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A Comparative Study On The Wear Behavior of A Polymer Infiltrated Ceramic Network (PICN) Material and Tooth Enamel

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d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

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A comparative study on the wear behavior of a

polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN)
material and tooth enamel

Zhou Xu a,1 , Ping Yu a,1 , Dwayne D. Arola b,c , Jie Min a , Shanshan Gao a,∗
a State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of
Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington Seattle, WA, USA
c Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School, University of Washington Seattle, WA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective. To investigate the wear mechanisms of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network
Received 22 February 2017 (PICN) material, to compare its wear behavior with that of tooth enamel, and to provide
Received in revised form evidence relevant to its clinical use.
8 August 2017 Methods. The Vickers hardness (HV) and elastic modulus (E) of a commercial PICN material
Accepted 31 August 2017 (ENAMIC) and enamel were measured. Reciprocating wear tests were performed under a
Available online xxx ball-on-flat configuration. Three wear pairs were explored including ENAMIC and enamel
subjected to Si3 N4 ball antagonists and ENAMIC subjected to enamel cusp antagonists. The
Keywords: coefficients of Friction (CoFs) were monitored continuously to 5 × 104 cycles. The wear depth
Polymer infiltrated ceramic network of ENAMIC, enamel specimens and enamel cusps were quantified using white light inter-
material ferometry, and the wear morphologies were examined using scanning electron microscopy
Enamel (SEM) to distinguish the wear mechanisms.
Wear Results. The HV of ENAMIC is similar to tooth enamel but the E is much lower. For both mate-
Damaging mode rials, the CoFs increased sharply in the early stage and then reached plateaus in the later
phase. Throughout the cyclic loading history, ENAMIC exhibited larger wear depths than
enamel. However, the damage evolution in ENAMIC was similar to that of enamel as the
polymer phase was worn preferentially similar to inter-rod enamel, and then the ceramic
phase exfoliated from the wear surface akin to enamel rods. The SEM images showed evi-
dence of few cracks within wear tracks of ENAMIC, in comparison to numerous cracks in
tooth enamel.
Significance. ENAMIC has lower wear resistance than tooth enamel, but it exhibits a wear
damage mode similar to tooth enamel.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Academy of Dental Materials.

Corresponding author. Fax: +86 28 8550 3482.
E-mail address: christina12357@163.com (S. Gao).
These two authors contributed equally to this work.
0109-5641/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Academy of Dental Materials.

