涓�Procedure for office Supplies Request...
涓�Procedure for office Supplies Request...
涓�Procedure for office Supplies Request...
1. 行政部通过邮件 flashph.admin.all@flashexpress.com发送《办公用品申请表》给各部门主管。
The admin department will send 'office supplies requests form to each head department by email
2. 各部门主管选择一位负责办公用品人员收集部门成员一个月的办公用品需求数量,并将收集好的《办公用品申请
表》发给部门主管请其审批,部门主管审批通过即可发送给行政部的邮箱 flashph.admin.all@flashexpress.com。
Department's supervisor will delegate one representative who will be in-charge for the office supplies.
Then the representative will collect all members’ estimated request consumable for one-month supplies.
After collecting, the representative must fill-out the application form for supervisor's approval.
Once approved by the supervisor, the representative should forward the email thread to
一、操作流程 Procedure
3. 填写申请表指引
Here’s the example on how to fill out the quantities :
Example: open this file Fill-out the quantities of your total
requests here.
4. 行政部一旦收到各部门负责人发送的《办公用品申请表》,将以此向采购部发出采购申请。
After requests application sent back, the admin will apply for purchase request of the Office supplies.
5. 办公用品到达办公室后,行政部将通知各部门负责人领取。
When the supplies arrived, department will be informed by email to get the supplies at the admin area.
6. 各部门负责人到行政部领取时需在办公用品领取登记表上签字。
The department representative will get it and need to sign the item lists of record for the admin files.
Admin will issue the requested office supplies to the department. The representative should tally all the office
supplies issued and must signed the receiving form. This is for Admin’s documentation purpose.
一、操作流程 Procedure
7. 以下为办公用品领取登记表
If the department has new employee, the
department representative can request manually
for some supplies to admin department.
二、注意事项 Announcements
1 、办公用品为每月统一申请发放一次,由各部门负责人进行统一领取保管,其余时间不予以发放(特殊情况除外)。
Office supplies shall be uniformly applied and issued once a month, which shall be uniformly received and
kept by the representative of each department, and shall not be issued at other times.
(except under special circumstances).
2 、每月 3 号之前由各部门负责人对本部门所需办公用品进行统计,按照办公用品申请表进行填写后由部门领导审批,
Before the 3rd of each month, each department shall be responsible for making statistics on the office supplies
needed by the department. After the department supervisor approval, the application can be sent to the admin
department by email.Failure to submit an application in the current month shall be deemed as non-application.
3 、各部门所需办公用品数量应根据部门实际情况进行申请,人事行政部有权对所提交的申请表内容及数量进行检查。
The quantity of office supplies required by each department should be applied according to the actual situation
of the department. The personnel administration department has the right to check the content and quantity of
the application form submitted.