A Work life balance is one of the prominent aspects in the field of HR as employees are required
to maintain balance between their personal and professional life to work efficiently. Also it is
been duly observed that employees of private banking sector are facing much problems due to
their target based jobs, so it is important to know whether this imbalance actually prevails and it
hinders their work life balance or not. Data were collected from the employees of private banks
like ICICI and HDFC in Rajkot region to fulfill the objective of the study. Sample size of 200
employees was taken that is 100 from each bank which covers employees like branch manager,
assistant manager, area manager clerks and many more. It is an exploratory research as many
factors of work life balance are been identified and also it is causal research as impact of
independent variable work life balance on dependent variable job satisfaction is been studied in
this paper. The statistical tool used for the study was t-test for comparison of two banks and
correlation coefficient and regression analysis for knowing the impact of one variable on to
other. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the significance of work life balance in private
banking sector and also to know whether it affects the level of job satisfaction of employees or
not. Here the aim is to find out various factors of work life balance and study their impact on
employee’s job satisfaction. Also a comparison is done between two reputed private sector banks
that is ICICI and HDFC in region of Rajkot city (Gujarat).
KEY WORDS: Quality of Work life balance, Job Satisfaction, Banking sector, Employees,
Work-life balance is central to debates about quality of working life and its relation to broader
quality of life. Much has been written on the subject and this project represents an attempt to
extrapolate and synthesis the main themes before exploring the nature of work-life balance.
Work–life balance is a broad concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and
ambition) on the one hand and "life" (Health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development)
on the other. Related, though broader, terms include "lifestyle balance" and "life balance". Work-
life Balance also referred to as family friendly work arrangements (FFWA), and, in international
literature, as alternative work arrangements (AWA).
To maintain work and life balance is the critical issue now a day for the every employee. Work
(career, profession, goal, and ambition) will be counterweighted by the life (family, health,
enjoyment) and vice versa. So maintaining the right balance between two is the major task of an
employee because both are an important part of the life.
Work-life balance is about people feeling satisfied with the way they divide their time and
energy between paid work and all the other things they need and want to do. Work-life balance is
important for people of all ages and stages of life. It is important for individual employees who
may have family responsibilities or are active in their communities, for those who are keen to
study, to keep fit, to play sport and to enjoy life. It is also important for employers because
employees who are satisfied with their work-life balance are more likely to bring enthusiasm,
energy and commitment to their work.
Work-life balance is an important area of Human Resource Management (HRM) that is receiving
increasing attention from government, researchers, management and employee representatives
and the popular media. Factors contributing to the interest in work-life balance issues are global
competition, renewed interest in personal lives/family values and an aging workforce. Other
factors include increasing complexity of work and family roles, the increased prevalence of dual
income households and the expanded number [of women entering the workforce. Though work-
life balance was initially construed as the concern for working mothers, it has been recognized as
a vital issue for all classes of employees. Despite increased interest in work-life issues, the
organizational philosophy towards work-life concerns is varied. Many organizations still see
them as individual not organizational concerns. Some organizations resonate the sentiment 'work
is work and family is family—and basically, the two do not mix'.
Other organizations view work and personal life as competing priorities in a zero-sum game, in
which a gain in one area means a loss in the other (Friedman et al, 2000). Hence, it would be
interesting to study organizational perspectives on work-life balance. Work-Life Balance does
not mean an equal balance Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various
work and personal activities is usually unrewarding and unrealistic. Life is and should be more
fluid than that. Best individual work-life balance will vary over time; often on a daily basis the
right balance for you today will probably be different for you tomorrow. The right balances for
you when you are single will be different when you marry, or if you have children; when you
start a new career versus when you are nearing retirement.
Job satisfaction is one of the most crucial but controversial issues in industrial psychology and
behavior management in organization. It ultimately decides the extent of employee involvement
and commitment with the organization. Job satisfactions have been a subject of hot chase by
researchers. Job satisfaction is the attitude one has towards his or her job. Job satisfaction is
concerned with the feeling one has towards the job. The importance of job satisfaction is fairly
evident from a description of the importance of maintaining moral in any industry. If a worker is
not satisfied with work, and then both the quantity and quality of his output will suffer. If his job
satisfaction increase then there is improvement in both the quality and quantity of production.
Factories in which the workers are satisfied with their work are also characterized by a high
“Job satisfaction refers to the collection of feelings that an individual holds towards his or her
job.” A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the job, while a
person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative feelings about a job. Job satisfaction
describes how content an individual is with his or her job. Job satisfaction has been defined as a
pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job, an affective reaction to
one’s job, and an attitude towards one’s job.
Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation or aptitude, although it is clearly linked. Job design
aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement,
job enrichment and job re-engineering. Other influences on satisfaction include the management
style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work position. Job
satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The
most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their
reactions to their jobs.
Literature Review:
Lubna Riz V has done research on “An Empirical Study On The Effectiveness Of Work-Life
Balance In Banking Industry”. This paper is aimed at the theme of work-life balance, and to
explain the significance of the said subject .Work-life balance is a key area for quality concern
gurus, who believes that balance between work and life is of vital importance when it comes to
performance of the workforce.The paper conducted study on effectiveness of workforce in the
banking sector in Pakistan where the aim was to find out whether the employees are able to
practice a sense of control. Does the employee stay prolific and productive for his team, while
sustaining contented vigorous family life? Then Dr.Anshuja Tiwari and Mrs. Puneet S.Duggal
have done research on Work life Balance: A study of employee well being and performance
of employees in banking sector. The purpose of this paper is to explore the work-life practices
of employees in banks and the various problems faced by them while working in this sector.
With this in mind, this paper seeks to examine the employee wellbeing and performance in the
organization. And also Dr.R.Anitha has done research on A Study on Job Satisfaction of Paper
Mill Employees with Special Reference to Udumalpet and Palani Taluk. Job satisfaction is a
general attitude towards one’s job, the difference between the amount of reward workers receive
and the amount they believe they should receive. Employee is a back bone of every organization,
without employee no work can be done. So employee’s satisfaction is very important.
Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction relates to inner
feelings of workers. As Udumalpet and Palani Taluk are famous for paper industries, the main
aim of this study is to analyze the satisfaction level of paper mill employees.
Then later on Sameer Ahmad Shalla and Dr Asif Iqbal Fazili has worked on Quality of Work
Life and Employee Job Satisfaction- a Dimensional Analysis and concluded that quality of
work life and job satisfaction is very significant for ensuring sustained commitment and
Research Methodology:
A Work life balance is one of the prominent aspects in the field of HR as employees are required
to maintain balance between their personal and professional life to work efficiently. Also it is
been duly observed that employees of private banking sector are facing much problems due to
their target based jobs, so it is important to know whether this imbalance actually prevails and it
hinders their work life balance or not.
So, to conclude the above matter problem identified is “A Comparative Study on Quality of
Work Life Balance And Its Impact on Job Satisfaction of Private Bank Employees With
Special Reference to ICICI and HDFC Banks in Rajkot”
Research Objective:
To study quality of work life balance in private banks like HDFC and ICICI in Rajkot.
To identify the various factors that influences quality of work life balance.
To understand the perceptions of the employees with respect to work-life balance.
To study the impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of employees in HDFC
To study the impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of employees in ICICI
To study the relationship between quality of work life balance and job satisfaction of private
bank employees like ICICI and HDFC.
To put forth suggestions to enhance work-life balance quotient of organizations.
Conceptual Framework:
Long Working
Work Pressure
Job Satisfaction
Flexible of Employees at
Job Satisfaction
Working Quality of ICICI Bank
iMP of Employees at
Condition Work Life AC Private Banks
Balance T Job Satisfaction like ICICI & HDFC
Nature of Job H03 of Employees at
H01: There is no significant correlation between quality of work life balance and job satisfaction.
H02: There is no significant difference between qualities of work life balance maintain at ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bank employees.
H03: There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of
employees at ICICI Bank.
H04: There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of
employees at HDFC Bank.
