A Literature Review On The Performance Analysis of 4 Stroke Diesel Engines With Ceramic Coating Material-36993
A Literature Review On The Performance Analysis of 4 Stroke Diesel Engines With Ceramic Coating Material-36993
A Literature Review On The Performance Analysis of 4 Stroke Diesel Engines With Ceramic Coating Material-36993
Abstract : Today’s the use of diesel fuel is increase in the world. People do not use diesel only for transportation but also
for agriculture and as we know that the lots of heat loss without any use of it. The efficiency of IC Engine is reduced and
fuel consumption is increased. The Lots of research works are carried out to increase the efficien cy of IC Engine and
reduce fuel consumption such as Laser Surface Textured (LST) method, Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) method. Piston
is the one of the main part of IC engine. The function of piston is transfer the pressure to the crank through the
onnecting rod. Generally piston is made by cast iron and aluminum alloy. As we know that by using of ceramic material
coating on piston, the performance of IC Engine can be increased.
Keywords: Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC), Laser Surface Textured (LST), Ceramic materials
[1] Muhammet Cerit, Mehmet Coban “Temperature and thermal stress anal yses of a ceramic-coated alumi num
alloy piston used in a diesel engine” Internati onal Journal of Thermal Sciences , Volume 77, March 2014
The goal of this paper is to determine both temperature and thermal stress distributions in a plasma -sprayed magnesia-
stabilized zirconia coating on an alu minu m piston crown to imp rove the performance of a diesel engine. Effects of the
coating thickness on temperature and thermal stress distributions are investigated, including comparisons with results
fro m an uncoated piston by means of the finite element method. Temperature and thermal stress analyses are performed
for various coating thicknesses from 0.2 to 1.6 mm excluding the bond coat layer. Temperature at the coated surface is
significantly higher than that of the uncoated piston. It is observed that the coating surface temperature increases with
coating thickness by decreasing rate. Increase in the maximu m temperature according to the uncoated piston is 64.3% for
1.0 mm thick coating. The higher combustion chamber temperature provided by means of coating results in the better
thermal efficiency of the engine
[2] Hel misyah Ahmad Jalaludin , Shahrir Abdull ah, Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali, Bulan Abdull ah, Nik Rosli
Abdullah “ Experi mental Study of Ceramic Coated Piston Crown for Compressed Natural Gas Direct Injecti on
In this paper it is observed that the YPSZ(Yttria Part ially Stabilized Zirconia )/NiCrA l coated CNGDI piston crown
experienced the least heat fluxes than the uncoated piston crowns and the coated CamPro piston crown, giving extra
protection during combustion operation.
[3] Muhammet Cerit “ Thermo mechanical analysis of a partially ceramic coated piston used in an S I engine”
Surface and Coatings Technolog y Volume 205, Issue 11, 25 February 2011
It is observed that the coating surface temperature increase with increasing the thickness in a decreasing rate. Surface
temperature of the piston with 0.4 mm coating thickness was increased up to 82 °C. The normal stress on the coated
surface decreases with coating thickness, up to approximately 1 mm for wh ich the value of stress is the minimu m.
However, it rises when coating thickness exceeds 1 mm. As for bond coat surface, increasing coating thickness, the
normal stress decreases steadily and the maximu m shear stress rises in a decreasing rat e. The optimu m coating thickness
was found to be near 1 mm under the given conditions.
[4] O.P. Singh , Yogesh Umbarkar, T. Sreeni vasulu, E. Vetri vendan, M. Kannan, Y.R. Babu “Piston seizure
investigation: Experiments, modeling and future challenges” Engineering Failure Analysis Volume 28, March
This paper presents, the results suggest that high operating temperatures and significant reduction in thin film lubricat ion
clearances accelerate the seizure failures. Further tests were conducted with coated piston to mit igate the high
temperature effects. Future directions and challenges in terms modeling such complicated physics have been discussed.
The authors believe that there exists a theoretical gap in modeling the seizure physics and hence, advanced theories
should be developed to enhance the understanding of this complex seizure mechanism.
