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Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering: Scheme of Studies (C-20)

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Government of Karnataka

Curriculum Structure
III Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering
Hours per week
Marks Marks

Passing (including
Course Category /

Total contact hrs

Assigned Grade


Min Marks for

Total Marks
Course Name

Grade Point
Course Code

CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min

Integrated Courses
1 PC/CS 20CS31P Python Programming 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

Computer Hardware,
2 PC/CS 20CS32P Maintenance and 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40



3 PC/CS 20CS33P Computer Networks 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

PC/CS Database System Concepts and

4 20CS34P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Audit Course

5 AU/KA 20KA31T ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ ಸಿಂಚನ-II/ ಬಳಕೆ ಕನನಡ-II 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20

Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180

*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: KA: Kannada:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

Government of Karnataka
Curriculum Structure

IV Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering

Hours per week

Passing (including
Marks Marks
Course Category /

Total contact hrs

Assigned Grade


Min Marks for

Total Marks
Course Name

Grade Point
Course Code

CIE marks)
No. L T P Max Min Max Min

Integrated Courses
1 PC/CS 20CS41P Data structures with Python 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

2 PC/CS 20CS42P Operating System 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40


PC/CS Object Oriented Programming
3 20CS43P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
and Design
PC/CS Software Engineering
4 20CS44P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
principles and practices
Audit Course

5 AU/CS 20CS45T Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20

Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180

*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 3


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 4

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester III

Course Code 20CS31P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Python Programming Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Computer programming is the core of the computer science and strong fundamentals of programming can
give competitive edge in this technology driven world. It not only instils coding skills but also enhances
problem solving ability. Python is one of programming language which is versatile and feature rich yet simple
and easy to learn, has applications in various domains. Python programming sets the basis for further study
of web development, data science, IoT, machine learning etc.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
Install the latest version of python distribution and configure it for an appropriate workspace
needed for a given project.
Write a program by selecting the right python constructs needed to solve a given problem, code,
execute, test and debug the program to obtain the desired result.
CO-03 Demonstrate how a given program can be optimized by using modular programming approach.
CO-04 Identify and resolve both syntactical and semantic errors in a given code snippet.

3. Course Content
Tutorial Practice
(Activity (Performance
(Knowledge Criteria)
Criteria) Criteria)
Week CO PO
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
Python programming language: 1. Setup python
brief history; features; applications of environment
python; python distributions; versions; 2. Executing python:
1 1,2 1,4 python IDEs; Python interpreter, explore different
execution of python programs, ways to run python
debugging python code; best practices program
for python programming 3. Debug python code
1. Code, execute and
debug python
Basics and I/O: programs that use
Refer Table 1
character set; tokens; keywords, i/o statements like
variables, naming rules for variables, accepts input from
2 2 1,2,4
Assignment, Indentation, Comments; user and display
Input- input (), raw_input() ; formatted output
output – print (), formatting output. 2. Identify and resolve
issues in the given
code snippet
1. Write code snippets
3 2 1,2,4 Datatypes and Operators to accepts input from
user, evaluate

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 5

Scalar type: Numeric (int, long, float, expressions and
complex), Boolean, bytes, None; Type display formatted
Conversion output
Arithmetic, Comparison/Relational, 2. Evaluate expressions
Logical/Boolean, Bitwise; Expressions to examine the
and operator precedence operator precedence
3. Identify and resolve
issues in the given
code snippet
1. Write code snippets
to determine the
voting eligibility of a
2. Write code snippet to
group the people as
children and young
Control Flow: adolescents (under
If statement: general format; 15 years old) the
examples; working-age
4 2 1,2,4
Block delimiters and statement population (15-64
delimiters years) and. the
Multiway branching elderly population
(65 years and older)
3. Write code to build a
grading system based
on marks
4. Identify and resolve
issues in the given
code snippet
1. Write code snippet
count the prime
numbers in a given
2. Write code snippet to
reverse the given
While loop: general format; examples
3. Write code snippet to
Break, continue, pass statements
5 2 1,2,4 find LCM and GCD of
For loop: general format, examples.
given numbers
Range() function
4. Given a word
determine is it
ordered or
5. Identify and resolve
issues in the given
code snippet
Data Collections
Concept of mutability 1. Write code snippet to
Set – features, declaration, perform following
initialization, operations, a) set operations
comprehension; b) set comprehension
6 2 1,2,4 Tuple-features; declaration, 2. Given an integer N,
initialization, basic operations; check whether the
indexing; slicing; built in functions; given number is a
Nested tuples; pangram or not.
3. Write code snippet to
perform following

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 6

a) basic operations on
b) tuple indexing and
4. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code

1. Write code snippet to

perform following on
a) basic operations
on List
b) indexing and
c) comprehension
2. Given a box with
assorted items, write
features; declaration, initialization,
code snippet to
basic operations; indexing; List
segregate them
7 2 1,2,4 iterations; Slicing; built in functions;
3. Read two strings,
Nested Lists; Comprehensions;
print both sentences
after removing all
words which are
present in both
4. Remove the duplicate
substrings from a list
5. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code

1. Write code snippet to

perform basic
operations on
Dictionary Dictionary
features; declaration, initialization, 2. Write code snippet to
8 2 1,2,4 basic operations; indexing; built in perform Dictionary
functions; Comprehensions; indexing
Applications comprehension
3. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code

1. Write code snippet to

perform string
Arrays and Strings manipulation
Arrays: features; creating, initializing, 2. Write code snippet to
indexing, traversing, manipulation perform array
9 2 1,2,4
Strings: constructing, assigning, manipulation
3. Identify and resolve
indexing, built in functions
the issues in the
given piece of code

1. Write code snippet to
10 2,3 1,2,4 Need of function; types; define
solve the given
function, calling function, function

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 7

arguments; sufficient examples; Scope; problem using built
Recursion; anonymous function in functions
2. Define function and
write code to solve
the given problem
3. Write code snippet to
solve the given
problem using
recursive functions
4. Define anonymous
function and write
code to solve the
given problem
5. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code

Modules and Packages

Why modules? Module creation;
Module usage;
1. Create Modules and
11 2,3 1,2,4 Module Namespace;
Packages: basics; path setting; Package
__init__.py Files;
1. write code snippet to
perform following
Files a) read file
b) write to file.
Concept; features; file operations; 2. write code snippet to
Opening Files; Closing Files; Writing to read a given text file
12 2 1,2,4
and find the count
Files; and occurrence of
Reading Files; File methods; words
3. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code
1. Integrate exception
handling into above
Error and Exception Handling:
Python errors; exceptions: built in,
2. Write code snippet to
13 2,4 1,2,4 user defined. How to catch exceptions?
raise exceptions
Raising exceptions
3. Identify and resolve
the issues in the
given piece of code
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl no Activity
Compare and contrast excel and python
Identify various python IDEs and identify differences between them.
Identify use cases like reading student name and contact details and display in a required format
Compare and contrast input () and raw_input() and identify its appropriate use.
3 Identify use of operators and develop algorithms to solve the same

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 8

Compare and contrast different types of operators
4 Identify use cases that involve decision making and develop algorithms to solve the same
Identify common syntactical errors when using control flow statements
Identify use cases that involve iteration and develop algorithms to solve the same
5 Compare and contrast different types of loops
Identify common syntactical errors when using loops
Identify use cases and solve them using sets
6 Identify use cases and solve them using tuples
Identify common syntactical errors when working with sets and tuples
Identify use cases and solve them using List
7 Identify common syntactical errors when working with List
Reimplement built in list functions
Identify use cases and solve them using dictionary
8 Reimplement built in dictionary functions
Identify common syntactical errors when working with dictionary
Identify use cases and solve them using arrays
9 Reimplement built in string functions
Identify common syntactical errors when working with arrays and strings
10 Optimize previously written programs by using modular programming approach
11 Identify and present pros and cons of modules and packages
12 Identify use cases on files concept and develop algorithms to solve the same
Compare and contrast error and exception.
Rewrite the programs using exceptions if needed

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two
skill tests
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Python Programming Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS31P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 9

Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities
7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho
2 Core python programming, Wesley J. Chun Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
3 https://www.softcover.io/read/e4cd0fd9/conversational-python
4 https://realpython.com/
5 https://www.python-course.eu/

8. CIE Skill Test and SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Develop an algorithmic solution for the given problem statement based on the
1 20
documentation of each of the steps involved, including input, output and logic

2 Write program for the above given problem choosing relevant python constructs 20

3 Code, execute, test and debug the above program 30

Demonstrate how your program has solved the given problem

4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills

5 Portfolio evaluation based on aggregate of all practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Python 3.6 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 10

