Thermodynamic Project
Thermodynamic Project
Thermodynamic Project
Howard Brenner
Cambridge, MA 02139
Existing experimental data on the thermophoretic velocity of a small, rigid, non-Brownian particle through an
otherwise quiescent gaseous continuum, when re-interpreted as representing the motion of a passive tracer entrained
in a moving fluid, reveals that macroscopic fluid movement (motion) can occur purely diffusively, by the movement
of volume, without a concomitant (convective) movement of mass1,2. This experimental fact negates Euler's 250-
year old generic, mass-based definition3 of the velocity field in fluid continua, undermining thereby the heretofore
seemingly rational foundations4,5 of fluid mechanics and derivative subjects. This, in turn, requires a fundamental
of the basic equations of fluid mechanics6,7 as well as of molecular theories8,9 of transport processes10,11
in fluid continua. This detailed re-fashioning, which is effected elsewhere 1, is based upon recognizing that volume
can be transported purely diffusively12, representing, inter alia, a previously unrecognized mechanism for
momentum and energy transport in fluids.
Let me begin by congratulating the Ohio State
Chemical Engineering Department on the occasion of
its 100th anniversary. I am flattered to have been asked
to participate in the celebratory exercises surrounding
this happy occasion. May the Department continue to
successfully serve the needs of its students, its faculty,
the University, the chemical engineering profession,
and the community of scholars at large.
Like several other invitees on this occasion, I was asked
to emote on the subject of "Unsolved Problems in
Chemical Engineering," specifically in the general area
of Fluid Mechanics. However, having succeeded in
identifying a problem crying out for solution, how is an
indefatigable researcher expected to prevent his mind
from attempting to solve the very problem or problems
that he/she has identified as being unsolved? And woe
to the speaker who actually succeeds in solving these.
For this very action will render him incapable of
presenting his lecture entitled "Unsolved Problems in
Chemical Engineering," leaving him with the
unpleasant alternative of identifying and writing about
yet another unsolved problem, and so on, ad infinitum,
ad nauseum. This is a logical conundrum, one that I
strongly suspect the planners of this lecture series failed
to anticipate. Obviously, they failed to reckon with
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, whereby the mere
act of observing a system alters the state of that system
--- the system here being the "unsolved problem" that
one was asked to identify and discourse upon.
As a consequence of this unanticipated phenomenon,
coupled with my own tenacity and sheer brilliance (not
to mention an obvious lack of modesty), I stand before
you today as a failure, a man unable to honestly present
a talk entitled: "Unsolved Problems in Chemical
Engineering." I will, therefore, instead, present a lecture
entitled: "A Previously Unsolved Problem in Chemical
Engineering," more pretentiously subtitled: "On the
Historical Misconception of Fluid Velocity as Mass
Motion, Rather than Volume Motion." The formal
lecture notes pertaining to this topic follow
subsequently, after the overview of the general topic
given immediately below.
Overview of the Problem
According to all standard works and research
publications on fluid mechanics, the velocity v at a
point of a fluid continuum is governed by the
movement of mass through a hypothetical surface fixed
in space, as witness the first appearance of the symbol
v for velocity in the well-known continuity equation of
fluid mechanics, ∂ρ / ∂t + ∇ • (ρvm) = 0 . On the other
hand, the velocity of a material object is measured
experimentally by tracking its temporal movement
through space. (Anyone who as ever thrown a ball to a
catcher will recognize that this is, indeed, the way to
measure velocity.) Adapting this scheme to the
measurement of fluid velocity, an object (a "tracer") —
which is sufficiently small such as to not disturb the
pre-existing fluid motion into which it is introduced —
can be visually tracked in time so as to the monitor the
undisturbed fluid movement serving to convect the