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CBCP Monitor Vol14-N12

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•A3 Men in black: Year for

Priests highlights need

•B1 Today’s culture and •C1 The CROSS
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
consecrated life
for holy ministers and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

Sex education undermines Soaring prices of

parents’ roles – CBCP commodities, education
IMPOSING lessons about sex on kids as young
as eleven is an attempt to wrest responsibil-
make OFW pockets ‘ache’
ity for bringing up children from parents, the FILIPINO migrant workers’ say their pockets
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines are already “aching” not only due to the increas-
said. ing prices of commodities but also the soaring
The bishops revived its opposition to the price of Philippine education.
proposed implementation of the integrated sex “Tuition fee increases in both private and public
education program for elementary and high colleges and universities are adding to our already
school students this school year. heavy burden as prices of food, fuel, water and
Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, CBCP Media Office electricity continue to rise while value of the US
director, was among those who immediately dollars continue to decrease thus making it more
reacted on the plan by the Department of Edu- difficult for us to make ends meet,” laments John
Sex education / A6 June 7 - 20, 2010 Vol. 14 No. 12 Php 20.00 Prices / A6

Church pins hope on Aquino

By Roy Lagarde
THE Catholic hierarchy is
counting on President-elect
Benigno Aquino III’s promise
moratorium on
of change.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP) president Bishop SAVE the environment or lose up to
Nereo Odchimar said the church will multimillion worth of revenues – as
rally behind the Aquino administration well as thousands of jobs—from the
if only for the good the country. mining sector?
“We will pray for him as a president. For an agency of the Catholic Bishops’
We will work together… wish him well Conference of the Philippines (CBCP),
and cooperate with his ideals that we the answer is simple: implement a mora-
could be in assistance not necessarily torium on logging this year to allow the
compromising our beliefs and our con- government to clean up its act.
victions particularly in matters of faith Such move, said Fr. Edwin Gariguez,
and morals,” Odchimar said. executive secretary of the CBCP’s
The change former CBCP president and National Secretariat for Social Action
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo wants (Nassa), would also give the environ-
is for Aquino to eradicate the “rampant” ment a breather from rampant environ-
corruption in the government. ment deforestation.
Lagdameo said he is hoping the Aqui- Gariguez said moratorium means
no administration will give full consid- taking a break from mining activities,
eration to voices of the “majority—the and “this we mean all mining opera-
poor Filipinos.” tions,” he said.
“It should be stopped… mining
15th President moratorium,” Gariguez said recently at
Aquino on June 9 was proclaimed by “The Forum,” a Catholic Church-based
Congress as the 15th President of the media discussion.
© Bong D. Fabe

The 50-year old Liberal Party (LP) Review mining policy
standard bearer is the first president And while the country is taking a
elected through nationwide automated break from mining activities, he said
elections held last May 10. the government should also review its
Aquino, son of the country’s democ- policies about the industry.
racy icon Cory Aquino, secured just “There should also be changes in the
over 15.2 million votes, or nearly 42 mining policy,” said the priest who is
percent of the total number cast. also working for Mangyan Mission, a
Former president Joseph Estrada church-based non-government orga-
of Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) nization promoting the rights of the
finished way far behind in second spot indigenous communities.
with nearly 9.5 million votes. In this file photo, President-elect Benigno Aquino III presents a book about his mother, the country’s democracy icon Cory Aquino, to Archbishop According to him, the current na-
Aquino / A6 Antonio Ledesma during his courtesy call to the prelate at the Bishop's House in Cagayan de Oro City, January 30, 2010. Moratorium / A6

Pope thanks CBCP for ‘message of support’

POPE Benedict XVI has expressed his thanks for the “thoughtful of Mary, Mother of the Church as the Supreme Pontiff imparts his
message of support” tendered to him by the Catholic Bishops Con- Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of strength and peace in Jesus her
ference of the Philippines (CBCP) over the news reports of sex abuse divine Son.”
scandals involving some members of the clergy. Odchimar, in the name of the CBCP has sent the pope a letter of
The pope described the negative publicity aired in media over the support last April 8 expressing sadness over news reports against
past few months as “purifying trials” which he believes will awaken the Holy Father and the Catholic Church in relation on the cases of
in all the faithful a deeper thirst for holiness and a more ardent love sexual abuses by some members of the clergy.
of the Lord and his Church. “On behalf of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines,
In a letter addressed to CBCP President and Tandag Bishop I express our support and oneness with Your Holiness in your open
Nereo P. Odchimar signed by the Secretariat of State’s Substitute and firm commitment to combat such abuses,” Odchimar said.
Archbishop Fernando Filoni, the Holy Father remains “confident The CBCP prays with everyone with faith and love for His Holi-
that, by contemplating the paschal mystery of Christ’s suffering, ness as Head Shepherd, as he leads the Church through this crisis,
death and resurrection during the Easter season, the whole Church he added.
will be confirmed in faith and in ‘the great hope based upon God’s Odchimar also mentioned the CBCP has “started to squarely
promises that gives us courage and directs our action in good times address this problem since the early 2000s by drafting its own
and bad’” (Spe Salvi, 35). “Pastoral Guidelines on Sexual Abuses and Misconduct by the
The letter dated April 22, 2010, which was later released to the Clergy.”
media, assured everyone of the Holy Father's “special remembrance He said the protocol is being used by some dioceses concerned
in prayers as he commends Bishop Odchimar and the clergy, reli- ad experimentum while the final approval by the Holy See after its
gious and lay faithful of the Philippines to the loving intercession second revision is being awaited. (Melo M. Acuna)

Fight for ‘freedom of Bishops seek abolition of pork barrel

information’ continues CATHOLIC bishops called on the
incoming president to abolish the
country’s “biggest source” of funds for
various and concerned agencies of the
government and not by the lawmakers.
Bastes said the “bad congressional tra-
Pabillo the church has long been ap-
pealing for the abolition of pork bar-
rel system because it had corrupted
OFFICIALS of the Catholic hierarchy Pabillo said he will push for the pas- corruption: pork barrel. dition” should be “forbidden forever.” legislators.
vowed to make a renewed bid to push sage of the bill in the incoming 15th The bishops, in a radio interview, Pork barrel, formally known as He said it also paved the way for the
the passage of the “freedom of informa- Congress. said president-elect Benigno Aquino the Priority Development Assistance legislative branch to lose its indepen-
tion” bill in the incoming Congress, say- For his part, Fr. Edu Gariguez, Nassa III should abolish the pork barrel and Fund (PDAF), is money taken from the dence from the executive branch.
ing it could lead for good governance. executive secretary, said the church never allow any form of replacement national budget that funds projects of Traditionally, many lawmakers
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick “mourns with the Filipino” the bypass- or compromise. senators or congressmen. from different political parties join
Pabillo’s remarks, made in an interview ing of the bill. By doing so, Sorsogon Bishop Arturo A congressman is entitled to P70 mil- the administration coalition after
with CBCPNews, came as the Lower “The failure of Congress to pass the Bastes said one bi g source of corruptible lion in PDAF every year and a member elections to ensure that they got their
House failed on June 4 to ratify the bill bill is a shameless betrayal,” Gariguez public funds will be taken away. of the Senate, P200 million. pork barrel.
because of lack of quorum. added. Even if it removes only half of cor- Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick “The congressmen should focus on
House Speaker Prospero Nograles If passed into law, the bill would ruption, he said, it making laws because
had earlier assured that Congress will require government agencies to make would already be a that’s what they are
work on the ratification. available to the general public all in- huge achievement for supposed to do,” said
Various sectors and civil society formation pertaining to official acts, Aquino who vowed Pabillo.
groups are supportive of the measure transactions and government research to abolish corruption, He said the power
that could allow wider public access to data. which was his cam- that local governments
information about government transac- The law would also give flesh to a paign battle cry. deserve must be given
tions and public records in print, sound Constitutional provision, which guaran- “Pork barrel is real- to them because they
and visual form. tees the people’s access to information ly a source of corrup- are supposed to im-
Pabillo slammed the Congress, saying on matters of public concern. tion (in Congress). plement pet projects
many of its members again failed to put The FOI bill has been pending for a Their (lawmakers) like roads and school
the public interest ahead of their own in decade. Once the incoming Congress duty is to make laws buildings.
setting aside the FOI bill. opens, the bill has to be re-filed and the and not rural devel- “That is the impor-
Illustration by Bladimer Usi

“This 14th Congress lost the honor legislative process approval goes back opment,” Bastes said tant duties of the gov-
to bequeath a landmark for our democ- to the first step. over church-run Ra- ernors and the mayors
racy,” said Pabillo, who also chairs the The Senate earlier approved the mea- dyo Veritas. and not of the senators
Catholic Bishops Conference’ of the sure and called on the House to do the He said govern- and congressmen,”
Philippines – National Secretariat for same so that it could finally become a ment money should said Pabillo. (Roy
Social Action. law. (Melo M. Acuna) be handled by the Lagarde/CBCPNews)

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World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Pope to Cyprus: Support

Mideast Christians
NICOSIA, Cyprus, June 5, 2010—Benedict XVI underlined the impor-
tance of supporting Christians in the Middle East during a meeting
with the Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostomos II of New Justiniana
and All Cyprus.
The Pope is in Cyprus until Sunday, when he will deliver the "in-
strumentum laboris" (working document) for the Special Assembly
for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, which will take place
in Rome in October.
Upon visiting the Orthodox archbishopric of Nicosia, Benedict
XVI expressed his gratitude to the Cypriot Orthodox Church, which
"through the clarity and openness of her contributions, has always
given to the work of the dialogue."
Since the 2006 election of Chrysostomos II, the Church has become

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a leader in ecumenical efforts, as well as a promoter of interreli-

© www.tolerance.ca
gious dialogue with Islam, due to Turkish presence on the divided
"May the Holy Spirit guide and confirm this great ecclesial under-
taking," Benedict XVI added, "which aims at restoring full and visible
communion between the Churches of East and West, a communion
to be lived in fidelity to the Gospel and the apostolic tradition, esteem for the legitimate traditions of "No one can remain indifferent," he continued, "to the need to support in every way possible the
East and West, and openness to the diversity of gifts by which the Spirit builds up the Church in unity, Christians of that troubled region, so that its ancient Churches can live in peace and flourish. The
holiness and peace." Christian communities of Cyprus can find a most fruitful area for ecumenical cooperation in praying
Without specifically mentioning the nation's ongoing struggle with Turkey over the occupation of and working together for peace, reconciliation and stability in the lands blessed by the earthly presence
the northern section of the island, the Pope expressed hope that the nation "will find the wisdom and of the Prince of Peace."
strength needed to work together for a just settlement of issues remaining to be resolved, to strive for Archbishop Chrysostomos II noted in his address to the Pope that "despite the small numbers of
peace and reconciliation, and to build for future generations a society distinguished by respect for the its flock, the Church of Cyprus holds an eminent position in Orthodoxy and enjoys fraternal relations
rights of all, including the inalienable rights to freedom of conscience and freedom of worship." with all the Churches."
Turning his attention to the Holy Land, which he noted has traditionally included Cyprus, the "Indeed," he added, "as we enter the 21st century, which is the century of dialogue, approach and
Pontiff said "the situation of continuing conflict in the Middle East must be a source of concern to mutual understanding, we are determined to continue this course, in the belief that this is the will of
all Christ’s followers." the All-Merciful Lord." (Zenit)

Unity among Christians

possible, Pontiff affirms
PAPHOS, Cyprus, June 4, 2010—Unity among Christians is pos- Father noted the progress of ecumenism in recent years.
sible, especially between Catholics and the Orthodox Churches, He explained: "Just a hundred years ago, at the Edinburgh Mis-
says Benedict XVI. sionary Conference, the acute awareness that divisions between
The Pope said this during an ecumenical celebration at the archeo- Christians were an obstacle to the spread of the Gospel gave birth
© www.flickr.com/photos/directionstoorthodoxy

logical area of the Church of Agia Kiriaki Chrysopolitiss, on the first to the modern ecumenical movement.
day of his three-day trip the majority-Orthodox island. "Today we can be grateful to the Lord, who through his Spirit has
After the welcome ceremony at the International Airport of led us, especially in these last decades, to rediscover the rich apos-
Paphos, the Pontiff traveled directly to the Church of Agia Kiriaki tolic heritage shared by East and West, and in patient and sincere
Chrysopolitiss to participate in an ecumenical celebration with Cy- dialogue to find ways of drawing closer to one another, overcoming
priot Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostomos II and other leaders of past controversies, and looking to a better future."
Christian faiths, such as Armenians, Lutherans and Anglicans. Benedict XVI called the church in Cyprus "a bridge between
"The unity of all Christ’s disciples is a gift to be implored from the East and West," and noted its contribution "this process of
Father in the hope that it will strengthen the witness to the Gospel in reconciliation."
today’s world," he said. "The Lord prayed for the holiness and unity "The path leading to the goal of full communion will certainly not
of his disciples precisely so that the world might believe." be without its difficulties," he continued, "yet the Catholic Church
Pope Benedict XVI greets the Orthodox archbishop of Cyprus, Chrysostomos II During the open air event, which took place beside the Orthodox and the Orthodox Church of Cyprus are committed to advancing in
(L), on his arrival at the Vatican June 16, 2007. church, also known as the Church of the Pillar of St. Paul, the Holy the way of dialogue and fraternal cooperation." (Zenit)

Pontiff laments murder of Bishop Padovese Day of prayers to follow

VATICAN CITY, June 5, 2010—Benedict The text continued: "He joins all of you in
XVI sent his condolences to the apostolic commending the noble soul of this beloved
ment to dialogue and reconciliation which
characterized his priestly life and episcopal
deadly Dhaka blaze
nuncio to Turkey for the death of Bishop pastor to the infinite mercy of God our ministry. DHAKA, June 4, 2010—The government of Bangladesh has
Luigi Padovese, who was stabbed to death Father and in giving thanks for the selfless "United with all who mourn Bishop declared Saturday a day of mourning with special prayers for
Thursday. witness to the Gospel and resolute commit- Padovese in the hope which draws its victims of one of the worst fires in Bangladesh’s history in which
The 63-year-old prelate, who was certainty from the resurrection, His more than 100 are reported dead.
the apostolic vicar in Anatolia and Holiness cordially imparts his apos- The blaze broke out on Thursday night in the Nimtali area,
president of the Turkish bishops' con- tolic blessing as a pledge of consola- one of Dhaka’s oldest districts.
ference, was murdered in Iskenderun, tion and strength in our Lord Jesus The death toll is continuing to rise.
Turkey, hours before he was to travel Christ." Deputy fire chief Abdur Rashid said 93 were confirmed dead
to Cyprus for the apostolic trip of Benedict XVI is in Cyprus through while Mohibul Haque, the deputy commissioner of Dhaka, put
Benedict XVI. Sunday, where he will present the the toll at 114.
Authorities charged the Capuchin "instrumentum laboris" (working The government requested everyone to hold special prayers at
bishop's driver with the murder, 26- document) for the Special Assembly mosques, temples, churches and pagodas, The Daily Star reported.
year-old Murat Altun, who is said to for the Middle East of the Synod of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited the injured at the Dhaka
be mentally unstable. Bishops, which will take place in Rome Medical College Hospital (DMCH) this morning accompanied
The telegram, sent to Archbishop in October. by Health Minister AFM Ruhal Huq and other officials.
Antonio Lucibello on the Pope's behalf In comments Friday during a press The government has extended financial and other logistics sup-
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by Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio conference with journalists accompa- port for the burial of the victims and treatment of the injured.
Bertone, said the Pontiff was "deeply nying him on his three-day trip, the The government has decided to grant 20,000 taka (US$282) for
saddened by the murder" and asked Pope noted that Bishop Padovese had each victim’s family to meet immediate needs including burial
the archbishop to "convey [the Holy "contributed greatly" to the prepara- of the dead.
Father's] heartfelt condolences and the tion of the synod for the Middle East, President Zillur Rahman expressed profound shock at the loss
assurance of his closeness in prayer to and also cautioned against confusing of life in the fire. He said today he was praying for the salva-
the bishops, priests, religious and lay the incident with religion or politics. tion of the departed souls and also for the quick recovery of the
faithful of the Church in Turkey." Bishop Luigi Padovese
(Zenit) injured. (UCAN)

Jesuits hope to spread the good news with manga

KOLKOTA, India, June 4, 2010—Kolkata Jesuits orga- what words fail to communicate, he added.
nized a recent workshop on the Japanese comic form The workshop is the first of its kind in India and the re-
of manga drawing, which they say has potential as a sponse was “overwhelming,” said Indian artist Bharath
Bible-teaching tool. Murthy, who assisted in the program.
The stylistic and attractive Japanese art form is “an excel- In India, only children read comics unlike in Japan
lent means” to evangelize among illiterate Indians as it has where all ages enjoy them, he added.
“enormous potential” to teach the Bible, said Father Joseph But it wasn’t just the style of drawing that was decid-
Pymbellikunnel, director of Chitrabani (light and sound), edly “un-Indian” about the workshop.
the communication center of Calcutta archdiocese. The 50-odd participants came to the sessions on time
Japanese use the art form to teach various topics, apart and hardly talked or took lunch breaks during the six-
from mere entertainment, said Japanese manga artist day program, Father Pymbellikunnel said.
Yukichi Yamamatsu who conducted the workshop. “It was so alien to our Indian nature to see everyone,
He said he wanted Indians to explore ways to use the including the youngest eight-year-old, working silently,
Japanese art form for education.Manga can express easily glued to their seats.” (UCAN)

HK faithful vows to keep up June 4 prayer rallies

HONG KONG, June 4, 2010—The Square, 21 years ago. and another sculpture dedicated
faithful in Hong Kong have turned The activist expects several hun- to the Tiananmen victims outside
out to mark the annual “June 4 Inci- dred Catholics will come for the a shopping mall. Police confiscated
dent” in several Church-run events rally in the early evening of the an- them for violating the “Places of
and vowed to continue their prayer niversary day. They will later join Public Entertainment Ordinance”
rally in the years to come. tens of thousands of other people at but returned them on June 1 follow-
“We will continue commemorat- the annual candlelit vigil despite the ing public outrage.
ing the June 4 Incident even in the local authority’s recent attempts to The police action was “premedi-
face of future restrictions,” said Lina keep a tight rein on events. tated and a ridiculous excuse,” Chan
Chan Lai-na, an organizer of the On May 29, the Hong Kong Alli- said.
Catholic-run prayer rally marking ance in Support of Patriotic Demo- Hong Kong and Macau, former
the crackdown on pro-democracy cratic Movements of China erected Western colonies, are the only two
protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen a “Goddess of Democracy” statue Prayer / A6
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Men in black: Year for Priests

highlights need for holy ministers
VATICAN CITY, June 4, 2010—Catholics expect
a lot from their priests and Pope Benedict XVI
is no exception.
Some people might have thought the pope
convoked the June 2009-2010 Year for Priests as
a praise-fest for the church’s collared class, but
instead he highlighted the importance of priests
in the life of the church by exhorting them to live
up to their calling.
In hundreds of speeches throughout the year
and in a special three-part series during his
weekly general audiences in April and May,
Pope Benedict described the identity and mis-
sion of priests, asked Catholics to pray for their
ministers and asked the men in black not just to

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be good priests, but to be holy.
The fact that the church’s handling of cases of
priestly sex abuse came to the fore in Ireland and
other European countries and then was back in
© www.wikimedia.org
the news in North America made it impossible
during the Year for Priests for the pope or any-
one else to ignore that a problem existed, even
if it involved just a small portion of the world’s
But, a South African priest said, “it was good
that the abuse scandal came out this year. It is an opportunity to confusion and bewilderment of our times, the light of God’s word, Father Vernon Clark, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in
recognize our sinfulness and the importance of our behavior.” the light that is Christ himself.” Cody, Wyoming, didn’t really have a lot to say about governing
The priest, Father Stanley Masilompana from the Archdiocese of “The priest does not teach his own ideas, a philosophy that he when he was interviewed with a pilgrimage group in St. Peter’s
Johannesburg, is studying in Rome and said that during the Year for himself has invented, that he has discovered or liked,” he said, but Square June 2.
Priests, he has come to the Vatican each Friday to pray the rosary. “he proposes the truth that is Christ himself.” Teaching through classes and homilies and sanctifying through
Each day, among the thousands of visitors to St. Peter’s Square, The sanctifying role, he said May 5, involves putting people in the celebration of the sacraments – especially the Eucharist and
there are dozens of priests such as Father Masilompana. Some come touch with God, who is “light, truth, pure love” and doing so espe- reconciliation – are the two most common elements of his ministry,
on their own to pray, while others are leading pilgrim groups. cially by offering the sacraments. he said.
Father Masilompana said he thought some of the media coverage “Each priest knows well that he is an instrument necessary to “As for governance, if you are doing the other things well, then
of the sex abuse scandal was unfair, but “I still believe that if Christi- God’s saving action, but also that he is always only an instrument. you already are leading the people,” he said.
anity is not persecuted, it loses its meaning; we get too self-sufficient This awareness must make priests humble and generous in the Father Clark, whose parish includes Yellowstone National Park,
and think that God is not in charge.” administration of the sacraments,” the pope said. said the cases of clerical sex abuse “break my heart.”
God being in charge was one of the key points Pope Benedict made The governing role, he said May 26, gets a bad rap in the modern “It pierces my heart. It is a call to deepen our humility ... and to
in his three audience talks on the ministry of priests. world because people have seen too many examples of the abuse of give myself more and more to Jesus through my practice of chastity
Using the classical formulation of the “tria munera,” or three of- power in governments and in relationships. and celibacy,” he said.
fices and tasks of a priest—to teach, sanctify and govern—the pope In the church, authority is a service of leadership “exercised not in For Father Christopher Mathaha, a student from Klerksdorp, South
focused on how priests must allow Christ to act through them at one’s own name, but in the name of Jesus Christ,” who acts through Africa, the Year for Priests was important.
all times. priests to “guide, protect and correct his flock because he loves it “For once we find someone—the Holy Father—who says, ‘I care
The teaching role, he said April 14, is to make present, amid “the deeply,” the pope said. about priests,’” he said. (CNS)

Pope Benedict to declare St. Jean Special Report

Jailed OFW in
Vianney Patron of all Priests Riyadh needs
ROME, June 2, 2010— The Congregation for Clergy has revealed signifi- to take place in Rome from June 9 -11, marking the final days of the special blood money to
save life
cant details about the upcoming International Meeting of Priests that will year.
be held in Rome next week. A Wednesday statement from the Vatican According to the prefect of the Vatican congregation, Cardinal Claudio
dicastery announced that the 9,000 priests are scheduled to attend and Hummes, the objective of the initiative is to highlight a “spiritual renewal,” a
that the Pope will proclaim St. Jean Vianney the Patron of all Priests at new beginning and not a “conclusion.” He also said he hopes closing events
ANTIPOLO CITY, May 30, 2010—A 30-year
the closing Mass. will lead to a “rediscovery of the grandeur of the sacrament that configures
old Filipino migrant worker in Saudi is in need
The Year for Priests was inaugurated by Pope Benedict XVI on June 19 of last to Christ, High Priest.”
of blood money in order to save his life.
year and will be closed Events along the course of the three days will include meditations, Masses
Joselito Zapanta, a native of Pampanga and
by him with a Mass in and a congress on the figure of the priest. Pope Benedict XVI will meet twice
a father of two little kids, was sentenced to
St. Peter’s Square on with all participants, first during a prayer vigil on Thursday evening and
death last April 14 for murdering his Sudanese
June 11. Last spring, he then at Mass on Friday morning.
landlord. He was also accused of theft. He is
defined the year-long The statement from the Congregation for Clergy announced that Thursday’s
now staying at the Malaiz Central Jail in the
initiative as a “time to vigil event will be broadcast from the Vatican simultaneously to Ars, France,
Saudi capital of Jeddah.
deepen the commitment the Cenacle in Jerusalem, the “Favelas” of Buenos Aires and Hollywood. The
In a statement sent to media by Migrante
of all priests to interior Pope is scheduled to make an address to all priests at this time.
chair Garry Martinez he said that the family is
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renewal for the sake of More than 600 young musicians and singers from Italian institutions will
now in dire need to come up with the necessary
a more forceful and inci- perform at the vigil.
amount to save the head of their kin.
sive witness to the Gos- At the final Mass, which coincides with the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
Migrante and the Zapanta family are now
pel in today’s world.” of Jesus, the Holy Father will proclaim the Year's patron, St. Jean Vianney, the
demanding for a dialogue with the Department
A June 2 statement Patron of all Priests. St. Jean is currently only the patron of parish priests.
of Foreign Affairs in order to “clarify” the lat-
from the Vatican’s Con- In addition to the 9,000 priests from 91 countries that have registered for
ter’s plan about the fate of the OFW especially
gregation for Clergy the final meeting, seminarians, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and lay
that they have received news that the last day
detailed the events set faithful will also participate in the three-day event. (CNA/EWTN News)
of filing of appeal before the Saudi Appellate

New media must help people’s hearts

Court was on May 10.
“They must reveal their plans. It is matter of
life and death for Joselito,” Martinez said in a
message sent to this reporter.

be touched by Christ, pope says

He said that the family of Joselito wants to
participate on the efforts of saving the life of
their kin.
In a statement, Zapanta’s father Jesus said
VATICAN CITY, June 2, 2010—If Catholic commu- his church to the attention of a wider public," the that they doubt the capability of the Macapa-
nicators are to use new media effectively, they must pope said. gal-Arroyo government, whose term is about
use it in ways that touch people's hearts and draw "If your mission is to be truly effective – if the to end June 30th, of helping his son escape his
them to living faith communities, Pope Benedict XVI words you proclaim are to touch hearts, engage death.
said in a long-distance greeting to people gathered people's freedom and change their lives – you must “Hindi kami papayag na buong-buong ip-
for a media convention in New Orleans. draw them into an encounter with persons and agkatiwala ang buhay ng aking anak sa ating
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During his general audience in St. Peter's Square communities who witness to the grace of Christ pamahalaan. Hindi na kami papayag na lagi na
June 2, the pope read his message to those attend- by their faith and their lives," he said. lang paghintayin at paasahin sa mga balita na
ing the Catholic Media Convention June 2-4. The The pope said he hoped conference participants madalang pa sa patak ng ulan kung dumating.
convention is an annual joint gathering of the would come away with renewed enthusiasm for Gusto naming maging aktibong kalahok, gusto
Catholic Press Association and the Catholic Acad- the Gospel. Near the end of the audience, as the pope was naming matiyak na magagawa ang lahat para
emy for Communication Arts Professionals. Before imparting his apostolic blessing to the greeting pilgrim groups in different languages, mailigtas ang buhay ng aking anak,” Mang
The 2010 meeting focused on the theme "Spread- media professionals, the pope said that despite the nine Italian military planes flew in formation over Jesus stated.
ing the Good News – Byte by Byte," which "high- many challenges facing Catholic communicators St. Peter's Basilica and left bright red, white and
lights the extraordinary potential of the new media today, "never forget the promise of Christ, 'I am green smoke in their wake. The saga of Joselito’s plight
to bring the message of Christ and the teaching of with you always, to the close of the age.'" New media / A7
Just like any other parent and husband, Jo-
selito had decided to leave the country to work

