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Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams, With Ribbed Metal Deck, Using LRFD Specifications

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Design of Partially or Fully Composite

Beams, with Ribbed Metal Deck, Using

LRFD Specifications

A Hindu saying states, "One picture is worth a thousand The Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification
(LRFD) for Structural Steel Buildings1 adopted by AISC in
words (numbers)." With this optic in mind, the design aspects
September 1986 uses the ultimate strength of composite
of steel-concrete composite beams using the recently adopted
beams as the basis of their design. According to LRFD,
LRFD specifications1 are analyzed critically and the
composite beam designs are classified as fully composite and
significance of several parameters is brought out clearly.
partially composite designs.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 The present report on
Charts are then constructed to facilitate the design of
the design of partially composite beam design is a
partially or fully composite beams using rolled-steel, wide-
generalization of the work presented earlier in Ref. 11.
flange sections of A36 steel or A572 Gr. 50 steel. The slab
may be a composite metal deck slab with ribs perpendicular
to the beam, a haunched slab or, simply, a flat soffit concrete COMPOSITE METAL DECK SLABS
slab. The charts cover both adequate and inadequate slabs. Composite metal deck slabs consist of light-gage, ribbed
The charts provided are a valuable tool from the practical metal deck forms which interact with structural concrete
standpoint, and also familiarity with them should contribute topping as a composite unit to resist floor loads (Fig. 2).
to the student's and young engineer's overall feel of the Special embossments, dimples or lugs cold-rolled into the
composite beam design problem. The design charts given decking increase bond and act as shear connectors. Uplift is
here complement the composite beam design tables provided prevented either by the shape of the profile or by inclining
in the LRFD manual. the lugs to the vertical in opposite directions, on the two sides
of the rib. It is usual practice to design the slab as a one-way,
Introduction simply supported beam, for the ultimate limit state (with the
metal decking acting as reinforcement steel in the span
A typical bay floor framing of a high-rise building consists of direction), even though the slab and the decking may be
steel floor beams framing into steel girders along bay lines continuous over the floor beams. The slab is usually provided
(Fig. 1). The floor beams generally are designed for only with square mesh steel reinforcement at, or above, mid depth
gravity loads imposed by the floor as simply supported of the slab to minimize cracking due to shrinkage and
composite beams with the slab essentially in compression temperature effects and to help distribute concentrated loads.
over the full span of the beam. The beam normally is of a The variables for a composite deck slab include span
standard rolled, wide-flange shape designed to interact length, gage thickness, rib depth, slab thickness, unit weight
compositely with the concrete floor slab by means of shear of concrete and concrete strength.12,13,14 Thickness of metal
studs placed in metal decking troughs. In such a metal deck deck plate elements usually varies from 22 ga. (0.0336 in.) to
composite beam system, the ribs or corrugations generally 12 ga. (0.1084 in.), depending on configuration of the
run perpendicular to the supporting floor beams. section. For noncellular decks 1½ in., 2 in. and 3 in. deep
decks are generally used for spans up to 8 ft, 10 ft and 15 ft,
Sriramulu Vinnakota is a Professor of Civil Engineering, Marquette
respectively. The thickness of concrete above the metal deck
University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. typically varies from a minimum of 2½ in. to 4 in., which
Christopher M. Foley is a Graduate Student, Marquette University, may be controlled by fire-rating requirements of the slab
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. instead of structural requirements. The choice of lightweight
Murthy R. Vinnakota is a Consulting Structural Engineer, Aurora, concrete or normal weight concrete, depends on economics
Colorado. and fire-rating considerations. For high-rise buildings, light-


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Fig. 1. Composite beam under study

Fig. 2. Composite metal decks


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
weight concrete weighing about 110 pcf is often used. greater lengths. For design purposes, the connector strengths
The advantage of the metal deck slab system is the are always expressed in terms of an equivalent shear load.
elimination of the formwork and shoring and the consequent Thus, according to LRFD specifications, the nominal strength
increase in speed of construction. The metal deck can be used of one stud shear connector embedded in a solid concrete slab
as a working and erection platform. Also, it acts as a is
diaphragm to help stabilize the steel skeleton by integrating
Qn = 05
. Asc ( f c' w) 3/ 4 (1a)
all members into a system.
The steel deck alone has to withstand the weight of the ≤ Asc Fu (1b)
wet concrete, plus any construction loads for placement of where
concrete, for the desired non-shored condition. The depth of Asc = cross-sectional area of a stud shear connector, in.2
the ribs necessary is generally controlled by this loading. The
f c' = specified compressive strength of concrete, ksi
composite steel deck (steel deck + concrete) has to withstand
the factored superimposed dead and live loads. Design of the w = unit weight of concrete, pcf
steel deck should conform to the latest edition of the Fu = minimum specified tensile strength of connector
specifications for the design of light gage, cold formed steel steel, ksi
structural members of the American Iron and Steel Institute Table 12 of the LRFD specification gives nominal shear
(AISI). The permissible superimposed floor loads are loads Qn for the standard range of welded stud shear
tabulated for different deck sections by their manufacturers. connectors for normal weight (145 pcf) concrete made with
The tabulated capacity is obtained as the smallest load of the ASTM C33 aggregates. For lightweight (90 to 110 pcf)
following conditions: 1. bending stress at the bottom fiber of concrete made with C330 aggregates, the values from Table
the deck; 2. bending stress in the top fiber of the concrete; 3. 12 are to be adjusted by multiplying them with coefficients
bending stress at the top fiber of deck under deadload only; 4. given in Table 13 of the LRFD Specification.
value of the transverse shear for shear bond failure and; 5. When metal deck is used, the studs are generally welded
deflection at mid-span. Hence, a detailed design is not through it. When the ribs are relatively deep, the composite
performed by the structural engineer. interaction between the slab and the steel beam is affected
adversely by the reduced concrete containment around the
SHEAR CONNECTORS roots of the connectors. The nominal strength of a stud
connector for deck ribs oriented perpendicular to the beam is
The purpose of shear connectors in a composite beam is to tie
the value given by Eq. 1a, multiplied by the following
the slab and steel beam together and force them to act as a
reduction factor:15
unit. For this, the connectors must resist the horizontal shear
force that develops between the slab and beam as the 0.85  wr   H s 
R=   − 10
.  ≤ 10
. ( 2)
composite member is loaded, and they should prevent vertical N r  hr   hr 
separation or uplift of the concrete slab from the steel beam.
Presently, stud connectors are the most commonly used where
shear connectors in the U.S. The stud shear connector is a hr = nominal rib height, in.
short length of round steel bar, welded to the steel beam at Hs = length of stud connector, in., not to exceed the
one end, with an upset end or head at the other end. They value (hr + 3) in calculations, although actual
range in diameter from ½ in. to 1 in. and lengths from 2 to 8 length may be greater
in. The ratio of the overall length to the diameter of the stud Nr = number of stud connectors in one rib at a beam
is not less than 4. The most commonly used sizes in building intersection, not to exceed 3 in calculations,
structures are ¾ in. or 7/8 in. dia. The head diameter is ½ in. although more than 3 may be installed
larger than stud diameter and the head thickness is 3/8 in. or wr = average width of deck rib, in.
½ in. The anchorage provided by the head on the stud ensures
the required uplift resistance. The studs are made with The factor 0.85 / N r accounts for the reduced capacity of
ASTM-A108, AISI Grades C1010, C1015, C1017 or C1020 multiple connectors, including the effect of spacing. Thus, the
cold-drawn steel with a minimum tensile strength of 60 ksi strength of a stud shear connector in a deck rib is given by
and a minimum elongation of 20% in 2-in. gage length, as
specified in the AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1-75. Qnr = R 05 [
. Asc ( f c' w)3/ 4 ] (3a)
To prevent premature failure of studs because of tearing ≤ Asc Fu (3b)
of base metal, the size of a stud not located over the beam
web is limited to 2½ times the flange thickness.1 The strength As the load on a composite beam is increased, the heavily
of stud connectors increases with stud length up to a length of stressed connectors near the supports will begin to yield and
about four diameters and remains approximately constant for they will deform without taking additional shear Hence,


