Abstract On Butler'S 'Gender Trouble (Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire) '
Abstract On Butler'S 'Gender Trouble (Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire) '
Abstract On Butler'S 'Gender Trouble (Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire) '
Butler understands that 'existing identites' of women as the subject of feminism is
only a representation, and this representation has a dual aspect
a) Representation of the women as a subject serves as the operative term within
a political process for visibility and legitimacy
b) Representation is the normative function of a language which is said either to
reveal or to distort what is assumed to be true about the category of women.
Foucault points out that juridical systems of power produce the subjects they
subsequently come to represent
Juridical power inevitably produces what it claims merely to represent
the law produces and then conceals the notion of a subject before the law in
order to invoke that discursive formation as a naturalized foundational premise
that subsequently legitimates that law's own regulatory hegemony
Apart from the foundationalist fictions that supports the notion of the subject,
however, there is the political problem that feminism encounters in the
assumption that the term women denotes a common identity
Denise Riley's 'Am I That Name?' criticizes that
it becomes impossible to separate out gender from the political and cultural
intersections in which it is invariably produced and maintained
Universalist feminism colonializes non-Westerns ('Third World' and 'Orient') as
essentialist barbarisms
Strategic uses of essentialism are criticezed for strategies always have meanings
that exceed the purposes for which they are intended
An uncritical appeal to such a system for the emancipation of 'women' will be
clearly self-defeating !!!
This doesn't imply refusing representational politics, which is impossible for her,
but simply to operate a feminist genealogy of the practices legitimizing gender
departing from what Marx calls the historical present
Feminist genealogy must contest reifications of gender and identity on bases of
the variable methodologies and normativities through which they are founded.
Perhaps, paradoxically, representation will be shown to make sense for feminism
only when the subject of women in nowhere presumed