The Influence of Processing and Regulation of Learning On Academic Achievement Amongst First Year Undergraduate Psychology
The Influence of Processing and Regulation of Learning On Academic Achievement Amongst First Year Undergraduate Psychology
The Influence of Processing and Regulation of Learning On Academic Achievement Amongst First Year Undergraduate Psychology
These demands in the university serve to prepare students for the competitive future, as
higher education is a fine asset for future generation (Castro & Levy, 2015; Ford, 2017). In line
with the effort for achieving that goal, student-centered learning is implemented as a
fundamental principle in higher education system. Student-centered learning is an approach in
which learners play an active, interactive, and responsible role in their learning. Learners
acquire opportunities to choose not only what to study, but also how and why (Harsono, 2008;
TEAL, 2010; Wright, 2011; Oinam, 2017). Learners do not passively take in the information
that are provided; however learners are likewise in charge of building and developing their own
knowledge and experience.
Several methods and strategies of teaching are employed in student-centered learning.
These methods and strategies include supporting students to reach material understanding by
using critical thinking, providing responsibilities in students to regulate their own learning, as
well as developing and using effective learning in every task (Wright, 2011; Oinam, 2017).
Furthermore, assignments in student-centered learning stimulate learner to not merely using
rote memorization, but also utilize meaningful learning. Meaningful learning can benefit
learners in problem-solving skill and deeper understanding in learning a new concept (Mayer,
2002; Vallori, 2014).
Vermunt categorized processing of learning into three types, deep processing, stepwise
processing and concrete processing (Vermunt & Rijswijk, 1988; Vermunt, 1996; 1998; 2005).
Deep processing is learning process in which students relate learning contents to each other
and pre-knowledge, structuring into a whole knowledge, and processing critically parts of the
course content. Stepwise processing refers to memorising, rehearsing, and analysing specific
details activities that are used to process learning content. Concrete processing is learning
process in which students personalising subject matter by relating them to own experiences or
using them outside the study context.
Regulation of learning is categorized into three types as well (Vermunt & Rijswijk,
1988; Vermunt, 1996; 1998; 2005), which are self-regulation, external regulation, and lack of
regulation. Self-regulation is the situation where students regulate their own learning process,
while external regulation is a condition in which students let their learning process be regulated
by external sources. Meanwhile, students who do not have strategies in regulating their own
learning process, and also facing difficulties in grasping the regulation information provided
by teacher or lecturer is experiencing lack of regulation.
Students' processing of learning and regulation of learning are related with their
academic achievement (Vermunt, 1996; Heikillå & Lonka, 2007). Vermunt (1996) stressed the
importance of deep and concrete processing, as well as self-regulation to bring a better
academic achievement. Chan (2011) also found a positive correlation between deep processing
and academic achievement. Critical processing, as a part of activities in deep processing, can
also predict students' Grade Point Average (Boyle, Duffy, & Dunleavy, 2003; Vanthournout,
Gijbels, Coertjens, Donche, & Petegem, 2012). Donche and Petegem (2011) stated that
concrete processing is a good strategy in predicting first year undergraduate students' GPA.
Ertmer and Newby (1996) found that students with self-regulation tend to achieve a better
academic performance. Heikillå and Lonka (2007) also explained that there is positive
relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement, while external regulation and
lack of regulation correlate negatively with academic achievement.
Contribution of processing and regulation of learning in higher education on academic
achievement has been explained accordingly. Build upon by above explanation, this study
aimed to identifies the processing of learning and regulation of learning among first year
undergraduate psychology students in University of North Sumatra. This study also intended
to examine the difference of processing and regulation of learning between high-GPA students
and low-GPA students. Other factors that influence students' academic achievement is also
targeted for further explanation.
This study employed a mix-method approach (quantitative and qualitative). A total of
180 third-term students (age 17-21) were selected to participate in filling the questionnaire.