Human Rights groups to file Morong 43 case in UN Rights Council

abroad to provide his family food, clothing,
shelter and other necessities.
In a fact sheet provided by the Migrante’s
Migrants’ Assistance Center, it says that he
ANTIPOLO CITY, May 30, 2010—Hu- of the international community the there were 1,191 victims of extrajudi- violations. But even if the numbers left Manila for Riyadh on October 14, 2008
man rights watchdog Karapatan and persistent and continuing viola- cial killings, 205 victims of enforced decreased there was no let-up in the to work as a tile setter. It was the Al-Ahram
the Ecumenical Voice for Peace and tions to human rights under Oplan disappearances; 1,028 victims of violations, with impunity becoming International Group Services Inc., with offices
Human Rights (Ecumenical Voice) Bantay Laya, or the anti-insurgency torture; and hundreds of thousands more brazen as in the cases of the at Rms. 1, 2, 302 & 106, Jalandoni Bldg., 1444
are set to go to the United Nations’ campaign crafted by the Macapagal- of people forcibly evacuated and Ampatuan massacre and the illegal Mabini Street, in Ermita, Manila that helped
Human Rights Council headquarters Arroyo adminstration upon its as- displaced in rural areas as a result of arrest and torture of the Morong 43. him land a job there.
in Geneva, Switzerland to formally sumption to office in 2001. military operations—all are but part Whenever there is a lull in the pres- However, fate seemed to be cruel to Jo-
file their complaint against the gov- The pastor also said the nine-year of the implementation of the OBL. sure the number of violations shoots selito.
ernment and state forces, in line with reign of Mrs. Arroyo is “marked as “These [numbers] represent the up again,” Reyes further explained. Not receiving his salary for six months, he
the case of the 43 health workers who the worst in terms of adherence to scale and magnitude of the brutal The members of the delegation hope had decided to run away from his previous
were arrested while in training in Mo- human rights instrumentalities.” impact of the OBL under a so-called and pray that the UNHRC will press employer and tried applying for other jobs.
rong, Rizal last February 5th. “With the implementation of OBL, democratic rule. The culture of im- the Philippine government to adhere Luckily, he was helped by his fellow Filipinos
Rev. Fr. Rex B. Reyes Jr., secretary- the most vicious counterinsurgency punity that characterized this assault to the human rights instrumentalities to get part-time jobs in order to sustain himself
general of the National Council of program in recent memory, her gov- on human dignity is second to none and immediately stop the human and send a little money to his family in Mexico,
Churches of the Philippines (NCCP) ernment tops the scale of human rights in recent years. When there is strong rights violations in the Philippines. Pampanga.
and one of the conveners of the violators in the country’s history since local and international pressure the Reyes also said that having gone On May 25, 2009 Joselito had been able to
Ecumenical voice in a statement said, the martial law years,” he said. Arroyo government is forced to “de- through the recently held national Jailed / A6
they will again bring to the attention Based on the records of Karapatan, escalate” the number of human rights Morong / A6
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Illustration by Bladimer Usi


Truth can wait—but not forever

OBJECTIVE truth has some features that liars and thieves,
frauds, grafters and other vicious characters cannot ignore—
knowing fully well that their corrupt and corrupting legacy
adversely affects not only themselves but their descendants
as well. Even if they are six feet below the ground, their gross
and scandalous misdeeds, continue to haunt them still.
Truth can wait—but not forever. The rather well known big
crooks and villains in the present Philippines society, especially
those supposedly occupying high and sensitive offices in
government can be and are being exonerated one by one from
their heinous sins against the good and welfare of the Filipinos
in general. The more powerful and influential they have been
in the past decade or so, the more covetous and greedy they
became, and more above the law they tend to remain.
The over-all result of a decadent governance will not only go
down history albeit shamefully but will scar the lives of people
in terms of deep-seated social ills that will take long time to
heal. The eroded dignity of a person and a depreciated basic
human right are but a few consequences of a bad political
But again, it would be a huge folly for those concerned in
the socio-political and pursuant economic degradation of the
country to even but think that they could get away with it all
now or ever. Whether they subscribe to it or not, sooner or
later, their distorted value system and consequent sick actuation
pattern will eventually face and succumb to the fearsome force
of truth, and thereby bow down to the imperative of justice.
The nature of truth thus stands: One can easily deny it, readily
hide it or even dare trample it. But there it remains and stays.
And eventually it demolishes falsehood and deceit—so too the
liars and deceivers. The essence of justice thus works as well:
one can escape it now, hide from it later, but not free from it
Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I. Peace in Southern
forever. Ultimately, as justice guides the way of the innocent, Mindanao: Beyond the
so too does justice in due time, bags in the guilty and takes
them away from decent society.
Perspectives Rhetoric, Hope
As it is often said: The higher one is the harder one falls! This CHRISTIAN politicians generally have a skewed view of the peace and Mar Roxas. The rhetoric was strident and shrill. No Christian
is so true for those who shamelessly betray the people’s trust, process between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation politician dared to go on a limb to defend the present peace talks for
who nonchalantly pocket people’s money, who avidly keep Front. Their view reflects that of the great majority of Christians all fear of losing Christian votes. The rhetoric has successfully glossed
what is not theirs. In the same way, the more deception and over the country. It consists of the following: over the truth, despite some clear presentation of the government
hypocrisy certain individuals live by and live with the less hope (1) The ill-fated MOA-AD sacrificed national sovereignty and position by the GRP group.
they have in eventually living in peace and ease. territorial integrity for the sake of peace; Under the Noynoy Aquino regime, will the peace process progress
(2) The present peace negotiation between the GRP panel and the despite the election campaign rhetoric? There are signs of hope:
MILF is a repeat of the same; (1) Instead of biding his time and even before he takes his oath
(3) Like the previous peace talks, the present attempt is character- of office, the president-elect has chosen his primary peace nego-
Irresponsible Mining ized by lack of consultation and transparency;
(4) Any “midnight” signing must be forestalled;
(2) Ging Deles, a person-oriented but hardworking technocrat
(5) The fundamental solution to the conflict in southern Mind- basically known for her peace advocacy, is familiar with the peace-
THE Philippine Mining Industry has a poor record of
anao is not a peace agreement, but a comprehensive no-nonsense conflict terrain in southern Mindanao.
community accountability. Over the years, mining companies economic development program. These are signs of good will and good intention on the part of the
have systematically engaged in the rape of Mother Earth and Such a view, no matter how skewed and incorrect, has been used incoming chief executive.
left a legacy of impoverished communities and environmental in the election campaign by politicians at the local and national level On the part of the MILF, that it has reportedly established a com-
despolation. as an issue to gain votes from Christians in Mindanao. At the national mon ground with the MNLF is promising. I also hope that the wisdom
level among the more prominent were Senators Noynoy Aquino Perspectives / A5
In a Statement of Concern on the Mining Act of 1995, we called
attention to the quotation from the Book of Numbers: Do not Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
Serving life,
defile the land where you live and where I dwell (Num 35:34).
Today we ask ourselves whether we are going to repeat in the
21st century the mistakes we made in the past.
Thus far, the country has already identified 23 priority mining saving lives Love Life
project, which is estimated to encroach 60% of protected areas
and about 1/3 of ancestral lands. With very little regard for OUT of town trips to visit Family and Life enjoying the unique Ilonggo hospitality, I a temporary situation in their life and they
long-term development goals, most mining projects issued Programs, Pro-life Chapters, counseling left with peace in my heart that the seeds I could now leave behind as they can begin
Environmental Compliance Certificate without securing the Centers for Women and Children, or my very planted on child and sexual abuse preven- anew and move on. It broke my heart to hear
Free Prior and Informed Consent of the affected communities. own Good Shepherd Convents is always an tion and healing will bear fruit in the action the stories of the 12 and 13 year-olds relate
Uncontrolled and poorly regulated extraction and exploitation inspiring and joyful experience. plans they discussed that day. their experiences in the bars and brothels, en-
It was great to visit once again the Dioc- Another very fulfilling trip I had a couple of slaved by the pimps and pressured by their
of mineral resources have threatened other resources. The
esan Family and Life Center in Bacolod last months ago was to Cebu City. My real desti- own parents to send cash for their family
Mining Act itself encourages the exploitation of our land by week. Mrs. Rose Tan, who recently retired nation was to Toledo City, an hour away from needs. But I found reassurance in knowing
granting priority access rights to water and timber. Provisions as the Family and Life Coordinator after 30 Cebu City – for the Blessing of the pastoral how they persevere to return to school or
such as these make it easier for the communities to slowly be years of service, organized a seminar for me Counseling Center for Women and Children learn livelihood skills under the loving care
eased out of their land. The expansion of sites granted with on Counseling Battered Women and Victims in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. This is one of of the sisters.
mining permits and clearances eat considerable portions of of Sexual Abuse. As usual, it was a very the ten model centers that the CBCP-Office on In downtown Cebu City, another sister
land devoted to agriculture. animated and well attended group, with Women helped to set up this past year. The was running a Welcome House – a drop-in
over 60 participants from the parishes in the other centers are in Baguio City, Angeles City, center for the women still in prostitution and
We should be reminded that the Church’s mission includes diocese. Most of them had attended trainings Novaliches, QC, Plaridel Bulacan, Kalookan who had not made up their mind to totally
offering people an opportunity not to have more but to be on basic counseling given by CEFAM or City, Parañaque City, Cagayan de Oro City get out of the “trade” due to various reasons.
more by awakening their conscience through the Gospel. We other resource persons so my task was only and Digos, Davao del Sur. As with all these The sister patiently talks to them whenever
should learn from our Indigenous Filipinos who mangled their to share with them the specific approaches of centers, I felt the commitment and enthusiasm they visit, explains to them the rehabilitation
forests in a sustainable way for hundreds and thousands of counseling the abused, based on my experi- of the trained staff and volunteers, thanks to program available and offers them alterna-
years. Alternatives such as agro-forestry and ecotourism can ence in our Good Shepherd crisis shelters. the encouragement of their respective bishops tives. She knows that it is not easy for the
still provide jobs and food without endangering our lives and I was impressed at the parish workers’ ca- and parish priests. girls to turn away from the “easy money”
pacity to conduct pre-marriage counseling. While in Cebu City, I visited our Good that prostitution provides, especially when
Their parish priests give them full trust and Shepherd mission areas. There was the Re- the family is in such dire need of finances.
The Church joins in the collective and continuous call against confidence in the marriage validation pro- habilitation Home for girls and women who At the age of 81, Sr. Marcia still continues
the uncontrollable plunder of our natural resources. Above all, it cess for couple applicants. Bacolod Diocese have opted to get out of prostitution. Note: her work with street children in the market
set up their own Institute on Family and Life we call those in our shelters “prostituted area of Carbon, Cebu City. She has been send-
calls on a moratorium on mining activities until the government
accredited as a college degree course as it is women” and not “prostitutes”—to empha- ing hundreds of children to school by solicit-
and the mining companies learn to uphold the right of the attached to De La Salle University. Besides size that what they had gone through was Love life / A5
indigenous peoples, compensate the affected communities for
past damages, and ensure responsible mining practices.
Upholding the Sanctity of Life, 20
Bishop Broderick Pabillo Challenges to the
Church in Philippine
Panaghoy Politics Today!
cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net ON May 21 of this year Pope Benedict XVI met the participants of the we can just imagine the chaos that could have resulted.
24th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity who were Our lay people are good in non-partisan election duties during
meeting in Rome to discuss on the theme: “Witnesses to Christ in the elections. This is already good, but not yet enough. We also need non-
political community.” In his talk he told them, among other things…”It partisan volunteers to monitor the performance of the elected officials
is up to the lay faithful to show – in their personal and family life, in after the elections. In general this is not yet being done. Many fora
social cultural and political life – that the faith enables them to read real- were organized before elections during which the candidates were
ity in a new and profound way, and to transform it… It is also the duty asked what their programs would be. Many covenant signings were
Pedro C. Quitorio of the laity to participate actively in political life, in a manner coherent inked with different groups to ensure that the candidates would their
Editor-in-Chief with the teaching of the Church, bringing their well-founded reasoning election promises to the people. But after the elections nobody follows
and great ideals into the democratic debate, and into the search for a these up. So the elected candidates are not exacted the accountabilities
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos broad consensus among everyone who cares about the defence of life that they have promised. We need lay people who are as aggressive in
Associate Editor Feature Editor and freedom, the protection of truth and the good of the family, solidar- asking for accountabilities as they were in monitoring the elections.
ity with the needy, and the vital search for the common good”. He also Christians as good citizens are called not only for non-partisan duties
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado said that although the “technical formation of politicians” is not part of though. Partisan politics is also a call of the faith. We need good Chris-
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor
the Church’s mission, she reserves the right to “pass moral judgment in tians who bear witness to Christ as good politicians. There are already
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos those matters which regard public order when the fundamental rights attempts of good Christians who join the electoral contests because of
News Editor Circulation Manager of the person or the salvation of souls require it”. their faith. Unfortunately though their efforts are not supported enough
What the Holy Father said remains a great challenge to the Phil- by the electorate who up to now are still not wise enough to go be-
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez ippine Church. We are challenged to have lay people who actively yond name-recall, and worse, not good enough not to have their votes
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller participate in political life. In a way this is already being done. In the bought. So while we call on people to be active in partisan politics we
last elections of May 10 we have seen the fielding of church volunteers too should do more as Church to educate our people on their political
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- in the hundreds of thousands all over the country. They contributed duties. No good people will be elected unless the general population
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. in no small degree to the “success” of the elections in spite of the poor exercises their votes in a moral manner. Yes, in a moral manner, since
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. organization and limitations of the COMELEC. Church volunteers to vote for a bad or incompetent person is to do harm to the common
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. directed the people to their precincts, helped monitor the conduct of good, and to sell one’s vote is to sell the country!
ISSN 1908-2940 the elections, and even assisted and taught the members of the Board of The educated middle class cannot understand why people can-
Election Inspectors (BEIs) their duties. Without the Church volunteers Panaghoy / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010
Opinion A5
Fr. Roy Cimagala Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD
Reengineering the
Candidly Speaking priesthood? Pastoral Companion
WE are now ending the Year for Priests launched by Pope Benedict This reengineering, being subjective and set for Christ’s infinite
XVI last year on the occasion of the 150th death anniversary of the
patron for priests, St. John Mary Vianney.
The year-long event was envisioned “to encourage priests in the
ways, will always require continuing improvement. This duty will
be endless, coterminous with nothing less than life itself. May we
never say ‘enough’ in exerting the suitable effort.
Two Bishops-Elect
striving for spiritual perfection on which, above all, the effectiveness As of the moment, I am happy that the Holy Father not only went LAST February, over the space of a fortnight, we received in
of their ministry depends.” through a rigorous review of the nature and ministry of the priest- Cagayan de Oro the announcements from the Vatican of two
And true enough, all through the year many programs of pertinent hood, but also pointed out concrete problematic areas that still beset bishops-elect coming from our archdiocese – a most unusual
activities were carried out in dioceses and parishes. In our country, the world of priests and bishops. occurrence that was met with much joy and thanksgiving. The
the highlight I think was the holding of the 5-day National Congress This he did most especially when he had to explain and ask for two priests were actually working in neighboring parishes on the
for the Clergy last January. I am sure many fruits have been reaped mercy and understanding, on behalf of those concerned, for the extensive upland area of Cagayan de Oro, comprising practically
with this celebration, though they may elude direct and clear ac- many scandals involving some clerics. Think of the cases in Ireland half of the city’s land area.
counting. It’s almost impossible to put into words, much less into and Germany and the States. Fr. Jose Cabantan was parish priest of Lumbia, which includes
numbers, these effects that mainly are spiritual and pastoral in He was forthright in admitting the mistakes of Church personali- the airport, the city jail, and a House of Hope for the mentally
character. But they certainly are there. ties as well as the defects in Church life and structure, including cer- sick. The parish itself, including the sub-parish of Taglimao, has
Even the negative events that, I must say, were made to erupt as tain aspects of the priestly culture. This is a welcome development, 32 kapilyas scattered among twelve rural barangays that used to
if to embarrass the Church and especially the Pope, were good oc- since many Church officials are rather evasive about these issues, be a logging area. Now that the trees are gone, another “inva-
casions to clarify certain issues. perhaps also because of some good reasons. sion” is taking place in the guise of small-scale and medium-scale
Yes, issues there always will be. These are no new things that should To me, another enriching data that came as a result of these scan- mining operators. Most destructive of all these operations is the
surprise us. They are part and parcel of our human condition that dals springs from the area of psychology. I am quite familiar with the unabated hydraulic flush mining that continues to color Iponan
never disappears even if one is already consecrated into a sublime spiritual and theological underpinnings of the issues, but certainly River reddish-brown even during the dry season.
spiritual and supernatural office such as what the priesthood is. these issues also have a strong psychological aspect that urgently Conserving the environment was one advocacy that preoc-
Just look at Jesus Christ, the son of God who became man to be our needs to be addressed. cupied Fr. Joe as the Social Action Director of the archdiocese.
savior. He being God must be all-knowing and yet he chose among I recently read two articles by psychologists with some exposure to Under his coordination were several “ad extra” ministries – i.e.,
the apostles, who were the people closest to him in his redemptive priestly problems and these introduced me to the concept of “emo- social action services directed to anyone in need, and not only
work, Judas Iscariot who betrayed him. tion deficit.” This may not be a major issue, but I believe it can hold to Catholics. These ministries included: Sustainable Agriculture,
God opens himself to all the possibilities contained in the freedom a crucial role in the way the priestly problems evolve. Enterprise Development, Good Governance, Women’s Desk, Mi-
of man, including its misuse and abuse. But he knows how to derive If left ignored and unattended, it can be the small stone, mentioned grant Workers, Prison Inmates, Social Communications, several
good from evil. He is not frustrated by the sinfulness of men, even in the Bible, which can crash the magnificent image made of pre- orphanages and a home for the elderly.
of those supposedly very close to him. cious metals except for the feet that were made of clay, an image of Lumbia Parish also became a training ground for seminarians
This is how we should look at the issues regarding priests and our human condition. from St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. They would spend
priesthood in general. The power, goodness and mercy of God, which I think it’s time we give due attention to this aspect, even if in the their weekends there to help form Basic Ecclesial Communities
we should try to imitate, are not meant to rationalize our mistakes. over-all scheme of priestly life and ministry, it only plays a minor under the guidance of Fr. Joe who was also teaching on weekdays
Rather, they are meant to occasion a deeper and more extensive role. The continuing formation for priests should include this as an at the seminary. With a licentiate from Loyola School of Theology,
purification and renewal. integral part that should not be lightly considered. Fr. Joe as professor-cum-parish priest was able to make Lumbia
And so it’s not a matter of rethinking the nature of priesthood, Besides, the structure and culture of the priestly environment parish the social laboratory for future pastors, steeped in the
which is already written in stone, carved in granite. It’s more of should reinforce the need to satisfy this requirement for normal, let social teachings of the Church.
reengineering our attitudes and ways of living the priesthood. alone, priestly, life. Before entering the seminary himself, Fr. Joe had been working
as a chemical engineer. He also taught science subjects briefly
Jose B. Lugay at his alma mater high school run by the RVM sisters in Lagon-
D & E Votes—the glong, Misamis Oriental. Upon entering San Jose de Mindanao
College Seminary, he took philosophy courses at Xavier Univer-

winning determinant
sity. He then joined the first batch of theology students for St.
Laiko Lampstand John Vianney Theological Seminary, founded by the bishops of
Northeastern Mindanao in 1985. Fr. Joe thus becomes the first
alumnus of SJVTS to be raised to the episcopacy, coinciding with
POPULARITY and name-recall were the ernment”, the election results showed that difference between what is legal and what the seminary’s silver anniversary this year. He is also the first
two factors that placed four movie actors, these governance models were appallingly is moral. Our elected law makers must not diocesan priest from Cagayan de Oro to become a bishop.
a husband of a popular movie actress, the repudiated by the moneyed candidates. It be composed only of power-holders, power In his 20 years with the Oro clergy, Fr. Joe came to be respected
son of a past president and veteran senators would seem that voters did not care to vote brokers and vote buyers who do not even at- as a natural leader. With his height, he would usually play center
to the top 12 winners in the senatorial slate. for models of good governance if the price tend the sessions in Congress to pass laws as for the Oro clergy basketball team. In his unassuming way, he
Months before the May 10 election, media was right. The D and E voters called the shots recently shown by the 14th Congress where took up various parish posts in Catarman, Lumbia and other
exposed most of the candidates to a forum in the provinces. With the buying of votes by the Freedom for Information Act was not places. He was elected for a term as President of the Society of
to answer questions of long-held concerns of rich politicians, icons of integrity like Gover- voted upon due to lack of quorum. St. John Vianney, a voluntary association of Oro diocesan priests
governance that has caused grinding poverty nor Ed Panlilio and Governor Grace Padaca Those who manage advocacy groups for mutual support and spiritual growth after the example the
in this country. These questions ranged from did not have the chance to win again. It is for good governance must now face the patron of all priests. Over the past three years, I appointed him
the lack of support for agricultural produc- one thing to know what democracy is and task of converting voters, primarily the D one of three Vicars-General in the archdiocese with the task of
tion, the poor educational system, the lack of it is another to know what thwarts the good and E voters, from sellers of votes to vot- coordinating the various social action activities.
health facilities and the expensive medicines, tenets of democracy, where the voice of the ing for those who can improve the state of One of the lasting legacies left behind by Fr. Joe in Lumbia will
the smuggling of goods that compete with people is corrupted by the wiliness of politi- the nation. The advocacy groups’ primary be the nearly-completed formation center using the Interlocking
our own, the inability of government to cians who brazenly destroy the opportunity objective is to change the values of voters Compressed Earth Block (ICEB) technology, which he picked up
prevent disasters in the violent changes of of the poor to support the common good and so that they will refuse selling of their votes from a housing foundation in San Carlos diocese. This technol-
the earth’s climatic conditions and others. the nation’s welfare. to the moneyed politician. It is pitting con- ogy uses a mixture mostly of limestone with cement to produce
Our local media did its part to educate the Before the next election, especially the science against money. Only the spiritual low-cost building materials that are durable and also pleasing to
potential voters who among the running coming barangay election, the good citizens approach—the evangelization of Christians the eyes. Other parish priests are beginning to adopt this technol-
candidates are knowledgeable and experi- of this Nature-blessed country should take for social transformation—which will effect ogy for building their chapels through bayanihan labor.
enced and therefore qualified to be voted effort to change the culture and values of radical change in the prevailing electoral Another form of bayanihan spirit was adopted by Fr. Vilsom
upon for the lofty positions of congressmen the poor electorate so that true democracy system in the Philippines. This is the role Basso, the second bishop-elect, in building up the kapilya com-
and senators. will prevail. If we do not want to remain of the laity, hence the catechized laity munities in his chaplaincy of Dansolihon. This is an area compris-
While the students of the well-known among the top 10 most corrupt countries in should learn more about their duties and ing five barangays that was carved out from Lumbia Parish. The
schools supported the candidacy of the Asia, we must elect knowledgeable leaders responsibilities in the political maturation building block used by Fr. Vilsom was an 84-page catechetical
“models of good governance for local gov- that have the moral integrity to know the of this country. booklet entitled, “Ngano man? Ang mga pangutana sa mga
kristianos!” (“Why? Questions raised by Christians!”)
Ambassador Henrietta T. de Villa Despite his being a Brazilian missionary, who first had to learn
the local language, Fr. Vilsom was able to produce his catechetical

