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Intelligent Traffic Control System: Towards

Smart City

Arjun Dutta Abhisikta Chakraborty Amit Kumar Anirup Roy

Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Electronics and Department of ComputerScience
Science and Engineering Science and Engineering Communication Engineering and Engineering
Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and
Management, Kolkata,India Management, Kolkata,India Management, Kolkata,India Management,Kolkata,India
acabhisikta@gmail.com kkamit777@gmail.com
arjuncode47@gmail.com anirup.roy42@gmail.com

Swarnabha Roy Debarpita Chakraborty Prof. Himadri Nath Saha Aadriza Sen Sharma
Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Computer Science Department of Computer
Science and Engineering Science and Engineering and Engineering Science and Engineering
Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Surendranath Evening College,
Management,Kolkata,India Institute of Engineering and
Management,Kolkata,India Kolkata,India Management,Kolkata,India
swarnabha4399@gmail.com debarpitachakraborty7@gmail.co contactathimadri@gmail.com

Meghma Mullick Swarnali Santra Sudeepta Saha

Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Computer
Scienceand Engineering Science and Engineering Science and Engineering
Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Institute of Engineering and
Management,Kolkata,India Management, Kolkata,India Management,Kolkata,India
meghma11nov@gmail.com swarnali.santra27@gmail.com sudeeptasaha11@gmail.com

Abstract-India is the second most populated country in the provides a detailed explanation with the proposed model which
world at an estimated growth of 1.37 billion.As a result the was aimed to reduce the manpower as well as cost of traffic
traffic problems have become more prevalent and efficient control with an efficient maintenance system. The proposed
traffic control and the management has become an absolute and work will enhance the safe flow of traffic and reduces chaos in
urgent requisite. Hence, it is the need of the hour to have well traffic management.
maintained traffic control system particularly in busy traffic
hours. In this paper, we proposed a traffic control system for Keywords-congestion,emergency-vehicles,traffic,IoT,RF-
the maintenance of congestion, clearance of emergency-vehicles module,RFID
like ambulance, fire-brigades, and detection of stolen
vehicle.The proposed system was based upon three major I. INTRODUCTION
conditions: control of heavy traffic flow, make a separate route
for emergency vehicles like ambulances, fire brigade, VIP
vehicles etc and finally detection of stolen vehicles through With the vast growth of industrialisation and urban
RFID tags.This paper aims to reduce and solve most problems population there has been a tremendous increase in the
related to traffic congestion by using an IoT based setup. The traffic. Increase of vehicles, violation and breaking of traffic
system comprises of four RF module setups which are rules are the major reasons of traffic jam. For this people
controlled by a hub RF module setup wirelessly. This paper

