Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering: Scheme of Studies (C-20)
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering: Scheme of Studies (C-20)
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering: Scheme of Studies (C-20)
Curriculum Structure
III Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering
Hours per week
Marks Marks
Passing (including
Course Category /
Assigned Grade
Total Marks
Course Name
Grade Point
Course Code
CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min
Integrated Courses
1 PC/CS 20CS31P Python Programming 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Computer Hardware,
2 PC/CS 20CS32P Maintenance and 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: KA: Kannada:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice
Passing (including
Marks Marks
Course Category /
Assigned Grade
Total Marks
Course Name
Grade Point
Course Code
CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min
Integrated Courses
1 PC/CS 20CS41P Data structures with Python 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Computer programming is the core of the computer science and strong fundamentals of programming can
give competitive edge in this technology driven world. It not only instils coding skills but also enhances
problem solving ability. Python is one of programming language which is versatile and feature rich yet simple
and easy to learn, has applications in various domains. Python programming sets the basis for further study
of web development, data science, IoT, machine learning etc.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
Install the latest version of python distribution and configure it for an appropriate workspace
needed for a given project.
Write a program by selecting the right python constructs needed to solve a given problem, code,
execute, test and debug the program to obtain the desired result.
CO-03 Demonstrate how a given program can be optimized by using modular programming approach.
CO-04 Identify and resolve both syntactical and semantic errors in a given code snippet.
3. Course Content
Tutorial Practice
(Activity (Performance
(Knowledge Criteria)
Criteria) Criteria)
Week CO PO
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
Python programming language: 1. Setup python
brief history; features; applications of environment
python; python distributions; versions; 2. Executing python:
1 1,2 1,4 python IDEs; Python interpreter, explore different
execution of python programs, ways to run python
debugging python code; best practices program
for python programming 3. Debug python code
1. Code, execute and
debug python
Basics and I/O: programs that use
Refer Table 1
character set; tokens; keywords, i/o statements like
variables, naming rules for variables, accepts input from
2 2 1,2,4
Assignment, Indentation, Comments; user and display
Input- input (), raw_input() ; formatted output
output – print (), formatting output. 2. Identify and resolve
issues in the given
code snippet
1. Write code snippets
3 2 1,2,4 Datatypes and Operators to accepts input from
user, evaluate
1. Write code snippet to
10 2,3 1,2,4 Need of function; types; define
solve the given
function, calling function, function
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl no Activity
Compare and contrast excel and python
Identify various python IDEs and identify differences between them.
Identify use cases like reading student name and contact details and display in a required format
Compare and contrast input () and raw_input() and identify its appropriate use.
3 Identify use of operators and develop algorithms to solve the same
Develop an algorithmic solution for the given problem statement based on the
1 20
documentation of each of the steps involved, including input, output and logic
2 Write program for the above given problem choosing relevant python constructs 20
4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Python 3.6 20
3 Computers 20
1. Rationale
Professional computer maintenance ensures computer hardware and software systems run efficiently to
increase productivity while lowering the chances of downtime. This course aims to help understand the
internal working of computers/laptops and prepare the student for a role as an entry-level IT support
technician. This course sets a basis for different facets of information technology like computer hardware,
software, trouble shooting and customer service.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO-01 Assemble a computer as per given technical specifications following all necessary safety protocols
and Install, configure and setup an administrator for a Windows Operating System.
CO-02 Diagnose a computer using the right diagnostic tools, identify the hardware problem and
troubleshoot to resolve the problem following all safety protocols.
CO-03 Diagnose an installed software using the right diagnostic tools, identify the bug/issue,
troubleshoot to resolve bugs/issues and ensure all data and applications are backed up before
CO-04 Explain e-waste protocols to be followed while disposing computer hardware, to ensure
compliance with all required state pollution control board regulations.