The cost of doing good

librito wholly in Bisaya. This consists of 25 concise chapters filled
with biblical quotations and short explanations. Each chapter
Faith and Fire title starts with a basic question: “Why is it important to pray?
...Why is there Baptism? ...Why are there saints? ...Why do we
go on mission?” A low-cost librito (worth P20 in price) in every
THE PPCRV for Elections 2010 went through being, in the words honorary awards from several Popes, no less), asked me. Second, I home was the strategy of Fr. Basso. And it has indeed helped
of Scripture, “fire tried gold”. We sought CHAMP—Clean Honest looked at the political landscape and was saddened. Could something catechize all the Catholic households in his area. When I joined
Accurate Meaningful Peaceful—Elections in the 10 May 2010 Au- be done? After many sleepless nights working with and for PPCRV, I their fiesta celebration in honor of Señor Jesus Nazareno last
tomated Election System. In terms of work, in terms of trials, and still do not know the answer. But I am fiercely glad that I tried. And year, I could feel the fervor of the parishioners’ participation,
in all these seeking and living the Truth, it was all about essentially I won’t stop trying, Ms Cunanan, even in the face of journalists who starting with the songs composed by Fr. Vilsom himself with a
“putting on Christ”—Christ who taught, Christ who went about toy with my name and my hopes and dreams. Brazilian beat and culminating with the confirmation rites for
doing good. “Secondly, you did the many men and women of PPCRV a great two kapilya communities.
It has been quite a while since my last column appeared here disservice when you wrote that I ran the PPCRV during the last Fr. Vilsom is a Priest of the Sacred Heart (SCJ). Before his
in CBCP Monitor. I wish to reprint below a letter to the Editor of elections. PPCRV is so much bigger than me. It is so much bigger assignment over the past two years in Cagayan de Oro, he
Philippine Daily Inquirer (June 3, 2010) by my daughter, Ana de than any one person. It is the combined selflessness of hundreds of was briefly stationed in Kumalarang Parish in Ipil Prelature.
Villa Singson, the National Media and Communications Director of thousands of heroic people who toiled in the field, some of whom However, he had to be pulled out because of the kidnapping of
PPCRV. This encapsulates what PPCRV went through, what burdens got slapped and spat at as they tried to calm down frayed tempers in Fr. Giancarlo Bossi, PIME, in nearby Payao. Before coming to
our elections and what ails our society. the long lines during May 10. I played a bit role. And I am humbled the Philippines, Fr. Vilsom spent 16 years working in mission
“I write in response to Belinda Cunanan’s column dated 1 June by colleagues who worked with me in the PPCRV Command Center, stations in the north-eastern part of Brazil and four years in the
2010 , wherein she wrote: ‘By the way, how true is the rumor that many of them still sleepless until now, all of them volunteers like nationwide Youth Ministry of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Ambassador Henrietta De Villa, PPCRV Chairperson’s daughter, myself. of Brazil. His new appointment will bring him back to Brazil as
Ana de Villa-Singson, who actually ran the PPCRV during the last “Lastly, how sad that this is what journalism has come to. That you Bishop of Caxias, Maranhào.
elections, has a PR office that has Comelec among its clients. If true, slurred my name by couching your insinuations as a question and diocese covers 35,000 square kilometers, equivalent to one
this would be a clear case of conflict of interest, casting doubt on with an escape clause that you would be happy to print my denial. third of the island of Mindanao. “It is a challenging missionary
the credibility of PPCRV pronouncements. I would be delighted to This is more than a denial. It is a sad commentary about what the area,” remarks the 50-year old Fr. Vilsom, “and I consider it an
publish her denial.’ printed word, with its strength and might, has devolved into. Has opportunity to serve the people, especially the poor.” His epis-
“This is my response. it come to this? That you can casually and callously imply that I copal motto is “Ecce venio, Domine” (“Here I am, Lord”), which
“There are 3 points I would like to respond to: Primarily, any jour- am in the payroll of Comelec, when a journalist of your supposed summarizes for him his motivation for accepting this unexpected
nalist with a minimum level of integrity, skill and dedication to “truth caliber could so easily have checked her facts first. But there would assignment: humility, simplicity and service.
in journalism” would have easily discovered that I do not have a PR have been no story then, would there? So much easier for you to On the other hand, the 53-year old Fr. Joe chose as his episco-
company, nor am I connected with any company. I am a stay at home publish then retract. Is this the caliber of journalism that your long pal motto the title of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, “Spe salvi
mother and proud of it. Yes, once, several years back I was deep in career in journalism has yielded? sumus” (“In hope we are saved”). It is a reminder of the whole
the corporate world heading the marketing and sales departments of ‘It is a sad indictment of our times when people who toil with no of creation-environment groaning in pain, awaiting the fulness
some of the largest companies in the Philippines. But motherhood expectation of reward nor recognition, who toil only in pursuit of of God’s redemption.
came along and after a career so filled with blessings, I sought to “pay a country more ideal, are scourged for it. Is it so difficult to recog- Fr. Jose Cabantan was ordained Bishop on April 30, 2010, in
forward.” I taught. I started livelihood projects. And I put my heart and nize true and simple good intentions? And if it is, then how many Cagayan de Oro and installed on May 15 as Bishop of Malaybalay
soul in PPCRV. First, because my mother, our PPCRV chair, whom well-intentioned men and women will stand up for what is good consisting of 45 parishes. Fr. Vilsom Basso was ordained bishop
you called “sainted” with double speech but whom I call sainted in and what is right if they, who seek nothing, are left with less than on May 30 in Tuparendi, Rio do Sul, in southern Brazil. He will
the true sense of the word (she has a history of accomplishments and nothing but a spoiled and tattered name?” be installed as Bishop of Caxias on June 19.
Cagayan de Oro Archdiocese has lost two faithful servant-
Perspectives / A4 priests from its ranks. But the universal Church has gained two
of the late Chairman Hashim Salamat who closely to the bidding of principals who guided by them; new bishops in different parts of the world. May God’s provi-
wanted, I believe, to establish peace within the have expressed mistrust regarding previ- (3) Be open to the principle of self-deter- dence always be with them in their new-found sees.
parameters of what he realized as irreversible ous peace talks and even tried to discredit mination and probe how such a guiding
historical and geographical developments them in favor of economic development. It principle could be implemented in fidelity
would continue to influence the Bangsa Moro would seem that there is a wall of negative to the spirit of the Constitution while tran- Love life / A4
leaders who carry on his legacy. perceptions and feelings that the primary scending or amending its letter; ing scholarships, conducting feeding programs, and even building a
But the pitfalls regarding the peace process negotiator might have to break through. (4) Consult the people and political deci- shelter for them right there in the market area and another one in the
are legion. The incoming Congress (Senate Her courage to stand up for her convictions sion makers whenever necessary and always Good Shepherd compound in Banawa Hills. In the same compound,
and House) is filled with personalities that is a great asset. be transparent; there is also the Maternity Home for unwed mothers while another
generally opposed the MOA-AD. The temp- My unsolicited advice to the next GRP (5) In the face of possible provocations, be Sister is involved in the Center for Overseas Workers.
tation is strong for the incoming administra- peace panel would be the following: persevering, patient and resolute until a fair In the face of so much flak that the Catholic Church receives,
tion to start from zero and not to follow in (1) Be open to the positive gains of pre- and just final peace agreement is done; accused as being uncaring about the situation of poverty in our
the footsteps of a peace negotiation that it vious negotiations and do not start from (6) Both groups in the peace process are country, falsely claimed as due to overpopulation, the above ser-
perceives not only as a “failure” but also a ground zero; believers in the one true God of Peace; while vices are living testimonies that the Church is indeed a mother who
“betrayal” of the Constitution. The primary (2) Internalize the results of the wide con- working for peace, do not forget to pray for reaches out for the least, the lost and last. Indeed, lives are saved
government negotiator might want to hew sultations that have been conducted and be peace. and each life is served.
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Pick people who are pro-poor, pro-environment for

cabinet positions, Aquino urged Bishop chides
P10M budget for
ENVIRONMENTALISTS are urging President-apparent Benigno Aquino has earlier committed to “turn around the environmental
Aquino to choose people with integrity, who have a committed heart blight, congestion and decay afflicting our cities” by introducing alter-
for the poor and a pro-environment stance for Cabinet positions. native urban planning developments “where people of varying income
A network of environmental groups led by EcoWaste coalition, a levels are integrated in productive, healthy and safe communities.”

Independence Day rites

waste and pollution watchdog had earlier provided Aquino with a Eileen Sison, NGO Representative to the National Solid Waste
set of criteria to consider in his choice of environment secretary. Management Commission, said Aquino’s presidency should have
But the groups said all Cabinet officials, and not only the environ- “ecological resource recovery and protection” as one of its pillars.
ment secretary, should possess the qualities of “indubitable integrity, "The cleansing of our country should not be limited to sweeping
indefatigable leadership, unstinting political will and above all, corruption away, but also cleansing our country of policies and A CATHOLIC bishop chided a Malaca-
faithfulness to ecological values”. practices that encourage a throw-away culture,” she said. ñang plan to spend P10 million for the
Aquino, during the election campaign, has entered into a social In a pre-election survey jointly conducted by EcoWaste Coalition Independence Day rites and flaunt the
contract with the people by promising to put a stop at corruption, and Greenpeace, Aquino revealed his environmental plans among achievements of the Arroyo adminis-
poverty and environmental destruction. them a bill delineating “forest lines in the country, as a clear basis tration.
Roy Alvarez, president of EcoWaste Coalition said Aquino’s social for the crafting of a comprehensive national land use policy,” and Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez
contract can be realized only if he will appoint people who have the drawing clear policies to address climate change. said the allocated budget is too expen-
same perspective as he has. But the environmental network said Aquino needs all the support sive amid widespread poverty in the
“We hope that Noynoy will be able to assemble the best, bright- he can get to push his agenda to reality. country and the global economic crisis.
est and greenest Cabinet with a committed heart for the poor who “To be able to carry out his environmental plans, Noynoy will require a “Where will the P10 million be spent?
will work in sync to release the people from poverty, reverse the green-minded Cabinet who will work hand-in-hand to strengthen and ac- If it is only for pomp, this may be too
unimpeded destruction of our natural environment, combat toxic complish his green agenda with the indispensable support and participa- much in view of the poverty situation,”
pollution and mitigate climate change,” Alvarez said. tion of the Filipino people,” the EcoWaste Coalition said. (CBCPNews) Iñiguez said.
Aquino / A1
He also rejected the use of a hefty
amount for the occasion to also showcase
Estrada’s running mate Makati City Mayor against outgoing President Gloria Arroyo. not just a president of the Christian majority,
the accomplishments of the Arroyo administration.
Jejomar Binay won as vice president in a closed The archbishop added he is hoping that but also a president for Muslim Mindanao,”
Iñiguez, who chairs the CBCP’s Public Affairs Committee, said
fight with LP bet Sen. Manuel Roxas II. the Aquino administration will be able to the PCID said in a statement.
the real essence of 112th Independence Day celebration on June
Binay posted 14, 084, 879 votes against the assign “honest people” in government. Another group of Muslim young people
12 should be observed instead of using it for political ends.
13, 440, 127 votes of Roxas. “I wish the Filipinos will rally behind the belonging to another NGO expressed opti-
A Malacañang official said the part of the P10 million allocated
“The people have spoken, so as the good Aquino administration. I hope he will keep mism that an Aquino presidency will be able
budget will be used for the grand fireworks display and an 11-
citizens of the Philippines we are wishing them alive the principles that his parents have to finally make Mindanao “a land of peace
float parade.
well and we have to rally behind them and pray lived and died for,” Lagdameo said. and progress.”
Presidential Management Staff head Elena Bautista-Horn said
for them for their success and for the bright The United Youth for Peace and Develop-
a civic-military parade will also be staged on the afternoon to
future of our country,” said Odchimar. President for Muslim Mindanao ment (UNYPAD), a Moro organization pur-
show off Arroyo’s achievements.
In Mindanao, a peace non-government suing Muslim self-determination through
She said that the huge budget is needed “for the people” to
‘Unexpected’ organization (NGO) called on the newly- the promotion of justice, equality, freedom
ensure that the whole nation will enjoy the celebration.” (CB-
For Lagdameo, the Aquino-Binay pair proclaimed chief executive to also give prior- and economic prosperity for the marginal-
is “unexpected” but “we still congratulate ity to the peace and order situation there. ized Muslim sectors of society, said that
them for winning the elections.” The peace and development NGO Phil- Aquino has what it takes to make Mindanao
“We hope that they will be true and faith- ippine Council for Islam and Democracy peaceful and progressive.
Jailed / A3
ful to their election promises, especially in (PCID) expressed the hope of Filipino Mus- “[Aquino is] a man of peace [who] will be
fighting corruption in government and al- lims that the Aquino administration “will not able to transform Mindanao from its present communicate with his family telling them to wait for his remittance
leviating poverty,” Lagdameo said. ignore the issues of our Muslim brothers and state as ‘land of war’ into ‘land of peace and to come. That was the last time they heard from Joselito.
Aquino has vowed to fight corruption and sisters that were basically ignored during progress’,” said Rahib Kudto, UNYPAD The fact sheet also stated that the family had tried to contact Jo-
restore good governance. He has said he would the campaign.” national president. (with reports from Bong selito via his mobile phone but the phone was turned off.
start probes into allegations of corruption “We hope that President Aquino becomes, D. Fabe) It was on June that they received the news from an unidentified
friend of Joselito that he was in jail for murdering his Sudanese
Moratorium / A1 landlord.
tional policy favors foreign corporations prioritizing the uncontrolled The country’s proven mineral reserves have revitalized global Based on the family’s own account of their conversation with Jo-
entry of investment, undermining the environment and the rights interest in the extractive industries in the country. selito’s pal, he told them that Joselito accidentally killed the Sudanese
and well-being of the affected communities. Geological studies show that up to 7.1 billion tons of metals could because of self-defense. Joselito’s friend said that it was the Sudanese
still be extracted and another 51 billion tons of non-metallic miner- who had first beaten Joselito to death because of the refusal of the
Appeal for Aquino als can be mined. latter to give the payment for his rent, since it was not due yet.
Gariguez called on the next administration of President Benigno As of 2008, more than half a million hectares of Philippine lands
“Noynoy” Aquino III to seriously consider their appeal if only to have been turned over by the government to the control of mining Back and forth
bring long-term development for the country. companies to keep the local economy afloat with multimillion worth Upon receiving the information, the family immediately went to
“This is our call for President Noynoy. This is a big problem and of revenues and generate jobs. the local DFA office in Clark Field, Pampanga but they were referred
it’s not true that mining brought development to communities where The CBCP advocated strongly for issues such as the country’s to the State agency’s office in Pasay City.
there is mining operations,” he said. current mining policy. But the DFA headquarters told them to go back to the Clark Field
The priest said the policy of the outgoing Arroyo administration Its many recommendations, however, have been ignored while office for their case was filed there. However, the Clark office again
was so different that it “risked” the environment. the government’s broken promises, said Gariguez have multiplied told them to go back to the national headquarters.
“They put the lives of many people at risk,” he said. which included “the promise of real development.” (CBCPNews) It was only on July 2009 when the family had been able to speak
with Atty. Milet Flores of the DFA main office. The lawyer told them
Panaghoy / A4 that she is the one who will be handling the case of Zapanta.
not understand the simple logic that to sell to encourage good and upright Christians to government. Let us not just be watchers at a In order to be enlightened with Joselito’s case, the family had
one’s vote is to sell one’s dignity. Indeed it is serve God and country as good politicians. distance what this new government can do. Let demanded Flores to provide them copies of the police report from
a great crime to the country, but for people But most of all, we do our best to influence us participate closely in the renewal of society. Jeddah but the latter told them that it was impossible for her to
who barely survive, 500 pesos is 500 pesos, Philippine politics to exert the political will to Some do this by being part of the government. provide the documents that time.
how much more a thousand, or even three craft and execute pro-poor laws and to create Others by direct support while still others as
thousand pesos! Who can resist his amount a structure in Philippine society that can lift vigilant critics. There is a role for all in a de- DFA failed to inform family
of money when it means a meal for a week, people out of the captivity of poverty, which is mocracy. What we should avoid is the I-don’t- Months had passed and there were no updates from the DFA.
and even a month for the family? The point is, the fertile ground of political manipulation. care-less attitude, which the Church, both as It was Joselito himself who had called Migrante Mid-East, via John
we can never have a good and wise electorate All of the above challenges are challenges clergy and lay, should fight against. Hope is Leonard Monterona—Migrante’s coordinator there—to inform them
unless we bring people out of dire poverty! It to the Church. When we speak of Church, we not a wait-and- see outlook. Hope is a call to about his case. That was on March 10, 2010.
is poverty, in fact, simple survival, not igno- speak of the People of God. Among the People action, that we do what we hope for! “I immediately informed the [Philippine] Embassy officials here
rance much less moral depravity, that push of God there are different roles. The Popes re- to help Joselito,” says Monterona in an email.
people to sell their votes. So it is pointless to mind us time and again that it is the role of the Morong / A3 Five days after, it was the family who communicated with the
rant why people sell their votes when we do lay faithful to bear witness to Christ in politics election, they hope that UNHRC will help Migrante National Office in Quezon City.
not do anything to reduce and eradicate pov- and to transform politics. In the country at the push the new Philippine government un- Martinez told this reporter that after the documentation process,
erty! Poverty eradication does not only mean moment the expectation is that the hierarchy der President-apparent Benigno “Noynoy” he and his staff, together with the family had immediately went to
handing money to the poor. It means creating should do this. Yes indeed, the hierarchy has its Aquino III to fulfill his promise to prosecute the DFA’s Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers’ Af-
structures and setting up and implementing role to play in political transformation. Its role President Macapagal-Arroyo, accord justice fairs (OUMWA) to personally inquire about the developments of
laws that uplift the poor and fight corruption! though is indirect, not by directly entering into to the victims of human rights violations, end Joselito’s case as well as to provide them the copies of the reports
In a way, consciously or unconsciously, there the political arena but in inspiring, teaching, political repression, discontinue the OBL as from the Saudi Police.
is a grand scheme to keep people poor from enabling the lay faithful to do this. Here, we a policy and never embark on any similar “But the DFA has declined our request,” Martinez said.
our traditional politicians. They do not really priests and bishops, have our own culpabil- policy, and address the roots of the insur-
exert the political will to uplift the people ity. We have not done enough to encourage gency, namely poverty and injustice. Late reply, slow actions
from poverty since people of their kind— and support our lay faithful in this mission. Meanwhile, members of the delegation that When Migrante had already mediating for the case, then the office
traditional politicians—flourish when people In fact we have not educated our people that will visit UN are Fr. Rex Reyes, Jr. (General of Flores finally had a contact with the family.
are held captive by poverty. They cannot eas- they cannot be good Christians unless they Secretary, NCCP), Ms. Marie Hilao-Enriquez “It was on March 22, the family had been able to have an audi-
ily buy and fool people when the people are are good citizens, and to be a good citizen in (Chairperson, Karapatan), Atty. Edre Olalia ence with Atty. Flores. Again, Atty. Flores had assured them that
free enough to choose. a democracy is to participate actively in the (Acting Secretary General, National Union of DFA will be providing US$10,000, as Joselito’s legal defense fund.
This is the challenge for the Church in the affairs of society. Democracy is a participative People's Lawyers), Mr. Jigs Clamor (Deputy But according to Joselito himself, on the days of his hearing, there
political sphere. Yes, we continue to give politi- form of government, hence we cannot be good Secretary General, Karapatan and husband were no lawyers provided. Only two interpreters were provided to
cal education. We continue to recruit people citizens in a democratic form of government if of Dr. Merry Clamor of the Morong 43), and Joselito,” Martinez said.
to do non-partisan monitoring of politicians we do not participate in it. Atty. Carlos Zarate (Secretary General, Union of On April 14, the death sentence against Joselito was released by
during and outside of elections. We continue People are hopeful now that we have a new Peoples' Lawyers in Mindanao). (CBCPNews) the Court of First Instance, giving the accused until May 1st to ap-
peal his case.
Prices / A1 Sex education / A1 On April 15, Joselito’s family rushed to the DFA to ask for the
Leonard Monterona, Migrante Middle East regional coordinator. cation (DepEd). formal report over the court’s decision; the DFA, once again, had
Monterona explained that domestic helpers and construction Quitorio stressed that the primary responsibility for raising chil- declined the request. However, someone in the OUMWA told the
workers in the Middle Eastern countries only receive a gross monthly dren lies with parents and guardians. family that the May 1st due date for appeal is not true and that they
salary of US$250 (P11,550) to $450 (P20,790). He clarified that while schools may be entrusted with the formal edu- must just return to Clark field office to get the updates.
These salary rates, says Monterona, did not even equate the cost cation of children, the total responsibility still remains with parents. On the next day, the DFA had issued a statement refuting Joselito’s
of daily living in Metro Manila of P917 ($19.84). “The position of the CBCP even before is that it (sex education) claim that he was not provided a lawyer.
“If we will compute the current salary rates of an overseas Filipino should be left to parents especially if we are talking about children Again, there were no words from the DFA until May 12th, when
worker parent vis-à-vis the cost of daily living in Manila, it is P6,720 who are underage,” Quitorio said at a forum in Manila recently. Joselito’s father personally sought an audience with OUMWA chief
($145.55) short. And what makes us wearier is the news that there are He added that children should not be taught of things that are not Esteban Conejos, who assured the old man that they will forward
around 300 schools or universities that will pump up their tuition fee suited to them especially in schools. the information to the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh. But they
rates by seven to 15 percent. This means that many OFW parents will not The education department on Monday is determined to include must look first for the address and contact information of murdered
be able to send their children to school, or if they want to, they will need sex education in the basic curriculum. Sudanese.
to have an extra job to augment their meager salaries. However, this will According to DepEd Secretary Mona Valisno said the proposal On May 19 Maurice Tiempo from the DFA office called Jesus
make [a] toll to their health and well-being,” Monterona explained. includes going down to the elementary level. Zapanta and told him that they don’t have any update yet from the
However, there is a worst case scenario, Monterona furthered. “We will pursue with its implementation because we really need last April 29 appeal. (Noel Sales Barcelona)
“Usually, it is the father or the mother who leaves the country this,” Valisno said.
to work abroad. But if this is the case, the remaining parent will The measure, she said, is important to avoid unwanted pregnancies Prayer / A2
be forced to leave the country to work, too. This is no good! This and curb the spread of sex-related diseases which, she added, have now Chinese cities that can openly discuss and commemorate the June
weakens the family ties. On the other hand, while the parents are reached an alarming level because of lack of knowledge on the matter. 4 Incident. The Alliance organizes a candlelit vigil to commemorate
away, the burden of taking care of the children will be transferred But the DepEd chief said they will talk with the Catholic hierarchy it every year.
to the aging grandparents. This too, is no good,” he said. first—barely two weeks before the opening of classes—and make Hong Kong diocese holds commemoration Masses at different par-
Because of this, migrant workers are now urging incoming Presi- them understand their side. ishes from May 25 to June 2. Mass attendees have slightly increased
dent Benigno C. Aquino III to come up with concrete solutions to And in what could be a preview of their discussion with the over the years, according to Chan, who is also executive secretary
the economic problems of the country as well as to create jobs here DepEd, Quitorio said the church is concerned on where the focus of the diocese’s Justice and Peace Commission.
that can sustain the Filipino salary. of the sex education to be implemented would be. The prayer rally lets participants pray, reflect, repent and sing
“If he can do this, then there will be no parents that will be forced He noted that the sex education being pushed in the past focused hymns. They also pray for the victims’ parents, human-rights activ-
leave their children to work abroad just to feed them, clothe them more on the physical aspect instead of being about the values sur- ists and jailed dissidents in mainland China.
and send them to school,” he said. rounding it. According to Chinese authorities 241 people died and 7,000 were
Meanwhile, Monterona said that they are supporting the call of the “Students should be taught of the proper sex education… not injured in the 1989 crackdown on the pro-democracy protesters.
National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) on imposing sexuality that is focused on the physical aspect, but as a sacred gift The Chinese Red Cross disputes the claim saying 2,000-3,000 people
a tuition fee hike moratorium. (Noel Sales Barcelona) from God,” said Quitorio. (CBCPNews) died. (UCAN)
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Briefing Lucena launches

book on diocese
Election heroes to be honored
LIPA CITY— Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles will preside
over a Thanksgiving Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral on
June 13 to honor the heroes of the May 10 elections. “We will
thank God for the generally peaceful and credible elections in
the province,” Arguelles said. He said the polls avoided large-
scale cheating and poll-related violence. (Fr. Nonie Dolor) LUCENA CITY—The Diocese of Lucena has
launched a coffee table book detailing the historical
Most gov’t buildings in Region 10 unfriendly to PWDs account of its territorial foundation at the Diocesan
OPOL, Misamis Oriental—Only 50 percent of government- Pastoral Center on May 27.
owned buildings and structures and only 25 percent of private Authored by Fr. Renato Pareja, the book titled “Lu-
buildings and structures in Region X have complied with the cena, the Story of a Diocese” traces the establishment
Accessibility Law. Arch. Richard Tan of the United Architects of of the diocese from being a part of the Archdiocese of
the Philippines, there is a lack of awareness in the general public Caceres and later as a suffragan of the Archdiocese
about the law. “We can’t do anything about the old buildings, of Lipa in 1910.
but 90 percent of the designs of new buildings are fully compli- Lucena Bishop Emilio Marquez, who celebrated
ant with the Accessibility Law,” he said. (Bong D. Fabe) the Holy Mass prior to the launching, said Pareja was
sent to Spain and Mexico to do careful research on
Youth group to DepEd: Strictly implement ‘No Fee’ rule the history of the diocese.
ANTIPOLO CITY—Militant student group, League of Filipino “The book is something we could be proud of be-
Students asked the Department of Education to ensure that cause of its clear historical details,” Marquez said.
public elementary and secondary schools will implement the The book describes the beginning of evangelization

Contributed photo
“No Collection Policy” as students enroll for school year 2010- of the province by the Augustinians who settled in
11. LFS chairperson Terry Ridon said they are closely watching the towns of Lucban, Sariaya and Pagbilao. They were
the DepEd to make sure that the agency will be “true” to its succeeded by the Franciscans who started an aggres-
words that it will strictly prohibit school officials in collecting sive evangelization of the whole province of Quezon
fees to enrollees. (Noel Sales Barcelona) (then known as Tayabas), the bishop explained. Lucena Bishop Emilio Marquez signs one of the coffeetable books (inset) on the historical development
He said Fr. Pareja mapped out these details in his of the diocese, launched on May 27 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.
Aquino urged to pick a person of integrity as research highlighting the early accomplishments of the Franciscans. a licentiate in Sacred Scriptures, besides being a “good writer”, the
environment secretary The research began in October 10-17, 2004 during the 48th Eucha- bishop said.
CALOOCAN CITY—Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez ristic Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, according to the prelate. The book also pays tribute to Lucena’s first bishop, Msgr. Alfredo
called on presumptive president-elect Benigno Aquino to ap- Marquez said it was his predecessor Bishop Profugo who began Maria Aranda Obviar who was appointed apostolic administrator
point a new environment secretary of unquestionable integrity. the spadework in publishing a coffee table book. on November 4, 1950. Obviar was later named Bishop of Lucena on
“We are optimistic that Aquino will pick the best person who “Bishop Profugo envisioned a history of the diocese to be launched June 21, 1959. He retired at age 87 on September 25, 1976.
can lead and shepherd the department towards the path of in 2000, the Golden Jubilee of the Diocese of Lucena, but it was not Then Coadjutor Bishop Jose Tomas Sanchez succeeded Bishop
environmental stewardship, renewal and justice to serve the realized because he gave the work to a lay person who failed to Obviar on September 25, 1976 while Lucena City-born Bishop Ruben
common good and not only the selfish interest of a few,” he deliver,” the prelate said. T. Profugo was named third Bishop of Lucena on May 15, 1982.
said. (CBCPNews) Marquez said it was his idea that the history of the diocese should Bishop Marquez was appointed fourth Bishop of Lucena on May
be written from the perspective of a priest rather than that of a lay- 4, 2002.
Oil price regulation a challenge for Aquino— women man “because the priest knows the ins and outs of the diocese.” The Diocese of Lucena has an initial inventory of 1,000 copies of its cof-
Fr. Rene Pareja is a scholar who has a doctorate in Theology and fee table book reasonably priced at P1, 800 a piece. (Melo M. Acuna)