978-1-7281-2530-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

have to wait for hours in their cars in the scorching heat In their work, Pyinti Raju focussed on ambulances, priority
which in turn results in a terrible loss of money and fuel. vehicles(like VIP cars ,police jeep) and over-all traffic
Because the number of vehicles has increased on road, traffic density control. RFID signals and sensors were used such
that the traffic signal in the lane in which the ambulance is
jams are happening in the big cities and towns mostly in
green, such that it faces no hindrance in its path. For the
morning especially during the office hours. At this point priority vehicles, IR transmitter and receiver were used to
people have to wait at certain junctions, even if there is no make their lane green similarly as the Ambulance, but giving
traffic till the traffic light remains red. After the traffic light an Ambulance higher priority. Apart from this, they also
turns green only then can people move from one place to concentrated on traffic density control by using IR
another. As is understandable a lot time gets wasted in this transmitter and receivers to ensure that if a lane has more
process. Hence a more dynamic approach is needed. One traffic, the signal in that lane remains green for a longer
time[4].In many developing regions, we may find small
effective solution to this problem would be to implement
critical areas which are common hot-spot for frequent
different time delay settings for red, green and yellow at congestion, poor traffic management.A simple image-
different junctions and locations. The delay for junctions processing technique was presented by Vipin Jain for
having high volume of traffic should be set longer than the detecting congestion levels in road traffic by using CCTV
delay for junctions having low traffic volume.It has been camera image feeds.The algorithm was designed based on
noticed that emergency vehicles such as ambulance, fire data from noisy traffic feeds from many traffic signals in
brigade, etc. get stuck in the traffic jam for hours. The Kenya and Brazil[5].
emergency vehicles need to wait for the traffic light to be Rijurekha Sen proposed techniques involved video
green. But that also need to be made more dynamic which is processing of traffic, resulted in about 11% average error for
exactly what this project aims to achieve.This paper is density and speed compared to the ground truth values
organized as follows: The next section tells us about the observed manually. Though they started with intuitive and
related works. Section III describes the microcontroller straight-forward image processing tools, the heterogeneous
overview. Section IV illustrates about the materials used. and chaotic traffic in Bangalore gave rise to a lot of issues
that had not previously been considered, and as a result of
Section V & VI tells us about the algorithm used and the this the techniques that were used did not prove fruitful. They
proposed system. The last section consists of a conclusion, also measured the fundamental curves of transportation
future works and the references. engineering, such as speed vs. density and flow vs. speed
curves[6].Vahedha and B.Naga Jyothi worked on designing
II. LITERARY REVIEW an intelligent traffic controlling system. The aim of their
work was to reduce traffic jams particularly when emergency
The number of vehicles are increasing day by day. As a result vehicles approach towards the traffic signals and roadway
of that, problems related to traffic management has increased junctions. The basic idea of their proposal work was the use
rapidly in the last few years and the traffic light controllers in of a Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) tag which would
use at present have limitations because they use the same out- be provided to each vehicle.Their proposal was made keeping
dated hardware.To make a more efficient traffic light in mind a multi road traffic junction point [7].Rise of IT
controller Vidya Bhilawade,L.K.Ragha came up with a industry and other PSU’s gives a rapid growth of population
technique that uses sensors along with embedded technology. over a particular city or state which contributes nearly 4.1
Comparing with past techniques this technique was million vehicle owners where annual growth rate of vehicles
considered to be more sophisticated one[1].Bilal Ghazal puts in Bangalore lies between 6 to 10%.In the year,2012 the
a light on the fact about the disparity in the flow of cars with growth rate was 41 lakhs per annum[9].
time, the chances of accidents, the passage of emergency and
high priority vehicles, and the pedestrian crossing are not
addressed properly in the existing traffic system.He proposed
a system based on PIC microcontroller that evaluates the
traffic density using IR sensor and accomplishes dynamic
timing slots with different levels[2].Liang-Tay Lin designed
a new traffic control system framework for Taiwan, which
they called the Mobile Traffic Control System(MITCS).The
system combines micro-mechanical and electrical
technologies along with embedded system, wireless
transmission, image processing and solar power module. Fig.1:shows the busy traffic in the Kolkata city(N-W)corridor
Their proposed system comprised of a Virtual Traffic
Police(VTP), a Status Monitor Agent(SMA) and a Traffic
Control Integrated Module(TICM)[3].

The above Fig. 1 puts a light in the rapid growth of vehicles as the main corridor linking the north and south street from
and traditional use of traffic system in Kolkata region in the shyambazar to tollygaunje.
N-W corridor. Whereas A.J.C Bose Road links the east-west corridor along
the east edge of the city.Most of the important roads as
mentioned in the table are four-lane roads.
The mobility index as referred in the table tells about the
measure of congestion from 7am till 11am and from 5pm till
9pm as the roads seems very busy in the office hours,
overloaded traffic and pedastrians.


Arduino is an open-source hardware development board

which depends on a microcontroller that makes installed
programming a lot simpler than conventional strategies.
Fig. 2:shows Traffic congestion near Kolkata city Arduino contain various parts and interfaces together on a
solitary circuit board. The other reason for choosing Arduino
The above Fig.2 shows the plight of the people due to Traffic are mentioned below.
congestion in the metropolitan city of Kolkata.This figure
also highlights the high demand of movability coupled with i. Economical
very low road space which results in high cogestion on the Arduino is easily available in market and
roads of Kolkata. hence useful and cheap.

In a similar study,Varmora showed that due to change in the

carriage-way space and composition of vehicles, the traffic in ii. Multi platform software & Simple
the city of Ahmadabad suffers a high rate of congestion along Arduino software can run in Windows, Linux,
the length of the road[11]. Macintosh OSX,hence more friendly compared
to other devices.
Coding in this software is much alike C/C++
Table 1:shows congestion in important roads near hence much easier to understand.
Kolkata city[10]

Name of Corridor Desired Mobility iii. Open source and extensible hardware
road speed(A) speed(M) index(I=A/M) Arduino is reliance on Atmel’s Atmega8 and
Atmega168 microcontrollers. The designs for
C.R Avenue 25 30 0.17 the modules are flowed under a Creative
Commons permit, so experienced circuit
architects can make their own specific
M.G Road 9 30 0.7 elucidation of the module, take a shot at it,
broadening and improving it.
Lenin Sarani 20 30 0.4

