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Abdullah Ishaq: The Life of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

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The Life of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.

Early Life:
Holy Prophet was born in the year of Elephants, that was when Abraha the vicegerent of Abyssinia was
admant to change the Makkah as the place of Pilgrimage with San’a. In his fury he vowed to demolish
Makkah and set out with an army of Elephants. It was the decision of Allah that he sent down birds in
order to protect the Holy city and those birds had stone pellets in their beaks which they threw at
Elephants. Most of the army died during this attack and Makkah was now free of any threat. Holy Quran
mentions this incident in Surah Al-Fil in the following words “'O beloved! Have you not seen how your

Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant? Did He not cause their device to be ruined? And He sent against
them flocks of birds. Striking them against stones of baked clay. And thus made them like broken straw
eaten up”

After the battle of Fihl was over, the birth of Holy Prophet took place at the house of Abdullah ibn

Mutalib and Amina bint Wahb. Abdullah at the time of the birth of his son had passed away and now the
new born was under the care of his beloved mother.

Arabia, at that time had a strange tradition that they used to give new born babies to Bedouin women
who could take care of them. Much like everyone, Bibi Amina also wanted a Bedouin woman to take her
baby so as to keep him away from the busy life of the city of Makkah. It was during this time that a
woman named Halima bint-e Dhu’yab took the Holy Prophet with him as she was unable to find any
other child to foster to. With the coming of Prophet, the fortune of Bibi Halima changed, her camels
which were not giving milk had now started giving milk and overall her life standard had improved. The
young baby Muhammad had to be returned to his mother at the tender age of two, Bibi Halima took her
back to her mother but requested her that Muhammad stays with her for two more years as Makkah

was undergoing a plague at this moment. Bibi Amina agreed and Holy Prophet started living with Bibi
Halima. It was during those days that the foster brother of Holy Prophet saw two men in white come to

Holy Prophet. They opened his chest and removed his heart, washed away a black clot, cleaned it a gold
platter and put it back in. Bibi Halima upon hearing this story was so shocked that she sent away
Prophet to his mother. Bibi Amina then took control of her and when Prophet was at the age of six she
passed away. He then started living with his Grandfather (Abd-al Mutalib) and he also passed away at

the age of eight.

After the death of his grandfather, Prophet moved on with his uncle, Abu Talib who then started taking
care of him. Abu Talib was a poor man who earned his livelihood through the pasturing of sheep and
would often take his nephew on travels. It was during one of the travels to Syria that they met a
Christian monk Bahira at a place known as Bostra. Bahira, in his safekeeping, had manuscripts which
predicted the coming of a Prophet and his belief was that he would come during his lifetime. Upon the
arrival of the caravan, Bahira noticed some signs. As the caravan moved closer, he could see a small
cloud moving over the caravan and where the caravan stopped, the cloud stopped as well. Moreover,
where the caravan rested, the branches of the tree lowered to offer more shade. Upon the arrival of
Holy Prophet, Bahira saw the signs in him of being a Prophet, the most prominent one being the marks
between his shoulders. Seeing them, he told Abu Talib of protecting the Prophet as was to become a
Upon their return, the tribes in Makkah had a clash amongst them in the year when fighting was
forbidden. This war is known as Harb-al-Fijr (the sacrilegious war). Holy Prophet was also present during
this war but did not fight, he just collected fallen arrows for his uncle to shoot later.

Harb-ul-Fijr led to the signing of a peace treaty and this is known as the Hilf-ul-Fudul. The tribes in
Makkah, at the house of Abdullah bin Judan, pledged to bring peace to the land. Holy Prophet said that
the pact was so excellent that he would not exchange his part in it for even a pack of 100 red camels and
if now in Islam, he is summoned unto it, he would gladly respond.

Holy Prophet then started trading and his honest and truthful natured earned him the title of “Sadiq”

and “Amin”. It was during those days that he started trading for a woman named Khadija who belonged
to the tribe of Banu Asad. She, after the death of her second husband took over his business. She heard
of Muhammad’s great reputation that she hired him for a trade trip to Syria. She sent her servant
Maysara alongside to help Prophet with his task. Upon their return Maysara told her how wonderfully
Prophet did the business and how a Monk named Nestor claimed that he was a Prophet of Allah. When,

Hazrat Khadija heard of it all, she sent a proposal of marriage to Prophet Muhammad. After consultation
with his uncles, Prophet got married at the age of twenty-five with Hazrat Khadija. Together, they had
four daughters and two sons (both of whom died in infancy)

After being married, an incident occurred which had a lasting impact on the history of Makkah. It was
during the time of floods that Kabah was being renovated and the issue of replacing the black stone
occurred. The tribal chiefs present fought over as to who would place the stone in its place because of
the huge importance it had. It was then decided that whoever, in the morning will walk into the vicinity
of Kabah first will replace it. The first person to enter was none other than the Holy Prophet and he used
a technique which made it easy for the stone to be replaced and also ended the fight. He asked for a big
cloak, and on that he placed the stone, he then asked all the chiefs to hold it from one end and take it to

the area where it had to be placed. He then placed the stone and the fight was resolved aswell.

The Call to Prophethood:


As Holy Prophet was to become a Prophet he started feeling inward signs and started retiring in the cave
of Hira. No one amongst the Quraysh tribes knew of him going into the cave of Hira and that is why no
one questioned it. The holy month of Ramadan was his traditional month of retreat, and during the end

of Ramadan in 610 AD he experienced something unique. He was shocked by a voice which woke him
from his sleep and said “Read”. Holy Prophet at this time was shocked and as reported by Hazrat Aisha
(from what she heard from the Holy Prophet) “I said: I cannot read! The Angel then took me and pressed
me” This process happened for three times and after which the angel recited out the first five verses of
Surah Alaq (Candidates have to mention the verses in their answer of the first revelation) As soon as the
Holy Prophet heard it he started saying it out as well and then ran out.

Upon being shaken by this experience and running out, he started tripping on the rocks, afraid of what
had happened to him. He then looked at the sky and it was filled with stars and on the sky he saw Angel
Jibraeel hanging over calling him out: “I am Jibraeel, and you are Muhammad the Messenger of Allah”.
Then onwards he ran to his house and upon reaching he asked his wife, Hazrat Khadija to wrap him up in
a blanket, afraid of what will happen to him. She consoled him that nothing will happen to him as he has
always been a nice person.
She then told him that she will be visiting her who was a Christian scholar and told Holy Prophet to
sleep. She went to Warqa, her cousin and told him what had happened, and he was shocked. Upon
hearing it he told Hazrat Khadija that he has been visited by the same Holy Spirit that visited Hazrat
Musa and others. He also told her that he will be facing a lot of problems, he will be persecuted and will
also be called a liar but he has to remain steadfast in this entire process. Hazrat Khadija then went back
home and told Holy Prophet whatever her cousin had told her. She then took him alongside her to
Warqa’s house where he told the Holy Prophet that he will be facing a lot of hardships and will also be
exiled by his own people. Prophet told him about his concern of hearing the unseen voices upon which
Warqa replied that the next time he hears it; he should listen to it patiently to know what it is saying.

Further revelations:
After the first revelation, a long period of silence of continued in which no revelations came and this
made Holy Prophet anxious. One day while he was sleeping, he woke up shivering and in sweat where
upon he heard the Angel Jibraeel reciting Surah Mudhatir to him which commanded him to stay away

from the worshipping of idols, deliverance of Allah’s warning and giving charity. Holy Prophet stood up
when Hazrat Khadija told him to rest but he told her that the time for rest is over and that now he has to
give the message of Allah to the people. Hazrat Khadija told her that she accepts her message and
became the first convert to Islam hence also becoming a pillar of support for the beloved Prophet.

It was after then that another long period of silence followed and Prophet was taunted by people that
his Allah had forgotten him. It was then that Allah gave him the revelation of Surah al-Duha whereupon
he was instructed to help the creatures of Allah, thank Allah for whatever has been bestowed upon him
and doing sacrifice in the name of Allah. Surah Al-Duha was the stepping stone after which the
revelations followed for the next twenty years without any break.

Holy Prophet had multiple experiences of getting a revelation which he has described himself “Never
once did I receive a revelation without thinking my soul had been torn away by me” He also said that

“When a revelation came, sometimes it was as clear and articulate as if an angel was dictating a text
from behind a veil” He also said: “Sometimes it came as a ringing of the bell and that is hardest upon me;
the shocks afterwards decrease when I am aware of their message” The companions also narrated that
they saw Holy Prophet in great amount of pain to the extent that he would put his face between his
knees and a look of great heaviness came appearing on his face. Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit narrated that:

“Once I was sitting with the Holy Prophet and a revelation came to him, he had put his leg on mine and it
became too heavy that I felt as if my leg would break” Hazrat Ali is also reported to have said:” That he
started to perspire a lot even in the extremist of cold”

Call to People:
Holy Prophet after the first revelation started to invite his closest family to Islam and the first converts
were Hazrat AbuBakar, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Zayd ibn Harith, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Abd-al Rehman bin awf,
Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubayr, Hazrat jaffar, Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Jaffar.

Upon inviting his closest family Holy Prophet got the revelation of Surah-al Shura where he was guided
by Allah to guide his closest family in the following words: “And warn thy family who are thy nearest of
kin” Holy Prophet then called up Hazrat Ali and asked him to arrange a dinner for the family of his
grandfather. Hazrat Ali arranged a dinner for a total of 40 people and after the meal before Holy
Prophet could speak, his uncle, Abu Lahab stated that your host has cast a spell upon you after which
people dispersed.

