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Database Links

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Database Links

The central concept in distributed database systems is a database link. A database link is a
connection between two physical database servers that allows a client to access them as one logical

This section contains the following topics:

 What Are Database Links?

 Why Use Database Links?
 Global Database Names in Database Links
 Names for Database Links
 Types of Database Links
 Users of Database Links
 Creation of Database Links: Examples
 Schema Objects and Database Links
 Database Link Restrictions

What Are Database Links?

A database link is a pointer that defines a one-way communication path from an Oracle Database server to
another database server. The link pointer is actually defined as an entry in a data dictionary table. To access the
link, you must be connected to the local database that contains the data dictionary entry.

A database link connection is one-way in the sense that a client connected to local database A can use a link
stored in database A to access information in remote database B, but users connected to database B cannot use
the same link to access data in database A. If local users on database B want to access data on database A, then
they must define a link that is stored in the data dictionary of database B.

A database link connection allows local users to access data on a remote database. For this connection to
occur, each database in the distributed system must have a unique global database name in the network
domain. The global database name uniquely identifies a database server in a distributed system.

Figure 29-3 shows an example of user scott accessing the emp table on the remote database with the global
name hq.acme.com:
Description of "Figure 29-3 Database Link"

Database links are either private or public. If they are private, then only the user who created the link has
access; if they are public, then all database users have access.

One principal difference among database links is the way that connections to a remote database occur. Users
access a remote database through the following types of links:

Type of Link Description

Connected Users connect as themselves, which means that they must have an account on
user link the remote database with the same username and password as their account on
the local database.

Fixed user link Users connect using the username and password referenced in the link. For
example, if Jane uses a fixed user link that connects to the hq database with the
username and password scott/tiger, then she connects as scott, Jane has all
the privileges in hq granted to scott directly, and all the default roles
that scott has been granted in the hq database.

Current user A user connects as a global user. A local user can connect as a global user in
link the context of a stored procedure, without storing the global user's password in
a link definition. For example, Jane can access a procedure that Scott wrote,
accessing Scott's account and Scott's schema on the hq database. Current user
links are an aspect of Oracle Advanced Security.
Create database links using the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement. After a link is created, you can use it to
specify schema objects in SQL statements.

See Also:
 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for syntax of the CREATE DATABASE statement
 Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide for information about Oracle Advanced

What Are Shared Database Links?

A shared database link is a link between a local server process and the remote database. The link is shared
because multiple client processes can use the same link simultaneously.

When a local database is connected to a remote database through a database link, either database can run in
dedicated or shared server mode. The following table illustrates the possibilities:

Local Database Mode Mode
Dedicated Dedicated

Dedicated Shared

Shared server Dedicated

Shared server Shared


A shared database link can exist in any of these four configurations. Shared links differ from standard database
links in the following ways:

 Different users accessing the same schema object through a database link can share a network
 When a user needs to establish a connection to a remote server from a particular server process, the
process can reuse connections already established to the remote server. The reuse of the connection
can occur if the connection was established on the same server process with the same database link,
possibly in a different session. In a non-shared database link, a connection is not shared across
multiple sessions.
 When you use a shared database link in a shared server configuration, a network connection is
established directly out of the shared server process in the local server. For a non-shared database link
on a local shared server, this connection would have been established through the local dispatcher,
requiring context switches for the local dispatcher, and requiring data to go through the dispatcher.

See Also:
Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for information about shared server
Why Use Database Links?
The great advantage of database links is that they allow users to access another user's objects in a remote
database so that they are bounded by the privilege set of the object owner. In other words, a local user can
access a link to a remote database without having to be a user on the remote database.

For example, assume that employees submit expense reports to Accounts Payable (A/P), and further suppose
that a user using an A/P application needs to retrieve information about employees from the hq database. The
A/P users should be able to connect to the hq database and execute a stored procedure in the
remote hq database that retrieves the desired information. The A/P users should not need to be hq database
users to do their jobs; they should only be able to access hq information in a controlled way as limited by the

See Also:

 "Users of Database Links" for an explanation of database link users

 "Viewing Information About Database Links" for an explanation of how to hide passwords from non-
administrative users

Global Database Names in Database Links

To understand how a database link works, you must first understand what a global database name is. Each
database in a distributed database is uniquely identified by its global database name. The database forms a
global database name by prefixing the database network domain, specified by the DB_DOMAIN initialization
parameter at database creation, with the individual database name, specified by the DB_NAME initialization

For example, Figure 29-4 illustrates a representative hierarchical arrangement of databases throughout a


