Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Directions: Identify the cultural elements of the Philippines and the USA then
select a partner and share your answers with each other.
Holiday and Ceremony Araw nang kaditingan, EDSA Easter Sunday, Martin Luther
day Independence Day, king day Presidents day
Bonifacio Day. Memorial Day.
Costume Barong tagalog, Filipiniana , Western wear, denim jeans,
Barot Saya cowboy hats, flannel Shirts.
Directions: Write the causes and consequences of social change with special
focus on the premise of political scenario creates economic scenario and vice
Education Launching of the internet- Aquino III signed the Duterte signed the
based Education Program Enhanced Basic Education “Transnational Higher
Act of 2013, institutionalizing Education Act” or Republic
the K to 12 Basic Education Act No. 11448 on Aug. 28
Program, which covers one but a copy of the document
year of kindergarten and 12 was made public on
years of basic education (six Wednesday.
years of primary education,
four years of junior high Under the law, "the State
school, and two years of shall endeavor to modernize
senior high school the Philippine higher
education sector and bring
international quality
standards and expertise into
the country with a view to
making higher education
globally competitive,
attracting a flow of talented
students, faculty, and staff
and improving the country's
human resource base.”
Health provided the funding for the PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino
program under Executive 3rd on Monday declared that Universal healthcare act
Order No. 276, which she the “padrino system” in in the Philippines signed
issued to finance the health services for the poor into law by President
government-subsidized has ended as he vowed to Duterte.
universal healthier insurance help local government
coverage of all Filipinos. ... officials needing health
(PhilHealth) replaced the support programs from the
Medicare system and was national government.
created under the
National Health Insurance
Act of 1995.
Agriculture She implemented various the National Rice Program President Rodrigo Roa
projects and policies towards plays an important role in Duterte on Friday, January
the attainment of food the flagship food program of 10, led the ceremonial
security and self-sufficiency, the administration of distribution of P58-million
particularly the FIELDS President Benigno S. Aquino worth of agricultural
program, launched by III. assistance to farmers in
President Gloria Macapagal Soccsksargen, providing
Arroyo in April 2008. Under them with much needed
her term, massive agri- relief as they confront
fishery infrastructure multiple challenges.
projects were established, as
the DA's budget greatly
Finance During her 6 year term there In his last month in office, The administration of
are several Jobs Created President Benigno Aquino President Rodrigo Duterte
which resulted to an III signed into law the was quicker in addressing
increased of 23% in the rate creation of a committee inflation than any of its
of new investment in the that will monitor the predecessors, according to
Philippines. delivery of financial the Philippine Department of
services to low-income Finance (DOF).
households in the
Philippines. Finance Undersecretary Gil S.
Aquino signed Executive Beltran, DOF chief
Order No. 208 last June 2 to economist, said in a report
institutionalize the Financial to his boss, Finance
Inclusion Steering Secretary Carlos G.
Committee (FISC). Dominguez, that the Duterte
administration was able to
tame inflation, which
averaged 5.6 percent last
year, in 11 months.
Environment President Arroyo implement The Aquino administration’s He raised urgency for Manila
ed policies that opened up biggest environmental Bay’s rehabilitation, noting
our forests, mountains and program, the National decades-long flow of solid
seas to foreign and private Greening Program (NGP), waste and untreated
corporations for the reckless has been extended for discharges into this water
extraction and plunder of another 12 years through an body raised level of coliform
our mineral, timber, oil and executive order. bacteria there to over 330
marine resources. These million most probable
policies have brought so number (MPN) per 100
much environmental devasta milliliters -- surpassing the
tion. level in Boracay Island.
Labor and President Rodrigo Duterte
Launching of Self- One of the biggest asked Congress on
Employment Employment Assistance accomplishments of Wednesday to pass
kaunlaran (SEA-K) which is a President Benigno S. Aquino measures that would protect
mcro-financing project that III’s administration was to workers’ right to security of
builds abilities of people’s provide kasambahay with tenure and self-organization,
organization to administer a welfare and social a move that labor leaders
socialized credit system. protection. said was meant to quell the
anger of protesters who
marched on Labor Day.
Justice STRENGHTENING THE The Aquino administration President Rodrigo Duterte to
POWERS OF THE SECRETARY has defended the country’s withdraw the Philippines
OF JUSTICE OVER THE sovereignty and territorial from the International
BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION integrity through diplomacy, Criminal Court (ICC) was no
believing that adherence to surprise. Soon after taking
international law will result office in June 2016, Duterte
not only in greater regional unleashed his “war on
sustainability but also in drugs,” which has left more
favorable resolutions to than 12,000 people dead. No
maritime disputes one responsible for these
unlawful killings has yet been
held to account.
Science and Arroyo, who earned a President Rodrigo Duterte
master's degree and President Benigno Aquino III has declared the fourth week
Technology doctorate in economics, signed EO No 193 on of November every year as
made the Philippine November 12 creating the National Science and
economy the focus of her Expanded National Greening Technology Week.
presidency. Annual economic Program, that aims to
growth in the Philippines reforest “all remaining Duterte signed Proclamation
averaged 4.5% during the unproductive, denuded, and No. 780 on August 2,
Arroyo administration, degraded forestlands” from amending Proclamation No.
expanding every quarter of 2016 to 2028, Malacanañang 169 issued in 1993, which
her presidency. announced in a statement. declared the third week of
July every year as National
Science and Technology
Tourism The administration's In a greater thrust by the President Rodrigo Duterte
"culture of tourism" policy Aquino administration to has signed four laws
dovetails with the thrust of pump billions of dollars into declaring new tourist
globalization. Instead of the sector, tourism is destinations, including three
promoting critical thinking expected to employ 7.4 in Ilocos Sur province.
through a culture of million people by 2016, or
resistance and change about 18.8 per cent of the
exemplified by our history of total workforce, contributing
revolts against colonial rule, 8 per cent to 9 per cent to
the Arroyo administration the GDP.
opts to promote global
conformity and blind
TRANSPORTATION Arroyo proposed that the President Benigno Aquino the Duterte Administration
Office of the Transportation has given the go ahead for launched the ambitious $180
Security (OTS) which was six projects, collectively billion “Build, Build, Build”
created during her worth 373 billion Philippine (BBB) Program to address
administration be pesos ($8.42 billion), aimed the nation’s mounting
transformed into the at advancing the country's infrastructure challenges.
National Transportation ailing transportation The initiative initially
Security Regulatory infrastructure. designated 75 projects
Commission (NTSRC). ... The valued at $48 billion as
NTRSC will also cover flagship projects. These
government and private included big-ticket rail,
airports, sea ports and land airport, road, and bridge
transportation operators. projects across the nation.
Learning Competency 3: Analyze social, political and cultural change
Code: UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-3
Directions: The teacher will divide the students into 3 groups and each group
is given 2 minutes to prepare illustrations for their assigned community
guided by the details below:
After the group presentations, the teacher will draw an expanded venn
diagram to compare the three communities discussed: