ant in the Petition for Probate the Electronic Reverse Auction in the Northwest Quarter Publication Dates:
ALIAS SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- Quality (MDEQ) for coverage of Copy of Last Will and Testa- to be held on Thursday, April 8, (NW1/4) of the Southeast March 16, March 23, March 30
and/or modification under MD- ment and Original Codicil in 2021, at www.centralauction- Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section and April 6, 2021 PUBLISH: 3/2, 3/9 &
TION 3/16/2021
EQ’s Ready-Mix Concrete Gen- Solemn Form, Issuance of Let- house.com . 23, Township 18 South, Range
TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT- eral Permit to construct and op- ters Testamentary and Other 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
LAW AND DEVISEES OF THE erate a Ready-Mix Concrete fa- Relief [Doc. No. 2] filed by Information about the specific sissippi, and being more partic- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
FOLLOWING DECEASED INDI- cility. Frances R. Laws on February 3, items in the reverse auction ularly described as follows: SIPPI LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
VIDUALS: VIOLA SYKES, NOLA 2021, seeking to probate a may be obtained by contacting SIPPI
SMITH, WALLACE GRAY, AND The Ready-Mix Concrete Gener- copy of a last will and testa- Courtney Taylor at (662) 243- Beginning at the Northwest IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
ALL PERSONS OR ENTITIES al Permit has been developed ment and original codicil in sol- 1929 or ctaylor@eastms.edu . corner of the Northwest Quarter TATE OF JOE L. JOHNSON, SR.,
HAVING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL to ensure compliance with all emn form and issuing letters This information will also be (NW1/4) of the Southeast DECEASED IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
OR EQUITABLE INTEREST IN State and Federal regulations. testamentary to Frances R. made available online by visit- Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 23, TATE OF TONY EWING, DE-
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- Facilities granted coverage un- Laws. Other than you, the only ing our website at Township 18 South, Range 17 BY: JOE L. JOHNSON, JR., EX- CEASED
ATED IN BLOCK 22 NORTH OF der this permit and adhering to other interested parties in this http://www.eastms.edu/bids West, Lowndes County, Missis- ECUTOR
MAIN STREET, AT 311 4TH AV- the conditions contained action are Frances R. Laws; or www.centralbidding.com . sippi; thence East 19.3 feet; RULINDA SHAE EWING PETI-
ENUE NORTH, COLUMBUS, therein should operate within Frances L. Laws, formerly thence South parallel with the ESTATE NO. 2020-00021RPF TIONER
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- State and Federal environment- Frances Laws Lingel; Richard For questions relating to the re- West boundary line of said
SIPPI al laws and standards concern- R. Laws Jr.; Rebecca Laws An- verse auction process, please Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of NOTICE TO CREDITORS CAUSE NO.: 2020-0241-S
ing the construction and opera- derson; William Russell Laws; contact Central Bidding at 225- the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4)
You have been made Defend- tion of air emissions equip- The Richard R. Laws Unified 810-4814. of Section 23, a distance of STATE OF MISSISSIPPI NOTICE TO CREDITORS
ants in a lawsuit filed in this ment and the discharge of Credit Trust; and the Frances 345.0 feet to the initial point of COUNTY OF LOWNDES
Court by the Columbus Re- wastewater and storm water R. Laws Marital Trust. The East Mississippi Com- this description; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all
development Authority to con- associated with industrial activ- munity College Board of Trust- By The Chancery Court of persons having claims against
demn by eminent domain cer- ities. You are summoned to appear ees reserves the right to reject FROM SAID INITIAL POINT OF Lowndes County: the Estate of Tony Ewing, De-
tain real property located in and represent your interests any or all bids and to negoti- BEGINNING, run thence East ceased, that Letters Testa-
Block 22 North of Main at 311 The proposed project consists against said Petition before the ate with the lowest/best bid- parallel with the South bound- Letters Testamentary have mentary were granted to the