Not giving up on his call, Holy Prophet again, with the help of Hazrat Ali called his family. Before anyone
could say anything he stated that he has a noble message for them and that Allah has commanded him
to call them. After giving the call he asked who will then join him. Hazrat Ali immediately responded that
he accepts his message after which Holy Prophet’s aunt, Hazrat Safiyah also accepted Islam. Alongside
her, the wife of Hazrat Abbas (uncle of Holy Prophet) and her sisters accepted Islam.

After giving the message to his family, Holy Prophet received instructions from Allah in Surah Hijr where

he was guided to declare the message of Islam openly. Holy Prophet climbed on the mount of Safa and
asked whether people would believe him if he said that there is an enemy which is there to attack them.
All of them said that they will believe him because he has been a truthful man. Then Holy Prophet gave
the message of Islam, telling them about the oneness of Allah.

Persecutions on the followers of the Prophet:
As soon as the Prophet gave his preaching on the mount of Safa, Quraysh got really offended and
started persecuting the newly converted Muslims. The first people to get attacked were the closest
companions of the Holy Prophet which included the following:

Hazrat AbuBakar: He was a hairy man who was the person converting people to Islam and the Quraysh
got really offended by him. They used to drag him by his hair and beard on the roads of Makkah, hurting
his body in the process but he never gave up.

Hazrat Usman: His uncle was really angry on his conversion and used to tie him with a date palm tree. In
order to torture him he used to burn hay near him so that the burning of the fumes would make him

renounce his religion.

Hazrat Ammar: He was a newly converted Muslim who was persecuted by the Quraysh. His parents

Summaya and Yasir were also persecuted. Sumaya was killed by Abu Jahl and Yasir succumbed to his
wounds and passed away.

Hazrat Bilal bin Rabah: He was an Abyissinan slave of Ummayah bin Khalaf and he accepted Islam in his
early days. Hazrat Bilal was tortured by his master every day and on one occasion he was made to lie on

hot sand with a big stone placed on his chest. He was then asked to renounce faith, but Hazrat Bilal
claimed that Allah is One. His master efforts went into vain and then Hazrat Bilal was bought and freed
by Hazrat AbuBakar.

Hazrat Khabab bin-al Arat: He was a blacksmith who was severely persecuted to the extent that he was
thrown into burning coal. He was later rescued by the Holy Prophet.

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas: He was tortured by Makkan pagans and they did not allow him to pray
inside Makkah for which he had to go outside. It was there that he drew his first blood for Islam as well.

Suhaib bin Sinan: He had been captured and was sold as a slave by the Greeks. When he became a
Muslim, the Quraysh beat him up savagely but could not shake his faith.
Nahdiyya and Umm Unays were two other female slaves who became Muslims. Their masters tortured
them for accepting Islam. Abu Bakr bought them and gave them their freedom.

Abu Fukaiha was the slave of Safwan bin Umayya. He accepted Islam at the same time as Bilal. Like Bilal,
he was also dragged by his master on hot sand with a rope tied to his feet. Abu Bakr bought him and
emancipated him.

Muslims also faced a boycott imposed on them (Details given below)

Persecutions on the Prophet:

Holy Prophet was adamant that he will be spreading the religion without backing out. Makkah was the
center where people used to come for their annual pilgrimage and this was also the source of trade for
them. Makkans were now insecure that people accepting Islam would back out from the pilgrimage in
turn affecting the annual trade. Holy Prophet, during the time of Hajj went to people and gave them the
message which some of them readily accepted. Quraysh, therefore planned on persecuting the Prophet

and made sure that he suffered in every way. They first approached his uncle Abu Talib and asked him to
tell his nephew from preaching. Abu Talib went to Holy Prophet and warned him about the threat posed
upon which the Prophet replied that even if they place the sun on my right hand and moon on my left, I
will not give up on my mission. Hearing this Abu Talib assured him that he will always help him.

The Quraysh sought a three-way persecution method where they planned to persecute the Prophet
physically, emotionally and mentally. The following were the methods used by him:

1- Abu Lahab used to throw stones at the Holy Prophet and his wife Umm Jamil used to throw
thorns and pebbles on the path of Holy Prophet. Moreover, they would also throw dirt and filth
on him

2- Once Holy Prophet was praying in a mosque and while he was in Sujood, Abu Jahl came and
placed the foetus of a she camel on his back which was later removed by Hazrat Fatima. She

started crying on how the non-Muslims treated her father but Holy Prophet consoled her that
they should remain steadfast as Allah is there for their help.
3- Abu Lahb sons were married to the daughters of Holy Prophet. Upon knowing that he was
preaching the message of Islam, Abu Lahb made his sons divorce the Prophet daughters causing
him emotional pain.

4- Holy Prophet sons when born died as infants and this caused him great amount of grief. On top
of it the Quraysh started calling him an “Abtar” but Allah reassured him in Surah Kauthar.
5- The people oftenly called him as a sooth-sayer and a magician on the message that he preached.
6- Holy Prophet was also offered to marry the most beautiful woman in Makkah if he gave up his
religion and preaching. An offer which he rejected.

Migration to Abyssinia:
Seeing the persecutions happening on Muslims and after the revelation of Surah az-Zumar which stated
that “Allah earth is spacious”, Holy Prophet instructed some of the Muslims to migrated to Abyssinia.
Abyssinia was headed by King Negus who after Abraha had took charge of the place and was a just man.

The first group of Muslims who migrated included twelve men and five women which also included
Hazrat Usman and his wife Hazrat Ruqayya. The Muslims set out for Abyssinia and after an 8 day travel
they reached there where they were warmly welcomed and given refuge. Everything was going well
when the news came that Surah Najam had been revealed which has caused everyone to accept Islam.
The news was false as many had accepted Islam but there were still many who had not. Upon hearing
the news these people migrated back to Makkah in the hopes of living safely in their homeland. When
they arrived back they got to know that the news is false and the persecutions on them doubled.

Seeing the condition of Muslims, Holy Prophet allowed the Muslims a second migration. This time the
migration participants increased, there were a total of eighty-three men and eighteen women who were
led by the cousin of Holy Prophet, Hazrat Jaffar. They all made their journey secretly to Abyssinia.
Quraysh got to know about this move of the Muslims and rather than being happy about it they sent

two of their men (Abdullah ibn Abi Rabia and Amr ibn al Aas) alongside loads of expensive gifts to
Abyssinia. These two men were sent to tell Negus that these men are here to spread a new religion and
plague Makka. Upon reaching Abyssinia both these men entered the kingdom of Negus and told him
that some people have come over to his city to spread a new religion and that they have destroyed

religion back in Makka. When Negus heard it he asked for the Muslims who had recently come into
Abyssinia. Hazrat Jaffar led all these Muslims to the court where he was asked by Negus to present his
narrative. Hazrat Jaffar told how these people were living under darkness and used to worship multiple
gods while being involved in ill practices. He also told that Holy Prophet guided them towards the right
path and told them about one Allah rather than worshipping stones. Negus asked him for an example of
the religion Hazrat Jaffar presented upon which Hazrat Jaffar recited 6 verses of Surah Maryam. As
Negus was a Christian, he was moved to tears and told the Muslims that his and their religion has very
minute differences. He offered them to stay in Abyssinia for as long as they wished and sent back the
two men of Quraysh along with their gifts. This was also the time that back in Makka, the two strongest
men, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Hamza had accepted Islam.

Boycott of Banu Hashim:


Quraysh were angered by how Negus had sent their companions back to Makka and how he gave refuge

to Muslims. Moreover, Hazrat Umar was also angry as to how the Quraysh could easily follow their
religious practices and Muslims were not allowed to do so. He used to call and motivate Muslims to
openly practice their faith. Seeing all of this, Abu Jahl, the leader of Quraysh thought of imposing the
ban on the clan of Banu Hashim except for Abu Lahab. The ban was placed inside of the Holy Kaaba and

stated that:

1- No one would marry a Hashimi woman or give their daughter in marriage to a Hashimi man
2- No one would sell or buy or anything with the Hashimis
3- The ban would only be revoked unless all people give up their religion

Muslims, upon the imposition of ban, went to the abandoned property of Abu Talib known as Shibi-e-
Abi Talib. Holy Prophet himself went over there along with Hazrat Khadija. The ban had its drawbacks
due to Makkan society being highly interconnected. Most of the Muslims had their family who were not
Muslims and therefore used to give them food in secret. One such example is that of Hakim ibn Hazim
who secretly smuggled food to his aunt, Hazrat Khadija. This imposition of ban was something which the
non-muslims also realized as wrong and therefore called for an end to it. The two main people who
started the movement to end the ban were Prophet’s cousin, Hisham and another member of Quraysh
whose name was Zuhayr. They called out Abu Jahl to end the ban and after garnering support them
convinced Abu Jahl to end the ban. The ban which was placed inside the Kaaba was brought out and
from all the clauses which were written, only the opening words “In the name of Allah” remained. With
this, the long standing ban of 3 years ended.

Year of Grief and visit to Taif:

In the 10th year of Prophet hood, Holy Prophet lost his beloved wife and his uncle both of whom were
pillars of strength for him. They both had stood with him when he was preaching and suffering from the
persecutions of the Quraysh. Now, he was alone and the persecutions of the Quraysh intensified as Abu
Lahab had now become the tribal chief after Abu Talib.

