Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-15-21
Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-15-21
Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-15-21
Monday | March 15, 2021
sissippi legislators
are moving into the
final weeks of their
three-month session,
and they still need to
make significant deci-
sions about taxes and
spending for the year
that begins July 1.
A year into the coronavirus
pandemic, state health officer Dr.
Thomas Dobbs said last week that
one of his most important budget
requests is for an increase in state
money to hire public health nurses.
Legislators eliminated about half of
those positions in recent years.
“Federal funding’s been pretty
good for COVID. We just need mon-
ey to keep the nurses in the clinics
out in the field,” Dobbs said. “It’s the
local folks who are suffering from us Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
not getting enough funding to keep Suzette Bishop stands outside her daughter Elizabeth’s former playhouse behind the family’s house on Wood
them operational.” Road in Caledonia. Bishop plans to tow the eight-by-eight-foot, “Pepto-Bismol pink” building into town and stock it
Dobbs said that for the coming with food, toiletries and other essential items.
year, the state Health Department
would like to receive the amount of
state money it received during the Fellow teachers, aldermen, town residents all Out behind her home, a “Pep-
to-Bismol pink” behemoth is hard
year that ended June 30, 2020. That
would be more than the department pitch in to grow Bishop’s outreach project to miss. The eight-by-eight-foot
playhouse that once belonged to
was allocated for current fiscal year. BY THEO DEROSA Bishop’s 14-year-old daughter Eliz-
Lately, Bishop has been able
Dobbs said he understands leg- abeth is currently being used for
to give back by helping others in
islators like to keep budgets tight, storage, but it might soon serve a
a time of need. This winter, in re-
but the Health Department needs uzette Bishop knows that at different purpose as Bishop hopes
sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic,
stability. some point, everybody needs to set up her pantry in town in the
“We need not only strong cen- she started the Caledonia Commu-
help. coming weeks.
tralized public health, but we need nity Pantry, which donates food,
Bishop has been that person. “Mama, why don’t you just take
strong local public health to track toiletries and other essential items
When schools closed last spring my playhouse up there?” Elizabeth
down TB cases, to track down peo- to anyone who might need them.
because of the COVID-19 pandem- once recommended. “It would be
ple who have syphilis, to make sure “That’s all I’m looking for: just to perfect to start you a little some-
ic, the longtime Caledonia High
that women have access to ... pap help,” Bishop said. thing.’”
School substitute was out of work.
smears and mammograms if they Once, years and years ago, she Champions Towing has agreed
don’t have health insurance,” Dobbs and her husband Jeff had a home A community effort to lug the playhouse to its next des-
said. “These nurses who track TB destroyed in a fire, prompting the Working out of her home on tination, which could help Bishop
can track COVID. They can give community to rally around them. Wood Road in Caledonia, Bishop clear a cluttered home. A self-de-
shots.” “We were very prideful then,” currently stores what she has in a scribed avid canner, her freezer is
Legislators of course will con- Bishop said, “but I had some people wooden entertainment center do- always full of jars — okra, squash,
sider spending requests for a wide standing behind me who were like, nated by a neighbor. Paper towels, tomatoes and more.
array of state services. They are ‘Just shut up and take it because canned goods, cereal, condiments “You name it,” Bishop said. “I’ve
considering a teacher pay raise, and people want to help you. You accept and more fill the shelves. canned it.”
the most likely prospect is a plan because people want to help.’” But she has bigger plans. See BISHOP, 6A
that would give a $1,000 boost to
most teachers and $1,100 to those
The following arrests
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Christopher Hud-
gens, 52, was charged with
possession of metham-
n Jonathan Williams,
Hudgens Jo. Williams Taylor Kieser Jones Clemons
24, was charged with stat-
utory rape.
n Victor Taylor, 42, was
charged with violation of
parole and sex offender
registration failure.
n Brady Kieser, 25, was
charged with possession of
a weapon by a felon.
Riley Hailey Ja. Williams Kemp Davis Moore
The following arrests charged with receiving sto- n Justin Davis, 25, was
were made by the Oktibbe- len property and burglary charged with credit card
ha County Sheriff’s Office: of a residence. fraud and no insurance.
n Carlos Jones, 35, was n Jordan Hailey, 28, n Dennis Moore, 56,
charged with felony mali- was charged with a bench was charged with DUI 3rd.
cious mischief, two counts, warrant. n Peruzo Duck, 43, was
disorderly conduct, public n Janeko Williams, 28, charged with possession
drunk, simple assault and was charged with posses- of a controlled substance,
Duck Petty
public profanity. sion of marijuana more tampering with evidence,
n LC Clemons, 21, was than 30 grams. improper equipment, care-
charged with possession n Lasang Kemp, 36, less driving and speeding.
of marijuana more than 30 was charged with two n Brestiege Petty, 27,
grams. counts possession of a was charged with burglary
n Donnell Riley, 36, was weapon by a felon. of a residence.
Continued from Page 1A
The party is already eyeing targets. so many “safe” districts. And, because
In Georgia, they can choose whether to these states are seeing explosive
target Democratic Reps. Lucy McBath growth, efforts to perfectly divvy up ma-
or Carolyn Boudreaux or both by add- jor cities like Houston and Atlanta may
ing more conservative voters from far collapse over time as tens of thousands
north of Atlanta to the two lawmakers’ of new residents continue to move in.
districts. “You’ve got all these countervail-
In Florida, they could try to swamp ing things,” said Steve Schale, a Flori-
Democratic Rep. Stephanie Murphy’s da-based Democratic strategist. “Dem-
district with new GOP voters as they ocrats doing better in suburban areas,
carve out a new seat in the Orlando area, states getting more diverse, coupled
one of the two the state is expected to with Republicans being in control of all
add. the levers of government.”