2 Editor such as iPython, Jupyter, spider, PyCharm 20

3 Computers 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 11

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester III

Type of
Course Code 20CS32P Programme Core
8 hours/week
Computer Hardware, Maintenance and Contact
Course Name 104
Administration Hours
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale
Professional computer maintenance ensures computer hardware and software systems run efficiently to
increase productivity while lowering the chances of downtime. This course aims to help understand the
internal working of computers/laptops and prepare the student for a role as an entry-level IT support
technician. This course sets a basis for different facets of information technology like computer hardware,
software, trouble shooting and customer service.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO-01 Assemble a computer as per given technical specifications following all necessary safety protocols
and Install, configure and setup an administrator for a Windows Operating System.
CO-02 Diagnose a computer using the right diagnostic tools, identify the hardware problem and
troubleshoot to resolve the problem following all safety protocols.
CO-03 Diagnose an installed software using the right diagnostic tools, identify the bug/issue,
troubleshoot to resolve bugs/issues and ensure all data and applications are backed up before
CO-04 Explain e-waste protocols to be followed while disposing computer hardware, to ensure
compliance with all required state pollution control board regulations.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
I/O devices and Interfaces 1. Hardware
Types of I/O devices and ports on a Identification:
standard PC for connecting I/O • Computer Case- Types,
devices. Features- Front panel,
Function of serial port, parallel port Back panel; A look
and brief principle of inside the computer
communication through these ports, case.
types of devices that can be • Identify the front and
1 01 connected and interface standards. rear panel controls and
4 Refer Table 1
Explain basic cable types, features ports on a PC cabinet.
and their purposes. • Identify and
Importance of USB and HDMI understand different
interfaces- Types and Features. cables and connectors:
Working of Common Input/Output Video cables- VGA,
devices- Keyboard, Mouse, display HDMI, Mini-HDMI,
monitor and speaker. Display port, DVI;
Peripheral cables-

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 12

Serial; Hard drive
cables- SATA, PATA,
IDE, SCSI; Adapters-
ethernet, DVI to VGA.
Power supplies
Safety Basics : safety protocols; anti-
static basic hand tools, Know the 1. Unmount the power
danger of static electricity, power supply from PC cabinet.
variation; Precautions to be taken Identify the types of
while mounting and unmounting output connectors.
power supply into/ from the cabinet; 2. Identify output voltages
DC power source to PC - using colour coding.
Need for SMPS, Specifications, Rating 3. Measure voltage levels
of SMPS based on type of using multi meter.
motherboard and devices used 4. Mount the power
2 01 1,4 (AT/ATX, Micro ATX, mini ATX), supply into the PC
Colour coding adopted, Types of cabinet, connect
connectors used- ATX, ATX12V, different components
Molex, SATA, PCIe; and test PC.
Output voltage levels, measuring 5. Trouble shoot Power
technique; choosing power supply supply through SMPS
based on wattage rating; Heat sink; fan.
80 plus rating system; Modular 6. Diagnose power supply
power supply. faults using PSU Tester.
Symptoms of SMPS failure; Common
problems from a faulty SMPS.
Trouble shooting Power supplies.
1. Identify the electrical
and electronics
Basic Electronics –Electricity, components used in a
Electrical quantities- Voltage, computer and tabulate
current and resistance; Active them as active and
components: Diodes- PN junction passive components.
diodes, biasing conditions- forward 2. Identify the working
bias and reverse bias, transistors- and non- working state
BJT, MOSFET; Passive components- of basic components
3 1 1,4
Resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductor
transformers, sensors and devices.
transducers; Integrated Circuits 3. Using multi meter-
Digital Electronics- PWM, opto- Check Output voltage of
coupler; checking AC to DC basic components and
converter. semiconductor devices.
Check different voltage
levels of opto-coupler,
PWM and rectifier.
Mother board – Example
1. Precautions to be taken
Motherboards; Functional
before removing the
description of mother board;
mother board from PC
specification and variation.
Form factor- what is Motherboard
2. Using the CPUID CPU-Z
01,03 01, Form factor? Types and features of
4 tool, find different
04 Motherboard formfactors- ATX,
features of CPU.
Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX, Nano-ITX, and
3. Check the Electric flow
path and data flow path
Functional components of
4. Windows resource
Motherboard; CPU and CPU socket-
Types of sockets; Overview of

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 13

microarchitecture of INTEL and 5. Using the CPUID CPU-Z
AMD CPU; tool, identify the CPU
cache features of your
working system.

1. Identify system faults

using POST diagnostics
Chipsets- Function, Types and card.
Features; 2. understand basic
Buses- Frontside, Memory, AGP, PCI, onboard configurations
ATA bus; through UEFI.
Importance of POST; UEFI – why is it 3. Test different
01, 01,
5 required, possible configurations motherboards to
03 04
through UEFI. determine support for
IDE ports; Methods of adding SCSI UEFI
drives. 4. Replace the Lithium
Lithium battery: Why? Its battery in a given
specifications. Impact of removing computer following the
the battery from mother board. procedures.

1. Identify RAM chips and

HDD/SSD and note
their technical
2. Identification of SIMM
Memory– Memory Units (B, KB, MB,
and DIMM memory
GB, TB), memory locations and
modules, number of
address space, Access methods,
01, pins and type.
01, Memory Classification.
6 03 3. Identify the interface
04 Main memory Types and Features.
type of a hard drive and
Auxiliary memory – Types and
connect it to a PC for
features. Memory modules, CMOS.
data recovery.
4. Understand and modify
BIOS settings and
observe the
consequences of CMOS
1. Use CPUID-CPUZ tool to
identify capacity, speed,
technology and related
RAM Technology- SDRAM, DDR,
features of RAM.
DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 – Clock speed,
Bandwidth, Memory speed rating, PC
2. Check for RAM and
speed rating; RAM capacity- single-
sided and double-sided RAM,
compatibility and
Channels; RAM features- Parity/ECC
install additional RAM
01, stick.
7 01,03 Mass storage media- Hard drive,
Principle of working, reliability,
3. Find on Windows
performance, SSD, optical drive;
system properties to
Logical Block Addressing (LBA);
check the RAM is
Memory capacity- physical and
installed correctly.
logical addressing; M.2 drives, SATA,
4. Query the SPD RAM
Causes of Hard drive failure; Signs of
chip to identify all
failure; Backup and recovery of data;
possible information

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 14

Windows Installation –
1. Windows Installation
Overview windows 10; general
Inspect prerequisites for
features; Versions; architecture;
windows 10 installation
prerequisites for windows 10
on a given computer.
installation: hardware compatibility,
2. Perform clean
BIOS compatibility, driver
requirements. Clean install of
3. Upgrade to windows
windows 10; upgrade to windows
10; disk partitioning;
02, 4. Create dual boot for a
8 troubleshooting installation
03 given system, learn and
problems; Multiple boot options;
rectify errors in dual
windows service packs;
Imaging: create a Windows system
5. Practice on recovery
image; How to Backup/Restore your
Windows partition with the bootable
6. Practice 10 registry
File system overview, types,
7. Practice disk
properties, conversion from one
management utilities.
filesystem to another, configuration;
1. Executing basic
Windows Command line;
windows commands
PowerShell; basic commands;
(command prompt &
writing simple PowerShell scripts;
Configuring system and data
2. Practice data recovery
recovery : Recover files, recover
apps and the registry; recover
01, 3. Working with task
windows 10;
02, manager to
9 Configure and manage windows
03 troubleshoot
updates: auto/manually; testing and
configuration and other
troubleshooting updates;
performance related
Monitor and manage:
Performance monitoring; optimize
4. Working with task
windows services; tune scheduled
5. Customising windows
Customising windows desktop;
1. Use caution and follow
safe working practice.
2. Follow/review
maintenance guide for
Portable computing- Trouble
repair and
shooting Laptops
Difference between laptop and
3. Trouble shoot
desktop Motherboards; Checking
computer hardware
Power connector and adaptor pins,
01, issues in the following
01, AC adapter of Laptop circuit
10 04, scenarios-
03 diagram, Fault finding; trouble-
07 -Unexpected shutdowns.
shooting voltage transfer section,
AC-DC conversion, Generation of
-POST & Boot
stand by voltage, fault finding- No
-Continuous reboot
power ON, power switch, Battery
-No Power
charging circuit;
-Loud Noises.
-Intermittent device
-Smoke and burning smell
-Indicator lights.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 15