[5] M. Cerit, V. Ayhan, A. Parlak, H. Yas ar “Thermal analysis of a partiall y ceramic coated piston: Effect on
col d start HC emission in a s park ignition engine” Applied Thermal Engineering Volume 31, Issues 2–3, February
This paper shows that the Effect of partially thermal barrier coating on piston temperature distribution and cold start HC
emissions of a spark ignition (SI) engine are investigated numerically and experimentally. A Thermal analysis was
performed for both standard and coated pistons by using a commercial code, namely ANSYS. The engine tests were
conducted on a single cylinder, water cooled SI engine for both standard and coated cases. Analysis results show that the
surface temperature of the coated piston part was increased up to 100 °C, wh ich leads to an increase in air–fuel mixture
temperature in the crevice and wall quenching regions. Thus, cold start HC emissions considerably decrease compared to
the standard engine without any degradation in engine performance. Maximu m decrease in HC emissions was 43.2%
compared to the standard engine.
[6] Ekrem Buyukkaya, Muhammet Cerit “ Thermal anal ysis of a ceramic coating diesel engine piston using 3 -D
finite element method” Surface and Coatings Technology Volume 202, Issue 2, 25 November 2007
The study of this paper, it is find that firstly thermal analyses are investigated on a conventional (uncoated) diesel piston ,
made of alu minum silicon alloy and steel. Secondly, thermal analyses are performed on pistons , coated with MgO–ZrO2
material by means of using a co mmercial code, namely ANSYS. Finally, the results of four d ifferent pistons are
compared with each other. The effects of coatings on the thermal behaviors of the pistons are investigated. It has been
shown that the maximu m surface temperature o f the coated piston with material wh ich has low thermal conductivity is
improved appro ximately 48% for the AlSi alloy and 35% for the steel.
The zirconia-based ceramic coatings are used as thermal barrier coatings owing to their low conductivity and their
relatively high coefficients of thermal expansion, which reduce the detrimental interfacial stresses. Material properties of
the MgZrO3, NiCrA l and piston material made of AlSi alloy. Piston is coated with a 350 μm thickness of MgZrO3 over a
150 μm thickness of NiCrA l bond coat (Fig. 1).
[7] Hanbey Hazar “Characterization of MoN coatings for pistons in a diesel engine” Materials & Design Volume
31, Issue 1, January 2010
In this study, the surface of a piston in a d iesel engine was coated with mo lybdenum nitride (Mo N) by using the arc PVD
method, and its surface behavior was subsequently analyzed. Analyses of micro hardness, SEM, X -ray and surface
roughness were carried out in order to examine surface characteristics of pistons. It is found that the hardness of coated
piston is 2000 ± 400 HV wh ile hardness uncoated piston 123 HV. The results show less deformation and fewer scratches
due to wear on the MoN-coated piston as compared to uncoated one.
[8] Ekrem Buyukkaya “ Thermal analysis of functi onally graded coating AlSi alloy and steel pistons” Volume 202,
Issue 16 15 May 2008
Functionally graded coatings are coating systems used to increase performances of high temperature components in
diesel engines. These coatings consist of a transition from the metallic bond layer to cermet and fro m cermet to the
ceramic layer. In this study, thermal behavior of functional graded coatings on AlSi and steel piston materials was
investigated by means of using a commercial code, namely ANSYS. Thermal analyses were employed to deposit
metallic, cermet and ceramic powders such as NiCrAl, NiCrA l + MgZrO3 and MgZrO3 on the substrate. The numerical
results of AlSi and steel pistons are compared with each other. It was sho wn that the maximu m surface temperature of
the functional graded coating AlSi alloy and steel pistons was increased by 28% and 17%, respectively.
[9] Ravindra Prasad, N.K. S amria “ Transient heat transfer analysis in an internal combustion engine piston”
Computers & Structures Volume 34, Issue 5, 1990
In this paper, the isothermic d istribution in the piston body and heat flow rates to cooling water and air below the piston
at four different engine loads are depicted for cases both with and without insulation coating. The results indicate a 6%
reduction in heat loss through the piston with the use of an insulatio n coating on the cylinder wall.