CDO archbishop appeals to

ANTIPOLO CITY—The regulation of the local oil prices will be
one of the greatest challenges for President-apparent Benigno
Aquino III, says Center for Women’s Resources. CWR Data
Alert, citing the latest statistics from the Energy Department
stated that from January 2010, local pump prices for diesel and

lawmakers’ ‘sense of good and right’

gasoline had jumped nine times causing the prices of basic
commodities such as food and other utilities as well as other
services to soar, while the purchasing power of the Philippine
peso continued to decrease. (CBCPNews)
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY— Strongly react- Archbishop Antonio J. the passage of the FOI Bill.
New media / A3 ing to Congress’ move to “open and close” Ledesma, SJ The FOI Bill was due for ratification by
The air force team, known as the "Frecce Tricolore" ("Tricolor the session on May 31, Archbishop Antonio the House on Feb. 3, but remained unap-
Arrows"), made a special pass over the Vatican in homage to the J. Ledesma has appealed to the lawmakers’ proved due to a lack of quorum among
pope, according to Vatican Radio. The pope waved and smiled as “sense of what is good and right” and urged lawmakers.
he looked overhead. them to ratify the Freedom of Information The bill upholds the constitutional right
The planes were performing nearby as part of a national celebration (FOI) bill before it is too late. of full disclosure of government transac-
of the holiday marking the birth of the Italian republic in 1946. Speaking in Cebuano during his homily tions of interest to the public. This includes
During his main audience talk, the pope focused on St. Thomas on May 30, Ledesma stressed that the FOI information on administration, budget and
Aquinas, whose life and writings "have always been revered as an is a “very important legislative measure” expenditure, and management of the defense
outstanding model for theologians." as it will “help in installing a transparent and law enforcement agencies.
At a time when it was thought that "faith should surrender itself government.” Speaker Prospero Nograles, however, said
before reason," St. Thomas believed there was a natural harmony “Akong hangyo ug ako nagalaom nga ip- plenary deliberation on the FOI Bill will be
between faith and reason, the pope said. asar na ang labing importanteng balaodnon was immediately suspended by Majority done on Friday’s session. (Congress failed
The saint "created a new synthesis" between faith and reason, aron ipakita ang kamatuoran ug kaangayan Floor Leader Defensor. Both Cong. Guin- to ratify the bill on Friday, the last day of
which influenced cultures for centuries afterward; he taught that alang sa atong nasud (I am urging and hop- gona and I tried to be recognized and raised session, for lack of quorum–eds.)
faith that is opposed to rationality was not true faith, and that reason ing that they pass this very important law a point of order, but the microphone was The Senate has recently passed a resolu-
that was not compatible with faith was not real reason. for the sake of truth and equality in our turned off,” she said. tion urging the House of Representatives to
During the audience, Pope Benedict also asked for prayers for country),” he said. “Maybe GMA does not want to be trans- ratify the bicameral conference committee
his trip to Cyprus June 4-6. He said he hoped the visit would bear parent and accountable in the continuation report on the FOI Bill before adjourning
much "spiritual fruit for the dear Christian communities in the ‘Open-close’ session of her political career,” she added. sine die.
Middle East." (CNS) Congress resumed session on May 31 only Such underhanded tactics by the major-
to close it just seconds after it was opened, ity in Congress, to which Mrs. Arroyo was FOI Bill a basic human right
May They Be One Bible Campaign said Rep. Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel.
In a mobile phone conversation with this
elected in her home province of Pampanga,
was resorted to by those who do not want
The FOI, according to the senators, is im-
portant in order to “bring forth a law that
From Missalettes to Bibles reporter, Hontiveros-Baraquel said that to give an account of themselves to their will empower our people and contribute
when Majority Floor Leader Arthur Defensor constituents who elected them to be rep- decisively to the transformation of our gov-
For many Catholics residing in the urban areas, the mis- moved to close the just opened session, she resentatives of the people, said Rep. Rufus ernance landscape.”
salette is the most convenient way to get acquainted with the
Word of God. A pamphlet handed to them at the beginning of and Rep. Teofisto “TG” Guingona III imme- Rodriguez in a previous talk. Ledesma said in a position paper emailed
Sunday mass, the missalette serves as a program guide to diately raise a point of order only to find out Rodriguez, who failed to attend last Mon- to lawmakers that “transparency becomes
what will happen in the celebration. Yet for some, especially that they were not heard because the floor’s day’s session because of a prior commitment, the core issue of the Filipinos’ struggle” for
those living in remote areas, this might be the only way to get acquainted with the Word microphone was turned off. said he will be the first to stand when Con- good governance, which is precisely what
of God. Such was the case with St. Dominic Parish in San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The
parishioners were using the missalette as their only copy of the Scriptures until the May “The Speaker opened the session which gress resumes session on June 4 (Friday) for the FOI Bill is all about. (Bong D. Fabe)
They Be One Bible Campaign was introduced to them by Bishop Renato Mayugba. St.

Group urges DepEd to keep campuses from lead pollution

Dominic parish priest Fr. Winston Estrada said his strategy to reach the Catholic faithful
in his area since 1996 has been to form Bible sharing groups called Basic Ecclesial Com-
munities (BEC). But due to poverty, most of his parishioners would have to be content with
Scripture passages found in the missalette. In November of 2009, 200 Pangasinense
Bibles were distributed to parishioners as part of the MTBO campaign. Successive dis- QUEZON CITY— A waste and expose the Brigada Eskwela vol- “To reduce lead pollution dur- avoid donating paint materials
tributions handed out 700 additional Pangasinense MTBO Bibles. The Bible distributions
have resulted in more fruit-
pollution watchdog called on unteers and the students them- ing the back-to-school clean up, that are not lead-free.
ful BEC programs. To date, the Department of Education selves to toxic pollutants.” leaded paint in good condition Meanwhile, the pollution
St. Dominic Parish has 50 (DepEd) and the Brigada Esk- “While repainting schools should be left undisturbed and watchdog said President-appar-
BEC’s wherein more than wela collaborators to keep the with leaded paint can, in time, should not be sanded or burned ent Benigno Aquino III expressed
30 communities are actively
participating. With more
school campuses free from lead pose hazards to children’s health off,” they said. his support for the elimination of
people wanting to learn pollution. from chipping or flaking sur- Delay in physical and mental lead in paint to promote the health
more about God’s Word, the Eco Waste Coalition is cur- faces,” he added. development, lower IQ levels, and safety of Filipino children.
parish was happily pressed rently focusing on the improper He also noted that the non- shortened attention spans, and “Health experts explain that
into creating the weekly removal of old leaded paint from toxic makeover of schools will increased behavioral problems children are more in danger of
Parochial Bible Study, com-
prising the leaders of the school walls, doors and win- be of big help for the students to among children are some of the being exposed to lead because the
different BEC’s. dows, and the use of lead paint attain a clean, healthy and safe effects of lead exposure, accord- toxic substance is easily absorbed
in repainting the areas. environment. ing to the group. by their still developing bodies.
No. of Dioceses participating in the Bible Campaign – 69 out of 86 Dioceses According to Manny Calonzo The group then advised the They also called on private Their budding tissues and organs
Bible Distribution (Jan 2010 - May 31, 2010)
Total Bibles distributed up to May 31, 2010: 61,330 cps. (Jan - 10,369; Feb. - 14,472; of Eco Waste Coalition, “the use of water-based plastic paints, companies and other charitable are likewise more sensitive to
Mar. -13,343; April - 13,540; May - 9,606) improper scraping, sanding which generally have low lead organizations that plan to spon- the harmful effects of lead,” the
Parishes/Communities served: 219 churches or burning of leaded paint can contents. sor school repainting jobs to group said. (Kate Laceda)
Bibles Distributed by Languages - Tagalog (17,178 cps.); Cebuano (16,442 cps.); Eng-
lish (8,928 cps.); Ilocano (7,890 cps.); Hiligaynon (4,425 cps.); Pangasinense (3,411
cps.); Bicol (3,056 cps)
MTBO Bibles in Pampango and Samarenyo will be available starting July, 2010

Target Coverage of Bible Distribution for April-June 2010 (based on orders received):
Quezon City, Malolos, Alaminos, Urdaneta, San Jose Nueva Ecija, Manila, Tuguega-
rao, Butuan City, Legazpi, Dumaguete, Naval, San Fernando Pampanga, Borongan
Eastern Samar, Nueva Segovia
Total Bible Distribution: (Jan 2009 - May 31, 2010): 167,108 cps

Target No. of Bibles for Distribution for 2010: 200,000 cps.

Total Funds Needed for Printing and Transport of Bibles in 2010: P30M

Praise Item Support the May They Be One

Praise God for the warm response of about Bible Campaign and help bring
300 parish leaders, educators and God’s Word to more Filipino homes.
catechists who attended the May They Your contribution of at least P150/
Be One Bible campaign presentation month will enable poor families
and Bible lecture given by Honorary to have their own Bibles they can
Translation Consultant of the Philippine read, study and pray. For more
Bible Society Bishop Daniel Arichea at Campaign info: visit, email or call
De la Salle University, Taft in May dur- ECBA – Fr. Oscar Alunday, 470
ing their Summer Institute on Sacred Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Mla.
Scriptures 2010. Telefax no. 5279386; ecba_cbcp@
Please Pray yahoo.com; www.ecba-cbcp.com;
That the Lord will continue to open doors PBS-Mrs. Perry Cartera/Mrs. Juliet
of schools/universities so that many Rivera at 890 UN Ave., Ermita
more students will have an active and Mla.; perry@bible.org.ph;juliet@
continuing involvement in the MTBO bible.org.ph; www.bible.org..ph Tel.
Bible distribution, formation and nos. 5215785/5267777 loc. 600,
fundraising. Fax No. 5215803; 09178590019
/09156727492 /09182802775
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Diocese honors
priests’ parents
WITH Vatican preparing the closing of the year-long celebration of already allowed priests to marry,” Rustia said.
the Year for Priests, the Diocese of Kalookan recently paid tribute He added the news was for priests aged 85 years old and above
to the parents of priests for being part in the formation of pastors and should have parental consent.
working in the Lord’s vineyard. “In short, the simple message was ‘forget it’ because married
Coinciding with Bishop Deogracias Iniguez Jr.’s silver jubilee in life is not for priests because your faithfulness is anchored on the
the episcopacy and his mother Emilia’s 93rd birthday, the diocese faithfulness of Christ,” he explained.
presented plaques of appreciation to the parents of about 35 priests He underscored the value of parents in the formation of their
working within the Diocese of Kalookan, guest priests and priests children, some of whom have become priests.
from the diocese currently working in other dioceses and religious “Where would we be without our parents?” he asked the con-
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

congregations. gregation.
In his homily, Fr. Teofilo Rustia, a classmate of Bishop Iñiguez Rustia said he has been orphaned early in life and had the pleasure
at the San Carlos Seminary, said the affair is a fitting tribute to the to have a mother in the person of Bishop Iñiguez’s mother Emilia
priests’ parents as the Year of the Clergy draws to a close. who turned 93 years old today.
He said the Year of the Clergy was made more meaningful with “She regularly visited us in the seminary and brought us food-
the Second National Congress of the Clergy with Fr. Raniero Can- stuff,” he recalled.
talamesa, the papal household retreat master. The priests and their parents had special photo sessions and were
Bishop Deogracias Iniguez Jr. gives holy communion to her mother Emilia during a “Fr. Cantalamesa told American priests gathered before the Second treated to an early lunch at Manila Grand Opera Hotel along Rizal
Mass celebrating his silver jubilee in the episcopacy and his mother’s 93rd birthday. National Congress of the Clergy in Manila that the Holy Father has Avenue and Doroteo Jose at Sta. Cruz district. (CBCPNews)

Cardinal leads recognition ceremony

for urban poor scholars
MANILA Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales tor of Caritas Manila, there are over 5,000 scholars parents and guardians are the regular formation
led the recognition ceremony for urban poor scholars annually, with priority being given to the children anchored on the Catholic social teachings, preven-
of the Caritas Manila with a Eucharistic celebration. of the poorest of the poor among the urban poor tive health education and livelihood skills training
The ceremony was held last May 29, 2010 at the sector of Metro Manila. program.
Manila Cathedral in Intramuros, Manila. “Under YSLEP, equal attention is given to A total of 897 scholars graduated in this program
The Youth Servant Leadership Education Pro- leadership formation together with scholarship this year. There were 129 graduates from the el-
gram (YSLEP) is a scholarship program of Caritas assistance. Excellence in knowledge, skills and ementary level, 448 in high school, 274 in college
Manila. attitude is emphasized,” he said. and 46 graduates from the vocational courses.
According to Fr. Anton Pascual, Executive Direc- Programs being given to scholars as well as their (Kate Laceda) Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales

Zamboanga launches Priests-

Ulama-Pastors forum
RESOLVED in its mission to promote a Zamboanga Archbishop Romulo G. Valles other groups that have similar orientation. CELEBRATED. Brother Gil-
culture of dialogue for Christians and Mus- expressed his appreciation of the initiative, With promotion of dialogue as its specific bert Billena, O’Carm and
lims to live with one another in a spirit of saying he is happy of the project as he met mission, the forum will be directed by three Brother Clyde Salitrero,
understanding, respect and acceptance, the with the priests, pastors and ulamas at the convenors that will represent the Catholic O’Carm, solemn profession
of Religious vows among
Archdiocese of Zamboanga has established Sacred Heart Center on May 28. Church, Islam and other Christian denomi- the Order of the Brothers of
a forum consisting of priests, pastors and “Your involvement in this group expresses nation. the Blessed Virgin Mary of
ulamas. our common commitment to inter-religious Additional three members will come from Mount Carmel, May 22, 2010
dialogue. This is part of the each faith group to make up the PUPF core at Titus Brandsma Center,
mission of the Catholic Church group of twelve. The The Silsilah Dialogue New Manila, Quezon City. Fr.
Artemio Jusayan, O’Carm,
and I emphasized it when I ar- Movement, an association that promotes Commissary General of the
rived in Zamboanga City and “deeper understanding between Muslims Order, presided the thanks-
considered it as a key area in and Christians,” acts as the group’s secre- giving Mass. Brother Gilbert
© www.silsilahdialogue.com

my program,” Valles said. tariat. is a native of Balingoan, Misamis Oriental while Brother Clyde hails from
Tubigon, Bohol.
The Priests-Ulama-Pastors The formation of the PUPF is seen as sig-
Forum (PUPF) is being formed nificant step in the promotion of dialogue CELEBRATED. Fr. Carlito Ruiz Garcia, silver jubilee of sacerdotal ordination
in the same spirit as the Bishops- and in consolidating “linkages with other at the Christ the King Parish, Kabacan, Cotabato, May 31, 2010. The 50
Ulama conference on the Min- groups, institutions and movements in Zam- year old priest was ordained in 1985 and currently the pastor of Christ the
King Parish. Kidapawan Bishop Romulo de la Cruz said the homily in his
danao level. However, PUPF boanga City that have programs of interfaith thanksgiving Mass which was attended by close to a thousand people.
is autonomous of BUC and of dialogue.” (Pinky Barrientos, FSP)
CELEBRATED. Sr. Fely de la Cruz, SPC, Sr. Edna

Uphold prison voting rights, CBCP

Lopes, SPC, Sr. Judith Bapor, SPC, Sr. Myrna Bor-
romeo, SPC, Sr. Joseline Lasala, SPC, Sr. Teresita
Baricau, SPC, Sr. Veneranda Santos, SPC, Sr. Marie
Ann Adoracion, SPC and Sr. Marie-Madeleine Michel

exec tells incoming gov’t

SPC; silver jubilee of religious profession among the
Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. Rev. Fr. Ramon Maria
Luza Bautista, SJ celebrated the thanksgiving Mass
held at the Our Lady of Chartres Convent in Antipolo
City on May 1, 2010.
A CBCP official has called on the Diamante praised the Commis- to votes” he said.
CONFERRED. Dr. Merle Gilda J. Ramores
incoming administration and the sion on Elections (COMELEC), The prison commission be- with Papal Honor “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice”
next Congress to guarantee the Commission on Human Rights lieved the right to suffrage of the by Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, His Ex-
voting rights of prisoners. (CHR) and the Bureau of Jail Man- detainees and prisoners must be cellency Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams,
“We call on the next administra- agement and Penology (BJMP) for respected and this must not be during a concelebrated Mass on May 1,
2010, feast of St. Joseph the Worker, at the
tion and the next congress to review the formation of the voting system taken from them. Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity. The award
the laws governing our election that permitted prisoners to exer- Diamante also applauded the was conferred to Dr. Ramores in recognition
and ensure that the prisoner vot- cise their right to suffrage. “concerned government agen- Rudy Diamante, CPCP-ECPPC of her service to health and well-being of the
ing right is upheld,” said Rodolfo “We laud the COMELEC, cies” for acting fast in processing Executive Secretary people in the local Church of Daet. A testi-
monial dinner on the same day of conferral
Diamante, Executive Secretary CHR and BJMP for the es- the voting system of the prison- front in supporting the promo- was hosted in her name by the Couples of
of the Episcopal Commission on tablishment of a mechanism ers which made them actively tion and enhancement of the Christ at the Villa Mila Resort and Confer-
Prison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) of which allows the detention participate in the recent national dignity and human rights of ence Center in Daet, Camarines Norte.
the Catholic Bishops Conference prisoners, to exercise their and local elections. persons deprived of their liber-
DIED. Sr. Aurora Caspe, SPC, May 10, 2010.
of the Philippines (CBCP). constitutional right and duty ECPPC has been in the fore- ties. (CBCPNews)

ILO grant to benefit poor OFW families CBCP office co-launches theology
THE International Labor Organization (ILO)
program on migration
awarded some P4 million pesos in what has been
described as “innovation grant” to Pioneer Life, Inc.
900 members. The members are entitled to benefits
such as participation in financial literacy work-
shops, high interest rates on their savings, personal
in support of its project Pamilyang OFW Savers accident insurance, cash burial assistance, life insur- THE Episcopal Commission for aspects of migration more thor- least 2 years of college (or its equiva-
and Wellness Club. Pioneer Life Inc. was one of 18 ance and privileges from industrial partners. the Pastoral Care on Migrants oughly for the benefit of concrete lent) and a basic theology course or
grantees from more than 200 applicants. Pioneer Life’s CEO Lorenzo Chan said his and Itinerant People (ECMI) of pastoral service for migrants. “Exodus” certificate and such.
The Pamilyang OFW Savers and Wellness Club company believes introducing financial literacy the Catholic Bishops Conference Compulsory courses of theo- Organizers said the Certificate
was organized through the auspices of the Catholic workshops across the country would raise the of the Philippines (CBCP) is co- logical specialization could also in Pastoral Care of Migrants can
Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ Episcopal people’s awareness on the importance of saving launching a theology program on be programmed for this purpose be taken in one semester (five
Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and for the future. migration with the Loyola School (EMCC, 71). months) and requires five migra-
Itinerant People (ECMI) to encourage workers and ILO Director Linda Wirth said a common cop- of Theology and the Scalabrini The course will include the tion theology subjects.
their families to wisely manage their finances. ing strategy for people in times of emergency is Migration Center on June 2010. introduction of the theologies “The Certificate program re-
The program encourages each family to develop to borrow money. She explained this is because The theology program is being of migration, management of quires a passing grade in all five
the habit of saving and build enough savings about 80% of the world’s population do not have introduced in response to the in- pastoral programs in migration, migration theology subjects as
to allow for the early return of OFWs to their social security and has created the niche for micro- struction of the Vatican document migration and justice, and the listed. Three courses are compul-
families. insurance. Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi pastoral care of migrants. sory (MTP 01, 03, 04) while two
ECMI Executive Secretary Fr. Edwin Corros said “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has ex- advising Episcopal conferences of Resource persons are Emman- subjects shall be chosen among the
the project is part of the reintegration program tended assistance to develop innovations to help mapping a theology program on uel de Guzman, PhD; Fr. Edwin four elective courses. All courses
which the Catholic Church has established for millions of people across the globe,” Wirth said migration that would help those Corros, CS, Fr. Graziano Battistel- are open to auditors,” they said.
OFWs. while lauding the project jointly launched by Pio- ministering to migrants deepen la, CS, and Fr. Nilo Tanalega, SJ. The three institutions will
“The government for a time has not introduced a neer Life and the CBCP-ECMI. their pastoral orientation. To qualify, the organizers said, issue the Certificate in Pastoral
doable reintegration program,” he explained dur- Director Wirth, who is leaving the International The Egra Migrantes Caritas the student must have the neces- Care of Migrants.
ing the launching of the Micro-Insurance Grant at Labor Organization after over 20 years, said mi- Christi states that Episcopal Con- sary requirement like personal Migration is a growing phe-
Pioneer House in Makati at midday Wednesday. grant workers’ reintegration remains to be their ferences will entrust to Catholic letter of application or letter of nomenon in Asia and has been
Launched in July 2009, the OFW Savers and top priority and how to translate economic growth university faculties in their territo- recommendation from superior or an important aspect of the re-
Wellness Clunb are found in six dioceses with over with more gainful employment. (CBCPNews) ries the task of studying the various bishop or official of institution, at gion’s landscape. (CBCPNews)
Pastoral Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