The quantitative participants comprised of 142 females (79%) and 38 males (21%). For the
qualitative purpose, a total of 17 students (age 18-20) were purposively selected to participate
in the group interview. The qualitative participants consisted of 11 females (65%) and 6 males
For quantitative purpose, Inventarisasi Cara Belajar (ICB) that was adapted from
Inventaris Leertijlen by Ajisuksmo (1996) was implemented in this study. ICB consist of two
parts, part A (processing of learning and regulation of learning) and part B (study orientation
and conception of learning). Only part A was used in this study. A five-point Likert scale is
used to rate the items, ranging from "never do" to "always do." The range of the internal
consistency or Cronbach α on each subscale was 0.52-0.82, in which the lowest was external
regulation result and the highest was deep processing and self-regulation.
For qualitative purpose, group interviews were conducted in four groups, which was
categorized based on Grade Point Average (GPA). There were two groups of students with
high GPA and two groups of students with low GPA. The questions asked in group interview
were about processing of learning, regulation of learning, and other factors that influence
students' academic achievement. These questions were validated by professionals in this field.
To assure participants understand the questions, a try-out group was conducted. This is also to
ensure that given answers by participants can cover the measured construct.
The vice dean of Faculty of Psychology was contacted for permission to have students
participate in the study. After gaining the permission from the vice dean, researcher approached
some lecturers of the class to ask their willingness for sharing their regular teaching time to
administer ICB to the students. Each student signed the informed consent. Confidentiality was
assured as well. Prior to the administration of ICB, purpose of the research was informed to the
students. Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression were used to determine the correlation
between each scale, and the contribution of each scales to academic achievement. Whilst doing
test analysis using SPSS Program, researcher contacted some students that have been selected
purposively to participate in group interview. Every student who participated signed the
informed consent then group interview was conducted.
Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning among Participants
To address the first objective of this study, students' processing of learning and
regulation of learning were initially analysed using descriptive statistics. Since every student
can adopt each types of processing of learning and regulation of learning, depends on the
context at hand, hence the description of these two variables were analysed using mean and
standard deviation to identify which processing of learning and regulation of learning were
most frequently used by students. Concrete processing was found to be the most used
processing of learning by students (M = 3.25, SD = 0.65), followed by stepwise processing (M
= 3.02, SD = 0.58), then deep processing (M = 2.91, SD = 0.64). For regulation of learning, the
most frequent done by students is external regulation (M = 3.16, SD = 0.56), followed by self-
regulation (M = 3.05, SD = 0.69) and lack of regulation (M = 2.96, SD = 0.61).
Intercorrelation of Variables
The next objective of this study was to determine the influence of processing of learning
and regulation of learning on academic achievement during the first year. To address this
objective, Pearson correlation was conducted beforehand to establish the relationship between
each predictor variables with academic achievement (GPA score). This correlational analysis
was carried out since identification of the relationship was required to determine which
predictors will be processed to multiple regression analysis.
Table 1
Intercorrelation of Variables
Deep Stepwise Concrete Self- External Lack of
Processing Processing Processing Regulation Regulation Regulation
.19** 1.00 .73** .64** .76** .61** .00
.20** .73** 1.00 .54** .73** .68** -.04
.19** .64** .54** 1.00 .61** .56** .02
.20** .76** .73** .61** 1.00 .63** -.02
.19** .61** .68** .56** .63** 1.00 .03
Lack of
-.17** .00 -.04 .02 -.02 .03 1.00
Note: N = 180; ** : Pearson Correlation is significant at 0.01 level; * : Pearson Correlation is significant
at 0.05 level
All relationship of predictor and outcome variable are significant. Therefore, all
predictor variables were involved in multiple regression analysis. Findings in Table 1 indicate
that Deep Processing (r = 0.19, p < 0.01), Stepwise Processing (r = 0.20, p < 0.01), Concrete
Processing (r = 0.19, p < 0.01), Self-Regulation (r = 0.20, p < 0.01), and External Regulation
(r = 0.19, p < 0.01) correlate positively and significantly with students' academic achievement.
Meanwhile, Lack of Regulation is negatively associated with academic achievement (r = -0.17,
p < 0.01).