A.J.C road 18 30 0.4

J.L.N road 25 30 0.17

R.G kar road 18 30 0.4

From the Table 1 we get to know about the following data. Fig. 3 [ 8 ]
The mentioned following roads gives rise to heavy traffic in
the metropolitan city of Kolkata.C.R avenue,J.L.N road plays Fig. 3 [ 8 ] :shows arduino-uno specification

Table 2 :M icrocontroller Specification
Control variable
Microcontroller ATmega 328 Specifications
Operating Voltage(OV) 5V green–variable which accepts the Boolean value, responsible
Input voltage preferred 7 to 12 V for the glow of green light.
Input voltage range 6 to 20 V finalSequence[i][j]-It is used to test for different delay
I/O digital pins 14 (6 provides lengths upon given array range of values.
greenDelay- responsible for the time frame for the glow of
PWM output)
the led.
Analog Input Pins 6
normalDelay- responsible for the normal glow condition of
DC Current per I/O Pin 40 Ma the led.
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 Ma light- responsible for the change in the glow of light from red
Flash Memory (ATmega328) 32 KB (of which to green & green to amber.
0.5 KB used by elementCount- determines the final value till which the for-
boot loader) loop runs.
SRAM (ATmega328) 2 KB unit- compares the present value with the past value,upon
EEPROM (ATmega328) 1 KB which the red,green or amber led glows.
Clock Speed 16 MHz
Length 68.6 mm Function List
Width 53.4 mm
Weight 25 g bool -It is a booleanexpression which works upon true or
for- used for execution of the loop.
delay -This function is used to increase or decrease timer
digitalWrite-writes the value from a specified digital pin.
INFO[1][i]- functions to display according to the pattern
In this section, a brief elucidation of the main sensing
given in the array.
components used is discussed.

A. GSM SIM800A board for (int j =1; j<= elementCount; j++)

SIM800 is a compact Quad band GSM/GPRS solution in if
SMT type which can be embedded in customer’s application bool green = false;
tool. It is used to send SMS, data or information with low for (int i = 1; i<= 4; i++)
power consumption to the receiving unit.
if (finalSequence[i][j] == 3)
B. RF Module then
green = true;
RF is a trans-receiver which supports radio frequency
end if
communication at 2.4 GHz frequency. It consists of Atmega
328 micro-controller and a unique identification code. end if
RF module supports unidirectional data flow. The receiver
pin CC2500 coordinates with the transmit pin of atmega328 if (green)
microcontroller. then
end if
C. LCD Liquid Crystal Display
else if
It is a flat panel display unit which is based on light delay(normalDelay)
modulating properties used to display instructions fed to the end if
end if
if (light == 1 || light == 3)
for (int i=0; i<= 8; i += 2)

if (INFO[0][i] == unit)
then C. Stolen Vehicle Detection System
else if (light == 1) In our proposed system,we compare the unique
digitalWrite(INFO[1][i], LOW) RFID tag to the stolen RFIDs stored in the system.
digitalWrite(INFO[1][i + 1], HIGH) If similar data found after checking then the traffic
end if signal is shifted to red for the duration of 30 to
end if seconds.
else if
digitalWrite(INFO[1][i + 1], LOW)
digitalWrite(INFO[1][i], HIGH) D. Clearance of emergency vehicles
end if In this proposed system RFID transmitter is set in
emergency vehicle. When the vehicle reaches the
signal the receiver present in the traffic light poles
VI.PROPOSED SYSTEM receivers the data and automatically sets the green
signal to be on for 10 seconds for the passage of the
The implementation of proposed system is based upon three emergency vehicles safely. After the passage of the
major conditions, firstly control of heavy traffic flow, another vehicle the signal again shifts back to red for 30
is making a route of emergency vehicle like ambulance and seconds.
VIP vehicle and finally detecting crime or theft vehicle.

A. Automatic Signal Control System

In our proposed system we have used RFID tags &
RFID reader with the base frequency of 125 KHz.
When the vehicle enters in the range the receiver
will transmit an unique RFID to the reader. The
microcontroller present in the RFID reader will
count the tags reads in specified duration of time. In
the proposed system,if the counter exceeds 10 then
the duration for the glow of green light is further
shifted to 15 seconds. If the counter is between 5
and 9 then the green light duration is set to 10
seconds. If the counter value is below 5 then the
green light duration is set back to 5 seconds.The red
light duration will be for 5 seconds and orange light
duration will be for 2 seconds as referred in Fig.4. Fig.4:proposed model for Intelligent Traffic control system

B. Manual control
The automatic control system is however inefficient
when there is less traffic or during late night. In this
case we can implement the operation with button to
control the proposed system. Automated control
system also becomes inefficient when accidents or
construction occurs in one of the roads along the
four point road. The use of switch also adds a
positive impactspecially when there is a failure with
automated system.Switches can be used in the
proposed model of Fig 4 ,as referred in Fig.6.

