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Literature Review: Conclusion Tempratur e & Time Cooling by Objective Title Author Year

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Year author title objective Cooling Tempratur Conclusion

by e & time
2004 Materials Development Wear resistant water 740c @ -The martensite
Science and of wear 3.5min volume fraction in
Technology resistant the dual phase
medium steels
carbon increases initially
dual phase with increasing
steels and their time for
mechanical intercritical
properties holding at 740°C.
However, the
amount of
(72%) saturates
after intercritical
holding for 3.5 min
medium carbon
steel containing
0.42 wt-% carbon
at a
temperature of
- Wear rate and
average coefŽ
cient of friction of
dual phase steels
decreases with
increasing volume
of martensite

2015 Journal of Effects of Heat Heat water 745c @ 20 From the findings,
Minerals & Treatment on treatment min the steel
Materials the Mechanical 830c @ 20 developed by
Characterization Properties of min Quenching +
& Engineering Rolled Medium Quenching +
Carbon Steel Lamelarizing +
(Q+Q+L+T) process
at a lamelarizing
temperature of
7450C has the
highest ultimate
strength and yield
ratio of 79% with
combination of

impact strength,
ductility and
hardness which is
very attractive for
structural use
followed by
Quenching +
Lamelarizing +
(Q+L+T) process
and Lamelarizing +
Tempering (L+T)
2016 International Effect of Effect of -air 950c - By increasing the
Journal of Cooling Rate Cooling Rate -oil cooling rate after
Metallurgical on the hot forging, the
Engineering Microstructure effective yield
2016 and strength, UTS, and
Mechanical hardness are
Properties of increased.
Medium However, the
Carbon Steel effective impact
energy as
well as percentage
elongation to
failure is
decreased by
increasing the
cooling rate
- The maximum
increased after
followed by oil
quenching for UTS
and YS are 24.5%
and 72.3%
whereas for
elongation the
increased after
forging followed
by normal air
cooling is 2.5%
respect to as
received material

2018 Mechanics and Effect of Heat Effect of Heat -water 900c @ 30 - The increase in
Mechanical Treatment Treatment -air min cooling rate and
Engineering Parameters on -oil heating
Mechanical temperature
Properties increases the
of Medium quantity
Carbon Steel of martensite.
- The tensile
strength, yield
strength and
hardness decrease
with the increase
of the holding
- Increasing of the
heating rate
causes an increase
in resistance of
C45 steel.
- The increase in
holding time and
heating rate affect
the martensite
2018 IOP Conference The effect of The effect of -water 600c -the hardness is
Series: heat treatment heat treatment -oil changed when
Materials on the on the specimen
Science and hardness and hardness and undergoes
Engineering impact impact tempering process
properties of properties at different
medium temperature.
carbon steel -the toughness of
steel increase as
the absorbed
energy increases
2014 -Elesevier. Ferrite Ferrite water 600c @ 20s The progress of
-Journal of hardening hardening & 45s ferrite formation
Alloys and response in a response in a has been
Compounds. low alloy low alloy increased with
ferrite– increasing
martensite isothermal holding
dual phase time in the ferrite–
steel martensite
DP specimens
treated at 600 C
for various holding
times. About

7% fine grain
boundary ferrite
has been formed
in the DP
obtained at 600 C
for 20 s holding
times in
to that of 48%
coarse ferrite
grains developed
in the 45 s DP
2017 Accepted Mutual Mutual oil 500c to 700c Ferrite formation
Manuscript Mechanical Mechanical @ 10min to is dependant on
Effects of Effects of 60min isothermal
Ferrite and Ferrite and temperature and
Martensite in a Martensite duration of
Low Alloy soaking stage
Ferrite- By increasing
Martensite isothermal
Dual Phase transformation
Steel temperature from
773 to 923K (500
to 650°C),
the ferrite volume
fraction has been
increased from 7%
to the maximum
ferritic nose
value of 29% and
then decreased to
12% for further
50°C rise in
While, a
increment in
ferrite volume
fraction from 29 to
49% has occurred
for DP
samples treated at
923K (650°C) as
the isothermal
holding time is
raised from 10 to
2014 Advanced Heat Recycling of water 840c @ -With recycling the

Materials Treatment Dual Phase 30min heat treatment at
Research Vol. Recycling of duel phase region
909 Dual Phase can achieved the
Region and its tensile strength
Effect on and
Hardness, hardness, its
Microstructure depend on the
and Corrosion martensite
Rate of formation and
Medium martensite
Carbon Steel volume.
process lead to
decreasing the
corrosion rate,
due to stress
-Appearance of
carbides particles
lead to increases
the corrosion rate
due to formation
phase at structure
2015 International COMPARISON COMPARISON water -760c @ 2 the content of
Journal of OF min martensite in the
Mechanical MECHANICAL -800c @ 4 Dual Phase steel
Engineering PROPERTIES min increases by
(IJME) OF MEDIUM -840c @ 6 increasing the
CARBON STEEL min heating
WITH temperature and
DUAL PHASE time the hardness
STEEL and toughness of
Dual Phase steel
2021 -Elsevier Effects of Effects of water 900c @ 10 Increasing the
- Materials spheroidization spheroidization min spheroidization
Chemistry and heat treatment heat treatment time led to the
Physics and decline of strength
intercritical and hardness but
annealing on improved the
mechanical tensile
properties and ductility and
corrosion corrosion
resistance of resistance
carbon dual
phase steel

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