Seeing these persecutions, Prophet thought of visiting a nearby town known as Al-Taif and seeking their
help. The people of Taif used to worship the Goddess of Al-Lat and this had a lot of significance for
them. Holy Prophet took his foster son, Hazrat Zayd bin Harith to the walled town so that they could
meet the three brothers who were the caretaker of the temple of Al-Lat. As soon as they were

introduced to Islam, they got offended and started offending and humiliating the Prophet. They drove
both the Holy Prophet and Hazrat Zayd out of their place and set small children with rocks in their hands
to chase them down. These children threw stones on them and both of them started bleeding heavily
when finally, they found refuge in an orchard which was walled from all ends. This orchard belonged to
the sons of a person (Abd Manaf) who belonged to the Quraysh and when they found out how one of
their own tribesman had been insulted and humiliated, they sent their Christian slave who went by the
name of Addas with a handful of grapes. Addas inquired from the Prophet as to who he was and the
Holy Prophet replied that he is the Prophet of Allah. Addas did not pay much of attention and then
handed out the grapes. The Prophet recited Bismillah before eating them and Addas was shocked as to
how someone can do this when they are dripping with blood. Seeing this behavior of the Prophet, he
converted to Islam. Later Angel Jibraeel came with the Angel of Mountains and asked the Prophet if they

can crush the city between the two mountains it lies between. The Prophet replied that he would rather
pray for their progeny to be amongst the believers. Holy Prophet now was concerned about his visit

back to Makkah as he had no protection over their now. He called out for Mut’im who was also one of
the persons who helped uplift the boycott of Banu Hashim. He immediately responded to Holy Prophet’s
request and came out fully armed along with his sons and cousins helping Holy Prophet move back to
the Kaaba.

Isra and Miraaj:

Holy Prophet was once called by her cousin, Umm-e-Hani who was the daughter of Abu Talib to give the
message of Islam to his husband. Holy Prophet went to their house and after the night prayer when it
was time to sleep, he was offered to sleep there which he accepted. During midnight he went to visit the
Kaaba which he usually did and during that visit slept in the Hijr. While he was asleep, he was awakened
by Angel Jibraeel who led him to a milky white winged shaped creature was standing. The name of the
creature was Burraq and it was there to take the Prophet to Jerusalem and then to the Heavens. Allah
mentions this incident in Surah Isra where it is stated: “Glory to Allah, who did take His servant for a
journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque” Holy Prophet was taken to the site of
Masjid-Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) where there was a great assembly of Prophets, all of whom were led in
prayer by the Holy Prophet. After the prayer was over, Angel Jibraeel brought two vessels to the
Prophet, one of them contained Milk and the other one had Wine inside of it. He was asked to choose
one, and drink from it. Holy Prophet chose the one containing Milk, upon which Angel Jibraeel said that
“You have been guided by the fitrah”. This first part of the journey is known as Isra.

Holy Prophet then again rode on Buraaq and went to the heavens. This part of the Journey is known as
Al-Miraaj. Holy Prophet met different Prophets at different levels of Heavens in the following order:

1- Hazrat Adam
2- Hazrat Yahya
3- Hazrat Isa
4- Hazrat Idris

5- Hazrat Haroon
6- Hazrat Musa
7- Hazrat Ibrahim

The seventh heaven led to a place from where onwards Angel Jibraeel said that he cannot go. This place

is known as the “Sidrat-ul-Muntha” and it is where the Mystical Lote Tree is. Holy Prophet then went
alone and was granted a sublime version of his Creator. Here he was directly revealed with verse 285-
286 of Surah Baqarah and both these verses represent the binding principles of Islam. Moreover, the
command for prayer was given over here aswell. Initially the prayers were fixed at fifty and were later
reduced to five when Hazrat Musa commanded Holy Prophet that his nation will not be able to pray fifty
prayers a day. Holy Prophet also saw Malik, the gate keeper of hell and the two rivers of Paradise,
“kauthar” being one of them. Holy Prophet then returned back to Kaaba where his bed was still warm.
In the morning he told those at Kaaba about his night journey which no one believed in. Hazrat
AbuBakar was then asked by these people as to what his remarks were about his friend. He replied that
if Hazrat Muhammad is saying that then it is true. Thereupon, he was given the title of Al-Siddiq
(Testifier to the truth). The night journey proved to be vital for the Holy Prophet as he was undergoing

persecutions at the hands of Makkans but this strengthened his faith and now he was even more
determined to spread the word of Allah as he had been called upon by His Lord Himself.

The Pledges of Aqabah:

It was a practice of Holy Prophet that he used to spread the message of Islam to those who came every
year for the annual Pilgrimage at Makkah. It was during the year 620 that six men from Yathrib, who

belonged to Khazraj, coincidentally met the Prophet, listened to him and vowed to bring back more
people the next year. As promised, they did go back and gave the message to their fellow city men and
seven others agreed to accept Islam. Next year (621 AD) , 12 men (Five of the initial six and seven new)
marched towards a place called as Aqabah and accepted Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet. There
they pledged to associate no partners with Allah, not stealing, not committing adultery, not killing their
children, not slandering or disobeying the Prophet. These men then told the Holy Prophet that from
where they belong, there are arrogant tribal chiefs who would not accept their message. Therefore, they
would require somebody from the Muslims to come alongside them so as to give them the message.
Holy Prophet, then on their request sent Hazrat Musab bin Umair who stayed with them for a year and
gave the message of Islam. Hazrat Musab returned before the second pledge of Aqabah and gave the
news about how most of the people were happy on receiving the message of Islam. Within the next few
months in 622 AD, seventy-three men and two women came to Aqabah to accept Islam. They had
brought a tribal chief with them whose name was Bara. The tribal chief invited the Prophet to come to
their lands as the leader and Prophet told him that as soon as he gets permission from Allah, he would
definitely come. These people pledged that they will listen and obey the Prophet, to spend in plenty as
well as scarcity, to enjoin good and forbid evil, fear no one but Allah, and defend the Prophet if he needs

With this the ties of Prophet with Makkans weakened and these pledges changed the history of Islam.

Migration to Madina:
The protector of Holy Prophet, Mutim, had now passed away after the second pledge of Aqabah and
this made the Prophet more vulnerable to attack from the Quraysh. Abu Lahab was now the leader of

Banu Hashim and Abu Jahal along with the other men of Quraysh were plotting the murder at “Dar ul
Nadwa”. These men of Quraysh were strong warriors who were all skilled in their respective tasks of
assassinating people. Angel Jibraeel came to the Holy Prophet and told him of the plans to Quraysh and
of Allah’s permission to him for migration that night. Holy Prophet, after listening to the news went to

the house of Hazrat AbuBakar to inform him about the plan of leaving for Madina. He also instructed
Hazrat Ali to sleep on his bed and join him in migration once he had returned the goods to people who
had entrusted Prophet with them. These people gathered outside the house of the Prophet at night
waiting for Prophet to come out. Prophet gave his cloak to Hazrat Ali and left the house reciting Surah
Yasin which protected him from the Quraysh. The Quraysh waited till dawn after which they got in the
house, only to find out Hazrat Ali lying on the bed of Holy Prophet. This made the Quraysh really angry
and they announced a reward of 100 camels to whoever catches the Prophet.
Prophet left with Hazrat Abu Bakar and with them were Hazrat Abu Bakar’s son and his freed slave
(Amir). The son and slave followed behind with a flock of sheep so that no one would be able to notice
them. Midway, these men reached Mount of Thawr where they planned to get inside Cave of Thawr to

take rest. At this point Hazrat Abu Bakar sent back his son and freed slave with camels and instructed
them to return with food and news of Makkans. These men along with the daughter of Hazrat AbuBakar

(Asma) returned with the news that Quraysh are on their lookout and have promised a reward of 100
camels to whoever catches them.

The night after, Prophet and Hazrat AbuBakar heard footsteps approaching the cave of thawr but these
men returned without checking the cave because a pigeon had laid its eggs over there, an acacia tree

had grown up which was not there earlier and a spider had woven its web. All of these were the
blessings on the Holy Prophet by Allah. Hazrat AbuBakar got afraid at this point and the Prophet
reassured him that he need not worry as Allah’s help is with them (Surah-Tawabah). During their stay in
the cave, Prophet slept on the lap of Hazrat AbuBakar due to which he was unable to move his leg. At
night, an insect/snake bit on the foot of Hazrat AbuBakar but he did not move so as to not disturb the
Holy Prophet from his sleep. When the Prophet woke up, he asked Hazrat AbuBakar as to why he did
not tell him to which AbuBakar replied that he did not want to disturb him.

The night on which the Quraysh came, was the same night on which Hazrat AbuBakar’s son, daughter
and slave came with three camels and a guide. Hazrat AbuBakar offered the Prophet the best of them
and that camel was known as “Qaswa”. They then set off to a town where most of the emigrants were
staying before reaching Yathrib and it was known as Quba. In Quba, Prophet built his first mosque and
also offered the first Friday prayer. Hazrat Ali joined the Prophet in Quba and from there they went on
to Yathrib where everyone welcomed the Prophet. Now was the the time to decide where the Prophet
would be staying and the Prophet told everyone that his she camel had been guided and wherever it
would sit, the mosque and house of the Prophet would be built. Qaswa, the she camel stopped at the
plot which belonged to two orphans and they insisted the Prophet to take the land from me. Prophet,
instead asked Hazrat AbuBakar to pay for the cost of the mosque which he duly did. Till the time the
mosque was being built it was decided that Prophet will be living with Hazrat Ayub Al-Ansari.