Fig.6 contains 3 switches which controls the glow of

three led lights present in each setup of the proposed
model. Fig.5:RF setup connected with power outlet port of Laptop

Fig.5 tells us about a hub RF setup which is connected with a

Laptop for power source. This setup controls the other four

RF setups wirelessly. The patterns in which the led glows in techniques to control traffic and prevent accidents in unlaned
other four setups is embedded here. In other words, this traffic system as prevalent in most developing countries.
setup acts as transmitting hub whereas other setup controllers In this paper we have proposed the use of sensors along with
are receiver points. embedded technologies mainly focusing on the IoT aspect of
it. The traffic on the road will decide the timings of the green
or red traffic signals. This traffic light controller system is
more flexible and efficient than the ones in existence
previously. Some additional features include the ability to let
emergency vehicles such as ambulance, fire brigade, etc pass

[1]Vidya Bhilawade,L.K.Ragha, Intelligent Traffic Control System :

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8,
Issue 2, February 2018, ISSN 2250-3153
[2]Bilal Ghazal,KhaledKherfan, Smart Traffic Light Control System : 2016
Fig.6:Illustrates the use of switch when automatic system Third International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer
fails or when manual system is needed to change the timer Engineeringand their Applications (EECEA),10.1109/EECEA.2016.7470780
clock of led display [3]Liang-Tay Lin,Hung-Jen Huang,Jim-Min Lin,Fongray-Frank, A New
Intelligent Traffic Control System for Taiwan :2009 9th International
VII. FUTURE WORKS ConferenceonIntelligentTransportSystemsTelecommunications,(ITST),10.11
Some of the future works for this Traffic Control System 09/ITST.2009.5399369
include the following:
[4]LInganagoudaR,PyintiRaju,Anusuya Patil, International Journal of
Advanced Research inElectrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
A. Our proposed algorithm was tested real time in a single Engineering : Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2016
location and during similar times of day. Further it is to be
tested in other circumstances as well to get a much more [5]Vipin Jain,AshleshSharma,Laxminarayan Subramanian, Road Traffic
Congestion in the Developing World : Proceedings of the 2nd ACM
efficient and generalized system of traffic control. Symposium on Computing for Development, DEV 2012,
B. The current method demands the transfer of videos from
roads to labs for further processing. One possible alternative [6]Rijurekha Sen, Aditya Vashistha, Venkata N. Padmanabhan, Accurate
Speed and Density Measurement for Road Traffic in India : Proceedings of
to this could be to implement our algorithms on TI’s image the 3rd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development Article No. 14,
processing platforms or GPUs to reduce the video ISBN: 978-1-4503-1856-3 doi>10.1145/2442882.2442901
communication costs.
[7]Vahedha, B. Naga Jyothi, Smart Traffic Control System Using
C. An image/video processing based extension to our work ATMEGA328 Micro Controller And Arduino Software : International
conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded
maybe that we can capture the number plates of cars. That System (SCOPES)-2016, 978-1-5090-4620-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
would not only help us keep track of the vehicles in case it is
stolen but also those that violate traffic rules very often, and [8]Arduino-specifications,http://www.famosastudio.com/ image/ data/It ea
from that data we can classify reckless and responsible duinoV1.1-Specs.jpg(Accessed on 30thJuly)
drivers. [9]Traffic Congestion In Bangalore.https://www.common
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developing a local de-congestion protocol that controls the
traffic near congested regions. It also prevents total [10]Traffic Cogestion In Metropolitan City Of
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VIII. CONCLUSION [11] Varmora, Effect of Traffic Composition and Road Width on Urban
Traffic Stream, Indian Journal of Research, 2(4): 168–170.
In recent times, there has been a rapid increase in the number
of vehicles all over the world. There were approximately one
million licensed vehicles as per census last year.
As a result of this, traffic problems have increased in the last
few years and along with that, the present traffic light
controllers have limitations because they use the same old
traditional hardware. With this proposal, we present


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