Today’s culture and

consecrated life

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

By Archbishop Orlando B. When speaking of today’s Asian that the evangelical counsels of poverty, and perhaps cliques, in consecrated Reason. Other philosophers like Martin
Quevedo, O.M.I. culture, we take all these observations chastity, and obedience express. life are often based on ethnic terms Heidegger exalted personal subjectivity
into account. They speak of cultural The Asian sense of community with and economic class. Surely the tasks rather than objectivity.
heterogeneity in Asia. its corollary values of complementarity of formation and building community The emerging global technological
Introduction and harmony rather than individualistic would have to take these divergent culture exhibits the world view of the
Culture is a pervasive reality. It Positive Characteristics of “Asian” assertion and confrontation finds cultures into consideration. postmodern spirit. It rejects objective
impacts all dimensions of life, social, Culture realization in the community life of In many Asian cultures patriarchy truth and gives primacy to personal
economic, political, and religious. We Given the rich kaleidoscope of Asian consecrated persons. Close-knit family as a social attitude that considers men subjectivity. It professes incredulity to all
are born into it, we grow and work cultures, can we speak of an Asian relationships, filial piety and respect as superior and women as subservient metanarratives that claim absolute truth.
in it, we live and die in it. We cannot culture? At the macro-level it is possible for elders would likewise promote has far reaching attitudinal effects. This It believes that truth is of the moment
escape it. There is no human reality that to observe commonalities which one relationships in the formation process is true for social life in general as well and in time will change. It believes as
is culture-free. could label as Asian cultural values. as well as harmony within the religious as for priestly and religious life. [As I true only in what the self interprets and
Born into a culture and formed in Reflecting deeply through the years community. One can cite folklore and observed at the recent Second Special constructs, i.e., in personal narratives.
it, we are influenced by various other on Asian cultures in its dialogue with stories among Asian peoples of the close Assembly of the Synod of Bishops It is individualistic. Therefore truth is
cultures for better or for worse. As a the various cultures and peoples, the relationship between teacher, guro and for Africa last month, patriarchy is relative. Hence, pluralism regarding
human-divine institution the Church Church has identified various cultural disciple. probably less general in Asia than in truth is a “dogma” of postmodernism.
both influences and is also influenced by characteristics generally common to the African continent. But the problem Someone has called this type of pluralism
peoples and their cultures. With its own Asians. CulturalValuesthatHinderConsecrated in both continents remains serious]. as an ideology of “whateverism.”
Gospel culture the Church interplays In 1998 at the Special Assembly of the Life Formation in consecrated life can react I admit that this is a simplified
dynamically with the culture of a people Synod of Bishops for Asia, the Asian Yet in Asian cultures we also find to patriarchy by overemphasizing the way, perhaps even simplistic way, of
in whose midst it is deeply inserted. Bishops spoke about such cultural values, traditions and practices that opposite behavior. A balanced gender considering the post-modern spirit.
The call to consecrated life, formation commonalities which Pope John Paul II’s are anti-Gospel and hinder the living formation can provide a vibrant, healthy There are indeed many positive
in consecrated life, the living of the post-synodal exhortation echoes: of consecrated life. and dynamic sense of equality in dignity things that it has contributed. “It is
evangelical counsels, community life, The people of Asia take pride in their As a preliminary remark, what the and complementarity in men and bringing into Asia a greater awareness
spirituality and mission are all impacted religious and cultural values, such Asian Bishops observed some 23 years women in consecrated life. of individual dignity, autonomy, and
by culture. For this reason the present as love of silence and contemplation, ago in the 1986 FABC Plenary Assembly human rights so characteristic of the
seminar is important and necessary. simplicity, harmony, detachment, in Tokyo on the Laity and reiterated at An Emerging Global Culture? West. It creates and promotes global
Looking at the topics to be discussed, non-violence, the spirit of hard work, the 2004 FABC Plenary Assembly in Reflecting on today’s pastoral solidarity almost instantaneously in
it would seem best for me to provide discipline, frugal living, the thirst for Korea on the Asian family would have to challenges various church assemblies times of great disaster. It has made
a description of today’s culture, from learning and philosophical enquiry. be very seriously considered in relation in Asia have pointed at a present knowledge of the world and of the
which the various speakers could start. They hold dear the values of respect to consecrated life in Asia. The Asian social and cultural phenomenon—the human person to grow by leaps and
Surely there will be some overlapping for life, compassion for all beings, Bishops observed: emergence of a global culture. Thus bounds. The application and sharing
but there is some benefit from a certain closeness to nature, filial piety towards Perhaps the greatest challenge to the the FABC Plenary Assembly in Korea of that knowledge has generally and
degree of repetition. parents, elders and ancestors, and a Church in Asia is that posed by the Asian in 2004 observed: significantly improved human life”
highly developed sense of community. family. The Asian family is the cellular Of even greater significance, economic [2004 FABC Plenary Assembly, Final
What is “Today’s Culture”? In particular they hold the family to be receptacle of all of Asia’s problems, globalization is also bringing cultural Document, no. 22].
In this presentation the analogical a vital source of strength, a closely knit poverty, repression, exploitation and globalization in its wake. Since the I would also add that the postmodern
term, “culture” is used to mean community with a powerful sense of degradation, divisions and conflicts. middle of the 20th century Western spirit has highlighted the importance
generally a “a way of life” or a set of solidarity. Asian peoples are known The family is directly affected by the secularism has been strongly influencing and necessity of personal historicity,
values, attitudes, beliefs, customs and for their spirit of religious tolerance and religious, political, economic, social Asian societies. But at no time has personal narratives, and subjective
practices that are shared by a group and peaceful co-existence….Many people, and cultural problems of Asia, by the the secularizing process, now with experience, including feelings, in integral
distinguishes it from another. Culture especially the young, experience a deep problems relating to women, health, a significant post-modern spirit of human growth towards maturity in
is transmitted from one generation thirst for spiritual values…. work, business, education, etc. [For individualistic sense of freedom, been Christ. In a course on spiritual direction
to another through language, rituals, All of this indicates an innate spiritual All the Peoples of Asia, 1992, p. 184; more rapid and effective in reshaping that I once attended it was important
institutions (e.g., family, schools), laws, insight and moral wisdom in the Asian soul, Final Document, 2004 FABC Plenary the value systems of Asian families for me to know the place of feelings in
art, and tools of social communication. and it is the core around which a growing Assembly, The Asian Family towards a than in the last two decades of the 20th discerning the movement of the Holy
It can refer, among other things, to a sense of “being Asian” is built. This “being Culture of Integral Life,” no. 48]. century. The bearers of this change are Spirit in my own life.
certain social group (e.g., the culture Asian” is best discovered and affirmed not Close family relationships, we know, economics… and the on-going revolution
of the poor, of the elite), nationality in confrontation and opposition, but in the are ambivalent. They can be a driving in mass global communication that has Impact of Postmodern Culture on
or race (Thai culture, Indian culture, spirit of complementarity and harmony force for great personal sacrifice on truly made the world a global village Values
Chinese culture), ethnic group (dalit [Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia in Asia, 1998, behalf of the family, as in the case [Final Document, no. 21]. It has been observed that the emerging
culture, adivasi culture, the culture no. 6]. of migrant workers, many of whom What is this cultural phenomenon global culture is uprooting families
of the dominant group), or age group work under contracts and in working which we might call a post-modern from their traditional cultures. Neo-
(youth culture). In fact arguably there Cultural Values that Foster Consecrated conditions that could rightly be called culture? liberalism, materialism, secularism,
is a certain culture of consecrated life Life “new slaveries.” But such close-knit It is an off-shoot, even a reaction, consumerism are being brought into
based on values, beliefs, and practices From the above we perceive cultural family relationships are also often at the to the modern spirit. The modern the sanctuaries of homes even in the
commonly held. values that can promote consecrated life root of intermittent violence between spirit developed among European grassroots through local TV and radio
Other than the question of culture in in Asia, from vocation discernment to families and clans. They are likewise the intellectuals, like Voltaire, in the 17th programs “that ape the media programs
general, the further question is what is formation, from the living of evangelical reason for endemic corruption in Asian and 18th centuries. This was the era served by the West whose values and
today’s Asian culture? counsels to spirituality and mission. societies, where the family comes first of the Enlightenment and scientific portrayal of family and life gradually
We are faced with the fact that Asia A sense of the sacred still prevails before the public good. revolution. It proclaimed the primacy become normative for viewers and
is characterized by a rich variety, a among Asian peoples. We point to the In the context of poverty, families of human reason and rejected religious listeners” [Ibid.. no. 24].
brilliant mosaic, of ancient cultures finger of God in the significant events can look at consecrated life as a step- faith and authority. It denied divine We can see also see how cinema
and languages, Malay, Indian, Chinese, of our lives. We are not afraid to speak up in the social mobility. Vocational revelation or “God’s metanarrative”. and the lives and loves of the rich and
Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Myanmar, openly of God and his mysterious motivation can be quite problematic. The philosopher, Rene Descartes, famous add to the trivialization and
etc., each with its own recorded and ways. We go to holy places and shrines, The concern for family can also become sought absolute certitude through subsequently the rejection of values once
unrecorded historical roots in time visit churches, mosques, and temples an overwhelming source of tension for reason immune from faith. Armed held sacred regarding love, marriage,
immemorial. Moreover, there have for worship, or for temporary refuge, a member of the community. In the with reason and science, Modernism family and permanent commitments.
been many inter-cultural developments silence, solitude from the busyness of close-knit Asian family we in the priestly rejected “traditional” religious beliefs. Tools of social communication that
through trade and commerce, conquest, life. We are deeply appreciative of men and consecrated life do not seem really It asserted a “metanarrative of human are meant to enhance communication
migration, marriage, mass media, and women of God-experience. The able to “leave father, mother, brother or scientific progress.” become hindrances to unity. They
education. While a particular culture sense of the divine is deeply ingrained sister” for the new family of faith. We But in the late 19th and early 20th disturb the discipline that harmonious
may be dominant in one country, it might in our Asian cultural psyche. This is still seem to be primarily attached to our centuries came the philosophies of community living requires. They are
in fact exhibit such intercultural mix. certainly a major reason for the steady family by blood. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche. “wants” that become “needs.” Simplicity
In addition today cultural observers increase of vocations in Asia, both to the It is also true that Asia is characterized They rejected all “metanarratives” as and frugality are jeopardized. Silence,
speak of an emerging global culture priestly and religious life. by the great social and economic absolutely universal whether that of solitude and the sense of the sacred are
that emanates from the West and is Perhaps it is our poverty as a continent distances between the rich and the great human reason or that of religious faith. disturbed by the ubiquity of instruments
increasingly bearing upon traditional that promotes frugality, simplicity, hard majority of the people who are poor. They were skeptical about social and of social communication.
Asian cultures through the process of work, and dependence on God. But Those who are called to consecrated life moral norms. Kant’s “Critique of Pure The emerging global culture is
economic globalization and the rapid certainly such cultural values correspond bring with them a culture of the poor Reason” was really a critique of the likewise creating a new kind of poor,
advances of technology and science. quite well with the faith and trust in God and a culture of the rich. Friendships, claims of objective truth in the Age of Today / B2
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

After a Church is attacked Canonical process for

alleged sexual abuse of
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
Apostolorum university, answers the following queries:)

Q: There was a bomb blast last year in our cathedral at

Kathmandu. In it, three people died and several were injured.
In all probability, one died on the spot (inside the church). We

minors by clerics (Part 2)

did clean up the place after the police had done their job, and
we had Mass celebrated the following day. Now, there was
doubt in the minds of some of our old Catholics. At least one of
them told me that after a murder takes place in the church, it is
desecrated (because of the murder); therefore, before celebrating
Mass and other sacraments in the building, the church needs
to be re-dedicated. The person told me that that was “the rule
before.” I personally had not come across a situation like this
before, and I did not know whether any rule existed either. Could
you please explain whether there are some rules or regulations
with regard to this?—P.P., Kathmandu, Nepal

A: This topic is dealt with in the Code of Canon Law and in

the Ceremonial of Bishops. Canons 1211-1112 touch upon the
violation of sacred places.

“CAN. 1211 Sacred places are violated by gravely injurious

actions done in them with scandal to the faithful, actions which,
in the judgment of the local ordinary, are so grave and contrary
to the holiness of the place that it is not permitted to carry on
worship in them until the damage is repaired by a penitential
rite according to the norm of the liturgical books.
“Can. 1212 Sacred places lose their dedication or blessing if
they have been destroyed in large part, or have been turned
over permanently to profane use by decree of the competent
ordinary or in fact.”
To this must be added the norms of the Ceremonial of Bishops,
Nos. 1070-1092, which describes the public prayers to be made
after the desecration of a church.
First, it specifies further the nature of the crimes that can
desecrate a church as those that “do grave dishonor to sacred
mysteries, especially to the eucharistic species, and are

committed to show contempt for the Church, or are crimes
that are serious offenses against the dignity of the person and
It continues: “A church, therefore, is desecrated by actions
that are gravely injurious in themselves and a cause of scandal By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. certain time frame, the sentence is final. If 2) Suspension. Suspension of a member
to the faithful.” an appeal is lodged, another hearing of the of the clergy is also a penalty imposed for
The situation in Kathmandu clearly fulfills all the conditions case will take place by an appellate panel of violation of a criminal law. The effects of
for a desecration. OF late the Catholic Church, and especially judges. This may occur again at the CDF, or, it are similar to dismissal from the clerical
Reparation for the desecration is to be carried out with a Pope Benedict XVI, has come under bitter with authorization of the CDF, at the diocesan state inasmuch as the priest or deacon is
penitential rite celebrated as soon as possible. Until that time, criticism by the secular press regarding its or local level. not permitted to function in public ministry.
no sacred rite may be celebrated in the church. Preaching handling of allegations of sexual abuse of The CDF has its own supreme tribunal. The However, suspension does not remove the
to prepare for the penitential rite may be carried out. The minors by priests in several countries (notably Pope himself does not sit personally as a judge cleric from the clerical state. He remains
people are encouraged to avail themselves of the sacrament of in the U.S., Ireland, England and Germany). on the tribunal of the CDF. He has several a member of the clergy even if he is not
reconciliation, which should be celebrated in another church. The accusations can be summarized into judicial courts or tribunals that administer exercising any functions associated with
To symbolize penance, the Ceremonial recommends: “The altar three: (1) that the Church has no clear-cut justice: the CDF tribunal, the Roman Rota it. Additionally, whereas dismissal is a
of the church should be stripped bare and all customary signs procedure for handling such allegations; (2) and the Apostolic Signature. The decision of permanent penalty, suspension is not. It
of joy and gladness should be put away, for example, lights that the Church has a policy of being secretive the CDF─or any of the other tribunals of the is imposed so long as the reasons for its
flowers, and other such articles.” about such cases, tending to protect the erring Holy See─in an appeal of a judicial sentence imposition remain. To offer one example,
It is fitting that the bishop presides at the rite of reparation, clerics more than the aggrieved parties; (3) of this matter is final. if a priest is suspended due to illegitimate
which may be either a celebration of the Eucharist or a Liturgy that the Church conceals such allegations behavior with a minor, the suspension
of the Word as circumstances suggest. It may be celebrated on from the civil authorities. Alternative Procedure: An Administrative remains in force, but would be lifted if the
any day except the Easter triduum, Sundays and solemnities, In the previous issue of CBCP Monitor, we Penal Process. allegations are withdrawn or proven false.
but may be celebrated on the vigil of a Sunday. The Mass of had answered all three accusations in part, In cases where the evidence of the possible 3) Canonical Penance. The Essential Norms
reparation is the preferred mode. when we tackled the procedure to be followed commission of sexual abuse is stronger, recognize that there might be cases where a
The most suitable Mass formula may be chosen; for example: by the ecclesiastical authority─either the the CDF might authorize what is called an priest or deacon has either admitted to a past
the votive Mass of the holy Eucharist (in cases of profanation diocesan Bishop or a religious Superior─upon administrative penal process. Here, unlike act of abuse or has been found guilty of one,
of the Blessed Sacrament) or for promoting harmony in the hearing of an alleged sexual abuse of minors a judicial trial, the bishop himself makes but dismissal from the clerical state does not
case of violent clashes. by a cleric, i.e., the preliminary investigation the decision regarding the charges brought occur. This could happen, for instance, when
There are several forms of carrying out the rite. One is a and the transmission of the preliminary against the accused. He considers the evidence a priest is seriously ill or of advanced age. So
procession of the people from a nearby church or another findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine with the help of two persons called assessors. a life of prayer and penance is imposed on
suitable place during which prayer and the litany of the saints of the Faith (CDF). Let us now look in detail They are experts in canon law or some other the priest instead. In these cases, too, he is
is sung, including the patron of the desecrated church and at the ensuing canonical process to resolve discipline necessary for a thorough evaluation forbidden from all public ministry and from
other prayers found in the Roman ritual. If a procession is not such allegations. of the evidence. The accused also has the otherwise presenting himself as a priest. He
possible, then the people gather in the church and the bishop opportunity to offer a defence. The bishop then is expected to dedicate his life to praying for
and other ministers enter from the sacristy. The Canonical Process to resolve Allegations issues a decree with his decision and suggested victims and repenting of his past offenses.
On entering the church, the bishop along with concelebrants of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clerics penalty (if he finds for guilt). This decree is In this way, the Church seeks even here to
and other ministers goes to the chair without reverencing the also sent to the CDF for confirmation and the prevent any future abuse and to repair the
altar. He then blesses water, and after a moment of silent prayer 1st Stage: The Instruction of the Case. accused has the right to seek reconsideration injustice that has already taken place.
sprinkles the altar. He may also sprinkle the people and the The canonical process─more technically of the outcome.
walls. Returning to the chair, and with hands joined, he invites called a written contentious process─is Other Scenarios
those present to pray. After a brief silent prayer, the bishop similar to the criminal trials that take place Canonical Penalties for Crimes of Sexual 1) Acquittal of the accused cleric. The
recites the opening prayer with hands outstretched. in some European countries, which follow a Abuse of Minors presumption is that the cleric will be
The readings usually come from the Mass for the forgiveness different legal tradition from the Philippines. Catholic Church Law provides a range returned to the ministry if he is not found
of sins, unless other more suitable readings are chosen. Because of this, the canon law trial will not of penalties for different crimes. For the guilty. However, the outcome in a specific
Appropriate general intercessions are prayed only if the litany appear similar to those we might be familiar sexual abuse of minors it provides for a just case depends on several factors that are
of the saints has not been used. After this, the deacon and other with in Philippine civil courts (which penalty that may include dismissal from the particular to each case. It might turn out
ministers place the altar cloth and the other usual elements upon follow what is called an oral or summary clerical state. that even though a priest or deacon is not
the altar and may place flowers around it. The procession of the contentious process). The main difference proven to have abused minors, other issues
gifts follows the bishop receiving them at the chair. is that in the latter, the initial stage─which Immediate and Permanent Withdrawal from surrounding his ministry or behaviour might
When everything is ready, the bishop goes to the altar and is the so-called instruction of the case or the all Public Ministry have arisen during the investigation that
kisses it and the Mass continues in the usual manner. gathering of evidence─is compressed into Contrary to the accusations in the mass cause concern for the bishop. This might
In the case of desecration of the Eucharist, the concluding rites oral trials wherein all the evidence (including media, the Essential Norms provides that involve, for instance, unacceptable boundary
of Mass are replaced by exposition, adoration and Benediction witnesses) are simultaneously presented in every case where a cleric admits to or is violations or improper behaviour with adults.
of the Blessed Sacrament. before all the parties to the case; in the found guilty of the sexual abuse of minors he These situations would need to be addressed
If there is only a celebration of the Word, then everything is former, the witnesses are cited individually is immediately and permanently withdrawn before the priest or deacon is returned to
done as above, until after the homily. A prayer of intercession by the tribunal to make their depositions in from all public ministry. Nor may he present public ministry.
asking for God’s mercy is carried out. The altar is then dressed private. himself as a priest or deacon. 2) Cases where a priest or deacon is falsely
and decorated by the ministers or the faithful. The bishop then An ecclesiastical tribunal─the same one Thus, even if a member of the clergy is accused of sexual abuse. Not all accusations
approaches the altar, and kisses and incenses it. He subsequently that normally handles marriage nullity eventually not dismissed from the clerical brought to the ecclesiastical authorities
introduces the Our Father, followed by a suitable closing prayer cases─hears the case. It is composed of a state for having committed the crime of the turn out to be true. In all cases, a thorough
and the blessing. panel of three judges. The accused has a sexual abuse of minors, his public ministry is investigation is made to ascertain the truth
When the Ceremonial of Bishops was published, the official canon lawyer, called an advocate, to assist still fully restricted in the light of the gravity of the allegation. The rights of everyone
rite of reparation was not yet promulgated. However, the in his defense. The prosecutor is referred to of the offense committed. must be respected during this phase. If this
elements provided in the Ceremonial and described above as the promoter of justice. In a very small subset of cases, where process determines that the accusation was
suffice for the preparation of an adequate celebration. Witnesses, including possible victims, are the guilt of the cleric is beyond doubt, the false, the good reputation of the cleric needs
called to testify. The judges, rather than the CDF may ask the Pope to directly impose to be repaired. The Essential Norms state that
canon lawyers, question the witnesses singly a penalty... This might occur, for instance, every step possible must be made to restore
and in private. Other forms of evidence are when the priest himself has confessed to the good name of those who have been falsely
Today / B1
gathered, such as letters that might have this or has been found guilty of the crime in accused and whose good reputation might
those who, in the language of Pope John Paul II, “who do not been written. Everything is taken down in a civil court of law. In the gravest cases, the have been illegitimately harmed.
know” – the poverty of knowledge, of technological knowledge writing by the tribunal notary, and the actae CDF may request that the Pope to dismiss
and of access to that knowledge. Poor countries and poor families are made available to both the accused and the cleric ex officio, that is, without a prior Conclusion: Confidentiality vs. Secrecy
are further marginalized by this new form of poverty. his advocate, for possible corrections. trial or any other type of formal legal process. A final word on the accusation of secrecy
In such cases, the Pope himself issues a is in order. The word secret as applied to the
Conclusion 2nd and 3rd Stages: The Arguments and the decree dismissing the priest or deacon from canonical process we have just described is a
Such is presently the post-modern world into which Asia is entering Judgment the clerical state. There is no appeal of this literal translation of the Latin word secretum.
at a rapid pace. It has been developing for more than a century. It After this the defense canon lawyer and the decision by the cleric. The better translation would be “confidential.”
is materialist, secularist, individualistic, and relativist. It disdains promoter of justice submit written arguments Church law does require that formal trials and
authoritative religious and moral norms. What is necessary is not of their sides of the case. The judges then Other Possible Canonical Penalties and other processes that lead to the imposition of
absolute moral or doctrinal truth. Truth is that which people believe review the arguments and evidence carefully, Penances penalties be dealt with confidentially. This is
in as rooted in subjective experience. deliberate together, and issue a judgment 1) Dismissal from the Clerical State. Within meant to protect the accused, the witnesses,
A religious thinker (I don’t remember who) has said that we live (verdict). If the finding is for guilt, the judges the range of canonical penalties provided and the integrity of the Church process. For
chronologically in a postmodern world, but as Catholics we are not also impose a penalty (see below for types of in Church Law is the dismissal from the instance, general members of the public are not
postmodern in the pejorative sense described above. We do believe Church penalties). clerical state. This is a permanent penalty admitted to the court proceedings. Although
in God’s metanarrative, in absolute truths, in objective truth learned imposed in response to the commission of these proceedings are confidential, that does
by reason and faith, in the “traditional” values of marriage, family 4th Stage: Automatic Elevation to the CDF an ecclesiastical crime. The legal status of the not forbid or even discourage anyone from
and permanent commitments. and Possible Appeal. priest or deacon changes, so that he now has reporting the underlying allegations to civil
This brings us to the reminder that Jesus gave at the Last Supper. Once the diocesan tribunal issues its the status of a lay person, not a cleric. Hence, a authorities. In fact, the opposite is true when
We are in this world but we are not of this world. decision, the decision goes to the CDF. Both priest dismissed from the clerical state may no it comes to the sexual abuse of minors. The
the verdict (whether for or against guilt) longer exercise priestly ministry (including Essential Norms strictly mandate that bishops
(This piece was delivered by Most Rev. Orlando B. Quevedo, Archbishop and penalty (if the verdict is for guilt) may saying Mass), present himself as a priest, use follow civil reporting laws, and that they
of Cotabato and Secretary General of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ be appealed by either the accused or the the title Father or Reverend, hold pastoral advise a person of his or her right to make a
Conferences (FABC), during the FABC-OCL Seminar in Hua Hin, promoter of justice of either the diocese or and teaching positions in the Church, and report to public authorities and support the
Thailand, November 17, 2009.) the CDF. If no appeal is lodged within a receive the income he did as a cleric. person in doing so.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010
Our Lady of Guadalupe in Makati elevated to National Shrine
By Melo Acuña the Guadalupe district of Makati was November 23, 1951 when then Manila March 24, 1971, the new boundaries of silver jubilee of the Guadalupe parish in
formed into a barrio named in honor of Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes presided Our Lady of Guadalupe parish were October 10, 1976.
the Patroness of the first Spanish settlers over its erection. established with Pasig River to the north, Credit should also be given to
WITH nearly six decades as parish under the jurisdiction of Sts. Peter and The Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe Guingua St., Barangay Pinagkaisahan Msgr. Severino Anatalio who, in
church serving the spiritual needs of Paul parish. was taken from the Parish of Sts. Peter and Forbes Park to the south, the civil 1984, established the Guadalupe Basic
thousands of residents from Guadalupe The shrine is conveniently located and Paul with about 8,000 parishioners boundaries of Barangay West Rembo Ecclesial Communities and introduced
Viejo, Guadalupe Nuevo, Pinagkaisahan at 1923 Orense St., Guadalupe Nuevo from four barangays. and Barangay North Side Makati to the the 12 noon Mass devotion which has
and Fort Bonifacio, the Archdiocesan in Makati City. It is also known as the The oldest image of Our Lady of east and Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue already become a tradition.
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is Patroness of the Pro-Life Movement Guadalupe was donated by the Unson, to the west. It was Msgr. Vicente R. Dacuycuy who
now a national landmark as it was from the unborn to the sick, aging, Paredes and Garcia families of Quezon The parish priest and now Pasig submitted the formal petition for the
formally proclaimed a national shrine disabled and many others. City and Sampaloc, Manila originally Bishop Francisco C. San Diego petitioned elevation of the parish church into an
by His Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal After the Second World War, the placed at San Nicolas Chapel. for the elevation of the church into a archdiocesan shrine from 1988 to 1991.
Rosales at a 5:00 p.m. concelebrated Mass word “Nuevo” was introduced into On December 12, 1951, the Feast of Our shrine during his watch from November OnDecember11,1994thereconstructed
on May 31, 2010. the district’s original name. It was also Lady of Guadalupe, Manila Auxiliary 10, 1971 to July 31, 1981. altar was consecrated, blessed and
during this time that Guadalupe Estate Bishop Vicente P. Reyes installed its first It was Manila Archbishop Jaime L. dedicated along with the newly-
Rich historical heritage Incorporated donated two lots for the parish priest, Fr. Guillermo Tello. Cardinal Sin who blessed then newly- constructed parish office, the “Tepeyac”
It was during the 16th century when newest parish church established on However, after nearly 20 years, on constructed parish rectory in time for the Elevated / B4

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe located at 1923 Orense St. Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City was formally
proclaimed especially for the USAD-O (Unborn, Sick, Aging, Disabled and many Others, whose lives are threatened) by His
Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales last May 31, 2010. (Contributed Photo)

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe

National Shrines in the Philippines
1. National Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
Antipolo City

2. National Shrine of Divina Pastora

Gapan, Nueva Ecija

3. Peñafrancia Basilica Minore and National Shrine

Naga City

4. National Shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (Sto.

Domingo/La Naval); Quezon Ave., Quezon City

5. National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette

Biga, Silang Cavite

6. National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

Valenzuela, Metro, Manila

7. National Shrine of St. Anne


Hagonoy, Bulacan

8. National Shrine of the Divine Mercy

Sta. Rosa, Marilao, Bulacan

By Adrian Tambuyat, O.P. Manifestation of the Lady which appeared to Juan Diego. Spanish settlers. After World 9. Minor Basilica and National Shrine of the Black Nazarene
“A great sign appeared in the The devotion to our Lady War II, the word “Nuevo” in Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila
sky, a Woman clothed with the of Guadalupe soon became reference to the present location
IN recognition of the sun, with the moon under her widespread with miracles and of the National Shrine was 10. San Sebastian Minor Basilica (National Shrine of Our Lady
feet, and on her head, a crown conversions testified to by coined. On November 23, 1951, of Mt. Carmel); Plaza del Carmen, Quiapo, Manila
approval of the Catholic of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1) the huge number of pilgrims the parish of the Our Lady of
Bishops Conference of the Among the many titles attributed worldwide, who visit her Shrine Guadalupe was erected by Most 11. National Shrine of St. Michael and the Archangels
Philippines (CBCP) the to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Mexico. Rev. Gabriel M. Reyes, D.D., who San Miguel, Manila
Archdiocesan Shrine of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe was the Archbishop of Manila
(Our Lady of Guadalupe) is one The Genesis that time. It was carved out 12. National Shrine of the Sacred Heart
Our Lady of Guadalupe of the most prominent name. Predominantly, the Philippines from the parish of Sts. Peter and San Antonio Village, Makati City
was formally declared Our Lady of Guadalupe in the is familiar with the devotion to Paul for the 8,000 inhabitants of
National Shrine on the Northwest of Mexico City to Juan our Lady of Guadalupe, Msgr. Guadalupe Nuevo, Guadalupe 13. National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Diego, a poor Aztec and asked Salvador Jose, attached priest of Viejo, Pinagkaisahan and Fort Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City
May 31, 2010. Coinciding
him have a chapel built in her the National Shrine of Our Lady Bonifacio.
with the event was the honor on the site. of Guadalupe, said and even The oldest image of our Lady 14. National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
installation of its new Juan Diego reported this emphasized that in the provisions of Guadalupe was generously Baclaran, Parañaque
Pastor, Rev. Fr. Roderick message to the Bishop who did of the Papal Bull of 1935, Our donated by the Unsons, Paredes
not believe his story and instead, Lady of Guadalupe was declared and Garcia’s of Quezon City and 15. National Shrine of the Miraculous Medal
L. Castro. The declaration Posadas Subd., Sucat, Muntinlupa City
asked for proof. One time, the the “Principal Patroness of the of Sampaloc. Most Rev. Vicente
follows the approval Lady told Juan Diego to gather Philippine Islands”. P. Reyes, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop
given by the Catholic roses (even if it was in the dead of Msgr. Jose recalled the of Manila installed Rev. Fr. 16. National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians
Bishops’ Conference of winter) in a cloak and bring it to beginnings of the National Guillermo V. Tello as the first Better Living Subd., Parañaque
the Philippines of its the Bishop. Juan Diego brought Shrine. From the 16th Century, appointed Parish Priest. Between
the flowers to the Bishop. When the Guadalupe district in Makati a decade, November 10, 1971 to 17. National Shrine of Nuestra Sra. Virgen dela Regla
elevation to a national the Bishop opened the mantle, City was formed into a barrio July 31, 1981 Rev. Fr. Francisco Lapu-lapu City
shrine. they saw the image of the Lady after the Patroness of the early Guadalupe / B7
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