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
2 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Tooth wear refers to the loss of hard tissue caused by means 2.1. Specimen preparation
other than dental caries or dental trauma [1]. It is a normal
physiological process occurring throughout life. Accelerated The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of
tooth wear can cause problems, such as dentine hyper- Sichuan University, China, and all teeth were collected with
sensitivity, pulp exposure and even periapical diseases [2]. patients’ consent. Forty tooth specimens and twenty ENAMIC
Lambrechts et al. reported that the wear depth of natural tooth specimens were prepared according to the following proce-
enamel is 15–40 ␮m a year in normal circumstances, and that dures. Twenty unerupted third molars were collected (18–25
this physiological wear is of great importance for the mainte- years old), and preserved for less than three months in dis-
nance of the stomatognathic system’s health [3]. In the early tilled water prior to sample preparation. The crowns were
stage, it can eliminate premature contact and establish a sta- separated from the roots at the cemento-enamel junction
ble and wider occlusal contact; in the middle stage, it can and then cut into sections along the mesial–distal axis with
reduce the height of cusps, to decrease the lateral forces on a diamond-coated band saw under continuous water cooling
the periodontal tissues [4]; in the terminal stage it can coordi- (Struers Minitom; Struers, Copenhagen, Denmark). A commer-
nate the proportion of tooth crown and root, and reduce the cially available PICN material (Vita ENAMIC, Vita Zahnfabrik,
burden of periodontal tissues [5]. Bad Sackingen, Germany) consisting of feldspathic porcelain
In many cases tooth enamel is replaced by ceramics or (86 wt%, 75 vol%) and polymer matrix (14 wt%, 25 vol%) was
composites because of caries, fracture, or external trauma. also used in this study. The ENAMIC material was cut into
The overall tooth wear is then dependent on the behavior cuboid blocks approximately 4 × 4 × 2 mm3 . Next, the forty
of these restorative materials [6]. Previous research has indi- tooth sections and twenty ENAMIC blocks were embedded in
cated that traditional ceramics may induce excessive wear self-curing epoxy resins (Struers, Copenhagen, Denmark) with
of the opposing teeth, leading to high loss of dental hard labial or lingual surfaces of the tooth facing outward. After
tissues, destruction of anatomical morphologies, abnormal solidification, all specimens were ground with silicon carbide
occlusal curves and even temporomandibular joint disorders abrasive papers (Struers, Copenhagen, Denmark) in a decreas-
[7]. In general, composites can not maintain long term sta- ing order of abrasive size (#800, #1200, #2400, and #4000) under
bility because of their poor wear resistance, aging sensitivity continuous water irrigation. The forty tooth specimens were
and microleakage problems [8,9]. This is especially true for ground down to a thickness of 80–110 ␮m from the labial or
patients with bruxism. The clinicians’ primary goals in the lingual enamel surfaces [15]. Then, all of the specimens were
placement of a dental material are to avoid excessive wear of polished sequentially using DiaDuo-2 (Struers, Copenhagen,
natural teeth, and maximize the lifespan of the restoration. To Denmark) of 3 ␮m and OP-S NonDry (Struers, Copenhagen,
achieve this goal, it appears that a new restorative material is Denmark) of 0.04 ␮m on a polishing machine (Struers, Copen-
needed. hagen, Denmark) until a mirror-like surface was achieved.
Recently, a commercial polymer infiltrated ceramic net- Finally, the specimens were ultrasonically cleaned for 10 min
work (PICN) material named ENAMIC was developed to in deionized water (KQ-50B, Shumei, Kunshan, China).
simulate the mechanical behavior of natural tooth struc- Twenty human molars (donors 18–25 years old) were used
ture [10]. In contrast to InCeram Alumina, ENAMIC is to prepare enamel cusp antagonists. Firstly, the crowns were
infiltrated with polymer instead of glass, and the most separated from the roots at the cement–enamel junction and
common monomers are Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate cut into sections along the mesial–distal and buccal–lingual
(TEGDMA) and Urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) [11]. The axis to get mesio-buccal cusps, with a diamond-coated band
ceramic network constitutes a three-dimensional framework saw under continuous water cooling (StruersMinitom; Struers,
of interconnected particles, in comparison to the scattered Copenhagen, Denmark). Then, the enamel cusps were stan-
distribution of isolated particles in traditional dental compos- dardized using a diamond hemispherical and hollow rotary
ite materials. Previous studies have shown that the ENAMIC drill with diameter of 3 mm [16,17], resulting in a hemispheri-
possesses higher elastic modulus and hardness more closely cal area on the tip of the cusps. Finally, the cusps were polished
matching natural tooth structure than current dental com- with an enamel polish bur (Shofu, Enamel adjustment CA Kit
posites [12], and comparable fracture toughness and better dental polishing kit 0307, Japan), and mounted on a steel stylus
damage tolerance than glass ceramics [13]. The mechani- with acrylic resin.
cal performance suggests that ENAMIC can serve as a better
restorative material than glass ceramics and resin compos-
ites. However, the ideal restorative material should not only 2.2. Vickers hardness
have excellent mechanical performance, but also show simi-
lar wear rates to that of tooth enamel [14]. There is presently Vickers Hardness (HV) of the ENAMIC and tooth enamel speci-
no literature comparing wear properties of ENAMIC and tooth mens was measured using a Vickers hardness tester (MVK-H2,
enamel, or a detailed evaluation of the wear mechanism and Akashi, Japan) with a maximum load of 0.5 N for 15 s. Ten
damage evolution process of ENAMIC. Therefore, the primary indentations were made with an interval of 200 ␮m between
aim of this paper was to investigate the wear behavior and indentations on the central area of each specimen. Three spec-
damage modes of ENAMIC, and to compare them with those imens were tested for both the ENAMIC and tooth enamel,
of tooth enamel. respectively.

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx 3

2.3. Elastic modulus

Elastic modulus (E) of tooth enamel and ENAMIC samples was

measured using a TriboIndenter (Hysitron Triboscope, Min-
nesota, USA) with a spherical indenter of 20 ␮m nominal tip
radius [18]. All tests were performed at room temperature in
the load-control mode and with a maximum load of 2 mN.
The loading was performed using a trapezoid function includ-
ing a 5 s linear loading period, a 30 s hold period at the peak
load, and a 5 s unloading period. Thirty indentations were
made with an interval of 50 ␮m between indentations on three
ENAMIC and tooth enamel specimens, respectively.