3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
I/O devices and Interfaces 1. Hardware
Types of I/O devices and ports on a Identification:
standard PC for connecting I/O • Computer Case- Types,
devices. Features- Front panel,
Function of serial port, parallel port Back panel; A look
and brief principle of inside the computer
communication through these ports, case.
types of devices that can be • Identify the front and
1 01 connected and interface standards. rear panel controls and
4 Refer Table 1
Explain basic cable types, features ports on a PC cabinet.
and their purposes. • Identify and
Importance of USB and HDMI understand different
interfaces- Types and Features. cables and connectors:
Working of Common Input/Output Video cables- VGA,
devices- Keyboard, Mouse, display HDMI, Mini-HDMI,
monitor and speaker. Display port, DVI;
Peripheral cables-
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Study multipurpose cables used with different models of computers and their applications.
Identify the cables and list the devices that can be connected to computer using these cables.
1 List the manufacturer of various i/o devices.
Identify commercially available brands of keyboard, mouse and monitor and what are the
distinguishable features of them.
1. Identify preventive measures that help to eliminate or reduce electrostatic discharge.
2. Describe effective ways to reduce the risk of injury or damage while working with respect to power
supply in computer systems.
2 3. Make your observations on why a technician may choose to use a UPS instead of a surge suppressor
to protect a computer.
4. Identify the following:
• components that are powered by the computer PSU
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
3 http://www.qiguaninc.com/met/faq/faq35_en.html
4 https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=2999386&seqNum=3
5 https://www.crucial.in/articles/pc-builders/what-is-computer-hardware
6 https://www.udemy.com
7 https://www.pluralsight.com
Identify the hardware problem and trouble shoot using appropriate diagnostic tools
3 20
in a given computer following all safety protocols.
Explain the issues identified and how they have been resolved:
5 In the event of student failing to diagnose and troubleshoot the issues either software 20
or hardware, the examiner shall use viva-voce to explain the protocols to be fallowed
in e-waste management.
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Computers 20
The Computer networking skills are essential in today's information and communication technology driven
world. It enables students with essential skills and knowledge to explore the world of communication and
networking for further study and career.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Measure the performance and transmission impairments and recommend the right
communication technology for a required communication network.
Identify and select the right network components, devices, topologies, protocols and software
required to build a network for a given specification.
CO-03 Design, build and troubleshooting a typical SOHO network.
Demonstrate configuration of IP addresses, routing and subnetting, client-server interaction (TCP,
UDP), DNS and setup a WAN using a network simulator.
CO-05 Test and Troubleshoot for common network issues in a given network.
3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
Electromagnetic waves - Generation of
electromagnetic waves and their
Electromagnetic spectrum -classification
and its applications
Communication Systems - Basic
1.Build a circuit to Generate
1, elements of communication systems
Refer and detect of BASK signal
1 01 5, with block diagram, List commonly used
Table 1. and BFSK signal using
terms in electronic communication
communication kit.
systems, Data representation, Data flow,
Modulation, Demodulation
Analog and Digital Signals, Periodic and
Non-Periodic Signals, Sine Wave, Phase,
Wavelength, Digital Signals, Bit-rate, Bit-
1. Explore all ISP in your
Transmission Impairment – Attenuation, area/locality and select best
01, Distortion and Noise, internet ISP/plan based on
2 1
02 Performance - Bandwidth, Throughput, cost and performance.
Latency, Jitter (Basic concepts only). 2. Test the download/upload
speed in your
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Prepare a report on advanced communication systems and suggest best way to connect remote
villages of India.
2 Prepare a report on Communication satellites of Indian Space Research Organization.
3 Prepare a presentation on 5 networking protocols being used in your smart phone.
My Protocol Rules Objectives
a) Relate computer network protocols to the rules that you use every day for various forms of
b) Define the rules that govern how you send and interpret text messages.
c) Explain what would happen if the sender and receiver did not agree on the details of the
My Local Network
a) Record all the different network-attached devices in your home or classroom.
5 b) Investigate how each device connects to the network to send and receive information.
c) Create a diagram showing the topology of your network.
d) Label each device with its function within the network.
6 Detailed study of Packet tracer and present the same.
Trace a Route
7 a) Determine network connectivity to a destination host
b) Trace a route to a remote server using tracert
8 Presentation on wireless Ethernet protocols
1. Calculate whether destination address is local or remote using IP address.
9 2. Calculate whether destination address is local or remote using mask.
