Axis SNMP Mib: User Manual
Axis SNMP Mib: User Manual
Axis SNMP Mib: User Manual
User Manual
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Table of Contents
This document describes how to use AXIS Video SNMP MIB. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the SNMP protocol.
SNMP/MIBs allow network management operators to use standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) tools to
monitor the status of Axis products. The Axis Management Information Base (MIB) for video hardware enables monitoring of
hardware-related issues that may need administrative attention.
This document applies to firmware 5.55 and later. New functionality may be added in later releases. For detailed information,
please read the MIB file.
Technical overview
Technical overview
Some products will not have all the hardware as specified below and there will only be one MIB defined for all hardware. If the agent
requests the status of such hardware that is not included in the product, then the device will return noSuchObject.
Which hardware is supported is handled at run time. This means that there is no need for product specific configuration.
The Axis Video MIB, which is the same for all Axis video products, can be downloaded from
This MIB is then imported into an agent software such as Tivoli.
Supported products
All Axis Camera devices support AXIS MIB from firmware 5.55 and onwards. However it is recommended to update to the latest
The SNMPv2 MIBs are official RFC parts. These MIBs should already be included in the client or can be downloaded from
Additionally the following products with firmware release 5.55 do not support the AXIS SNMP MIB:
• M3006-V
• M3007-P/-PV
• M3026-VE
• M3027-PVE
• P5414-E
• P5415-E
• Q6042/-E/-C/-S
• Q6044/-E/-C/-S
• Q6045/-E/-C/-S
Enable SNMP
To use this functionality, SNMP must be enabled in the cameras and encoders on the network. To use SNMPv3, HTTPS has to be
enabled. For information about how to enable HTTPS, see the User Manual for the product.
Use AXIS Device Manager to enable SNMP on multiple devices. AXIS Device Manager is available for download from
To enable SNMP in firmware 6.50 and below, go to Setup > System Options > Network > SNMP.
To enable SNMP in firmware 7.10 and onwards, go to Settings > System > SNMP.
Enable traps
The configuration of traps, which to send and where to send them, is done differently for the different SNMP versions.
For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, all Axis Video MIB will be sent when traps are enabled. It will not be possible to turn on or off any
specific traps.
For SNMPv3 it is possible to configure which traps are sent to which management station. This is done using the
SNMP-TARGET-MIB and SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB modules, defined in RFC3413. In short, this means using SNMP to add entries to
snmpNotifyTable, snmpTargetAddrTable, snmpTargetParamsTable, snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable,
and snmpNotifyFilterTable. These tables contain information about the recipients of traps, and which stations are to
receive which traps.
Trap types
Trap types
There are only three kinds of traps that can be generated by a video product. These three kinds are defined in the Axis Video MIB and
they should cover all the future needs of traps and thus they are defined in general terms. The trap types are described below.
This trap is sent to warn about a status change. Additional parameters include a unique trap ID (alarmID), a text string identifying
the event (alarmName) and an additional string (alarmText) that specifies more detailed information about the event, for
instance the unique identifier of the hardware or its status. This new state is valid until it is cleared by an alarmCleared trap. In
general the state can be obtained through an SNMP get command as well.
This trap is sent to indicate that some hardware has gone back to its normal state. The alarmID specifies the ID of a previous
alarmNew trap that is cleared by this trap. Additional parameters include the same alarmName and alarmText that was
sent by the alarmNew trap.
This trap is sent to warn about a certain event. Additional parameters include a unique trap ID (alarmID), a text string identifying
the event (alarmName) and an additional string (alarmText) that specifies more detailed information about the event, for
instance the unique identifier of the hardware or its status.
The difference from the alarmNew trap is that this trap refers to a stateless event. For this reason there is no alarmCleared
and hence several traps indicating the same event might follow each other. Since this is a stateless event it is impossible to
get any related information through SNMP get command.
The available traps for the products are listed below. For more information about the output states of the status OIDs, see Status
OIDs on page 10.
This trap is applicable for AXIS Q7900 Rack and AXIS Q7920 Video Encoder Chassis only.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when a power supply fails. It uses powerSupplyAlert as alarm name. The alarm text
states that a power supply is failing and it specifies the ID of that power supply. When the power supply is working again an
alarmCleared is sent. This trap can only be sent by a rack with dual power supplies.
Fan Operation
This trap is applicable for AXIS Q7900 Rack and AXIS Q7920 Video Encoder Chassis only.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when a fan fails. It uses fanAlert as alarm name. The alarm text states that a fan is failing
and it specifies the ID of that fan. When the fan is working again an alarmCleared is sent.
Temperature Limit
This trap is applicable for all products.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the value of a temperature sensor comes out of a specified domain. It uses
temperatureAlert as alarm name. The alarm text specifies the ID of the sensor and whether the temperature is above or
below limits. When the temperature is within limits again an alarmCleared is sent.
This trap is applicable for video encoders connected to analog cameras.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the video signal disappears. It uses videoSignalAlert as alarm name. The alarm
text specifies the ID of the channel and that the signal is lost. When the signal is back again an alarmCleared is sent. The trap is
triggered by disconnecting the BNC connector, cutting the coax cable, or if the power supply is disconnected from the camera.
