IEC 60870-5-104 COMMUNICATION Protocol Manual
IEC 60870-5-104 COMMUNICATION Protocol Manual
IEC 60870-5-104 COMMUNICATION Protocol Manual
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holders. SSC600 is an approved Intel® IoT Market Ready Solution.
Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.
The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or product
description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties. All persons
responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must satisfy themselves that
each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including that any applicable safety or other
operational requirements are complied with. In particular, any risks in applications where a system
failure and/or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but not
limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying
the equipment, and those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are
taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.
This product has been designed to be connected and communicate data and information via a
network interface which should be connected to a secure network. It is the sole responsibility of the
person or entity responsible for network administration to ensure a secure connection to the
network and to take the necessary measures (such as, but not limited to, installation of firewalls,
application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti virus programs, etc.)
to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included, against any kind of
security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or
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This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely ruled out.
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discrepancies between the English and any other language version, the wording of the English
version shall prevail.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC
Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits
(Low-voltage directive 2014/35/EU). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by the third
party testing laboratory Intertek in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC
directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage
directive. The product is designed in accordance with the international standards of the IEC 60255
1 Introduction................................................................................................. 8
1.1 This manual.....................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Intended audience...........................................................................................................................8
1.3 Product documentation................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Product documentation set...............................................................................................8
1.3.2 Document revision history................................................................................................ 8
1.3.3 Related documentation.................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Symbols and conventions............................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Symbols............................................................................................................................9
1.4.2 Document conventions.....................................................................................................9
1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols....................................................................................... 10
3 Vendor-specific implementation................................................................18
3.1 Protocol instances.........................................................................................................................18
3.2 IEC 60870-5-104 data objects.......................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Single-point information..................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Double-point information................................................................................................ 19
3.2.3 Measured value, short floating point.............................................................................. 19
3.2.4 Measured value, scaled integer..................................................................................... 19
3.2.5 Integrated totals..............................................................................................................20
3.2.6 Step position...................................................................................................................20
3.2.7 Single command.............................................................................................................20
3.2.8 Double command........................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Value change detection.................................................................................................................21
3.4 IEC 60870-5-104 internal event buffering..................................................................................... 22
3.5 Control operations.........................................................................................................................22
3.5.1 Single command.............................................................................................................22
3.5.2 Double command........................................................................................................... 22
3.6 Integrated totals objects................................................................................................................ 23
3.6.1 Integrated totals object grouping.................................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Freeze operation alternatives.........................................................................................24
3.7 Commissioning..............................................................................................................................24
6 SSC600
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5 Glossary....................................................................................................42
SSC600 7
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Introduction 2NGA000789
1 Introduction
Planning &
Product guide
Operation manual
Connection diagram
Engineering manual
Technical manual
Application manual
Cyber security deployment guideline
Communication protocol manual
Figure 1 The intended use of documents during the product life cycle
8 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Introduction
1.4.1 Symbols
Warning: The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could
result in electrical shock or other personal injury.
Tip: The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project
or how to use a certain function.
Although the warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand
that under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged equipment may result in
degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply
fully with all warning and caution notices.
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Introduction 2NGA000789
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks.
The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".
• Input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font.
When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE.
• This document assumes that the parameter setting visibility is "Advanced".
10 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Introduction
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Introduction 2NGA000789
12 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Introduction
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Introduction 2NGA000789
14 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Introduction
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IEC 60870-5-104 overview 2NGA000789
Document Description
IEC 60870-5-104: Network access for IEC This document includes combined definitions of
60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles. the application layer parts of IEC 60870-5-101
used by the 104 protocol and the ETHERNET
TCP/IP transport functions used by the 104 pro-
IEC 60870-5-101: Companion standard for ba- This document includes the application layer
sic telecontrol task (incl. amendments). parts of the 101 standard which are used by the
IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
IEC 60870-5-1 Transmission frame formats These documents include a detailed description
of the protocol-related data and tasks.