4th Avenue North, Columbus, of construction and/or opera- Honorable Paula Drungole-Ellis, der. EMCC reserves the right to ary line of said North west been granted and issued to the undersigned, Rulinda Shae
Mississippi. The property is ne- tion of a Ready-Mix Concrete Chancellor of the 14th Chan- award the bid as a whole or by Quarter (NW1/4) of the South- undersigned upon the Estate of Ewing, by the Chancery Court of
cessary to renew and redevel- facility with a maximum con- cery District at 9:30 a.m. on individual line item. east Quarter (S1/4) of said Joe L. Johnson, Sr., deceased, said County on the 29th day of
opment blighted conditions in crete production rate exceed- the 22nd day of April 2021, at Section 23, a distance of by the Chancery Court of December, 2020, and all per-
accordance with the Urban Re- ing 150 cubic yards per hour. the Lowndes County Court- East Mississippi Community 414.23 feet; thence South par- Lowndes County, Mississippi, sons holding claims against
newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of Therefore, the facility is limited house in Columbus, Missis- College is committed to assur- allel with the West boundary on the 28th day of August, the estate are hereby notified
the City of Columbus, Missis- by the General Permit to an an- sippi, and in case of your fail- ing that the College and its pro- line of said Northwest Quarter 2018. This is to give notice to to have same probated and re-
sippi. nual production rate of no more ure to appear your interest in grams are free from discrimina- (NW1/4) of the Southeast all persons having claims gistered according to law by
than 1,000,000 cubic yards of this matter will not be con- tion and harassment based Quarter (SE1/4) of said Sec- against said estate to probate the Chancery Clerk within
You are summoned to appear concrete. With this annual lim- sidered. upon race, color, ethnicity, sex, tion 23, a distance of 105 feet; and Register same with the ninety (90) days from the first
and defend against the com- it, potential emissions will be pregnancy, religion, national thence West parallel with the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes date of publication of this no-
plaint or petition filed against below the Prevention of Signi- You are not required to file an origin, disability, age, sexual South boundary line of said County, Mississippi, within (90) tice; otherwise, such claim or
you in this action at 9:30 ficant Deterioration major answer or other pleading, but orientation, gender identity, ge- Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of days from the first publication claims not so probated will be
o’clock a. m. on the 12th day source thresholds as specified you may do so if you desire. netic information, status as a the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) date of this Notice. A failure to forever barred.
of April, 2021, in the second in the Mississippi Regulations U.S. veteran, or any other of said Section 23, a distance so Probate and Register said
floor courtroom of the Lowndes for the Prevention of Signific- Issued under my hand and the status protected by state or of 414. 23 feet to a point on claim will forever bar the same. Dated this 4th day of March,
County Courthouse in Colum- ant Deterioration of Air Quality, seal of said Court, this the 4th federal law. The following of- the East right of way line of a 2021.
bus, Mississippi, and in case 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, day of March 2021. fices have been designated to public road known as McDavis THIS the 24th day of February,
of your failure to appear and Ch. 5. Potential emissions will handle inquiries regarding the Road; thence North along the 2021. /s/ Rulinda Shae Ewing
defend, a judgment will be also be below the Air Title V CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY non-discrimination policies: said East right of way of said RULINDA SHAE EWING,
entered against you for the major source thresholds as CLERK Office of the Director of Hu- public road for 105 feet, more /s/ Joe L. Johnson, Jr., Execut- ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ES-
money or other things deman- specified in 11 Miss. Admin. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- man Resources, 1512 Kemper or less, to the initial point of or TATE OF TONY EWING, DE-