Election 2010:
Fraught with Allegations of Automated Fraud
By Linda Valenzona covert fraud that was already the possibility that the PCOS close supervision of a citizen’s 2010: just another questionable various precincts were properly
at work months ahead of the machines could be programmed watchdog to ensure that remote election configured. This would not have
election. to for example count a vote for access would not be used to In the absence of overt been a tall order. The Philippines
WHEN the Philippines The contract to provide the Teodoro or Villar as a vote for endanger the sanctity of our evidence of cheating Filipinos has a strong IT industry and the
government decided to embrace hardware and software for the Aquino. vote. This kind of watchdog work were euphoric over how quickly normal Filipino civic mindedness
computerized voting for the 2010 AES was awarded, under very Secondly, there was the fact was, again, out of the league of the votes were counted. But what would have allowed us to gather
presidential, congressional and suspicious circumstances, to that the program was contained PPCRV. is clearly emerging is that the a strong team. Many of us
local elections, the international the lowest bidder, Smartmatic, in removable flash cards. In a The fourth possible weakness official count is the product of who are IT literate could have
community looked on with a Venezuelan company who May 3, 2010 testing of 350 PCOS is to be found in the data a flawed process and the data volunteered for this type of work
considerable interest. Would also handled the election of machines done by Comelec the transmission process. Due to is irreparably tainted with the at the precinct level.
May 10 mark a turning point in Hugo Chavez. This was not an PCOS cards used were found its archipelagic geography and possibility of fraud. The fact of the matter is that
the struggling Asian democracy encouraging start. to be corrupted. Hence a few high mountain ranges in several Since Comelec has destroyed the integrity of the 2010 election
and produce, for once, The counting machine (precinct days before the election it was islands, radio communication is the flash cards, errors can only be results will always remain
undisputed results? (http:// counting optical scan, or PCOS) decided that the flash cards for a major problem in many of the uncovered through comparison questionable in the absence of an
www.economist.com/world/ independent third party for this
asia/displaystory.cfm?story_ oversight work before, during
id=16068922) and after the election process,
Authoritative and stable notwithstanding Comelec and
government is essential to the Smartmatic demonstrations to
country’s struggle to attract the contrary.
foreign investment, develop The bicameral group
economically and lift a large mandated to canvass election
number of its people out of results has been at it for the
poverty. past two weeks, a task that in
But an electronic revolution the past used to be completed
in one giant stride? For a in a matter of days. Complaints
population of 50 million voters of irregularities delaying the
spread over 7,100 islands where process have been given the
radio communication is often standard answer—complaints
unreliable? It was always going have to be filed at the Presidential
to be a big task. As a risk Electoral Tribunal.
assessment carried out by Pacific Would there be any way of
Strategies and Assessment late getting an accurate count at this
last year warned, “there is no point? Presuming that the ballots
official record of any country in that were scanned by the 77,600
the world transitioning from a PCOS machines all over the
pure manual to a full automated country were safeguarded from
elections system in one electoral tampering one possible solution
exercise.” is to equip the PCOS machines
Quite the contrary. Electronic with flash cards certified to

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

voting has been plagued be configured with the right
with problems in the most program and rescan the ballots
developed countries of the contained in these machines.
world, and just a week before An army of computers should
the Philippines elections not make this to difficult to
the government appointed accomplish. But if the election
Commission on Elections, winners are allowed to be sworn
or Comelec, was frantically in before this validation process
installing new memory cards in was produced in China. the entire 76,300 PCOS machines, is ever undertaken it is not likely
every one of more than 70,000 On the software side, the already distributed to all the that government will have the
counting machines at polling program for reading, counting polling places, were corrupted political will to undertake this
stations because of an alleged and transmitting the data as and needed to be replaced. Lo validation.
glitch. (http://en.wikipedia. well as printing out election and behold, the next day they
org/wiki/Electronic_ returns was to be in a removable were available for delivery to If Aquino really wants ‘people
voting#Documented_ flash card. To undertake an the polling places in the different power’…
problems) independent review of the islands of the Archipelago. Aquino promised a “People
Nevertheless, Filipinos pinned entire program Comelec hired Of course, there was no time Power” uprising if he was
their hopes on the new election SysTest Lab, a Denver company to conduct an independent “cheated” in the election. Many
system with the expectation that discredited by the US National examination to check what kind of us believe that the people have
a quick count would minimize Institute of Standards and of software was configured on been cheated, but stirring up
the fraud that bedeviled past Technology as conducting tests the new cards, so the whole civic unrest and protest against
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

elections. So it is not surprising without “properly documented process is open to question. this highly suspect election is
that euphoria over the speed of and validated tests methods”. As Was it possible that the 350 neither desirable at this point
the results has led, three weeks of this printing SysTest Lab has machines tested on May 3 were nor likely to happen. Too many
later, to a state of denial over the still to release its systems review intentionally corrupted so that of our people are not IT literate
possibility of massive cheating, to the public. the hurried replacement with enough to appreciate the depth
in spite of evidence pointing to and the breadth of what has
that unhappy conclusion. happened. We have viewed the
rural places in the Philippines. of a manual count of the ballots present civil unrest in Thailand
A process flawed from the The difficulty is not insuperable, cast with the encrypted data and we would not wish that on
start however. One could set up a in the PCOS machines. At this our country.
In January 2007 Congress center in a high altitude place point in time the only document The failure lies in our
passed legislation setting up such as Antipolo using machines that would be free from error government institutions.
Comelec with the mandate to put equipped with powerful signals is the ballot cast by the voters. If indeed allegations of
in place an Automated Election that could easily intercept In previous non-automated election fraud on this scale
System (AES). This involved transmission of election results elections civic watchdogs made a did indeed happen it could
feeding the ballot into a machine from the provincial PCOS big fuss to ensure the sacredness only have happened with the
that would scan the ballot, count machines with weaker signals. of the ballot boxes—guarding collaboration of Comelec and
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

it and then transmit the results to Such interception could be them with their lives if necessary. the authorities in the present
the Comelec operations center used for dishonest purposes. It We don’t know if this was done in administration. But then what
where the consolidation takes is known, for example, that an this election because we were all is equally disappointing is the
place. additional 22,000 PCOS machines carried away with the quickness unconscionable acquiescence
Unbeknown to the naïve were imported from China by of the count. of the election winners in
and trusting voters Comelec’s private parties aside from the Wisdom by hindsight tells spite of the growing evidence
program was set up for massive Comelec. Further, Comelec had us that while the PPCRV was of fraud. If nothing is done
election fraud. Past elections ruled that a digital signature effective for the old fashioned to investigate these matters
have been marked by citizen Opportunities for cheating cards preconfigured for cheating was not needed from the election manual count, doing oversight thoroughly the cloud of doubt
volunteers determined to Not satisfied with the SysTest would be possible? There is inspectors manning the PCOS work over the AES was hanging over the Aquino
protect their vote. This time Labreviewagroupofindependent now no way of answering these machines. This set the stage simply out of their league. The Administ rat ion will b e a
around Comelec accredited IT professionals requested to questions because Comelec has for clandestine, high altitude citizens’ watchdog should have major handicap to its efforts to
the Parish Pastoral Council undertake their own review. since destroyed all the cards. This PCOS machines to intercept consisted of a strong team of IT achieve good governance.
for Responsible Voting Limited time and Comelec type of cheating would be beyond weaker signals of genuine PCOS professionals who would audit Inspiteofthedireconsequences
(PPCRV) under former Vatican restrictions made it difficult the powers of observation of machines from the rural areas. A the entire election process and of opening this election can of
ambassador Tita de Villa to to fully evaluate the source PPCRV. videotaped interview of an alleged ensure the integrity of the count worms, to keep our mouths
supervise the process. But codes (the human language A third possible way of whistleblower, nicknamed koala of our ballots. closed is to run the risk of
the PPCRV which functioned used to design the program). cheating is the remote access bear, a derisive reference to his Citizens groups at the polling institutionalizing election fraud.
effectively under the old system Completely disheartened, that Smartmatic had to the facial disguise, seems to point to places should have been equipped Filipinos find themselves once
was out of its league and these IT professionals walked PCOS machines. These machines the use of this fourth option for with the wherewithal to ensure again between the devil and the
completely unprepared for the out. Hence we can’t discard should have been under the rigging the election results. that the PCOS Flash Cards in deep blue sea.

Elevated / B3
Garden now known as “Tepeyac” Hall On Mama Mary’s birthday in 2001, “Imploring the Help of Our Lady of A follow-up letter was sent to the new Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus.
and the Adoration chapel during Fr. the parishioners led by Bro. Rodolfo Lat Guadalupe in this Special Time of CBCP President and Jaro Archbishop Angel In his Decree of Establishment,
Alberto G. Salonga, Jr. presented the formal letter of petition Need as the World Battles “SARS” was N. Lagdameo on September 15, 2005. Bishop Odchimar said with the formal
His Eminence Jaime L. Cardinal Sin to His Eminence Jaime L. Cardinal Sin released. The requirements for approval were petition of the Christian community of
signed the Decree of Establishment for the declaration of the Archdiocesan Before the month ended, on May 22, submitted to the Episcopal Commission the archdiocesan shrine and with the
of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 2003, a circular letter lifting the Oratio on Liturgy on June 10, 2008. The formal endorsement by the Archdiocese
Guadalupe within the Archdiocese of With just over two months, on Imperata (Obligatory Prayer) against commission then was chaired by Bishop of Manila, “considering the provisions
Manila under the spiritual direction November 13, 2001 a favorable response “SARS” through the intercession of Our Romulo Valles. of Canons 1230, 1231 and 1234, and
of Msgr. Salonga on July 15, 1997. The came from the Ministry of Liturgical Lady of Guadalupe was sent to all parishes Over a year ago, Fr. Edwin Mercado responding to the unanimous approval
charismatic prelate also turned-over Affairs entitled Obligatory Memorial in the Archdiocese of Manila because the was installed as new rector/parish priest made by the Catholic Bishops Conference
the pilgrim image of Our Lady of of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the threat to Filipinos has ceased. of the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of the Philippines on the occasion of
Guadalupe. Philippines which was followed by of Guadalupe. its 100th Plenary Assembly held on
From June 1988 to August 2, 2000, the another favorable reply from the Roman National Shrinehood On January 8, 2010, another letter to January 23, 2010” and following the
new constitution and by-laws of Our Catholic Archbishop of Manila on July On April 5, 2004, a petition was the new CBCP President and Tandag review and consequent approval by
Lady of Guadalupe through intense 9, 2002. Incidentally, it was on July sent to then CBCP President and Bishop Nereo P. Odchimar was sent by the Episcopal Commissions on Canon
pastoral formation for Christ-centered 31, 2002 that Blessed Juan Diego was Davao Archbishop Fernando R. Msgr. Salvador Jose, endorsed by Fr. Law and on Liturgy on January 22,
community committed to integral canonized. Capalla requesting the elevation of Mercado and was received on January 2010 of the statutes of the said shrine
evangelization through pro-active The Decree of Erection of the the archdiocesan shrine into a national 14, 2010. in accordance with Canon 1232 CIC, he
lay involvement was made under Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of shrine. During its Plenary Assembly, has favorably approved the elevation of
the leadership of Msgr. Daniel Sta. Guadalupe along with the appointment In June 2004, the Episcopal Commission specifically on January 23, 2010, the the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of
Maria. The monsignor also established of the parish priest as rector and on Canon Law chaired by Bishop petition was approved by the Catholic Guadalupe into a national shrine.
the Physical Therapy clinic along parochial vicar Fr. Clodorico Bagabaldo Leonardo Medroso appointed Msgr. Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Fr. Roderick L. Castro was appointed
with dental and medical capabilities. as vice rector was released on August Romulo Vergara to lead the investigative The Decree of Establishment of the the shrine’s new parish priest and rector
Researches were pursued to strengthen 15, 2002. committee which had meetings and National Shrine of Guadalupe was last May 1, 2010 and formally installed
its formal petition for shrinehood. During the Holy Year of the Rosary, inquiries. signed by Bishop Odchimar on February in time for the formal Proclamation
Msgr. Salvador R. Jose was appointed the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of On August 9, 2004, the petition letter 5, 2010 and was formally announced of the national Shrine of Our Lady of
Archdiocesan Director for the Promotion Guadalupe was designated as pilgrim supporting the original petition of the over CBCP News in its story titled Guadalupe by His Eminence Gaudencio
of the Devotion of Our Lady of church on February 12, 2003. Archdiocesan Shrine of Guadalupe was “Two Archdiocesan Shrines elevated to B. Cardinal Rosales, the Roman Catholic
Guadalupe on March 6, 2001. On May 7, 2003, Cardinal Sin’s appeal sent by the Rector. National Shrines” with the Archdiocesan Archbishop of Manila on May 31, 2010.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

Philippine Church Leaders’ Statement

for Just Peace in Palestine
“Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”
Deuteronomy 16:20, ESV

WE church leaders in the removed from occupied territory. Iglesia Filipina Independiente Executive Secretary

Clearing the
Philippines express our great It’s time to stop discrimination, Fellowship of the Least Coin-
shock and indignation at the segregation and restrictions on ( S G D ) B ishop R e u el International
act of terrorism perpetrated movement. Norman O. Marigza
by the apartheid state of Israel It’s time to stop the recent General Secretary ( S G D ) R e v . F r . E ra h
on hundreds of international Israeli military order that will United Church of Christ in the Cabillas

peace activists aboard the categorize tens of thousands of Philippines Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Mavi Marmara, the flagship Palestinians living in the West Bank
of Gaza Freedom Flotilla, a as “infiltrators” – ostensibly because ( S G D ) B ishop S olito ( S G D ) R e v . M an u el
six-vessel fleet carrying 10,000 they lack the proper permits – and Toquero Rapisura
tons of humanitarian aid to the give military officers sweeping United Methodist Church & Central United Methodist
blockaded Gaza Strip. control over their deportation. Co-Chairperson Ecumencial Church Despite the euphoria over a relatively credible, orderly
We condemn the This order regarding “Prevention Bishops Forum and peaceful election, many complaints of irregularities and
disproportionate use of lethal of Infiltration” (Amendment No. (SGD) Rev. Fr. Antonio fraud have surfaced, including that of a shadowy character
force by Israeli naval commandos 2) issued by the Israeli military (SGD) Bishop Elmer M. Tayco nicknamed after a marsupial. These have been highlighted
that killed at least ten and injured authorities must be revoked now. Bolocon Iglesia Filipina Independiente by a congressional hearing despite the COMELEC’s brushing
dozens of civilians armed only It’s time for healing to begin in Executive Secretary them aside as isolated and baseless. And, notwithstanding
with sticks and metal bars and the land called holy. Jerusalem Ecumenical Bishops Forum & (SGD) Rev. Fr. Dionito the PPCRV pronouncement to the contrary, this “smoke”
a tenacious resolve to deliver must be an open, inclusive Bishop Emeritus, United Church Cabillas continues to thicken to the point of threatening to delay the
relief supplies to the besieged and shared city in terms of of Christ in the Philippines Iglesia Filipina Independiente proclamation of the President and VP-elect and negating the
people of Gaza. sovereignty and citizenship. The supposed gains of the P7B fully automated elections.
We demand the immediate rights of its communities must (SGD) Bishop Warlito ( S G D ) R e v . F r . E doi While the COMELEC is now complaining that all this smoke
release of the more than 480 be guaranteed Muslim, Jewish Baldomero Ruazol fanned by the congressional hearing is delaying their work,
foreign activists seized from the and Christian, Palestinian and Iglesia Filipina Independiente Iglesia Filipina Independiente there is actually one very proficient, scientific, and legal way
raid who are now being held by Israeli—including access to Holy to clear this smoke: the random manual audit.
Israeli authorities in a prison Places and freedom of worship. ( S G D ) B ishop R oel ( S G D ) R e v . M arisol If the random sampling is statistically sound, this can prove
in the southern Israeli city of Mendoza Villalon or disprove any allegations of fraud and irregularities, and
Beersheba. Now is the time for each United Church of Christ in the United Methodist Church will put to rest rumors that the CF cards can be programmed
This incident is a stark one of us to speak out and act, Philippines remotely or confirmed reports of CF cards found where they
reminder that the Israeli fulfilling our Christian vocation (SGD) Dr. Ferdinand should not be.
blockade on Gaza—backed as peacemakers. IT’S TIME FOR ( S G D ) B ishop B ert Anno If a manual canvass of the ballots from the randomly selected
by the United States and the FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION Calang President, Union Theological machines are compared with what was printed, transmitted,
European Union—can no longer AND OCCUPATION. Iglesia Filipina Independiente Seminary received, and tallied by the servers, as stipulated in the election
continue. During this World & Chairperson, In-Peace law for the automated election, then it can be ascertained with
Week for Peace in Palestine- 3 June 2010 Mindanao ( S G D ) R e v . D ionisio a certain statistical level of confidence, whether there really
Israel being convened by the Sanchez were errors in the printing of the COCs or not. There may even
World Council of Churches, we Signed by the following church (SGD) Bishop Elorde M. United Church of Christ in the be no need to check the accuracy of the transmission vs. the
join faith-based and civil society leaders and individuals: Sambat Philippines printed COCs as the PPCRV has already certified that there
groups around the world in North Luzon Jurisdiction are insignificant irregularities in this area.
calling on the Israeli government (SGD) Bishop Deogracias United Church of Christ in the (SGD) Prof. Fructuoso If the random manual audit is done as mandated by law,
to end the isolation of Gaza and Iniguez Philippines Sabug, Jr. this would clear the air! In fact, the most efficient way this
the collective punishment of its Co-Chairperson, Ecumenical Co-Convenor could have been done was for the BEIs to have done it right
1.5 million residents. Bishops Forum & Chairperson, (SGD) Bishop Gabriel Philippine Solidarity for Just after they had printed and transmitted the results. If this was
It is now more than 60 years Episcopal Commission on Public Garol Peace in Palestine not done in front of all the poll watchers right after the voting,
since the partition of Palestine Affairs Bishop Emeritus, United Church this can still be done by independent and competent groups
hardened into a permanent Catholic Bishops Conference of of Christ in the Philippines (SGD) Ms. Carmencita within each province.
nightmare for Palestinians. It’s the Philippines Karagdag If COMELEC insists on doing it themselves, they should
been more than 40 years since (SGD) Bishop Lito Cruz Coordinator, Peace for Life do it in the presence of authorized poll watchers and other
Israel’s forcible occupation of (SGD) Rev. Fr. Rex R.B. Iglesia Filipina Independiente independent groups. There is not that many of clustered
East Jerusalem, the West Bank Reyes, Jr. (SDG) Rev. Kenneth V. precincts that will be checked as there’s supposed to be only
and Gaza. Just peace in Palestine General Secretary ( S G D ) S r . A ngelita Aguilera five randomly selected clustered precincts per congressional
is long overdue. National Council of Churches in Navarro UNIDA district. By doing this, the credibility of the elections can
It’s time to end Israel’s illegal the Philippines ICM actually be confirmed once and for all and there won’t be
occupation of Palestinian (SGD) Mr. Nardy Sabino any need to investigate each and every allegation, protest
lands. It’s time for Israel to stop (SGD) Bishop Nathanael (SGD) Ms. Phoebe Gamata General Secretary or complaint unless the irregularity has to do with illegally
bulldozing Palestinian homes Lazaro Crismo Promotions of Church Peoples prepared ballots/votes or even voters’ lists.
and to urgently implement Chairperson, National Council Program Director, Board of Response Once the smoke clears, the whole nation can now move
a freeze on all settlement of Churches in the Philippines Christian Education forward to reconciliation, rebuilding and real development
construction as a first step & General Superintendent United Methodist Church (SGD) Ms. Norma P. for the common good. The tasks at hand are formidable and
towards the dismantlement of Iglesia Evangelica Methodista En Dollaga this smoke needs to be cleared now before it further thickens.
all settlements. Las Islas Filipinas (IEMELIF) (SGD) Sr. R osario General Secretary Or else, the result may be too cloudy for comfort, with no
It’stimetoendthedispossession Battung KASIMBAYAN clear directions.
of the Palestinian people and (SGD) The Most Rev. RGS Hence, (1) the congressional canvass and proclamation of
the violation of their human Edward P. Malecdan (SGD) Miss Ofelia A. the president and VP should proceed without delay; (2) this
rights and dignity. It’s time for Prime Bishop (SGD) Ms. N orma Cantor RMA should clear the air of all the local irregularities; (3)
Palestinians to exercise their Epi sco pa l Ch u r ch in t h e Dollaga Ecumenical Bishops Forum the P7B exercise should be fully audited and evaluated for
right to self-determination. Philippines General Secretary effectiveness or even possible fraud.
It’s time for Palestinians who KASIMBAYAN M iss J o h anna M ay
have been refugees for 60 years (SGD) The Most Rev. Cantor- de La Cruz FOR DILAAB, this 26th day of May 2010,
to have the right of return to Godofredo David ( S G D ) M s . I ris A nn National Council of Church in
their homes. Supreme Bishop Agustin-Capus the Phils. DR. TONY J. PINEDA
It’s time to do away with Iglesia Filipina Independiente Program Officer PhD, Industrial and Systems Engineering
apartheid and double standards. KONTAK Phils. And other individuals who have
The Separation Barrier is a grave (SGD) Bishop Ephraim signed the statement but have FR. CARMELO O. DIOLA
breach of international and Fajutagana ( S G D ) M s . C ora z on their signatures to be attached Overall Coordinating Steward
humanitarian law, and must be General Secretary Tabing-Reyes still.
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

Treasuring forgiveness
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk 7:36-8:3 or 7:36-50) June 13, 2010
By Fr. Joseph Pellegrino

TODAY’S first reading, from 2 Samuel 12, concludes

the detailed story of David and Bathsheba. The story
is long, the conclusion is short. The story begins in
chapter 11. The army is out fighting a war against
the Ammonites and besieging their city of Rabbah.
David had remained home in Jerusalem. After what
was probably a long afternoon dinner, and following
a nice nap, David took a stroll on the roof of his
castle. Don’t think of roof as we normally use the
term. Think of a flat roof with a parapet, perfect for
David and his guards to see what was happening
in the neighborhood. Off in the distance David saw
a beautiful woman taking a bath in her yard. The
woman must have thought that she was bathing in
private, but there was a peeping Tom, or at least a
peeping David looking down.
David finds out that the woman the Israelites into a trap. They
is married to Uriah, one of his started a skirmish and then ran
officers out fighting the war. David back to the city gates.
sins against God and against the The Israelites followed, with
officer. Perhaps no one other Uriah leading the attack. As
than God would have known, he got close to the city walls,
except the woman got pregnant. the Israelites, fell back leaving
Now David compounds the Uriah alone, an easy target for
sin. If sin is not repented, then the archers on the city wall.
one sin always leads to another Uriah was killed. After learning
and another. Most of the time about the death of Uriah, David
sin grows exponentially. David married Bathsheba. So he was
tries to cover up the situation guilty of adultery and murder.
by calling Uriah home from He thought he had gotten away

the war and sending him to his with it, except that God saw what
wife. Only, Uriah is too loyal to was happening. He sent the
David. He remains on guard to prophet Nathan to David who
protect the king. After trying told him a story about a poor man
this twice, David gives up and who had a pet lamb and a rich
sends an order that Uriah should man with numerous flocks who
be killed during in battle. That had needed to prepare a feast.
was easy to do. At one point the The rich man stole the poor
Ammonites left their city to draw Forgiveness / B7

Bo Sanchez
Bishop Pat Alo
God will meet you where you are
I’M taking post-graduate courses in Theology to remind me of He can stoop down to hallow, lazy brains like mine.
how ignorant I really am. You see, I love listening to my brilliant And He can also meet the best and sharpest minds of big-time
professors speak high-tech “theologese”.
But I guess it’s not just for me. I can’t write straight with
big, heavy-duty words, quoting stuff from super-duper
theologians. And still win.
He can be wise to the wise.
And simple to the simple.
Gamaliel’s proposition
theologians. I’ve realized that God will meet us where we are.
That work to me is just a little bit less difficult than doing advanced He can be very tender to you if you need an embrace.
WE know of secret societies covertly militating
Trigonometry. But I recall one time when I took a shot at it. I started He can be firm to you if you need some spanking. against Church teachings on faith and morals. They
pounding on the keyboard, “Some contemporary approaches He can be terribly awesome when you need a miracle. ought to be reminded to check twice on their policies
to spirituality convey paradigmatic alterations from traditional He can be painfully quiet when He wants you to trust Him. and actuations, and endeavor to delve deeper in
soteriology, rooted in modern biblical hermeneutics...” He will be what you need him to be. the search for truth and the lessons of history.
Ugh... It was pure torture. (I offered my sufferings for the (Note: Not “want” Him to be. I said, “need” Him to be.) All the Church does is to communicate truth and
conversion of the world. And I bet you’d do that too if I wrote that Question: What do you really need right now? goodness according to the mind of God. Yes, Truth
way, hmm?) Believe me.
But in all this, I’ve learned something quite glorious: He knows about it more than you do.
is interchangeable with reality. As Philosophy attest
God is flexible. So let Him meet you where you are. the principle, Contra factum non valet argumentum
He is made of rubber. And let Him love you, right there. (translated: Arguments are no better than the fact
itself). That is why in the Catholic Church. miracles,
Fr. Francis Ongkingco history and facts are being accurately documented
because we are trying our best to give the truth to

WHATEVER our people, with sufficient witnesses to support

allegations or statements.
We have heard of sinful lapses in our own ranks.
But that is only to prove the point that, human as