2.4. Wear testing

Tribological tests were conducted in a commercial wear

machine (Rtec instruments inc., MFT 5000, USA), using a ball-
flat contact mode. Forty Silicon nitride ceramic balls with a
diameter of 6.37 mm [19,20] and twenty standardized enamel Fig. 1 – Micrograph of the ENAMIC microstructure. C
cusps were used as antagonists. A total of twenty enamel spec- represents the ceramic phase (light gray) and P represents
imens and forty ENAMIC specimens were made for the wear the polymer phase (dark gray).
test. Three groups (of n = 20 specimens each) were randomly
designed for the wear tests, including an ENAMIC specimen
– ceramic ball antagonist group (P-C), an enamel specimen –
ceramic ball antagonist group (E–C) and an ENAMIC specimen 2.6. SEM observations
– enamel cusp antagonist group (P–E). The experiments were
performed under artificial saliva lubrication at room tempera- In order to analyze features concerning the progression of
ture. The testing parameters included an imposed load of 20 N, wear and the overall morphology of the two materials under
displacement amplitude of 0.5 mm, a rate of 2 mm/s and a ceramic ball antagonists, a sequential analysis was performed
frequency of 2 Hz. A total of 5 × 104 translation cycles were per- over the 5 × 104 cycles. Specifically, the samples were ultra-
formed and the coefficient of friction (CoF) was continuously sonically cleaned and examined using a scanning electron
calculated by the test system throughout test from the ratio microscope (SEM, INSPECTE, Czech, Republic) after 5 × 102 ,
of the transverse load divided by the applied normal load. In 1 × 103 , 5 × 103 , 1 × 104 and 5 × 104 test cycles.
order to observe the evolution in wear response, five intervals
of analysis were employed over the 5 × 104 cycles, including
after 5 × 102 , 1 × 103 , 5 × 103 , 1 × 104 and 5 × 104 cycles, and 3. Results
each interval was repeated four times.
The wear tracks and enamel antagonists before and after 3.1. Microstructure of ENAMIC
test were scanned using a white light interferometer equipped
with the tribometer. Three-dimensional topographies of wear A representative image of the ENAMIC microstructure is
tracks were reconstructed using the matched software (Gwyd- shown in Fig. 1. The ceramic phase (C) and interstitial sec-
dion 2.30, Department of Nanometrology, Czech Metrology ondary polymer phase (P) appeared to be distributed uniformly
Institute). The vertical loss of antagonists was assessed throughout the ENAMIC. They intercrossed with each other
through the height difference of the same cusp before and closely and no cracks or separation were evident at the inter-
after test. The wear depths were used to calculate the apparent face. The ceramic particles varied in size and shape with
wear rates over the total period of articulation [21]. effective diameter ranging from approximately 3.5 ␮m–10 ␮m,
whereas the infiltrated polymer matrix islands varied in size
from 1 ␮m to 3 ␮m.

2.5. Data analysis 3.2. Mechanical properties

Student’s t-tests were performed to assess differences in HV Table 1 presents the results of HV and E of the ENAMIC and
and E between human tooth enamel and ENAMIC. One-way tooth enamel specimens. The mean hardness of the ENAMIC
ANOVA was conducted to assess differences in the wear was comparable to that of tooth enamel. However, the mean
depths of different intervals in the P–C group, E–C group, P–E elastic modulus was substantially less than that of tooth
group ENAMIC specimen and P–E group enamel antagonist. enamel. Results from the student’s t-test showed there were
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0. A p-value statistical differences (p < 0.05) between ENAMIC and tooth
of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. enamel for both HV and E.

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
4 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

the CoF increased dramatically before 5 × 103 cycles and then

reached a plateau with values for the P–C group and P–E group
of approximately 0.5 and 0.75, respectively.

