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All content following this page was uploaded by Cheekoti Venkata Rajam on 16 September 2015.
An optimized piston which is lighter and stronger is coated with zirconium for bio-fuel. The low grade LHR
engines are using ceramic coatings on piston, liner and cylinder head, while medium grade LHR engines provide air gap in
the piston and other components. It is necessary to test the coated piston for withstanding the stresses and strains. In this
paper, the coated piston undergone a vonmisses test by using ANSYS for load applied on the top. Analysis of the stress
distribution was done on various parts of the coated piston for finding the stresses due to the gas pressure and thermal
variations. Vonmisses stress is increased by 16% and deflection is increased after optimization. But all the parameters are
well with in design consideration.
Automobile components are in great demand these days because of increased use of automobiles. The increased
demand is due to improved performance and reduced cost of these components. R&D and testing engineers should develop
critical components in shortest possible time to minimize launch time for new products. This necessitates understanding of
new technologies and quick absorption in the development of new products [1].
A piston is a moving component that is contained by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by piston rings. In an engine
its purpose is to transfer from expanding gas in the cylinder to the crank shaft via piston rod and or connecting rod. As an
important part in an engine piston endures the cyclic gas pressure and inertia forces at work and this working condition
may cause the fatigue damage of the piston. The investigations indicate that greatest stress appears on the upper end of the
piston and stress concentration is one of the mainly reason for fatigue failure [2].
The piston is designed for LHR engines for bio-fuel. The vegetable oils are promising substitutes for diesel fuel as
they are renewable in nature. The vegetable oils have the problems of high viscosity, low volatility and their
polyunsaturated character. Hence crude vegetable oil was converted into biodiesel by treating crude vegetable oil was
stirred with methanol at around 60-70oC with 0.5% of NaOH based on weight of the oil, for about 3 hours. At the end of
the reaction, excess methanol is removed by distillation and glycerol, which separates out was removed. The methyl esters
were treated with dilute acid to neutralize the alkali and then washed to get free of acid, dried and distilled to get pure
vegetable oil esters or biodiesel. The drawbacks associated with vegetable oils and biodiesels for use in diesel engines call
for LHR engines. The concept of LHR engine is to reduce heat loss to coolant by providing thermal insulation in the path
of heat flow to the coolant. LHR engines are classified depending on degree of insulation such as low grade, medium grade
12 Ch. Venkata Rajam, P. V. K. Murthy & M. V. S. Murali Krishna
and high grade insulated engines. Several methods adopted for achieving low grade LHR engines are using ceramic
coatings on piston, liner and cylinder head, while medium grade LHR engines provide air gap in the piston and other
components with low-thermal conductivity materials like Superni, cast iron and mild steel etc and high grade LHR engine
is the combination of low grade and medium grade engines. To create hot combustion chamber ceramic coating of 500
microns given on the crown of the aluminum piston by plasma spray technique [3].
A linear FEA analysis is undertaken when a structure is expected to behave linearly, i.e. obeys Hook’s Law. The
stress is proportional to the strain, and the structure will return to its original configuration once the load has been removed.
A structure is a load bearing member and can normally be classified as a bar, beam, column, or shaft [4].
Optimized Piston Design
The piston is designed according to the procedure and specification which are given in machine design and data
hand books. The dimensions are calculated in terms of SI Units. The pressure applied on piston head, temperatures of
various areas of the piston, heat flow, stresses, strains, length, diameter of piston and hole, thicknesses, etc., parameters are
taken into consideration.
In designing a piston for an engine, the following points should be taken into consideration:
The small values of the clearance increase the frictional losses and the high values increase the secondary motion
of the piston. Most of the Internal Combustion (IC) engine pistons are made of an aluminum alloy which has a thermal
expansion coefficient, 80% higher than the cylinder bore material made of cast iron. This leads to some differences
between running and the design clearances.
Therefore, analysis of the piston thermal behaviour is extremely crucial in designing more efficient engine [5].
The thermal and geometric properties are as shown in below table 2
Linear Static Structural Analysis of Optimized Piston for Bio-Fuel Using ANSYS 13
After generating an accurate finite element model a strategy for the optimization workflow was defined. Target of
the optimization was to reach a mass reduction of the piston [6].
Objective Function
Minimize mass
Subject to Constraints
• Factor of safety>1.2
• Manufacturing constraints
• After carrying out static structural analysis the stresses in each loading conditions were studied and then area
where excess material can be removed were decided so that maximum vonmises stress does not exceed allowable
and factor of safety is kept above 1.5 .
The following are the sequence of steps in which the piston is modeled.
• Creating a hole
• Applying fillets
14 Ch. Venkata Rajam, P. V. K. Murthy & M. V. S. Murali Krishna
It was then imported to ANSYS 11.0. for analysis and optimization. Specifications of piston before optimization
are shown in Table 2.
The optimized values after optimization using ANSYS are given in the following Table 3
After obtaining the optimized piston [7], it had undergone the linear static structural analysis.
