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Gamma Prime Phase Stability After Long-Term Thermal Exposure in Cast Nickel Based Superalloy, IN-738

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312 Chiang Mai J. Sci.

2009; 36(3)

Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3) : 312-319

Contributed Paper

Gamma Prime Phase Stability after Long-Term

Thermal Exposure in Cast Nickel Based Superalloy,
Panyawat Wangyao* [a], Nutthida Chuankrerkkul** [b], Sureerat Polsilapa [c],
Ponlit Sopon [c] and Weerasak Homkrajai [d]
[a] Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
[b] Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
[c] Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
[d] Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand.
*Author for correspondence; e-mail: panyawat@hotmail.com; e-mail: nutthita.c@chula.ac.th

Received: 13 January 2009

Accepted: 20 March 2009
Long-term isothermal exposure tests were conducted on IN-738 alloy to evaluate
the variation of gamma prime particle coarsening behavior after different rejuvenated heat
treatment conditions. The long-term exposure tests (up to 2,500 hours) were conducted at
two temperatures (900oC and 1,000oC) to assess gamma prime particle coarsening behavior.
Metallographic work was performed on isothermally aged samples to characterize gamma
prime coarsening as a function of aging time and temperature. At all aging temperatures and/
or times investigated, the gamma prime particles in all tested specimens were more coarsening
than the initial reheat treated ones. The gamma prime particles appeared to be more coarsening
into round shape or agglomerated between them comparing to the initial ones of each reheat
treatment. The degree of coarsening, as evidenced by gamma prime particle size, increased
with increasing heating time and temperature. In most cases, the amount of secondary or very
fine gamma prime precipitates decreased with increasing heating temperature and finally
disappeared. It was found that the lower solutioning temperature provided the higher rate of
γ coarsening at both elevated temperatures. In contrast, the higher solutioning temperature
kept slow rate of γ coarsening resulting in lower average γ particle size.
Keywords: rejuvenation, re-heat treatment, microstructural repair, gamma prime particle
coarsening, and nickel-based superalloy.

Nickel based superalloys are structural (for both low and high temperatures) can be
materials with chemical composition and related to their manufacturing processes. One
structure, which have been developed to of these processes is heat treatment, which
enable the use at high temperature applications. solution treatment in most cases, followed
The microstructures and mechanical properties by a single or a double aging sequence to
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3) 313

precipitate homogeneous distributions of contains refractory elements such as Mo, W,

either cuboidal or spherical gamma prime Ta, Cr and Co to prevent local hot corrosion
within the grains interior as well as discrete [10]. The alloy has a multi-phase microstructure
grain boundary carbides [1]. Full solution consisting FCC γ matrix, bimodal γ’ precipitates
treatment or partial solution treatment (primary and secondary), γ-γ eutectic, carbides
temperatures including aging treatments have and a small amount of deleterious phases such
been developed and modified to optimize the as σ, δ, η and Laves. The total weight percent
completed precipitation of gamma prime of γ’ in IN-738 superalloy is higher than 60%
phase in matrix. [11]. Therefore, the high-temperature strength
The size, volume fraction and distribution of the alloy depends strongly on γ properties.
of gamma prime phase are vital to control the According to the previous work [12], the
creep strength at high to intermediate stresses. rejuvenation process provides blades to
The proper reheat-treated microstructure can double and, in some cases, triple the lifetime
provide their phase stability, and adequately as compared to the original ones. For alloys
high strength and good ductility even after such as IN-738, IN-792, U-500, X-750 and
long-term thermal exposure. The mechanical the newer alloys such as GTD 111, GTD-
property behaviors of superalloys are very 111DS, R80DS, and IN-939, which are used
strongly related to the alloy microstructures in many land-based gas turbines, have been
[2-6]. The superalloy microstructures rejuvenated and successfully returned to
continually change with time at the elevated service according to the previous information
temperatures. In the new, heat treated alloy, of LIBURDI Engineering Company Limited,
the gamma prime (γ ) particles are arranged Canada. In each case, the blades were creep
in a structure, which results in an optimum life expiry when received for processing and
balance of tensile, fatigue, and creep properties then giving reliable service after rejuvenation.
[7-10]. The aim of this research work is to
It is generally known that mechanical determine the most suitable and practicable
properties are related to the microstructures. repair-condition, which could restore micro-
Therefore, many previous research works structure and provide the most microstructural
[3-11] had been carried out to investigate the stability after long-term thermal exposure for
relationships of microstructure and mechanical gas turbine blades made of casting nickel based
properties. However, the use of these expensive superalloy grade IN-738 after 50,000-hour
materials requires a repair process providing service operated by Electricity Generating
the re-establishment of the initial properties Authority of Thailand (EGAT).
and the original microstructure of the long-
term used or damaged parts for the economic 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
reason. The heat-treatment processes for The cast nickel base superalloy in this study
nickel-based superalloys continue to change was IN-738 (see chemical composition in
in order to optimize numerous mechanical and Table 1). Rectangular plates, having a
physical properties [5-9]. This allows making dimension about 1 cm2 were cut from the most
the selection of heat treatment parameters severe degradation zone of turbine blades.
increasingly challenging. Specimens were heat treated according to heat
The cast nickel-based superalloy IN-738 treatment conditions including solution treatment,
is used as a blade material in the first row primary and secondary precipitation aging
high-pressure stage of gas turbines. The alloy treatments in vacuum furnace. The details of
314 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3)