Dual MOSFET pin details, Two N-
channel MOSFET in place of dual
MOSFET, one p-channel and one N-
channel MOSFET, problems and fault
02, 1. Perform the same
01, finding; CPU voltage generation
11 03, operations in week#7
04 circuits, keyboard interface, problem
04 on a laptop.
and fault finding. Touch pad
connector, BIOS details, SATA HDD
details, Audio section, internal
display, LED screen pin details.
Understanding Mobile devices 1. Configure mobile
What is a mobile device, basic device network
features and examples of mobile connectivity and
devices, mobile OS- Example : application.
Android & iOS; 2. Trouble shoot common
01, Mobile connections: Types, features mobile device issues.
12 03,
04 and limitations; Wired-micro-USB, 3. Scan and remove
USB C, lightening, thunderbolt; malwares in a given
Wireless- NFC, Bluetooth, IR, SSID; computer or mobile
Cellular- hotspots, tethering. device.
Malware mitigation: introduction, 4. Perform Antivirus and
types, symptoms, malware removal; anti- malware updates.
Display, Printers and Multifunction
Display technologies, features;
Printer Types- Impact and non-
a) Installation of a local
impact printers; Principle of
operation- Laser Printer and Inkjet
b) Sharing printers.
01, c) Installing wireless and
13 03, Multifunction device, advantages of
04 cloud printers.
04, multifunction device;
a) Troubleshooting
common video, projector and
display issues.
Common symptoms for keyboard,
mouse, printer and multifunction
device failures and rectification
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Study multipurpose cables used with different models of computers and their applications.
Identify the cables and list the devices that can be connected to computer using these cables.
1 List the manufacturer of various i/o devices.
Identify commercially available brands of keyboard, mouse and monitor and what are the
distinguishable features of them.
1. Identify preventive measures that help to eliminate or reduce electrostatic discharge.
2. Describe effective ways to reduce the risk of injury or damage while working with respect to power
supply in computer systems.
2 3. Make your observations on why a technician may choose to use a UPS instead of a surge suppressor
to protect a computer.
4. Identify the following:
• components that are powered by the computer PSU

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 16

• Does the fan always run on a power supply?
• The basis on which power supply wattage is selected for a system?
5. Identify the common causes of PSU/SMPS failure, and how can we maintain the good health of SMPS.
Calculate the value of resistors onboard using the colour code.
Identify the terminals of a BJT and MOSFET.
Identify the units MHz and GHz with respect to CPU.
Identify and present the factors to select an appropriate Motherboard based on the purpose- Basic
applications, Gaming, Workstations/servers;
Distinguish between the popular CPU chips in terms of their basic characteristics.
Compare the features of different make and models of CPU.
Study the features and specifications of the processors (Intel: Celeron, Pentium family, Xeon, dual
core, quad core, core 2 duo, i3, i5, i7 and AMD).
Compare and contrast the characteristics of different motherboard formfactors.
Compare the features of earlier and current CPU sockets.
6 Explain bus standards with respect to evolution, speed, latest trends (ISA, PCI, AGP).
Explain the importance (Intel: Celeron, Pentium family, Xeon, dual core, quad core, core 2 duo, i3,
i5, i7 and AMD).
Explain the importance of UEFI and configuration settings for –
i) Overclocking of CPU frequencies.
ii) Set RAM timings
iii) Setting BIOS passwords
iv) Specify boot options.
Study and identify what happens when hard drive fails.
8 Compare different types of processors.
Study different types of memory devices and features that are commercially available.
10 Study best practices followed in scheduled backups and scheduled disk maintenance.
11 Identify system requirements for Windows 10 installation.
12 In the command prompt, repeat the operations performed with powershell.
Study the e-waste rules 2016 and their amendments there off as prescribed by state pollution
control board and explain the process the polytechnic should follow to dispose its e-waste.
14 Identify and present common mobile phone problems.
15 Study and list the features of different versions of windows 10

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration Max
Assessment Test Week Conversion
No In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Computer Hardware, Maintenance
Course Name Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
and Administration

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 17

Course Code 20CS32P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
3 http://www.qiguaninc.com/met/faq/faq35_en.html
4 https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=2999386&seqNum=3
5 https://www.crucial.in/articles/pc-builders/what-is-computer-hardware
6 https://www.udemy.com
7 https://www.pluralsight.com

8. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Document the technical specifications of the right hardware components to assemble

1 a computer to meet the given requirement and also document necessary safety 20
protocols to be followed.

Demonstrate the configuration and setting up an administrator for a Windows

2 10
Operating System.

Identify the hardware problem and trouble shoot using appropriate diagnostic tools
3 20
in a given computer following all safety protocols.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 18

Identify the software issues and trouble shoot using appropriate diagnostic tools in a
4 20
given computer ensuring that all data and applications are backed up.

Explain the issues identified and how they have been resolved:

5 In the event of student failing to diagnose and troubleshoot the issues either software 20
or hardware, the examiner shall use viva-voce to explain the protocols to be fallowed
in e-waste management.

6 Portfolio evaluation of practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 19

Government of Karnataka
Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester III
Course Code 20CS33P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Computer Networks Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

The Computer networking skills are essential in today's information and communication technology driven
world. It enables students with essential skills and knowledge to explore the world of communication and
networking for further study and career.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Measure the performance and transmission impairments and recommend the right
communication technology for a required communication network.
Identify and select the right network components, devices, topologies, protocols and software
required to build a network for a given specification.
CO-03 Design, build and troubleshooting a typical SOHO network.
Demonstrate configuration of IP addresses, routing and subnetting, client-server interaction (TCP,
UDP), DNS and setup a WAN using a network simulator.
CO-05 Test and Troubleshoot for common network issues in a given network.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
Electromagnetic waves - Generation of
electromagnetic waves and their
Electromagnetic spectrum -classification
and its applications
Communication Systems - Basic
1.Build a circuit to Generate
1, elements of communication systems
Refer and detect of BASK signal
1 01 5, with block diagram, List commonly used
Table 1. and BFSK signal using
terms in electronic communication
communication kit.
systems, Data representation, Data flow,
Modulation, Demodulation
Analog and Digital Signals, Periodic and
Non-Periodic Signals, Sine Wave, Phase,
Wavelength, Digital Signals, Bit-rate, Bit-
1. Explore all ISP in your
Transmission Impairment – Attenuation, area/locality and select best
01, Distortion and Noise, internet ISP/plan based on
2 1
02 Performance - Bandwidth, Throughput, cost and performance.
Latency, Jitter (Basic concepts only). 2. Test the download/upload
speed in your

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 20

Transmission Modes – Parallel and Serial computer/mobile phone
Transmission. Asynchronous and also check type, bandwidth
Synchronous Transmission. and ISP.
Satellite communication- Introduction, 3. Explore Bluethooth, Wifi,
advantages and disadvantages. NFC in your smartphone and
Perspectives on Networking - End user note their key technical
perspectives on Networking and attributes (Radio spectrum
Internet, Overview of Networking. band, range, pathloss,
Categories of networks - LAN, MAN, throughput, mode etc)
WAN, Internetworking (Illustrate
Network from LAN connected using a
HUB to Internetwork).
The communication rules (Method,
language, Confirmation) – Protocols, the
Hardware and Software components of
Common network devices – Computers,
Access points, Hub, Switch, Multilayer
1. Demonstrate working of
switch, Router, repeaters, NIC, Modem.
common network devices.
LAN Cables – Co-axial, twisted pair,
01, 2. Demonstrate different
3 1, 2 optical fibre, LAN connectors- co-axial
02 network cables and
cable, and twisted pair cable, optical
fibre, Connectors, Mobile devices,
3. Install and configure NIC.
Firewall, ISPs.
Network Documentations-
Device Names and Address Planning,
Network Topologies (Physical and
logical) and representations,
Basic topologies- bus, ring, star, mesh
and hybrid.
1. Crimping of RJ45: Straight
The Network Standard Organizations and Cross.
Protocol Stack. a) Punching Cat 6 cable to
TCP/IP Networking Model - History I/O Box. Use punching tool.
Leading to TCP/IP, Overview of the b) Check connectivity using
1, LAN tester
01, TCP/IP Networking Model.
4 2, 2. Determine the IP Address
02 TCP/IP Application Layer, HTTP
4, Configuration of a Computer
Overview, HTTP Protocol Mechanisms.
TCP/IP Transport Layer, TCP Error (Windows) and Test the
Recovery Basics, Same-Layer and Network Interface TCP/IP
Adjacent-Layer Interactions. Stack (Ping).

