Project Synopsis Format
Project Synopsis Format
Project Synopsis Format
The project dissertation is designed to help students develop practical ability and knowledge about practical tools/techniques in order to solve real life problems related to the industry, academic institutions and computer science research. The Project is one that involves practical work for understanding and solving problems in the field of computing. To gain the understanding of your project you are instructed to submit the project synopsis (10 pages approx) to your guide as per format given below. (A typical Specimen of Cover Page & Title Page) <Font Style Times New Roman Bold>
<Font Size 14>
Submitted by
<Font Size 14><Italic>
<Font Size 22> Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi-110062 <Font Size 12>
Name of Student: Enrollment No: Project Title: Company / Organization Name: Company / Organization Full Mailing Address: Company / Organization URL / and email and Phone No. Types of organization: IT Companies/Manufacturing organization (In EDP or IT section)/Service Provider having proper IT setup/ University Campus Centre/Others (Specify). External Project Supervisor Name: External Project Supervisor email and Phone No.: Faculty Supervisor Name: Project Category: Database/Programming based Network/Middleware/System Programming based/ Artificial Intelligence or expert system based/ embedded software/Mainframe based/Telephony based /Simulators/Research Based /Web based Portals/others (Specify). Project Team Name Responsibility <members name> <activity performed> Signature of Student
Project Title: Table of Contents: Scope: Objective: Abstract: Platform and System Requirement: Operating System Languages Front hand / Technology Backhand (if required) others Implementation Details: This should contain overall system diagram and the brief description of the system. It should also describe how it is implemented briefly. The stress should be given to the software development cycle activities. Conclusion: Future Scope: Typing instructions: Use Font Style Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Bold for heading and Regular with 1.5 line spacing for description. Paper: A4 Margins: left, right, top and bottom- 1 inch. Insert page number: Bottom right Make appropriate Table of Content with page numbers
JAMIA HAMDARD Department of Computer Science February 1, 2011 NOTICE All students of M.Tech (BI)/MCA/M.Sc./B.Tech (CS/IT)/BCA of final semester should use the following colors for their dissertations. MCA M.Tech (BI) M.Sc. (CS) B.Tech (CS/IT) BCA : : : : : Black Dark Maroon Navy Blue Dark Green Dark Green
Note: Dissertations should be hard bound with the Jamia Hamdard logo. Following format should be used: Tittle Font Size Font Size Type Spacing 2011. Serial order and proposed index: Cover Page Copy of cover page Certificate by department Certificate by company Declaration by student Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents: List of abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables Problems statement Feabsibility study H/w, S/w requirement SRS DFD ERD : : : : 14 12 Times New Roman Single
Before binding, contents of dissertation should be checked by respective teachers before 15 April
Design Coding (Snapshots) Testing (test cases) Conclusion Mr. Jawed Ahmed Coordinator, Examination Prof. M. Afshar Alam Head, Department of Computer Science