Accidental parents we are, without God’s grace we are all prone to

commit sin. We can always reecho St. Paul’s thankful
expression of gratitude to God—“It is by the grace
of God that I am what I am” (1 Cor. 15:10).
Why I mention here in the title Gamaliel’s
ALEX’S dad was carefully backing up the of protective environments. Sadly, good may make it hard for children to naturally
family car. Getting the car out of their narrow intentions when taken to their extremes can foster the development of virtue in their intervention is because we know of secret societies
quasi garden-garage was quite tricky. Her instill the wrong attitudes in a child’s mind character and decisions. or people who maliciously or ignorantly oppose
dad glanced at the rearview mirror and was and behavior. Here are a few of them: f) Fault-finding Buddies. The parents’ Church teachings in the faith and morals. You know,
shocked to see Alex standing behind the car a) Straightjackets. These are parents desire to form their children in right and if you study or remember history, it oftentimes
waving at him. He immediately turned off we might call “control freaks”. This is wrong can sometimes take the extreme side repeats itself. It had been commented sometime
the engine. characterized by the over-exercise of of only seeing the faults and mistakes of ago: “Those who do not remember history will
“Alex, do you know that it’s dangerous to authority, and wanting that it be respected their kids. Like straightjackets, authority if
repeat the mistakes of history.”
stay behind a car when it’s backing up.” by the child at all costs. Even though showing overemphasized, and children can end up
“I know daddy, but you were going back one’s authority is good, its hard and cold insecure, feeling misunderstood, and even “But one of them, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a
slowly,” she said. application instills fear, lose of confidence effeminate. teacher of the Law highly respected by the people,
“But it’s still dangerous. Do you realize and even rebellion. g) Tele-novelist. Unlike Pulitzer awardees stood up in the Sanhedrin. He ordered the men to be
that some parents have killed their children b) “Askthmatics”. Unlike straightjackets, who have plotted out everything, tele- taken outside for a few minutes and then he spoke to
without knowing they’re behind the car?” these types of parents seem to find it hard to novelist seek opportunities where their child the assembly. ‘Fellow Israelites, consider well what
he said trying not to lose his cool. personally exert authority, instead they prefer can shine as star-achievers (i.e. academics, you intend to do to these men. For some time ago
“Really?” Alex’s face showed like she to pass the burden of decisions to one another. sports, competitions, etc.) Unconsciously,
Theudas came forward, claiming to be somebody
understood the great harm that could Thus, “why don’t you ask dad or mom.” It is also these parents project themselves through
happen. manifested in children when they cannot make their children’s success. This can lead to and about four hundred men joined him. But he
Then after a few seconds, the little girl personal decisions without always asking their neglecting the affective and emotional needs was killed and all his followers were dispersed or
asked, “Daddy, do they kill their kids parents’ permission, even in the most trivial of their children. disappeared. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared
accidentally or do they do it on purpose?” things when they should already learned to be Accidental parents, undoubtedly like at the time of the census and persuaded many
more independent and responsible. all parents, possess good intentions for people to follow him. But he too perished and his
*** c) Pulitzer Awardees. These are parents looking after their children but they do so whole following was scattered. So, in this present
An accident is some mishap that occurs who have already written an award winning in a superficial manner. This stems from the
case, I advise you to have nothing to do with these
without our intending it to happen to us or novel for their children. Their ultimate joy is unwanted experience of a two-sided fear:
others. What is more unfortunate, however, nothing less than having this novel become a the prior imagined fear of not wanting to men. Leave them alone. If their project or activity
are disasters that could have been avoided reality in their child’s life and choices. Thus, see what their children may suffer; and not is of human origin, it will destroy itself. If, on the
if we had been more watchful, foreseeing they become frustrated and angry when the coping with the real fear of seeing their kids other hand, it is from God, you will not be able
and diligent. child chooses a path different from their suffering (i.e. illness, failures, mistakes, etc.). to destroy it and you may indeed find yourselves
Something similar happens in the case of expectations. In order to avoid these two fears within and fighting against God.’ The Council let themselves
raising children today. Parents are naturally d) Anesthetics. Fear of making their without themselves, parents tend to rear kids be persuaded. They called in the apostles and had
concerned with keeping them from harm’s children experience the sufferings they have in a “comfort bubble.”
them whipped, and ordered them not to speak
way as they grow up. But they can sometimes gone through life leads some parents to All extreme parental methods and
overprotect their children and later on regret shield them esthetically from almost every approaches are nothing more than the again of Jesus Savior. Then they set them free. The
how such artificial cares have prevented possible obstacle or trial. Naturally, children overemphasis of a particular good we want apostles went out from the Council rejoicing that
their children’s mature and responsible become soft, spoiled, and even emotionally our children to grow in. Parents, therefore, they were considered worthy to suffer disgrace for
development. Children grow up becoming immature. must exercise moderation and discernment the sake of the Name. Day after day, both in the
nightmares because parents have focused e) Multiple choices. Giving children –especially in prayer and reflection– so that Temple and in people’s homes, they continued to
more on the accidental needs of their kids incentives can be helpful and fun. But not their children grow and develop in a well- teach and to proclaim that Jesus was the Messiah”
rather than on the substantial ones. every aspect of the child’s life ought to be rounded atmosphere of a family nurturing
(Acts 5:34-42).
There are many types of accidental parents driven by material incentives (i.e. money, a all the virtues, respectful of each child’s
who raise their children into different type new gadget if they get good grades, etc.). This character, personality, and independence.
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

The Poor and Urban Poor Associates

Photos from www.flickr.com

(CBCP – A Statement on the Nation’s educated over 350,000 families in are members of the Koalisyon ng mga
By Denis Murphy
Housing Problem, 2007). The poor are housing rights matters and assisted Organisadong Samahan sa Maynila
not guilty of wrongdoing; they are the 600 communities in eviction crises. (KOSMA), which hopes to be city-wide
EVERYDAY about five million poor people wake up in Metro victims. It has helped near 85,000 families, to in three years, and have a powerful voice
In the same letter, the bishops spell relocate in-city, or at least remain as in what happens in the city.
Manila to lives of bitter poverty. Each person will have Php 20 out the rights of the poor. “Our urban they were, or find better relocation than In Baseco, KABALIKAT made a
for his or her food that day. In school there may be 80 children poor people, as human beings and government originally offered. It has structural map of 10,000 houses and
in the class and few text books. The father of the family probably children of God, have basic human been responsible for almost 800 stories took a census of all the families. This
cannot find work everyday. The mother works also, but still the rights to clean and inexpensive water, that have appeared in Manila Dailies, 150 data enabled 240 families who lost
decent houses, communities free of TV stories and 1000 radio interviews. their homes in a fire to swiftly return
average family income in these poor areas is well below Php stagnant, disease-ridden water, and Unless the people themselves act, the to their land, which in the meanwhile
10,000 a month which is the poverty line. The families have little uncollected garbage. They have a right situation will not change. has been surveyed and divided into
or no money for medicine. to security of tenure, to be free of a UPA helps the poor gain the power to lots by Kabalikat’s architects. The land
constant threat of eviction and fire, and influence the decision-making processes can be titled in the future. The KOSMA
On top of all these problems poor are here in Metro Manila because very importantly, they have a right to that affect their lives. That is what is coalition met with Mayor Alfredo Lim
government people go to these poor there is no work in the rural areas. They organize themselves to seek solutions meant by “People’s Power”. before elections and convinced him to
families and tell them they must get out come here to Manila to survive. They to their problems in a democratic and a Some of the accomplishments: In the stop all evictions in Tondo. In return,
of their homes because the government live in dirty, run down slums because non-violent manner.” Tondo Area UPA won inexpensive piped the people promised to vote for him. The
is intending to demolish their houses. they lack money to rent a better and UPA tries to help the poor gain their water arrangements that have benefited mayor has so far kept his promise.
Thousand of families a year are evicted legal place. The Church has recognized rights and dignity by assisting them to some 5,000 families. This provides UPA attempts to build the habit of
to far off places where there is no work, the poor are innocent in these matters. come together to organize their own families average savings of P300-P600 per critical thinking among the poor and
or they are simply left in the streets. The bishops have written: “Any person associations in which they can analyze month, saving the community about P3 give them the skills to work for their
Urban Poor Associates (UPA) has or family that, without any direct fault their problems, find solutions and act million every month. UPA has organized own betterment. The urban poor must
worked for 20 years to help urban poor on his or her part, does not have suitable together for a better life. in the Tondo areas a people’s federation increase. The NGOs, such as, UPA, must
people face these problems. The urban housing is the victim of an injustice.” Since it started in 1992 UPA has of 27 community organizations. They decrease.

Guadalupe / B3 Forgiveness / B6

C. San Diego, now the Bishop National Shrine in honor of it is possible, the faithful involved to Roman Christians. Concurrent man’s lamb and turned it into We need to forgive them. Quite
of Pasig, began to petition to our Lady of Guadalupe. The in the Shrine may apply for its with the declaration of the said lamb stew. “What should be often we hear stories about
have the Parish of Our Lady of National Shrine was approved to elevation to National level to the church into National Shrine, done?” Nathan asked David. people who would rather die
Guadalupe declared a Shrine. promote the Value and Sanctity Catholic Bishops Conference of will be the installation of its new David, got on his high horse, or than forgive someone. Maybe
In time the Guadalupe Catholic of Life, a great challenge for the the Philippines (CBCP). Msgr. Rector and Parish Priest, Rev. camel, or whatever, and declared there is someone in each of
School was founded by Msgr. Church in the face of secular and Jose stated how intense the inquiry Fr. Roderick Castro. Fr. Erick, as that the man deserved to die and our pasts who has hurt us and
Severino Anatalio who also political initiatives contrary to the would be before declaring a church he is called, took up his priestly should pay fourfold for what sought forgiveness and whom
established Guadalupe Basic promotion of a culture life such National Shrine. He said, as in formation at San Jose Seminary he had done. Then Nathan hit we have walked away from
Ecclesial Communities and as the RH Bill. their case, its application will pass and was ordained by the Cardinal him with the zinger, “You are rather than be reconciled to. We
started the 12 noon mass devotion The National Shrine of Our through a lengthy investigation Sin at EDSA Shrine on March 15, that man. God has made you have an exigency to forgive. Jesus
which has become a significant Lady of Guadalupe caters to by three Commissions of CBCP; 1999. Before his assignment as king over Saul. He has given gives life. Hatred kills. He has
devotion in the Parish. all who value life. The Blessed namely the Commission on Canon the Rector of the National Shrine, you wealth and victory over forgiven us, and offered his life.
On January 8, 2010, Msgr. Mother said in one of her Law, where the application will he served as the Assistant Parish your enemies. But you have We need to accept his life and
Jose as endorsed by Rev. Fr. apparitions in Mexico, “Am I not pass through a legal consultation, Priest of San Fernando de Dilao despised the Lord by stealing forgive others. “Forgive us our
Edwin Mercado, petitioned here, I who am your mother? So, the Commission on Liturgy, which Parish in Paco Manila from 1999- the wife of one of your servants trespasses, our sins, as we forgive
CBCP President Bishop Nereo have no fear … no distress.” will scrutinize the frequency 2000, and parish priest of Mary, and having him killed by the those who trespass, sin, against
Odchimar, for the shrine’s Indeed, the devotion to the of the shrine in rendering Mirror of Justice Parish from enemy. That is where today’s us, is more than a rote conclusion
elevation to National status. Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, is our liturgical services, and lastly, 2000-2010. He also has served first reading begins. Nathan tells to the Our Father. Those words
safe refuge as well as our protection the Commission on Doctrine, also as the Youth Minister in David that he will be punished contain the fundamental action
From the Womb to the Tomb against anti-life advocacy, as to ensure the conformity of the Makati District. with strife within his home and of the Christian: forgive and
“Even before I formed you scripture says, “I hear a cry as of shrine’s devotional practices to with a shameful defeat before love for we have been forgiven
in the womb, I knew you; even a woman in Labor, anguish as of the teachings of the Universal Quo Vadis? his enemies. As detailed as the and loved.
before you were born I had set one giving birth the first time. It Church. Upon the elevation of the story is, the conclusion is quick. God’s forgiveness is offered
you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5) thus is the cry of the daughter of Zion, The National Shrine of our Shrine, challenges await the David simply says, “I have not just to us and to those whom
said the Lord to the Prophet gasping for breath with hands out- Lady of Guadalupe was declared shrine’s administration. Msgr. sinned against the Lord.” Nathan we know who have hurt us, but
Jeremiah. During the time stretched: ‘woe is me! I am fainting an Archdiocesan Shrine by the Jose said that the primary thing answers, “God has forgiven also to those whom we don’t
that Our Lady of Guadalupe amidst a band of murderers.” late Jaime Cardinal Sin on August to face is to enable the Shrine to be you. You shall not die.” I am really know but whom we rather
appeared in Mexico, the former (Jeremiah 4:31) 15, 2002. On April 5, 2004, the a church that welcomes and cater struck that after the immensity avoid. Perhaps they appear to
was dominated by pagan petition to elevate the shrine to pilgrims in particular with life of David’s sin, because he is be in the underbelly of polite
practices, such as using human Getting towards another level into National Level was made issues from womb to tomb. sorry and seeks forgiveness, he is society. Maybe they are people
beings as sacrificial offerings To declare a parish church a to Bishop Fernando Capalla of “Mary is the Mother of Jesus, quickly forgiven by the Lord. who have come to the Lord for
to idols. This is not new for National Shrine is indeed a great Davao, then CBCP President. of Christians; she is a type and A similar situation is presented forgiveness. Maybe they are
pagans; even from the time of honor, but the process entails Bishop Leonardo Medroso, head model of the Church,” said Msgr. in the Gospel reading. The people who need us to lead them
the patriarchs, sacrificial death several steps and requirements. of the Episcopal Commission Jose. “In the womb of the Mother woman who anoints Jesus in to forgiveness. We are not called
already existed (Jeremiah 56:9.) First, it has to be already a Diocesan on Canon Law assigned Msgr. Church, all are taken care of,” Simon the Pharisee’s house is a to arrogance. We are called to
The Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe Shrine (or Archdiocesan Shrine). Romulo Vergara to head the he added. known sinner. Perhaps, she was holiness. We are not called to
is portrayed as the Protector It is reserved to the Bishop of the investigative committee. On Fr. Erick however, pointed a prostitute. Maybe she was just a put ourselves above others, as
of Life “from the womb to the diocese to pronounce a parish January 23, 2010 the CBCP on the adjustments he is about loose woman. Certainly she was though we are so spiritually
tomb” as Msgr. Jose said. as a Diocesan or Archdiocesan approved the petition. The to take, adjustment from a someone of such a low reputation superior to others. None of us
In this regard, the National Shrine. The Parish Church must following month, February 5, small parish to not only a large that people avoided her. They have experienced the events of
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe be above other churches when 2010, the decree of establishment parish but to a National Shrine. were afraid that any contact another’s life that led him or her
has been the Devotional Center it comes to worship, Christian of the National Shrine of Our “Attracting more and more with her would cause the sin to to embrace a life of immorality.
of Pro-life advocates. They formation and Social Services. Lady of Guadalupe was signed pilgrim devotees, not only in the rub off on them. They would be We are not called to look down
take their advocacies under the When all these demands are by the CBCP President Bishop archdiocese from other dioceses unclean. Like the children they on anyone. We are not called to
maternal guidance of the Blessed met, the Priests together with the Nereo P. Odchimar. is the bigger challenge I would believed that if they came in arrogance. But we are called to
Virgin Mary under the title of Parish Council, Parishioners and have to take.” contact with her they’d get her holiness, to be separate for the
“Lady of Guadalupe” with an frequent church-goers should The Pastor Amidst the complexity of “cooties”. They really did; only Lord. And we are called to lead
emphasis to the Unborn, Sick, petition the Bishop to canonically “I dedicated myself into the administering a shrine, Fr. Erick, they called it ritual impurity. And others to the Lord. What Jesus
Disabled, and Others “USADO” elevate the church into a Diocesan priestly service of the gospel in by God’s grace, is ready to face here, this woman was touching is saying to us in the Gospel is
as they name it. Pro-life advocates Shrine. order to present the gentiles to what lies ahead in order to Jesus, kissing his feet, anointing that we should avoid sin, but
and supporters expressed joy After several years, when God as an acceptable offering”, promote the devotion to our Lady him. Her actions were those of a not avoid the sinner. If we are
at the erection of Philippines devotion has grown deemed and thus said Apostle Paul in his letter especially pro-life advocacies. person seeking forgiveness. Jesus arrogant, if we carry ourselves
forgave her immediately, no as superior to others in any way,
matter how bad she had been. why would they want to join us?
He does the same for us. He The arrogant cannot obey the
does the same for those who have Lord’s command to evangelize,

CBCPMonitor Name ________________________________­________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
hurt us, and He does the same for
those whom, in our arrogance,
we would rather avoid.
spread the Gospel. We need to
be kind and courteous to people
who may be choosing sin in
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Jesus does the same for us. the hope that our imitation of
Each of us could look to our Christ’s kindness may lead them
Mailing Address ______________________________________________ lives and be overwhelmed by away from their misery and into
The CBCP Monitor is published ______________________________________________________________ the sheer malice of our sins and the Life of the Lord. We were
the enormity of God’s mercy. not given the Mercy of God to
fortnightly by the CBCP Media Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: __________________ Perhaps we were not as evil as hoard for ourselves. We were
Office, with editorial and busi- Mode of Payment David. Maybe we didn’t have given God’s mercy to share with
ness offices at 470 Gen. Luna the reputation of the woman in others, to lead them to live also
St., Intramuros, Manila. PO Box  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment the Gospel, but there are still under the Mercy of God.
3601, 1076 MCPO (Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.) many incidents of darkness we In the Sermon on the Mount,
would rather remain hidden. We the Lord called us the “Light of
• Domestic
could dwell on our pasts, but we the World.” There are so many
1 Year Php 500.00 _______________________________ shouldn’t. We shouldn’t because people who are living in darkness.
2 Years Php 900.00 God doesn’t want us bogged Many of us have lived in darkness
• Foreign: Asia down in the past. He wants us to ourselves. The Lord’s Light
1 Year US$ 55.00 recognize His Grace, Mercy and dispels the darkness, the darkness
• All Other US$ 80.00 Forgiveness and bring this love in our lives, in the lives of those
we have received to others. who have hurt us and in the lives
PLEASE SEND TO: There are certainly many of those who are seeking guidance
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines people other than us who have from the abyss of immorality.
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 been forgiven by the Lord. Some We pray today that we might
Or e-mail this at cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.com of these people have hurt us, be people of mercy, people of
and have asked for forgiveness. forgiveness, people of Light.
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 – 20, 2010

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average

 Acceptable  Average

 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

After ten years of battling in perceives him as a threat to his Title: Robin Hood
another land, Robin Longstride crown. He declares Robin to be an Cast: Russell Crowe, Cate
(Russell Crowe) returns to outlaw and forces him and him, Blanchett, Max von Sy-
England with of his friends, Alan Lady Marion and his friends to dow, William Hurt
A’Dale, Will Scarlett and Little retreat to the Sherwood Forest Director: Ridley Scott
John. Along the way, they steal and form the Merry Men. Producers: Russell Crowe,
the armor of slain knights while Audience should commend Brian Grazer, Ridley Scott
Screenwriter: Brian Helgeland
Robin promises the dying Sir the efforts of the filmmakers Music: Marc Streitenfeld
Robert Loxley to return a sword to create a backstory for a well Editor: Pietro Scalia
to his father in Nottingham. known legend. Regardless of Genre: Action/ Drama
They board an English ship some historical discrepancies, the Cinematography: John Ma-
under the guise of noblemen film progresses quite effectively. thieson
and Robin assumes the identity However, the presentation gets Distributor: Universal Pictures
of Loxley. He is chosen to inform muddled up between trying Location: UK
the Royal family of the death too hard to fit fantasy into Running Time: 140 mins.
of King Richard the Lionheart history and into a popular myth Technical Assessment: 
and to witness the coronation resulting to a disappointingly ½
of his younger brother, King lifeless action sequence. Crowe Moral Assessment: 
John (Oscar Isaac). However, lacks the nimbleness of Robin CINEMA Rating: For viewers
King John is cruel, arrogant Hood. He is too brawny and 14 and above
and shows no concern for his serious for the image of a high
people. He demands steep taxes spirited outlaw who steals for
and assigns Sir Godfrey (Mark the poor. The director invested charity works will not exonerate
Strong) to collect from his heavily on the battle scenes and his cheating of his customers
northern kingdom unknowing stripped off the humor from the and employees, the Robin Hood
that the later is a traitor and characters. It would have hurt syndrome, so common in Filipino
agent of the French King. Godfrey to see them smile and crack a movie action movies, does not
causes the civil unrest from the joke once in awhile. What comes excuse the use rudeness, violence
people and divides England in welcome though is the portrayal and deviousness to help the poor
time for the French invasion. of Lady Marion as a tough and and needy.
Meanwhile, Robin continues to independent girl instead of the On the other hand, Ridley’s
impersonate Loxley to prevent usual damsel in distress. She Robin Hood tackles themes on
the crown to take over the represents the modern woman good governance, commitment
family’s lands. Loxley’s widow, who will fight for what she wants and service to country and the
Lady Marion (Cate Blanchet) and what is right. fight against corruption and
initially distrusts his motives The story of Robin Hood oppression. One can see how
but warms up to him when she always brings to questions the at any given time, citizens will
sees how Robin recovers grains role of vigilante heroes. Are they always fight for their country
for the town people. When the excused to do one bad deed in and home.
French invade, Robin and the exchange for a good one? Are Some scenes hinting on
English Barons fight for their they excused of the consequences church leaders’ oppression,
country and succeed in subduing of stealing if they are to give their violence and some sexual
the French when Robin kills loot to another person in need? innuedos might offend the
Godfrey with an arrow shot Christian teachings explicitly more sensitive audiences. The
from a distance. However, King disapprove of this. One cannot movie is recommended for
John mistakenly assumes that the offset a bad deed with a good one. older teenagers with parental
French surrendered to Robin and In the same way, that a rich man’s guidance.

MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi Title: Shrek Forever After

Cast: (voices of) Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Mur-
phy, Antonio Banderas,Walt Dohrn
Director: Mike Mitchel
Producers: Teresa Cheng, Gina Shay
Screenwriters: Josh Klausner, Darren Lemke
Music: Harry Gregson-Williams
Editor: David Teller
Genre: Animation/ Comedy
Cinematography: Yong Duk Jhun
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Running Time: 94 mins.
Technical Assessment:  ½
Moral Assessment: 
CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14 and above

Buhay Parokya
After having rescued his true love from the tower, Shrek
Look for the images of (Mike Myers) now lives a happy life with wife Princess Fiona
Pieta, Grotto and Candles. (Cameron Diaz) and three kids. But then Shrek gets bored of
(Illustration by Bladimer Usi) the routine of his supposedly blissful family life: raising kids,
putting up with tourists wanting to see his swamp, keeping
the household running smoothly. Shrek misses his good old
ogre days when he is feared by most and dreaded by many
that he almost blew it up in his kids’ first birthday party. He
tries to get away from the scene at a moment and along the way
he meets Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn), a dealer of deception.
Beleaguered, Shrek signs a contract with him that promises
a day where he can relive his good old ogre days and away
from all his worries in exchange for a meaningless day in his
childhood. What Shrek did not know is that the meaningless
day would be the day he was born. Thus, everything he has
previously done would be void, including the very important
day when he rescued Princess Fiona. Now he has to find a way
to get his life, family and true love back.
The fourth and last installment of Shrek series, Forever
After caps the overall achievement of the franchise. The film
is a fitting farewell that has explored all the possibilities of
Shrek’s hyper-narrative with branches of stories coming from
various fairy tale inspirations. Shrek Forever After still has
the old charm audiences fell in love with. Although the ogre
hero’s concern has matured and evolved in time, it still has its
usual touch and charisma to audiences both young and old.
It is apparent that the voice actors have become comfortable
with their characters and their work comes out effortlessly.
The 3D technology has enhanced even further the film’s solid
storytelling. Even without 3D, the film can still pull it through
given the detailed craftsmanship at work in the film from
conceptualization to scripting to post-production. Fans of
Shrek will never be disappointed with Forever After although
they have to bear in mind that it cannot be compared with the
achievement of Shrek I simply because, everything there in the
original is fresh and new. As time goes by, it is understandable
that Shrek’s story and character is no longer new but it does
not mean that it has run out of surprises.
In Forever After, Shrek undergoes a stage in life called the
midlife crisis. It is a stage wherein a person questions the
essence of his existence and searches for the meaning of life.
It is also a tricky stage because one would tend to look beyond
instead of looking within. Shrek happens to look beyond his
present state, thus, chooses to wonder what life may have been
instead of looking forward to the life in store ahead. The price
of such decision to relive the past had cost him a great deal – his
love, family and friends, and his entire life. Shrek sums up the
film’s message in his one line: “I didn’t know what I had until
it was gone.” It is but human nature to want more and wonder
what life would have become if circumstances are different,
but then, such should not be a hindrance to appreciate and be
grateful for what one has at the present moment. Parenting,
raising a family and doing household chores are never easy
but the rewards at the end of the day are all worth it. Life
happily ever after could be just in fairy tales for in real life,
hardships and trials would always be part of life. This is one
important moral that is always present in Shrek series. And
finding one’s true love is just as challenging as keeping it.
However, such themes may be too much for the very young
and considering some violence and adult contextual humor
in the film, CINEMA recommends Shrek Forever After for
audiences 14 years old and above.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus
MACE Insurance Agency, Inc. Board of Directors, Officers, employees and soliciting associates during its 30th Anniversary Celebration held at Casino Español in Manila last May 20, 2010.

