Corporation Law Notes
Corporation Law Notes
Corporation Law Notes
1. Definition of corporation;
6. Classification of shares;
11. Authorized capital Stock; stock; Certificate of stock; subscribed capital stock; paid up capital stock;
March 1, 2021
Other rights
But they are not obligation of the persons part of the corporation.
Is the nationality of Corporation also the nationality of the persons within the corporation?
Grandfather doctrine
Property separate and distinct property. Corp can own property but that property is not property of
the members, stockholders, director, officers, etc.
A corp can incur obligation but such obligation is not the obligation of the members, stockholder,
director, or officers
Whenever corporation files action it needs resolution which authorizes a person to file action on behalf
of the Corporation.
Corporation can only act through its board (or during meetings) in filling a case
Moral damages?
- It is identified through its name. One of the procedures for processes in the registration of a
corporation for the sec is that there must be a submission of name.
- Necessary for its existence
- For transaction of business
1. One of the attributes of corporation
2. Necessary to its existence
3. Essential and important for its identity
4. Can sue and be sued
Sec 12 memorandum 2008
Principal Place ---it Is where meetings are held and where records are being kept
Section 52
AMENDMENTS meetings of the corporations and stockholder must be held in the city or municipality
where the place of principal place is located
The purpose clause determines whether the acts performed by the corporation are authorized or
beyond its powers. Acts beyond the corporation’s powers are called ultra vires acts
Process of Incorporation
1. Submission of names for verification by the SEC
2. Submission of Articles of Incorporations and by laws for verification
3. Submission of the signed and notarized articles of incorporation and by-laws
4. The issuance of the certificate of Incorporation and copies of by laws and articles of
incorporation attached to it.