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2 Year English Lesson Plan: The Big Picture

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School of Education, NUI Galway

2nd year English Lesson Plan

Emma Mathews
Student Name:
2nd year
Introduction to CBA 1
Topic of the lesson:

The Big Picture

Where does this lesson fit in the topic/unit being taught? How does it link with other units or subjects?
This lesson fits in with the Junior cycle classroom-based assessment oral communication aspect. It
will be introducing the class to the topic, informing them on what is expected of them, what it
entails, and the learning outcomes associated with it. This will link with further assessments to do
with the CBA in third year, as well as linking to past English units on interviews, public speaking
and communication skills.

Students’ prior knowledge/interests

What prior knowledge do student have about this topic (from class or their everyday lives)?
Students will have prior knowledge on this topic from past units studied in English throughout first
and second year, based on communication, creative writing, interviews and researching. Students
may also have knowledge on the subject from their personal lives, such as watching online
interviews on the computer or television, reading interviews in newspapers or magazines as well as
examining how people speak professionally when presenting a topic to a group of people.

Literacy and Numeracy

Note key words/terminology and/or numerical concepts
Literacy within this lesson includes new terminology, reading and note taking.

Numerical concepts such as writing the date and numbering aspects included in note taking are
incorporated in this lesson.

Materials used during lesson:

By teacher: By students:
PowerPoint slides Q&A sheet
Q&A sheet Celebrity interview handout
Celebrity interview handout Stationary
Word document
1. Aims In this lesson I will …

 Explain what the English CBA 1 on oral communication is and what it consists of.
 Construct a mind map to brainstorm CBA ideas and answer students’ questions.

School of Education, NUI Galway

 Ensure students are working together adequately in groups in breakout rooms.

 Answer any questions that may arise while explaining the CBA, making sure the class do not
have any concerns or worries regarding the assignment.

2. Learning Intentions/Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, students will ….

(outline key ideas/concepts/content/vocabulary, use specific active verbs)

1. Engage with others in a group setting to discuss ideas and concepts related to the interviews.
2. Listen to and comprehend the purpose of the CBA 1 and what it entails.
3. Collaborate with other classmates in order to explore and discuss understandings of spoken
texts by recording, analysing, interpreting and comparing their opinions.

3. Assessment How will students’ learning progress be assessed? What are success criteria?
Class questioning- constant class discussions and quizzing will ensure that the students are
understanding the concept of the CBA, also giving them opportunity to express any concerns or
confusion they may have on the topic.

Brainstorming map handout- this will assess the students learning on the topic of the oral
communication assignment, getting the students to actively think in team settings on the issue,
testing information they have just learnt.

4. Opening How will lesson be introduced? What’s the ‘hook’? / Link to prior

Teacher Activities Student Activities Timing:

Online class using google classroom: View the PowerPoint on their screens, 3 mins
Hook- share my PowerPoint on the raising their virtual hand on google
screen, projecting images of famous and classroom if they wish to contribute,
historical people doing interviews. or use the chat box feature. (LO2)
Ask the students do they know what is
Then ask the class if they know what a
CBA is… ask them to raise their hands
and mention things they know about them.
5. Body of lesson (include teaching approaches, when materials are used etc…)
Teacher Activities Student Activities (link to Learning Timing:
Open up the lesson by explaining what a Follow along with the slides and 10 mins
CBA1 is, using PowerPoint slides. watch the video with the class. Taking
Click the link in the slide to watch the notes in their copies as we go along.
video from the NCCA website, explaining (LO2)
the task further with examples of students
work. Tell the students to take notes.

Tell the students that you have chosen the Read along with the slides, asking 10 mins
topic of interviews for their CBA1 project. questions if needs be. Also taking

School of Education, NUI Galway

Explain what an interview is, referring notes in their copies.(LO2)

back to what they have already learnt
about them from first year. Asking
students to contribute to the class

Take a picture or jot down a rough

sample of the brainstorming map so
Send a link to the brainstorming handout they can refer back to it. 20 mins
in the chat box. When in breakout rooms discuss with
Tell the students that you will split them their classmates’ potential ideas for
up into breakout rooms of 3-4 people and who they could pretend to interview,
their task is to use the brainstorming map questions they could ask and/or how
handout as a guide to come up with ideas they could make it interesting and
for interview topics/questions. creative. (LO1) (LO3)

6. Closing How will lesson be closed?

Teacher Activities Student Activities Timing:
Finish up the class by asking some Share ideas with the class, by using 5 mins
students to share their groups ideas. the chat box function or raising a
Ask the students if they have any virtual hand and unmuting
questions regarding the CBA1 and what it themselves.
is about. Read through the celebrity interview
Hand out the Celebrity interview handout example. (LO3)
worksheet for the students to read through
as an example.
Answer any relevant questions.
Tell the students they can refer to the
parent/student handout that was given to
them and is also on the class website if
they wish to read more into it.

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