9.2 Student Feedback On Faculty
9.2 Student Feedback On Faculty
9.2 Student Feedback On Faculty
(Feedback collected for all courses: YES/NO; Specify the feedback collection process;
Average Percentage of students who participate; Specify the feedback analysis process; Basis
of reward/ corrective measures, if any; Indices used for measuring quality of teaching &
learning and summary of the index values for all courses/teachers; Number of corrective
actions taken.)
The teaching-learning system followed by any educational institution needs continuous
refinement. To capacitate this process of continuous refinement, the institution has adopted a
feedback system that takes suggestions from students of each program. This eventually helps
to fine-tune the teaching-learning process and the curriculum. The Institution follows a well-
defined and formal feedback system. Feedback system has been identified as one of the
important processes in our Quality Management System.
Step 6: After selecting the staff feedback, student will select any one of the level
corresponding to each parameter for particular subject.
Step 7: Repeat Step 6 for all current semester courses
Step 8: After completion of all current semester courses, students save the details.
Step 9: Logout.
Fig: A flow chart for student feedback processing steps in ECAP (Online)
Fig: Student will select any one of the level corresponding to each parameter for
current semester courses
Basis of reward:
The feedback system works as an eye opener for the faculty.
The increments and promotions are considered based on a scale of 5 for student
feedback in faculty appraisal form
Those with low scores will be counseled and asked to improve their performance in
the subsequent semesters by incorporating team teaching or attending pedagogical
training or other faculty development programs as per the necessity.
The faculty members are constantly motivated by giving a word of appreciation in
the departmental meetings.
Rewards are given based on the following performance factors such as:
Award based on university examination results
Outstanding Overall performance in Research and publications
Award for outstanding Grants and funds received
Corrective measures:
Normally the feed-back of the students is used to improve the performance of the
faculty. They are advised to improve upon specific areas like usage of blackboard,
class control, effective teaching aids etc.
Regular training programs in collaboration with NITTTR, seminars by experienced
faculty are organized every year to train the faculty in teaching methodologies and
teaching- learning processes.
Apart from this the faculty members are encouraged to attend various faculty
development programs (FDP) / seminars / workshops to hone up their skills.
If needed explanation from the faculty will be demanded for any inappropriate result
and subsequent action will be taken for improvement of the faculty.
Counseling will be given to the concerned faculty by HOD and Principal whenever
Evaluation form from HoD for the action taken:
Feedback No Section:
No of students participated Date of feedback
Avg of
Areas which HoD’s
Faculty students HoD’s Signature Signature
require Follow
S. No Name marked last Recommendations of faculty of HoD
improvement Up
two grades
Table 9.2.1: Details of Mechanical faculty counselled by HoD for getting below average
performance in the last three years:
Table 9.2.2: Details of Mechanical faculty who got awards and rewards based on their
best performance in the last three years:
Table 9.2.3: Feedback summary of Mechanical faculty for even semester (2017-2018)
Name of the Faculty Name of the Subject/Lab Feedback-1 Feedback-1 Avg for 1&2
P Veera Bhadra Rao / T
Heat Transfer Lab 92 92.2 92.1
V S Siva
P Veera Bhadra Rao Heat Transfer 91.2 92.6 91.9