3.3. Wear behaviors

Results for the wear depth of the ENAMIC and enamel are
shown in Fig. 3. All responses exhibited an increase in wear
depth with increasing number of cycles. When ceramic balls
were used as antagonists, the mean wear depth of the ENAMIC
(P–C group) was larger than that of tooth enamel (E–C group)
in all instants of the wear history. When tooth enamel cusps
were used as antagonists, the mean wear depth of the ENAMIC
specimens (P–E group) was also larger than that of tooth
enamel antagonists (P–E group). However, the mean wear
depth of the ENAMIC (P–C group) and tooth enamel (E–C group)
Fig. 2 – Progression of the coefficients of friction (CoF) with with ceramic ball antagonist was much lower than that of
accumulation of wear cycles for the P–C, E–C, and P–E the ENAMIC specimens and tooth enamel antagonists with
groups. The dotted lines define the division of stage I and enamel cusp antagonists (P–E group).
stage II wear. The wear history of the specimens is shown in Fig. 3.
According to the experimental results for the wear depth,
the wear history could be divided into two stages, namely
The CoF history for the P–C, E–C and P–E groups are pre- a running-in stage and steady-state stage. These two stages
sented in Fig. 2 over the entire wear process. All three groups were differentiated by the dotted lines in Fig. 3A and B, except
exhibited similar trends in the CoF, which could be divided into the E–C group. Overall, the transition from the running-in
two stages. Stage I exhibited a sharp increase in CoF, whereas stage to the steady-state stage occurred at approximately
Stage II transitioned into a plateau. The three groups showed 5 × 103 cycles. As evident in Fig. 3B, the mean wear rate at
different segmentation times and plateau values in Stage II. 5 × 103 cycles was significantly lower than that at 1 × 103
For instance, the CoF of the E–C group reached Stage II rapidly cycles, while no significant difference in wear rate was
with a plateau value of almost 0.45. For the P–C and P–E groups, observed between 5 × 103 and 1 × 104 cycles. Under the con-
ditions of the current study, the running-in stage of P–C group
and P–E group ranged from about 0 to 5 × 103 cycles. During
this period, the wear depth showed a rapid increase result-
Table 1 – Vickers hardness (HV) and elastic modulus (E) ing from high wear rate. When the steady-state stage was
of the ENAMIC and tooth enamel. reached, the wear depth increased relatively slowly, the wear
ENAMIC Enamel rate decreased and got stable gradually. A distinct difference
in response was evident between the E–C group and the other
HV0.5N [GPa] 3.35 ± 0.30 3.70 ± 0.25
E [GPa] 23.54 ± 2.44 90.08 ± 4.15 two groups. The wear rate for the five intervals of the E–C
group showed no statistical differences with each other, and
Note: number of data for each group was 30.
the wear depth increased only marginally.

Fig. 3 – Wear history resulting from articulation including (A) wear depth and (B) wear rate of the P–C group, E–C group,
ENAMIC specimens and enamel antagonists of the P–E group over the total period of evaluation. Dotted lines were added to
divide the running-in stage and the steady-state stage.

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 4 – A comparison of wear tracks for the P–C group and E–C group. Wear tracks on the specimens of the P–C group and
E–C group are shown at (A) 5 × 102 , (B) 5 × 103 , and (C) 5 × 104 cycles, respectively. Shown at each interval are the
reconstructed three-dimensional maps of the wear tracks (sides), as well as the depth profiles obtained near the center of
the wear track.

A comparison of the 3D topography and depth profiles of of wear cycles. The wear tracks exhibited exfoliation of parti-
the wear tracks in ENAMIC and tooth enamel caused by the cles and shallow plough marks at all increments of evaluation.
ceramic ball antagonists is presented in Fig. 4. Three differ- Fig. 5A presents the wear morphology at 5 × 102 cycles and
ent instants of the wear tests are presented, including 5 × 102 , shows exfoliation (red dotted circle) occurred on the super-
5 × 103 , and 5 × 104 cycles in Fig. 4A through C, respectively. ficial surface of ENAMIC. The polymer matrix (blue arrow)
Profiles of the wear tracks were obtained from near the center peeled off from the wear surface, and the interconnected
of the wear tracks and perpendicular to the long axes of the ceramic network (red arrow) protruded from the worn sur-
wear scars. All the wear tracks were oval-shaped, shallow at face. Details of the wear scar after 5 × 103 cycles are shown
the edges and deep in the central region. The wear depths and in Fig. 5B. Part of the superficial protuberant ceramic particles
wear volumes increased with the increase of testing cycles, as fractured from the subjacent ceramic structure and exfoliated
expected. As evident from these comparisons, the wear depths from the wear surface. The ceramic structure (red arrow) was
in the ENAMIC were significantly higher than those in tooth evident discontinuously on the wear surface, and numerous
enamel over the entire period of testing. pores (yellow arrow) were apparent on the worn area. Sparse
Micrographs detailing the morphology of typical wear islands of wear debris (red solid circle) were also occasionally
tracks in ENAMIC are shown in Fig. 5 after different number found covering the middle part and marginal area of the wear