ded in the complaint or peti- Code Pt. 2, Ch. 6. SIPPI Street, Scooba, Mississippi this description and containing CEASED
tion. 39358, 662.476.5274. 1.0 acres, more or less. Publish: March 16, 23, 30,
Persons wishing to comment (SEAL) 2021 Prepared by:
You are hereby further given upon or object to the proposed BY:/s/ Tina Fisher, D.C. Publication Dates: March 16, Tract II: J. WAYNE DOSS, JR., MSB
notice that not less than ten request for coverage are in- 2021 and March 23, 2020 A tract of land located in the #100530
vited to submit comments in PUBLISH: 3/9, 3/16 & Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
(10) days prior to the date of WEBB SANDERS & WILLIAMS,
the trial on April 12, 2021, you writing to the Water II Branch 3/23/2021 the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) COUNTY OF LOWNDES PLLC
are required to file the State- Manager, Environmental Per- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- of Section 23, Township 18 P.O. Box 496
mits Division at the Permit TICE OF SALE South, Range 17 West, NOTICE OF SALE
ment of Values pursuant to TUPELO, MISSISSIPPI 38802-
Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, Board's address shown above Lowndes County, Mississippi, 0496
which shall be treated as or via email at IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF WHEREAS, on June 19, 2017, and being more particularly de- WHEREAS, the following ten- PH: (662) 844-2137
www.mdeq.ms.gov/williams- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Ryan J. Baswell and Whitney scribed as follows: ants entered into leases with
pleadings in this action. The MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE FAX: (662) 842-3863
date of the filing of the Com- becky no later than 30 days SIPPI Baswell, husband and wife ex- wdoss@webbsanders.com
plaint herein is the 7th day of from the public notice start ecuted a certain deed of trust Commencing at the Northwest for storage space in which to Attorneys for Petitioner
date. All comments received or IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- to Denise McLaurin, Trustee for corner of said Northwest store personal property and
October, 2019, and the name
and address of the attorney for postmarked by this date will be TATE OF GEORGE Y. STEEL, DE- the benefit of Regions Bank Quarter (NW1/4) of the South- Publication Dates: 3/16, 3/23
considered in the determina- CEASED d/b/a Regions Mortgage which east Quarter (SE') of Section WHEREAS, default has been
the Plaintiff is Martha Bost made in the payment of rent & 3/30/2021
Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- tion regarding coverage approv- deed of trust is of record in the 23; run thence East a dis-
pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth- al. After receipt of public com- CAREY D. STEEL, EXECUTOR office of the Chancery Clerk of tance of 19.3 feet to the initial and MAIN STREET MINI STOR-
ments and thorough considera- Lowndes County, State of Mis- point of beginning of the prop- AGE pursuant to said Leases is SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NO-
er than the Statement of Val- authorized to sell personal
ues you are not required to file tion of all comments, MDEQ CAUSE NO. 2021-0037-DE sissippi in Book 2017 at Page erty herein described: TICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
will formulate its recommenda- 13505 and re-recorded in Book property to satisfy the past due
an Answer or other pleading and any other charges owed.
but you may do so if you de- tions regarding coverage ap- NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2017 at Page 14138; and FROM SAID INITIAL POINT OF WHEREAS, on November 6,
sire. proval. BEGINNING run thence South 2006, Samuel Lance Luckey
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI WHEREAS, Regions Bank parallel with the West bound- NOW THEREFORE, notice is and Tammy Luckey executed a
Additional details about the COUNTY OF LOWNDES d/b/a Regions Mortgage has ary of said Northwest Quarter hereby given that MAIN STREET certain deed of trust to Vinh
Issued under my hand and the MINI STORAGE will offer for
seal of said Court, this 3rd day proposed project are available heretofore substituted Shapiro (NW1/4) of the Southeast Pham, Trustee for the use and