TCP/IP Network Layer, Internet Protocol My Local Network

and the Postal Service, Internet Protocol a) Record all the different
Addressing Basics, IP Routing Basics. network-attached devices in
TCP/IP Link Layer (Data Link Plus your home or classroom.
Physical), TCP/IP Model and b) Investigate how each
Terminology, Data device connects to the
02, Encapsulation Terminology. network to send and receive
5 2,
03 Names of TCP/IP Messages. information.
OSI Networking Model - Comparing OSI c) Create a diagram showing
and TCP/IP, Describing Protocols by the topology of your
Referencing the OSI Layers. network.
OSI Layers and Their Functions, OSI d) Label each device with
Layering Concepts and Benefits, OSI its function within the
Encapsulation Terminology. network.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 21

1. Manual and Automatic
address assignment
a) IPv4 address
b) Subnet mask
c) DNS
2. Manual and Automatic
address assignment
a) IPv4 address
b) Subnet mask
c) DNS
1. Install Cisco packet tracer.
Packet Tracer Network Simulator, 2. Create simple network in
01, Installation, User Interface. packet tracer.
6 02 Deploy devices and cables 3. Create and Demonstrate
GUI and CLI Configuration.
4, network topologies(bus,
Configure end Devices
star, ring, mesh).
An Overview of LANs - Typical SOHO
LANs, Typical Enterprise LANs, The 1. Build a physical Ethernet
Variety of Ethernet Physical Layer LAN Network
Standards, Consistent Behaviour over All
Links Using the Ethernet Data Link 2. Install and configure
Layer. wireless access point over
1, Building Physical Ethernet Networks the LAN.
2, with UTP - Transmitting Data Using 3. Use pathping command to
7 03,
3, Twisted Pairs, Breaking Down a UTP find actual path between
4, Ethernet Link, UTP Cabling Pinouts for source to destination with
10BASE-T and 100BASE-T, Straight- information about network
Through Cable Pinout, Crossover Cable
latency/delay & network
Pinout, Choosing the Right Cable
Pinouts, UTP Cabling Pinouts for loss.
1000BASE-T, Sending Data in Ethernet
1. Determine the MAC
Ethernet Data Link Protocols – The Rise
of Ethernet, The Ethernet MAC address Address of a given Host.
and Ethernet Addressing, Identifying 2. View Wireless and Wired
Network Layer Protocols with the NIC Information.
Ethernet Type Field, Error Detection
with FCS. 3. Configure and install a
02, Encapsulation, Ethernet Frame. ethernet switch/Hub (Use
8 03, Hierarchical Network Design – Physical packet tracer if hardware
05 and logical addresses, Benefits of a devices are not available)
Hierarchical Design, The Access layer,
Distribution layer, and Core layers. 4. Download and install
Ethernet access layer devices – Hub, Wireshark, capture and
Switch, The MAC address table, Ethernet analyse ARP data.
Broadcast, Ethernet Broadcast in local
network, Broadcast domain, ARP.
The Need for Routing - Criteria for
1. Learn how to get used to
Dividing the Local Network, Need of
configuring IP addresses
1, Routing
02, and pinging across.
2, Overview of Network Layer Functions -
9 03, 2. Create simple network
3, Network Layer Routing Logic, Routing
05 with 3 host and a switch,
4, table, the default gateway, path
configure IP address and
selection, Host Forwarding Logic: Send
observe data flow, ARP
the Packet to the Default Router,

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 22

Routing Data Across the Network, entries(on each PC) using
Delivering Data to the End Destination, packet tracer.
How Network Layer Routing Uses LANs 3. Connect to a web server
and WANs, IP Addressing and How using IP address.
Addressing Helps IP Routing, Routing 4. Troubleshoot IP addresses.
IPv4 Addressing – IPV4 addresses,
Binary to decimal, Rules for IP
Addresses, Address structure – hosts
and networks, Rules for Grouping IP
Addresses, Classfull addresses - Class A,
B, and C IP Networks, Classless
addresses, Public and Private IP
addresses, NAT.
IP Subnetting, How to create subnets,
Subnet mask, CIDR, variable length
subnet mask.
ICMP Echo and the ping Command.
1. Subnetting of a network
DHCP – Static address assignment,
(either using real network
Dynamic address assignment, DHCP
or in packet tracer).
1, servers.
2. Configure a DHCP on a
02, 2, IPv4 and IPv6 Address Management -
wireless router – use packet
10 03, 3, Network Boundaries -Gateways to Other
04 4, Networks, Routers as Gateways.
3. Packet Tracer - Examine
7 Network Address Translation -
NAT on a Wireless Router.
Introduction, NAT operation.
4. Demonstrate Echo and
IPv4 Issues - Need of IPv6, Ipv4 vs IPv6,
IPv4 and IPv6 Coexistence.
IPv6 features - IPv6 Address

Concept of Virtual LAN’s(VLAN’s)

The Client – Server relationship – Client
Server interaction. URI, URN, URL
TCP/IP Layer 4 Protocols: TCP and UDP -
1. Observe the client
Transmission Control Protocol,
1, interaction between the
02, Multiplexing Using TCP Port Numbers,
2, server and PC using packet
11 03, Popular TCP/IP Applications,
3, tracer.
05 Connection Establishment and
4, 2. Demonstrate netstat.
Termination, User Datagram Protocol.
Port Numbers – TCP and UDP port
numbers, the source and destination
port numbers.
Socket pairs, the netstat command.
1. Observe DNS Name
a) Observe the conversion of
Application layer services- Common a URL to an IP address.
Network application services. b) Observe DNS lookup using
02, Domain name system – Name the nslookup command.
12 03, translation, Domain name server. 2. View the client/server
05 HTTP – web client and server. traffic sent from a PC to a
FTP – File transfer protocol, FTP client web server when requesting
software web services using packet
3. Demonstrate FTP using
packet tracer.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 23

Leased Line WANs - Positioning Leased
Lines with LANs and Routers, Physical
Details of Leased Lines, Leased Line
Cabling, Building a WAN Link in a Lab,
Data Link Details of Leased Lines, HDLC
Basics, How Routers Use a WAN Data
1, 1. Building a Wide Area
02, Link.
2, Network in a packet tracer.
13 03, Ethernet as a WAN Technology -
3, 2. Hands on preparing a
05 Ethernet WANs that Create a Layer 2
4, home DSL link
Service, How Routers Route IP Packets
Using Ethernet Emulation.
3. Accessing the Internet - The Internet
as a Large WAN, Internet Access (WAN)
Links, Digital Subscriber Line, Cable
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Prepare a report on advanced communication systems and suggest best way to connect remote
villages of India.
2 Prepare a report on Communication satellites of Indian Space Research Organization.
3 Prepare a presentation on 5 networking protocols being used in your smart phone.
My Protocol Rules Objectives
a) Relate computer network protocols to the rules that you use every day for various forms of
b) Define the rules that govern how you send and interpret text messages.
c) Explain what would happen if the sender and receiver did not agree on the details of the
My Local Network
a) Record all the different network-attached devices in your home or classroom.
5 b) Investigate how each device connects to the network to send and receive information.
c) Create a diagram showing the topology of your network.
d) Label each device with its function within the network.
6 Detailed study of Packet tracer and present the same.
Trace a Route
7 a) Determine network connectivity to a destination host
b) Trace a route to a remote server using tracert
8 Presentation on wireless Ethernet protocols
1. Calculate whether destination address is local or remote using IP address.
9 2. Calculate whether destination address is local or remote using mask.
3. Use logical AND to determine network address
Identify IPv6 Addresses
a) Identify the different types of IPv6 addresses.
b) Examine a host IPv6 network interface and address.
c) Practice IPv6 address abbreviation.
Prepare a report on ICANN
List the popular port numbers with their use.
12 Presentation on Telnet with demo on packet tracer.
13 Presentation on other WAN protocols.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 24

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Computer Network Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS33P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 www.netcad.com
2 Computer Networks - Behrouz A. Forouzan
3 www.howtonetwork.com
4 vlab.co.in

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 25

8. CIE Skill Test and SEE Scheme of Evaluation
Particulars/Dimension Marks

Identify the network devices, cables, Connectors, software and other tools required as
1 20
per the given specification and write their technical details.

2 Design/Create/Configure the given network as per the specification given. 25

Configure and troubleshoot the network (devices, address, port, software, tools,
3 25
address, protocol).

Demonstrate the solution.

4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills

5 Portfolio evaluation based on aggregate of all practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computer 20

2 Lan cable 20

3 Crimping tool 20

4 Networking Switch, Modem 2

5 Cisco Packet tracer tool 20

6 Communication trainer kit 10

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 26

Government of Karnataka
Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester III
Course Code 20CS34P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Database System Concepts and PL/SQL Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Data, factual information, is the main driving force that is changing the face of our world. Database is an
organized collection of related data which is stored and accessed electronically using a computer. Database
management has evolved from a specialized computer application to a central component of virtually all
enterprises, and, as a result, knowledge about database systems has become an essential part of an education
in computer science. SQL is a powerful language for both querying and updating data in relational databases.
Study of SQL empowers students to implement and work with relational data model.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify the various elements of ER model for a given requirement, draw ER diagram and validate
the results / outcome
Translate the given ER diagram to a relational model and verify against integrity constraints. Also
refine and normalize the relational database design against first three normal forms
CO-03 Use appropriate SQL statements to create a database and other DB objects using a DBMS software
Perform insert, delete and/or update operations on the database and query the database to
retrieve the required information using appropriate SQL statements and clauses.