3. Use logical AND to determine network address
Identify IPv6 Addresses
a) Identify the different types of IPv6 addresses.
b) Examine a host IPv6 network interface and address.
c) Practice IPv6 address abbreviation.
Prepare a report on ICANN
List the popular port numbers with their use.
12 Presentation on Telnet with demo on packet tracer.
13 Presentation on other WAN protocols.
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 www.netcad.com
2 Computer Networks - Behrouz A. Forouzan
3 www.howtonetwork.com
4 vlab.co.in
Identify the network devices, cables, Connectors, software and other tools required as
1 20
per the given specification and write their technical details.
Configure and troubleshoot the network (devices, address, port, software, tools,
3 25
address, protocol).
4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Computer 20
2 Lan cable 20
3 Crimping tool 20
Data, factual information, is the main driving force that is changing the face of our world. Database is an
organized collection of related data which is stored and accessed electronically using a computer. Database
management has evolved from a specialized computer application to a central component of virtually all
enterprises, and, as a result, knowledge about database systems has become an essential part of an education
in computer science. SQL is a powerful language for both querying and updating data in relational databases.
Study of SQL empowers students to implement and work with relational data model.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify the various elements of ER model for a given requirement, draw ER diagram and validate
the results / outcome
Translate the given ER diagram to a relational model and verify against integrity constraints. Also
refine and normalize the relational database design against first three normal forms
CO-03 Use appropriate SQL statements to create a database and other DB objects using a DBMS software
Perform insert, delete and/or update operations on the database and query the database to
retrieve the required information using appropriate SQL statements and clauses.
3. Course Content
Tutorial Practice
(Activity (Performance
(Knowledge Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria) Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
Overview of DB: why a database? Purpose of 1.Install and setup
database; Classification; Application; DBMS: DBMS software
features, providers; such as MySQL,
Functional components of DBMS; Types of DBMS PostgreSQL
1 1 1,4 architecture; 2. Learn the
View of data in DBMS; Database users; Role and interface and
responsibilities of DBA; explore the
Case study: Example of any database application, features of
recruitment database installed DBMS
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Identify the drawbacks of file system and how DB enables us to overcome them.
Identify distinguishable features of each of DBMS available in the market.
Transform given n-ary relationship to binary relationship
2 Document the steps to create ER diagram
Identify the components of ER model in the given requirements.
Document the steps to create logical design
Discuss and document Codd's 12 rules
4 Explore and document other normal forms
5 study and present the working of SQL optimizer
Learn and report optimization techniques
Learn and demonstrate use of DISTINCT, ALL, IS NULL;
Learn and present RIGHT JOIN;
7 Identify the advantages of Cascading Referential Integrity Constraints
8 Identify need of subqueries
9 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of store procedure and functions,
10 Presentation on the latest developments in research and industry related to this course
11 Learn and present need of scalar subqueries
12 Learn iterative statements in PL/SQL
Does Relational model support storage of unstructured data, if no, what are the alternatives to store
unstructured data.
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S . Sudarshan
2 https://binaryterms.com/
3 https://beginnersbook.com/
4 https://www.oracletutorial.com/
Note: For CIE skill test 2, SEE scheme of evaluation shall be used.
Use appropriate SQL statements to create the database and other DB objects using a
3 10
DBMS software for the above design
Perform insert, delete and/or update operations on the database and query the
4 database to retrieve the required information using appropriate SQL statements and 20
5 In the event of not working of above queries (with no syntactical errors), the 20
examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student understanding of ER model,
Relational model concepts and SQL.
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Computers 20
Data structures are the techniques organizing data and of designing the algorithms for real-life projects.
Knowledge of data structures is essential for software design and development. Learning data structures with
Python offer flexibility and ease of programming with many built in data structures and libraries.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
CO-01 Explain data structures types, list their applications and solve a given computing problem.
CO-02 Apply the right searching and sorting techniques to solve a given problem.
CO-03 Use recursive programming concepts to solve problems with backtracking
CO-04 Analyse space and time complexities of an algorithm used and plot a graph.