by writing or calling the Water II Letters Testamentary have & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of sale, and will sale at auction to benefit of Mortgage Electronic
of March, 2021. the highest bidder for all per-
Branch Manager, Environment- been granted and issued to the strument dated February 12, 320.0 feet to a point; run Registration Systems, Inc. act-
al Permits Division at the undersigned upon the Estate of 2020 and recorded in the thence East parallel with the sonal property in storage units ing solely as nominee for BNC
SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT above Permit Board address George Y. Steel, deceased, by aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- South boundary of said Northw- leased by the following ten- Mortgage Inc, a Delaware Cor-
and telephone number. A copy the Chancery Court of Lowndes fice in Book 2020 at Page est Quarter (NW1/4) of the ants at MAIN STREET MINI poration, which deed of trust is
DOMAIN, STORAGE, 1702 Main Street,
LOWNDES COUNTY, MS of the Notice of Intent or Re- County, Mississippi, on the 4th 3268; and Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a of record in the office of the
coverage Form and public no- day of March, 2021. This is to distance of 389.23 feet to a Columbus, MS, on March 24, Chancery Clerk of Lowndes,
tice are also available on the give notice to all persons hav- WHEREAS, default having been point; run thence South paral- 2021, at 9:00 AM. County, state of Mississippi, in
D.C. MDEQ’s website at: ing claims against said estate made in the terms and condi- lel with the West boundary of Book 2006, Page 31982; and
https://www.mdeq.ms.gov/en- to Probate and Register same tions of said deed of trust and said Northwest Quarter Property to be sold is believed
search/recently-received-gener- with the Chancery Clerk of the entire debt secured thereby (NW1/4) of the Southeast to be good, but at such sale, WHEREAS, Wells Fargo Bank,
Publish: 3/9/21, 3/16/21, MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE
3/23/21 al-permit-noi/. A copy of the Lowndes County, Mississippi, having been declared to be due Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of National Association, as Trust-
Ready-Mix Concrete General within ninety (90) days from the and payable in accordance with 25.0 feet to a point; run thence will convey only such title as is ee for Structured Asset Securit-
Permit is available at www.md- first publication date of this No- the terms of said deed of trust, West parallel with the South vested in it pursuant to its ies Corporation Mortgage Pass-
eq.ms.gov/rmcgp. This inform- tice to Creditors. A failure to so Regions Bank d/b/a Regions boundary of said Northwest lease with the following and al- Through Certificates, Series
ation is also available for re- Probate and Register a claim Mortgage, the legal holder of Quarter (NW1/4) of the South- lowed under Mississippi Code 2007-BC1, the current holder
view during normal business will forever bar that claim. said indebtedness, having re- east Quarter (SE1/4) a dis- Annotated Section 85-7-121 et and/or assignee, substituted
quested the undersigned Sub- seq (Supp 1988.) Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC as
All notices must be hours at the office of the MD-
This the 5th day of March stituted Trustee to execute the
tance of 389.23 feet to a
point; run thence North paral- Trustee by instrument recor-
EQ at the Permit Board ad-
Billups - F-3
emailed to dress shown above. Please 2021. trust and sell said land and lel with the West boundary of ded in the Chancery Clerk’s Of-
bring the foregoing to the atten- property in accordance with the said Northwest Quarter fice on November 5, 2018 in
classifieds@ tion of persons whom you know /s/ Carey D. Steel terms of said deed of trust and (NW1/4) of the Southeast Carter - H-8 Book MORT 2018, Page
will be interested. CAREY D. STEEL, Executor for the purpose of raising the Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of 23508; and
cdispatch.com. sums due thereunder, togeth- 25.0 feet to the initial point of Hendricks - G-10
PUBLISH: 3/16/2021 PUBLISH: 3/9, 3/16 & er with attorney's fees, beginning, containing 0.2 WHEREAS, Default having been
3/23/2021 trustee's fees and expense of acres, more or less. Scott - E-19 made in the terms and condi-
sale. tions of said deed of trust and
I WILL CONVEY only such title Bradford - A-7, A-1 the entire debt secured thereby