3. Course Content
Tutorial Practice
(Activity (Performance
(Knowledge Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria) Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
Overview of DB: why a database? Purpose of 1.Install and setup
database; Classification; Application; DBMS: DBMS software
features, providers; such as MySQL,
Functional components of DBMS; Types of DBMS PostgreSQL
1 1 1,4 architecture; 2. Learn the
View of data in DBMS; Database users; Role and interface and
responsibilities of DBA; explore the
Case study: Example of any database application, features of
recruitment database installed DBMS

Database design 1. Identify and

Data model; types; importance of data modeling; ER-model elements
2 1 1,3,4
Overview of database design; phases of database and draw ER
design; database development life cycle; diagram for the

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 27

Conceptual design: ER-Model: entity: types; given specifications
attribute: types; relationships: types, constraints, using tools.
Symbols and Notations;
Case study: conceptual design for a set of
i. Restaurant
ii. Retail shop
iii. Recruitment
iv. College
v. Library
Relational model: Overview; characteristics; 1. Map ER Model to
Constraints: types; Operations; relational model
3 2 1,3
Advantages and Disadvantages; applications; 2. Identify various
Design anomalies; Features of good DB design; constraints
Functional dependency: overview, rules, types;
Normalization: normalization process; 1. Normalize the
4 2 1,3
importance of normalization;1NF,2NF,3NF above design
Sufficient examples to understand the concept
1.validate the above
database languages: types, commands/tasks in
design against
each type; Integrity constraints;
5 3 1,4 integrity
MySQL/PostgreSQL: overview; features;
datatypes; Standardization guidelines;
1. use
Defining Data: DDL
DDL statements to
CREATE, ALTER, DROP different DB objects;
6 3 1,3,4 create database
Temporary tables: types, create and use; external
and other DB
tables; Managing constraints
objects for above
1. perform single
table and multi
Insert, delete and update data table insertion
Modifying data: UPDATE and DELETE 2. perform delete
Update anomalies; impact of constraints and update
7 3,4 1,3,4
Querying of available data: SELECT; Aliases; operations
sorting data: ORDER BY 3. Querying single
sort the result set of
a query
1. Querying single
filtering data: WHERE, AND, OR, row limiting table
8 4 1,4 clause, IN, BETWEEN, LIKE; 2 Filtering data
Joining table: INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, 3. query multiple
tables with joins
1. queries that use
Grouping data: Aggregate functions, GROUP BY, set operators
9 4 1,4 HAVING; 2. report aggregated
Set operators: UNION, INTERSECT, MINUS; data using group
Subqueries: 1. Write sub queries
Comparator operators; subqueries: Single Row to retrieve
10 4 1,4 Subqueries; Multiple Row Subqueries; correlated information from
subqueries; EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, ANY, ALL, the created
SOME; database
Views: create, drop and update; realization of 1. Create view and
11 4 1,4
views based on single and multiple tables; query

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 28

DCL: Controlling user access: Differentiating 2. Create users and
system privileges from object privileges; Granting assign privileges
privileges on tables for DB operations
PL/SQL: variables, datatypes; control statements
(decision making); 1. create and execute
Stored procedures and Functions store procedures
12 4 1,4
Concept; syntax and structure of store procedure; 2. create and execute
syntax and structure of functions; calling a functions
function; Examples ;
Managing and controlling transactions: 1. create and
Introduction of transaction, ACID properties; execute
states of transaction; Transaction control; transactions
2. call previously
Overview of transaction management, using
13 4 1,4 created store
transaction control commands: COMMIT, procedure or
sufficient examples; transaction

Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Identify the drawbacks of file system and how DB enables us to overcome them.
Identify distinguishable features of each of DBMS available in the market.
Transform given n-ary relationship to binary relationship
2 Document the steps to create ER diagram
Identify the components of ER model in the given requirements.
Document the steps to create logical design
Discuss and document Codd's 12 rules
4 Explore and document other normal forms
5 study and present the working of SQL optimizer
Learn and report optimization techniques
Learn and demonstrate use of DISTINCT, ALL, IS NULL;
Learn and present RIGHT JOIN;
7 Identify the advantages of Cascading Referential Integrity Constraints
8 Identify need of subqueries
9 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of store procedure and functions,
10 Presentation on the latest developments in research and industry related to this course
11 Learn and present need of scalar subqueries
12 Learn iterative statements in PL/SQL
Does Relational model support storage of unstructured data, if no, what are the alternatives to store
unstructured data.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 tests

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 29

CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Database System Concepts and
Course Name Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS34P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S . Sudarshan
2 https://binaryterms.com/
3 https://beginnersbook.com/
4 https://www.oracletutorial.com/

8. CIE Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Draw ER diagram for the given specifications.

1 40
i. Identification of ER model elements - 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 30

ii. Drawing ER diagram - 20

Translate ER diagram to relational model, verify against integrity constraints and

refine and normalize DB design
2 i. mapping of above ER model to relational model components - 10 30
ii. verification of integrity constraints - 10
iii. apply normal forms to refine the above design - 10

Explain above DB design

3 In the event of student failing to apply normalization the examiner shall use viva voce 20
to assess the student understanding of normal forms and integrity constraints

4 Portfolio evaluation of practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

Note: For CIE skill test 2, SEE scheme of evaluation shall be used.

9. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Draw ER diagram for the given specifications.

1 i. Identification of ER model elements - 10 20
ii. Drawing ER diagram - 10

Translate ER diagram to relational model, verify against integrity constraints and

refine and normalize DB design
2 i. Mapping of above ER model to relational model components 5 20
ii. Verification of integrity constraints 5
iii. Apply normal forms to refine the above design 10

Use appropriate SQL statements to create the database and other DB objects using a
3 10
DBMS software for the above design

Perform insert, delete and/or update operations on the database and query the
4 database to retrieve the required information using appropriate SQL statements and 20

Demonstrate the working of above queries.

5 In the event of not working of above queries (with no syntactical errors), the 20
examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student understanding of ER model,
Relational model concepts and SQL.

6 Portfolio evaluation of practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 31

10. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers 20

MySQL workbench/ or equivalent software; Lucid chart

2 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 32


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 33

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester IV

Course Code 20CS41P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Data Structures using Python Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Data structures are the techniques organizing data and of designing the algorithms for real-life projects.
Knowledge of data structures is essential for software design and development. Learning data structures with
Python offer flexibility and ease of programming with many built in data structures and libraries.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
CO-01 Explain data structures types, list their applications and solve a given computing problem.
CO-02 Apply the right searching and sorting techniques to solve a given problem.
CO-03 Use recursive programming concepts to solve problems with backtracking
CO-04 Analyse space and time complexities of an algorithm used and plot a graph.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
1. Introduction to Data Structures,
operations, classification, Characteristics.
2. Primitive types – primitive data
structures, python examples. Non primitive 1. Python program to Use
1, types - Non primitive data structures, and demonstrate basic data
2, python examples. Linear and nonlinear structures.
1 02, Refer
3, data structures – with python examples. 2. Implement an ADT with
05 Table 1.
4 3. Introduction, Abstractions, Abstract Data all its operations.
Types, An Example of Abstract Data Type
(Student, Date, Employee), Defining the
ADT, Using the ADT, Implementing the
1. Algorithm design strategies – brute force,
decrease and conquer, divide and conquer,
greedy , dynamic programming, 1. Implement an ADT and
backtracking. Compute space and time
01, 2,
2. Algorithm Analysis – Space Complexity, 2. Implement above
2 02, 3,
Time Complexity. solution using array and
05 4,
Compute space and time
7 3. Run time analysis. complexities and compare
two solutions.
4. Asymptomatic notations, Big-O Notation,
Omega Notation, Theta Notation.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 34

