Feyblood The Half Fairy Race
Feyblood The Half Fairy Race
Feyblood The Half Fairy Race
When human and elf conjoin a half-elf is born; but when the fairy ancestor is not an elf,
but a full-fledged fey whose essence wasn't diluted by a permanent tie of death with the
Mortal World, soon or later a feyblood will born.
arts by
Carl Spitzwe, Gaston Bussière, Neil Spicer, and Pál Szinyei Merse
(used with permission)
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pointed ears, the most mundane feybloods can
pass themselves for elves or half-elves, a
Someone among your ancestors wasn't human. charade good enough to fool the members of
You had a fairy grandmother, perhaps, or your other races who are not very familiar with the
grand-grand-mother never quite explained elven folks.
where she met the stranger who become her When the legacy of the fairy is stronger,
husband. Perhaps everyone in your family is however, the feyblood cannot possibly pass for
just a dull, plain human, but you suffered from a a human, nor for an elf: such children display
grave illness while just a baby, and your parents some anomalies from birth, but those became
sought the help of the mysterious lady in the more and more undeniable as they grow,
woods. reflecting the multifarious facets of nature and
Anyway, you grow up to be different fairies. Some feybloods display the traits of
from other children and siblings; you are quick animal, some others those of plant: bark-like
and unnaturally fair. In the best case, something skin or leaf-like air, as well as fur and horns or
in your eyes, hair, traits or complexion is not hooves, are equally represented by individuals
quite human, and while still young you were of different heritage.
capable of true miracles concerning the natural There are those half-fairies that can be
world: flowers blossomed as you touched them, recognized as descendants of a specific type of
the birds singed with you... the whole natural fey, such as a satyr or a dryad, but more often
world seemed someway familiar to you. This feybloods are marked as heirs of the whole fairy
could have been a gift, as you became a folk.
prominent member of your community, a true
blessing for your family, or a curse, as you were
rejected and seen as a freak by mundane human
Either the case, soon you reached
adulthood and felt a strange wanderlust, the
desire to discover the truth behind your
heritage... perhaps your fey ancestor is still
alive, after all, and you are dying to meet him –
or her!
Despite their common denomination as
members of the same races, no two feybloods
are alike, for, more than humans, fairies come in
many shapes and appearances: different
heritages produce differently looking children.
The mingle of mortals and fey-folk often
produces results that go beyond the simple
fusion of the two creatures, for the nature of
fairies goes beyond the concept of human
heredity, as proven by the birth of feyblood
children whole generations after the first union.
As a matter of fact, the most plain-looking half-
fairies are those who inherit the appearance
from their human blood: they may display a
somehow feral or gently charming look,
depending on their heritage, but they can pass
for common humans. As many of the fey-folk An example of not so human looking feyblood,
possess more or less almond-shaped eyes and perhaps the descendant of a dryad.
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LEGENDARY CHANGELINGS When it is a druid or ranger that adopts
the supposed changeling, the child will often
When a feyblood displays a remarkably foreign grow to follow the footsteps of the adoptive
appearance since the cradle, and the human parent, acting as a guardian of the forest where
parents have no idea of the true lineage behind he or she was raised.
such an infant, the child is often branded as a
changeling, a spawn of their own that
mischievous fairies exchanged with the true
human baby. Every feyblood feels within his or her soul the
Those changelings are feared and call of the ancestral homeland of fairies, the
despised by parents that don't recognize them plane of existence known as the Feywild. The
as their own, and they are often abandoned in subtle whispers and seductions of the distant
the woods for their supposed fairy parents to and fair thicket echoed through generations,
take, exchanging them back with the human instilling feeling, ideals and desires that the
child. mortals struggle to understand, urges that only
Luckily for them, abandoned feybloods in the realm of fairies can be truly satisfied.
are typically adopted by the most kind For a feyblood it may be perfectly
inhabitants of the woods, even by fairies normal to stroke the bark of a tree or the hair of
themselves: nymphs, satyrs and pixies a new acquaintance as a greeting, to spend the
recognize changelings as kindred, and raise night laughing under the stars or to dance and
them as their own; once reached adulthood, the sing in the rain. Strong and unpredictable mood
child of men will leave the company of fey-folk swings make it difficult, even to close friends, to
and try his or her best to integrate, as a truly understand a half-fairy.
foreigner, in human society. And, when the fey that begot her or him
was a member of the Unseelie Court, the inborn
urges of the feyblood tend to be much more
cruel and bloodthirsty, often suggesting acts of
such a wicked vileness that few humans could
even conceive. How the individual half-fey
reacts to such tendencies, however, is up to him
-or her.
All feybloods, even those who descend directly
from the fairy folk, are usually named by the
human parent or parents, and thus their names
follow the habits of the society they were born
and raised in. Despite the custom, however,
sometimes the human parent of a feyblood
names the child according to the memories of
the fey that begot him or her, producing highly
poetic and quite unusual names. Only the rare
“changelings” that are raised by fairies receive a
fairy name, typically a compound name in
Sylvan referring to the salient capabilities and
traits of the child.