Just a click away!

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & as vested in me as Substi- having been declared to be due
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- tuted Trustee. Coley - E-5 and payable in accordance with
ee in said deed of trust, will on the terms of said deed of trust,
April 13, 2021 offer for sale at WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on Kuhn - E-16 Wells Fargo Bank, National As-
public outcry and sell within this 22nd day of February, sociation, as Trustee for Struc-
legal hours (being between the 2021. Tate - H-5 tured Asset Securities Corpora-
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 tion Mortgage Pass-Through
p.m.), at the Southeast Door of Shapiro & Brown, LLC Burr - A-23-C Certificates, Series 2007-BC1,
the County Courthouse of SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE the legal holder of said in-
Lowndes County, located at Franklin - G-2 debtedness, having requested
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- LOGS Legal Group LLP the undersigned Substitute
bus, MS 39701, to the highest 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite Prentice - A-5 Trustee in said deed of trust,
and best bidder for cash or cer- B-202 will on April 13, 2021 offer for
tified funds the following de- Flowood, MS 39232 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on sale at public outcry and sell
scribed property situated in (601) 981-9299 the February 21, 2021. within legal hours (being

The best place for personalized

Lowndes County, State of Mis- between the hours of 11:00
sissippi, to-wit: 561 Mac Davis Road Mary Tuggle, Owner a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the
Columbus, MS 39702 MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE main front door of the County
Tract I: 20-025885 1702 Main Street Courthouse of Lowndes County
A lot or parcel of land located Columbus, MS 39702 in Columbus, Mississippi, to

advertising in your community.

in the Northwest Quarter Publication Dates: 1-662-241-5231 the highest and best bidder for
(NW1/4) of the Southeast March 16, March 23, March 30 cash the following described
Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section and April 6, 2021 PUBLISH: 3/2, 3/9 & property situated in Lowndes
23, Township 18 South, Range 3/16/2021 County, Mississippi, to wit:
17 West, Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi, and being more partic- TRACT 1:
ularly described as follows: Lot Number Twenty-Two (22) of

Myers Estates, Lowndes
Beginning at the Northwest County, Mississippi, as shown
corner of the Northwest Quarter by plat recorded in Plat Book 3,
(NW1/4) of the Southeast page 61, in the Chancery
Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 23, Clerk`s Office, Lowndes
Township 18 South, Range 17 County, Mississippi.
West, Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi; thence East 19.3 feet; SUBJECT TO those restrictive
thence South parallel with the covenants and conditions con-
West boundary line of said tained in deed from Donald F.
Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Myers and Sid Myers, Jr. to


the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4)
of Section 23, a distance of
345.0 feet to the initial point of
this description;
John B. Dexter and wife, Cyn-
thia L. Dexter, dated Novem-
ber 5, 1978, filed for record
November 14, 1978 and ap-

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

pearing of record in Book 600,
FROM SAID INITIAL POINT OF page 495, of the land records
BEGINNING, run thence East in the office of the Chancery
parallel with the South bound- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
Premium placement
ary line of said North west
Quarter (NW1/4) of the South- Preferred placement in search sissippi; and

on classifieds home page.

east Quarter (S1/4) of said SUBJECT, ALSO, to the reserva-
Section 23, a distance of results and highlighted online. tion or easements for utility
414.23 feet; thence South par- and drainage installation as set

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

allel with the West boundary forth in said restrictive coven-
line of said Northwest Quarter ants and as shown by said re-
(NW1/4) of the Southeast corded plat.
Quarter (SE1/4) of said Sec-