1. Linear(arrays) vs nonlinear (pointer)
1. Implement Singly linked
structures – Run time and space
list (Traversing the Nodes,
1, requirements, when to use what?
01, searching for a Node,
2, 2. Introduction to linked list, applications.
3 02, Prepending Nodes,
3, 3. The Singly Linked List- Creating Nodes,
05 Removing Nodes)
4, Traversing the Nodes, searching for a Node,
2. Implement linked list
Prepending Nodes, Removing Nodes.
4. Linked List Iterators.
1. The Doubly Linked List.
1, 2. DLL node, List Operations – Create,
2, appending nodes, delete, search. 1. Implement DLL.
4 02,
3, 3. The Circular Linked List-Organization, 2. Implement CDLL
4, List Operations – Appending nodes, delete,
iterating circular list.
1. Last In First Out (Stack) Data structures –
Example: Reversing a word, evaluating an
1, 1. Implement Stack Data
01, expression, message box.
2, Structure.
5 02, 2. The Stack implementation – push, pop,
3, 2. Implement bracket
05 display.
4 matching using stack.
3. Stack Applications- Balanced Delimiters,
Evaluating Postfix Expressions.
1. Recursion.
1. Program to demonstrate
2. Properties of Recursion.
recursive operations
01, 1, 3. Recursive functions: Factorials, Recursive
(factorial/ Fibonacci)
02, 2, Call Trees, The Fibonacci Sequence.
6 2. Implement Binary search
04, 3, 4. How Recursion Works- The Run Time
using recursion and plot
05 4, Stack.
the graph for its efficiency.
5. Recursive Applications- Recursive Binary
Search, Towers of Hanoi.
1. The First In First Out (Queue) Data
1, structure – Example: Media player list,
2, keyboard buffer queue. 1. Implement Queue.
7 02,
3, 2. Implementing the Queue and its 2. Implement priority queue
4, operations using Python List.
3. Priority Queues Queue, Implementation.
1. The Tree data structure – Example: File
explorer/Folder structure, Domain name
1, server.
2, 2. Tree Terminology, Tree nodes. 1. Implement Binary search
8 3, 3. Binary trees, Binary search trees, tree and its operations
4, Properties, Implementation of tree
operations – insertion, deletion, search,
Tree traversals (in order, pre order and
post order).
01, 1,
1. Depth-first traversal
02, 2, 1. Implementations BFS.
9 2. Breadth-first traversal
04, 3, 2. Implementation of DFS.
3. Tree applications: Expression evaluation.
05 4,
1. Introduction to Hashing.
01, 2. Hashing - Perfect hashing functions. 1. Implement Hash
10 02, 3. Hash table functions.
05 4. Hash Functions, Operations, Hash
collision, Application.
02, 1. Searching. 1. Implement Linear Search
11 04, 2. The Linear Search. compute space and time
05 3. The Binary Search. complexities, plot graph

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 35

3, using asymptomatic
4, notations.
2. Implement Binary Search
Compute space and time
complexities, plot graph
using asymptomatic
notations and compare
1. Implement sorting
1, 1. Sorting. algorithms compute space
2, 2. Bubble Sort. and time complexities, plot
12 04,
3, 3. Selection Sort. graph using asymptomatic
4, 4. Insertion Sort. notations.

1. Merge Sort- Algorithm Description, 1. Implement sorting

1, Implementation, Efficiency Analysis algorithms compute space
2, 2. Quick Sort- Algorithm Description, and time complexities, plot
13 04,
3, Implementation, Efficiency Analysis graph using asymptomatic
4, 3. Radix Sort- Algorithm Description, notations and compare all
Implementation, Efficiency Analysis solutions.
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Design a Data structure for handling Student Records- Designing a Solution, Implementation
(Using Basic DS).
2 Design a Data structure for handling Student Records- Designing a Solution, Implementation
(Using ADT).
3 Design and implement sparse matrix representation using linked list.
4 Design and implement simple application that require DLL data structure.
5 Implement and Demonstrate evaluating postfix expression.
6 Presentation on run time stack.
7 Design and implement priority queue data structure.
8 Prepare a Report on balanced trees.
9 Implement expression evaluation tree.
10 Prepare a report on hashing and analyze time complexity.
11 Analyze time complexity of search algorithms
12 Analyze time complexity of sorting algorithms.
13 Analyze time complexity of sorting algorithms.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 36

Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 tests
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Data Structures using Python Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS41P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks=(8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Data Structures and Algorithms using Python by Rance D. Necaise
2 Python Data Structures and Algorithms by Benajmin Baka
3 www.geeksforgeeks.com

8. CIE Skill Test and SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Select appropriate data structure/Algorithm/searching-sorting methods for a given

1 20
problem statement, and write Algorithm and Program for given problem.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 37

2 Implement the program, test if any errors. 25

3 Analyse time and space complexity and plot the graph. 15

Justify your selection of data structure/Algorithm/searching-sorting methods using

4 above analysis (give comparative analysis with atleast 2 other data 10
structure/Algorithm/searching-sorting methods).

Demonstrate the solution and its operation

5 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical and least 20
semantic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student’s problem-
solving python programming skills

6 Portfolio evaluation based on aggregate of all practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers 20

2 Python 3.6 20

3 Editor such as iPython, Jupyter, spider, PyCharm 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 38

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester IV

Course Code 20CS42P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Operating System Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's
memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with
the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO-01 Explain functions and services of an operating system.

CO-02 Create a virtual environment and configure it to meet a specific application requirement.

Identify and use Linux commands to create and manage simple file processing operations,
organise directory structures and develop shell script to automate given simple task.

Demonstrate the role and responsibilities of a Linux system administrator and analyse
problems using suitable diagnostic tools and resolve issues.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
1 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
hour/week twice in a week)
Overview of Operating System, Need
for OS, Structure, OS Types, Examples 1. Types of OS installation
of OS (desktop and mobile) 2. Boot methods
1 01 01,07 Dual mode operation, Kernel and 3 . File System and
microkernel, Functions of OS formatting
User interfaces; Corporate Vs Personal 4. Post installation tasks
needs; Types of OS installation
Refer Table
Virtualization technology, working,
Potentials and challenges of Install and configure virtual
01, 01, Virtualization, Virtual Machines, machine
02 07 Containers Download, install Putty and
Linux command line - Interpreter, connect Linux VM via Putty
shell, CLI over GUI, Types of users-
super and normal.
01, Directory commands, File
3 01, 07
03 movement and copy

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 39

File system - File system structure and commands, File deletion
its description commands, Creating and
Navigating the file system, File deleting directories
permissions and ownership, Filters / Commands for File viewing,
Text Processing Commands, Compare File comparison, File
Files manipulation, Altering file-
permission, File
compression and
Process Management - Process,
Process states, PCB; Process
scheduling Queue
Linux commands related to
Operations on Processes - Process
process management- bg, fg,
02,03, creation, Process termination, Inter
4 01 nohup, pkill, nice, top, ps;
07 process communication
at and cron commands to
Schedulers - Long term, short term
schedule tasks
and medium term; Context switch;
Different types of CPU schedulers
(basic concept), Process priority
Threads - Multithreading models,
Threads and processes.
5 01 04,, Related Linux Commands
Types of threads - Kernel level and
User level
Memory management - Process
address space, static vs dynamic
linking and loading
02,03 Swapping, Memory allocation,
6 01
04, 07 Fragmentation
Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory
- Demand paging, Page replacement
algorithm (concept only)
Work on user accounts -
useradd, groupadd,
usermod, userdel;
monitoring commands top,
System administration: User account
df, dmesg, iostat 1,
management, System monitoring, Log
netstat, free, cat /
02, monitoring
7 01 proc/cpuinfo, cat
04, 07 System maintenance, System
Work on log directory
System architecture
/var/log - boot, chronyd -
NTP, cron, mail; system
maintenance - shutdown,
reboot, halt, init
Linux Directory Service - Account
Authentication, Difference between
Active Directory, LDAP, IDM,
02, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc.
8 01 03, System utility, System Logs, System
04, 07 Monitoring, OS Maintenance
Finding System Information, System
Architecture, Terminal control,
Recover root Password
Write shell scripts to
02, Shell scripting : Introduction to Linux
illustrate decision making
9 01 03, Kernel, Introduction to Shell – Types,
and different types of
04, 07 Shell scripting - Basic Shell scripts
iterations; to perform string

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 40

Shebang or Hashbang, Input and operations; to perform file
Output of Script operations; to automate
Decision making and iterative basic common tasks.
Check remote servers connectivity,
Aliases, User and global aliases, Shell
1.Network files and
commands (ping, ifconfig,
netstat, tcpdump,
networking config files)
Network Components, Network files 2.NIC Information (ethtool)
and commands, NIC or Port Bonding 3.Downloading Files or
02, System updates and Apps with URLs(wget)
10 01 03, repositories, System Upgrade/Patch 4.Connectivity commands
04 Management, Advance Package (curl and ping)
Management 5.File Transfer
SSH and Telnet, DNS Commands (FTP, SCP,
6.System updates and
repositories (rpm and
Apache Web Server (http) - What is
11 01 03, OpenLDAP Installation
Central Logger, Securing Linux
04, 07
1. LVM Configuration during
Disk management - System run
2. Add Disk and Create
levels, Linux Boot Process, Disk
Standard Partition
3. Add Disk and Create LVM
Storage, Logical Volume Management
02, Partition.
(LVM), Extend Disk using LVM, Adding
12 01 03, 4. LVM Configuration during
Swap Space
04, 07 Installation
Introduction to RAID - Hardware &
5. Add Virtual Disk and
Software, RAID levels, Building a
Create New LVM Partition
(pvcreate, vgcreate,
6. Extend disk using LVM
Problem statement like:
Maintenance and Troubleshooting - 1. System is running
Backups and File Integrity ineffectively
01, System monitoring- Process System- 2. Service not responding
13 03,
04 Monitoring Tools, Memory- 3. Inadequate hard-disk
04, 07
Monitoring Tools(valgrind) space
Disaster planning and recovery. 4. Network not responding
5. Device failure
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum
Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
Compare features of different OS
1 Study the evolution of OS to recognize the importance of current OS trends.
Prepare a report on different flavours of LINUX.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 41

