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Physics - Board of Studies: W.E.F. 2017-18 ADMITTED BATCH

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Physics – Board of Studies


III B.Sc Physics Paper V – Semester – V
w.e.f. 2017-18 ADMITTED BATCH

Course Code : PH5203 No. of credits : 03

Electrostatic & Magnetostatics, Basic and Digital Electronics

No. of Hours per weak: 3 Total Lectures:45

UNIT-I (8 hrs)
1. Electric field intensity and potential:
Gauss’s law statement and its proof- Electric field intensity due to (1) Uniformly charged
sphere and (2) an infinite conducting sheet of charge. Electrical potential – equipotential
surfaces- potential due to i) a point charge, ii) Dipole and iii) circular disc

UNIT-II (6 hrs)
2. Dielectrics:
Electric dipole moment and molecular polarizability - Electric displacement D, electric
polarization P – relation between D, E and P- Dielectric constant and susceptibility.
Boundary conditions at the dielectric surface.

UNIT-III (7 hrs)
3. Electric and magnetic fields
Biot-Savart’s law, explanation and calculation of B due to long straight wire, a circular
current loop and solenoid – Lorentz force – Hall effect – determination of Hall
coefficient and applications.

UNIT-IV (8 hrs)
4. Electromagnetic induction & Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations
Faraday’s law-Lenz’s law- Self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling,
calculation of self inductance of a long solenoid, energy stored in magnetic field.
Maxwell’s Equations –
Maxwell equations in integral and differential forms (No derivation), wave equation
and wave velocity, Poynting theorem (Definition only).

UNIT-V (7 hrs)
5. Basic electronics:
Band theory of solids, Basic semiconductor physics and P type and N type
semiconductors - PN juction diode, Zener diode I-V characteristics, Zener diode as
voltage regulator, PNP and NPN transistors, CB, CE and CC configurations – Relation
between,  and  - transistor (CE) characteristics, Transistor as an amplifier.

UNIT-VI: (9 hrs)
6. Digital electronics
Number systems - Conversion of binary to decimal system and vice versa.Binary
addition and subtraction (1’s and 2’s complement methods).Laws of Boolean algebra -
De Morgan’s laws-statement and proof, Basic logic gates, NAND and NOR as universal

gates, exclusive-OR gate, Half adder and Full adder, Parallel adder circuits.

Note: Topics in Bold & Italic are newly added from this academic year

Physics 2019 - 20
Physics – Board of Studies

1. BSc Physics, Vol.3, Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad.
2. Electricity and Magnetism, D.N. Vasudeva. S. Chand & Co.
3. Electricity, Magnetism with Electronics, K.K.Tewari, R.Chand& Co.,
4. Principles of Electronics, V.K. Mehta, S.Chand& Co.,
5. Digital Principles and Applications, A.P. Malvino and D.P.Leach, McGrawHill


III B.Sc Physics Paper – V – Semester – V – Model Paper

w.e.f. 2017-18 ADMITTED BATCH

Course Code : PH5203 No. of credits : 03

Electrostatic & Magneto statics, Basic and Digital Electronics

Note:- Set the question paper as per the blue print given at the end of this model paper.

Time: 2 1/2Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

Section Questions to be Questions to be Marks

given answered
A 5 3 3 x 10M = 30M
B 9 6 6 x 5 M = 30M
Total 14 9 60M

Blue Print
Essay Short
Problems Marks
Module Questions Questions
5 marks allotted
10 marks 5 marks
I 1 1 -- 15
II -- 2 -- 10
III 1 -- 1 15
IV 1 1 1 20
V 1 1 -- 15
VI 1 1 1 20
Total Marks 95

Note: At least two problems should be answered.


Physics 2019 - 20
Physics – Board of Studies

UNIT-I (Electric field intensity & Potential)
Essay questions-10M
1. State and Prove Gauss theorem in electrostatics
2. State Gauss theorem and derive an expression for the electric field due to uniformly
charged sphere?
3. Define Electric potential. Calculate the electric potential due to a circular disc.
4. Define Electric dipole. Derive an expression for Electric potential due to a dipole.
Short questions- 5M
5. Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge
6. What are equipotential surfaces?
7. Derive an expression for Electric field intensity due to an infinitely conducting sheet

UNIT-II (Dielectrics)
Short questions- 5M
8. Define Electric Dipole Moment and molecular polarizability.
9. Define D, E and P and deduce relation between them.
10. Write a note on boundary conditions at dielectric surfaces?
11. Find the relation between Susceptibility and Dielectric Constant.

UNIT-III (Electric & Magnetic fields)

Essay questions-10M
12. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long
straight current carrying current.
13. State and explain Biot-Savart’s law. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction
on the axis due to circular loop.
14. Derive an expression for the Magnetic induction due to Solenoid.
15. Define Hall Effect? Derive an expression for hall coefficient? Mention its
Problems – 5M
16. A long straight wire carries a current 3.5A. Find the magnetic induction at a point
0.2m from the wire.
17. A current of 1A is flowing in a circular coil of radius 10 cm and 20 turns. Calculate
the magnetic field at a distance 10cm on the axis of the coil and centre.
18. A Solenoid of length 100 cm has 1000 turns wounded on it. Calculate the magnetic
field at the middle point of its axis, when a current of 2 amps is passed through it.
19. The single carrier holes in a shaped silicon sample are 2.05x10 22 m-3. Calculate its
Hall Coefficient.

UNIT-IV (Electromagnetic Induction &Maxwell equations)

Essay questions-10M
20. Define Coefficient of Self induction and obtain an expression for self inductance of a
21. Derive the equation of Electromagnetic wave. Show that the velocity of EM wave is

equal to velocity of light in free space.

22. Derive Maxwell’s equations in differential form.

Short questions – 5M

Physics 2019 - 20
Physics – Board of Studies

23. Obtain an expression for the energy stored in a solenoid.

24. State and explain Faraday’s and Lenz’s law?
25. Explain self inductance and mutual inductance.
26. Derive an expression for the coefficient of coupling.
27. Write a short note on Poynting Vector.

UNIT-V (Basic Electronics)

Essay questions-10M
28. Describe the construction & working of a PN junction diode. Explain the V-I
characteristics of PN junction diode.
29. Describe the construction & working of a Zener diode. Explain the V-I
characteristics of Zener diode.
30. Explain the Input & Output characteristics of PNP transistor in CE configuration.
Short questions - 5M
31. Define α, β& ϒ of a transistor. Obtain a relation between them.
32. Explain a Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
33. How does transistor work as an amplifier?

UNIT- VI (Digital Electronics)

Essay questions-10M
34. State and prove De-Morgan’s theorem?
35. Draw the circuit diagrams of Half adder & full-adder and explain its operation with
truth table.
Short questions - 5M
36. Draw the truth table of AND, OR & NOT logic gates?
37. Show that NAND Gate is a universal gate?
38. Show that NOR Gate is a universal gate?
39. Convert the following (A) 5510 = ………….2 (b) 10010.10112 = ………….10
40. Using 2’s complemental , subtract (100111) 2 from (110011)2
41. Add the following using binary addition method (10111) 2 and (10101)2


Physics 2019 - 20

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