[10] Selman Aydı n , Cenk Sayın “ Impact of thermal barrier coating application on the combustion, performance
and emissions of a diesel engine fueled wi th waste cooking oil bi odiesel–diesel blends” Fuel Volume 136, 15
November 2014
Finally, the same engine out parameters were obtained and compared with those of uncoated engine parameters in order
to find out how this modificat ion would change the combustion, performance and emission parameters. Results sh owed
that the modification of the engine with coating process resulted in better performance, especially in considerably lower
brake specific fuel consumption (Bsfc) values. Besides, emissions of the engine were lowered both through coating
process and biodiesel usage excluding the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission. In addition, the results of the coated engine
are better than the uncoated one in terms of cy linder gas pressure, heat release rate (HRR) and heat release (HR).
[11] I. Taymaz, , K. Çakır, A. Mi maroglu “ Experi mental study of effecti ve efficiency in a ceramic coated diesel
engine” Surface and Coatings Technolog y Volume 200, Issues 1–4, 1 October 2005
The combustion chamber surfaces (cylinder head, valves and piston crown faces were coated with ceramic materials.
Ceramic layers were made of CaZrO3 and MgZrO3, by using plasma-coating method onto the base of the NiCrAl bond
coat. The ceramic-coated research engine was tested at the same conditions as the standard (without coating) engine. The
results showed a reduction in heat loss to the coolant and an increase in effective efficiency.
[12] Mesut Durat, Murat Kapsiz, Ergun Nart , Ferit Ficici, Adnan Parl ak “The effects of coating materials in
spark ignition engine design” Materi als & Design Volume 36, April 2012
Ceramic coatings provide good thermal barrier p roperties for designers. In the design of adiabatic engines, reducing in -
cylinder heat rejection requires very special thermal barrier coatings on the engine combustion chamber. Part ially,
thermal barrier coating (TBC) on the top surface of the piston in the annulus form is considered as a solution for
unburned HC emission produced by incomplete combustion with respect to crevice volume after SI engines start (the
three-way catalytic converter is not yet activated in the period of first 120 s). Because TBC on the top piston surface
decreases the thermal conductivity and increases the unburned charge oxidation by increasing the temperature in the
flame quenching area near the entrance of the crevice volume between the piston and liner during the compression and
the early part of the expansion strokes.
In this study, a steady-state thermal analysis was performed to evaluate the temperature gradients in the standard and two
different partially stabilized ceramic coated pistons by using Abaqus finite element (FE) software. A sharp increase in the
temperature of the coated area of the piston was observed as a result of FE simu lations. It is concluded that the annulus
Y-PSZ coating may contribute better, as compared to Mg -PSZ, to decrease the cold start and steady state HC emissions
without auto ignition, since the temperature in the area sh ows a local sharp increase.
[13] Ekrem Büyükkaya, Tahsin Engin, Muhammet Cerit “ Effects of thermal barrier coating on g as emissions and
performance of a LHR engine with different injection ti mings and val ve adjustments” Energy Conversion and
Management Vol ume 47, Issues 9–10, June 2006, Pages 1298–1310
The results showed that 1–8% reduction in brake specific fuel consumption could be achieved by the combined effect of
the thermal barrier coating (TBC) and injection timing.
[14] X.Q.Cao, R. Vassen, D. Stoever “ Ceramic materi als for thermal barrier coatings” Journal of the European
Ceramic Society 24(2004) 1-10
The main objective of this paper is to study about ceramic materials. Ceramics, in contrast to metals, are often more
resistance to oxidation, corrosion and wear, as well as being better thermal insulators. Except yttria stabilized zirconia,
other materials such as lanthanum zirconate and rare earth o xides are also pro mising materials for thermal barrier
[15] Ilker Turgut Yil maz, Meti n Gumus, Mehmet Akçay “THERMAL BARRIER COATINGS FOR DIES EL
It is known that the efficiency of internal co mbustion diesel engines changes %38-42. It is about %60 of the fuel energy
dismissed from co mbustion chamber. To save energy, combustion chamber component are coated with low thermal
conduction materials. In this paper, give an eye to thermal barrier coating and ceramic materials which are used for
making low heat released engines.