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
further loading will be carried by the lightly loaded inner exploded diagrammatic elevation of the composite beam
connectors until eventually all the connectors are stressed to showing the longitudinal forces acting on the concrete slab,
the yield point. Thus the connector flexibility permits a between the mid-span and the end of the slab, as a free body
redistribution of forces so all the connectors between the separated from the steel beam. Let C equal the compressive
points of maximum and zero bending moments become force in the slab at mid-span, T equals the tensile force in the
loaded equally. Therefore, it follows the exact spacing of the steel beam and H equals the horizontal shear force to be
connectors is of little importance. In statically loaded transferred from the slab to the steel section over the length
structures, like the ones under consideration in the present L/2. From the longitudinal equilibrium of the slab,
paper, the connectors may therefore be spaced equally along
the length of the beam. H=C (4)
The minimum spacing of connectors along the length of
the beam in flat soffit concrete slabs is six diameters. When As natural bond and friction between the slab and the steel
the ribs of the metal deck are perpendicular to the beam, the section are not relied upon, the horizontal shear resistance is
longitudinal spacing of shear connectors must of course be to be provided by the shear strength of the connectors over
compatible with the pitch of the ribs. Also, since most test the length L/2.
data are based on the minimum transverse spacing of four Let C* represent the maximum compressive strength of
diameters, this transverse spacing was set as the minimum the concrete slab, T* the maximum tensile strength of the
permitted. To control uplift and to avoid too irregular a flow steel section and S the shear strength of the connectors
of shear into the concrete, limits are placed on the maximum between the point of maximum moment and the support point.
spacing of connectors along a beam. According to the LRFD Then,
Specification, the maximum longitudinal spacing of shear
connectors shall not exceed 32 in. or eight times the total C* = Fc Ac = 0.85 f c' btc (5a)
slab thickness. T* = Fy As (5b)
S = N Qnr (5c)
Ac = area of slab based on the actual slab thickness tc,
Figure 3a shows a simple-span composite beam with in.2
uniformly distributed load. If the magnitude of these loads is As = area of steel section, in.2
increased monotanically, the ultimate bending moment of the b = effective width of the slab, in.
composite beam is reached at mid-span. Figure 3b is an Fc = equivalent yield stress of concrete in compression,
assumed to be equal to 0.85 f c' , ksi
Fy = yield stress of steel, ksi
f c' = compressive strength (28-day cylinder strength) of
concrete, ksi
N = number of connectors over half-span length
Qnr = shear capacity of one connector, kips
The slab is said to be adequate when C* ≥ T* and inadequate
when C* ≤ T*. According to the LRFD Manual, the
compressive force C in the concrete slab is the smallest of
C*, T* and S. That is,
C = min [C*, T*, S] (6)
Introduce the notations S*, N* so that
S* = min [C*, T*] (7)
N* = S*/Qnr (8)
Equation 6 can now be rewritten as
C = min [S*, S] (9)
If the strength of the shear connectors actually provided S is
less than S*, the beam is said to be a "partially composite
Fig. 3. Shear forces at ultimate moment beam." On the other hand, if the strength of the shear

© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
connectors actually provided S is greater than or equal to S*, considered in this report, hc is a maximum when the concrete
the beam is said to be a "fully composite beam." Thus, is poured and the composite action is not yet effective. For
positive bending, rolled steel sections and simple beams
S < S* and N < N* for partially composite design
considered in this report, hc max is therefore equal to the web
S > S* and N > N* for fully composite design (10)
depth clear of fillets (= d – 2k). For steels with Fy = 36 ksi
A composite beam in which the concrete, steel and and 50 ksi, to which the present report is limited, all the
connectors are all of the same strength is said to be of a rolled sections tabulated in the LRFD Manual satisfy the
balanced design. Thus, for a balanced design, criteria given by Eq. 13. So the design of composite beams
C = C* = T* = S* = S (11) considered could be based on the plastic moment Mn. This
plastic moment is obtained by assuming the steel section is
The thickness of the slab and the size of the steel beam are fully yielded (in tension or compression) and the compressed
often determined, in practice, from factors other than their part of the concrete slab is everywhere stressed to 0.85 f c' ,
strength when acting together as a composite beam; and its
considered as an "equivalent yield stress for concrete." The
strength, when calculated by full interaction theory, is found
tensile part of the concrete slab, if any, is assumed
to be greater than required for actual loading. The most
economical design may then be one in which the number of
The equations for the plastic moment of a composite
shear connectors provided in a half-span N is such the degree
beam depend on the location of the plastic neutral axis
of interaction between the slab and the steel section is just
(PNA), which in turn is determined by the relative
sufficient to provide the required flexural strength, and is less
proportions of the steel concrete and connector areas.1,16,17
than the number N* required for a fully composite design.
There are three fully plastic stress distributions to be
Some such situations for use of partial composite action are:
1. An oversized steel beam must be selected from the
Case a: applies when the plastic neutral axis is in the slab
available rolled beam sizes for architectural reasons or
Case b: applies when the plastic neutral axis is in the flange
ease of fabrication (repeatability) or when deflection
of steel section
controls and strength requirements are adequately met by
Case c: applies when the plastic neutral axis is in the web of
less than fully composite action.
steel section
2. When the ribs of the metal deck are perpendicular to the
beam, the longitudinal spacing of shear connectors must The assumed stress distributions are shown in Figs. 4, 5
be compatible with the pitch of the ribs. Quite often it and 6, respectively. The compression force C in the concrete
may not be possible to fit in sufficient number of shear slab, in these figures, is defined by Eq. 6. The depth of the
connectors, for the beam to be designed as a fully compressive stress block in the slab is given by
composite beam. C C
a= = (14)
Decreasing the number of connectors for partial composite Fc b 085 f c' b
action reduces the effective stiffness of the composite beam
slightly, so deflections may increase. The LRFD Manual Let Yc be the distance from the top of the steel beam to top of
recommends a lower limit for the connector strength S from concrete and Y2 the distance from top of steel beam to the
practical considerations; namely compression force C in concrete. Then,
Smin = 0.25 T* = 0.25 As Fy (12) Yc = hr + tc for a metal deck slab
= hh + t for a haunched slab (15a)
=t for a flat soffit slab
Y2 = Yc – (15b)
According to the LRFD Specification, the moment capacity is
approximated by the plastic moment of the composite section hr = height of rib, in.
Mn, provided web dimensions satisfy local buckling criteria: hh = height of haunch, in.
hc tw ≤ 640 Fy (13) t = thickness of a flat soffit slab, in.
tc = thickness of concrete slab above metal deck, in.
Here, tw is the thickness of the web and hc the web depth for
stability. From Sect. B5.1 of the LRFD, hc is twice the The dimension Y2 is used as a parameter in the
distance from the neutral axis to the inside face of the preparation of composite beam tables in the LRFD Manual
compression flange less the fillet. For simple beams and in the preparation of composite beam design charts


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Fig. 4. Plastic neutral axis in slab (Case a)

Fig. 5. Plastic neutral axis in flange (Case b)

developed in this paper. The plastic moment of the composite section is obtained by
taking moments about the mid-depth of the steel section as
Plastic Neutral Axis in Slab-Case a
d 
Mn = C e = T e = T *  = Y2 
When the PNA lies in the slab, the assumed stress 2 
distribution at flexural failure is shown in Fig. 4. The = 05
. T* d + T* Y2 (19)
resultant compressive force in the slab is
where e is the moment arm, d is the depth of the steel section
C = Fc ba = 0.85 f c' ba (16) and Y2 is the parameter defined by Eq. 15b.
The PNA will be in the concrete, if
and it acts at a distance a/2 from the top of the slab. The
resultant tensile force in the section is a ≤ tc (20)

T = Fy As = T* (17) By multiplying both sides by 0.85 f c' b and using Eqs. 5, 16

where As is the area of the steel section and T* is the yield and 17, this condition for the PNA to be in the concrete slab
can be written as
force of the steel section. The force T acts at the middepth of
the steel section. C = T* ≤ C* (21)
For the longitudinal equilibrium of the composite beam,
We observe that the steel section is the weaker of the two
C = T = T* (18) elements of the cross-section, namely, concrete slab and steel


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Fig. 6. Plastic neutral axis in web (Case c)

section, and the connectors have to develop the full strength while the modified compressive force in the steel section is
of the steel section. The beam is therefore a fully composite
Csm = 2 Fy Acs (23)
beam, and the slab is adequate.
where Acs is the area of steel section at yield in compression.
For longitudinal equilibrium,
Plastic Neutral Axis in Flange-Case b
Tm = C + Csm (24)
If the PNA is in the steel section, it yields in compression
above the PNA and fully yields in tension below the PNA, as which, using Eqs. 22 and 23, can be written as
in Figs. 5a and b. Here C is the compressive stress resultant
T* = C + 2 Fy Acs (25)
in concrete, Cs is the compressive stress resultant in the top
flange and T is the tensile stress resultant in the steel section. resulting in
Although only the steel section below the PNA is in Csm = [T* – C] (26)
tension at yield stress, a simpler expression for the plastic and
moment Mn results by assuming that (by adding a pair of 1
Acs = [T * − C] (27)
equal and opposite forces) the entire steel section is in 2Fy
tension and compensate for this by doubling the compressive
Then, denoting by y, the distance from the top of the steel
yield stress in steel section above the PNA, as in Fig. 5c. The
flange to the PNA,
modified tensile force in the steel beam is
(T* − C)
[T* − C] =
A 1
y = cs = tf (28)
Tm = FyAs = T* (22) bf 2 bf Fy 2 Pyf