Figure 29-4 Hierarchical Arrangement of Networked Databases

Description of "Figure 29-4 Hierarchical Arrangement of Networked Databases"

The name of a database is formed by starting at the leaf of the tree and following a path to the root. For
example, the mfg database is in division3 of the acme_tools branch of the com domain. The global
database name for mfg is created by concatenating the nodes in the tree as follows:

 mfg.division3.acme_tools.com

While several databases can share an individual name, each database must have a unique global database
name. For example, the network
domains us.americas.acme_auto.com and uk.europe.acme_auto.com each contain
a sales database. The global database naming system distinguishes the sales database in
the americas division from the sales database in the europe division as follows:

 sales.us.americas.acme_auto.com
 sales.uk.europe.acme_auto.com

See Also:
"Managing Global Names in a Distributed System" to learn how to specify and change global
database names
Names for Database Links
Typically, a database link has the same name as the global database name of the remote database that it
references. For example, if the global database name of a database is sales.us.oracle.com, then the
database link is also called sales.us.oracle.com.

When you set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_NAMES to TRUE, the database ensures that the name of the
database link is the same as the global database name of the remote database. For example, if the global
database name for hq is hq.acme.com, and GLOBAL_NAMES is TRUE, then the link name must be
called hq.acme.com. Note that the database checks the domain part of the global database name as stored in
the data dictionary, not the DB_DOMAIN setting in the initialization parameter file (see "Changing the Domain
in a Global Database Name").

If you set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_NAMES to FALSE, then you are not required to use global
naming. You can then name the database link whatever you want. For example, you can name a database link
to hq.acme.com as foo.

Oracle recommends that you use global naming because many useful features, including
Replication, require global naming.

After you have enabled global naming, database links are essentially transparent to users of a distributed
database because the name of a database link is the same as the global name of the database to which the link
points. For example, the following statement creates a database link in the local database to remote
database sales:

CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK sales.division3.acme.com USING 'sales1';

See Also:
Oracle Database Reference for more information about specifying the initialization
parameter GLOBAL_NAMES

Types of Database Links

Oracle Database lets you create private, public, and global database links. These basic link types differ
according to which users are allowed access to the remote database:

Type Owner Description

Privat User who created the link. View ownership data Creates link in a specific schema of the
e through: local database. Only the owner of a
 DBA_DB_LINKS private database link or PL/SQL
 ALL_DB_LINKS subprograms in the schema can use this
 USER_DB_LINKS link to access database objects in the
corresponding remote database.
Type Owner Description
Public User called PUBLIC. View ownership data Creates a database-wide link. All users
through views shown for private database links. and PL/SQL subprograms in the
database can use the link to access
database objects in the corresponding
remote database.

Global User called PUBLIC. View ownership data Creates a network-wide link. When an
through views shown for private database links. Oracle network uses a directory server,
the directory server automatically
create and manages global database
links (as net service names) for every
Oracle Database in the network. Users
and PL/SQL subprograms in any
database can use a global link to access
objects in the corresponding remote

Note: In earlier releases of Oracle Database,

a global database link referred to a database
link that was registered with an Oracle
Names server. The use of an Oracle Names
server has been deprecated. In this
document, global database links refer to the
use of net service names from the directory

Determining the type of database links to employ in a distributed database depends on the specific
requirements of the applications using the system. Consider these features when making your choice:

Type of Link Features

Private database This link is more secure than a public or global link, because only the owner of
link the private link, or subprograms within the same schema, can use the link to
access the remote database.

Public database When many users require an access path to a remote Oracle Database, you can
link create a single public database link for all users in a database.

Global database When an Oracle network uses a directory server, an administrator can
link conveniently manage global database links for all databases in the system.
Database link management is centralized and simple.

See Also:

 "Specifying Link Types" to learn how to create different types of database links
 "Viewing Information About Database Links" to learn how to access information about links

Users of Database Links

When creating the link, you determine which user should connect to the remote database to access the data.
The following table explains the differences among the categories of users involved in database links:

User Type Description Sample Link Creation Syntax

Connected A local user accessing a database CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK hq USING
user link in which no fixed username
and password have been specified.
If SYSTEM accesses a public link in a
query, then the connected user
is SYSTEM, and the database
connects to the SYSTEM schema in
the remote database.

Note: A connected user does not have to

be the user who created the link, but is
any user who is accessing the link.