This trap is applicable for all products with an external audio input.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the audio signal disappears from an external audio input, such as a line in or a
microphone connector. It uses audioSignalAlert as alarm name. The alarm text specifies the ID of the channel and that the
signal is lost. When the signal is back again an alarmCleared is sent.
This trap is applicable for all products with an external audio input.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the audio signal disappears from an external audio input, such as a line in or a
microphone connector. It uses audioSignalAlert as alarm name. The alarm text specifies the ID of the channel and that the
signal is lost. When the signal is back again an alarmCleared is sent.
Product Casing
This trap is applicable for products with AXIS T93F housing with a door switch or an intrusion alarm switch connected
to a camera.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the casing is opened. It uses openCasingAlert as alarm name. The alarm text
states that the casing is opened, including the name of the casing. When the casing is closed again an alarmCleared is sent.
This trap is applicable for all mechanical PTZ cameras.
The product sends an alarmSingle trap if an error occurs in any part of the PTZ camera. It uses PTZAlert as alarm name.
The alarm text states that the PTZ camera is failing. This trap can only be sent by network PTZ cameras, not analog PTZ cameras
connected to a video encoder.
This trap is applicable for all products with attached SD card or mounted network share.
The product sends an alarmNew trap when the storage enters a disruption state. It uses storageMediaAlert as alarm name.
The alarm text states that a media is disrupted and it specifies which media. When the disruption is neutralised an alarmCleared
is sent.
Camera Tampering
This trap is applicable for all products with built-in tampering analytics. This trap is not applicable for ACAP.
The product sends an alarmSingle trap when the lens is redirected, covered or defocused. It uses tamperingAlert as alarm
name. The alarm text states the product is being tampered.
General Trap
This trap is applicable for all products.
Generic SNMP trap. The trap is only sent if it is configured through an action rule in the product. This includes configuring the reason
for sending the trap, which is copied into the alarm text, while the alarm name states General Trap. Depending on whether the
event is stateless or stateful the trap is of type alarmNew or alarmSingle. For an example, see Trap on page 13.
Status OIDs
Status OIDs
The status operations that are available in the AXIS SNMP MIB are listed below. All statuses are read-only objects. If a set operation
is requested on the OID it will return 17, notWritable (or 2,nosSuchName, for protocol version 1).
A status operation can have one or more OIDs depending on the product. As an example, . can be
. Temperature Sensor 1, . Temperature Sensor 2, .
Temperature Sensor 3, and so on.
This operation is applicable for AXIS Q7900 Rack and AXIS Q7920 Video Encoder Chassis only.
OID: .
The operation returns the status of a power supply. Return values are either ok or failure.
This operation is applicable for AXIS Q7900 Rack and AXIS Q7920 Video Encoder Chassis only.
OID: .
The operation returns the status of a fan. Return values are either ok or failure.
This operation is applicable for all products.
OID: .
The operation returns the current temperature in degrees Celsius.
This operation is applicable for all products.
OID: .
The operation returns the current temperature status, i.e. whether it is working well and whether the temperature is within
boundaries. Return values are either ok, failure or outOfBoundary.
This operation is applicable for video encoders connected to analog cameras.
OID: .
The operation returns whether the video signal for certain channel is available or not. Return values are either signalOk or
This operation is applicable for all products with an external audio input.
OID: .
Status OIDs
The operation returns whether the audio signal for a certain channel is available or not. Return values are either signalOk or
This operation is applicable for products with AXIS T93F housing with a door switch or an intrusion alarm switch connected
to a camera.
OID: .
The operation returns the status of a casing, i.e. whether it is open or closed. Return values are either open or closed.
This operation is applicable for all products with attached SD card or mounted network share.
OID: .
The operation returns the status of the storage. Return values are either no or yes, where no means that no problems are
found for the storage.
Special conditions
Special conditions
No special actions need to be taken after reboot.
New traps may be introduced in new firmware upgrades.
Traps introduced in newer firmware may become unavailable after a downgrade.
To test the SNMP functionality it is possible to set up an action rule with manual trigger from the product’s webpages. That way it is
possible to trigger an SNMP trap from the product and verify that this is received by the agent.
2. Enable a manual trigger button under Actions Button and click Save.
5. Under Trigger select Input Signal and then select Manual Trigger.
7. Under Message, type a message that the trap should send, for example Manual trigger.
8. Click OK.
10. Click under Trigger to activate the manual trigger. The product sends an alarmNew trap. It uses General Trap
as alarm name and the alarm text is the message from the action rule.
11. Click under Trigger to deactivate the manual trigger. The product sends an alarmCleared trap. It uses General
Trap as alarm name and the alarm text is the message from the action rule.
Net-SNMP walk
$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public video
Net-SNMP get
$ snmpget -v 2c -c public storageName.1
SNMP tree
User Manual Ver. M1.6
AXIS SNMP MIB Date: March 2018
© Axis Communications AB, 2018 Part No.