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Advanced Traffic Management System With Emergency Override Using Raspberry Pi

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Advanced Traffic Management System with Emergency Override Using

Raspberry Pi

S Chandrashekhar,
B Vineeth Kumar, 3C Venkata Kavya Sri, 4G Sai Vignesh, 5M Sai Manjith

Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GITAM (Deemed to be University),
Rudraram, Patancheru, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 5Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Rudraram, Patancheru, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
221710403012@gitam.in, 3221710403013@gitam.in, 4221710403025@gitam.in, 5221710403046@gitam.in


In today's world, Traffic in urban is one of the most daunting challenges facing big city management.
This paper analyzes the growing number of urban populations around the world and discusses traffic
controlling plans along with this also overrides an emergency situation such as for Ambulance, Fire
Engines mobility in densely populated cities such as Hyderabad and Chennai . An advanced model
for vehicle control system is using the Internet of Things (IoT) by using Raspberry Pi 3B+, is
proposed. This system is supported by a built-in circuit, which operates using ultrasonic sensors, IR
sensors with integrated systems. The operation of the system includes proper control of traffic lights,
identification of crowded areas and non-crowded areas. Suggested construction and working with
large amounts of data involving Hadoop introduced. In addition, supervised learning methods are
recommended that will help determine road quality, overall traffic measurement, calculate the Density
speed of different types of vehicles and analyze traffic flow.
Keywords: Traffic Management System ,IoT ,Raspberry Pi ,Ultrasonic Sensors ,IR Sensors ,Traffic Flow

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects - devices, cars, buildings, accessories and other
electronic devices, circuits, software, sensors and network connections that enable these objects to collect and
exchange information. The Internet of Things allows objects to be heard and remotely controlled across all
existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for direct integration of the world within a computer-
based system, and resulting in improved performance and accuracy.

IoT is able to communicate without human intervention. Some of the first IoT programs have already been
implemented in the health, transportation and automotive industries. IoT technology is in their infancy category;
however, much progress has been made in the integration of sensory material on the Internet. IoT development
includes many issues such as infrastructure, communications, connections, agreements, and standards.

Traffic Management is the most concerned issue in most of urban cities and About 21% of the deaths that occur
in ambulances are due to the traffic. An advanced method has to be developed to prevent these type of incidents.
This has become the major motivation of our project. We Preferred Raspberry Pi ,Ultrasonic sensors ,IR sensors
to implement our model.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an advanced model for traffic management which an provides priority to
emergency vehicles.

In the last few decades, the number of people in urban areas around the world has grown exponentially,
surpassing the proportion of people in rural areas. Figure 1 represents a graph showing the earth's orientation for
the people of the world from 1950 to 5050, with abscissa representing years and being selected to represent
millions of people. By 2016, the total urban population reached 4.1 billion out of 7.4 billion people worldwide.
According to forecasts, the urban population will be six billion to nine billion. Therefore, the urban population
has seen a dramatic increase since 1950 and is expected to increase significantly in the coming years .

Fig. 1. Population in urban and rural areas of the world, 1950-2050

Demand for transportation is growing with population growth which is why cars usage are on the rise. It is
important that population growth is complemented by infrastructure to improve urban innocence. But in the
current situation, the standard vehicle management system is not compatible with the use of robots. This in turn
leads to major traffic problems and congestion and as a result increases traffic congestion and consumes our
precious time. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, tops the list of the most affected cities in the world, as reported
by Forbes . The increase in traffic numbers on the roads is not the only reason for road problems; there is a lack
of planning to deal with this amount of traffic. For example, it is very common for a person to wait for a traffic
light to turn green when there is no car on the road. This can intensify traffic congestion, which may require
police control over the police. The problem of urban congestion is not an easy problem to deal with. It is
necessary to improve the public transport system and to provide people with the means to rely heavily on their
vehicles. In addition, it is also necessary to promote alternative travel opportunities, improve road safety,
increase human safety and road safety. This facility will not be approved, which requires an effective vehicle
management system, to overcome the problems of the existing system.

Limitations of earlier used methods

Under present scenario, traffic control is achieved by the use of a system of hand signs by traffic police
personnel, traffic signals, and markings. A comparable and matching education program is needed, through
driver-licensing authorities, to assure that those who operate motor vehicles understand the rules of the road and
the actions that they are required or advised to take when a particular control device is present. Each traffic
control device is governed by standards of design and usage; for example, stop signs always have a red
background and are octagonal in shape. Design standards allow the motorist to quickly and consistently perceive
the sign in the visual field along the road. Standard use of colours and shape aids in this identification and in
deciding on the appropriate course of action. Under current circumstances, traffic lights are set on in the
different directions with fixed time delay, following a particular cycle while switching from one signal to other
creating unwanted and wasteful congestion on one lane while the other lanes remain vacant.


Step1 : START

Step2 : Sense the Traffic Density from four sides

Step3 : IF Emergency Vehicle is sensed

Check Which lane it is

Give the Green Signal

Go To Next Lane

ELSE is there any high density in any line

Give green Signal

Go to Next Lane

Step4 : REPEAT
Code Implementation



Detection of traffic congestion and measuring its level and the site of the incident is a present-day idea with the
help of active IR technology. It is able to overcome the disadvantages of most of the other technologies. In the
rise of congestions and traffic in major cities and metropolitans in the country, it is an advanced technology
developed to curb the time delay and unwanted time delay that is caused. Also, eliminating the need for a traffic
control personnel ; making it safe to the health of the officer too.

While the traffic is controlled and systematically managed, we often see emergency vehicles getting struck in
this congestion with no way out. This system will override itself and allow the side of the presence of an
emergency vehicle to pass through on priority. When applied on field, this prototype may bring a remarkable
change in the traffic management system.

Even with the revolutionary implementation of this prototype, the actual application in real life is challenging
and exigent. A few limitations that can be considered for the above system are - the preliminary understanding
of the working and the system to the everyday users. For a larger scale implementation the exact structure of the
system is expensive. While this prototype is tested and works successfully in the testing stage, a few concerns
could rise when involved with mixed traffic.

The future scope is having a large server backup to store and analyse the data being collected and protecting the
information of the commuters. Also, providing an alternative route guidance with communication with the
emergency vehicle is another scope of inspection.


We would like to take this time to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has assisted, supported,
inspired, and extended their support in our Project in different ways.

Acknowledgements to Mr. K Manjunath Chari (Head of the Department)  and S. Chandrashekar (Assistant
Professor) , Department of EECE GITAM (Deemed to be University) , Rudraram, Patancheru, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India .

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