Mace marks 30 years of

non-life insurance service
THE MACE Insurance Agency Inc. has celebrated MACE continues to provide protection such as fire, motor car, In his homily, Quitorio, who is also serving as the CBCP media
medical and personal accident insurance for Brother Knights and affairs director, challenged the Brother Knights to “evangelize” the
the 30th anniversary of its non-life insurance service, their families. insurance system and secular business.
which KCFAPI President, Mr. Antonio Borromeo In 1992, the agency launched its product line: the KC Home The celebration was also highlighted by the giving of awards to
tagged as having p rovided lifetime support for Protector, the KC Car Shield, and the KC Health Care. the agency’s living incorporators and past chairmen.
Brother Knights and their families. “We can do more of this vision of KCFAPI. We can do this by Those living incorporators who were given recognition were
becoming more active, aggressive and service oriented in serving Isagani Tolentino and Msgr. Francisco Tantoco, Past Chairmen
Addressing the ceremony on May 20 at the Casa Español in the needs of our Brother Knights,” said Yulo. Arsenio Lopez, Arsenio Narciso, and Albert Lim. Except for Lopez
Manila, KCFAPI President Borromeo recognized the achieve- “If we will continue to join hands, and get it together,” he who was present to receive his award, the others had representatives
ments of the non-life insurance service, which was established in added. to receive the honor.
May 20, 1980. Amid adversities in the insurance industry throughout the Yulo also expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to
MACE President Antonio T. Yulo attributed the success of years, MACE remains committed to fraternal service as its the success of MACE.
the service to its low premium rates, fast claims processing and resources continued to expand from P109,603 in 1980 to P8.19 “We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the board of
additional benefits at no extra cost. million in 2009. directors, officers and staff, soliciting agents, patrons and insurance
“After 30 years, we have continuously improved our sales Its total stockholders’ equity maintained its increasing trend principals and KCFAPI and its board of trustees for their support,
performance,” Yulo said. “MACE has reached a higher level of non- totaling P4.94 million in 2009 from P54, 876 three decades ago. guidance and trust to the company,” he said.
life service to our brother knights and their families and friends.” And despite anxieties among consumers brought about by He also said that “it has been a privilege and honor to serve as an
“We have also fostered our business relationship with our troubled global financial institutions, the agency posted a net integral part of dedicated professionals who continually strive to
insurance principals, which resulted to a more relaxed policy in income of P900,423 in 2009 or a 23% increase from previous year’s provide protection to member Knights and their families.”
adjudications of non-life insurance claim,” he said. P731, 811. Meanwhile, a loyalty award was also granted to Basil Occeño,
MACE Insurance Agency, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of MACE declared the biggest cash dividend in 2009. Manager of MACE Insurance, for his 27 years of service.
the KCFAPI (Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Currently, the MACE Board of Directors is composed of Chairman
Philippines, Inc.) Recognition Patricio J. Vera, Vice Chairman Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr., President
The 30th anniversary celebration of MACE was opened with Antonio T. Yulo, Corporate Secretary Rene V. Sarmiento, Treasurer
‘We can do more’ a Thanksgiving Mass presided by Monsignor Pedro Quitorio III, Pascual C. Carbero, and Directors Danilo A. Sanchez and Lucenito
Representing local and foreign non-life insurance companies, KCFAPI chaplain. N. Tagle. (KCFAPI News)

Challenge Club
ends May 31
THE Presidential Challenge Club of The winners of the incentive program
the Knights of Columbus Fraternal will be awarded with the Presidential
Association of the Philippines, Inc Ring.
(KCFAPI) has recently ended last May The aspirants were Ma. Teresa G. Dela
31, 2010. Mota, Reynaldo Q. Segismundo, Eduardo
The Presidential Challenge Club V. Cruz, Teofilo A. Samson, Danilo M.
is an incentive program of KCFAPI Tullao, Angelito T. Lat, Hugo M. Goce,
intended for Fraternal Counselors who Jr., Amado S. Miranda, Bonifacio M.
were able to attain the Annual Awards Morales, Luis F. Ferrer, Lauro Evangelista The Officers of Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) paid a courtesy call to CBCP President and Bishop of
Qualification as of May 31. and Ronando M. Rodriguez. Tandag, His Excellency Most Rev. Nereo P. Odchimar, D.D., last May 13, 2010 at the CBCP Office in Manila.
Qualified candidates are those who As of now, the office has yet to release KCFAPI President, Mr. Antonio B. Borromeo, took the opportunity to welcome His Excellency as member of the Founder Members Committee
(FMC) of KCFAPI. Mr. Borromeo likewise briefed Bishop Odchimar on the role of CBCP President’s membership to the FMC.
have attained the retention ratio of the winners of the incentive program. In photo are: (R-L) KCFAPI Spiritual Director Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa G. Curia, CBCP President Most
85% prior to the attaining target for the The incentive drive was launched last Rev. Nereo P. Odchimar, D.D., KCFAPI President Antonio B. Borromeo, Treasurer Antonio T. Yulo, Executive Secretary Annie M. Nicolas, CBCP Asst.
Annual awards. January 2010. (KCFAPI News) Secretary General & Asst. Treasurer Msgr. Joselito C. Asis.

Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) has been selected by the Educational
A presentation Frame on the issuance of a special stamp to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of KCFAPI on September Committee of the Executive Development Academy (EDA) for its outstanding interest and concern in the training and
9, 2008 was given to Mr. Brian V. Caufield of the Executive Office of the Supreme Knight, last April 12, 2010. The frame development of its human resources, thus contributing to the economic and social welfare progress of the country.
will be displayed at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Connecticut. A Certificate was awarded by EDA on May 11, 2010 with the following receiving it: (L-R) KCFAPI Vice President for
In this photo are: (L-R) KCFAPI Treasurer Antonio T. Yulo, Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa G. Curia, President FBG Joseph P. Teodoro, Keys Realty & Development Corp. Vice President - Finance & Admin., Riz S. Nicolas, KCFAPI
Antonio B. Borromeo, Supreme Office Communications Specialist Mr. Brian V. Caufield, Corporate Secretary & Luzon Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa G. Curia, EDA President Ma. Lenida T. Paderanga, KCFAPI President Antonio B.
Deputy Alonso L. Tan and KCFAPI Vice President for FBG Joseph P. Teodoro. Borromeo, Vice President Magdalene G. Flores, and Manager for Fraternal Benefits Services Gari M. San Sebastian.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C2 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Chairman’s President’s
Message Message
Patrocinio R. Bacay Antonio B. Borromeo
A F T E R better coverages for lesser cost. Additionally,
operating Mace was instrumental in expediting, collating,
EXISTING for thirty years, surely many seeking the good service that have been for more than 20 years, it became more relevant and following up losses incurred by its policy
beneficiaries must have enjoyed the fruit enjoyed by others. for KCFAPI, being a life insurance provider, to holders. Mace used its experienced personnel
of MACE’s dedicated and committed work. Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary go into non-life insurance to complement its life and expertise to talk to all its Principals with
Their client’s satisfaction can be gauged by of MACE Insurance Agency, Inc. Here is to insurance operations. And since our Certificate regard to why certain claims are meritorious.
the smooth operation of this agency. We more success. of Authority from the Insurance Commission Today, many Insurance Principals are eager for
are looking forward to many more people God Bless the Agency. is only for life insurance and not a Composite Mace to represent them.
Certificate, the decision to establish a non-life Mace pledges to continue serving its clientele
For Brother Knights by Brother Knights general insurance agency was a no-brainer. Thus,
Mace Insurance Agency, Inc. was organized.
for the next 30 years as a continuing service to all
its present and future clients. We are more than


Mace Insurance Agency, Inc. celebrated its convinced that we have made the right decision
30th Anniversary last May 20, 2010. Mace was 30 years ago as Mace proves to be a strong and

able to give to its various clients, in and out reputable non-life provider for our brother
of Knights of Columbus family, the benefit of knights, families, and friends.

A FRATERNAL counselor is a brother knight (sometimes a spouse presentation. The fraternal counselor is advised to submit some 10 with insurance companies and agents whom they trusted before.
or child or parent of the brother knight) who was nominated by the initial prospects to be visited in one month’s time. At least 2 of the And there are also those who do not believe in insurance and prefer
council and endorsed by an area manager to KCFAPI for official said visitations are supervised. Thereafter, the fraternal counselor other avenues to protect themselves. KCFAPI provides training to
accreditation as authorized person to explain the relevance of will be on minimal supervision but is required to attend monthly face this reality and be able to explain to prospects that at the end of
insurance in our Order and to solicit applications for insurance meetings with other fraternal counselors in the same area. the day it is still better to own a life insurance coverage than having
coverage from fellow members and family members. A fraternal counselor devotes reasonable part of his time to visit none at all.
The prospective fraternal counselor is invited to the fraternal brother knights and family members for the purpose of explaining Although the work of a fraternal counselor is challenging and
service training where he is oriented to the bedrock foundation of to them the importance of owning a life insurance coverage and faced with a lot of difficulties, there are also positive opportunities
our Order, i.e., the care of the widow and orphaned children of a KCFAPI as the sole provider of this need. A fraternal counselor that one can enjoy.
departed brother knight. During this initial training the fraternal is required to submit a list of names of those brother knights and 1. The opportunity to serve brother knights and their families.
counselor is taught the various services that a life insurance coverage family members whom he visited during the month. The fraternal 2. The opportunity to learn and experience the camaraderie with
can provide and the various KCFAPI plans that can cover every counselor is advised that he should be able to reach every member of other fraternal counsellors.
financial need. These plans can provide family protection plan, his council and their families. The more capable fraternal counselors 3. The opportunity to earn through basic allowance and incentive
retirement program, educational fund, investment and savings are given more councils and members to cover. programs offered by KCFAPI.
schemes to cover future undertakings. It is in the fraternal service The work of a fraternal counselor is not an easy task. Experience 4. The opportunity to travel nationwide for awardees and for the
training that the fraternal counselor gets the basic instruction in the will show that only 1 out of 10 prospects eventually get an insurance better performers the opportunity to see other asian cities.
theory and practices of life insurance underwriting. coverage. The reasons for not getting is manifold. The dominant
Soon after the classroom seminar, the fraternal counselor is reason is the unavailability of the prospect to get insurance coverage If you are interested to serve brother knights and families in the
engaged to an on-the-job training under the watchful supervision due to other financial priorities. There are those who have insurance capacity as fraternal counselor please feel free to contact KCFAPI
of his area manager or team leader or fraternal benefits associate. coverages even before they became members of the Knights of Fraternal Benefits Group at 02-5272243 for details. (Joseph P.
The area manager makes comments and suggestions about his sales Columbus. There are those who claim a not so happy experience Teodoro, Vice President – FBG)

KC Luzon to hold District Deputies’ meeting

THE Knights of Columbus Luzon announced that a primer on freemasonry that it’s not a guessing game. It cannot
Jurisdiction recently announced the will be given to all DDs as well as to all be done in an hour or in just one sitting.
schedule of the Organizational Meeting Grand Knights and Chaplains under The difficult part of it is when there are
of District Deputies for the Columbian their respective District. not enough nominees and the nominee
Year 2010-2011. The said meeting of Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan said that does not seem to be able to live up to
newly appointed and reappointed the selection process of District Deputies expectation. But a decision must be
District Deputies will be held at the is not an easy task. They need to validate made just the same.
Makati Palace Suites in Makati City on all that is stated in the DD’s nominees State Treasurer Joven Joaquin and State
June 19-20, 2010. form. They need to ask the opinions of Membership Director Joseph Teodoro
Of the 221 District Deputies, 70 are other brother knights who might know the also stated that rules and deadlines must
newly appointed. The rest will be nominee. He further stressed that assessing be set in the selection process in order to
serving their 2nd and 3rd term and documents of about 500 nominees is not be fair to all concerned.
a few on their 4th and last term. At an easy task. It’s a very tedious, laborious All four involved in the selection
present, only four districts are yet to be and time consuming process. They have process are confident of their choices,
assigned with their new DD. A training to evaluate them over and over and weigh as they have thoroughly scrutinized the
seminar will follow, which will cover their decision to come up with the best details and information on the nominees
all aspects a DD needs to know in possible choice on each and every district form. They are looking forward to work
TOKCA Winner Bro. Marteliano Alcontin (center) handing over the check representing KCFAPI’s conducting his office. His duties and for the 221 District Deputies they need to hand in hand with this new set of District
donation amounting to P10,000 to Saint Vincent Ferrer parish Priest Rev. Fr. Mariano Chia (left) obligations to the Supreme Office, the appoint and re-appoint. Deputies for the coming Columbian Year
and Council 10125 Grand Knight Bro. Virgilio Lucernas (right). The awarding of cash donation was Luzon Jurisdiction, the councils under State Secretary Arsenio Yap added 2010-2011. (KC Luzon News)
held last May 9, 2010 and was made under the name of Bro. Alcontin, being a TOKCA winner.
his districts will be emphasized by a

Winners of Squires Soar 2010 Luzon Deputy attends Charter

battery of State Officers and Officials
experts on the topics assigned to them.
The financial obligations of the

Raffle Bonanza announced Presentation, Installation of Officers

councils both to the Supreme and the
Jurisdiction will also be given extra
emphasis to stress the importance
THE list of the Squires’ Soar 2010 Raffle Isabela and Ariel Dacillo of San Pedro, of being in good standing and the ALONSO L. Tan, Luzon Deputy, the introduction of the dignitaries by
Bonanza winners has been released by Laguna. important role the DDs will play on witnessed the Charter Presentation and Advocate Marcelino J. Dy.
the Knights of Columbus-Columbian Special prizes like Sony PSP, My this matter. They will be briefed on the 1st Council Installation of Officers and Grand Knight Juanito T. Paderes
Squires. Phone TV81 Duo; Apple iPOD Shuffle goals of the Jurisdiction particularly Directors of the Our Mother of Perpetual gave a heartwarming and inspiring
The raffle was held last May 22, 2010 and Nokia N5130 have been granted to on membership growth, new council Help Parish Council No. 14907. speech while Community Service Direc-
during the Summer Youth Camp in the winners. development, and council reactivation The activity was held in Brgy. Ibabang tor Edilberto A. Obeña delivered his
Tayabas, Quezon. The revenues earned Jose Cuaresma, Chairman of the as well as the formation of Columbian Bukal, Tayabas Quezon last May 19, 2010. closing remarks.
from the raffle were used to defray the Columbian Squires, then congratulated Squires in their councils. Tan was also the guest speaker during Paderes also facilitated the induction
expenses of the youth camp. the winners and asked for the continued For the first time, a lecture on the charter presentation and installation. Of Appointed Service Program
The winners are Frix Sardido of support of the Knights of Columbus Freemasonry will be part of the training The event started with the welome Committee. The activity ended with a
Los Baños, Laguna, Boni Viquiera members to the youth organization. (KC program with Msgr. Pedro Quitorio and speech of Deputy Grand Knight Ruel fraternal fellowship and entertainment.
of Quezon City, Willy Baligod from News/Columbian Squires) Msgr. Joselito Asis in the panel. It was T. Eclarin which was followed by (KC News)

Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus

Fraternal Association of the
Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc., Philippines Inc., is an established
and progressive mutual benefits
an established mutual benefits association is currently looking for: association operating for 51 years,
Auditor has been highly committed to
provide mutual aid and assistance
Accounting Staff to its members and their immediate
BC Holders’ Relations Office Staff
KC Fraternal firmly believes that
Customer Relations Assistant the continued progress and success
If you are dedicated, service-oriented, and have the promising potential to join us of the association depends to a great
extent on its human capital.
in our continuous drive to provide mutual aid, assistance and excellent service to
our members. Kindly send your comprehensive resume’ thru fax number 527-2244 KC Fraternal also believes that
through training and a host of other
or hand-carry resume’ with a 2x2 photo and transcript of records to: benefits if coupled with hard work, will
help employees and the association,
attain their goals and objectives.
In our continuous drive to provide
excellent service to our members,
we are currently on the look-out
for individuals with promising

KC Family... Our Concern potentials. He must be dedicated,

service oriented, and willing to
Our compensation and employee
Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana Sts., benefits are comparable, if not
Intramuros, Manila better than most companies of our
same size and nature of business.
You may also call 527 – 2223 local 202 for queries and look for Ms. Kristianne or Ms. April of HRCC.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

Received and Given

CHARITY is never a one-way street. It is not simply something that flows from the giver to the receiver.
With true charity, something is given, certainly, but something is also received.
recent encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, when he wrote: “Charity is love received and given. It is ‘grace’
(cháris). ... Love comes down to us from the Son. It is creative love, through which we have our being;
In fact, anyone who has ever engaged in charitable work knows the truth of the words St. Paul it is redemptive love, through which we are recreated.
attributed to Christ in the Acts of the Apostles: “It is more blessed to give than Love is revealed and made present by Christ (cf. Jn 13:1) and ‘poured into
to receive” (Acts 20:35). our hearts through the Holy Spirit’ (Rom 5:5). As the objects of God’s love,
We see this theme in many places because it is so universally true. Anyone who men and women become subjects of charity and are called to make themselves
saw the recent Academy Award-winning film The Blind Side will remember the instruments of grace so as to pour forth God’s charity and to weave networks
moment when Leigh Anne Tuohy, the woman who took a homeless youth into of charity” (5).
her own home, is told by her friends that she has done a great deal of good for As an institution with charity as its first principle, the Knights of Columbus
that young man. strives always to be a “network of charity.” But we are giving what we have first
She replies that the young man has done even greater good for her and her received. Love—caritas—is not a gift that originates with us.
family. As Pope Benedict noted: “Truth, and the love which it reveals, cannot be
Every act of charity, in fact, is an opportunity to not only give, but also to receive. produced: they can only be received as a gift.
I experienced this in a very special way this past April during a trip to Haiti. Their ultimate source is not, and cannot be, mankind, but only God, who is
There, fellow Knights and I distributed wheelchairs to those affected by the himself Truth and Love” (52). Love is a gift that we are first given by God, which
devastating earthquake that struck in January. we return to him by our worship and way of living, and which we are called to
Haiti—one of the poorest nations in the world—is still struggling to recover. share with each other.
People who had little now have nothing. And those I met had lost even their This is why Christ’s two commandments to us are to love God completely and to
ability to move freely. love our neighbors as ourselves. This is why so many saints and blessed—Brother
The scene of devastation was incredible. At a tent hospital run by the University Albert Chmielowski for one, Mother Teresa for another—chose to live with the
of Miami and Medishare in Port-au-Prince, we distributed the first of what will poor, to be close to “the least” of their brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 25:40).
ultimately be 1,000 wheelchairs to injured Haitians. They thereby chose to be closer to Christ himself and were better able to give
What struck me most was not the suffering or the terrible conditions, but the his love to others. This is the reason that as Knights we focus on a strong spiritual
joy that radiated from these injured, impoverished people. What we were giving life and a prominent place for charity.
them was an expression of God’s love, and what we saw in them was God In doing so, we can fulfill Christ’s two commandments: of loving God
himself—as Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to refer to Christ “in the distressing completely, and of sharing his gift of love with our neighbor, whomever that
disguise of the poor.” neighbor may be.
First hand, on that trip, I also saw what Pope Benedict XVI discussed in his most Vivat Jesus!

Luzon jurisdiction lauded for attend Summer
leading membership campaign
THE Knights of Columbus Luzon Jurisdiction has been recognized by the Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said this milestone is a “testament to
Youth Camp
HUNDREDS of Columbian Squires members have
participated in the recent Summer Youth Camp
organized by the Knights of Columbus-Columbian
Supreme Council for leading the membership campaign in the Philippines the high regard in which the Knights of Columbus is held among Catholic Squires.
this Columbian Year: July 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. men everywhere.” The youth camp was held from May 19-22, 2010
In a report, the Luzon jurisdiction ranked the first among the three jurisdictions “We offer a unique opportunity to serve our Church and our communities as at the Tayabas East Central School (Campsite) in
in the Philippines with regards to the number of new members recruited. one of the most active service organizations anywhere in the world,” he added. Tayabas, Quezon.
Luzon got 7,669 new members recruited which is one-half of the total The Knights of Columbus membership continues a growth trend in which With the theme “Deepening Trust in God:
number of new members recruited in the whole Order, according to the the number of Knights has grown every year since 1973. Renewing our Courage,” the event was dubbed
report of the Knights of Columbus. Anderson also noted that the order joins other brother Knights in their unified as the “Squires Soar 2010” (Summer Outdoor
Meanwhile, the Knights of Columbus throughout the world posted its total endeavor to become better fathers, husbands, citizens and Catholics, along with Adventure, Advancement & Recollection).
active membership at 1.8 million as of April 30, 2010. their responsibilities as men of God. (KC News) Lucena bishop Emilio Marquez, presided the
opening Eucharistic Celebration while Luzon

TOKCA awardee holds testimonial dinner

Squires Prior, Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, III presided
the closing mass.
This activity aimed at promoting camaraderie
A TESTIMONIAL dinner was held for The Knights of Columbus through the Round Table of his family. among squires and counselors, creating quality time
Outstanding Knights of Columbus Awardee District Deputies of the Dioceses of Cabanatuan The affair was capped with the awarding of for reflection and opportunity for the discussion of
in the Business and Entrepreneurship field, and San Jose City. gifts to priests and chaplains by their respective the Squires Advancement Programs.
Bro. Reynaldo Borja Odulio. It was held at the Plaza Leticia in Cabanatuan Grand Knights. Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan, Squires Chairman
The dinner was prepared by the members of the City last April 30, 2010. According to them, the gifts served as a symbol that Jose Cuaresma, and District Deputy Ramon
Odulio was ranted KC is in solidarity with the Bishops and Priests. Sanchez were among those who witnessed and
the TOKCA Award “This is a fitting act of the members of the Order graced the youth’s activity.
for his service and to celebrate The Year of the Priests,” they said. District L56 under DD Fernando Labita hosted
commitment to (KCFAPI News) this year’s summer youth camp. (KC News)
his chosen field
of Business and
messages were
delivered by the
clergy, his friends,
business partners
and family.
Guests were the
two KC Priests,
Fr. Joel Cariaso and
Fr. Venes Matias, and
other priests from
Nueva Ecija, also
present in the occasion TOKCA winner Atty. Purisimo Buyco (center) together with Council 7745 Grand Knight Ricardo Suarez, Jr., District
are Bro. Odulio’s Deputy of District M-27, Joselito Enriquez and KCFAPI FBG Area Manager Efren Casupanan during the awarding of
TOKCA awardee Bro. Reynaldo B. Odulio handing over the check representing KCFAPI’s donation f r i e n d s f r o m t h e the checks to the parish and the said council amounting to P10,000.00 each. The event was held at Nuestra Sra. De
of P10,000 cash to Msgr. Elmer Mangalinao and his parish. Said donation is being given under La Asuncion at Bulacan, Bulacan last April 25, 2010.
the name of Bro. Odulio, being a TOKCA awardee. business sector and
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C4 Vol. 14 No. 12
June 7 - 20, 2010

KCFAPI sponsors
Annual Asian Trip
THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Teresa Dela Mota.
Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) has sponsored the Annual Asian Efren and Veronica Casupanan as well as Elyn Mae
Trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from May 27-29, 2010. Casupanan also joined the party.
The delegates were the 2009 FC of the Year, Fr. Willmann Other delegates were Joselito Guzman, Danilo Tullao,
Knights of the Round Table (WKRT), 2009 Area Manager of Rosa Hernandez, Damaso Hernandez, Virgilio Matias, Hugo
the Year, 2009 Runners-up and the Area Mangers who were Goce, Antonio Miguel Sanchez, Aurelio Caparas, Nonilon
able to hit the 125% of the assigned target in 2009. Ayon, Victor and Irma Pulangco and Josefino and Perlita
The spouses of the FC, Runners-up, and the family of the Valencia.
AMs also joined the delegation. Among those are Lauro and Joseph P. Teodoro, Vice-President of Fraternal Benefits
Cecilia Evangelista; Ray and Gertudis Charito Segismundo; Group and Gari San Sebastian, Manager of the Fraternal
Bonifacio and Milagros Morales; Venancio and Alicia Benefits Services Department joined the delegates. The delegates of the Annual Asian Trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam together with KCFAPI VP for
Capiral; Eduardo and Bella Cruz; Amado and Oliver Miranda; According to San Sebastian, this year’s Asian Trip had the Fraternal Benefits Group Joseph P. Teodoro and Manager for Fraternal Benefits Services Gari M. San
Teofilo and Erlinda Samson; as well as Edmundo and Maria most qualified attendees. (KCFAPI News) Sebastian pose in one of their picture-taking sessions during their trip held from May 27-28, 2010.

A Fraternal Service Training (FST) for Eastern Visayas Fighters was held at Cebu Service Office
from May 21-22, 2010. This was conducted by Fraternal Benefits Associate Floralin Bohol and
Area Manager Bro. Eldito Nabong. Shown in photo are participants of the FST (standing from
left to right) are Wilfredo Conde, Area Manager Eldito Nabong, Vince Allan Davantes, Garry
Losorata, Anastacio Abad and Efren Bilbao, (seated from left to right) Jocelyn Nabong and
FBA Floralin Bohol.

Luzon Deputy attends Blessing of

‘Save the Unborn’ Monument
ALONSO L. Tan, Luzon Deputy, The blessing was officiated by Twaño, Faithful Navigator ACN 2832.
attended the Blessing of the “Save the Fr. Juan Danilo L. Dizon with honor During the blessing, Twaño and
Unborn” Monument held last May 16, guards from Immaculate Conception Tecson gave their inspiration message
2010 in Sulipan, Apalit Pampanga. Council 11452; St. Peter Council 7749; while District Deputy Narciso M.
The event was organized by the St. Holy Family Council 13776; and Sulipan Maniacup gave his closing remarks.
Peter the Apostle Assembly ACN – Council 14506. SK Federico G. Espiritu, SK Jose
2832 Fourth Degree and the Ferdinand The ribbon cutting was headed by Manuel L. Puno and District Deputy
Magellan Province District III – Central LD Tan, SK Ruel D. Tecson, Master of Danilo B. Bautista were also present in
Luzon. the Fourth Degree and SK Angelito M. the said activity. (KC News)

(From center left to center right) Angelito M. Twaño, Faithful Navigator

SICAP volunteer Mr. Coco Nadal during the SICAP Livelihood training which was held last May 31, ACN 2832; Fr. Juan Danilo L. Dizon; Ruel D. Tecson, Master of 4th
2010. Selected participants from Intramuros were taught how to prepare “creamy pork stew”. Degree; and Alonso L. Tan, Luzon Deputy posed for a picture taking
“Save the Unborn” Monument in Sulipan, Apalit Pampanga during the blessing.

6th Fr. George J. Willmann, S.J. Family Day & Mini-Olympics 2010 List of Winners
KNIGHTS of Columbus Luzon Jurisdiction, headed by Over-all Chairman Bro. Bonifacio B. Martinez held its annual sports activity dubbed as "6th Fr. George J. Willamnn, SJ Family Day and Mini Olympics
2010” last May 1, 2010 at Amoranto Sports Complex, Quezon City. Below is the summary of winners including the Over-all Champion.
Council Location Council Location Council Location
*100 METER DASH (Individual ) Male/Female Silver 13618 KALAWAAN, PASIG CITY *BADMINTON (Combination) MALE/FEMALE
Bronze 4265 CAVITE CITY
Bronze Gold 5124 BALUT, TONDO, MANILA
Female Bronze 13618 KALAWAAN, PASIG CITY
Bronze 13618 KALAWAAN, PASIG CITY Bronze no winner
*200 METER DASH (Individual ) Male *3 POINTS SHOOT OUT # 2 - 18 Years Old



Gold 1000 INTRAMUROS, MANILA Bronze none

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