Investigating How Mass Affects Time Peri
Investigating How Mass Affects Time Peri
Investigating How Mass Affects Time Peri
Candidate Number:
Group 4: Physics HL
Word count:1,849
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
Table of Contents
1. Introduction – page 3
2. Method – page 4
5. Graphs – page 8
6. Analysis – page 10
7. Conclusion – page 13
8. Evaluation – page 13
9. Bibliography – page 14
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
This is where F is force, -k is the restoring spring constant and x is extension. Now
using the formula for force:
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
Raw Data
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
The average time for 10 oscillations was found by adding the values of the
(1 oscillation)
Processed Data
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
If I were to plot a graph without squaring the time period, I would not be able
to find the gradient easily, hence why I had to linearise the graph by squaring the
values for all time periods to give a linear graph instead of an exponential graph.
This would allow the gradient to be found easily. The uncertainty in T² was then
found by doubling the original uncertainty of T. The uncertainty in T² cannot be
plotted as a percentage for the error bars so I had to multiply the percentage
uncertainty of T² by the T² value and then divide it by 100.
When plotting the error bars, each horizontal error bar was plotted individually
because each uncertainty for T² is different. Each error bar was plotted by adding
the uncertainty for T² to the value of T² for both ends of the error bars. To plot the
maximum and minimum slopes, I had to find the two values for x and y. The first x
value was found by adding the T² with its uncertainty for 0.1kg and the second x
value was found by subtracting the T² uncertainty from the T² value for 1kg. The
same was done for the y values.
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
To find the gradients of the slopes, the Microsoft Excel ‘SLOPE’ formula was used.
y = 0.7736x2.1491
Line of best-fit
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time for 1 oscillation/s
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
y = 0.777x
y = 1.1089x - 0.0941
Line of best-fit
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Time period²/s²
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
The maximum and minimum slopes excluded the last data point because the lines
would not have fit through most the error bars, hence why the slopes were only
drawn up until the second last data point.
The gradients of all the slopes on the second graph were found on Microsoft
Excel by using the ‘SLOPE’ formula. The gradient for the minimum slope is
0.504kg , the gradient for the maximum slope is 0.827kg and the gradient for
the best-fit slope is 0.902kg
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
Because it is in that form, the gradient of the best fit line (it passes through 0,0) is equal
Gradient = 0.827=
However, there still remain some uncertainties. This uncertainty value can be
calculated by using the maximum and minimum slopes.
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
Whilst keeping in mind the uncertainties, I tested whether my recordings for the time
periods were correct using
I picked one mass to investigate. For mass 0.1kg ± 0.03kg, from the raw data table I
recorded a time period of 0.385s ± 0.04s. Now that I have the spring constant, I can
check whether this is correct.
The theoretical time period for 0.1kg is 0.348s which shows that there is a deviation
of 0.037s between the theoretical value and the experimental value. I can now
calculate the degree of error by using the formula:
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens
The error is quite large but this can be explained by the ignored uncertainties of mass
and time period. It is still acceptable as the experimental value is only 0.037s away from
the theoretical value, such a difference can easily be explained by human error and the
stopwatch itself also had an uncertainty. This value is smaller than the recorded value
and would affect the results by causing a decrease in time. On the graph, the point
The aim of my investigation was to find out how mass affects time period. I
predicted that as mass increases, so would time period and it is evident from my
graphs that this is correct. At 0.1kg, the time period I measured was 0.385s and at
1.0kg the time period was 1.106s. The fact that was also correct because my
second graph shows that is directly proportional to m after linearising the first
graph. Using the gradient of the second graph, k was found to be
which helped me to determine another way of finding T.
To reduce parallax (random) error, I was always eye-level with the fudicial
mark to ensure I recorded the time period for 10 oscillations correctly. Masses
greater than 0.2kg were not much of a problem but using the first mass, 0.1kg, was
hard because it was oscillating at a great speed. Therefore, I took 6 trials for that
mass and chose the best 3 trials with values closest to each other to put in the data
table. For random errors, if any, that would be the cause of extra uncertainties in the
time period. The uncertainties of the masses were determined and taken into
consideration, if there were any systematic errors they were not accounted for and
assumed negligible because there was no method of finding out their uncertainties.
The spring constant for the three springs were also assumed to be the same. The
springs were collected from the same packaging and it stated that they were made
from the same material. When using masses larger than 0.8kg, the system could
have moved as a whole which would add further random errors. All these errors and
© Nicolette Lunsingh Tonckens