Case Name THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, Vs - RESTITURO FALLER (Alias R. AGUILAR), Defendant-Appellant. Case No. - Date Ponente
Case Name THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, Vs - RESTITURO FALLER (Alias R. AGUILAR), Defendant-Appellant. Case No. - Date Ponente
Case Name THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, Vs - RESTITURO FALLER (Alias R. AGUILAR), Defendant-Appellant. Case No. - Date Ponente
AGUILAR), defendant-appellant.
Case No. | Date G.R. No. 45964 | April 26, 1939
• Resti tuto Faller was charge d with the crime of damage caused to another' s property maliciousl y and willfully.
• After hearing the evidence, the Court of First Instance of Rizal found that the damage was not cause d maliciousl y
and willfully, but through reckless imprude nce, and sente nce d Restituto Faller, under paragraph 3 of article 365 of
the Revised Penal Code, as principal in the crime of damage through reckless imprude nce, to pay a fine of P38 and
to indemni fy the offende d party Ramon Diokno in the same amount, with subsidi ary imprisonme nt in case of
insolve ncy.
• From this decision, an appe al was take n. In this instance the appellant assigns as sole error of the court the fact
that he was sente nce d for a crime with which he was not charge d, conte ndi ng that a crime maliciousl y and
willfully commi tte d is different from that commi tte d through reckless imprude nce .
1. Whethe r the Court of First Instance erred in sente ncing him for a crime he was not charge d
(Whe the r a crime “malici ousl y and willfully commi tte d is differe nt from that commi tte d through reckless
1. NO. The court has not committed this error. The appellant was convicted of the same crime of damage to
property with which he is charged. Reckless imprudence is not a crime in itself. It is simply a way of committing it
and merely determines a lower degree of criminal liability. The information alleges that the appellant acted
willfully, maliciously, unlawfully and criminally. To this information no objection was interposed. Negligence
being a punishable criminal act when it results in a crime, the allegation in the information that the appellant
also committed the acts charged unlawfully and criminally includes the charge that he acted with negligence.
LAUREL, J., concurring:
• Two reasons why the decision of the lower court should be affirmed.
- First, because the constitutional and legal purpose has been amply served in this case , it appearing that the
accused himself, in the course of the trial, put up the defense that he was at most responsible for the offense of
damage to property by reckless imprudence.