Brief Report Laxmi
Brief Report Laxmi
Brief Report Laxmi
YourChef LLC
Presented by:
Laxmi R. Ramdasi
TE Electrical [119EL3339B]
Presented to:
Prof. Sridevi Nair
Date of Submission:
Legal entities:
The name itself suggest YourChef LLC is a limited liabilities company, these
kinds of companies provide a more formalized legal structure. Here is a
structure that separates your personal assets from your company’s debts.
LLCs don’t have to have boards, hold annual meetings, or record minutes.
Manpower handling
This start up is solely based on services and apart from the information
technology services, all the other services needs man power. Be in
delivering goods, craftsmanship, moving and packing, gardening, security.
The concept is providing chefs on monthly basis who will cook 2 meals a
day for consumers. Hence, providing a lot of employment.
The salary structure will be hybrid, base pay+ incentive. Hence ensuring
their long term membership with LLC.
Financial aspects
Technological Blueprints
The Application and web designing will have 2 way functioning, A1- market
app and A2- service provider app. The A1 will be for consumers and A2 for
chefs. From A1, Consumer will be able to hire chef, make payments, track
and schedule timing and other partially important features. From A2, chefs
will be able to accept client request, schedule timings, accept payment.
All the people who do not know how to cook or can not cook because of
work timing are the targeted audience. And along with it areas can also be
targeted such as college and IT park areas, bachelor rental flats,
apartments, societies.
70% marketing will be digital on the platforms like instagram, facebook and
yotube. The rest 30% will be offline flyers and hoardings in the targeted
Sources of Information
Google forms
YourChef LLC is a service provider company which work from behind the
application, So the application is our business forefront. This app will work
as the mediator, building bridge between consumer to provider.
Roughly speaking, Consumer will hire a chef through the app for monthly
basis. Chef will be working under YourChef LLC and will provide service to
the consume. The salary structure will be hybrid, ensuring their monthly
base salary+ incentive for the number of consumer they provide service to.
The app will also be the mediator between Chefs and company. Consumer
will be allocated to chefs through the app. Also The payment for the
services will be collected by app ensuring loyalties and monitored services
from chefs.
This business module does not involve any commodities, hence lesser
financial debts and faster returns to be expected.
This report covers all the aspects and solidifies the module strategies and pros, on
the other hand it also points out some cons but can be solved by analytically and
Kindly revert back for corrections if any.
Thank you