experimental heat treatments are shown in hours in order to investigate the coarsening
Table 2. Then reheat treated specimens after behavior of gamma prime particles after
each condition were heated at both 900 oC and various reheat treatments.
1,000 oC for 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 All sectioned samples after each aging

Table 1. Chemical composition in weight % of IN-738.

Ni Cr Co Ti Al W Mo Ta Nb C Fe B Zr
Bal. 15.84 8.5 3.47 3.46 2.48 1.88 1.69 0.92 0.11 0.07 0.12 0.04

Table 2. Heat treatment conditions applied to long term exposed IN-738.

Condition Solution Primary Secondary
No. Treatment precipitate aging precipitate aging
1* 1125oC/ 2hr. (AC) - 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
2 1125oC/ 2hr. (AC) 925oC/ 1 hr. (AC) 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
3 1125oC/ 2hr. (AC) 1055oC/ 1 hr. (AC) 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
4 1175oC/ 2hr. (AC) - 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
5 1175oC/ 2hr. (AC) 925oC/ 1 hr. (AC) 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
6 1175oC/ 2hr. (AC) 1055oC/ 1 hr. (AC) 845oC/ 24 hr. (AC)
* Standard Heat-Treatment condition.

were ground and polished using standard agglomerated gamma prime particles can
metallographic techniques and were sub- be seen. Coalescence of the primary and
sequently etched in marble etchant. The secondary gamma prime particles, as result of
etchant’s chemical compositions are: 10 g. long-term service, seems to occur resulting in
CuSO4, 50 ml HCl, and 50 ml H2O. The larger and rounded particles. However, carbide
microstructures of heat treatment samples and/or gamma prime phases normally lowers
were study by scanning electron microscope ductility or toughness of blade alloy. This can
with secondary electron mode and Image lead to lower creep strength and impact
Analyzer. The size and volume fraction of resistant of the blades.
gamma prime particles were determined. In this study, the airfoil microstructure
showing significant degradation in service,
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the coarse gamma prime particle size was
3.1 As-received Microstructure about 1.2 micron. The primary gamma prime
The SEM photograph, obtained from the particles have spheroidized and secondary
transverse sections at about mid blade gamma prime coarsened in the airfoil samples.
height of the airfoil, is shown in Figure 1a. This type of microstructure is theoretically
The microstructure of as-cast alloy generally expected to have low efficiency to block
consists of extensive precipitation of ordered dislocation movements during loading at high
L12 γ intermetallic phase within dendrite temperatures resulting in lower creep
core and in the interdendritic region. The resistance. Therefore, it is needed to recover
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3) 315

microstructure to the same as or similar to function of γ particle size. It can be concluded

