Alphabet of Lines LP Edited
Alphabet of Lines LP Edited
Alphabet of Lines LP Edited
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At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. identify the different alphabet of lines;
B. draw the different alphabet of lines; and
C. properly apply the alphabet of lines in drawing for animation.
Teacher's Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
5. Review
a. Activity: Showing of pictures by the teacher.
b. Students will tell the components.
B. Motivation
1. Division of the class into 3 groups.
2. Activity: FLOW FRENZY
a. Connecting two circles having the same color to form words.
3. Guide Questions:
a. What words have you formed?
b. How did you form the words?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity:
a. Showing of jumbled words by the teacher.
b. Students will tell what word/s or phrase/s will be formed.
2. Guide Question:
a. What are the steps in interconnecting the components of full wave bridge type
power supply?
D. Generalization
a.) Enumerate the alphabet of lines.
b.) Choose one alphabet of lines and explain its use.
E. Application
Now, the class will do their Plate No. 5 activity individually. Observe silence and
safety precautions while doing the activity. Okay? Let us begin.
Plate No. 5 – Draw any character you want and apply atleast five (5) alphabet of
lines according to its function.
Directions: Identify the following alphabet of lines. Write your answers on the
box provided. One point is given for each item.
Direction: Use the given link below to answer the assignment due on June 23,
2021 Wednesday. Upload your quiz score screenshot on our Google Classroom.
1. Ask participants to open
2. And enter this code
0604 9018