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
6 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5 – Representative SEM micrograph (columns from left at 5000×; 200×; 5000× magnification) of the worn surfaces of
ENAMIC after different periods of testing. A: 5 × 102 cycles; B: 5 × 103 cycles; C: 5 × 104 cycles. The white dotted square
outlines the marginal area of the wear scar and is shown in the left image; the white solid square outlines the middle area
of the wear scar and is shown in the right image. The red dotted circle indicates exfoliation; the red solid circle indicates
wear debris; the blue arrow indicates the peeled-off polymer phase; red arrows highlight the ceramic network; yellow
arrows indicate pores. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

track. The wear surface after 5 × 104 cycles in Fig. 5C shows delamination was not seen on the wear surface, but some
that the wear debris layer has disappeared and a clear wear microcracks (yellow arrow) were noted at both ends of the
surface is exposed. In this figure the polymer matrix appeared wear track. Fig. 6B shows the wear scar after 5 × 103 cycles,
depleted and the ceramic structures (red arrow) were abun- microcracks and macrocracks (yellow arrow) developed in
dant with smooth plane and partially interconnected. A larger the middle and marginal areas of the wear track. The inter-
number of pores were observed (yellow arrow) than that after rod enamel (blue arrow) was worn out preferentially and the
5 × 103 cycles. enamel rods (red arrow) were evident on the wear surface.
Micrographs detailing the morphology of typical wear The wear surface after 5 × 104 cycles is shown in Fig. 6C, and
tracks in the enamel are shown in Fig. 6 after different periods exhibits abundant irregular wear debris layers (red solid circle)
of wear. At all evaluation periods the wear tracks in enamel on both the marginal and middle areas of the wear track.
displayed deep and dense ploughs marks parallel to the slid-
ing direction. In the wear morphology at 5 × 102 cycles (Fig. 6A),

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 6 – Representative SEM micrograph (columns from left at 5000×; 200×; 5000× magnification) of the worn surfaces of
enamel after different periods of wear testing. A: 5 × 102 cycles; B: 5 × 103 cycles; C: 5 × 104 cycles. The white dotted square
outlines the marginal area of the wear scar and is shown in the left image, whereas the white solid square outlines the
middle area of the wear scar and is shown in the right image. The red solid circles indicate wear debris; blue arrows
indicate the worn-out interrod enamel; red arrows indicate enamel rods; yellow arrows indicate cracks. (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4.1. Mechanical properties

4. Discussion
Mechanical properties such as the hardness and elastic modu-
When choosing a restorative material that will experience
lus are very important to the performance of dental materials.
occlusal contact, the wear behavior should be considered
One criterion for assessing the appropriateness of a restora-
because wear is an irreversible and unavoidable process [22].
tive material is that the mechanical properties are compatible
The wear properties of the restoration should enable both the
to those of tooth enamel. For ENAMIC, while its hardness is
restoration and antagonist to achieve a long lifespan when
similar to tooth enamel, its elastic modulus is much lower
subjected to repetitive masticatory force. Studying the wear
than tooth enamel. Although HV and E of ENAMIC are not
behavior of a candidate material and analyzing the wear
in exact agreement with those of enamel, they are between
mechanism can generate the theoretical foundation and help
mechanical properties of glass ceramics and resin compos-
to improve its wear resistance.
ites. For instance, Elsaka reported that Vita Suprinity and IPS
e.max show indentation hardness value of 6.53 ± 0.46 and

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
8 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