Sampling Framework:
Universe of the study was Employees of ICICI and HDFC Banks. From the above universe
Employees of ICICI and HDFC Bank in Rajkot city has been considered as population. Sample
Size has been taken as 200 employees of ICICI and HDFC Bank in Rajkot city. The Sampling
Unit of the study was various branches of ICICI and HDFC Bank in Rajkot city from where data
was collected by visiting each branch. Sampling Element were the Employees of ICICI and
HDFC Bank in Rajkot city. Non Probability Convenient sampling method was used for the
1 ICICI 100
2 HDFC 100
Total 200
It is an exploratory research as many factors of work life balance are been identified and also it is
causal research as impact of independent variable work life balance on dependent variable job
satisfaction is been studied in this paper. Primary data was collected through self structured
questionnaire and secondary data was collected through various books, journals and related
websites. The statistical tool used for the study was t-test for comparison of two banks and
correlation coefficient and regression analysis for knowing the impact of one variable on to
other. Also the reliability and validity of the scale is been checked through Cronbach Alpha Test
and Eigen Values.
Reliability of Scale:
The reliability of both scale is been checked using Cronbach Alpha Test.
N %
Reliability Statistics
.766 16
Job Satisfaction
N %
Reliability Statistics
.887 16
Validity of Scale:
KMO and Bartlett Test is been applied to the scale and also Eigen values are found to check the
validity of the scale.
Df 120
Sig. .005
VAR00003 .731
VAR00004 .655
VAR00005 .631
VAR00006 .542
VAR00007 .691
VAR00008 .591
VAR00009 .691
VAR00010 .541
VAR00011 .623
VAR00012 .635
VAR00013 .691
VAR00014 .556
VAR00015 .615
VAR00016 .670
VAR00017 .566
VAR00018 .678
H01: There is no significant correlation between quality of work life balance and job satisfaction.
Descriptive Statistics
N 200 200
N 200 200
There is weak correlation between quality of work life balance and job satisfaction in
private banking sector. Thus here we can say that Null Hypothesis (H01) is accepted.
H02: There is no significant difference between qualities of work life balance maintain at ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bank employees.
Group Statistics
02 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
VAR000 Equal variances .075 .785 -1.962 198 .061 -.08875 .04524 -.17796 .00046
01 assumed
Equal variances not -1.962 197.522 .061 -.08875 .04524 -.17796 .00046
There is significant difference between qualities of work life balance maintain at ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bankemployees. Thus here we can say that Null Hypothesis (H02) is not
H03: There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of
employees at ICICI Bank.
Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 WLB ICICI . Enter
Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 WLB ICICI . Enter
Model Summary
Total 9.730 99
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of employees at
ICICI Bank. Thus here we can say that Null Hypothesis (H03) is accepted.
H04: There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of
employees at HDFC Bank.
Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 WLB HDFC . Enter
Model Summary
Total 11.783 99
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction of employees at
HDFC Bank. Thus here we can say that Null Hypothesis (H04) is accepted.
As the research is based on a sample, therefore findings may not reveal the factual information
about the research problem, though an utmost care will be taken to select the truly representative
sample. Following are the prospective limitations:
There was small sample size of the study due to time constraints. Respondents may not give
response that makes the data collection worthless to some extent. Due to lack of awareness it is
difficult to get proper data from the employees. Respondents are generally reluctant to disclose
complete and correct information about themselves and the organization. Concept was highly
abstract & difficult to study. Research was limited to a limited area. Period of study was limited
so depth study was not possible. Convenient sampling method was used as study involves
interviewing of employees of the banks.
There is weak correlation between quality of work life balance and job satisfaction in private
banking sector. There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job satisfaction
of ICICI Bank employees. There is no significant impact of quality of work life balance on job
satisfaction of HDFC Bank employees. There is difference between the level of quality of work
life balance maintained at ICICI and HDFC Bank among male and female employees. Overall
most of the employees are satisfied with the working pattern of the HDFC Bank then ICICI
The implementation of work-life programs has both individual and organizational benefits.
Effective work-life programs facilitate a symbiotic relationship between the employee and
employer for mutual benefits. Employees who are better able to balance the demands on their
time in turn perform better and efficiently work in the organization. Such provisions also aid in
employer branding and are emerging as retention factors. Thus it is an instrument for competitive
advantage. It definitely pays to invest in people, and conditions like economic slowdown should
not be a deterrent factor when it comes to rolling out practical work-life balance interventions.
Extensive research demonstrates that there is not a strong correlation between the quality of work
life balance and job satisfaction of employees but work life balance should be maintained in the
organization. One of the prime causes of this exhaustion of employees and their feeling of job
burnout is the imbalance between work and personal lives. Offering work place family
supportive programs such as flexi time, child care assistance can be extremely helpful in
reducing individual stress and help manage the work and family roles effectively.
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