And in Texas, which is expected to Control in the South has a history
gain a whopping three congressional of leading to rigging the democratic
seats, the most of any state, the GOP process — from voting rules to district
may try to carve out more seats in the maps — to disempower Black voters. In SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
center of their state’s boom — Demo- Georgia, the state’s GOP-controlled leg- peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
cratic-leaning Houston — that could still islature is responding to Democrats’ re- Major 2:41a 3:20a
Minor 9:09a 9:36a
elect Republicans. cent surge and former President Donald Major 3:01p 3:42p
Currently, a gain of five seats would Trump’s false claim of voter fraud with a Minor 9:04p 9:59p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
hand control the House to the GOP. That raft of proposals that would make it hard- of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
The Dispatch
number may rise or fall before Novem- er to vote — including one to end Sun-
ber 2020 depending on the outcome of day early voting, popular among Black
special elections for several vacant seats. churchgoers.
To be sure, there will be limits — Such restrictions wouldn’t have been The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
both legal and practical — on how much possible eight years ago, when the Jus- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
power Republicans can win with a new tice Department was required to approve Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
map. While they control the process, the any changes ahead of time in states with The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
demographic trends in Southern states a history of voting rights violations. But, Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
are working against them. Many of the in 2013, the conservative majority on the 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
new residents are college-educated, ra- Supreme Court struck down federal re-
cially diverse and young — all groups quirements that Georgia and eight other
Republicans have struggled to win over. states “preclear” voting and redistricting
That means the party can only draw changes.
4A MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
Beauty or beast
“ T he extensive the chill of winter increasing of Agricul- three seasons, it was relatively
planting of just goodbye and make numbers. ture intro- inexpensive and grew fast and
one exotic species a mad dash into On several duced the was not particular about soil. A
removes thousands spring. For many occasions Bradford few downsides are the blooms
of native species.} of us it could not I’ve asked pear as an can emit a noxious smell; the
— “The Trees happen fast enough. people ornamental tree can grow up to 30 feet tall
in My Forest” by Grasses are green- what this tree. The while having a weak structure
Bernd Heinrich-Bi- ing and the aroma tree could tree was resulting in breakage; the
ologist and Author of freshly mowed be? Some thought to tree typically has a lifespan
wild onions is just answered a be sterile. of only 15 to 20 years. The
s there any around the corner. wild pear, “Cultivars tree is now labeled invasive.
place in the The loropetalum or a cra- are plants Several communities caution
world where Shannon Bardwell whose branches bapple, or a that have or prohibit planting Bradford
you can have an hung heavy now plum. A few been pears because it turns out
ice encased yard, reaches for the sky. said a Brad- cultivated they can crossbreed and do so
trees with heavily laden limbs Buds on the silver maple and ford pear. I and bred profligately choking out pines,
hanging limp to the ground, the pear tree appear. Dande- discounted by humans. redbuds, dogwoods, oaks, and
and flower foliage looking lions sprinkle smiley faces the idea the Sterile cul- hickories. The Bradford pear
like, as Sam suggested, a cat across the yard much to the tree was a Bradford pear for tivars of native plants are be- was crossbred with Chinese
made its bed of it? Days later enjoyment of the rabbits. a couple of reasons. The first nign, they can’t cross-pollinate Callery pears which have large
sun shines brightly, daffodils A small disclaimer here, being the Bradford pear has a with their wild relatives, so thorns capable of damaging
emerge, roses leaf out, camel- don’t be surprised if spring has symmetrical shape. The trees I they pose no risk to wild plant tractor tires.
lias bloom, Japanese magnolias not arrived for good but has saw were definitely not sym- populations. When cultivars You’ve heard the saying
and redbuds blossom. For only made a quick appearance. metrical and seemed to grow are beneficial to ecosystems, “Pretty is as pretty does” but
those of us who reside in the Still, we can appreciate the randomly beside highways, in they are good.” what the Bradford pear does is
sunny south we must live in the preview. All around the Prairie the woods, along farmland and As beautiful as the Brad- not pretty.
greatest place in the world or and into Columbus, I’ve no- the river, and in town. They ford pear is its reputation has Columns by Shannon Bard-
the craziest. ticed the proliferation of a tree are everywhere. Secondly, the fallen on hard times since well of Columbus appear in The
Few things can lift the with bountiful white flowers. Bradford pear is a cultivar. being a landscape favorite. Dispatch weekly. Email reaches
spirits like nature as we kiss They come every spring in In 1964 the U.S. Department The tree is beautiful through her at
Today is Monday, March 15, the 74th day of 2021.
There are 291 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
On March 15, 1965, President Lyndon B. John-
son, addressing a joint session of Congress, called for
new legislation to guarantee every American’s right
to vote. The result was passage of the Voting Rights
Act of 1965.