Current A global user in CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK hq

user a CURRENT_USER database link. The CONNECT TO CURRENT_USER using 'hq';
global user must be authenticated
by an X.509 certificate (an SSL-
authenticated enterprise user) or a
password (a password-authenticated
enterprise user), and be a user on
both databases involved in the link.
Current user links are an aspect of
the Oracle Advanced Security

See Oracle Database Advanced Security

Administrator's Guide for information
about global security

Fixed user A user whose username/password is CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK hq

part of the link definition. If a link USING 'hq';
includes a fixed user, the fixed
user's username and password are
used to connect to the remote

See Also:
"Specifying Link Users" to learn how to specify users when creating links
Connected User Database Links
Connected user links have no connect string associated with them. The advantage of a connected user link is
that a user referencing the link connects to the remote database as the same user, and credentials don't have to
be stored in the link definition in the data dictionary.

Connected user links have some disadvantages. Because these links require users to have accounts and
privileges on the remote databases to which they are attempting to connect, they require more privilege
administration for administrators. Also, giving users more privileges than they need violates the fundamental
security concept of least privilege: users should only be given the privileges they need to perform their jobs.

The ability to use a connected user database link depends on several factors, chief among them whether the
user is authenticated by the database using a password, or externally authenticated by the operating system or a
network authentication service. If the user is externally authenticated, then the ability to use a connected user
link also depends on whether the remote database accepts remote authentication of users, which is set by
the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT initialization parameter.

The REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter operates as follows:

Value Consequences
TRUE for the remote database An externally-authenticated user can connect to the remote
database using a connected user database link.

FALSE for the remote database An externally-authenticated user cannot connect to the remote
database using a connected user database link unless a secure
protocol or a network authentication service supported by the
Oracle Advanced Security option is used.

The REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT initialization parameter is deprecated. It is retained for backward
compatibility only.

Fixed User Database Links

A benefit of a fixed user link is that it connects a user in a primary database to a remote database with the
security context of the user specified in the connect string. For example, local user joe can create a public
database link in joe's schema that specifies the fixed user scott with password tiger. If jane uses the
fixed user link in a query, then jane is the user on the local database, but she connects to the remote database
as scott/tiger.

Fixed user links have a username and password associated with the connect string. The username and
password are stored with other link information in data dictionary tables.

Current User Database Links

Current user database links make use of a global user. A global user must be authenticated by an X.509
certificate or a password, and be a user on both databases involved in the link.

The user invoking the CURRENT_USER link does not have to be a global user. For example, if jane is
authenticated (not as a global user) by password to the Accounts Payable database, she can access a stored
procedure to retrieve data from the hq database. The procedure uses a current user database link, which
connects her to hq as global user scott. User scott is a global user and authenticated through a certificate
over SSL, but jane is not.

Note that current user database links have these consequences:

 If the current user database link is not accessed from within a stored object, then the current user is the
same as the connected user accessing the link. For example, if scott issues a SELECT statement
through a current user link, then the current user is scott.
 When executing a stored object such as a procedure, view, or trigger that accesses a database link, the
current user is the user that owns the stored object, and not the user that calls the object. For example,
if jane calls procedure scott.p (created by scott), and a current user link appears within the
called procedure, then scott is the current user of the link.
 If the stored object is an invoker-rights function, procedure, or package, then the invoker's
authorization ID is used to connect as a remote user. For example, if user jane calls
procedure scott.p (an invoker-rights procedure created by scott), and the link appears inside
procedure scott.p, then jane is the current user.
 You cannot connect to a database as an enterprise user and then use a current user link in a stored
procedure that exists in a shared, global schema. For example, if user jane accesses a stored
procedure in the shared schema guest on database hq, she cannot use a current user link in this
schema to log on to a remote database.

See Also:
o "Distributed Database Security" for more information about security issues relating to
database links
o Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide
o Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information about invoker-rights
functions, procedures, or packages.

Creation of Database Links: Examples

Create database links using the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement. The table gives examples of SQL
statements that create database links in a local database to the
remote sales.us.americas.acme_auto.com database:

Connects To
SQL Statement Database Connects As Link Type
CREATE DATABASE LINK sales using net Connected user Private
sales.us.americas.acme_auto.com USING
service connected
name sales_us user
Connects To
SQL Statement Database Connects As Link Type
CREATE DATABASE LINK foo CONNECT TO sales using Current global Private
service user current
name am_sls user
CREATE DATABASE LINK sales using net scott using Private
sales.us.americas.acme_auto.com CONNECT
service password tiger fixed user
'sales_us'; name sales_us

CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK sales sales using net scott using Public

service password tiger fixed user
USING 'rev';
name rev
CREATE SHARED PUBLIC DATABASE LINK sales usingnet scott using Shared
sales.us.americas.acme_auto.com CONNECT
TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger
service password tiger, public
AUTHENTICATED BY anupam IDENTIFIED BY name sales authenticated fixed user
bhide USING 'sales'; as anupam using
password bhide

See Also:

 "Creating Database Links" to learn how to create link

 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the CREATE DATABASE
LINK statement syntax

Schema Objects and Database Links

After you have created a database link, you can execute SQL statements that access objects on the remote
database. For example, to access remote object emp using database link foo, you can issue:

SELECT * FROM emp@foo;

You must also be authorized in the remote database to access specific remote objects.