First Year of Migration:

As soon as the Migration happened the first step was to build the mosque. The mosque of Yathrib was
the ultimate in simplicity of conception and design. The material used in its construction was unbaked

bricks and mortar for the walls, and date fronds for the roof which was supported by trunks of palm
trees. The alcove of the mosque pointed toward Jerusalem in the north. Each of the other three sides
was pierced by a gate. The floor of the mosque had no covering at the beginning, not even a coarse
matting. Two huts were also built on the outer wall, one for Hazrat Sauda and the other for Hazrat
Ayesha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, the two wives of the Prophet at the time. New huts were built for

new wives as they came in later years. It was the first time when Muslims worked as a team in a
community project with Holy Prophet himself involved in the building of the mosque. In the years to
come, this team was to build the mighty edifice of Islam.
Introduction of Azaan:
It was mandatory for Muslims to pray five times a day. They had to suspend their workaday activities,
and to perform this duty. But there was no way to alert them that the time had come for praying.
According to the traditions, a companion suggested to the Prophet that a trumpet should be blown or a
bell should be rung to alert Muslims before the time of each prayer. Holy Prophet did not accept this
suggestion, as he said that he did not want to adopt the Jewish or Christian customs. Abdullah bin Ziyad
was a citizen of Yathrib. He came to see the Prophet, and said that in his dream, a man wearing green
appeared before him who was holding a bell. Abdullah asked him to hand the bell and the reason he

gave was to call people to prayer for it. That man, in green, told Abdullah bin Ziyad that the human voice
ought to be used to call the faithful to prayer; and he also taught him the Adhan (call to prayer), and the

manner of saying it. The historians say that the idea appealed to the Prophet, and he adopted it
forthwith. He then called Hazrat Bilal, taught him how to call the Muslims to prayer, and appointed him
the first Muezzin (caller to prayer) of Islam.
Changing of Yathrib to Madina:

The name “Yathrib” soon became obsolete. People began to call it “Madina-tun-Nabi,” – the City of the
Prophet. In due course, usage caused a contraction of this name to be adopted simply as “Medina” –
“the City,” and that's what the name of the city of the Prophet of Islam has remained ever since.
Groups Living in Madina:
When the Prophet and the refugees from Makkah arrived in Madina, they found three Jewish tribes,
Banu Qaynuqa, Nadir and Qurayza, and two Arab tribes, Aws and Khazraj, living in that city.
The Jews were farmers, merchants, traders, money-lenders, landlords and industrialists. They had
grown rich through the practice of taking interest and they enjoyed a monopoly of the arms industry in
The two Arab tribes of Medina, Aws and Khazraj, made their living by farming. Before the arrival of the
Prophet, they had been locked up in a war against each other which had lasted for more than five
There were a few Christians also living in Medina. They did not listen to the Prophet of Islam because he
rejected the doctrine of Trinity (Christians believing in Isa being the Son of God), and preached the Unity
of the Creator.
A fourth group in Medina was to spring up a little later, made up of the “hypocrites” or the
“disaffected.” During the Prophet's mission in Makkah, there were many Muslims who had to hide their
true faith for fear of persecution. In Medina, the situation was reversed. These people (the hypocrites)

were not good Muslims; they outwardly professed Islam but they were not sincere. They were a
potential source of rebellion, damage and revolt.
Charter of Madina:
Holy Prophet came into a treaty with the Jews of Madina through a written covenant which is known as

the Charter of Madina. Following are the important points of this charter:
1- All disputes between any two parties in Yathrib would be referred to Muhammad for his
decision on them.
2- Muslims and Jews would enjoy the same rights.
3- Each group in Yathrib would follow its own faith, and no one group would meddle in the affairs
of any other groups.
4- In the event of an external attack upon Yathrib, both groups, i.e., the Muslims and the Jews,
would defend the city.
5- Both groups would refrain from shedding blood in the city.

6- Muslims would not go to war against other Muslims for the sake of non-Muslims.

Brotherhood between Ansar and Muhajirun:

Muslims of Madina (the Ansar) embraced with love and sincerity the Muslim migrants who settled down

in Madina, leaving everything they had behind for the sake of God. They (the Ansar) did not and would
not resist any kind of help they could offer to them.

However, the migrants were not familiar with Madina’s climate, customs and working conditions. They
did not bring anything with them while leaving Mecca. For this reason, they needed to be familiarized
with Madina’s working conditions and with Muslims of Madina, who came to be called the Ansar (the
helpers) because they offered all kinds of help to them.

Therefore, the Messenger of God gathered the Ansar and the migrants together five months after
migrating to Medina. He appointed ninety Muslims, the forty-five of whom were from the Ansar and the
other forty-five from the migrants, as brothers.

This foundation of brotherhood established by the Prophet was based on mutual economic and
psychological support and the principle of being inheritors to each other, which in turn aimed to provide
migrants with support to get over the sorrow and misery they felt because of homesickness.
According to this foundation of brotherhood established, leaders of each family in Medina would
provide a Muslim family from Mecca with accommodation and share their belongings with them, and
they would work together.

The Prophet did not choose two Muslims to become brothers randomly. He investigated them carefully
and appointed the best matches as brothers. For instance, there was an exact harmony between Salman
al Farisi and Abu’d-Dardaa; Ammar and Khuzaifa; Mus’ab bin Umair and Abu Ayyub, in terms of
character, likes, and feelings.

Thanks to this brotherhood, life expenses and accommodation problems of immigrants, who left

everything behind except for their love for God and His Messenger, were solved. Each person from the
Ansar put one immigrant up; and they worked together, sharing what they earned. This was a
brotherhood that outpaced biological brotherhood. It was the brotherhood based on faith, religion.
Muslims of Madina, the Ansar, shared everything they had with those sorrowful, miserable and
homesick Muslims. When a person from Medina passed away, his immigrant brother would be one of

his inheritors, together with his relatives. Moreover, a large social charity was established. Muslim
immigrants were saved from economic problems. Each Muslim of Medina would give half of their
belongings to their brother from Muslims of Mecca. They enjoyed showing the pinnacle of hospitability,
generosity, gratitude and humanity to their immigrant brothers.

However, this was not enough for Muslims of Medina. So, they came into the Prophet’s presence and
made this proposal which showed how self-sacrificing they were:
“O Messenger of God! Share our date gardens between us and our immigrant brothers!”

However, the immigrants had not worked in agriculture till then. They did not know much about
agriculture. Therefore, the Prophet refused the Ansar’s proposal in the name of the migrants. Then, the

Muslims of Medina found a solution to it. The migrants who were not familiar with agriculture would
only be occupied with watering and grooming, and they would do the cultivating themselves. The

harvest would be shared equally. The Honorable Messenger accepted this proposal. The immigrants on
the other hand tried their best so as not to be a burden on anyone.

The most remarkable example of this is Abdurrahman bin Awf’s (one of the ten Companions who were
heralded to enter Heaven) answer to Sa’d bin Rabi’s proposal. “I am the richest of all Muslims of Medina

in terms of money. I saved half of my wealth for you!” said Sa’d bin Rabi to Abdurrahman bin Awf, who
were appointed as brothers. Great Companion Abdurrahman bin Awf’s answer was as noteworthy as
the proposal: “May God make your wealth auspicious for you! I do not need it. The greatest favor you
can do me is to show me the way to the bazaar where you do shopping.” The next morning,
Abdurrahman bin Awf, who was taken to Qaynuqa bazaar, bought some goods such as oil and cheese
and started the trade business. After a while, he earned a fair income and then became one of the well-
known tradesmen of Medina, as he was also honored with the Prophet’s prayer for “his wealth to
increase and be abundant.” He used to say:“Even when I take a stone, I see gold or silver under it!”

Hazrat Abdurrahman bin Awf, who gained a lot of wealth due to the blessing of the Honorable
Messenger’s prayers for him, donated seven hundred camels with their loads at once for charity, for the
sake of God. Many other Muslims of Makkah found appropriate jobs for themselves and lived happily by
their own work, like Hazrat Abdurrahman bin Awf.
In order to avoid any kind of jealousy the Prophet paired himself with Hazrat Ali. One account reports
that Hazrat Ali came crying to the Prophet stating that he has made everyone a pair except for him.
Prophet cleared the tears of Hazrat Ali and said that “Ali, you are my brother in this world and the next”.
This was also done so as to remove any sort of jealousy amongst the hearts of followers and also
because Holy Prophet was not qualified as a Muhajir.

The brotherhood established yielded positive outcomes in a short time. Various sections of society got
closer to each other with the help of this brotherhood. This brotherhood also abolished tribal pride and
enmity. As a result, a society with divine aims, supreme goals, and virtuous souls emerged.