Highlight your ad
tion 23, a distance of 105 feet; TRACT 2:
thence West parallel with the
South boundary line of said
Enhance your ad with Beginning at the Southeast
corner of Lot 22 of Myers Es-
with a dash of color.
Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of an attention getter. tates, a residential community

the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) in Lowndes County, Missis-
of said Section 23, a distance sippi, as shown by plat thereof
of 414. 23 feet to a point on recorded in Plat Book 3 Page

the East right of way line of a 61 in the office of the Chan-
public road known as McDavis cery Clerk of said county (said
Road; thence North along the corner being in the centerline
said East right of way of said of a ditch) as the POINT OF BE-
public road for 105 feet, more GINNING; thence North 44 de-
or less, to the initial point of grees 47 minutes East along
this description and containing the East side of said lot for
1.0 acres, more or less. 79.7 feet; thence South 59 de-
grees 38 minutes East for 34.6
Tract II: feet; thence South 29 degrees
fice on November 5, 2018 in
BookTUESDAY, March
MORT 2018, Page 16, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com
23508; and
Legal Notices Default having been
WHEREAS, General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Burial Plots
made in the terms and condi-
tions of said deed of trust and THE COMMERCIAL
the entire debt secured thereby
having been declared to be due DISPATCH Located in Veteran location ON THE WEB
is seeking a part time RENTALS @ Memorial Gardens of
and payable in accordance with
the terms of said deed of trust, employee for approxim- TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Columbus, MS. Must have Visit www.cdispatch.com
ately 2-3 hours of work per cash, $7500. A savings of
for a printable copy of
Wells Fargo Bank, National As-
sociation, as Trustee for Struc- day. Driving required. 1 BEDROOM $1500. Plots include burial
tured Asset Securities Corpora- Must have reliable trans- vaults and can be
tion Mortgage Pass-Through portation, valid driver's
2 BEDROOMS exchanged for any spot these puzzles.
Certificates, Series 2007-BC1,
the legal holder of said in- license & auto insurance. 3 BEDROOMS other than a veteran.
$9 per hour plus mileage. Call 662−386−4080 or
debtedness, having requested
LEASE, 662−386−4081.

© The Dispatch
the undersigned Substitute Apply at our office at 516
Trustee in said deed of trust,
will on April 13, 2021 offer for
Main Street in Columbus DEPOSIT General Merchandise
or via email to Mike Floyd
sale at public outcry and sell at mfloyd@cdispatch.com AND
within legal hours (being
between the hours of 11:00 CREDIT CHECK CAMPER FOR SALE, $150.
Need a little care.
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the THE COMMERCIAL
Brown sofa w/ matching
main front door of the County DISPATCH love seat & reversible
Courthouse of Lowndes County seeks a motivated,
in Columbus, Mississippi, to pillows, $550.
contracted carrier for the
the highest and best bidder for
Caledonia area. Excellent 2411 HWY 45 N Entertainment Center, $80.
Queen Mattress w/
cash the following described
property situated in Lowndes opportunity to earn money COLUMBUS, MS railings, $75.
County, Mississippi, to wit: for college. Must have Call 662−549−5332.
good transportation, valid Houses For Rent: North
TRACT 1: driver's license & insur- Sporting Goods
Lot Number Twenty-Two (22) of ance. Delivers on Sunday
Myers Estates, Lowndes 2BR/1.5BA @ 8827 HWY
County, Mississippi, as shown
morning and Mon-Fri after- 45 N. CH/A, carport & in− ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
by plat recorded in Plat Book 3, noons. Apply at The Com- door utility room. Caledonia Open for season!
page 61, in the Chancery mercial Dispatch, 516 Schools. $700/mo & dep Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Clerk`s Office, Lowndes Main Street in Columbus. req. 205−712−5901. Over 50 years experience!
County, Mississippi. No phone calls please. Repairs, cleaning, refin−
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. ishing, scopes mounted &
SUBJECT TO those restrictive Transportation zeroed, handmade knives.
covenants and conditions con- 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
tained in deed from Donald F. bath townhouses. $650 to Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
Myers and Sid Myers, Jr. to CLASS A CDL DRIVER with $750. 662−549−9555. of West Point, turn right on
John B. Dexter and wife, Cyn-
thia L. Dexter, dated Novem-
ber 5, 1978, filed for record
Truck & Lowboy/Dump
Trailer experience to load,
haul, & unload heavy
Ask for Glenn or text. Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
left on Darracott Rd, will
see sign, 2.5mi ahead

