1119 1696 1 SM
1119 1696 1 SM
1119 1696 1 SM
Social Sciences
ISSN 2455-2267; Vol.10, Issue 02 (February 2018)
Pg. no. 87-93.
Institute of Research Advances
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IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
This paper provides an insight into the Work life balance and job satisfaction of individuals
working in business process outsourcing. In the present fast growing scenario, people don‘t
have time for themselves or for their families. It is difficult to balance both work and
personal life at a time, especially for the employees working in Business process outsourcing
(BPO’s).The Work life balance of an individual is one of the factors, which affect their
satisfaction or happiness with life as a whole.. Data was obtained from 200 employees, 120
male and 80 female. Work life balance was measured by the 15-item scale developed by
Fisher-McAuley (2003), consist of three dimensions - work interference with personal life
(WIPL), personal life interference with work (PLIW), work/personal life enhancement
(WPLE) and job satisfaction was measured by using scale Khan and Sheeba (2002).Data
comparison of work life balance, its three dimensions work interference with personal life,
work/personal life enhancement, personal life interference with work and job satisfaction
between male and female t-test was found suitable. All the analysis was carried out with the
help of the computer using SPSS 16.0 version.
Keywords: Business process outsourcing, Job satisfaction, SPSS, t-test, Work life balance.
India, business process outsourcing is the fastest growing segment of the ITES industry. Factors such as
economy of scale, business risk mitigation, cost advantage; utilization improvement and superior
competency have all lead to the growth of the Indian BPO industry.
In the present fast growing scenario, people don„t have time for themselves or for their families. It is
difficult to balance both work and personal life at a time, especially for the employees working in
Business process outsourcing (BPO‟s). American, US and UK based companies. BPO‟s in India work
according to their country timings which becomes very hectic for the Indian employees. India, business
process outsourcing is the fastest growing segment of the ITES industry. Factors such as economy of
scale, business risk mitigation, cost advantage; utilization improvement and superior competency have
all lead to the growth of the Indian BPO industry.
Literature Review
Work life balance was first used in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s to describe balance between
an individual's work and personal life. Work-life balance consist of two words that is work which is
related to ambition, career and life is related to family, health, pleasure though broader, terms are
“lifestyle calm balance” and “lifestyle choices”.
Frone et al. (1992a) found no evidence of gender differences in the pattern of asymmetry, indicating
that the dynamics of work and family boundaries may operate similarly among men and women.
Campbell and Kennard (1994) have studied the effects of family responsibilities on the work
commitment and job performance of women. The work-family issue is even further expanded to
address the relationship of business-marriage partners (Foley & Powell, 1997).
Burke, (2002) found out that both women and men prefer working in organization‟s that support work-
life balance. Women are more affected by improper work life balance as compared to men, women feel
frustrated, unhappy, full of stress if they are not able to give time to their family.
Aziz and Cunningham, (2008) in a study found work stress and work-life imbalance were correlated
with work holism, regardless of gender.
Baral (2010) in a study of 485 employees working in varied organizations in India found that working
men and women in India experience more work family enrichment than the work family conflict. It was
also found that there were no gender differences in the employee perception of work family
Klopping (2012) contribution, in the modern times, human resource department„s one of the major
emphasis is to maintain a balance between the professional and the personal life.
Job satisfaction refers to a person„s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to
work. Job satisfaction include employees‟ economic benefits, the social status, the job„s own specific
characteristics and the job expectation employees hoped for, if all are fulfilled then there is job
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been a subject to scientific researches with Hawthorne studies in 20th
centuries. Job satisfaction is described as pleasurable or positive emotional state as a result of
evaluation of the job or job experiences. Job satisfaction is the feeling combination of workers both
positive and negative. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match the
real awards. Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individual's behavior in the work place (Davis et
al., 1985).
Allen, Herst, Bruck, & Sutton, (2000) demonstrated relationships between conflict and lower job
satisfaction and enhancement and higher job satisfaction. Bruce and Blackburn (1992) also believed
that job enrichment increases job satisfaction. They defined an enriched job as one that offers the
employee opportunities for achievement, recognition, advancement, responsibility, and growth.