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
where bf and tf are the width and thickness of the steel flange, yo
M n = C e + M p − Tsm
respectively, and Pyf is the flange yield force. Therefore, for 2
the moment arm, d  C
= C + Y2  + M p − C (d − 2 t f )
d y 1 (T* − C)  2  4 Pyw
em = − = d − tf  (29)
2 2 2  2 Pyf  C2
= CY2 + M p + 05
. Cd − 2
M pw (34)
Taking moments about the mid-depth of the steel section,
M n = Ce + Csm em where M pw = (d − 2t f ) 2 t w Fy is the web plastic moment.
1  (T* − C)  The PNA will remain in the web for 0 ≤ yo < (d – 2 tf)/2.
= Ce + (T* − C) d − tf 
2  2 Pyf  Equation 33 shows this condition is equivalent to 0 ≤ C <
d  1  (T* − C)  Again, if S < S*, the beam is a partially composite beam
= C  + Y2  + (T* − C)  d − tf  (30)
2  2  2 Pyf  and the depth of the concrete compressive stress block a is
less than the slab thickness tc. On the other hand, if S ≥ S*,
The PNA will remain in the flange if 0 ≤ y ≤ tf. From Eq. 28, the beam is a fully composite beam and the entire slab
these limits are seen to be C = T* and C = T* – 2 Pyf = Pyw thickness tc is in compression. The results of Sects. 5 and 6
where Pyw is the web yield force. Thus, when Pyw ≤ C ≤ T*, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, and permit classification
the PNA will be in the top flange. In addition, if S < S*, the as a composite beam based on the relative strength of its
beam is a partially composite beam and the depth of the elements.
concrete compressive stress block a is less than the slab
thickness tc. On the other hand, if S ≥ S*, the beam is a fully DESIGN MOMENTS OF COMPOSITE BEAMS
composite beam and the entire slab is in compression. In the Load and Resistance Factor Design Approach, design
moments Md are obtained from nominal moments Mn by
multiplying them with a resistance factor φc, which is
Plastic Neutral Axis in Web-Case c specified as 0.85 for composite beams. Thus,
Md = φc Mn (35)
Figure 6b shows the plastic stress distribution where the
resulting in the following relations (however, note the order
PNA is in the web at a distance yo above the mid-depth of the
of the three cases is reversed for the convenience of
steel beam. This distribution can also be represented by three
construction of design charts):
equivalent parts, as in Figs. 6d, e and f. It can be seen that
the part in Fig. 6d represents the compressive force C in the Case c: Plastic Neutral Axis in Web (Fig. 6)
concrete, acting at a distance e from the mid-depth of the From Eqs. 34 and 35, write
steel section. The part in Fig. 6e represents the tension and
Mdl = (φcY2 ) C
compressive forces with zero stress resultant and a moment
resultant equal to the plastic moment Mp of the steel section.   φc M pw  
And the part in Fig. 6f represents a tensile force in the web,
( )
+  φc M p + (0.5φc d ) C −  2 C2 
 Pyw  
Tsm = 2 Fy tw yo (31)
= AoC + [ A11 + A12 C − A13C 2 ] (36)
with its resultant at a distance yo/2 from the mid-depth of the
steel section. The longitudinal equilibrium of horizontal where Ao is a constant for an assumed value of the parameter
forces gives Y2, while A11, A12 and A13 are, for a given section and steel,
also constants. Eq. 36 is valid for 0 ≤ C < Pyw.
C = Tsm = 2 Fy tw yo (32)
Case b: Plastic Neutral Axis in Flange (Fig. 5)
The distance of the PNA from the mid-depth of the steel From Eqs. 30 and 35,
section is   T*  
M d 2 = (φc Y2 ) C + 05. φc T *  d − t f  
C C( d − 2t f ) C   2Pyf  

yo = = = (d − 2 ty ) (33) 
2 Fy tw 2tw ( d − 2t f )Fy 2 Pyw
   2 
 φc t f
+  φc 2TP* t f  C −  C 
where (d – 2 tf) is the height of the web and Pyw is the web  yf   4 Pyf
 
yield force.
The plastic moment of the composite beam is next = Ao C + [ A21 + A22 C − A23C 2 ] (37)
obtained by taking moments about the mid-depth of the steel where A21, A22 and A23 are another set of constants for a
section as selected steel section and Ao is as defined in Eq. 36.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Table 1. Classification of Composite Beam Based on Relative Strength of Its Elements

S > S* S = S* S < S*
1. Fully composite 1. Fully composite 1. Partially composite
I. C* < T* 2. Inadequate slab 2. Inadequate slab 2. Inadequate slab
3. PNA in steel 3. PNA in steel 3. PNA in steel
4. Use charts PFS, Ref. 11 4. Use charts PFS, Ref. 11 4. Use charts PFS or LRFD

1. Fully composite 1. Balanced design 1. Partially composite

II. C* = T* 2. Adequate slab 2. Adequate slab 2. Adequate slab
3. PNA at TFL 3. PNA at TFL 3. PNA in steel
4. Use charts PFS, FC, 4. Use charts PFS, FC, 4. Use charts PFS or LRFD
Ref. 11 or LRFD Ref. 11 or LRFD

1. Fully composite 1. Fully composite 1. Partially composite

III. C* > T* 2. Adequate slab 2. Adequate slab 2. Adequate slab
3. PNA in slab 3. PNA in slab 3. PNA in steel
4. Use charts FC or Ref. 11 4. Use charts FC or Ref. 11 4. Use charts PFS or LRFD

C* = Maximum compressive force of concrete slab = 0.85 fc' b tc

T* = Yield force of steel section = As Fy; S* = min (C*, T*)
S = Strength of connectors between zero and maximum moment points = N Qnr
PNA = Plastic neutral axis
TFL = Top fiber of steel flange