Mobile Homes for Rent
November 14, 1978 and ap-
pearing of record in Book 600,
construction equipment/ shop on left. Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
page 495, of the land records
material. Overnight travel 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. 662−494−6218. placing puzzle based on
in the office of the Chancery
required. Only qualified $650 dep + $650/mo. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 7 3 5 9 1 8 4 2 6
applicants with clean MVR,
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- No pets, quiet area. Leave ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 9 6 4 5 3 2 1 7 8

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

sissippi; and current medical examiner’s
certificate and no
voicemail with full name &
message, 205−712−6697.
based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 1 8 6 4 7 3 5 9
SUBJECT, ALSO, to the reserva- accidents need apply. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 5 7 9 4 2 1 8 6 3
tion or easements for utility Email resume to chastity@ given
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The
and drainage installation as set sitemastersms.com RENT A CAMPER! Ads starting at $12 6 2 3 7 8 9 5 1 4
forth in said restrictive coven- CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 8 4 1 3 5 6 2 9 7
contains the1same
to 9 number
ants and as shown by said re- Utilities & cable included,
corded plat. HEAVY EQUIPMENT from $150/wk − $555/mo Autos For Sale 3 9 2 8 7 5 6 4 1
OPERATORS needed for the empty spaces so
Columbus & County School only once. The difficulty 1 8 7 2 6 4 9 3 5
TRACT 2: local project. Must be able locations. 662−242−3803 2015 GMC Canyon Pickup that each row, each
Beginning at the Southeast level increases from
corner of Lot 22 of Myers Es-
to maintain & operate or 601−940−1397. white, 4 door, 4 cylinder, column and each 4 5 6 1 9 3 7 8 2
dozers and excavators. extra clean, 137,000 Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 3/15
tates, a residential community
Email resume to: chastity@ miles. $13,000.
in Lowndes County, Missis-
sitemastersms.com the same number only once. The difficulty level
Real Estate
sippi, as shown by plat thereof Call 662−312−6617.
recorded in Plat Book 3 Page increases from Monday to Sunday.
61 in the office of the Chan- Motorcycles & ATVs

cery Clerk of said county (said
corner being in the centerline Ads starting at $25 ’05 HONDA REBEL 250
of a ditch) as the POINT OF BE- Black, red & grey. Actual
GINNING; thence North 44 de- miles, 1,432. $1200.
Farms & Timberland
grees 47 minutes East along
the East side of said lot for
Ads starting at $25 662−364−0120.
79.7 feet; thence South 59 de-
grees 38 minutes East for 34.6 Apts For Rent: North 203 ACRES

feet; thence South 29 degrees PRIME TIMBERLAND
03 minutes East along the 3BR/1BA GATED FACILITY $270,000
South side of a public road Exc deer, turkey hunting
known as Sanders Lane (as Central Heat & Air
Appliances Good Investment
built) (20 feet from centerline)
for 67.8 feet; thence South 44 $600/mo. plus sec. dep., (615)719−8329 Ads starting at $12
degrees 56 minutes East along No pets. No HUD.
said South side of road for 57 662−327−0587 Travel & Entertainment
feet; thence South 39 degrees LAMAR COUNTY, AL: 63
49 minutes West for 30 feet to FOX RUN APARTMENTS ACRES on County Road 34. CALL & GET YOUR NAME
the centerline of a ditch; Exc hunting, some timber, ON THE LIST for Constance
thence North 59 degrees 10 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
$595−$645 monthly. power & county water. lovely talk show. Greatest
minutes West along said
centerline for 163 feet to the Military discount, pet area, $1,150 per acre. 205−712 talent show in town!
point of beginning, containing pet friendly, and furnished −5606 or 205−799−9846. Singers/comedians/group
0.2 acres, more or less, and ly- corporate apts. dancers. 310−993−9884
ing in the Northeast Quarter of 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Lots & Acreage or email kandeyessence
the Southeast Quarter of Sec- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. @yahoo.com.
tion 8, Township 16 South, ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
Range 17 West, Lowndes Bad Credit Options. Good
County, Mississippi. ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
24−HOUR CAMERA credit as low as 20% down,
I will convey only such title as SURVEILLANCE. Benji & $499/mo. Eaton Land,
vested in me as Substituted Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 662−361−7711.
Apts For Rent: West NEW HOPE AREA:
Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC +/− 1 acre. Open land with