the original one by simple reheat treatment that temperature of 925oC as primary aging
processes. produced more uniform and coarser of
rounded-γ particles.
3.2 The Microstructures of Reheat-treated The microstructure after heat treatment
Alloy according to program No.3 shows the
According to the previous works [7-8, bimodal microstructure of non-uniform
13], repeating the standard heat treatment dispersion of both coarse and very fine
sequence does not always work well. The gamma prime precipitates. The coarse gamma
structure and properties were not fully precipitates are in round shape at the proper
recovered by this refurbishment treatment size. Effect of primary precipitate aging at
applied to these IN-738 blades. It is reported 1,055oC for 1 hour resulted in more coarsening
that the microstructure was only partially of both sizes of gamma prime particles with
recovered by such simple reheat treatment. higher volume fraction of γ -phase after secon-
However, when reheat treatment condition, dary aging comparing to the reheat-treated
according to No.1 (standard heat treatment), microstructure of programs No. 1 and 2, which
was applied to long-term exposed specimen has lower amount of precipitated coarsening
in this study, the more homogeneous particles. Specimens from programs No. 4-6
microstructure consisting of uniform dispersion received the effect of the highest solutioning
of finer gamma prime precipitates was temperature on final microstructures. This
obtained. The size of γ precipitate particles highest solutioning temperature provided the
are uniform and similar in size and shape, microstructure with much lower driving force
Figure 1b. This type of microstructure is for coarse γ phase precipitation during aging
previously expected and theoretically desired resulting in very low volume fraction of
as the most optimized microstructure, which coarse γ precipitated particles. The inserted
could provide very good mechanical properties primary aging could not strongly influence to
at elevated temperatures, especially, for both the size, distribution and volume fraction of
short-term strength at elevated temperature coarse γ particles but do greatly to the very
and high creep resistance. fine one.
According to heat treatment of program
No.2, It was found that the morphology is 3.3 Microstructures after Long-term
different from the standard heat-treated one. Exposures
Primary precipitate aging at 925oC for 1 hour Heating at both temperatures resulted in
resulted in an early precipitation of gamma drastically coarser gamma prime particles as
prime γ particles. After secondary precipitate compared to the initially received reheat-treated
aging, elements needed to form γ precipitate specimens as shown in Figures 1c and 1d, and
would more diffuse into the former gamma presented by conditions 1-6 in Figures 2-5,
prime precipitates causing the coarsening of which are referring to condition No. 1-6 in
these precipitates during secondary aging Table 2, respectively. However, in Figures 1c,
resulted in coarser size. Such kind of 1d, 2 and 4, it could be clearly seen that the
microstructure could probably provide good higher heating temperature of 1,000 o C
rupture and/or creep resistance in some provided the much higher coarsening rate of
degree. As it is already well known that creep gamma prime particles than of the lower one
strength of alloys by γ precipitation is a (900oC) due to the difference in kinetics. The
316 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3)

gamma prime particles greatly more coarsened During long-term heating, secondary
into round shape than those in each initially gamma prime particles would dissolve into
reheat treated specimens. In the alloy, the the matrix and then diffused to agglomerate
degree of coarsening, as determined by with the coarse gamma prime particles.
gamma prime particle size, increased with Considering the coarsening behavior of
both increasing heating temperature and time. gamma prime particles at 900oC and 1,000oC
At each heating temperature, the size of (Figures 2 and 4), it was found that the
gamma prime particles increased, and the area microstructures under previous reheat treatment
fraction of gamma prime particle decreased with of conditions No. 5 was the most stable ones
increasing heating time. It was also observed due to the slowest coarsening rate of gamma
that an increasing heating temperature prime particles. When considering Figures 3
resulted in lower amount of gamma prime and 5, it could be seen that the area fraction of
precipitation. total gamma prime particles of specimen

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 1. SEM micrographs of a) As-received microstructure after long-term service, b)
After standard heat-treatment at 1,125oC / 2hr. (AC) and 845oC / 24 hr. (AC); Condition
No. 1, c) After long-term exposure at 900oC for 2,500 hours; Condition No. 1 and d) After
long-term exposure at 1,000oC for 2,500 hours; Condition No. 1.
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3) 317

under all reheat treatment conditions reduction of area fractions of gamma prime
continuously decreased with heating time. It particles comparing to those of the lower
was also found that the higher heating temperature.
temperature of 1,000oC resulted in faster

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Heating time (hr)

Figure 2. The relationship between heating time and average size of gamma
prime particles at 900oC.

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Heating time (hr)

Figure 3. The relationship between heating time and average area fraction of
precipitated phase at 900oC.
318 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3)

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Heating time (hr)

Figure 4. The relationship between heating time and average size of gamma
prime particles at 1,000oC.

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Heating time (hr)

Figure 5. The relationship between heating time and average area fraction
of precipitated phase at 1,000oC.

1. The reheat-treated microstructure exposure at both 900oC and 1,000oC.
according to program No. 5 provided the 2. In almost reheat-treated microstruc-
most precipitated phase stability in term of tures, average area fractions of gamma prime
minimum coarsening rate after long-term phase clearly decreased with heating time.
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2009; 36(3) 319

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