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Material Strength - RCD

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MATERIAL STRENGTHS 1. ( Cube strength of concrete (cu) = 25N/mm2 2.

Density of concrete
(concrete) = 24KN/m3 3. Characteristic strength of reinforcement (y) = 250N/mm2 ( Mild steel) 4.
Characteristic strength of reinforcement (y) =460N/mm2 ( High yield steel) III. EXPOSURE CONDITIONS
(According to BS code of Practice for structural use of concrete 2013) 1. Fire resistance of 1.5hrs for all
members 2. Members in contact with soil : 50mm cover for very severe conditions 3. Members not in
contact with soil : 30mm cover for very severe conditions 4. 25mm cover for staircase members. 5.
30mm cover for the beam 6. 50mm cover for the footing of foundation 7. 25mmcover for slab a7 IV.
REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Ref Calculation Output BS8110 2013 4.1 DESIGN OF SLAB critical Panel
nº 14 Durability and fire resistance Nominal cover for very moderate conditions of Exposure = 25mm
Nominal cover for 1.5 hours fire resistance =20 mm Since 25>20, provide nominal cover 25mm Provide
nominal cover = 25mm Preliminary sizing of slab 𝑙𝑥 40 ≤ ℎ𝑜 ≤ 𝑙𝑥 25 = 3.90 40 ≤ ℎ ≤ 3.90 25 9.75 ≤ ℎ ≤
15.60 Taken h = 15cm Effective depth in all direction of the slab ho = 15cm – 2.5cm = 12.5cm Because in
general the range for the thickness of slab ≤ ℎ ≤ 20cm; 12 cm ℎ =15cm we take ℎ = 15 cm ℎo=12.5 cm
REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Ref Calculation Output • Sketch Lx: 3900 Ly = 5200 Ly = 5200mm Lx=
3900 mm λ= Ly/Lx= 5200/3900= 1.33 < 2 Hence slab is designed as two ways span with four edges
continuous. The critical panel (p14) The chosen is the slab with the largest side in order to obtain the
greatest thickness of the slab ( h= 12 cm) The panel is determined by simultaneous parallel vertical axis
2-2; 4—4 and parallel horizontal axis B-B; C-C. 8 • Loading -Self weight of slab 1.40*0.15*1*1*24=
5.04KN/m2 -Finishes =1.40*1.5=2.1KN/m2 Total dead load =5.04KN/m2 + 2.10 KN/m2 = 7.14 KN/m2
Total dead Load = 7.14KN/m2 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Ref Calculation Output BS Standard 8110
Design live load for residential house = 1.60*1.50KN/m2 = 2.40kN/m2 Design load (n) = 7.14KN/m2 +
2.40kN/m2=9.54KN/m2 For a 1m width, n=9.54 KN ( n=Total distributed load on the slab panel) Bending
moment in simply slab supported slab According to the moment coefficients related to the design of
slabs , cfr lecturer note table page 67 λ = Ly = 5.20 = 1.33 ~ 1.30 Lx 3.90 For panel P14 with four fixed
sides( continuous edges); Msx = ∝ sx * n Lx2 Mx- = 0.062 * 9.54 * 3.90 * 3.90 = 9.00 KNm Mx+ = 0.027 *
9.54 * 3.90 * 3.90 = 3.92 KNm Msy = ∝ sx * n Lx2 Mx- = 0.037 * 9.54 * 3.90 * 3.90 = 5.37 KNm Mx+ =
0.016 * 9.54 * 3.90 * 3.90 = 2.32 KNm Live Load: Imposed load Qk= 2.40KN/m2 n= 9.54KN/m29
Conclusion • Negative Mmax = 9.00KN/m ( For to used in design of the required steel reinforcement at
the top of slab • Positive Mmax : 3.92KNm ( For to use in design of the required steel reinforcement the
bottom of the slab) Reinforcement Analysis Effective depth = ho = 15cm -2,5 cm = 12.50 cm a. Required
steel at the top ∝ 𝑚 = Mmax = 9.00KNm x 100 = 0.041 Rb* b * ho2 1.40*100*(12.50)2 ≅ 0.039 available
in the table ∝ 𝑚 = 0.0.39 ξ = 0.04; = n = 0.980 ( see table of coefficients relative to the design of
members subjected to bending moment page 65) of annex RCDI Ās= Mmax = 9.00*100 = 1.837cm2 n *
Rs * ho 0.980*40*12.5 Ās = 1.66 cm2 =2 ø 12 = 2.26 cm2 ( not suffiscient) Taken 5 ø12/m provide
ø12/20cm. In general the minimum bars required per meter the slab is taken as 5 bars ø 12 REINFORCED
CONCRETE DESIGN Ref Calculation Output b) Required Steel at the bottom ∝m = Mmax = 3.92 x 100 =
0.018 Rb* b*ho2 1.40 *100*( 12.5)2 ∝ 𝑚 = 0.031 ξ = 0.03; n= 0.985 Singly reinforced section As+ =
Mmax = 3.92 * 100 =0.792 cm2 n*RS*ho 0.990*40*12.5 As+= 1.010 cm2 ~ = 2 ø 8 ( not sufficient) Taken
5ø12/m provide ø 12/20cm ( 5 bars min / m in slab)10 ARRANGEMENT OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN
THE SLAB a) Transverse cross section Ln/3 Ln/3 Ln/3 Ln/3 Ref Calculation Output B. Plan view cross
section Ln Ln 5Ø12/m 5Ø12/m 025L Φ12/20cm x Φ12/20cm Ly = 5.20m Φ12/20cm 0,25L Lx = 3.90m y y
Ø12/20 cm Ø12/20 cm Ø12/20 cm Ø12/20 cm11 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Ref 4.2. DESIGN OF
TYPICAL BEAM along C-C axis Output - The total height (ht) of the beam has to be in the range below : ℓy

< ht < ℓy =520 < ht < 520 = 34.67 < ht < 65 15 8 15 8 Taken ht = 50 cm - The Breadth of the section (bw)
of the beam has to be in the range below : 0.50 < 1 = 0.50 = bw = b = 25 cm ht 50 Taken : bw = 30 cm -
The flange (bf’) of the beam has to be the lesser of a) ℓy = 520 = 173.33cm ~ 175cm 3 3 b) ℓx = 390 = 195
cm 2 2 c) 12hf+b = ( 12 * 15) + 25 = 205 cm d) Taken bf’ = 175 cm ht : 50 cm bw = 30 cm bf’ = 180 cm
REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Ref Calculation Output BSS8110 4.2.1. Dimensions of the beam ( T.
section) Sketch bf ht bw bf=175cm bw = 30cm hf = 15 cm ht = 50cm

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