Table 2. Classification of Composite Beam Based on Relative Strength of Its Elements

S>S* S=S* S<S*

I C* < T*
C* < T* < S
C* < S < T* S = C* < T S < C* < T

II C* = T*
C* = T* < S S = C* = T* S < C* = T*

III C* > T*
T* < C*< S
S = T* < C* S < T* < C*
T* < S < C*


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Eq. 36 is valid for Pyw ≤ C < T* axis is in the flange of the steel section. The broken curve to
To summarize, the design moment for the first two cases the left of a continuous line indicates that the PNA is in the
(Eqs. 36 and 37) could be put in the single format,17 web of the steel section.
On any curve, the point represented by a solid square
Md = MdY + Mdo (38)
corresponds to the abscissa C = 0.25 As Fy = Smin, which is a
where Mdo is that part of the design moment corresponding to practical minimum value for the shear connector capacity
the hypothetical case where Y2 = 0†. For a given steel section, suggested by the LRFD Manual. To the left of this point, it is
Mdo is a function of the concrete force C only. MdY represents suggested the beam be designed as a non-composite beam
the influence of the distance Y2 on the design moment Md. It with a resistance factor of 0.9 (instead of the value of 0.85
is independent of any terms related to the steel section and is used in the construction of the curves).
a linear function of the concrete force C for an assumed value It is worthwhile to note the correspondence between
of Y2. several points on these curves and the designations for the
position of the PNA, used in the LRFD Manual composite
Case a: Plastic Neutral Axis in the Concrete Slab (Fig. 4)
design strength tables. Thus, a solid circle on a curve
From Eqs. 19 and 35, corresponds to the case where the PNA is at the top flange of
the steel section (position designated as TFL in the LRFD
Md3 = [φc0.5d T*] + [φc T*]Y2 (39a)
tables). An open circle on a curve corresponds to the case
where the PNA is at the bottom flange of the steel section
Md = Bo + B1 Y2 (39b)
(position designated as BFL in the LRFD tables). The solid
where Bo and B1 are yet another set of constants for a square corresponds to the position designated as Position 7 in
selected steel section. The above equation is valid for C* ≥ the LRFD tables.
T* and S > S*. The broken horizontal line to the right of the solid circle
Equation 39b indicates that for a selected steel section, indicates that the PNA is above the steel section and hence
the design moment is a linear function of the parameter Y2. this part of the curve in PFS charts is no longer valid for that
section and the values of C (try charts FC described next).
The design charts are divided into two groups. Charts PFS CHARTS FC
could be used for the design of Partially composite beams As seen from Eqs. 39a and 39b, that for a specified section
and Fully composite beams with the PNA in the Steel and steel yield stress Fy, the design moment Md varies
section. The charts FC could be used for the design of Fully linearly with the parameter Y2. All these lines are shown in
composite beams with the PNA in the Concrete slab. (Tables Charts FC-1 to FC-4 for all rolled-steel beam sections for Fy
1 and 2). = 36 ksi and 50 ksi. As mentioned earlier, these charts are
It should be noted the eight charts PFS convey essentially valid for the case where the PNA is in the slab, i.e., for fully
all the information given by the composite beam design composite beams with adequate slab.
strength tables included in the LRFD Manual. The use of these charts for the design of composite beams
will be described in the next two sections.
As seen from Eqs. 36, 37 and 38 for design moment Md, that DESIGN PROCEDURE
if a specified steel yield stress Fy is selected first, and The design of simply supported, fully or partially composite
concrete force C is considered as a parameter, then it is beams using rolled-steel sections and ribbed-metal deck
possible to plot curves of Mdo against C for a wide range of perpendicular to the beam, is summarized:
rolled-steel, wide-flange, beam-sections. Also, the
1. Rib dimensions hr, wr and slab thickness tc
relationship between C and MdY can be shown on the same
plot by drawing a series of straight lines through the origin The design of the composite floor deck is performed
corresponding to a set of pre-selected values for Y2. In this following the manufacturer's recommendations and test data
paper, values of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in. for Y2 are considered. on proprietary decks. The metal deck and shear studs should
The entire range of curves can then be replotted for other sets satisfy these general rules:
of rolled shapes and other steels. The resulting set of curves a. The decking rib height shall not exceed 3 in., that is,
are given as design charts PFS-1 to PFS-8, for Fy = 36 and hr ≤ 3.0 in.
50 ksi. Where the curves are in full lines the plastic neutral b. The rib width shall not be less than 2 in., that is, wr ≥
2.0 in.
†That is, the slab compressive force C is concentrated at the top c. Slab thickness above the steel deck shall be not less
flange of the steel section. than 2½ in., that is tc ≥ 2½.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
d. Stud shear connectors shall be ¾ in. or less in At this stage, the three basic concrete parameters ( f c' , tc
diameter, that is dsc ≤ ¾ in.
and b) are all known. Hence, the parameter C* = 0.85 f c' b
e. Stud shear connectors shall extend at least 1½ in.
over the top of steel deck, that is Hs ≥ hr + 1½ in. tc can be calculated.
Also, a general good practice is to limit the span of the 3. Bending moment Mr
composite deck floor to 32 times the total depth (= hr + tc) of
It is well known3-9 that the effect of the method of
the floor section.
construction (whether shored or unshored) on the plastic
At this stage, we know the parameter Y2 lies between
t moment of a composite beam is negligible. The required
hr + c and hr + tc. flexural strength can therefore be calculated on the
2 assumption that the composite section resists all the loads
2. Effective width of slab b (self weight of the steel beam, concrete slab, all permanent
loads and live loads). For example, if wD and wL are the dead
According to the LRFD Specification, Sect. I3-1, the part of load and live load per unit length of the beam, respectively,
the effective width of the slab on each side of the centerline and L is the span, then
of the steel beam shall not exceed:
a. One-eighth of the beam span, center to center of M r = (12
. wD + 16
. wL ) (40)
4. Beam size selection
b. One-half the distance to the center line of the
adjacent beam; or The beam size is selected, using the design charts, by trial
c. The distance from the beam center line to the edge of and error. By referring to the design charts presented in this
the beam. paper, select the one for the appropriate stress Fy. (The


