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Recovery of Organic Waste Through Composting Process: January 2019

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Recovery of organic waste through composting process

Article · January 2019


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6 authors, including:

Mirela Dincă Mariana Ferdes

Polytechnic University of Bucharest Polytechnic University of Bucharest


Paraschiv G. Nicoleta Ungureanu

Polytechnic University of Bucharest Polytechnic University of Bucharest


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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]

Mirela Nicoleta DINCĂ, 1.Mariana FERDEȘ, 1.Gigel PARASCHIV, 1.Nicoleta UNGUREANU,
Bianca ZĂBAVĂ, 1.Mariana IONESCU, 1.Georgiana MOICEANU


University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering, ROMANIA

Abstract: Waste treatment involves all chemical, physical and biological processes that have the role of modifying certain
characteristics of the waste in order to reduce their volume and hazardousness, thus facilitating their recovery. Among the available
technologies, composting is presented as one of the most promising options for recycling the organic fraction into a valuable
organic fertilizer called compost. In the present paper are presented the main composting methods, namely: passive composting
in piles, turned windrow composting, passive aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in – vessel composting.
Keywords: waste treatment, composting methods, aerobic fermentation, organic waste

INTRODUCTION substances (humic and fulvic acids), due to their efficiency in

Today, the most urgent environmental problem is global improving soil fertility and stimulating plant growth (Fornes et
warming, the main challenge in the waste management al.. 2012; Zhao et al. 2016). During the first phase of the process,
sector being waste avoidance. Solid waste management, the simple organic carbon compounds are easily mineralised
especially the organic fraction, has become one of the major and metabolised by the microorganisms, producing CO2, NH3,
challenges of the 21st century from an economic, social and H2O, organic acids and heat. The optimum temperature range
environmental protection point of view (Fernandez et al.. for composting is 40–65°C but temperatures above 55°C are
2016). Organic waste, such as agricultural and forestry required to kill pathogenic microorganisms. The temperature
residues and municipal solid waste, has become a major issue variation during composting plays an important role in the
in both developed and developing countries (Rashad et al.. development of microbial communities. During the various
2010). Waste treatment involves all the chemical, physical and stages of the biodegradation phase, the organic compounds
biological processes which have the role to modify certain are decomposed into CO2 and NH3 with O2 consumption
features of the wastes in order to reduce their volume and (Bernal et al.. 2009). In Figure 1, it can be seen the temperature
hazardous character, thus facilitating their recovery curve during the composting process.
(Căpățână & Simonescu. 2006). According to Eurostat statistics,
at the level of EU member states, 15% of the municipal wastes
generated by one person in 2013 were treated by
composting (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat).
Among the methods of biological waste treatment,
composting is the simplest and most efficient technology for
treating the organic fraction. Composting can be defined as
an aerobic process of biochemical decomposition of organic
matter resulting in a stable product without pathogenic Figure 1 – The temperature curve during the composting process
germs that can be used in agriculture (Haug. 1993; Zhang & (Bachert et al.. 2008)
A – degradation; B – transformation; C – maturation
Sun. 2014). The substrate used in the composting process
The pH level of the raw materials used in composting pile is
consists of different sources of organic waste, such as:
also very important. The optimum pH range for microbial
biodegradable waste collected from dwellings and
activity is between 6.5 and 8.0 (Graves et al.. 2010). Water is
households (kitchen waste, garden waste - cut grass, leaves,
another important parameter for the survival of composting
tree bark, debris from trimming trees and hedges, animal
micro-organisms. The moisture content of the compost pile
manure). residues from the processing of vegetables and
fluctuates during the composting as water is lost in
fruits, residues from meat and fish processing, biodegradable
evaporation process. If the substrate subject to composting is
municipal waste (sludge from wastewater treatment plants,
too dry, sprinkling with water must also be ensured during
newspapers, cardboard), waste from wood processing
the decomposition process (Paraschiv et al.. 2017, Graves et al..
(sawdust, wood chips) and residues from agricultural crops
(Francou et al..2005).
Aeration is another key factor in the composting technology.
Transformation of organic matter during the composting
A correct aeration controls the temperature, eliminates
consists of two complex processes, namely: degradation and
excess humidity and CO2 and provides the O2 required for
humification. Over time, special attention has been given to
biological processes. Optimal O2 concentration is between 15
the humification process, especially the formation of humic
- 20% (Bernal et al.. 2009).