[16] Aravi nth P1, Subramanian S P1, Sri Vishnu G2 and Vignesh P3 “COMPARISON OF VARIOUS
Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research India , Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2012
It is well known fact that about 30% of the energy supplied is lost through the coolant and the 30% is wasted through
friction and other losses, thus leaving only 30% of energy utilizat ion for useful p urposes. There have been numerous
research papers in recent years describing the theoretical benefits obtained from the use of ceramic co mponents in
reciprocating engines, but that describes practical results is very limited.
Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) in internal co mbustion engine have advantages such as imp roved thermal efficiency and
combustion, reduction in weight by eliminating cooling systems, etc. however, practical problems are faced in
implementing these coatings in internal combustion engines. The problem presently faced in implementing of TBC as
engine cylinder is thermal mis match which mainly occurs due to improper adhesion and difference in thermal expansion
coefficient between bond coat and cylinder materials.TBC must also withstand wear an d tear. The disadvantage of the
TBC method is that NOx emission is increased.
[17] Vikram A. Mistry, Di pak C. Gosai, Dr. H.J. Nag arsheth “ Temperature Distri bution Anal ysis of MgZrO3
Coated and Conventional IC Engine Components using FEM” IJ EDR | Vol ume 2, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939 |
This paper deals with temperature distribution analysis of the conventional (uncoated) and ceramic material coated IC
engine combustion chamber components. In this study, firstly, thermal analyses are investigated o n a conventional
(uncoated) diesel piston and cylinder head, made of aluminu m silicon alloy and cast iron respectively. Secondly, thermal
analyses are performed on pistons and cylinder head, coated with ceramic material MgZrO3 by means of using a
commercia l code, namely ANSYS. After that, the results of ceramic coated components are compared with conventional
one. The effects of coating on thermal behaviors of co mponents are investigated. In which noted that the maximu m
surface temperature of the coated pis ton and cylinder head is increased about 479.4 0C and 108.6 0C respectively .
[18] Ravikumar T, Kiran K, Ravichandra V Koti, Chetan Appasab Choug ale “Alternati ve Thermal Barrier
Coati ngs for CI Engines -A Research Review” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2,
No.5, May 2014
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
The depletion of supply of fossil fuels and their increased cost has driven the attention towards energy security. The
energy security can be partially achieved by imp roving the efficiency of en ergy producing equipment’s. Diesel fuels can
be used more efficiently in lo w heat rejection engines (LHR), in which the temperature of combustion chamber is
increased by creating thin layer of ceramics, a thermal barrier. Also the use of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) to increase
the combustion temperature in diesel engines has been pursued for over 20 years. Increased combustion temperature can
increase the efficiency of the engine, decrease the CO and unburnt Hydrocarbons (UBHC). TBCs have not yet met w ith
wide success in diesel engine applications. To reach the desirable temperature of 850-900°C in the combustion chamber
fro m the current temperature of 350-400°C, a coating with a thickness of order 1mm is required.