IEC 60870-5-2 Link transmission procedures
IEC 60870-5-3 General Structure of application
IEC 60870-5-4 Definition and coding of applica-
tion data elements
IEC 60870-5-5 Basic application functions
IEC 60870-5-7 Transmission procedures, exten-
sion for secure communication
16 SSC600
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2NGA000789 IEC 60870-5-104 overview
In the balanced link mode, both the client and the server can initiate message transfers.
In the unbalanced mode, the client initiates the transmission with a request to which the
server responds.
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
3 Vendor-specific implementation
18 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Vendor-specific implementation
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
values. The default scaling for the IEC 60870-5-104 value is 1, making it identical to the
corresponding IEC 61850 value (CDC.attribute/attribute/ …).
• INS.stVal
• INC.stVal
• ENS.stVal
• ENC.stVal
20 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Vendor-specific implementation
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
1. The IEC 60870-5-104 data objects are selected and located in the address space
using IEC 60870-5-104 Communication Management.
2. In Communication Management, the data objects’ Event Enable and Interrogation
Group default settings are updated if necessary. If only general interrogation (GI) is
performed, the point can be assigned to any interrogation group.
3. The corresponding IEC 61850 data objects are checked using Dataset editor. It must
be ensured that the corresponding objects are located in a data set which is enabled
for reporting.
An IEC 60870-5-104 data object works to some extent even if the object does not reside
in a data set, or if it resides in a data set which is not enabled for reporting. In such a
case, the IEC 60850-5-104 protocol does an internal, periodical polling of the native IEC
61850 value. If data object changes are noticed, the protocol reports them. However, this
internal protocol polling cycle is slow, and thus value change updates are also slow.
22 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Vendor-specific implementation
is used. The maximum accepted delay between the command time stamp and the relay
time can be adjusted by the Command delay setting.
Each double-point DPC object has two predefined IEC 60870-5-104 control objects: one
intended for direct operation and the other one for select-execute (select-before-operate)
operation. The difference can be seen in the control object’s signal name trailing text.
Direct operation
Direct operation is always possible for the double command regardless of the control
model (direct or SBO) configured for the target IEC 61850 DPC object. If the control
model is SBO, the IEC 60870-5-104 stack automatically performs the two needed
operations (select and operate) towards the DPC object.
Select-execute operation
A two-step select-and-execute operation is possible only if the target DPC object’s control
model is configured as select-before-operate (SBO). For most target DPC objects, the
default control model setting mode is SBO.
IEC 60870-5-104 selection timeout is defined by the protocol instance’s Selection
Timeout setting parameter. When a command is performed from the IEC 60870-5-104
instance, the selection timeout setting configured for the IEC 61850 DPC target object is
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
measured in these object types. The IT objects' time-tagged change reporting M_IT_TB_1
is optional and triggered by a freeze operation.
3.7 Commissioning
None of the available protocol instances are enabled by default. To take into use any
instance (n), the setting Operation under Application Configuration/Protocols/IEC
60870-5-101/104 (n) must be configured "On".
24 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Vendor-specific implementation
Setting Description
Operation This enables the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol instance to work
on the Ethernet link. This setting should be set to "On".
Client IP The IP address of the IEC 60870-5-104 client for which this in-
stance is intended. Only a TCP connection request from this
client IP address is accepted for this instance. If the IP ad-
dress is set to, any client is accepted. In such a case, it
is possible to distinguish between different clients through dif-
ferent TCP connection port socket configurations for each in-
TCP Port TCP connection port socket used by this instance. The combi-
nation of the Client IP and TCP Port settings defines to which
IEC 60870-5-104 client the instance is given.
Device address Device address of this IEC 60870-5-104 instance. The default
setting of Link address length parameter is "2" octets.
ASDU address Standard “Common address of ASDU”. In most cases, this
value should be the same as Device address. If it is set to an-
other value, it may also have to be configured on the client
side. The default setting of ASDU address length parameter is
"2" octets.
Link mode Defines if the communication link is balanced or unbalanced.