God paid these helpers His tributes in the Holy Quran as follows:
But those who, before them, had homes (in Medina) and had adopted the faith, – show
their affection to such as came to them for refuge, and entertain no desire, in their hearts
for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves, even though
poverty was their (own lot). And those saved from the greed of their own souls, – they

are the ones that achieve prosperity. (Chapter 59; verse 9) (This verse explains that
Muhajireen were given refuge without any desire in their heart. They gave Muhajireen
preference over themselves and therefore they achieved prosperity)
At another place God paid his tributes to the Muhajireen in the following words:
(some part is due) to the poor Muhajirs, those who were expelled from their homes and
their property , while seeking grace from Allah and (His) good pleasure, and aiding Allah
and His Apostle: such are indeed the sincere ones. (Chapter 59; verse 8)
History has witnessed a lot of migrations. However, it had not witnessed such a meaningful and divine
immigration, such sincere unity between immigrants and locals, such affectionate embracing and
bonding until then; and it will not ever witness another one like this! This sincere embracing gave birth

to a magnificent power, such a power that the whole Arabia would have to submit to entirely in a short

Second Year of Migration:

There were a number of significant events which took place in the second year following the migration
to Madina:

Change in Qibla:
Not a few months had yet passed since the migration of the Prophet to Madina when the Jews rose to
oppose him. Exactly in the seventeenth month of migration a mandatory Divine command came that
from then onwards the 'qiblah' of the Muslims would be the Ka'bah and while offering their prayers they
should turn their faces to Masjidul Haram.
The intention of changing Qibla was that the true believers and those who were not sincere in their faith
should be identified and the Prophet should fully recognize such persons, because the second order, in
obedience to which he turned his face towards Masjidul Haram, while performing prayers, was the sign
of faith in the new religion and disobedience and delay is a sign of double-mindedness and hypocrisy.
The Qur'an itself mentions this fact clearly in the following verse:
We decreed your former qiblah only in order that We might know the Prophet's true
adherents and those who were to disown him. It was indeed a hard test, but not for those
whom Allah guided. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:143 )
Fasting became Obligatory:
Fasting in Ramadan was made farz one month after the qiblah was changed to the Kaaba and in the
beginning of the 18th month after Hijrah, in the month of Shaban. The following were stated in the
verses regarding fasting:

“O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may
(learn) self-restraint…

Zakat became Obligatory:
Zakat was made farz in the 2nd year of Hijrah after the fasting of Ramadan was made farz and sadaqa al-
fitr was rendered wajib. Zakat is a financial kind of worshipping for rich Muslims that involves giving a
certain amount of their goods, property or money to the poor every year. Zakat is one of the five pillars
of Islam. It was ordered in the Quran: (an-Nur, 56; al-Muzzammil, 20; al-Hajj, 78; al-Baqara, 110). It is

mentioned in 32 places in the Quran together with prayer (salah)

The Prophet stated the following in a hadith:

“Every day in the morning, two angels come down and one of them says, ‘O my Lord! Give to those
who give zakat and sadaqa and spend their property for the sake of God the amount that they spend’.
The other one says, ‘O my Lord! Destroy the property of those who do not give zakat or sadaqa!”
Battle of Badr:
In the third year of Hijra, news started coming to the Muhajireen that their houses in Makkah have been
set on fire by the Makkans. Also, the Makkans would often come and burn the fields outside Madina

which created an anger in the hearts and minds of Muslims. A bunch of Muslims went to the Prophet
and asked for permission to fight but were denied because of no such order from Allah. Later on, Allah

ordered the Muslims to fight in his way with those who fight against them but with keeping the limits
in mind. The permission led to the conclusion that Muslims would now stop the caravans which go on to
Syria as a revenge for what the Makkans were doing to them. This step had yet to be taken and was in
discussion when the news of it reached Abu Sufyan who was the leader of the Quraysh. At this time, Abu
Sufyan was in Madina and was bringing a caravan back to Makkah with enough wealth to feed the

Makkans. As soon as he got this fear, he sent a message to Abu Jahl that Muslims want to attack on him
and want to raid his caravan. Hearing this news Abu Jahl formulated an army of 1300 men with around
70 horses and 300 camels. Holy Prophet upon hearing the news ordered his men to move to the plains
of Badr. In gathering the army, he called upon all the Muhajireen and asked the Ansaars if they would
like to join in. A total of 313 men along with 2 horses and 70 camels was gathered. Muslims moved to
the plains of Badr and occupied all the wells leaving behind one of the wells for the enemy. Abu Sufyan
meanwhile had found out a new way through which he did not have to pass through Madina. He sent a
message again to Abu Jahl to cancel the plan of a fight. Abu Jahl, in all his arrogance, ordered 300 men
to go back and marched on to Badr with 1000 of his men. Holy Prophet before the battle began prayed
to Allah to protect them and said if these small band of your men persish then who would worship you
The battle began when Utbah (father in law of Abu Sufyan), his son Walid and his brother Shaibah (stood
in front of the pagan army and asked the Prophet to send to them their equals for a dual. Hundreds of
companions were around him and many of them were expecting to be called upon by the Prophet but he
chose to start from his own family.
Prophet called upon Ali, Al Hamza and Ubayadah Al Harith (all from the clan of the Prophet) to face the
three warriors. Ali destroyed Walid and Hamza killed Utbah; then they both assisted Ubayadah against his
opponent Sheibah. Sheibah died immediately and Ubayadah was the first martyr at this battle. He died
after he lost his leg.
When the general offensive began, hundreds of companions participated in the battle and offered
sacrifices and pleased their Lord. Allah mentions in the Holy Quran that Muslims were assisted by up to
3000 Angels while they fought in the way of Allah. This battle saw Hazrat Bilal kill his former master
Ummayah. But the members of the house of the Messenger (S) distinguished themselves. Ali's endeavor
was unique at this battle. When Hanthala Ibn Abu Sufyan faced him, Ali liquefied his eyes with one blow
from his sword. He annihilated Al Aws Ibn Saeed, and met Tuaima Ibn Oday and transfixed him with his

spear, saying “You shall not dispute with us in God after today.”
The Messenger (S) took a handful of gravel when the battle was extremely heated. He threw it at the faces
of the pagans saying “May Your faces be disfigured. God, terrify their hearts and invalidated their feet”.
Meanwhile Abu Jahl was injured in this battle by two brothers Muaz and Mawuz. He was then finally killed

by Abdullah ibn Masud. The pagans, after the killing of their leader, ran away, turning their faces to no
The Muslims went on killing them and taking prisoners. 70 pagans met their death, and the Muslims took
from them 70 prisoners. Holy Prophet ordered that all prisoners of war should be dealt with respect. He
said that those prisoners who are rich and can give ransom can leave. Those who are old are freed and
those who are healthy but cannot pay ransom should teach 10 Muslims per person.
This battle laid the foundation of the Islamic State and made Muslims one of the strongest forces in
Arabian Peninsula.

Battle of Uhud:

The battle of Uhud took place in 3AH. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan was angered at the death of his
father Utbah and wanted revenge for it. She was after the most sought out warrior of Islam and uncle of

the Prophet, Hazrat Hamza. Hind hired an Abyssinian slave who went by the name of Wahshi al-harb
and devoted her on the task of killing Hazrat Hamza. Abu Sufyan was leading this battle and was able to
gather an army of 3000 men along with 3000 camels and 200 horses. The enemy planned to meet the
forces of Muslims at the Mount of Uhud.

Holy Prophet when got to know about the plans of the Quraysh gathered an army of 1000 men which
included 300 men of Abdullah ibn Ubayy. Initially there was a meeting which took place and it was
decided that Muslims would go outside Madina to fight. The Muslims then marched on to the mount of
Uhud, when in the middle of the journey Abdullah showed his true colors of being a hypocrite, told the
Prophet that he and his men are worried about the safety of their houses in Madina. Therefore, a total
of 300 men left the Muslim army leaving behind 700 men. Upon reaching the mount of Uhud, the
Prophet instructed 50 of his archers to stand on the slope of mountain, and not move unless instructed,
so that the enemy could not attack from the back.
As soon as the enemy reached, the flag bearer of the Makkans, Talha ibn Abi Talha, stepped forward and
called upon a Muslim to fight with him in a dual. Hazrat Ali stepped forward and killed him with one
blow by separating his head from his body. The general battle then started. The Quraysh had 200
horsemen who were led by Khalid ibn Walid and awaited the Muslim archers to change their position so
they could attack. The Muslims were swiftly able to take on the Makkan force and one by one all their
flag bearers started getting killed. The Muslims, attacking against the instructions of the Prophet started
collecting the war bounty and when the 50 archers saw it they started running away as well to collect
the bounty. The Prophet kept on calling them and this has been mentioned in the Quran in following
words: “God certainly made good His promise unto you when you routed them by His leave, until the
moment when your courage failed you and ye disobeyed after He had showed that for which ye long ”

The 200 horsemen had now found their perfect opportunity and attacked the Muslims from behind
since the archers had left their position. This led to two complexities; a) The Muslim army got
sandwiched, b) It became easier for the Makkans to attack the Prophet. It is reported that as soon as the
Muslim army got sandwiched, 14 of the companions of the Prophet formed a defensive ring around him.
This included the likes of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas. Muslims got a major hit when
Wahashi killed Hazrat Hamza with a spear and news spread that Prophet had been martyred. Soon it got

revealed that Hazrat Musab, who resembled the Prophet had been martyred. A total of 25 Makkans had
been killed whereas the Muslims lost around 70 of their soldiers. Hind humiliated the body of Hazrat
Hamza by eating his liver and this marked the end of the battle. Prophet along with his other remaining
companions reached to the Mount of Uhud with safety and buried the dead over there. This battle till
date is a reminder to the Muslims of the loss they could suffer if they go against the teachings or

instructions of the Prophet.