A study conducted on nurses, (Shields and Ward 2001) found that the lack of opportunities for career
advancement or the possibility of promotion affect the job satisfaction of employees more than the size
of the salary.
Bruck (2002) examined whether there would be differential relationship across the job satisfaction
facets. These tests revealed no significant differences across facets for any of the conflict measures.
These results provide important implications for practitioners who are implementing organizational
interventions designed to combat work family conflict.
Robbins (2004) observed that persons with high level of job satisfaction hold positive attitudes about
their jobs while persons who are dissatisfied hold negative attitudes about their jobs.
Kinnie, Hutchinson, Purcell, Rayton, (2005) in a study found that satisfaction with the HR practices,
such as family friendly policies reduced the interference of work in the family and thus increases job
To compare work life balance of male and female working in BPO‟s.
To compare job satisfaction of male and female working in BPO‟s.
H1: It is expected that difference exists of job satisfaction among male and female employees of BPO
H2: It is expected that difference exists of work life balance among male and female employees of BPO
Sample: The sample of present research comprises of 200 employees (where 120 males, and 80
females) randomly, selected from different BPO‟s of Aligarh and Delhi.
The Work Life Balance Inventory
Work life balance was measured with a 15 item scale adapted by Hayman (2005), originally developed
by Fisher (2001).This broader approach is useful for organizations to assess the non-work domain of
employees, as family may not be relevant to all employees. Moreover this scale also measures positive
spill over or enhancement (Hayman, 2005). The scale consisted of 15 items, designed to assess three
dimensions of work life balance, i.e., work interference with personal life (WIPL-7 items), personal life
interference with work (PLIW-4 items), and work/personal life enhancement (WPLE-4 items). The first
dimension, work interference with personal life (WIPL) included the items e.g. ―Personal life suffers
because of work and ―Put personal life on hold for work. These items reveal the extent to which work
interferes with personal life. The second dimension is work interference with personal life (WIPL). The
items included in this component indicate the opposite direction of work personal life interference.
Examples of the items include ―My work suffers because of my personal life and ―It is hard to work
because of personal matters. They illustrate the extent to which ones „personal life interferes with work.
The items of the third dimension work/personal life enhancement (WPLE) involved positive effects of
ones „work on personal life or vice versa, the extent to which ones „personal life increases work.
Examples of the items included were, ―I have a better mood at work because of personal life and ―I
have a better mood because of my job. Here, the scale is 5 point (Strongly Disagree -1, Disagree - 2,
Neither Agree nor Disagree- 3, Agree -4, Strongly Agree -5), the scoring was done as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
the dimensions of WIPL (except item 7, which was reverse scored, i.e. and PLIW, since the items were
negatively worded. High score indicated lower interference and, lower levels of interference were
interpreted as higher levels of work life balance. For the dimension of WPLE, scoring was 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
(i.e. (Strongly Disagree -1, Disagree -2, Neither Agree nor Disagree- 3, Agree -4, Strongly Agree - 5)as
the items were positively worded. High score indicated high work/ personal life enhancement. Higher
levels of work/ personal life enhancement are considered to be associated with higher levels of work
life balance. The overall work life balance score was thus computed by adding the scores on the three
dimensions. Results of higher order factor analysis provided empirical evidence that the three
dimensions were indicators of a single latent construct (Fisher-McAuley, et al., 2003).Reliability for the
scale, estimated using Cronbach alpha coefficient was .91 for WIPL, .82 for PLIW and .67 for WPLE.
The scale was tested for reliability under the Indian conditions and Cronbach alpha was found to be .87.
Job Satisfaction
The job satisfaction scale developed by Khan and Sheeba 2002 was used. In this scale there are 25
items and each item to be rated on a five-point scale ranging on the continuum of very much satisfied to
not satisfied at all and the waited scores should be marked 5,4,3,2 and 1
The scores on job satisfaction will be ranging from 25 to 125. Subjects lowest score will be 25 and the
highest will be 125. The coefficient correlation of the scores using spilt half reliability method was
found to be 0.77.
Statistical analysis:
The choice of statistical analysis depends on purpose and objective so framed, here it is intended to
investigate the comparison between work life balance and job satisfaction among employees of BPO‟s
for that investigator applied t-test between women and men.