The default setting, balanced, is mostly used by IEC
60870-5-104 links. However, the unbalanced mode can also
be used even though it is more common for serial IEC
60870-5-101 links.
COT length Length (number of octets used) of the Cause Of Transmission
field. The default value is "2". The additional information inclu-
ded in the COT length = 2 alternative is however not suppor-
ted by this IEC 60870-5-104 implementation.
IOA length Information Object Address field length (number of octets
used) definition. This means the object addresses of IEC
60870-5-104 data points. The default setting is "3" octets. In
Communication Management of PCM600, 16-bit addresses
are supported. Consequently, if this setting is changed to "1",
it must be ensured that no point addresses higher than 255
are defined.
Link address length Length (number of octets used) of the Link address field. The
default setting is "2" octets. The length must match the config-
uration throughout the network. This field is filled with the De-
vice address value.
ASDU address length Length (number of objects used) of the “Common address of
ASDU” field. The default setting is "2". This must be equal to
Link address length because Device address and “Common
address of ASDU“ are equal. The length must also match the
configuration throughout the network.
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
Setting Description
TX window (k) Sliding window protocol (k) transmit window setting. This is the
maximum difference between the receive sequence and the
send state variable, that is, the maximum number of outstand-
ing I (information) format APDUs. The default setting is "12".
The value range is 1...20.
RX window (w) Sliding window protocol (w) receive window setting. This is the
maximum distance to the latest acknowledged I-format APDU.
The default setting is "8". The value range is 1-20. The stand-
ard recommends that this setting should not exceed two thirds
of the Tx window (k) setting.
TX timeout (t1) Timeout for confirmation of application or test APDU messag-
es. The default setting is 30 seconds [30000 ms]. Adjustable
between 1 ms and 60 s.
RX timeout (t2) Timeout for acknowledgements in case of no data messages.
The default setting is 10 seconds [10000 ms]. Adjustable be-
tween 1 ms and 60 s. (t2) should be less than (t1).
Test interval (t3) Timeout for sending test APDU frames in case of long idle
state (no line activity). The default setting is 20 seconds
[20000 ms]. Adjustable between 1 ms and 60 s.
26 SSC600
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2NGA000789 Vendor-specific implementation
Setting Description
Map Select Selects one of the protocol data point mappings, 1 or 2, to be
used by this instance. The data point mappings can be cre-
ated using Communication Management in PCM600. Several
IEC 60870-5-104 protocol instances can use the same map-
Show bad time Enabled by default. The relay has an internal, fixed criterion
for tagging change event’s time stamps as “bad”. It means that
the relay has not been time-synchronized for a specific time
period. The “bad” time stamp criterion is based on the accura-
cy demands stated for the native IEC 61850 standard change
events. The IEC 60870-5-104 change events are derived from
these native events. It is possible to discard the “bad time” tag
for IEC 60870-5-104 events.
Time zone The change event time stamps can be reported in either UTC
or local time. The default setting is UTC time. This setting is al-
so relevant when using IEC 60870-5-104 control commands
with time tags. The client-provided time stamp must be given
in this defined time format. The setup of the local time, mean-
ing the relative time adjustment to be made between UTC
(GMT) time and local time, is done elsewhere in the relay.
Overflow mode In case of internal indication event buffer overflow, it is possi-
ble to define whether to keep the oldest or the newest events
in the buffer. The default setting keeps the oldest events and
also adds an overflow event as the last event. It is possible to
omit overflow handling by setting this parameter to "Keep new-
est" and defining OvInd IOA to value "0".
OvInd IOA Single-point object address for the overflow indication. The de-
fault value is address "60000". Value "0" means that no over-
flow indication object exists. When an overflow indication oc-
curs, the client can trigger a GI request.
OvInd NoGI IOA Single-point object address for overflow indications occurring
in objects which are not subject to GI. If overflow from these
objects occurs, a GI request from the client does not reveal
any lost data and thus GI request is unnecessary. It is possi-
ble to make this address equal to the OvInd IOA address, and
thus generate overflow indication for all data object types.