Substituted Trustee water & electricity nearby.
Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC
$17,900. Call or text, Let us help you. Advertise here!
244 Inverness Center Drive

Suite 200 662−435−0401.
Birmingham, AL 35242
(205) 970-2233 Five Questions:
Publication dates: March 16,
2021, March 23, 2021, March
Apartments & Houses
1 Bedrooms
1 True
30, 2021, April 6, 2021
2 Bedroooms Ads starting at $12
3 Bedrooms
Employment Furnished & Unfurnished
Bargain Column

Earthway Garden seeder, 2 Anchor

Call us: 662-328-2424 1, 2, & 3 Baths 5 different seed plates,
used lightly 2 times, works
Lease, Deposit
3 Rhode Island
great, all aluminum. Sells
General Help Wanted
& Credit Check new for $129, asking $95.
PERSONAL CARE: Full or viceinvestments.com
part-time position available
at small personal care
home in Columbus, MS. Sell idle items 4 Archie ACROSS
1 Trails
Must pass background
check & health screening.
Apts For Rent: Other with a quick action 6 Last Greek
5 Egyptian
Call Collegeview Personal classified ad. letter
Care 662-327-9463. 11 Underway, to
DEPENDABLE CAREGIVER Travel & Entertainment 12 Kick back
needed for a senior in 13 Throw a
Columbus area. MUST
SENIOR CARE. Must have 15 Attempt
references, reliable trans- 16 “My word!”
portation, background 17 Homer’s
check, Covid test & vac-
cine. 630-698-6049. neighbor
18 Stylishly
LEGAL SECRETARY needed quaint
for local firm. Must be able 20 Yucatán
to work dual screen natives
computer. Email resume 23 Throw away
with references to:
job117@cdispatch.com 27 Antiquated 47 Poor answer
28 Rank above DOWN 24 Uncooked
ROSES DAY SPA viscount 1 Audition goal 25 Bible boat
Licensed Nail Tech needed 29 Private’s 2 Miles off 26 Tissue layer
for pedicures, manicures & denial 3 Theater award 30 New Testa-
shellacs. Good pay. 662- 31 Ungainly
327-7718, ask for Logan.
4 Spicy ment book
32 Des Moines 5 Rocket sections 31 Growing plot
native 6 Picks an entrée 33 Pale
Have a rental property?
Read local. List it here for fast results.
34 Presidential
7 Body of eau
8 Flair
34 Newspaper
cdispatch.com ads.cdispatch.com 37 Spoil 9 Donated 35 Ring match
38 Celtics’ org. 10 Sent packing 36 Beige

Service Directory
41 Bill Haley’s 14 Tennis court 38 Face feature
music need 39 Ran, as color
44 2006 Olym- 18 Arm bones 40 Friend
pics site 19 Indian, e.g. 42 Reunion
45 Stand for a 20 Chess piece group
painting 21 In the past 43 Singer Carly
Promote your small business starting at only $25 46 Amazes 22 Agreeable — Jepsen
Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Painting & Papering

MAINTENANCE Slag − $400 Licensed & Bonded. SERVICE
Work wanted. Carpentry, Clay Gravel − $250 TILL SMALL GARDENS. Special Prices.
concrete, electrical & Millie for Driveways − $375 Carpentry, minor electrical, Interior & Exterior Painting.
plumbing, shingle & metal Available for hauling any minor plumbing, insulation, 662−435−6528
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