On this date:
In 44 B.C., Roman dictator Julius Caesar was as-
sassinated by a group of nobles that included Brutus
A city opts to pay racial reparations
and Cassius. ifficult tasks fy who is entitled to Like many communities, Evan-
In 1493, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus often don’t get reparations, given ston took actions to keep Black
arrived back in the Spanish harbor of Palos de la done, because that many people have people from many neighborhoods,
Frontera, two months after concluding his first voy- they are, well, difficult. both Black and white forcing them into one geographic
age to the Western Hemisphere. It’s easier to ignore ancestry, that some section that was starved of re-
In 1820, Maine became the 23rd state. them, delay them, hope Blacks were never sources. Black areas were subject
In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson met with they’ll go away or give enslaved and that some to redlining, which made mortgag-
about 100 reporters for the first formal presidential up on them. But the didn’t arrive until the es hard to get.
press conference. city council of Evan- 20th century? How can With all that mind, the coun-
In 1944, during World War II, Allied bombers ston, Illinois, has the we possibly determine, cil’s focus is on home ownership,
again raided German-held Monte Cassino. idea that the formidable much less afford, the which has been a huge source
In 1964, actor Elizabeth Taylor married actor nature of one obliga- amount due? of wealth to white Americans —
Richard Burton in Montreal; it was her fifth marriage, tion isn’t an excuse for Steve Chapman Behind the objec- and has largely been denied to
his second. (They divorced in 1974, remarried in doing nothing. tions is a conservative Black Americans. Grants of up
1975, then divorced again in 1976.) The task it has taken belief that the entire to $25,000 would be given out for
In 1972, “The Godfather,” Francis Ford Coppo- up is providing a measure of com- campaign for reparations is just buying, renovating or improving
la’s epic gangster movie based on the Mario Puzo pensation to African Americans another product of liberal guilt homes or paying down mortgag-
novel and starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, for some of the costly inequities and Black race hustlers, cheered es. Recipients would be limited
premiered in New York. they have endured. In 2019, the on by the woke mob. In fact, it to direct descendants of African
In 1975, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onas- aldermen approved a measure rests on the ancient principle of Americans who lived in Evanston
sis died near Paris at age 69. committing to use revenue from Anglo-American law that a person between 1919 and 1969 and suf-
In 1985, the first internet domain name, symbol- recreational cannabis taxes to who wrongly injures someone fered housing discrimination., was registered by the Symbolics Computer create a $10 million fund for “local is obligated to compensate the It’s a narrow, targeted program,
Corp. of Massachusetts. reparations.” On March 22, the victim. It also reflects the fact that which invites attacks for its modest
In 1998, Dr. Benjamin Spock, whose child care council plans to vote on a plan for the legacies of this country, bad as reach and limited access. Not all
guidance spanned half a century, died in San Diego allocating the first $400,000. well as good, belong to all of us. Black residents would be eligi-
at 94. The Chicago suburb, home of That compensation should have ble, and some signed a petition
In 2005, former WorldCom chief Bernard Ebbers Northwestern University, has a begun immediately after eman- requesting cash payments instead.
was convicted in New York of engineering the largest population of 72,000 and is 16% cipation. Congress authorized But the plan’s modesty won’t
corporate fraud in U.S. history. (He was later sen- Black. But despite its progressive the confiscation of former slave- exempt it from derision among
tenced to 25 years in prison.) politics (Joe Biden got 92% of the holders’ land for redistribution conservatives, who would rather
In 2019, a gunman killed 51 people at two vote in 2020), Evanston has a histo- to former slaves. But President do anything than acknowledge our
mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, streaming ry of racial exclusion and discrim- Andrew Johnson, a champion of vast unpaid debt to Black citizens.
the massacre live on Facebook. (Brenton Tarrant, an ination. In that respect, it’s hardly white supremacy, foiled the effort, As Richard Rothstein wrote in
Australian white supremacist, was sentenced to life unusual. What’s unusual is its com- depriving freed men and women of his 2017 book “The Color of Law,”
in prison without parole after pleading guilty to 51 mitment to recognize that history the means to support themselves. “We have created a caste system in
counts of murder and other charges.) and address its consequences. It was the first of many efforts to this country, with African Ameri-
Ten years ago: The Syrian civil war had its be- That effort is necessarily escape responsibility and a pre- cans kept exploited and geograph-
ginnings with Arab Spring protests across the region modest when viewed against the view of injustices to come. ically separate by racially explicit
that turned into an armed insurgency and eventually immense crimes inflicted on Afri- Evanston doesn’t pretend to government policies. Although
became a full-blown conflict. can Americans over the course of make amends for everything most of these policies are now off
Five years ago: Democrat Hillary Clinton tri- American history, including mass inflicted on African Americans, or the books, they have never been
umphed in the Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois enslavement, white supremacist for everything that occurred with- remedied and their effects en-
and Missouri presidential primaries; Donald Trump terrorism, Jim Crow laws and per- in its borders. The city enforced dure.”
strengthened his hand in the Republican race, win- sistent discrimination. racial separation in parks and on The task of overcoming the
ning in Florida, North Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, But any recognition that mod- beaches, and similar practices crimes of the past is one that will
but falling in Ohio to the state’s governor, John Kasich ern white Americans owe anything were followed in theaters and never be finished. But it can at
(KAY’-sihk), while Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ended for historic wrongs elicits a host of restaurants. Elementary schools least be started.
his campaign after his home-state loss. In a major objections. Such as: Why should were largely segregated until 1966. Steve Chapman blogs at http://
reversal, the Obama administration barred offshore those who never owned slaves, or Redressing all these wrongs
drilling off the Atlantic Coast. Dallas Seavey won his whose ancestors immigrated after would be impossible. So the alder- opinion/chapman. Follow him on
third straight Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in a record the Civil War, be expected to pay man proposed to provide compen- Twitter @SteveChapman13 or at
time of 8 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes, 16 seconds. the victims? sation to those residents who have
SOURCE: The Associated Press How can we possibly identi- suffered some specific harms. pman13.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 5A
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Thursday; and on Friday by 3 rial Funeral Home of Service. Lavender’s ly employed as operator
OBITUARY POLICY p.m. for Sunday and Monday
Starkville is in charge Funeral Service of of Patterson’s Grocery.