Objecti ve of literature review paper
The objectives of literature review paper are:
Increase the thermal efficiency
Increase the mechanical efficiency
Decrease the fuel consumption
Reduction in emission
[1] Muhammet Cerit, Meh met Coban “Temperature and thermal stress analyses of a ceramic -coated aluminu m alloy
piston used in a diesel engine” International Journal of Thermal Sciences , Vo lu me 77, March 2014
[2] Helmisyah Ahmad Jalaludin , Shahrir Abdullah, Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali, Bulan Abdullah, Nik Rosli Abdullah
“Experimental Study of Ceramic Coated Piston Cro wn for Co mpressed Natural Gas Direct Inject ion Engines”
[3] Muhammet Cerit “Thermo mechanical analysis of a part ially ceramic coated piston used in an SI engine” Surface
and Coatings Technology Volu me 205, Issue 11, 25 February 2011
[4] O.P. Singh , Yogesh Umbarkar, T. Sreenivasulu, E. Vetrivendan, M. Kannan, Y.R. Babu “Piston seizure
investigation: Experiments, modeling and future challenges” Engineering Failu re Analysis Vo lu me 28, March 2013
[5] M. Cerit, V. Ayhan, A. Parlak, H. Yasar “Thermal analysis of a partially ceramic coated piston: Effect on cold start
HC emission in a spark ignition engine” Applied Thermal Eng ineering Vo lu me 31, Issues 2–3, February 2011
[6] Ekrem Buyukkaya, Muhammet Cerit “Thermal analysis of a ceramic coating diesel engine piston using 3-D finite
element method” Surface and Coatings Technology Volu me 202, Issue 2, 25 November 2007
[7] Hanbey Hazar “Characterization of MoN coatings for pistons in a diesel engine” Materials & Design Volu me 31,
Issue 1, January 2010
[8] Ekrem Buyukkaya “Thermal analysis of functionally graded coating AlSi alloy and steel pistons” Volu me 202, Issue
16 15 May 2008
[9] Ravindra Prasad, N.K. Samria “Transient heat transfer analysis in an internal combustion engine piston” Computers
& Structures Volu me 34, Issue 5, 1990
[10] Selman Aydın , Cenk Say ın “ Impact of thermal barrier coating application on the combustion, performance and
emissions of a diesel engine fueled with waste cooking oil b iodiesel–diesel blends” Fuel Vo lu me 136, 15 November
[11] I. Tay maz, , K. Çakır, A. Mimaroglu “Experimental study of effective efficiency in a ceramic coated diesel engine”
Surface and Coatings Technology Volu me 200, Issues 1–4, 1 October 2005
[12] Mesut Durat, Murat Kapsiz, Ergun Nart , Ferit Ficici, Adnan Parlak “The effects of coating materials in spark
ignition engine design” Materials & Design Volu me 36, April 2012
[13] Ekrem Büyükkaya, Tahsin Engin, Muhammet Cerit “Effects of thermal barrier coating on gas emissions and
performance of a LHR engine with different inject ion timings and valve adjustments” Energy Conversion and
Management Volu me 47, Issues 9–10, June 2006, Pages 1298–1310
[14] X.Q.Cao, R. Vassen, D. Stoever “Ceramic materials for thermal barrier coatings” Journal of the European Ceramic
Society 24(2004) 1-10
[15] Ilker Tu rgut Yilmaz, Met in Gu mus, Mehmet Akçay “Thermal Barrier Coatings for Diesel Engines” International
Scientific Conference 19 – 20 November 2010, Gabrovo
[16] Aravinth P1, Subramanian S P1, Sri Vishnu G2 and Vignesh P3 “Co mparison Of various Thermal Barrier Coatings
along with their effects on Efficiencies and Fuel Consumption based on the results of experimental literatures”
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research India , Vo l. 1, No. 3, October 2012
[17] Vikram A. M istry, Dipak C. Gosai, Dr. H.J. Nagarsheth “ Temp erature Distribution Analysis of MgZrO3 Coated
and Conventional IC Eng ine Co mponents using FEM” IJEDR | Vo lu me 2, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939 | 2014
[18] Raviku mar T, Kiran K, Ravichandra V Koti, Chetan Appasab Chougale “Alternative Thermal Barrier Coatin gs for
CI Eng ines -A Research Review” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vo l.2, No.5, May 2014
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
[19] Murat Ciniv iz, Mustafa Sahir Salman, Eyüb Canl, Hüseyin Köse and Özgür Solmaz “Ceramic Coating Applications
and Research Fields for Internal Co mbustion Engines ”