Selection timeout Protocol-dependent timeout between select and execute con-
trol commands. The controllable object also has a timeout set-
ting configured, mainly intended for local control operation.
When the control command is performed remotely from this
protocol, the configured timeout is temporarily overridden by
this setting. The default timeout value is 30 seconds.
Counter reporting Counter objects, that is, integrated totals, can be reported
spontaneously or be read on demand by the client using a
counter interrogation request. This setting enables or disables
the spontaneous counter reporting based on freeze operation.
The freeze operation can be given from the client as a request
or also be triggered externally through the protocol function
block’s physical EC_FRZ control input.
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Vendor-specific implementation 2NGA000789
Setting Description
Freeze Mode Defines if the counter freeze operation should only freeze
(latch) the current counter values or also reset the counters.
The default setting is "Not in use", meaning that the client
should read (interrogate) the counters on demand.
IT_FRZ Control point for counter freeze operation. This control is logi-
cally connected to the function block’s EC_FRZ input. For test
purposes, it is possible to manually trigger a counter freeze
operation and spontaneous transmission with this setting.
Cyclical period Event-generating data objects can alternatively be configured
for cyclical transmission. This data point specific configuration
can be done by Communication Management in PCM600. The
Cyclical period setting defines the periodical reporting time of
these cyclical data objects.
Command delay Defines the maximum delta time (internal delay) allowed for
client control commands with time stamps.
Setting Description
STATUS True if the protocol instance is active
Reset counters Diagnostic counters reset. As defined by the
standard, this does not reset the security diag-
nostic counters (see Table 16).
Received frames Number of received IEC 60870-5-104 protocol
Transmitted frames Number of IEC 60870-5-104 protocol frames
Link errors Number of link layer errors
Physical errors Number of physical layer errors
Transport errors Number of transport layer errors
CnReject no sockets Number of rejected TCP connections due to un-
available sockets
CnReject unregistered Number of rejected TCP connections due to an
unregistered client
28 SSC600
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2NGA000789 IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability
4.1 Overview
This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which
subsets have to be selected to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain
parameter values, such as the number of octets in the COMMON ADDRESS of ASDUs
represent mutually exclusive alternatives. This means that only one value of the defined
parameters is admitted per system. Other parameters, such as the listed set of different
process information in command and in monitor direction allow the specification of the
complete set or subsets, as appropriate for given applications. This Clause summarizes
the parameters of the previous Clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific
application. If a system is composed of equipment stemming from different manufacturers
it is necessary that all partners agree on the selected parameters.
The selected parameters should be marked in the white boxes.
System definition
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Two octets
Frame length
When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2
messages (low priority) with the indicated causes of transmission:
30 SSC600
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2NGA000789 IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability
Three octets
Cause of transmission
(System-specific parameter, mark all used configurations with an “X“.)
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IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability 2NGA000789
<14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TC_1
<18>:= Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1
<34>:= Measured value, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TD_1
<35>:= Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TE_1
<36>:= Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TF_1
<39>:= Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TE_1
Either ASDUs of the set <2>, <4>, <6>, <8>, <10>, <12>, <14>, <16>, <17> or of the set
<30...40> are used.