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
procedure is explained here with the help of Fig. 7, an minimum value Smin recommended by the LRFD
excerpt from the design chart PFS-4.) Plot the point A Manual and preferably should not be considered for
corresponding to the value Md = Mr on the Y axis. Also locate design as a composite beam.
the point B corresponding to the value C* on the abscissa. b. If a point of intersection Pi is to the right of the point
Next, estimate a value ao for the depth of the B , the corresponding section and sections below it
compressive stress block a (between 0 and tc/2) and, hence, are not candidates for design as they violate the
an estimate Y20 for the parameter Y2 = hr + tc – a/2. In the condition c = min (C*, T*, S).
bottom part of the chart (Fig. 7) locate the line c. If a point of intersection Pi coincides with the solid
circle on a curve and if, in addition, the abscissae of
corresponding to the particular value of Y2 = Y2o , by
Pi and B are same, then the corresponding design
interpolation if necessary. Through the point A draw a results in a balanced design as we have C = C* = T*
straight line parallel to the straight line . Let P1, P2, ... = S* = S.
Pi, ... be the points of intersection of line with different d. If the point of intersection Pi is at or to the left of the
curves shown in Fig. 7. We observe that the vertical intercept solid circle on a curve, then that section results in a
between any one of these points and the diagonal line is partially composite design. The corresponding beam
equal to MdY + Mdo = Md = Mr. So, all the points Pi are is heavier than the one corresponding to the balanced
possible candidates for the design, subjected to the following design, while the shear connectors required are
comments and restrictions: fewer.
e. If a point of intersection Pi is at or to the right of the
a. If the line intersects a curve to the left of the solid solid circle on a curve the corresponding design
square on that curve, the shear connector capacity C possibly results in a fully composite beam with the
= S using the corresponding section is less than the PNA


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
in the slab. As mentioned earlier, the charts PFS are with a new value of a. Also, before the design can be
no more valid to the right of the solid circle, finalized, shear connectors are to be designed and checks are
however. The charts FC should be used if the to be made for deflection, shear and construction stage
designer intends to use fully composite design. Such strength.
a design results in lighter steel beam but with more
shear connectors, compared to the balanced design. 5. Shear connector design
f. Whether a balanced, fully composite or partially
composite design results in the most economical The ultimate horizontal shear force to be transferred from the
beam depends on the relative cost of steel, shear deck to the steel beam, or vice versa, is the value C
connectors and labor for welding connectors. It is corresponding to the beam selected in the previous section.
generally felt, however, that in the USA partially If Qnr is the nominal strength of shear connector
composite designs generally result in the most corrected for the reduction factor for deck ribs (see Eq. 3),
economical designs. then the number of connectors between the point of maximum
For the selected design corresponding to point Pi positive moment and the point of zero moment to either side
calculate the actual values al of the depth of the compression is given by
stress block from C
N= (42)
C Qnr
al = (41)
. f c' b
085 These shear connectors may be spaced uniformly over that
If al is not approximately equal to the initially assumed value length (i.e. L/2), with the proviso that spacing is compatible
ao, the calculations described in this section are repeated with the pitch of the ribs when metal deck is used.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
6. Shear design Specification Sect. I3.4 requires that 75% of the compressive
No significant increase of the shear capacity is achieved by strength f c' of the concrete must be developed before the
composite action. So the shear force check is performed as composite action may be assumed.
for non-composite beams, i.e., the web of the steel beam Load factor for wet concrete is preferably taken as 1.6
resists the full shear force. The effect of coping, if provided, (as for live loads). Construction loads and their load factors
should be considered in these calculations. should be determined by the designer for individual projects.
The flexural strength of the steel section is determined in
7. Deflections accordance with the requirements of LRFD Sect. F1.
When a composite beam has been designed by ultimate
strength methods described in this paper, checks must be
made to assure that its deflection is not excessive at service
loads. This can be done by using the tables of lower bound For comparative purposes, the following example taken from
moments of inertia of composite sections given in the LRFD the LRFD Manual is reworked using the design charts PFS.
Manual. If deflections so calculated are acceptable, a
complete elastic analysis, using the transformed section
Example 1:
method, could be avoided.
Select a beam, with Fy = 50 ksi, required to support a service
8. Strength during construction
dead load of 90 psf and a service live load of 250 psf. The
When shoring is not used during construction, the steel beam beam span is 40 ft and the beam spacing is 10 ft. Assume a
alone must resist all loads applied before the concrete has 3-in. metal deck with a 4.5-in. thick concrete slab of 4-ksi
hardened enough to provide composite action. LRFD normal weight concrete (145 pcf). The stud reduction factor


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Fig. 7. Example 1

is 1.0. Unshored construction is specified. Determine the b. Determine moments:

beam size. Service Load (L F) Factored Load
(K/ft) (K/ft)
Solution: DL 10(0.09) = 0.9 1.2 1.08
LL 10(0.25) = 2.5 1.6 4.00
a. Data: 3.4 5.08
hr = 3 in. tc = 4.5 in.
Yc = 7.5 in. Required moment = 5.08 (40)2/8 = 1,016 kip-ft
L = 40 ft s = 10 ft Let us use a rounded value of 1,050 kip-ft
b = min × 12,10 × 12 = 120in. c. Beam Size:
Select chart PFS-4 corresponding to Fy = 50 ksi and plot the
fc' = 4.0 ksi
point A corresponding to Md = 1050 kip-ft, on the Md axis
C* = 0.85 f c' btc = 0.85 (4.0) 120 (4.5) (Fig. 7). The point B corresponding to C = C* = 1836 kips is
= 408 (4.5) = 1,836 kips marked on the C axis next. A preliminary estimate for a can
be taken as ao = 2 in. resulting in a value for Y2 of
It is seen from the last relation that the compressive force
Y2o = Yc - ao/2 = 6.5 in.
for each inch thickness of compressive stress block is 408
kips. That is The line corresponding to Y20 = 6.5 is next drawn and then
C( a = 1'' ) = 408 kips the line parallel to passing through the point A. All sect-