2 Compare VMs and Containers
3 Identify relationship between threads and processes
Comprehend the differences between types of threads
4 Identify relationship between threads and processes
5 Comprehend the differences between types of threads
Identify relationship between threads and processes
Comprehend the differences between types of threads
7 case study: Bunded buffer/ barber shop problem; dining philosophers’ problem

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Operating System Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS42P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 42

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Operating System internal and Design Principles, William Stalings
2 Operating System , Garry Nut
3 https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/virtualization
4 Virtual Machine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

8. CIE SKILL Test or SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Create virtual environment and configure it to meet given application requirement. 25

2 Write shell script to automate given task. 25

3 Demonstrate file processing operations using appropriate Linux commands 20

Explain the working above written shell script

5 In the event of student failing to explain the working of shell script, examiner shall use 20
viva-voce to check the knowledge of student on operating system services and
responsibilities of Linux administrator.

6 Portfolio evaluation of practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 43

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester IV

Course Code 20CS43P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Object Oriented Programming and Design Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Object oriented programming is most popular programming paradigm that organizes software design
around classes and objects. The object-oriented design principles are core of object-oriented programming.
It is important to learn the basics of object-oriented programming, it is also equally important to know
object-oriented design principles. OOD principles provide a valuable standard and guidelines to create clean
and modular design and avoid code smells. OOD principles of object-oriented programming guide to write
well-designed code that is more readable, maintainable, and easier to upgrade and modify. Student will
understand what benefits a particular design principle offers and how to apply these design principles in
coding. Java is the popular object-oriented programming language that empowers the innovation in this
digital world. Students will have sound knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts and design
principles with java.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Design a solution for a given problem using object-oriented programming concepts and apply all
appropriate object-oriented design principles.
Write and test the code for a designed solution using java OOP concepts and/or other appropriate
java constructs.
CO-03 Identify and explain how to resolve all considered exceptions with an example.
CO-04 Demonstrate with an example a java application's connection with a database.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
Week CO PO* (Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)
1. Install and Setup java
Introduction to Java environment
Brief history; features; java 2. Install java editor
architecture; components: JVM, (Eclipse for Enterprise
JRE, JDK; Applications; Refer Table Java) and configure
1 1,2 1,4
Java environment setup; 1. workspace
Structure of java program; 3. Execution of first java
Compilation and execution of java program
program; 4. Java code execution
Variable: Types (local, instance,
1. Code, execute and
static); declaration, initialization;
debug programs in java
comments; ‘this’ keyword; Data
2 1,2 1,2,4 a. that uses different
types; Autoboxing and unboxing;
types of variables and
Operators; Expressions;
Evaluation of expressions

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 44

b. for expression
c. to perform autoboxing
and unboxing
2. Identify and resolve
issues in the given code
Introduction to OOP: 1. Code, execute and
Building blocks: class, object, debug programs in java
attributes, methods; Class and that uses different
3 1,2 1,2,4 objects in java: Access modifiers; types of constructors
Constructors: rules for defining 2. Identify and resolve
constructor; types; Destructor; issues in the given code
1. Install memory
monitoring tool and
Memory allocation in java; observe how JVM
garbage collection: concept, allocates memory
4 1,2 1,2,4
working, types, advantages 2. Memory allocation
finalize () method; explanation through the

1. Code, execute and

Conditional and Iterative
debug programs in java
that uses different
Decision making: if,if..else, switch
control statements.
Iterative: need of iterative
5 1,2 1,2,4 2. Implement Grading
statements; types of loops in java;
how to use them;
3. Identify and resolve
Break and continue statements;
issues in the given code
1. Code, execute and
debug programs in java
that uses encapsulation
OOP concepts: Encapsulation
Concept; What is encapsulation?
2. Implement simple
How to achieve encapsulation in
6 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 calculator and check
java; Packages;
compliance with SRP
Single Responsibility Principle:
3. Implement Text
Intent; Rules; Benefits; example
manipulator and check
compliance with SRP

1. Code, execute and

Arrays: Why arrays? Features, debug programs in java
types, Declaration, array creation that uses array concept
7 1,2 1,2,4 with new operator, working with 2. Code, execute and
arrays; debug programs in java
Strings: creation, string methods; to perform string
1. Code, execute and
OOP concepts: Inheritance debug programs in java
Inheritance concept; types; that uses inheritance
8 1,2 1,2,3,4 Inheritance in java; Examples; concept
Open Closed principle: Intent; 2. Implement simple
Rules; Benefits; example calculator and check
compliance with OCP

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 45

3. Implement file parser
and check compliance
with SRP and OCP
OOP concepts: Polymorphism
1. Code, execute and
Polymorphism concept; types:
debug programs in java
method overloading and
9 1,2 1,2,4 that uses
overriding; application;
a. static binding
polymorphism in java; sufficient
b. dynamic binding
1. Code, execute and
OOP concepts: Abstraction debug programs in java
Overview; implementation of that uses
abstraction in java: abstract class 2. abstract class to
and interface; Relationship achieve abstraction
10 1,2 1,2,4 between class and interface; 3. interface to achieve
inheritance in interface; Examples abstraction
to substantiate the understanding
4. Verify whether the
of concepts; Eg. File parser;
given code snippet is
message logger
correct according to
abstraction or not
1. Code, execute and
debug programs in java
Exception handling a. handles checked and
Exception concept; exceptions in unchecked exceptions
java; classification: checked and
b. read the content of the
11 1,2,3 1,2,4 unchecked; exception handling in
java; file and write the
Files and I/O streams: File reader content to another file
and writer; 2. Incorporate exception
handling in calculator

Enums; Overview of java 1. Implement payment

annotations; system and check
12 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 Design principle: compliance with ISP
Interface Segregation principle: 2. Implement a system to
Intent; Rules; Benefits; examples; manage smart devices
Database Connectivity 1. Code, execute and
Introduction to JDBC; JDBC debug programs in java
components; How JDBC works? to connect to JDBC and
13 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
JDBC connections; Connect java perform basic DB
application to database using operations
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Identify various java IDEs and identify differences between them.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 46

Compare and contrast Java with Python
Study and present
a. type casting in java
b. what are command line arguments in java?
c. java keywords and their usage
Compare and contrast
3 a. method and constructor;
b. constructor and destructor
4 Study and present how does bytecode work in java.
5 Present nesting of conditional and iterative statements considering a use case
Identify advantages and disadvantages of
a. Encapsulation.
6 b. Inheritance
c. Abstraction
d. Polymorphism
Learn and report
7 a. java Arrays class and methods
b. java String class and methods
Identify and document how these principles help to avoid code smells.
a. SRP
b. OCP
c. ISP
Compare and contrast
9 a. static and dynamic binding and identify usage of each
b. abstract class and interface, identify usage of each
Differentiate error and exception
Identify and document system exceptions
11 Study DRY principle, identify the benefits.
12 Identify how OOD principles violations impact the quality of code.
13 Study ORM and identify java ORM frameworks.
14 Study and find the inclusions in latest java distribution.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Object Oriented Programming and
Course Name Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS43P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 47

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/
2 Solid principles in java |why is it imp | Examples | Edureka
3 What is Java? A Beginner's Guide to Java and its Evolution | Edureka
4 https://www.javabrahman.com/programming-principles/

8. CIE Skill Test 1 Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Develop a solution for a given problem using object-oriented programming concepts

1 i. Identification of OO components (class, attributes, methods) 10 20
ii. Logic used to achieve desired outcome 10

2 Write program for above given problem using appropriate java OOP concepts. 20

3 Code, execute, test and debug the above program 30

Demonstrate the how your program has solved the given problem

4 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical errors and 20
least sematic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student
understanding of OOP concepts and java code execution process.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 48

5 Portfolio evaluation based on aggregate of all practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

Note: For CIE skill test 2, SEE scheme of evaluation shall be used.

9. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks

Develop a solution for a given problem using object-oriented programming concepts

i. Identification of OO components (class, attributes, methods) 5

1 ii. Use of OOP concepts 10 30
iii. Logic used to achieve desired outcome 10
iv. Handling of considered exceptions 5

2 Write program for above given problem using appropriate java OOP concepts. 10

3 Code, execute, test and debug the above program 20

4 Demonstrate compliance of above solution with object-oriented design principles 20

Demonstrate the how your program has solved the given problem

5 In the event of, a student fails to get the desired result (with no syntactical errors and 10
least sematic errors), the examiner shall use viva voce to assess the student
understanding of OOP concepts and OOD principles

6 Portfolio evaluation based on aggregate of all practice sessions 10

Total Marks 100

10. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers 20

2 Java 8.0 and above, eclipse 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 49

Government of Karnataka

Programme Computer Science and Engineering Semester IV

Type of
Course Code 20CS44P Programme Core
8 hours/week
Software Engineering principles and
Course Name Contact Hours 104
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Digital reality has become an integral part of human life with software tools being used to deal with virtually
every part of life. A process is key to develop a quality software successfully. Software engineering is the
systematic application of engineering approaches to the development of software. Principles and practices of
software engineering blends engineering, computing, project management and software development. It’s
essential to understand the life cycle of software development and the process followed to develop a quality
software. Design thinking methodology encourages identifying alternative strategies and solutions to solve a
problem in best possible way.

2. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
Explain the typical software development life cycle (SDLC), list and differentiate the various SDLC
models along with identifying where each model could be beneficial when applied.
Demonstrate the application of design thinking as a process, explain how it helps in requirement
engineering and mitigate risks.
Study a given application requirement, draw the appropriate UML diagram and validate to ensure
the UML diagram meets with the given requirement.
Document standard test procedures and test cases for a given requirement to ensure the software
gives the desired results for which it is built.

3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial (Activity
(Knowledge Criteria) Criteria)
Week CO PO Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a
1. Software engineering; Need of
software engineering; Software 1. Discuss success
paradigms; Software product types: and failure stories
generic, customized; characteristics 2. Presentation of
of good software; collected case
1 1 1 Refer Table 1 studies
2. Challenges in software projects;
3. Enact the
Factors that influence software importance of
development; understanding ethical practices
3. Software process; need of process,
components of process, process

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 50

activities; Differentiate product,
project and process; process
assessment and improvement;
Software engineering ethics.

SDLC and Process Models 1. Case study to

SDLC; Software process model; How understand the
to choose process model? SDLC
Comparison between a defined 2. Organize and play
process and an empirical process; games to
Traditional process models: waterfall; understand the
Incremental; V model agile process like,
Agile process- manifesto; principles; morning wake up
2 1 1,5
A paradigm shift from a plan-driven game
mentality; • the
• White Elephant
• Easter Egg
1. agile frameworks; ceremonies 1. Play and act agile
2. Overview of XP – XP practices ceremonies
3. Scrum: Overview; framework; 2. Play different agile
3 1 1,5
ceremonies and artifacts; roles
Eg. Product owner,
business analyst
1. Risk, characteristics, categories;
why risk management is critical; 1. case study to
risk management framework; understand the
Activities; importance of risk
2. Principles of risk management, Risk management and
identification, Risk assessment – mitigation of risk
4 1,3 1
risk analysis; risk prioritization; 2. How to use tools
Risk Mitigation; need and to manage and
importance of risk mitigation; mitigate risks
3. Risk Control – planning, resolution, [eg. Logicgate,
monitoring; How to use tool to AuditBoard etc]
manage and mitigate risks in an
Design Thinking 1. Conduct warmup
1. Introduction, 5 stages of design activities to Ignite
thinking Design Thinking
5 2 1,2 2. Understand the process of design 2. Organize and
thinking using an example conduct design
3. Case Study thinking exercises
and games

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 51

Requirement Engineering
Overview; Is it important? what is
1. Organize role play
requirement? requirement types;
for requirement
Sources of requirements;
Requirement engineering Process;
2. Identify a problem
Good and Bad Requirements,
and prepare
6 1,3 1,2 Feasibility study; Typical
Requirements Engineering
document or Epics
Problems ; Requirement
and user stories
management tools
3. Prepare RPM
Note: Take a case study to understand
requirement engineering and
prepare use cases or user stories
Requirement Modeling 1. Draw UML
concept; importance; benefits; diagram for given
strategies; use case or user
Overview of UML; Structure diagram: story (using tools
class, component, deployment like Lucidchart)
7 1,4 1,2,4
diagram; 2. Apply modeling
Behavior diagram: use case, activity, techniques on the
interaction diagram, sequence artifact obtained
diagram from the previous
Overview; Objectives; design
Concepts; Levels of design;
Architectural styles; Design patterns:
overview, classification; examples; 1. Create boiler plate
UI and UX: Overview of UI, types, for the project
8 1 1,2,3 essential characteristics, design 2. Convert
methods, visual elements of UI requirements to
design, importance; Overview of user interface
UX; relationship between UI and
Coding Standards and Guidelines:
purpose, standards;
Overview of DevOps; working 1. Create Git account
principle; Benefits; DevOps culture; 2. Learn version
DevOps practices: continuous control and
9 1 1,2,3,4
integration, continuous delivery, configuration
version control, configuration management with
management, Build; Git

Code quality and code security:

overview; importance; issues
caused by poor code; tools to check
1. Setup build
code quality
process using
10 1 1,2,3,4
Jenkins (Hello
Containerization: Container, why
world application)
container, containerization;
working principle; benefits; Hello
world example
Testing 1. Create test cases
Principles of testing; Need of testing; for the artifact of
11 1,5 1,4
stages; Testing process and requirement
activities; classification; Testing engineering

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 52

strategies; Levels of software
testing; Software testing types;
Software Measurement and Metrics 1. Use a tool like Jira
Measurement; need of Measurement; to capture agile
types; metrics
12 1,5 1
Metrics: characteristics; classification 2. Use SonarQube to
Application monitoring capture code
quality metrics
Quality Control and Assurance
Concept of software quality,
Compliance, Quality Standards,
quality control, quality assurance; 1. Organize Roleplay
Difference between QC & QA. Need to understand the
for auditing. roles and
Auditing fundamentals: auditing, responsibilities of
13 1,5 1
elements of auditing; audit types; QA and QC team.
auditing methods, benefits of 2. Audit the artifacts
auditing. produced in
Quality and Process improvement previous sessions
tools and techniques– pareto chart,
PDCA cycle, Six sigma and Lean
in 39 13 52
*PO = Program outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum

Table 1: Suggestive activities for tutorials (the list is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all possible
activities for that course. Student and faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to the topic
and the availability of such resources at their institution)
1 Study the traffic signal and the importance of rules and process.
2 Visit various consulting company web portals and collect case studies.
3 Document the roles and responsibilities of different agile ceremonies
Identify cost of risk;
Identify commonly used risk management tools.
Identify a problem and explain how design thinking can be applied to solve it.
Design a shopping cart to achieve ease of use, applying design thinking.
Prepare RPM [requirement traceability matrix] for shopping cart
6 List the criteria to select the requirement management tools
Identify different requirement management tools and list their features.
7 Identify frequently used UML diagrams and also identify tools used to draw them
8 Study boiler plate and present necessary characteristics of boiler plate for a large and small project
Identify different DevOps Tools and list their features
Study and report OWASP coding guidelines
9 Learn and report Twelve Factor App methodology
Identify different version control and configuration management tools and report their market
Compare and contrast containerization and virtualization and identify importance of these in
10 software development
Identify container providers
Study and prepare report on testing tools.
Compare manual and automation testing

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 53

12 Study and prepare report on widely used software metrics.
13 Identify different quality tools and report their features and usage

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max
Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks
1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three
2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
CIE-6 Portfolio evaluation of
6 1-13 10 10
Activity through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Software Engineering principles and
Course Name Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20CS44P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 54

1 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
2 www.guru99.com
3 Continuous Delivery Principles | Atlassian
4 https://www.agilealliance.org/
5 www.udemy.com
6 www. tutorialride.com

8. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks
Capturing the requirements of the client, documenting, reviewing and acceptance by
1 30
the client of the documented requirement for given the problem statement.
2 Identify and document at least two associated risks for the above case. 20
Translate the above requirements into a UML diagram using any of the modeling
3 30
Document test suite for the above requirement.
4 Viva-Voce, In the event of student unable to document a test suite, then student 20
should be allowed to explain the test procedure.
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity
1. Computers 20
2. Git, Jira, SonarCube, Lucidchart or any other UML design tool 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 55

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