Effect of Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning on Academic
Results in Table 2 show that processing of learning and regulation of learning were
proven to be significant predictors of students' academic achievement, with F(6, 173) = 2.59,
p < 0.05. In total, overall processing of learning and regulation of learning employed by
students were pointed out to account for 8% of the variance (R2 = 0.08) in their academic
achievement. However, as can be seen in Table 3, not all predictor variables contribute
significantly to academic achievement.
Table 2
Multiple Regression Analysis of Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning as
Predictors of Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
In this generated model, the result showed that academic achievement was significantly
predicted by Lack of Regulation (β = -0.18, t = -2.39, p < 0.05). The produced negative amount
indicates negative relationship between lack of regulation and academic achievement.
Meanwhile, academic achievement was not significantly predicted by Deep Processing (β =
0.02, t = 0.17, p > 0.05), Stepwise Processing (β = 0.05, t = 0.43, p > 0.05), Concrete Processing
(β = 0.08, t = 0.83, p > 0.05), Self-Regulation (β = 0.04, t = 0.31, p > 0.05), and External
Regulation (β = 0.07, t = 0.68, p > 0.05).
Based on the collected data, comparison analysis was concluded to see if there is any
difference in processing of learning and regulation of learning between high-GPA students and
low-GPA students. Comparison analysis was carried out by using independent sample t-test.
The following table portrayed the results of the conducted comparison analysis.
Table 3
Independent Samples Test in Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning between
High-GPA Students and Low-GPA Students
High 33.13
Deep Processing 1.65 .102
Low 30.71
High 35.18
Stepwise Processing 2.11* .037
Low 32.24
High 17.09
Concrete Processing 2.23* .029
Low 15.56
High 35.51
Self-Regulation 1.87 .065
Low 32.62
High 36.40
External Regulation 2.39* .019
Low 33.44
High 16.78
Lack of Regulation .54* .017
Low 18.60
Results in Table 3 show that there are differences in stepwise processing, concrete
processing, external regulation, and lack of regulation between high-GPA students and low-
GPA students. High-GPA students scored higher on stepwise processing (t = 2.11, p < 0.05),
concrete processing (t = 2.23, p < 0.05), and external regulation (t = 2.39, p < 0.05). Meanwhile,
low-GPA students scored higher on lack of regulation (t = 0.54, p < 0.05).
Sex difference in Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning
Additional independent t-test was done to see if there is any difference in processing of
learning and regulation of learning between female and male students. Table 4 depicted the
results of sex difference in processing of learning and regulation of learning.
Table 4
Independent Samples Test in Processing of Learning and Regulation of Learning between
Female and Male Students
Variables Sex Mean t Sig.
Female 32.49
Deep Processing 1.94 .05
Male 30.03
Female 33.60
Stepwise Processing 1.43 .15
Male 31.95
Female 16.49
Concrete Processing 1.71 .09
Male 15.47
Female 34.20
Self-Regulation 2.00* .047
Male 31.45
Female 35.46
External Regulation 2.86** .005
Male 32.32
Female 17.92
Lack of Regulation .85 .40
Male 17.34
Results in Table 4 show that there are differences in self-regulation and external
regulation between male and female students. Female students scored higher on both self-
regulation (t = 2.00, p < 0.05) and external regulation (t = 2.86, p < 0.01). This shows that
female students tend to regulate their learning better than male students.
Group Interview
Group interviews were conducted in four groups, consist of two groups with high-GPA
students and two groups with low-GPA students. Students with high GPA showed a tendency
to use concrete processing to gain an understanding of course content. Stepwise processing was
employed by high-GPA students as well, but it was used primarily to memorize definition or
key term that was considered important. Analysing course content in detail, that is part of
stepwise processing activity, was used by few high-GPA students either to understand the
subject matter. Meanwhile, deep processing was rarely used by students. Only one out of 17
students from group interview participants was found to adopt deep processing activity in his
when students failed to understand the course content. Some students with low GPA tend to
memorize the subject matter without prioritizing the knowledge gained. Students only focused
on achieving a minimal score to pass the courses.
In terms of regulation of learning, students with high GPA leant on external regulation
to coordinate their learning, such as assignments from lecturer, quiz, or examination schedule.