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
ions corresponding to the curves intersected by the line , included either in the above table. However, if the designer
provided the actual Y2 value equals the assumed value of Y20 intends to use one of these lighter sections, he should use
= 6.5, deliver the required moment of 1050 ft kips. The charts FC for fully composite beams (see next example).
abscissae corresponding to these points of intersection, give For the last two sections of Table 3, al = 1.99 ≈ ao
the value C for the compressive force in the concrete. indicating the value of Y2o = 6.5 in. used in constructing line
Note that as line intersects the curve for W27×84 to is correct. So they satisfy the strength design requirements.
the left of the solid square, that section is not included in Of these two, select the deeper and lighter W24×55 section
Table 3. Also, line intersects the curves for W21×57 and with C = 810 kips.
lighter sections to the right of the solid circle, so they are not If the designer intends to use even fewer shear connectors
(smaller C), the first three sections could be reconsidered
Table 3 with revised values for a and Y2 and repeat the procedure
al =
C followed earlier.
C 0.85 f c' b

Section (kips) (in.) (kips) d. Design shear connectors:

W24 × 76 317 0.78 1,120 Horizontal shear force to be transferred from the concrete
W24 × 68 472 1.16 1,005 slab to the metal beam is
W24 × 62 627 1.54 910
W21 × 62 810 1.99 914 S = H = C = 810 kips
W24 × 55 810 1.99 810 Select ¾-in. dia. headed studs.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Note an assumed construction live load of 20 psf and that
the load factor for wet concrete is taken as 1.6. Required
moment = 1.70 (40)2/8 = 340 ft kips.
Assume the metal deck connected to the steel beam by stud
connectors and spot welds provides adequate lateral support
for the steel beam and design it per LFRD Sect. F1. From
Tables on p. 3-41 of the LRFD Manual.
φb Mp = 503 ft > 340 ft kips
So the design is adequate.
As a second example, consider that from Ref. 11 and
rework it with the help of charts FC.
Example 2:
Design the lightest weight composite section, with a flat
soffit slab, for use as an interior floor beam of an office
building, using the following data:
Simple span, L = 28 ft Live load = 125 psf
Beam spacing, s = 8 ft Partitions = 25 psf
Slab thickness, t = 4 in. Ceiling = 8 psf
Normal weight concrete, f c = 3 ksi
A36 steel, Fy = 36 ksi
a. Determine moments:
4 in. slab (4/12) (8) 0.15 = 0.40 kip/ft
Ceiling (0.008) 8 = 0.06 kip/ft
Steel beams (assumed) = 0.04 kip/ft
Total dead load, wD = 0.50 kip/ft
Capacity of a stud in normal weight concrete, with f c' = 4 Live load (0.125) 8 = 1.00 kip/ft
ksi, is obtained from Table 12 of LRFD as 26.1 kips. Partitions (0.025) 8 = 0.20 kip/ft
Total live load, wL = 1.20 kip/ft
The stud reduction factor R is given as 1.0. So,
Required moment Mr = (1.2 wD + 1.6 wL)L2/8
Qnr = 26.1 kips
= 2.52 (28)2/8
= 250 ft kips
b. Determine C*:
C 810
N= = = 3103
. Effective width of slab, for interior beam
Qnr 261. b = min [L/4, s] = min [0.25 (28)12, 8(12)]
A W24×55, Fy = 50 ksi with 64 – ¾-in. dia. headed studs = min [84, 96] = 84 in.
satisfies requirements for flexural design strength. Capacity of concrete slab in compression
e. Check for strength at construction phase: = C* = 0.85 f c' b t = 0.85 (3) 84 (4)
= 857 kips
Construction loads: Capacity of concrete for each inch of compression block
Service Load L.F. Factored Load thickness
(K/ft) (K/ft) C(a=1) = 0.85 (3) 84 (1) = 214 kip/in.
LL 10 (0.02) 0.20 1.6 0.32
Concrete 10 (0.075) 0.75 1.6 1.20 c. Beam size:
DL 10 (0.09-0.075) 0.15 1.2 0.18 Select chart FC-3 corresponding to Fy = 36 ksi and draw a
1.10 1.70 horizontal line corresponding to Md = Mr = 250 ft kips.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
For a 4-in. thick flat soffit slab, Y2 lies between 2 in. (when a REFERENCES
= 4 in.) and 4 in. (when a ≈ 0).
1. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. Load and
For sections that cross the 250 ft kip line in this region
Resistance Factor Design Manual of Steel Construction
the value of T* is seen to be about 320 kips. As the capacity
1st Ed., 1986, Chicago, Ill.
of concrete for each inch of compression block thickness is
2. Slutter, R. G., and G. C. Driscoll, Jr. Flexural Strength
214 kips, ao is equal to 320/214 = 1.5 in., and Y20 = 4 − 1.5/2 of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams ASCE Journal of
= 3.25 in. the Structural Division, Vol. 91, No. ST2, April 1965.
As can be seen from the construction on FC-3, it is seen 3. Viest, I. M. Composite Steel Concrete Construction
that W14×34 with T* = 360 kips and W16×31 with T* = 328 ASCE Proceedings Paper 10561, Vol. 100, No. ST-5,
provide the required strength. Select the deeper, lighter 1975 (pp. 1,085-1,139).
W16×31 section. 4. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Mixed
d. Design shear connectors: Construction Monograph on Planning and Design of
Tall Buildings; Vol. 58, Structural Design of Steel
Horizontal shear force to be transferred from the concrete Buildings, Chapter 9, 1979.
slab to the steel beams is 5. Sabnis, G. (Ed.) Handbook of Composite Construction
S* = min [C*, T*] = min [857,328] Engineering D. Van Nostrand, 1979.
= 328 kips 6. Lorenz, R. F. Some Economic Considerations for
Composite Floor Beams AISC Engineering Journal, Vol.
Use ¾-in. dia. × 3-in. headed stud connectors. From Table 12 20, No. 2, 1983 (pg. 78).
of the LRFD, the horizontal shear load for one connector in 3 7. Cook, J. P. Composite Construction Methods John Wiley