5.45 ± 0.28 GPa [23], respectively, which are nearly double that be valuable if the ENAMIC could be designed to mimic this
of the polymer infiltrated material; the elastic modulus of Vita desirable response.
Suprinity and IPS e.max are 70.44 ± 1.97 and 60.61 ± 1.64 GPa Throughout the cyclic loading history, the ENAMIC exhib-
[23], which is approximately three times higher than that of ited larger wear depths than enamel, indicating its poorer
ENAMIC. Another study comparing the mechanical properties wear resistance. Despite this difference, it was interesting to
of resin composite and ENAMIC indicated that the hardness find that ENAMIC showed a similarity in the wear mechanism
and elastic modulus of ENAMIC are approximately double the to enamel. In the wear process of tooth enamel, the interrod
values of Paradigm MZ100 [24]. region is the weaker phase, which is more susceptible to wear
Considering the microstructure of ENAMIC, the infiltra- than enamel rods [28]. When the peripheral interrod enamel
tion of polymer in a pre-sintered glass–ceramics network is was worn to an extent, the enamel rods fractured from the
expected to improve the mechanical properties. Adjusting the below contact surface, and underwent exfoliation, as shown in
proportion of ceramic and polymer is possible. Indeed, the Fig. 6B. The ENAMIC exhibited a similar mode of wear damage
hardness and elastic modulus of ENAMIC can be changed (Fig. 5). The polymer phase in ENAMIC plays a role similar to
via the proportion of the ceramic structure and the polymer the protein-rich interrod region of the enamel, which act as a
phase; the hardness and elastic modulus increase with higher stress buffer for the brittle ceramic phase and enamel rods [29].
content of the ceramic structure [25]. Thus, the elastic mod- During the wear process, the polymer matrix was worn out
ulus of ENAMIC can be increased, to be more consistent with preferentially (Fig. 5A). With further cyclic motion, the protu-
that of enamel, by increasing the content of the ceramic struc- berant ceramic particles fractured from the subjacent ceramic
ture. This may be most relevant to posterior restorations. structure, and then exfoliated from the wear surface.
ENAMIC is manufactured by infiltration of a ceramic net-
4.2. Wear behavior work with a polymer, which is substantially different from
other resin composite materials that are reinforced with a dis-
In analyzing the COF and wear rate history for the P–C and persion of fillers particles. The innovative microstructure of
P–E groups (Fig. 3), it was found that the total wear process ENAMIC results in a damage mode during wear that is very
over 5 × 104 testing cycles could be divided into two stages. different from other composite materials. Although the wear
Based on the trends in data, the period between 0 to 5 × 103 mechanism of other composites were not evaluated in the
cycles was defined as the running-in stage, and the subse- experiment, previous studies have detailed the wear mech-
quent cyclic responses were defined as the steady-state stage. anisms for resin composites [30]. The wear process involves
The mean wear rate in the first stage was high and decreased preferential wear of the polymer matrix, which exposes the
sharply, and the CoF increased dramatically before 5 × 103 fillers and enables their protrusion from the matrix. With ade-
cycles. In contrast, in the second stage, the wear rate was low quate stress and articulation cycles the fillers detach from the
and was relatively stable, and the CoF remained steady beyond matrix without fracture. A schematic representation of the
5 × 103 cycles. At the beginning of the wear test, the point con- damage process for ENAMIC and resin composites caused by
tact between the antagonist and specimen surface resulted in cyclic articulation is shown in Fig. 7A and B, respectively.
a small contact area and a high contact stress. Under such Despite the similarity, there are distinct differences in the
stress conditions, the volume of superficial ENAMIC material wear process between ENAMIC and tooth enamel. The biggest
in the contact zone experienced wear damage and material difference is that cracks were apparent in the enamel wear
loss. Correspondingly, the wear curve showed rapid growth track in the early stage, while very few cracks were iden-
during the running-in period [26]. SEM images of the wear tified on the ENAMIC wear surface. It is well accepted that
facets during this stage revealed rough surfaces with plough friction and wear behavior depend strongly upon chemical
marks (Fig. 5B). The generation of this damage and the sur- compositions, microstructure, and mechanical properties of
face characteristics were responsible for the sharp increase of the material [31]. In regards to the chemical composition,
the CoF before 5 × 103 cycles. As wear progressed, the contact ENAMIC contains 75 vol% ceramic phase and 25 vol% poly-
area increased gradually, which in turn reduced the contact mer matrix, while tooth enamel consists of approximately
stress [27]. Consequently, the wear rate decreased and then a 95 vol% inorganics, with the remainder consisting of organic
transition from the running-in stage to the steady-state stage proteins and water [15]. The higher polymer content of the
occurred. Perhaps the transition is related to the decrease in ENAMIC may lead to a stronger crack growth resistance.
contact stress below a threshold value, which changes the con- Secondly, ENAMIC is composed of dual interpenetrating three-
tributing mechanisms. Thereafter, the wear process reached dimensional intersecting networks. Cracks in the ENAMIC
the steady-state stage, in which the CoF and wear rate reached propagate predominantly through the ceramic network and
plateaus. During this stage, the surface of the ceramic struc- are deflected by the polymer-ceramic interface [29]. That
ture was comparatively smooth (Fig. 5C). The wear history mechanism of crack growth resistance helps to resist localized
of the tooth enamel also contains two stages [28]. However, mechanical degradation induced by compression and fracture
the running-in stage for the tooth enamel (E–C group) is very [32,33]. However, in tooth enamel, cracks primarily propa-
short and is a very small portion of the whole process to gate within the protein-rich rod boundaries [34]. In the inner
5 × 104 cycles, as is evidenced by the sharp increase of CoF enamel, bridging by unbroken ligaments of the tissue and the
before 100 cycle. That observation indicates that under con- organic matrix and decussation of enamel rods can reduce the
tact with a smooth and wear-resistant ceramic antagonist, the local opening mode stress and promote crack closure [35]. In
microstructure of tooth enamel allows it to achieve a plateau the outer enamel with less potent toughening mechanisms,
in wear rate, CoF and surface roughness very quickly. It would the cracks initiate and propagate in tooth enamel more easily,

