Ncma Tek: Density-Related Properties of Concrete Masonry Assemblies TEK 2-6
Ncma Tek: Density-Related Properties of Concrete Masonry Assemblies TEK 2-6
Ncma Tek: Density-Related Properties of Concrete Masonry Assemblies TEK 2-6
Figure 1— Calculated Fire Resistance Rating for Single Wythe Concrete Masonry Walls
7 180
Equivalent thickness, mm
Equivalent thickness, in.
0 0
0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4
Fire resistance, hr
Calcareous or siliceous gravel Limestone, cinders, or slag Expanded clay, shale, or slate Expanded slag or pumice
Figure 2—Calculated Fire Resistance Ratings
Assuming a similar surface texture and coating, a concrete Table 1—Absorption Requirements for
masonry wall constructed with lightweight units will have Concrete Masonry Units
a higher NRC than a companion wall constructed with nor-
mal weight units, due to the larger pore structure often as- Density Maximum water absorption, lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
sociated with lower density units. Painting or coating the classification Average of 3 units Individual unit
surface of the concrete masonry assembly reduces the NRC Lightweight 18 (288) 20 (320)
for both lightweight and normal weight concrete masonry. Medium weight 15 (240) 17 (272)
See Noise Control with Concrete Masonry, TEK 13-2A Normal weight 13 (208) 15 (240)
(ref. 9) for a full discussion.
Concrete masonry unit specifications typically estab-
Regardless of unit density, all loadbearing concrete lish upper limits on the amount of water permitted to be
masonry units meeting the physical properties of ASTM absorbed. Expressed in pounds of water per cubic foot of
C 90 (ref. 3) must have a minimum average compressive concrete (kilograms of water per cubic meter of concrete),
strength of 1,900 psi (13.1 MPa). It is possible to produce these limits vary with the density classification of the unit,
concrete masonry units that meet or exceed the ASTM C 90 as shown in Table 1.
minimum strength in any density classification, although While the absorption values are not directly related to
not all combinations of physical properties may be com- unit physical properties such as compressive strength and
monly available in all regions. Therefore, local producers resistance to mechanisms of deterioration such as freeze-
should always be consulted for product availability before thaw, they do provide a measurement of the void structure
specifying. In general, for a given concrete masonry unit within the concrete matrix of the unit. Several production
mix design, higher compressive strengths can be achieved variables can affect the void structure, including degree of
by increasing the unit density through adjustments to the compaction, water content of the plastic mix, and aggregate
manufacturing methods. (ref. 16). gradation. Due to the vesicular structure of lower density
units, there is a potential for higher measured absorption
than is typical for most higher density units. Consequently,
ASTM C 90 permits lower density units to have a higher or occupancy as required by building codes, influence the
maximum absorption value. energy efficiency and thermal characteristics of the build-
The higher absorption limits permitted by ASTM C ing envelope and of the building.
90 for lower density units do not necessarily correlate to Increasing the unit density, unit thickness, unit solid
reduced water penetration resistance. One reason is that content, and amount/extent of grout, increases the installed
water penetration resistance is known to be highly affected weight of the masonry assembly, which is directly related
by workmanship and dependent on detailing for water man- to its heat capacity. (ref. 11). Conversely, increasing the
agement. It is generally recognized that these two factors density or amount of grout used in a concrete masonry
more heavily influence the wall’s water penetration resis- assembly decreases its R-value (ref. 12). Because of the
tance than do other factors, such as unit density. multitude of variables that determine the overall energy ef-
ficiency of a structure, some projects benefit more by in-
AESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS creasing the thermal mass of an assembly while others see
more energy efficiency by increasing the R-value. As such,
One of the most significant architectural benefits of de- the unique requirements of each project should be consid-
signing with concrete masonry is the versatility afforded by ered individually for maximum benefit.
the layout and appearance of the finished assembly, which
can be varied with the unit size and shape, color of the units STRUCTURAL DESIGN INFLUENCES
and mortar, bond pattern, and surface finish of the units.
The term “architectural concrete masonry unit” (ref. 10) The structural design of masonry is based on the speci-
is often used to generically describe units exhibiting any fied compressive strength of masonry, f'm, which is a func-
number of surface finishes or colors. Loadbearing single tion of the compressive strength of the unit and the type
wythe masonry walls constructed with these units uniquely of mortar used in construction. It is possible to produce
offer the designer structural function, envelope enclosure a wide range of compressive strengths within each of the
and the aesthetics of a finished wall surface without the density classes. Therefore, for a given unit compressive
need for additional materials, components or assemblies. strength and mortar type, the strength of the masonry as-
In general, the many options available for architectural sembly is unaffected by the unit density. As such, the de-
concrete masonry units can be offered in any of the three sign flexural, shear, and bearing strengths of masonry, some
unit density classifications. However, with respect to unit deformational properties such as elastic modulus, and the
appearance, any change in aggregates (whether a change in structural behavior of the masonry assembly determined by
source or a change in aggregate type) used to manufacture a contemporary codes and standards are independent of the
concrete masonry unit may change its color or texture, par- density of the concrete masonry unit.
ticularly for units with mechanically altered features such Unit density, however, can influence other structural
as split or ground-face surfaces. As a result, when aesthet- design considerations, aside from compressive strength.