Obituaries with basic informa- publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
of arrangements. Aliceville is in charge She was a member of
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
She is survived by of arrangements. First Baptist Church.
her children, Allie In addition to her
free of charge. Extended obit-
uaries with a photograph, de-
David Runnels Chantina Hampton Peggy Patterson parents, she was pre-
COLUMBUS — Da- and Kenneth Byron ceded in death by her
tailed biographical information MACON — Peggy
and other details families may vid Runnels, 68, died Hampton; and siblings, husband, E.C. Patter-
Eaves Patterson, 91,
wish to include, are available March 14, 2021, at Ella Mae Lindsey, Anna son; siblings, Dewey
died March 9, 2021, at
for a fee. Obituaries must be Vineyard Court Nurs- Manning, Sheryl Till- Eaves, Jean Gentry,
submitted through funeral ing Center. Trinity Nursing Home.
man, Arlene Simmons, Graveside services Ethel Sennett and Jerry
homes unless the deceased’s Arrangements are
body has been donated to
Rita Robinson, Lamar were at 1 p.m. Sunday, Eaves; and one grand-
incomplete and will be Ware Sr. and Thomas
science. If the deceased’s at Ellison Ridge Ceme- child.
announced by Lown- Carl Ware.
body was donated to science, tery in Winston County, She is survived by
the family must provide official des Funeral Home of
with David Keen offici- her children, James
proof of death. Please submit Columbus. Jimmie Spruill
all obituaries on the form pro- ating. Cockrell Funeral Edward Patterson of
ALICEVILLE, Ala. Home of Macon was Delaware, Ohio, Mike
vided by The Commercial Dis-
patch. Free notices must be
Myrtle Hampton — Jimmie Earl “Jim” in charge of arrange- D. Patterson of Bir-
submitted to the newspaper
STARKVILLE — Spruill, 80, died March ments. mingham, Alabama
Myrtle W. Hampton, 13, 2021, at his resi- and Gary W. Patterson
no later than 3 p.m. the day Mrs. Patterson was
prior for publication Tuesday 73, died March 9, 2021. dence. born March 11, 1929, in of Counce, Tennessee;
through Friday; no later than 4 Funeral services will Graveside services Winston County, to the siblings, Joan Parrish
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, will be at noon Thurs- late Dewey Eaves and of Detroit, Michigan
edition; and no later than 7:30 at Sixteenth Section day, at St. John Baptist
a.m. for the Monday edition. Clarise Sullivan Eaves. and Johnny Eaves
M.B. Church. Burial Church Cemetery, with
Incomplete notices must be re- She was a graduate of Louisville; nine
will follow in the church the Rev. Henry Lee
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. of Ellison Ridge High grandchildren; and 19
cemetery. Visitation is Williams officiating.
for the Monday through Friday
from 2-6 p.m. today, at School and was former- great-grandchildren.
editions. Paid notices must be Visitation will be from
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion West Memorial Funeral 3-6 p.m. Wednesday,
the next day Monday through Home. West Memo- at Lavender’s Funeral
Send in your
church event!
Religious brief
6A MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 The Dispatch •
Continued from Page 1A
That experience Quinn Parham present-
helped Bishop and her ed Bishop’s ideas to the
husband stay afloat board of aldermen at a
during the pandemic town hall meeting, and
while schools went the pantry was officially
virtual and Jeff found approved with plans to
auto body work hard to find it a space in town
come by. Every Tuesday, still pending. McCool is
Bishop’s aunt helped by one of roughly 15 Cale-
bringing vegetables for donia residents who have
Bishop to can from a donated items for Bishop
pantry in Bigbee. to pack up and deliver,
That gave Bishop an and Elizabeth helps out,
idea. too.
“We need something Caledonia High librar- Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
like this in Caledonia,” ian Angela Clark has A wooden entertainment center in Suzette Bishop’s
she realized. directed a club under her front hallway currently houses the Caledonia Communi-
In January, she began leadership to hold a food ty Pantry, which Bishop created this year. Paper towels,
to collect the items she drive to benefit the pan- cereal, canned goods and other items line the shelves
knew people would need: try, and Stephanie Her- and fill the drawers.
non-perishable goods, ring’s third-grade class at
box meals like macaro- drawers of the entertain- for their various clubs
Caledonia Elementary is
ni and cheese, snacks ment center in her front and organizations to help
doing the same.
for children to bring to hallway, there’s one thing out by keeping track of
“Just because I had an
school and kitchen and she won’t take. what the pantry has in
idea doesn’t mean I put it
bathroom staples like “I don’t want to accept stock.