ksi normal weight concrete is 21.0 ksi. So the number of & Sons, 1977, New York, N.Y.
connectors between the point of maximum moment (i.e., mid 8. Davies, C. Steel Concrete Composite Beams for
span) and the point of zero moment to either side (i.e., Buildings John Wiley & Sons, 1975, New York, N.Y.
support point) is: 9. Yam, L. C. P. Design of Composite Steel-Concrete
328 Structures Surrey University Press, 1981.
N= = 156
. say 16 10. Johnson, R. P. Composite Structures of Steel and
Concrete Constrado Monographs, Vol. 1, Granada
which is 32 connectors for the entire span. Publishers, 1984.
11. Vinnakota, S., J. Wang and M. R. Vinnakota Design
CONCLUSION Charts for Flat Soffit, Fully Composite Beams Using
LRFD Specifications International Journal of Civil
The paper presents charts that greatly simplify the design of Engineering, June 1987.
composite beams using the new LRFD Specification. They 12. Iyengar, H. S. Composite or Mixed Steel-Concrete
are equally applicable to composite beams with flat soffit Construction for Buildings, A State-of-the-Art Report
slab, with haunched slab or with composite metal decking American Society of Civil Engineers, 1977, New York,
wherein the ribs run perpendicular to the beam. Both N.Y.
partially composite and fully composite beams are included 13. Grant, Jr., J. A., J. W. Fisher and R. G. Slutter
in the study. Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck AISC
Unlike the design tables, the design charts provided in Engineering Journal, 1st Qtr., 1977, New York.
this paper are powerful, because in using them it is possible 14. Fisher, J. M. and D. R. Buettner Applications of Light-
to isolate a range of alternate designs that satisfy the LRFD Gauge Steel in Composite Construction Handbook of
strength design criteria. The most desirable, or the most Composite Construction Engineering, Chapter 3, D.
economical design could then be selected from this set using Van Nostrand, 1979.
engineering judgement. 15. Ollgaard, J. G., R. G. Slutter and J. W. Fisher Shear
The charts should be of interest as a teaching aid, and Strength of Stud Connectors in Light Weight and Normal
familiarity with them should contribute to overall feel of the Weight Concrete AISC Engineering Journal, April 1971,
composite beam design problem to students and young New York, N.Y.
engineers. 16. Galambos, T. V. and M. K. Ravindra LRFD Criteria for
Composite Beams Research Report 44, Dept. of Civil
Engineering, Washington University, April 1976, St.
Acknowledgements Louis, Mo.
The authors would like to thank J. Y. Wang, Graduate 17. Vinnakota, S. LRFD of Steel Members Lecture Notes,
Student at Marquette University, for his help in checking the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Marquette University, Fall
computer program. 1986.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
NOMENCLATURE Mpw = Web plastic moment, kip-in.
N = Number of shear connectors between zero and
As = Area of the steel section, in.2 maximum moment.
Acs = Area of the steel section in compression, in.2 Nr = Number of stud connectors in one rib at a beam
a = Depth of the compressive stress block in concrete, intersection (≤ 3 in calculations).
in. N* = Number of connectors N for a fully composite
b = Effective width of slab, in. design.
bf = Width of steel flange, in. Pyf = Flange yield force, kips.
C = Compressive stress resultant in slab, kips = Pyw = Web yield force, kips.
min[C*, T*, S]. Qn = Nominal strength of shear connector, kips.
C* = Maximum compressive force of the concrete slab Qnr = Strength of a shear connector in a deck rib, kips.
(= 0.85 f c' btc). R = Strength reduction factor for connectors in a rib.
Cs = Compressive stress resultant in steel section, kips. S = Strength of connectors between zero and maximum
d = Depth of steel section, in. moment points, kips (=N Qnr).
e, eo, em= Lever arms, in. Smin = Suggested minimum strength of connectors, kips.
Fc = Equivalent yield stress of concrete (= 0.85 f c' ), S* = Connector strength S for fully composite design,
s = Spacing of beams, in.
Fu = Tensile strength of connector steel, ksi.
T = Tensile force resultant in composite section, kips.
Fy = Yield stress of steel, ksi.
T* = Maximum tensile yield strength of steel section,
f c' = Specified compressive strength of concrete, ksi. kips. (= AsFy)
H = Horizontal shear force between the slab and beam, t = Thickness of a flat soffit slab, in.
kips. tc = Thickness of concrete slab above rib, in.
Hs = Length of stud shear connector, in. w = Unit weight of concrete, pcf
hc = Height of web clear of fillets, in. wr = Average width of deck rib, in.
hh = Height of haunch, in. Yc = Distance from the top of steel beam to top of
hr = Rib height, in. concrete, in.
L = Span of beam. Y2 = Distance from the top of steel beam to the
Md = Design moment of composite beam (= φc Mn). compression force C in concrete, in.
Mn = Nominal resisting moment of the composite beam. y = Depth of steel flange in compression (Case b), in.
Mp = Plastic moment of steel section, kip-in. yo = Distance of plastic neutral axis from mid-depth of
Mr = Required moment capacity under factored loads. steel section (Case c), in.
Mdo = Design moment of a composite section, with Y2 set φb = Resistance factor for non-composite beams (=
equal to zero. 0.90)
MdY = Influence of Y2 on the design moment, Md. φc = Resistance factor for composite beams (= 0.85).


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

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