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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]

Maturation phase of substrate is the most important method ranges from 3 to 9 weeks (depending on the
operation in the composting technique. The process is taking composted material), after that the maturation phase begins
place in several phases and is decisively influenced by the (Figure 3) (http://esrd. alberta.ca/waste/composting-at-home,
composition, homogeneity and humidity of the organic http://www.swrcb.ca.gov).
substrate used and by the amount of air used in the
decomposition process. The start-up phase of the maturing
phase is the production of raw compost, the purpose of the
operation being on the one hand ventilation and on the other
hand the mixing of the raw materials at different stages of
decomposition. In this phase, fresh compost is in a state of
advanced decomposition, being semi mature. The mature
compost is obtained after all organic components have been
transformed into soil and humus aggregates, appearing in
the form of black, loose and fine soil Figure 3 - Turned windrow composting (Bachert et al.. 2008)
(http://www.icpa.ro/documente). Passive aerated windrows does not require turning, the
Properly storing the finished compost product is the final step aeration being accomplished by passive air movement
of the composting process. The finished compost should be through the perforated pipes placed in the porous layer (peat
stored in a manner that prevents dust or odours from moss, straw or matured compost) at the base of the pile
developing and prevents contamination of the product from (Figure 4). The porous layer can have a height of 15-20 cm and
weeds, leachate or other contaminants a width of 3 m. The main feature of this porous layer is to allow
(http://www.compost.org). a uniform distribution of air in the pipes, but also to insulate
This paper was aimed to present the main composting the pile, which will ensure the optimum temperature during
methods used for organic waste treatment, namely: passive substrate degradation. The top layer (aprox. 15 cm) consists
composting in piles, turned windrow composting, passive of peat moss or matured compost, which has the role of
aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in – vessel retaining moisture and unpleasant odors released during the
composting. decomposition process (Graves et al.. 2010;
MATERIAL AND METHOD http://esrd.alberta.ca/waste/composting-at-home).
Composting methods differ in duration of decomposition,
the potential for stability and maturity, depending on the
type of substrate used (Mengistu et al.. 2017). The main five
methods of composting developed for use in large-scale are
passive composting piles, turned windrow composting,
passive aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in-vessel
Passive composting pile is the simplest form of composting Figure 4 - Passive aerated windrow (Graves et al.. 2010)
and does not require special equipment, being used in 1 – perforated pipe; 2 – base layer (compost. peat moss or straw base);
principle for composting the leaves. The compost pile should 3 – coating layer (compost or peat moss)
be periodically turned for determining the porosity of the Aerated static pile is one of the most used methods for
substrate. Aeration is done by passive air movement through composting and can last from 3 to 6 months, depending on
the compost pile (Figure 2). This method requires that the pile the substrate used (Figure 5). The main difference between
be small enough to allow the passive air movement, passive aerated windrow and aerated static pile is that the
otherwise the anaerobic zones will form (Graves et al.. 2010). aerated static pile uses blowers that either suction air from the
pile or blow air into the pile using positive pressure (Stentiford.

Figure 2 - Passive composting in pile (Graves et al.. 2010)

Turned windrow composting involves arranging the substrate
in long and narrow furrows. The width of the compost pile is
established depending on the size of the machine used to
turn the organic material. The time required to finish the Figure 5 - Aerated static pile (Graves et al.. 2010;
active phase of composting process using the windrow http://compostingtechnology.com)

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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]

At the base of the composting pile there are located for periodic turning. In the case of rotating drum, the
perforated pipes for aeration connected to blowers that composting time is reduced to 2 – 3 weeks. These two
introduce or suck air from the composted substrate. The systems require less work than windrows because they use an
pipes are covered with a porous material made of wood chips automated turning process or a self-turning mechanism
or straw to allow a uniform air distribution in the pile. The final (Graves et al.. 2010).
coating layer (15 cm) of the compost pile is often made of CONCLUSIONS
mature compost or sawdust to absorb unpleasant odors and Composting cannot be considered a new technology, but
moisture (Graves et al.. 2010; amongst the waste management methods it is gaining
http://compostingtechnology.com/). In this case, the interest as a suitable option for organic waste with economic
composting pile is not turned. The dimensions of such a and environmental benefits. This process reduces the risk of
compost pile are: height between 1.5 and 2.5 m, the width of spreading pathogens and weed seeds and the final product,
3 – 5 m, while the length of the pile is limited by the air called compost, can be used to improve soil quality and
distribution in the pipes, but it should not be more than 21 - fertility.
27 m. Note
In – vessel composting involves the closure of organic waste in This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
a container. Composting process can be done in bins (Figure 2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical
6) provided with aeration systems similar to those of aerated Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
static piles or in bins without aeration systems to which it is Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
necessary the regular turning of the substrate in order to National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and
maintain the aerobic conditions (Graves et al.. 2010). Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
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