all together by myself,”
toothbrushes, toilet paper money,” she said. “That’s It’s one of the ways
Bishop said. “It is defi-
and paper towels. a whole ’nother realm Bishop hopes to grow her
nitely the community’s
“I just try to give a lit- of responsibility that I pantry in the months to
effort that made it a go.”
tle bit of everything that did not want to take on. come.
we’ve got,” she said. I didn’t want to have to “My house is just so
A month later, she
Getting ‘bigger answer questions to peo- big — I can only hold so
provided Caledonia alder- and better’ ple: ‘Well, where did my much,” she said. “But
man Tammy McCool with In February, Bishop money go?’ If you bring hopefully we will get
nine boxes of goods to created the Caledonia me items, I don’t have bigger and better as time
distribute among seniors Community Pantry Face- to worry about where goes on.”
at Walt Willis Mobile book group to publicize your money went. I can She said anyone who
Home Park. Three more her creation. The page tell you where the boxes lives in the Caledonia
boxes have since gone includes a link to an went, but I can’t tell you school district boundar-
out to others in need: one Amazon wish list featur- where the money went.” ies is eligible to receive
man who had been hurt ing a number of essential Bishop said she once items and noted that her
at work, another who items: everything from kept a detailed inventory pantry would never turn
was on medical leave and mustard and soup to laun- of everything she has, anyone down. There are
a family whose home dry detergent and tooth- but with three children, no qualifications —
burned down just as the paste. All the purchases five grandchildren, her “if you have a need and
Bishops’ once had. are shipped straight to teaching job and her I have something, we’ll
“I’m not looking to Bishop’s house, sparing responsibilities, “I just supply it,” Bishop said.
support them forever, her the trips around town let that little list go on She knows well
but people need help,” she used to make nearly by me.” Whenever she enough, after all, what it’s
Bishop said. “If you can every afternoon to pick opens her playhouse full like to be in need. Now,
help, then I think you’re up donations. of goods, she said she she can give back.
supposed to do that.” And although Bishop hopes to recruit Caledo- “Some need and some
She’s not the only has “a little bit of every- nia students in need of don’t, so they give,” Bish-
one helping. Alderman thing” crammed into the community service hours op said.
Continued from Page 1A
in the first three years in wine and hard liquor. The for coronavirus response, that. Instead, he knocked
the classroom. Republi- figures could give budget extended unemployment the federal bill by saying
can Gov. Tate Reeves has writers a jolt of confidence benefits and many other it helps states with higher
pledged to sign any teach- as they prepare final de- programs. It was not im- unemployment rates.
er pay raise that lands on tails of spending plans. mediately clear how the “Mississippi has more
his desk. Republican House infusion of federal money people working today
Despite the initial eco- Speaker Philip Gunn and will affect the current state than we had a year ago,
nomic shock of the pan- his allies are pushing a budget writing process. the day the pandemic hit.
demic, Mississippi tax col- proposal to phase out the During a news con- It’s because our state has
lections for the first eight state income tax, cut the ference at the Mississip- been open to business
months of the current fis- 7 percent grocery tax in pi Capitol on Thursday, and our state has not shut
cal year — July through half, increase the sales tax Reeves said his staff is down,” said Reeves, who
February — were almost on most items from 7 per- reviewing the federal leg- lifted Mississippi’s mask
9.5 percent higher than cent to 9.5 percent and in- islation, which he called mandate and removed
they were for the same crease many other taxes. “a Democrat wish list of most business restrictions
eight months a year earli- The bill passed the House spending” and “a blue March 3. “They are re-
er. That is an increase of last month and is facing state bailout.” warding those blue states
almost $339 million. It in- skepticism in the Senate. Mississippi is one of who have shut down their
cludes higher collections President Joe Biden on the poorest states in the economies by sending
from sales taxes; use taxes Thursday signed a $1.9 nation and has long relied them more money than
for online purchases; and trillion federal spending on federal spending, but they are otherwise enti-
taxes on tobacco, beer, plan that includes money Reeves did not mention tled to.”
Saints QB
announces USA TODAY Sports
Alabama players celebrate their 80-79 win against LSU as they raise the championship trophy after the SEC tournament Championship
game Sunday at Bridgestone Arena.
retirement THE ASSOCIATED PRESS football and basketball titles back of the rim and bounced in the final since 1993. LSU
at 42 NASHVILLE, Tenn. —
in the same year. Alabama did
it by adding two more SEC
out and LSU couldn’t get an-
other good shot off in the
coach Will Wade said the final
sequence wound up starting
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Skip calling Alabama simply a titles in basketball after Nick scramble before the buzzer. too far out but liked that they
football school anymore. The Saban’s squad won both the That set off yet another Ala- had the shot from 3 and two
NEW ORLEANS — Crimson Tide have courted a SEC and national champion- bama celebration — this time more up close.
The Drew Brees era new moniker they think fits so ships a couple months ago. on the basketball court. “We just missed, a little bit
with the New Orleans much better. Oats noted Alabama foot- “I just know we had to stop short there at the end,” Wade
Saints — marked by a Just call them a Champion- ball set the new name Satur- them from scoring that last said.