The piston is coated with zirconium and the details of material are as follows:
Conventional metals and lubricants fail to perform at elevated temperatures, advanced ceramic materials such as
nitrides and carbides of silicon(Si2N4 and SiC); oxides of chromium, aluminum, and iron(Cr2O3, Al2O3 and FeO2); and
partially stabilized oxide of zirconium ( ZrO2 or PSZ)] provide an alternative, Low ductility, low tensile strength, and low
bending strength have impeded the direct replacement of metals with ceramics in conventional engine designs. A high
temperature resistant coating has recently been developed with main objective to provide thermal insulation to metallic
components at elevated temperature especially for diesel, gas turbine and aero-engine applications [8]. The zirconium
coating is applied on head of the optimized piston with 140mm diameter and 0.005mm thickness. This coating process and
analysis is performed in ANSYS Workbench. The properties of material as follows
The Figure 4 shows coated piston and Figure 5 shows fixing of Body-to-Ground at gudgeon pin hole.
The following images are shown for resulted vonmisses stresses before and after optimization
The optimized values after optimization using ANSYS are given in the following Table 5
The length 152mm of the piston obtained is same as before and after optimization process. The value after
optimization is taken into consideration. It is not considerable that the variations in piston length. Applying the temperature
and pressure loads on different areas of the piston and heat flow has not affected the length.
The diameter also same even after optimization process i.e., 140mm and is taken into consideration for design
purposes. The heat flow in the piston material and pressure on the head has not affected in length and diameter as these are
larger than other parameters. So the piston can withstand easily on sizes of these parameters.
The volume has varied after applying temperature and pressure loads over the piston as volume is depends on not
only on length and diameter and also on thicknesses. The volumetric size after optimization is taken into consideration.
The volume of piston before optimization is 997021 mm³ and for the same after optimization is 752994mm³
The radial thickness of the piston has affected more as it is very small in size and the temperature and heat flow
are very high to this size of thickness. Before optimization value is given as 5.24mm and obtained after optimization is
3.46mm. This is rounded to next highest value i.e., 4mm and is taken into consideration for design. The axial thickness of
the piston ring before optimization is 5mm, it is changed to 3.52mm after optimization, since the more and more heat and
stress applied through groves as it is very near to the head of the piston. This is rounded to next highest value i.e., 4mm is
taken into consideration for design.
The maximum thickness of the barrel before optimization is 14.34mm has much affected in variation of size after
applying pressure and temperature loads and is changed to 9.08mm and rounded to next highest value i.e., 10mm taken
into consideration.
The width of the top land has not much affected while comparing with the maximum thickness of the barrel. The
initial value i.e., before optimization is 10.84mm and is changed after applying pressure which is directly applied on the
head i.e., top of the piston as a result the shape of the piston on top will become just like a bowl. The value after
optimization is obtained as 9.36mm and it is rounded to 10mm. This value is considerable for design.
The width of the other lands i.e., near piston rings are 4mm in size and is changed due to pressure and heat applied
on rings through groves. The value after optimization is 3.24mm and is rounded to 3mm.
The von misses stress initially was 63.019Mpa, after optimization it is obtained as 75.95Mpa and it is permissible
up to 90Mpa. So the piston with these considerations can withstand easily.
18 Ch. Venkata Rajam, P. V. K. Murthy & M. V. S. Murali Krishna
The deflection due to pressure applied is more than that of temperature applied. In this analysis the pressure as
well as temperature loads are taken into consideration for applying on the piston. The deflection before optimization is
given as 0.0198mm and after optimization it is obtained that 0.120mm, this value is taken into consideration for design
The values obtained after applying the loads are depend on the area chosen by the user. The factor of safety is as
• The mass of the piston before optimization is 2.72. and factor of safety of is 1.42
• The mass of the piston after optimization is 2.08. and factor of safety of is 1.2
The Optimized Piston is coated with Zirconium surface body of 0.005mm thickness. The images are as follows;
Figure 8: Linear Static Structural Analysis - Von Mises Stress of Coated Piston
The following tables shows the parameter details of linear static structural analysis
Table 6: Vonmisses Stress and Deflection Parameters of Linear Static Structural Analysis
The vonmisses stress initially was i.e., for optimized conventional piston is 74.95Mpa after coating the von-Mises
Stress is obtained as 78.489Mpa and it is permissible up to 90Mpa. So the piston with these considerations can withstand
easily and is under linear control.
The deflection due to pressure applied is more than that of temperature applied. In this analysis the pressure as
well as temperature loads are taken into consideration for applying on the piston. The deflection after optimization is given
as 0.120mm and same for coated piston is obtained that 0.0407mm, this value is taken into consideration for design
The deflection due to pressure applied after optimization is more than before optimization and this value is taken
into consideration for design purpose. The stress distribution on the piston mainly depends on the deformation of piston.
Therefore, in order to reduce the stress concentration, the piston crown should have enough stiffness to reduce the
All the phases in this project given can be extended to the piston design with reduction of material at bottom. The
material is removed to reduce the weight of the piston so as to improve the efficiency. It is essential to obtain the optimized
results for new piston with reduced material.
In brief
• The optimal mathematical model which includes formation of piston crown and quality of piston ad piston skirt.
• The FEA is carried out for standard piston model used in diesel engine ceramic coating on crown and the result of
analysis indicate that the maximum stress has changed from 63.019Mpa to 74.95Mpa.
The zirconium coated piston also obtained with the parameters, stress for given pressure and are within the
permissible values. The coated piston is useful for bio-fuel. The same design, analysis can be extended to connecting rod,
other parts of the engine and different coated pistons. The variational properties, which are applied on piston, can also be
analyzed with the same approach for optimistic design. The different material can be used for piston for which the same
analysis can extended.
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