3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
1. Introduction to Data Structures,
operations, classification, Characteristics.
2. Primitive types – primitive data
structures, python examples. Non primitive 1. Python program to Use
1, types - Non primitive data structures, and demonstrate basic data
2, python examples. Linear and nonlinear structures.
1 02, Refer
3, data structures – with python examples. 2. Implement an ADT with
05 Table 1.
4 3. Introduction, Abstractions, Abstract Data all its operations.
Types, An Example of Abstract Data Type
(Student, Date, Employee), Defining the
ADT, Using the ADT, Implementing the
1. Algorithm design strategies – brute force,
decrease and conquer, divide and conquer,
greedy , dynamic programming, 1. Implement an ADT and
backtracking. Compute space and time
01, 2,
2. Algorithm Analysis – Space Complexity, 2. Implement above
2 02, 3,
Time Complexity. solution using array and
05 4,
Compute space and time
7 3. Run time analysis. complexities and compare
two solutions.
4. Asymptomatic notations, Big-O Notation,
Omega Notation, Theta Notation.
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Design a Data structure for handling Student Records- Designing a Solution, Implementation
(Using Basic DS).
2 Design a Data structure for handling Student Records- Designing a Solution, Implementation
(Using ADT).
3 Design and implement sparse matrix representation using linked list.
4 Design and implement simple application that require DLL data structure.
5 Implement and Demonstrate evaluating postfix expression.
6 Presentation on run time stack.
7 Design and implement priority queue data structure.
8 Prepare a Report on balanced trees.
9 Implement expression evaluation tree.
10 Prepare a report on hashing and analyze time complexity.
11 Analyze time complexity of search algorithms
12 Analyze time complexity of sorting algorithms.
13 Analyze time complexity of sorting algorithms.
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Data Structures and Algorithms using Python by Rance D. Necaise
2 Python Data Structures and Algorithms by Benajmin Baka
3 www.geeksforgeeks.com
5 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Computers 20
2 Python 3.6 20
An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's
memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with
the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO-02 Create a virtual environment and configure it to meet a specific application requirement.
Identify and use Linux commands to create and manage simple file processing operations,
organise directory structures and develop shell script to automate given simple task.
Demonstrate the role and responsibilities of a Linux system administrator and analyse
problems using suitable diagnostic tools and resolve issues.
3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
Overview of Operating System, Need
for OS, Structure, OS Types, Examples 1. Types of OS installation
of OS (desktop and mobile) 2. Boot methods
1 01 01,07 Dual mode operation, Kernel and 3 . File System and
microkernel, Functions of OS formatting
User interfaces; Corporate Vs Personal 4. Post installation tasks
needs; Types of OS installation
Refer Table
Virtualization technology, working,
Potentials and challenges of Install and configure virtual
01, 01, Virtualization, Virtual Machines, machine
02 07 Containers Download, install Putty and
Linux command line - Interpreter, connect Linux VM via Putty
shell, CLI over GUI, Types of users-
super and normal.
01, Directory commands, File
3 01, 07
03 movement and copy
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Operating System internal and Design Principles, William Stalings
2 Operating System , Garry Nut
3 https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/virtualization
4 Virtual Machine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
5 In the event of student failing to explain the working of shell script, examiner shall use 20
viva-voce to check the knowledge of student on operating system services and
responsibilities of Linux administrator.
Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Computers 20
Object oriented programming is most popular programming paradigm that organizes software design
around classes and objects. The object-oriented design principles are core of object-oriented programming.
It is important to learn the basics of object-oriented programming, it is also equally important to know
object-oriented design principles. OOD principles provide a valuable standard and guidelines to create clean
and modular design and avoid code smells. OOD principles of object-oriented programming guide to write
well-designed code that is more readable, maintainable, and easier to upgrade and modify. Student will
understand what benefits a particular design principle offers and how to apply these design principles in
coding. Java is the popular object-oriented programming language that empowers the innovation in this
digital world. Students will have sound knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts and design
principles with java.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Design a solution for a given problem using object-oriented programming concepts and apply all
appropriate object-oriented design principles.