Super Bowl celebration, ship School. day, referring to the Tide on seven seconds, no matter Watford finished with a ca-
raucous record-setting Herbert Jones drove for a Twitter as a “ CHAMPION- what we had to do, who did it, reer-high 30 points for LSU.
nights in the rebuilt go-ahead layup with 19.5 sec- SHIP SCHOOL.” somebody just had to get them Smart added 21 and Cameron
Superdome and the un- onds and No. 6 Alabama won “So we don’t have to be a stop,” Alabama senior guard Thomas had 18.
dersized quarterback’s the Southeastern Conference football school or a basketball John Petty Jr. said. “And we About 20 minutes before
outsized role in a histor- Tournament for the first time school,” Oats said. “We just did. And we champs.” tip-off, Alabama and LSU
ic city’s rebirth — has since 1991, holding off a late win championships. We’re a Hyatt, meanwhile, was on players had to be separated
ended. flurry to edge LSU 80 -79 Sun- championship school.” the floor with his head in his at midcourt. That was just a
Brees, the NFL’s day. The basketball team now hands. Watford was on his preview of the taut battle to
leader in career comple- Coach Nate Oats and the has its sights set on another knees and slammed the court follow.
tions and yards passing, Crimson Tide added to their title. with a hand. Smart said he Alabama scored the first
has decided to retire af- regular-season title with a “I have full faith that we thought Hyatt’s shot went in, eight points of the game only
ter 20 NFL seasons, in- victory that helped Alabama can take this thing, take the calling it “crazy” it rimmed to see LSU answer with a 15-5
cluding his last 15 with match its highest seed ever in NCA A tournament by storm out. run of its own to take a 15-13
New Orleans. the NCA A Tournament. The and win the whole thing,” Al- “This is a hard one to take, lead on Thomas’ third 3 of the
“Til the very end I Tide, which was No. 2 in both abama guard and tournament losing by one with that many game. Alabama scored the fi-
exhausted myself to 1987 and 2002, is seeded sec- MVP Jahvon Quinerly said. opportunities to win the nal seven of the half and took
give everything to the ond and will play Iona on Sat- Alabama still needed its de- game,” Smart said. “We gave a 40 -37 lead into halftime.
Saints organization, urday. fense after Jones went a long it all we got. We really wanted Neither team led by more
my team and the great Alabama, the reigning na- way down the lane for his shot. this win.” than four in the second half.
city of New Orleans,” tional champions in football, Keon Ellis blocked a shot Jones, both the SEC Player Alabama was up 56 -52 on a
Brees said in social me- won its seventh tournament ti- by LSU’s Javonte Smart and of the Year and Defensive Play- free throw by Jones. Smart hit
dia post on Sunday, 15 tle overall, second in the SEC the Tigers took a timeout with er of the Year, finished with 13 back-to-back 3s with Thom-
years to the day after he only to Kentucky’s 31. The just over seven seconds left to points and 11 rebounds. as scoring on a layup, giving
signed with the Saints. Crimson Tide (24-6) hadn’t set up the final attempt. Jaden Shackelford led Ala- LSU a 60 -56 lead midway
“We shared some through the half.
even reached this game since After the inbounds pass bama with 21 points, and Ellis
amazing moments to- Shackelford answered with
2002. went astray and nearly to mid- and Quinerly each had 14.
gether, many of which his own back-to-back 3s be-
Now they’ve joined Flori- court, Trendon Watford’s 3 LSU (18-9) hadn’t won this
are emblazoned in our fore Gary’s layup made it 64-
da (2006 -07) as the only SEC was well short of the rim. Aun- tournament since 1980, and
See BREES, 3B schools with both the league dre Hyatt’s putback hit the this was the Tigers’ first time See ALABAMA, 3B
2B MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 The Dispatch •
Continued from Page 1B
promptly smashed the off grand slam and a State last week in which strong starts, including relief, he fooled the Ea- outputs that have af-
fourth pitch he saw ninth-inning single the Bulldogs looked list- a pair of revenge out- gles with a dazzling mix forded some comfort
from Eagles starter from Taner Allen sank less, Lemonis maligned ings from ace Christian of a mid-90s fastball and over its six-game win-
Luke McGuire into the a feisty Tulane squad his team’s inability to MacLeod and Saturday a dastardly slider that ning streak. Whether
left-center field gap to that came a handful of get going until it’s back starter Eric Cerantola, whipped around the
that persists against a
plate three. pitches from stealing was against the wall. have also given the Bull- zone.
schedule that boasts
“We haven’t been get- that series. Saturday, it Eight days since his dogs an heir of breath- “I felt good today,”
ting leads right off the was Tanner who turned spiel, Lemonis’ bunch ing room. Bednar said postgame. five teams ranked in D1
bat and that’s kind of my on the first pitch he saw have found a groove. Blessed with a bull- “Happy to kind of keep Baseball’s latest Top 25
role as a leadoff hitter,” from Eastern Michigan Entering the week, pen with more capa- building up and build- rankings, though, re-
Dubrule explained. “So reliever Cameron Wag- the Bulldogs had ble arms than the staff ing up pitch count. I’m mains to be seen.
it was kind of nice to get oner and sent it into notched 16 runs in knows what to do with, excited for next week.” “We weren’t great
on the board early today the bleachers for a 4-1 the first three innings second-year freshman Now just a Tuesday today offensively,
to take some stress off come-from-behind win. of their previous 11 Will Bednar thrust his contest against Sam- but I thought we did
the rest of the team and But for as often as games. In five games name back into the ford away from open-
enough,” Lemonis said.