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx 9

Fig. 7 – Schematic representation of the wear and damage processes in (A) ENAMIC and (B) resin composite. In A: ENAMIC,
C — ceramic phase, P — the polymer matrix. In B: resin composites, F — fillers, M — matrix.

which was evident from the wear tests (Fig. 6A and B). Thirdly, be expected to be responsible for its inferior wear resistance
the infiltration of polymer increases the fracture toughness when compared to tooth enamel. However, relative magni-
of the ENAMIC, and the fracture toughness of ENAMIC is tude of these properties can only explain the rank in wear
reportedly higher than that of enamel [36], suggesting that the results partially, because wear is a complex process of mate-
microstructure of ENAMIC has better resistance to the growth rial removal by physical separation, chemical dissolution, or
of cracks. melting at the contact interface [40]. It can be affected by many
other factors, including the magnitude of contact loads, the
4.3. Correlation between mechanical properties and corresponding stresses, and duration of interaction [41,42], as
wear results well as the lubrication environment [30]. These are relevant to
the wear process.
As previously mentioned, ENAMIC consists of the interwoven Overall, the wear depths in the ENAMIC and tooth enamel
ceramic structure and the polymer phase. This combination under articulation with a ceramic ball antagonist were much
of material phases in ENAMIC is what contributes to the higher than those under contact with an enamel cusp antag-
moderate mechanical properties, and the intermediate wear onist. This is further evidence that the volumetric wear is
resistance between resin composites and glass ceramics [37]. dependent on the testing conditions, but raises an impor-
In light of this material combination, it could be expected that tant issue with respect to laboratory evaluations. Wear testing
the factors affecting the wear resistance of ceramic structure methods that use high strength ceramics as antagonists
and polymer phase would contribute to the wear resistance of instead of enamel would be expected to overestimate the
ENAMIC simultaneously. The hardness and surface roughness wear resistance of the material, since enamel antagonist are
is claimed to have significant contribution to wear of the poly- expected to roughen more than ceramic antagonists [43].
mer phase [38]. The polymer phase shows lower wear depths
with a higher hardness and a lower surface roughness. In addi- 4.4. Clinical implications
tion, the greater abrasiveness of ceramics results in a higher
CoF [39]. Thus, the hardness, surface roughness, and the COF Previous research has shown that ENAMIC has a moderate
are all expected to play important roles to the wear resis- wear resistance, that is between resin composites and glass
tance of ENAMIC, as well. The lower hardness (Table 1), higher ceramics [37]. It will not cause excessive wear of antagonists
CoF (Fig. 1), and rough wear surface of the ENAMIC would like glass ceramics, and it will not quickly wear out as found

Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190
DENTAL-3010; No. of Pages 11
10 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Xu Z, et al. A comparative study on the wear behavior of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material
and tooth enamel. Dent Mater (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2017.08.190

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