The Battle of Trench:

A year after Uhud both the Muslims and the Makkans had challenged each other at the second battle of
Badr. Muslims did go in with fifteen hundred of their men to Badr but the Quraysh never arrived. After
another year a major battle happened between the Muslims and multiple tribes of the Arabian
Peninsula. Two major tribes of jews had been kicked out of Madina and now they wanted to wage a war
against the Muslims. They asked Makkans to join hands with them and other smaller tribes like Banu
Assad, Banu Ghaftan and Banu Salaim. A total force of 10,000 men was gathered by the enemy and their
leader was Abu Sufyan.

Holy Prophet on hearing the news which was passed on to him by the men of Banu Khuza called upon a
shura council meeting and views from all the companions was taken as to how the preparations should

be done. Meanwhile, a Persian man, Salman Farsi, came to the Prophet and told him that during wars in
Persia they used to defend the cities by digging trenches. A unanimous decision was taken on the
digging of trenches and the work started on it.
When it was decided unanimously that the city would be defended, the activity of digging trenches
started immediately upon the order and advice of the Messenger of God. The Prophet himself

determined what places would be dug by whom. There were very thick orchards and gardens in the
south of the city. It was very unlikely for the enemy to pass through them. Even if they tried to pass
through those orchards, they would have to scatter and pass in a single line, which would be stopped
and defeated by a small platoon. In the east of the city Sons of Qurayza Jews and other Jews that had
signed a treaty with the Prophet were living. Therefore, the trenches were dug only in the north side of
the city, which was open land. The determinations that were made necessitated it.

All Muslims, even the children, worked very hard to dig trenches. The Messenger of God himself dug
trenches, too, and encouraged the Muslims to finish the trenches as soon as possible. Madina at this
time was also going through a famine and shortage of food caused a problem for the residents. One of
the companions of the Prophet who went by the name of Jabir came to him and told him that he has
one goat and would like to invite him for the feast. Prophet accepted the invitation and said that the
entire army would be coming along with him. On reaching his place the Prophet instructed him to keep
the stove on while the food was being served and through the blessings of Allah the food was enough
for everyone.

The extraordinary efforts the Companions made while digging the trenches were the most evident proof
that they were loyal to God and His Messenger. They never left the place even when they needed to
leave without getting permission from the Prophet. The Messenger of God and the Muslims took the
activity of digging trenches very seriously but the munafiqs considered it unimportant. They worked
lazily and they left whenever they wanted without getting permission from the Messenger of God. This
behavior of the hypocrites was talked about by Allah Himself where He stated that He knows who are
the real servants of Islam. The digging of the trenches took 6 days and because of hurry one place was

left too narrow which was thought to be an easy target for enemy. Therefore, Holy Prophet placed his
army over there.

Islamic army consisted of three thousand people. It was one third of the number of the enemy army.
There were only thirty-six cavalrymen. Meanwhile the enemy was of 10000 soldiers who got shocked

when they saw the trenches. In addition to that the only tribe of Jews, the Banu Qurayza were also
involved in treachery as they were trying to help the enemy. Alongside them the hypocrites were also
involved in spreading news of the Muslim army to the enemy. Small skirmishes took place from the
place where the trench was narrow but it was successfully dealt by Hazrat Ali.

As the days progressed the fight started to become difficult for the Muslims because of the famine and
the treachery from Jews and hypocrites. A good news came when Nuyam bin Masud, a Ghaftan tribe
member became a Muslim and offered the Prophet to help. He told the Prophet that he would be going
back to his tribe and telling them that how they are against each other because none of them knew of
him being a Muslim. This worked a great deal for the Muslims and helped in splitting of the army.

A month had passed by and the war was still on that is when Prophet prayed to Allah in the following

words “O God, who sent down the Book (the Quran), who settles things very quickly, who defeats
nations and tribes! Defeat those tribes and shake them! Help us against them. O God! If you let those

handful of Muslims be beaten, who will be left to worship you?” This prayer proved successful and the
camps of the Enemy were blown away overnight by a storm which lasted for 3 days. Finally, the Muslims
were once again successful. At the end of the war the Jews of Qurayza were punished (Details to be
mentioned *given in Jews of Madina Section*

Treaty of Hudabiya:
It was during the sixth year towards the end of the month Shawaal, Prophet Muhammad saw a dream of
going to the Kaaba with his head shaved and keys of Kaaba in his hand. The Prophet next day announced
to his companions that they will be going for Umrah. 1400 companions were gathered and preparations
were made in which 70 camels were taken along for sacrifice. The Muslims were not carrying weapons
as they were in a state of Ihram.

The Makkans upon knowing the plans of Muslims, sent a force of 200 men led by Khalid bin Walid so
that they could stop the Muslims from entering because once they entered it would be a shame for the
Qurayshities to kick them out. Holy Prophet when got to know about this changed his route and moved
to Hudabiya where he camped. He sent an envoy to inform the Quraysh who was killed by them. He
then sent Hazrat Usman, who also did not return for long because he had lots of relatives and also it
took a lot of time for him to convince the Quraysh but they did not agree. Holy Prophet got worried
about the absence of Usman (RA) (as it was thought that he had been killed) and gathered all his
companions, after divine guidance, where they all pledged, under an oak tree, that they will be with the
Prophet through all thick and thin. Upon hearing the news, the Quraysh awakened and sent Suhayl bin
Amr to sign a treaty of peace with the Prophet.

Suhayl told that Hazrat Usman is safe and will be returning soon whereas he was there to sign a treaty
with the Muslims. Terms of the treaty were agreed upon and following were the terms:

1) The Muslims and polytheists will not fight each other for ten years in order to live in peace and

2) The Prophet and the Companions will not enter Makkah this year and they will return; however, next
year, they will come only carrying swords, which are regarded as travelers’ weapons, and
circumambulate the Kaab; they will stay in Makkah only for three days; the polytheists will leave the city
for three days when they arrive.

3) The Muslims of Madinah that take refuge in Makkah will not be returned to the Muslims but the
Makkans who take refuge in Madinah will be returned even if they are Muslims if the polytheists
demand them.

4) The Arab tribes will be free to join the Prophet or the Quraysh

After the terms were decided, Holy Prophet chose Hazrat Ali as the scribe of the treaty and it was
written in the camp of the Prophet. Holy Prophet told Hazrat Ali to begin in the name of Allah the most
Merciful and Beneficent. Suhayl objected that he does not believe in any such God and said to begin the
treaty with “In the name O’God”. Holy Prophet agreed and further instructed Hazrat Ali to write that this
treaty is being written between, Suhayl the son of Amr and Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. Suhayl
again objected and said that if we believe you as the Messenger then there will be no difference

amongst us. Prophet even agreed to it and while on the other Hazrat Umar was controlling his emotions

at whatever was going on.

As soon as the writing of treaty was over, Abu Jandal came running from Makkah and asked the Prophet
to take him along as he was subject to a lot of torture. Prophet requested Suhayl stating that he Abu
Jandal go with him as the treaty had not been signed as yet but Suhayl said that treaty starts from this

moment. Holy Prophet then told Abu Jandal to wait for the mercy of God and told him that he will be
meeting with him one day. Hazrat Umar got angry at whatever was going on and Hazrat AbuBakar
calmed him down stating that whatever is happening is in the best interest of Muslims.

After the signing of treaty, Suhayl left and Prophet instructed his companions to shave off their heads
and slaughter their animals but none of them moved. It was then the wisdom of Prophet’s beloved wife,
Hazrat Umm-e-Salama that did the trick. She asked the Prophet to do it himself first and then everyone
will follow. The same thing happened when he did it himself everyone else followed.

This treaty, though looked as a failure for Muslims, proved its worth in the years to come when because
of it Muslims were able to capture Makkah. Allah calmed down Muslims in the Holy Quran in Surah Fath
by the following words “Verily we have granted thee a clear victory”

Jews of Madina:
There were three main tribes of Jews living in Madina, namely: Banu Qaynuqua, Banu Nadir and Banu

As soon as the Prophet arrived a treaty was signed with the Jews which came to be known as the
covenant of Madina (*written in the section of first year after Hijra*). The covenant clearly stated that
both Muslims and jews will work together and live in harmony. Things were not that as simple as they

It was around the year 2AH when the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa were involved in treachery. A jewish gold
merchant of the tribe got into an argument with a Muslim woman and both of them called an ally for

help. The allies were killed as the argument erupted into a fight. The Jewish gold merchant went back to
his tribe members and they all planned to attack the Muslims. Prophet upon knowing that instructed
Muslims to encircle their area as they had broken the term of the treaty which stated that every issue
will be taken back to the Prophet for final consultation. The Jews awaited reinforcements from their
allies but to no avail. Finally, after two weeks they were surrendered and the Prophet granted them

their lives but confiscated their property.

The next tribe to be kicked away were the Jews of Banu Nadir. They had called upon the Prophet for
consultation on a matter which they themselves had disagreements upon. In reality, it was a plan by
them to assassinate the Prophet but Angel Jibraeel informed the Prophet in due time. Prophet left the
place and upon reaching his place instructed the Muslims to surround the fortresses of Banu Nadir.
Banu Nadir relied upon their allies but no one came to help when finally, they were asked to leave in
peace while only carrying their portable possessions.