(it) helps us play loose.” MSU has managed late- over the past six days, weekend rotation con- ing Southeastern Con-
“If you can show up and
Through 16 games game, high-pressure MSU turned in 11 runs versation after injuries ference play in Baton
this season, MSU has situations, it’s slogged over the first three slowed his start to the Rouge against No. 21 play defense every day
made a living out of through the earliest frames, including four spring. Striking out sev- L SU, MSU has strung and pitch you’ve got a
late-game heroics. portions of games. Fol- Sunday. en of the 13 batters he together a slew of ear- chance to win and that’s
Luke Hancock’s walk- lowing a loss to Kent A weekend’s worth of faced in four innings of ly-inning offensive kind of what happened.”
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 3B
Continued from Page 1B
60 with 8:20 left. to Alabama, but easily the tightest. The Tigers took
Shackelford hit his fifth 3 with 6:54 to go giving very good care of the ball with only five turnovers
Alabama its biggest lead since the opening minutes that Alabama turned into six points. But the sec-
at 69-63. But LSU, especially Watford or Smart, ond-highest scoring team in the SEC couldn’t make
kept answering to set up the thrilling finish. the shot at the end to win.
Alabama: The Tide’s starters had plenty of help,
Big picture outscoring LSU 28-0 in bench points. The Tide also
LSU: This was the Tigers’ third loss this season outrebounded LSU 50 -43.
Continued from Page 1B
at-large NCA A tournament bid plucked from the NIT, possible the fourth to seal the victory.
quality Saint Louis team.” son and Paige Cook all turned in
For the second time in as many the same number only once. The difficulty level
Meanwhile, No. 1 Ole Miss two-hit nights.
days, Mississippi State softball increases from Monday to Sunday.
will face No. 4 Louisiana Tech at “I thought they made adjust-
8 p.m. Friday. The Rebels are the couldn’t overcome Ole Miss, fall- ments to what their plan was and
fourth team on the NCA A tour- ing 4-1 Sunday in Oxford. how they were getting pitched,”
nament waiting list. If Ole Miss After Carter Spexarth drove Ricketts said. “We just have to be
beats Louisiana Tech, it will take in a run in the first, the Bulldogs able to string some of those to-
on the winner of Western Ken- (15-6, 0 -2 SEC) were held score- gether and put more runs across
tucky and Saint Mary’s. This is less the remainder of the contest. on the scoreboard.”
Ole Miss’ 13th NIT appearance in The Rebels (17-7, 2-0) tied the The Rebels will go for the
school history. game in the bottom frame and put sweep at 6 p.m. Monday in Ox-
If any of the No. 1 seeds are up a three-spot in the bottom of ford.
Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
Continued from Page 1B
hearts and minds and stopped, chatted, threw Superdome — a story- the top 11 all time.
will forever be a part of passes to Brees children book run that didn’t end Brees also has been
us,” Brees continued. “I and hugged Brees be- until a loss in Chicago the unquestioned face of
am only retiring from fore departing. in New Orleans’ first the franchise and lead-
football. I am not retir- Still, Brees declined ever NFC championship er in the locker room
ing from New Orleans. to confirm his plans un- game. That would be throughout his time in
This is not goodbye.” til now, even throwing the first of nine seasons New Orleans. Team-
The post also includ- many for a loop when a in which Brees led the mates have often re-
ed a short video in which video of one of his re- Saints to the playoffs. marked that Brees was
his four young children cent workouts appeared “Drew is so much usually the first player
— the three boys wear- on social media. more valuable than all to arrive at the team’s
ing No. 9 Saints jerseys “Congrats my friend the records, awards training headquarters
— exclaimed, “Our dad on an incredible ca- and accolades that he and last to leave.
is finally going to retire reer,” Brady said in a amassed,” Saints own- Payton often spoke
so he can spend more social media post Sun- er Gayle Benson said. of his collaborative re-
time with us!” day. “Thank you for the “Drew came to repre- lationship with Brees in
The decision comes inspiration and dedica- sent the resolve, passion formulating the offen-
after the 42-year-old tion on and off the field! and drive that resonates sive game plan and rou-
quarterback won nine Look forward to seeing not only with Saints fans tinely letting Brees call
of 12 regular-season what’s next.” and football fans, but his own plays, particu-
starts while completing The Saints currently our entire community.” larly during hurry-up
70.5% of his passes in have one quarterback The franchise’s only drives.
2020, and then won a under contract: Taysom Super Bowl appearance “Since I’ve been here
wild-card round playoff Hill, who went 3-1 as and championship came Drew has been nothing
game before New Orle- a starter during Brees in the 2009 season, with but a good teammate, a
ans’ season ended with absence in 2020. New Brees, selected as the good guy, great leader, ACROSS
a divisional-round loss Orleans also is expected game’s MVP, memo- and I respect him so 1 Locate
to eventual Super Bowl to pursue another veter- rably celebrating with much in all facets of his 5 Cuts down
champion Tampa Bay. an QB to compete for a first child Baylen in his life,” said center Erik 9 Wish granter
Brees missed four starting job, including arms as confetti floated McCoy, a two-year pro 10 Furious
games this season with free agent Jameis Win- around them. who grew up watching 12 Second U.S.
multiple fractured ribs ston, who spent 2020 as Brees’ 32 completions Brees and wound up president
and a collapsed lung. a Saints reserve. (on 39 attempts) tied a snapping him the ball 13 Oregon’s
It marked the second Brees retirement Super Bowl record, just the past two seasons. capital
straight season Brees brings an end to a career one of numerous times “The way that he 14 Kansas’
had to miss part of a sea- that came to embody re- the 6 -foot-1 quarter- came into work every capital
son with an injury after silience and renewal on back, drafted by the San day. He was always 16 Rep.’s rival
missing just one game multiple levels. Diego Chargers out of 17 Amorous
locked in. He was always
because of injury in the His most prolific Purdue in the beginning archer
on point. He was always
previous 13. In 2019, seasons came after he of the second round of 18 In a gentle
sharp. ... I feel like that
Brees missed five games underwent major re- the 2001 draft, etched way
has kind of molded me.”
because of a thumb inju- constructive surgery in his name in NFL record 21 Melancholy
ry on his throwing hand early 2006 to repair a ca- books.
