Philosophy: Key Concepts
Philosophy: Key Concepts
Philosophy: Key Concepts
Padayon ang Edukasyon
Objectives: After completing this self-learning activity sheet, the learner should be able to:
1. Define society;
2. Recognize how individuals form societies; and
3. Appreciate how individuals are transformed by societies.
Key Concepts
A. Different forms of Society
domestication of animals. Semi-nomadic, which means that they travel to another place when
there is shortage of the resources in one area.
4.Agrarian/agricultural society: involves in a largescale and
long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of
animals. Characterized by improved technology and usage of tools to
aid in farming which
results in increased production giving rise to a growing population in agricultural societies. Large
population leads to a more structured social system that helps manage resources and its member.
5.Feudal society: is based on the ownership of land. Its members are organized based on status
which consists of higher class/ruler (people who own a land), vassal/follower (granted a right to
manage a land), and peasants (workers who cultivate the land and tend the animals in exchange
of military protection). This society is mindful of the hierarchy system. It arose during Medieval
times in Western part of Europe.
6.Industrial society: is based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of goods and
services. The emergence of new production and industrial methods along with innovations in
transportation and communication are results from the advances of science and technology in the
late 18th century. In this era, improved trade and commerce, public education and better life
conditions are evident for many people. However, an important factor in social relations within this
form of society is the workplace where people interact with individuals who do not come from the
same family, clan, or community, thus, cultural diversity and bureaucratic forms of organization
7.Post-industrial society: emerged by the establishment of societies based on knowledge,
information, and the sale of services. Virtual society arises where people organize themselves
through communication technology and Internet. This society is composed of members with higher
educational attainment, better training, and specialized roles.
It can be said that you cannot think of a person outside of society and you cannot think of a
society without a group of persons. Thus, human persons and society are interrelated to each
other in which one cannot exist without the other. Moreover, society’s role is considered
important in the growth and development of a person as well as the person’s role in
transforming society.
One important way wherein society influences us, as person is, its ability to define the
relationships and interactions among its members. There are various ways that society
influences our development and interactions but one way is through the establishment of the
● Folkways – less formal norms that arise from tradition and do not result in
punishment when violated (e.g. concept of appropriate swimwear, others might
wear T-shirt and shorts, others might wear bikini)
Activity 1
Draw an Icon.
Directions: In your paper, draw a symbol/icon
for each form of society and give your
explanation for each symbol.
Activity 2
Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question.
1. less formal norms that arise from tradition
2. actions and behaviors expected of a certain individual
3. set of traits and behavior that society considers acceptable
4. organized/patterned set of relationships among individuals and groups that
compose a society
5. more formal and stringent norms that establish and define acceptable behavior
of citizen.
1. I learned that _
2. I enjoyed most on _ _ _
Abella, Roberto D. 2016. Introduction to the PHILOSOPHY of the Human Person Textbook.
Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.,
Image source:
Formative Assessment
Draw an Icon. Directions: In your paper, draw a symbol/icon for each form of society and give your
explanation for each symbol.