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IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability 2NGA000789
File transfer
(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID with an “X“ if it is only used in the
standard direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both
<122>:= Call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1
34 SSC600
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2NGA000789 IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability
Activation termination
Background scan
Periodic, cyclic
File transfer
Initialized 20 37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 to to 44 45 46 47
36 41
<1> M_SP_NA_1 X X X
<2> M_SP_TA_1
<3> M_DP_NA_1 X X X
<4> M_DP_TA_1
<5> M_ST_NA_1 X X
<6> M_ST_TA_1
<7> M_BO_NA_1
<8> M_BO_TA_1
<9> M_ME_NA_1
<10> M_ME_TA_1
<11> M_ME_NB_1 X X X X
<12> M_ME_TB_1
<13> M_ME_NC_1 X X X X
<14> M_ME_TC_1
<15> M_IT_NA_1 X
<16> M_IT_TA_1
<17> M_EP_TA_1
<18> M_EP_TB_1
<19> M_EP_TC_1
<20> M_PS_NA_1
<21> M_ME_ND_1
<30> M_SP_TB_1 X X X X
<31> M_DP_TB_1 X X X X
<32> M_ST_TB_1 X X
<33> M_BO_TB_1
SSC600 35
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IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability 2NGA000789
Activation termination
Background scan
Periodic, cyclic
File transfer
Initialized 20 37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 to to 44 45 46 47
36 41
<34> M_ME_TD_1
<35> M_ME_TE_1 X X
<36> M_ME_TF_1 X X
<37> M_IT_TB_1 X X
<38> M_EP_TD_1
<39> M_EP_TE_1
<40> M_EP_TF_1
<45> C_SC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<46> C_DC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<47> C_RC_NA_1
<48> C_SE_NA_1
<49> C_SE_NB_1
<50> C_SE_NC_1
<51> C_BO_NA_1
<58> C_SC_TA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<59> C_DC_TA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<70> M_EI_NA_11
<100> C_IC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<101> C_CI_NA_1 X X X X X X X
<102> C_RD_NA_1 X
<103> C_CS_NA_1 X X X X X X X
<104> C_TS_NA_1
<105> C_RP_NA_1
<106> C_CD_NA_1
<110> P_ME_NA_1
36 SSC600
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Activation termination
Background scan
Periodic, cyclic
File transfer
Initialized 20 37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 to to 44 45 46 47
36 41
<111> P_ME_NB_1
<112> P_ME_NC_1
<113> P_AC_NA_1
<120> F_FR_NA_1
<121> F_SR_NA_1
<122> F_SC_NA_1
<123> F_LS_NA_1
<124> F_AF_NA_1
<125> F_SG_NA_1
<126> F_DR_TA_11
Station initialization
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is used.)
Remote initialization
1 Blank or X only
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Read procedure
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Read procedure
Spontaneous transmission
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Spontaneous transmission
Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1, M_BO_TA_1 and M_BO_TB_1 (if defined for a specific
Measured value, short floating point number M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_TC_1 and M_ME_TF_1
Station interrogation
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
group 5 group 11
38 SSC600
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group 6 group 12
Clock synchronization
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Clock synchronization
Command transmission
(Object-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
No additional definition
Persistent output
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IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability 2NGA000789
Counter read
Counter reset
Parameter loading
(Object-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Threshold value
Smoothing factor
Parameter activation
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Test procedure
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Test procedure
File transfer
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is used.)
File transfer in monitor direction
Transparent file
40 SSC600
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Transparent file
Background scan
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the standard
direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both directions.)
Background scan
SSC600 41
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Glossary 2NGA000789
5 Glossary
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
ASDU Application-layer Service Data Unit
CA Certification Authority
COT Cause Of Transmission
Data object Also known as DO. Part of a logical node object representing
specific information, for example status or measurement. From
an object-oriented point of view, a data object is an instance of
a class data object. DOs are normally used as transaction ob-
jects; that is, they are data structures.
Data set The content basis for reporting and logging containing referen-
ces to the data and data attribute values
DPC Double-Point Control
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
Ethernet A standard for connecting a family of frame-based computer
networking technologies into a LAN
GI General interrogation
HMI Human-Machine Interface
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 60870-5 IEC standard for telecontrol equipment and systems. Part 5
defines transmission protocols.
IEC 60870-5-101 Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks IEC
IEC 60870-5-104 Network access for IEC 60870-5-101
IEC 60870-5-4
IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and mod-
MAC Media Access Control
PCL Product Connectivity Level
SBO Select-Before-Operate
PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager
SPC Single-point status of a controllable object
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
42 SSC600
Communication Protocol Manual
ABB Distribution Solutions
Distribution Automation
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 VAASA, Finland
Phone +358 10 22 11
Fax +358 10 22 41094
DocumentID 2NGA000789