Students also did evaluation and reflection to identify the cause of low-test score that they
obtained. The result of evaluation and reflection were aimed to construct new strategy for their
learning. Some students with high GPA also regulated their learning occasionally with own
initiative, such as reading a book in the spare time and testing their understanding of subject
matter through discussion with other students or by reading research papers. However, on the
second term, lack of regulation was incorporated with external regulation in their study. Lack
of regulation in high-GPA students was due to massive workload that needed to be done. As a
consequence, students had no strategy in sparing their time to read textbook. Motivation
decreased in addition as a result of the piling tasks.
In line with high-GPA students, students with low GPA relied on external regulation in
their learning as well. Nevertheless, low-GPA students carried out the demands because they
felt compelled. Avoidance of consequences was the other reason for students to engage with
the demands. Lack of regulation was also conducted frequently by low-GPA students. Students
tend to ignore their responsibility. Despite the fact that high-GPA students incorporate lack of
regulation in their learning, students with high GPA always submit their assignments. Contrary
to high-GPA students, students with low GPA had low attendance rate and did not submit their
assignments. In addition, low-GPA students were less able to evaluate the cause of their failure.
When they tried to formulate a new strategy in learning, they only opted to increase the
frequency of their study activity, without yielding a specific strategy. Students with low GPA
rarely read books as well. They simply depended on other students' reports, record summaries,
google translate, and internet blogs for their study.
The findings also revealed other factors that influence students' academic achievement.
Students with high GPA tend to view learning as a process for constructing knowledge.
Meanwhile, majority of students with low GPA tend to view learning as intake of knowledge.
In terms of study orientation, students with high GPA were found to be vocational directed,
self-test directed, and personally interested. In distinct, students with low GPA were certificate
directed. Students with high GPA were also found to have a high academic commitment. On
the contrary, students with low GPA were revealed to have a low academic commitment.
Parental support and family stress were also identified as factors that influence students'
academic achievement.
Findings in this study has demonstrated that lack of regulation was the only significant variable
that contributed negatively to academic achievement. This finding supports the notion that lack
of regulation correlates negatively with academic achievement (Donche & Petegem, 2011;
Heikillå & Lonka, 2007; Vermunt, 2005). This result was also in line with data obtained from
independent t-test and group interview, which showed that students with low GPA tend to not
regulate their learning well. When students with high GPA incorporated lack of regulation in
second term of the study, decline in academic achievement was noticed as well.
Students who merely see learning as a means for intake of knowledge tend to memorize
and rehearse the information (Ajisuksmo, 1996; Vermunt & Rijswijk, 1988; Vermunt, 1996;
1998; 2005), as can be seen on low-GPA students. Meanwhile, students who perceive learning
as a process of knowledge construction tend to develop some strategies to achieve learning
content understanding (Ajisuksmo, 1996; Vermunt & Rijswijk, 1988; Vermunt, 1996; 1998;
2005). High-GPA students showed that they employed few processing activities for knowledge
construction, such as memorizing key terms, analysing content in detail, concretizing and
personalizing course content to own experience and using them outside the study context,
relating new information to previous knowledge, and structuring them to a whole new
knowledge. They also regulate their learning better than low-GPA students.
The second factor that was found to affect students' academic achievement was study
orientation. Students with high GPA has an intention to gain understanding in their study. This
understanding that students yearned for was aimed to acquire professional skill and get a decent
job in the future. Another goal that high-GPA students tried to achieve was self-test directed,
which means the learning regulation and processing that students did were intended to prove
to themselves and other people that they have the ability to master the learning. Meanwhile,
low-GPA students tend to have a certificate-directed orientation, which targeted on achieving
minimal passing grades and obtaining the degree. Difference in study orientation also affects
how student regulate and process their learning (Vermunt, 1996; 1998; Balapumi, Konsky,
Aitken, & McMeekin, 2016).
