Advanced Techniques For Selecting Hair
Advanced Techniques For Selecting Hair
Advanced Techniques For Selecting Hair
What you learned: Use Blend If sliders to replace the sky in a photo
Set up the new sky and a reflection of the sky
1. With the Rectangular Marquee tool, select the sky. Then click the
Add Layer Mask button to create a mask that hides everything but the
selected sky.
2. Select the Move tool, and drag the sky layer up until it is about
where the sky in the original image is.
3. Duplicate the sky layer by pressing Control+J (Windows) or
Command+J (MacOS).
4. Flip the duplicate sky layer upside down by pressing Control+T
(Windows) or Command+T (MacOS), right-clicking the layer, and
choosing Flip Vertical.
5. Drag the inverted sky layer down until it lines up with the bottom
of the original sky layer.
Use Blend If to reveal pixels from the underlying layers
1. You’ll use the Blend If feature to replace the sky. First, identify the
best channel to use with Blend If by going to the Channels panel and
clicking through the Red, Green, and Blue channels. Look for the
channel with the most contrast between the light sky and the darker
foreground. In a daytime photo with lots of sky, this is likely to be the
Blue channel.
2. Take note of the channel with the most contrast. Then click the
RGB channel and return to the Layers panel.
3. In the Layers panel, select the layer that contains the original sky
you want to replace, and drag that layer above the two sky layers.
4. Click the FX icon at the bottom of the Layers panel, and choose
Blending Options to open the Layer Style dialog box.
5. In the Layer Style dialog box, click the Blend If dropdown menu
and choose Blue in order to reference brightness levels in the Blue
6. Still in the Layer Style dialog box, go to This Layer and drag the
white slider to the left to reveal the new sky. This hides the original sky
on the selected layer, revealing the more dramatic sky images on the
layers below. The original sky is hidden because its brightness values in
the Blue channel are higher than the value the white slider is now
pointing to.
Tip: Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (MacOS) as you drag the
white slider to split the slider in half. Then spread the half-sliders to
create a smoother transition between hidden and visible areas in the