The last tribe remaining was the Banu Qurayaza who were found to be doing treachery against the
Muslims during the battle of Trench. After the war was over their men were given punishment to death
(as was the punishment in their book). The clan of Aws was against this punishment but then the matter

was handed over to the chief of Aws who agreed that they should be punished according to laws in their
book. The severity of the punishment was also because they had not learned a lesson from the

expulsion of their fellow tribes.

Khaybar Expedition
In 7AH, the Prophet Muhammad thought of securing the northern side where the Jewish threat was

present. The Jews were constantly planning to attack the Muslims and it was told to the Prophet by
Allah through a divine revelation. The Prophet gathered an army of 1600 people with 200 cavalry men
and marched on to the fortresses of Khyabar.

As soon as the Muslims reached the fortress of Khaybar the Jews were shocked and hid inside their
fortresses, afraid to come out and face the Muslims. The Muslims had several forts to conquer with the
two biggest forts being Naim and Qamus. Holy Prophet at this time fell sick and the banner was handed
over to Hazrat AbuBakar R.A. Small forts were captured because Muslims had caught a man who was
herding sheep for the jews. The name of the person was Yassar and was an Abyssinian who later
accepted Islam and gave information on the weakness of Jews. He was martyred later while fighting for
Muslims. Upon taking control over all the small forts Muslims reached the bigger forts. The first of these
was the Fort of Naim. Hazrat Ali’s antics proved successful in capturing this fort as he moved the gate of
a castle and took it as a shield which would have taken 7 men to move. Muslims then took control of the
Citadel of Zubayr and finally reached the biggest fort which was the fort of Qamus. Hazrat AbuBakar led
the army but was unsuccessful in taking control over it. The banner was then given to Hazrat Umer who
was also unsuccessful in capturing it. That night Holy Prophet said that the next day he will be giving the
banner to someone whom Allah loves and who Allah loves.

Next day the Holy Prophet called upon Hazrat Ali, he was going through an eye ailment and Prophet
rubbed Hazrat Ali’s eyes by putting saliva on his finger after which he got perfectly fine. The Prophet
then handed over the banner to Hazrat Ali along with his sword Dhul-Fiqar. Hazrat Ali went on to
conquer the fort of Qamus and initially had to fight with the most powerful commander of Jews,
Marhab. Marhab was the strongest man in Jews and was too proud of himself and told Hazrat Ali to
bring someone who equals his strength. Hazrat Ali told that he will fight him and with one blow killed

Marhab. Muslims then went on to conquer the fort of Qamus after which Khyabar came under the
control of Muslims.

Jews sued for peace and wanted the Prophet to grant them with their lives. Eventually it was decided
that Jews will be giving half of their agricultural produce to Muslims and would live in Khyabar and not

conspire against Muslims. However, this treaty would be annulled by the Prophet whenever he wanted.
Prophet used to send Abdullah bin Rawha every year who divided the produce into two and gave Jews
the first right to choose the part they wanted.

Battle of Muta:
The Prophet sent letters and envoys not only to the rulers of the big states and invited them to Islam but
also to the tribes and nations that were subject to them. He sent Al Harith bin Umayr with a letter to the
governor of Basra. When Harith, the envoy of the Prophet arrived at Muta, one of the villages of Balqa’,
a town of Damascus, he was taken to the presence Shurahbil Amru’l-Ghassani, the governor of
Damascus of the Byzantine Kaiser. When Shurahbil heard that Harith was the envoy of the Prophet, he
killed Harith brutally.

Holy Prophet on hearing the news was extremely grieved and thought of attacking the enemy. He

gathered 3000 soldiers and said that Zayd bin Harith will be the flag bearer. He said to Zayd that you will
first give the message of Islam to these people or ask them to pay Jizya. If they accept any of these then
you will not fight but if they reject, then do fight. Holy Prophet further stated that if Zayd is killed then
the command will be taken by Jaffar bin Abu Talib and if he is killed then Abdullah bin Rawaha will take
over and if he is also killed then choose a leader amongst you who you think is the best.

The Muslim army took off to Muta and Shurabil al Ghassani got the news of the arrival of Muslim army.
He gathered a force of 100,000 with the help of the emperor Heraculis. Zayd, when reached with his
force did as the Prophet had told him but the Byzantines were insistent on fighting and rejected the
message. The fight started and first Zayd was martyred followed by Jaffar and Abdullah bin Rawaha.
Muslims by now had lost the courage and this was the time that they had to choose a new leader. They
unanimously agreed on Thabit bin Aqram but he said that he is too old for this and finally the name of
Khalid bin Walid was agreed upon.

In those days the fighting started from the rising of the Sun and ended when it was dark. Khalid bin
Walid fought bravely and it is said that he broke 7 swords killing the army on which he got the title of
Saifullah (The Sword of Allah). Khalid was aware that there is no chance that Muslims could defeat such
a huge number so on one night he gathered all his soldiers that we would shout the name of Allah
tonight which will give an impression that auxiliary troops have arrived. Moreover, in order to confuse
the enemy, we will scatter and change our positions. The next day he replaced the soldiers on the right
with the ones on the right, and the soldiers at the front with the soldiers at the back. As soon as the
enemy saw this they were startled and to further shock them Khalid asked his soldiers to attack at once.
This made the enemy weary and they started to back off. Meanwhile, Khalid also gathered all his troops
and went back to Madinah with only a loss of 15 Muslim Soldiers.

The Conquest of Makkah:

Due to the terms of Treaty of Hudabiya, Banu Khuza had sided with Muslims and Banu Bakar had sided
with the Quraysh. Due to a clash between the two parties initiated by Banu Bakar, 23 men of Banu

Khuza were killed. The Prophet was informed about this situation by the head of Banu Khuza whose
name was Amir bin Salim.

On knowing the situation, Prophet Muhammad sent a letter of ultimatum to the Makkans with the
following terms “1) Either pay the blood money for the people of the tribe of Khuzaa that were killed 2)

or break your alliance with the tribe of Sons of Bakr. 3) If you do not do either of them, know that you
will be regarded to have violated the Treaty of Hudaybiyah; consequently, we will have to fight you.”
The notables of the Makkans rejected the terms and soon realized what they had done. Thereupon, they
sent Abu Sufyan to amend the situation. According to the instructions of the notables of the polytheists,
Abu Sufyan, was going to talk to the Prophet and tell him that they changed their mind and was going to
ask him to renew the Treaty of Hudaybiyah.
Abu Sufyan went to Madina and met his daughter and wife of Prophet, Umm-e-Habiba who refused to
help her. Then he went to Prophet Muhammad for treaty to be renewed but to no avail. Similarly, he
met Hazrat AbuBakar, Umar, Usman and Ali but they also apologized that they will not be able to help

Abu Sufyan returned without any help and when he reached back Makkah he told what had happened.
On the other end Prophet gathered 10,000 people and on the command of Allah marched to the

outskirts of Makkah. Upon reaching there, Prophet told everyone to lit up their torches with fire so
Muslim strength could be shown to the people of Makkah. Seeing this, the notables of Makkah once
again ordered Abu Sufyan to go and check the camps of Muslims. As soon as Abu Sufyan reached, he
was captured and brought to the Prophet by Hazrat Abbas. Prophet asked him if he would like to accept
Islam and after a bit of hesitation he finally accepted it. Upon his becoming a Muslim, his house was

declared as a safe haven for Muslims.

Prophet then divided his army into 4 squadrons, each under the command of a leader. These included;
Khalid bin Walid, Zubayr ibn al Awaam, Saad bin Ubaydah and Abu Ubaydah bin Jarah. The Prophet
ordered these men to not fight with anyone first and only attack back if they are attacked. All the 10,000
people were ordered to move in the city at once and Khalid bin Walid forces faced resistance and as a
result 22 Makkans were killed.

Upon reaching Makkah, Holy Prophet did a speech and told people how they had driven him out of the
city and had revolted against him but he forgave them all. Forbidden times for prayers were also given
and Days of Eid were forbidden for fasting upon Muslims. After this all but 9 people were forgiven.
Amongst those who were forgiven was Wahshi ibn al Harb, the man who killed Hazrat Hamza. Makkah
was now safe for Muslims. Prophet stayed there for some time until he went back to Makkah.
Battle of Hunayn:
With the conquest of Makkah, almost all of the Qurayshis became Muslims. However, there were some
tribes that were deprived of this interest: The tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif were the leaders of them.
They were known to be the fierce enemies of the Prophet and Muslims. As a matter of fact, they formed
an army consisting of twenty thousand soldiers under the command of Malik b. Awf, the leader of
Hawazins, with the participation of the people from the tribes around. Malik b. Awf, their commander,
made all of the women, children and sheep join the army so that the soldiers would fight bravely and
would not run away. The enemy army consisting of twenty thousand people settled in a place called
Awtas together with the women, children and animals

Prophet Muhammad upon knowing of the army sent Abdullah ibn Abi Hadard to check on the enemy.
When the Messenger of God was informed that a big army had been prepared against him, he acted
very fast to attack them in the place where they had settled. The Islamic army consisting of twelve
thousand soldiers under the command of the Messenger of God set off from Makkah toward the place

where the enemy army had settled. Two thousand soldiers were Makkans. There were also about eighty
polytheists in the army who just wanted to see who wins.

The terrain of Hawazin was uneven which made it difficult for the Muslim army to settle and as soon as
they reached they were faced with arrows and stones from all directions. The Muslim army started to
scatter and this made the Quraysh notables happy as they wanted this to happen. Holy Prophet was on
his horse Duldul along with his uncle Abbas. He and his uncle shouted to the Muslim soldiers that if the
Messenger of Allah is standing here why are you running away. The words echoed in the valley and the
Muslim soldiers started to return back as if they had been given a new life. The fight started again and
Muslims were able to win over the enemy and drove them away to Taif.

