V. Steps/Procedures:: May Harvest 300-500 Fry Per Spawning Possible To Spawn Weekly
V. Steps/Procedures:: May Harvest 300-500 Fry Per Spawning Possible To Spawn Weekly
V. Steps/Procedures:: May Harvest 300-500 Fry Per Spawning Possible To Spawn Weekly
1. Set up 2 aquaria
• Place the egg-collector diagonally to
ensure sticking of the adhesive
eggs. (egg-collectors must be long
enough to reach the other side of
• Place aeration (Aeration must be very gentle)
2. Place a pair of breeders on the prepared aquarium.
(Angelfish are monogamous therefore proper identification of
pair is a must to ensure optimum reproduction.
3. Remove the egg-collector after fertilization and place it on the
other one. Observe proper handling of
eggs. Aeration of eggs must be very
gentle to ensure hatching. Eggs are
treated with hydrogen peroxide. (two
days after spawning).
4. Feed the larvae with artemia starting on the fifth day after
spawning until two weeks. Feeding
is once a day. Thereafter, artificial
feeds will be introduced.
5. Let the set-up stand for 3 weeks.
6. After 3 weeks, transfer the fry to grow-
out tank/hapa or pond
• usually big in size
• head is partially bent
General Description of an Angelfish • breeding tubes or genital papillae is smaller and carried at
an angle closer to vertical
• the shape is very atypical of the cichlide pattern, being • the sides of mature males appear quiet flat
depressed laterally to form an almost circular disc
• the dorsal and anal fins are elongated and point backwards Female
• the tail fin is lyre-shaped with extremely elongated angles and • smaller in size
the rays of the pelvic fins show extreme lengthening • smooth curve of head
• the silver grey body is traversed by dark bars, the most • vent is said to be more prominent
posterior of which extends into the dorsal and anal fins • breeding tubes or genital papillae is largers and projects
• the second is midway along the body while a third passes slightly backwards
through the eye • genital papillae is larger and more blunt
• the base of the tail fin is also marked by a dark bar • slight abdominal bulge or thicker in body
• grows up to 6 in. long and 8 in. deep.
• can reach up to 3-5 years in good condition II. Maturation/Spawning Age
• spawning is whole-year round
Four species of angelfish: • best age for pairing and spawning is when the angels are a
1. Pterophyllum eimekei year old.
2. Pterophyllum scalare • after 7-18 days of spawning, angelfish will eminently spawn
3. Pterophyllum altum again
4. Pterophyllum leopoldi • 500-1,000 eggs are laid per spawning
• an 80% hatching and survival rate is normally attained
Breeders Selection: III. Characteristics of Breeders About to Spawn:
• Appearance of genital papillae
Look for strong, robust and active fish/feeders with long healthy • both male and female’s papilla is in protruding condition
fins and good contrast in colors. Avoid individuals with abnormal • 2-3 days before spawning, the pair selects and clean the
operculum/gill covers. spawning site, using their mouths until satisfied
3 ways to obtain a breeding pair of angels IV. Breeding Facilities/Equipment Needed:
• buy a pair which already spawned and produced fertile eggs • 2 aquaria about 15 gallons capacity
• buy a number of angels and wait for them to pair off • scoop net
• attempt to select a pair from a number of large angels, using • aerator
own judgement in sexing them • egg collector (strips of slates, clay, glass tubes, etc.)