While Brees was
22 New York’s Sunday’s answer
popular in San Diego
that required surgery. reer-threatening throw- Indeed, the hall- capital 40 Uncool fellow 22 Out of the
during his first five NFL
Saints coach Sean ing shoulder injury. marks of Brees’ career 23 Spills the 41 Vended wind
seasons, he became
Payton said Brees had He joined the Saints have been his deci- beans DOWN 23 Diner sand-
synonymous with New
plenty of other injuries shortly after, at a time sion-making, timing and 24 Montana’s 1 Soft hat wich
Orleans after signing
or ailments during his when New Orleans was accuracy. capital 2 Peas’ place 24 Morphine
Saints tenure, but willed still coping with wide- Brees not only holds with the Saints. He par-
ticipated in marketing 26 Twisty fish 3 City of southern product
himself to play through spread devastation the NFL’s single-season 29 Trio doubled France 25 Thrill
them whenever possi- caused by Hurricane record for completion campaigns for the city’s
tourism industry, pro- 30 Forever — 4 Cubicle fixture 26 Require as a
ble. Katrina in August 2005. rate at 74.4% in 2018, day 5 Towel word result
“Over the years his When Brees moved to but also holds the sec- fessed his affection for
the community in count-
31 “Lord of the 6 Important time 27 Fixed copy
durability and availabili- New Orleans, he bought ond-highest mark at 74.3 Rings” creature 7 Thoreau work 28 Bowling spots
ty is quite amazing. I can and renovated a historic in 2019 and third-high- less interviews, talked
32 Texas’ capital 8 Unwavering 29 Laments
recall so many of these home in the city’s Up- est at 72% in 2017. up the city’s renowned
34 Idaho’s capital 9 Airport areas loudly
different injuries,” Pay- town neighborhood, just His 70.5% rate in 2020 restaurant scene and
37 Country 11 TV award 30 Houston
ton said. “He’s as cou- a block away from Audu- ranked ninth all time, was a celebrity rider in division
Mardi Gras parades. Be- 15 Georgia’s player
rageous and as tough a bon Park. giving Brees six of the 38 Peaceful capital 33 Purposes
player as I’ve ever been The storm had forced top nine season comple- tween his Brees Dream protest
foundation and his own
19 “Fernando” 35 Knight’s
around.” the Saints to play all of tion rates in NFL histo- 39 Great Lakes group address
Brees is the NFL’s their 2005 games out- ry. personal work, Brees tribe 20 Mates for pas 36 Cease
all-time leader in yards side New Orleans, and Payton’s offenses has donated or commit-
passing with 80,358, al- the Saints finished that were more passing ori- ted more than $35 mil-
though that mark will be season 3-13. ented in some seasons lion to charitable causes
under threat next sea- “When I was hired by than others for a variety in New Orleans and the
son by 44-year-old Tom the Saints as head coach of reasons related to per- Gulf Coast region, ac-
Brady, who has 79,204 in 2006, the very first sonnel, the types of de- cording to his market-
career yards passing. goal was to establish a fenses the Saints faced ing agent, Chris Stuart.
Brees’ 571 career touch- functional and winning and the way games “No one has ever
down passes rank sec- culture,” Payton said. “It played out. scored higher as far as
ond behind Brady’s 581. was vital to know what But when Brees had their combination of ath-
Brees had dropped we were looking for in a to throw, he piled up letic achievement and
hints about his inten- player, talent, work eth- yardage whether the involvement in a com-
tions, saying he con- ic, makeup, intelligence Saints were a playoff munity,” said political
sidered himself to be and leadership are all team or not. pundit, Louisiana native
on “borrowed time.” qualities we found in Brees eclipsed the and New Orleans resi-
After his final game, Drew Brees. We also 5,000 -yard mark in five dent James Carville, as-
he returned to the Su- found a player with a seasons, with his ca- serting that Brees is to
perdome field in street burning desire to win.” reer-best 5,476 yards New Orleans what Ted
clothes, embraced his With Payton calling coming in 2011. That Williams was to Boston
wife, Brittany, and plays and Brees exe- mark ranks second all and Michael Jordan to
played catch with his cuting them, the Saints time, one yard behind Chicago. “In more ways
children for nearly two won 10 regular-season Peyton Manning’s 5,477 than one, he’s arguably
hours. When Brady games in 2006, and then yards with Denver in the most significant
saw them on his way to won a divisional-round 2013. Brees’ five 5,000 - New Orleanian of the
the Tampa Bay bus, he playoff game in a rebuilt yard seasons all rank in 21st century.”
4B MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 The Dispatch •
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