Constructing properly formed object names using database links is an essential aspect of data manipulation in
distributed systems.

Naming of Schema Objects Using Database Links

Oracle Database uses the global database name to name the schema objects globally using the following


 schema is a collection of logical structures of data, or schema objects. A schema is owned by a

database user and has the same name as that user. Each user owns a single schema.
 schema_object is a logical data structure like a table, index, view, synonym, procedure, package,
or a database link.
 global_database_name is the name that uniquely identifies a remote database. This name must
be the same as the concatenation of the remote database initialization
parameters DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN, unless the parameter GLOBAL_NAMES is set to FALSE, in
which case any name is acceptable.

For example, using a database link to database sales.division3.acme.com, a user or application can

reference remote data as follows:

SELECT * FROM scott.emp@sales.division3.acme.com; # emp table in scott's


SELECT loc FROM scott.dept@sales.division3.acme.com;

If GLOBAL_NAMES is set to FALSE, then you can use any name for the link
to sales.division3.acme.com. For example, you can call the link foo. Then, you can access the remote
database as follows:

SELECT name FROM scott.emp@foo; # link name different from global name

Authorization for Accessing Remote Schema Objects

To access a remote schema object, you must be granted access to the remote object in the remote database.
Further, to perform any updates, inserts, or deletes on the remote object, you must be granted
the SELECT privilege on the object, along with the UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE privilege. Unlike when
accessing a local object, the SELECT privilege is necessary for accessing a remote object because the database
has no remote describe capability. The database must do a SELECT * on the remote object in order to
determine its structure.

Synonyms for Schema Objects

Oracle Database lets you create synonyms so that you can hide the database link name from the user. A
synonym allows access to a table on a remote database using the same syntax that you would use to access a
table on a local database. For example, assume you issue the following query against a table in a remote

SELECT * FROM emp@hq.acme.com;

You can create the synonym emp for emp@hq.acme.com so that you can issue the following query instead to
access the same data:

See Also:
"Using Synonyms to Create Location Transparency" to learn how to create synonyms for objects
specified using database links

Schema Object Name Resolution

To resolve application references to schema objects (a process called name resolution), the database forms
object names hierarchically. For example, the database guarantees that each schema within a database has a
unique name, and that within a schema each object has a unique name. As a result, a schema object name is
always unique within the database. Furthermore, the database resolves application references to the local name
of the object.

In a distributed database, a schema object such as a table is accessible to all applications in the system. The
database extends the hierarchical naming model with global database names to effectively create global object
names and resolve references to the schema objects in a distributed database system. For example, a query can
reference a remote table by specifying its fully qualified name, including the database in which it resides.

For example, assume that you connect to the local database as user SYSTEM:


You then issue the following statements using database link hq.acme.com to access objects in
the scott and jane schemas on remote database hq:

SELECT * FROM scott.emp@hq.acme.com;

INSERT INTO jane.accounts@hq.acme.com (acc_no, acc_name, balance)

VALUES (5001, 'BOWER', 2000);

UPDATE jane.accounts@hq.acme.com

SET balance = balance + 500;

DELETE FROM jane.accounts@hq.acme.com

WHERE acc_name = 'BOWER';

Database Link Restrictions

You cannot perform the following operations using database links:

 Grant privileges on remote objects

 Execute DESCRIBE operations on some remote objects. The following remote objects, however, do
support DESCRIBE operations:
o Tables
o Views
o Procedures
o Functions
 Analyze remote objects
 Define or enforce referential integrity
 Grant roles to users in a remote database
 Obtain nondefault roles on a remote database. For example, if jane connects to the local database and
executes a stored procedure that uses a fixed user link connecting as scott, jane receives scott's
default roles on the remote database. Jane cannot issue SET ROLE to obtain a nondefault role.
 Execute hash query joins that use shared server connections
 Use a current user link without authentication through SSL, password, or NT native authentication

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