Write and test the code for a designed solution using java OOP concepts and/or other appropriate
java constructs.
CO-03 Identify and explain how to resolve all considered exceptions with an example.
CO-04 Demonstrate with an example a java application's connection with a database.
3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO* (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)
1. Install and Setup java
Introduction to Java environment
Brief history; features; java 2. Install java editor
architecture; components: JVM, (Eclipse for Enterprise
JRE, JDK; Applications; Refer Table Java) and configure
1 1,2 1,4
Java environment setup; 1. workspace
Structure of java program; 3. Execution of first java
Compilation and execution of java program
program; 4. Java code execution
Variable: Types (local, instance,
1. Code, execute and
static); declaration, initialization;
debug programs in java
comments; ‘this’ keyword; Data
2 1,2 1,2,4 a. that uses different
types; Autoboxing and unboxing;
types of variables and
Operators; Expressions;
Evaluation of expressions
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Identify various java IDEs and identify differences between them.
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/
2 Solid principles in java |why is it imp | Examples | Edureka
3 What is Java? A Beginner's Guide to Java and its Evolution | Edureka
4 https://www.javabrahman.com/programming-principles/
2 Write program for above given problem using appropriate java OOP concepts. 20
Demonstrate the how your program has solved the given problem
4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical errors and 20
least sematic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student
understanding of OOP concepts and java code execution process.
Note: For CIE skill test 2, SEE scheme of evaluation shall be used.
2 Write program for above given problem using appropriate java OOP concepts. 10
Demonstrate the how your program has solved the given problem
5 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical errors and 10
least sematic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student
understanding of OOP concepts and OOD principles
1 Computers 20
Digital reality has become an integral part of human life with software tools being used to deal with virtually
every part of life. A process is key to develop a quality software successfully. Software engineering is the
systematic application of engineering approaches to the development of software. Principles and practices of
software engineering blends engineering, computing, project management and software development. It’s
essential to understand the life cycle of software development and the process followed to develop a quality
software. Design thinking methodology encourages identifying alternative strategies and solutions to solve a
problem in best possible way.
2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
Explain the typical software development life cycle (SDLC), list and differentiate the various SDLC
models along with identifying where each model could be beneficial when applied.
Demonstrate the application of design thinking as a process, explain how it helps in requirement
engineering and mitigate risks.
Study a given application requirement, draw the appropriate UML diagram and validate to ensure
the UML diagram meets with the given requirement.
Document standard test procedures and test cases for a given requirement to ensure the software
gives the desired results for which it is built.
3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial (Activity
(Knowledge Criteria) Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
1. Software engineering; Need of
software engineering; Software 1. Discuss success
paradigms; Software product types: and failure stories
generic, customized; characteristics 2. Presentation of
of good software; collected case
1 1 1 Refer Table 1 studies
2. Challenges in software projects;
3. Enact the
Factors that influence software importance of
development; understanding ethical practices
3. Software process; need of process,
components of process, process
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all possible
activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to the topic
and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Study the traffic signal and the importance of rules and process.
2 Visit various consulting company web portals and collect case studies.
3 Document the roles and responsibilities of different agile ceremonies
Identify cost of risk;
Identify commonly used risk management tools.
Identify a problem and explain how design thinking can be applied to solve it.
Design a shopping cart to achieve ease of use, applying design thinking.
Prepare RPM [requirement traceability matrix] for shopping cart
6 List the criteria to select the requirement management tools
Identify different requirement management tools and list their features.
7 Identify frequently used UML diagrams and also identify tools used to draw them
8 Study boiler plate and present necessary characteristics of boiler plate for a large and small project
Identify different DevOps Tools and list their features
Study and report OWASP coding guidelines
9 Learn and report Twelve Factor App methodology
Identify different version control and configuration management tools and report their market
Compare and contrast containerization and virtualization and identify importance of these in
10 software development
Identify container providers
Study and prepare report on testing tools.
Compare manual and automation testing
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
Particulars Specification Quantity
1. Computers 20
2. Git, Jira, SonarCube, Lucidchart or any other UML design tool 20