Students with high GPA, even though sometimes faced with difficulties to regulate their
learning, during the study, high-GPA students still tried their best to achieve understanding of
the subject matter by mostly engaged in concrete processing. Contrary to high-GPA students,
low-GPA students with certificate-directed tend to utilize stepwise processing as a shortcut to
obtain minimal passing grade without trying to understand the learning content. Few
participants from low-GPA students group notified that it was hard for them to understand the
subject matter. High-GPA students also showed interest on few subject matter. Students who
are personally interested with learning content tend to have higher learning motivation. High
level of motivation drive students to regulate their learning better, as opposed to low interest
with the learning content (Mahmoodi, Kalantari, & Ghaslani, 2014; Vermunt, 1998; Pintrich,
Academic commitment was the third factor that influenced students' academic
achievement. High-GPA students showed higher academic commitment than low-GPA
students. Academic commitment in high-GPA students was seen through the physiological
commitment, goal commitment, and task commitment. Physiological commitment refers to
assigning mental resources, such as direct attention and sustain concentration on learning task
(Human-Vogel & Rabe, 2015). Task-level commitment implies decisions made to complete a
task by investing time and effort. High-GPA students always tried their best to complete a task,
meanwhile several students with low GPA did not finish and hand over their assignments. Goal
commitment involve goal setting such as learning for an exam or complete the course in a
specific time (Human-Vogel & Rabe, 2015). Goal-driven task commitments increase the
coherence of a students’ learning behaviour because tasks that help to accomplish a learning
goal, will be preferred over tasks that are irrelevant to goal attainment. Both students with high
GPA and low GPA had a goal to complete the course in a specific time. However, high-GPA
students were found more likely to report behaviours consistent with that goal, such as setting
learning goals or managing their studies to achieve their learning goals. Low-GPA students
tend to prefer leisure activity over task that help them to achieve their learning goal.
Lastly, external factor was also found to affect students' academic achievement.
Parental support was found to influence students' academic achievement indirectly. When
parents support students with their choice to study in Psychology, students tend to feel more
motivated to regulate their learning (Balapumi, et al., 2016; Gutman, 2006). In contrast, when
parents do not support the choice that students made, mainly when students are facing with
grade decline, student's motivation to learn decrease as well. As a result, students will not
regulate their learning well. How students regulate their learning will eventually affect their
academic achievement.
studies. This is also supported by the data obtained that the number of female participants
studying at the University of North Psychology Faculty far outweighs male participants. This
interest in Social studies can be one of the reasons behind the regulation of learning done by
female participants. Interest in a subject matter can drive a person to regulate the learning better
(Schunck, Pintrich, & Meece, 2010; McWhaw & Abrami, 2001).
The second factor might be explained by the tendency in woman to be more interested
in cooperative learning with others (Vermunt, 2005) and more willing to seek help when facing
difficulties than man (Virtanen & Nevgi, 2010). Therefore, these differences can also influence
female students to regulate their learning better. Nevertheless, due to the inconsistent results of
sex difference in learning regulation between the studies, further explanations regarding these
differences are also not yet developed.
The findings of this study propose that regulation of learning done by first year university
student was an important predictor for their academic achievement. The fact that they regulate
their learning was more important than the way they regulate or process their learning. This
might be caused by the difference in educational system between high school and higher
education. Higher education employs student-centered learning in the study, which requires
students to be responsible on their own learning. Since students are obligated to coordinate
their own learning, regulation of learning can be a crucial factor for their academic
The way students regulate and process their learning had played a role as a mediating
variable between conception of learning, learning orientation, and academic achievement.
Students who viewed learning as construction of knowledge and were personally interested
with the subject matter tend to regulate their learning better and employed deep and concrete
processing in their study. This condition also happened under vocational directed and self-test
orientation. Hence, students acquire higher GPA as well. On the contrary, low-GPA students
tend to view learning as intake of knowledge and has a certificate-directed orientation. Thus,
students with low GPA tend to less regulate their learning and engaged in stepwise processing
in order to memorize the course content with no regard on knowledge understanding. Parental
support was also found to affect students' academic achievement indirectly. Students who
received support from their parents tend to feel more motivated afterwards. Hence, they
regulate their learning better. Conversely, if parents gave reprimand instead of advice, students
would be less willing to regulate their learning. Problems faced in a family also influenced
students' motivation to study.
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