Table-1: Showing t value, Mean and SDs between male and female employees of BPO sector
The first variable indicates comparison of male and female of BPO sector on job satisfaction. The
result shows the mean job satisfaction score of female is higher than the male employees. The mean
score of male is 86.88 and for the female employees is88.11. The SD of the male is found to be
12.942 and for female is 13.035. The t value obtained is -.611 which is insignificant showing that
male and female do not differ with regard to job satisfaction, so the hypothesis is rejected.
The mean work life balance score of female is higher than the male employees. The mean score of male
is 50.54 and for the female employees is 50.56. The SD of the male is found to be 8.596 and for female
is 9.774.The t value obtained is -.016 which is insignificant showing that male and female overall do
not differ with regard to work life balance, so the hypothesis is rejected.
It may be concluded that male and female BPO‟s employees were not differ with each other with
regard to the above variables means both similarly affected by the variables. Insignificant difference
was found between job satisfaction among male and female employees of BPO sector. Liacqua &
Schumacher, (1995) in a study revealed that demographic factors (age, gender, degree) have little or no
impact on job satisfaction. In contrast, the results indicated a relationship between selected
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
demographic factors and job dissatisfaction. A study by Ward and Sloane (2000), however, concluded
that there are significant differences in job satisfaction levels based on the gender and disciplinary
affiliation of faculty members.
Significant difference was not found between work life balance among male and female employees of
BPO sector. Hill et al. (2001) reported that gender was not significantly correlated to work and family
balance indicating that men and women report similar level of work family balance.
[1] Aziz,S., & Cunningham J., (2008). Workaholism, work stress, work-life imbalance: exploring genders
role. Gender in Management: An International Journal,Vol.23, Iss: 8, pp.553-566, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
[2] Baral, R. (2010). Work-family enrichment: Benefits of combining work and family. Retrieved October 7,
2010, from http://www.paycheck.in/main/work-andpay/women-paycheck/articles/work-family-
[3] Bruck, C. et al. (2002). The Relation between Work–Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: A Finer-
Grained Analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60(3): 336-353.
[4] Frone, M. R. (2002). Work-family balance. In J. C. Quick & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.), Handbook of
Occupational Health Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
[5] Kinnie Nicholas, Hutchinson Sue, Purcell John, Rayton Bruce and Swart Juani. (2005). Satisfaction with
HR practices and commitment to the organization: why one size does not fit all. Human Resource
Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4,P. 9-29.
[6] Klopping, L. (2012). ―Work-Life-Balance. GRI Verlag.
[7] Robbins, .S.P. (2004).Organisational Behaviour (10th edn.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd.
[8] Shields, M. and Ward, M. (2001).Improving nurse retention in the National Health Service in England:
The impact of job satisfaction on intentions to quit. Journal of Health Economics, 20, pp. 677 – 701.
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
INSTRUCTIONS- Dear respondent you are requested to go through the various facts/job related characteristics
one by one and rate them on five point scale. The responses given by you shall be kept confidential and be used
only for academic purposes. Your cooperation in this regard shall be highly appreciated.
Not satisfied 2
Cannot say 3
Satisfied 4
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences
Dear Respondent,
You are requested to kindly provide your responses. Please be assured that your responses will be kept
confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.
Strongly Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
S.N Statements Disagree nor Agree
(2) (4)
(1) Disagree (5)
1 My personal life suffers because of
2 My job makes personal life difficult
3 I neglect personal needs because of
4 I put personal life on hold for work
5 I miss personal activities because of
6 I struggle to juggle work and non-work
7 I am unhappy with the amount of time
for non-work activities
8 My personal life drains me of energy
for work
9 I am too tired to be effective at work
10 My work suffers because of my
personal life
11 It is hard to work because of personal
12 My personal life gives me energy for
my job
13 My job gives me energy to pursue
personal activities
14 I have a better mood at work because of
personal life
15 I have a better mood because of my job
Gender: Male / Female Qualification:
Years of Work Experience: <5yrs / 5-10 yrs/ >10 yrs Thank You