ics are an important consideration, sample units submit- Reducing the density of a concrete masonry unit can reduce
ted for conceptual design should incorporate the specific the overall weight of a structure, and potentially reduce the
aggregate intended to be used in the actual production of required size of the supporting foundation, slab, or beam.
the units. Note that various degrees of surface “smooth- Reducing the weight of a structure or element also reduces
ness” (tight, fine, medium, coarse) can be obtained using the seismic load a structure or element must be designed to
the same aggregate by varying the mix design (proportions resist, because the magnitude of seismic loading is a direct
and moisture), aggregate gradation, aggregate shape, and function of dead load.
degree of compaction during manufacture. As with thermal mass and sound control, there may be
In addition to production variables, the appearance of circumstances where increasing the unit density is struc-
the finished masonry is also affected by workmanship, and turally beneficial. For example, the structural stability
the mortar color and jointing. Where color, texture and fin- against overturning and uplift is increased with increasing
ish are of particular concern, the designer should specify structural weight. Hence, while increased structural dead
a special sample panel for review and approval during the load increases seismic design forces, it also concurrently
submittal process (ref. 1, 17). helps to resist wind loads. Therefore, there may be some
structural advantage to using lightweight units in areas of
ENERGY EFFICIENCY high seismic risk; and normal weight units in areas prone
to high winds, hurricanes and/or tornadoes. Structural de-
When selecting masonry for its energy efficiency, two sign considerations, however, are often relatively minor
material thermal properties should be considered: compared to other factors that may influence the choice of
• R-value—a material’s ability to resist the transfer of heat unit density.
under steady-state conditions; and
• Thermal mass (heat capacity)—a material’s ability to PRODUCTIVITY
store and release heat (ref. 11).
These physical properties, in combination with a For a given unit configuration, and with all other fac-
building’s design, layout, location, climate, exposure, use, tors affecting production being equal, lower unit weights
typically enable a mason to lay more units within a given ASTM International, 2006.
timeframe (ref. 13). Other factors influencing the daily 3. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Ma-
productivity of a mason may include environmental condi- sonry Units, ASTM C 90-06a, ASTM International,
tions, unit size and shape, building size and configuration, 2006.
masonry bond pattern, and reinforcement and other detail- 4. Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates, ASTM
ing (ref. 13). C 33-03, ASTM International, 2006.
5. Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
MOVEMENT CONTROL Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C 331-05, ASTM
International, 2006.
Regardless of the density of a concrete masonry unit, 6. Fire Resistance Rating of Concrete Masonry Assemblies,
the established movement control recommendations for TEK 7-1A, National Concrete Masonry Association,
concrete masonry construction are applicable. See Crack 2006.
Control in Concrete Masonry Walls, TEK 10-1A, and Con- 7. Sound Transmission Class Ratings for Concrete Ma-
trol Joints for Concrete Masonry Walls – Empirical Meth- sonry Walls, TEK 13-1B, National Concrete Masonry
od, TEK 10-2B (refs. 14, 15) for more detailed guidance. Association, 2007.
ASTM C 90 requires that linear drying shrinkage of 8. Standard Method for Determining the Sound Transmis-
all concrete masonry units, regardless of unit density, not sion Class Rating for Masonry Walls, TMS 0302-07,
exceed 0.065% at the time of delivery to the jobsite. How- The Masonry Society, 2007.
ever, despite the fact that not all concrete masonry units 9. Noise Control with Concrete Masonry, TEK 13-2A,
exhibit the same linear drying shrinkage within this limit, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2007.
established movement control recommendations (refs. 14, 10. Architectural Concrete Masonry Units, TEK 2-3A,
15) are independent of the concrete masonry unit density. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2001.
11. Heat Capacity (HC) Values for Concrete Masonry Walls,
SUMMARY TEK 6-16, National Concrete Masonry Association,
Issues of masonry design and construction can be influ- 12. R-Values for Single Wythe Concrete Masonry Walls, TEK
enced and addressed to varying extents through the choice 6-2A, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2005.
of concrete masonry unit density, but generally the result- 13. Productivity and Modular Coordination in Concrete
ing effects of varying unit density on masonry behavior and Masonry Construction, TEK 4-1A, National Concrete
performance are quite limited. Notwithstanding these ef- Masonry Association, 2002.
fects, the designer can be assured that concrete masonry 14. Crack Control in Concrete Masonry Walls, TEK 10-1A,
constructed of any unit density offers sufficient flexibility National Concrete Masonry Association, 2005.
and alternatives in the choice of materials, design, and con- 15. Control Joints for Concrete Masonry Walls – Empiri-
struction detailing to satisfy the structural and architectural cal Method, TEK 10-2B. National Concrete Masonry
requirements of the project. Association, 2005.
16. Holm, T. A. Engineered Masonry With High Strength
REFERENCES Lightweight Concrete Masonry Units. Concrete Facts,
1. International Building Code. International Code Council, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1972.
2003 and 2006. 17. Specification for Masonry Structures, ACI 530.1/ASCE
2. Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete 6/TMS 602. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint
Masonry Units and Related Units, ASTM C 140-06, Committee, 2002 and 2005.
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