In many cases, feybloods decide to
rename themselves after they discover the truth
Despite their carefree nature, fairies act as good, if about their heritage, in order to better reflect
not too responsible, foster-parents for feyblood their dual nature – or at least the way they
children. perceive it.
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Your feyblood character has certain
characteristics in common with all other fey-
blooded humans.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1, and your Charisma
increases by 2.
Age. Feybloods mature slightly faster
than humans, reaching adulthood around age
15, and then age sensibly slower and usually
live more than two thousands years.
Alignment. The mischievous
nature of their heritage bends all
feybloods towards chaos, as they live
for freedom, creativity and beauty.
Usually they are of good or neutral
alignment, but some twisted
feybloods are as evil as the most vile
Size. Feybloods are about the
same size as humans, ranging from 5
to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking
speed in 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your eyes are
naturally capable of seeing the world
in the pale light of the moon, and to
admire the beauty of the night. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You
can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have
advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and magic can't put
you to sleep.
Magic of the Fairies. You
know the druidcraft cantrip. When
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
charm person spell once per day.
When you reach 5th level, you can
also cast the invisibility spell once per
day. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for these spells.
Languages. You can speak,
read, and write Common, Sylvan and
one extra language of your choice.
Many feybloods enter a warlock pact with the Archfeys, feeling a natural
tendencies toward their agendas.
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As noted before, there isn't something as a
typical feyblood. And, while usually all the Many are the features that characterize
members of this quite loose race share the same feybloods, ranging from the most seducing ones
characteristics, some of them have traits that to nearly hideous deformities. If you need a
differ from the standard ones. The Dungeon help visualizing a proper appearance for your
Master may permit the following variants for half-fairy character, you could always roll on
your feyblood character, although Force of the following tables – or choose from them the
Nature and Whispers-Knower are mutually features that most catch your imagination.
exclusive, as well as Blessings of Nature,
Mischievous Magic, and Winged. Build
Little Folk. You descend from one of the d6 Build
most diminutive and reclusive of fairies, and 1 Normal, plainly human-like.
thus you are shorter than the typical human, 2 Delicate, slim and gracious.
usually no taller than 4 feet. Your size is Small
rather than Medium; however, you gain 3 Thin, really too slim for a human.
proficiency in the Stealth skill. 4 Slender, too tall and somehow creepy.
Force of Nature. You descend from one
5 Athletic, well-proportioned in musculature.
of the most sturdy but less physically appealing
of the fairies. Your Dexterity score increases by 6 Chubby, cute but a bit overweight.
1, and your Strength score increases by 2. This
trait replaces the Ability Score Increase trait.
Whispers-Knower. Thanks to your
heritage, you possess an inborn insight greater d4 Skin
than the average human's one. Your Wisdom 1 Normal, of a common human complexion.
score increases by 2, and your Charisma score 2 Of an extravagant, inhuman shade.
increases by 1. This trait replaces the Ability
3 Bark-like
Score Increase trait.
Blessings of Nature. You know the 4 Covered by a short fur.
druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level,
you can cast the animal friendship spell once per
day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast
the alter self spell once per day. Charisma is d4 Build
your spellcasting ability for these spells. This 1 Plain human features.
trait replaces the Magic of the Fairies trait. 2 Delicate and elfin.
Mischievous Magic. You know the
3 Keen and somehow unsettling to behold.
minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd
level, you can cast the disguise self spell once 4 Thick, strong features.
per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also
cast the invisibility spell once per day. Charisma
is your spellcasting ability for these spells. This
trait replaces the Magic of the Fairies trait.
Winged. You have butterfly-like wings
sprouting from your shoulder blades. You have
a flying speed of 40 feet, but you can't fly while
wearing medium or heavy armor. This trait
replaces the Magic of the Fairies Trait.
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Body Hair Characteristic Features
d6 Build (you can choose or roll 1d4 – 1 times on the following
1 Usual human body hair. table)
2 Thick, bristle-like body hair. d8 Build
1 Short animal tail.
3 No body hair.
2 Paws as feet.
4 Fur-like body hair.
3 Cloven hoofs.
5 Feather-like body hair.
4 Horns or antlers.
6 Leaf-like or grass-like body hair.
5 Thick, claw-like nails.
6 Short fangs.
d6 Build 7 Smell like moss or musk.
1 Plain human hair. 8 Smell like blossomed flowers.
2 Hair of a shade not found in humans.
3 Hair of one or more peculiar bright colors.
4 Feather-like hair.
5 Leaf-like or grass-like hair.
6 No hair.
d4 Build
1 Plain human ears.
2 No lobe.
3 Pointed ears
4 Animal ears.
d6 Build
1 Plain human eyes.
2 Plain color, almond-shaped.
3 Unusual color.
4 Unusual color, almond-shaped
5 No sclera.
6 Almond-shaped, no sclera.
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