Siege of Taif:

The Prophet ordered some of the Muslims to take the 6000 captives and the huge amount of war booty

which had camels and sheeps to be taken to Jirana. He along with other Mujhaids went to Taif. The
Hawazin tribe along with the Thaqif tribe hid inside the forts they had made in Taif and had food stocked
up for years. The Muslims tried for atleast a month but were unable to conquer the city and thereupon
the Prophet ordered that he will be giving up on the siege. People asked the Prophet to curse them but
the Prophet replied that may Allah bless the people of Taif. He then moved on to Jirana and the

distribution of bounty took place. The people of Hawazin got to know about the distribution of the
captives, they came and accepted Islam and were given their share. The Prophet of Allah distributed
more wealth to the newly converted Muslims and seeing this gesture the leader of the Hawazin tribe
Malik bin Awf also accepted Islam. The Ansar did not like what was happening as they had not gotten
any share. The Prophet then calmed them down by asking them if they would not like that the
Messenger of Allah goes back with them while the others walk back with war bounty. This calmed down
the Ansar and finally the journey back to Madinah took place.

Tabuk Expedition:
The 9th year of the Migration is the year when Islam spread in the Arabian Peninsula with all of its
grandeur. However, there were some states that could not put up with the magnificence of this bright
sun. One of them was the Byzantine Empire, which was one of the strongest states of that time. Their
leader was Heraculis who along with other tribes was planning to attack Madinah. Holy Prophet was
informed about it and since there was a famine going on he told his fellow Muslims about the condition.
Muslims, therefore, poured in with all the help they could and there was a large amount of donation
which was done.

Hazrat Umar gave half of his Property, Hazrat AbuBakar gave all of his property, Hazrat Usman gave the
three hundred camels with the goods on them to the Messenger of God. He also gave fifty horses and
one thousand coins of gold, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Awf gave four thousand dirhams and there were
people who had nothing to give but gave their household items which were in use.

Alongside these people, there were those who were unable to join the infantry because there was no

animal left for them to carry and thus came to be known as criers. The munafiqs on the other hand
excused themselves from fighting and thereupon Allah revealed the following verse: “If they had come
out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder, hurrying to
and fro in your midst and sowing troublemaking among you”. Hazrat Ali was left behind by Prophet to
take care of Madinah and when Hazrat Ali got sad the Prophet of Allah said to him “Would you not like

to be as Harun was to Musa? Except for the fact that there will be no Prophet after me”. With this
Hazrat Ali was consoled.

Muslims marched on to the border of Byzantines and the area was known as Tabuk. The Prophet and his
companions stayed there for over a month but the enemy never arrived. Many important incidents
occurred in Tabuk; 1- The Prophet addressed how he is different from the other Prophets which came
earlier, 2- He told Muslims about how they need to behave when there is a plague and how Muslims
need to be steadfast in their prayers. With this incident, Islam was at its peak and Muslims were the
strongest force in the entire Arabian Peninsula.

Last year of Prophet’s Life:

It was in the year 632 that Holy Prophet P.B.U.H decided to perform the annual pilgrimage to Makkah.

The Prophet instructed his followers to spread out the word that they are going for the farewell

pilgrimage and whoever can join them should join them. Muslims from all around Arabia joined the
Prophet and With him were all his wives and members of his household, the Muhajirin and the Ansar, as
well as all those who came to join him from all Arab tribes. It was a procession which spread a feeling of
security and reassurance to all around it. Its slogan was one of peace and security. Not a single person in
that procession harbored any ill feelings towards anyone. None of them carried a weapon of any sort.

None harmed an animal, frightened a bird, cut down a tree or destroyed any plant. It was, in short, a
procession of love which spread a feeling of kindness, peace and security all around.
After a long March the Prophet finally arrived in Makkah where he performed the Tawaf and Sa’i (these
actions of the Prophet formed the rituals of Muslims for Hajj). He then left to Mina on the 8th of Dhil
Hajj where he spent the night and on the 9th of Dhil Hajj arrived at Arafat where he gave his farewell
sermon. The Prophet in his speech laid down important principles of Islam where he told the Mislims
that human life belongs to Allah and whoever sheds blood unlawfully will be at wrong. He also
mentioned that usury from now onwards will be forbidden and he did it by example by abrogating his
uncle of it. His speech also mentioned how women have rights and that they should be protected at all
costs whereas women who are wives should be taken care of. He also indicated the months of Islamic
calendar and told about the sacred months. Moreover, emphasis was also drawn on how Muslims are
one single brotherhood and that all humans are equal in front of Allah and that no one is better than the
other except for their piety. He also told the people that he is leaving them all with the Holy Quran and
his Sunnah as guidance which Muslims should hold on to. Furthermore, he also emphasized on the
following of five pillars of Islam and every time he gave out a teaching he made sure that all people were
a witness to it. In the end Surah Al- Maida verse 3 was revealed which stated that All has completed his
favor upon the Muslims and have perfected their religion for them.
Prophet, after performing the Hajj left for Madina and stopped at a place called Ghadir Khumm. He took
Hazrat Ali’s hand over there and stated that 'Ali is the Master of whoever accepts me as his master. O
Lord! Befriend whoever befriends Ali and alienate Yourself from whoever alienates Ali "
Upon returning to Madina, he increased his seclusion and Hazrat Jibaril reviewed the Quran twice with
him. Normally, every year, the Quran was reviewed once and this year it happened twice and this was
an indication to the Prophet that Allah might call him. He fell sick just 13 days before his death and the

pain was evident on his face as narrated by few companions but he never complained about it. It was
during that time that Hazrat AbuBakar was instructed to lead the Prayers as the Prophet was ill. A week
before his death he shifted to the house of his beloved wife, Hazrat Aisha. It is narrated that he called on
his youngest daughter, Hazrat Fatima and told her that he is going to pass away soon. Hearing this,
Hazrat Fatima started crying but Prophet consoled her that she will be following him soon after his

death. It was then that Prophet called his grandsons, their Mother (Hazrat Fatima) and their Father
(Hazrat Ali) and took them under his cloak and stated that Allah desired to take uncleanliness away from
them. These people are therefore known as People of the mantle. Holy Prophet passed away on the
12th of Rabi-ul-Awal and his companions could not bear the passing away of their beloved Prophet. It
was then that Hazrat Abu Bakar took charge and stated “Whoever worships Muhammad, know that
Muhammad has passed away and whoever worships Allah, know that Allah is alive and immortal.
Qualities of the Prophet:

1. Honesty

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) truthfulness and honesty were so famous among his most noble

attributes, from his tender age and before he was chosen as the Messenger of God, that the people of
that time would call him al-Amin (the trustworthy). This characteristic of his reached the extent that
almost everyone in Mecca would put their money, valuables, and savings in the hands of Prophet
(PBUH) for safekeeping. Even, after he was called for Prophet hood, despite all their hostility to him, the
Quraysh continued depositing their treasure with him. It was because of this quality that his first wife,

Hazrat Khadija (R.A.) married him.

2. Humbleness

In spite of all his responsibilities as a prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) would do all his chores himself as well
as helping his family with the household work; he used to patch his clothes, mend his shoes, and milk his
goat with his own hands. He would eat simple food, wear simple clothes and travel in a simple manner.
It is not that he could not afford a luxurious lifestyle; there were stages in prophet’s (PBUH) life when he
had a reasonable income from his trading. In fact, he chose to lead a simple life. He preferred to live on
what was sufficient and as normally as any other simple Muslim. When he acquired great wealth, he did
not hold on to it for himself. Instead, he gave it to the poor and spent it for the good of the society.

3. Kindness
In his social life as well as his family life, prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was always kind, affectionate and
respectful to people. He was known to have a pleasant smile on his face which never faded away. He
took the lead to extend greetings to those he knew and those he did not know, including children and
slaves. The holy prophet (PBUH) also showed significant love and tenderness to children; he seated
them on his lap, put them on his shoulders and kissed them. He was incredibly kind to his slaves too. He
told people that the slaves were their brothers. He took a great interest in the welfare of all people, had
great compassion for people in trouble and would do his best to remove their sufferings.

4. Patience and Steadfastness

Throughout his life, Holy Prophet endured many trials and hardships and the ‘Year of Sadness’ was
particularly distressing. Three years before the historic migration to Madinah, the Prophet lost both his
beloved wife Khadijah, and his uncle Abu Talib, who had been a great supporter and sincere guardian.
These were two great associates of Holy Prophet and after their deaths, the persecution of the Prophet
and his small group of companions increased dramatically. Despite the pain and hardship, he remained

patient and forbearing, uncompromising in his determination to spread the word of Allah.

5. Forgiveness
This was the great quality of Holy Prophet that he always forgave his enemies and didn't took revenge.
Quraish rebuked him, beat him and abused him they even tried to kill him, many of his companions said
him to curse them, but he didn't and forgave them.
After the conquest of Makkah, the Abyssinian slave who had killed Hazrat Hamza and Hinda who had
torn out his liver, they came to Holy Prophet and embraced Islam and both were forgiven.
Holy Prophet was an example of forgiveness and kindness, as mentioned in Holy Quran: "hold to
forgiveness; command what is right,"

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