47LLB17 Parth Yaduvedu
47LLB17 Parth Yaduvedu
47LLB17 Parth Yaduvedu
Date of
Title of the Research Project: Read ‘Dr. B.R. Time of Submission:
Ambedkar’ and compare the text with other
biographical writings on lawyers
Topic-Group Number:____Q_____
Project-topic number: ____111____
2 Introduction 4-6
3 Methodology 7
6 Conclusions 23
7 References 24
First I would like to thank Professor Dr. Prasannanshu for giving me this opportunity to do
the project on such a wonderful topic, Biography on Dr. B.R Ambedkar . I cannot complete
this project without his guidance and for all valuable inputs he has given me during the
project consultation. Doing this project I came to know about the struggle faced by Dr
Ambedkar in getting the education which really touched my heart. . I would also like to thank
my parents and sister for motivating me to do this project. I would also like to thank my
seniors for guiding me with tips on how to research for this topic.
“Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic got sick,
medicine must be administered”
-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, also known as Baba Saheb was one of the eminent lawyer in
India. Dr Ambedkar was the first person who raised the voice against social discrimination
against Untouchables and helped them to raise their social status in society by struggle for
their rights which were not given to them. Dr Ambedkar was the chairman of Drafting
Committee and also he was the first Law Minister of Independent India, that’s why he is also
known as founding father of Constitution of India. We always remember Dr Ambedkar as a
protector of Dalits but beside this we forgot that he was the only person who propose Hindu
Code Bill in Constitutional Assembly for equal rights of women and when his bill was not
accepted in assembly, he resigned from his post. In every statute of Dr Ambedkar we saw his
pointing finger, this indicate towards the Parliament of India. Dr Ambedkar called Parliament
of India a ‘Temple of Indian Democracy’, his statue states that people should make their way
into the parliament and struggle to uplift their community and nation. Dr Ambedkar not only
wanted to uplift untouchable but also had a vision of caste free society which helped to uplift
whole nation. He was totally different from gandhian thinking, Mahatma Gandhi wanted to
help depressed classes, but all the struggle was done only by Ambedkar and the conflict
between Gandhi and Ambedkar on Poona pact was signified that there was difference in the
ideology between Ambedkar and Gandhi. Dr. Ambedkar too firmly trusted that majority rule
type of government surmised a democratic based type of society. The formal system of
popular government was of no esteem and would to be sure be an oddball it there were no
social majority rules system. He said that the lawmakers never understood that vote based
system was not a type of government: it was basically a type of society. He contended that
there were two imperative things which should have been disguised keeping in mind the end
goal to make majority rule government to be fruitful.1
Dwivedi, H.S., and Ratan Sinha. “Dr. Ambedkar: The Pioneer of Social Democracy.” The Indian Journal
of Political Science, vol. 66, no. 3, 2005, pp. 661–666. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/41856156.
Journal of Political Science 50, no. 3 (1989): 307-20. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41855436.
enlisted in the Columbia University in New York City to examine Economics. He finished
his Master's degree in June 1915 after effectively finishing his thesis titled 'Ancient Indian
In 1916, he enlisted in the London School of Economics and began dealing with his doctoral
postulation titled "The problem of the rupee: Its origin and its solution". With the assistance
of the previous Bombay Governor Lord Sydenham, Ambedkar turned into a professor of
political economy at the Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in Bombay.
Keeping in mind the end goal to proceed with his further examinations, he went to England in
1920 at his own cost. There he was gotten the D.Sc by the London University. Ambedkar
additionally spent a couple of months at the University of Bonn, Germany, to study
Economics. He got his PhD degree in Economics in 1927. On 8 June, 1927, he was granted a
Doctorate by the University of Columbia.4
Dr Ambedkar, His Life and Work by M.L Shahare
Dr Ambedkar’s Struggle For Education by Dhananjay Keer
the untouchable classes in the Provisional lawmaking bodies, inside the general electorate.
These classes were later assigned as Scheduled Classes and Scheduled Tribes.
The researcher has utilized the strategy for doctrinal research which suggests the gathering
and investigation of information from optional research materials, for example, books,
articles, and so forth. The research did not depend on experimental strategy for look into
which incorporates reviewing, accumulation of essential information through polls, and so
The project was begun by first perusing through the web to get a general thought of the
subject. Wikipedia was a decent help while making sense of the essential substance of the
point. This aided in getting more data about how Dr Ambedkar's life is not the same as other
lawyers. Likewise, his part as an understudy and his commitment in composing the
Constitution of India.
The observation table that I have made comprises of portions specifically from the books
which I've picked. That has been mentioned as the objective fact. In the comment section, my
investigation of the selections has been filled in. At last the keywords are those which are
critical and characterize my remarks in single word or expression.
1 Dr Ambedkar’s His heroic effort to Dr Ambedkar was born Struggle for
Struggle For gain education can be in lower caste family, Dr Education
Education by source of inspiration of Ambedkar had done lot
Dhananjay Keer any student. The of struggle than any
circumstances under other lawyer to gain
which Dr Ambedkar education because at
studied in a that time there was huge
discrimination loaded social discrimination in
environment with his Indian society.
limited means, and
propelled just by his
zeal for empowering
himself by means of
knowledge are touched
was not only to be a
good lawyer but was to
fight with a system to
uplift his poor backward
5 Dr Ambedkar’s The small room was It was a time when Dr Struggle for
Struggle For full of domestic Ambedkar went to Education
Education by articles and utensils. It Bombay in high school,
Dhananjay Keer was smoky and he used to lived in very
crowded. Firewood underprivileged area
was stored above head where there was no
and also in corner of chance to study. There
room. The room were many people who
served as a kitchen, a lived in the room of
parlour, a study-all in Ambedkar and the place
one! was very noisy and
smoky, it was very
difficult to study in such
an atmosphere, then also
he studied hard and
completed his high
6 Dr Ambedkar, For the first time Bhim The moment Dr Ideology
His Life and Rao had the Ambedkar got proper
Work by M.L opportunity to move, environment to study
Shahare think and act freely and think properly
without the stigma of without any social
untouchability. His stigma then his ideology
inborn intelligence and start developing. In one
deep insight at last of his letter written to a
found the proper friend of his father, he
atmosphere for growth advocated the cause of
and development. women’s education. He
emphasised that the
education of young
women was as important
as that of young men, if
goal of social progress
was to be achieved.
7 Dr Ambedkar, Bhim Rao applied Dr Ambedkar had the Struggle for
His Life and himself with a single responsibility to send a Education
Work by M.L minded devotion to his part of his stipend to
Shahare studies. He did not maintain his family. To
waste his time in this he cut down even
involving the activities his food. For his M.A
which were normal for course he took up such a
other students of his difficult and diverse
age subject as pol sci,
economics, sociology
and studied for as many
as 18 hours a day.
8 Dr Ambedkar, In 1919, the Maharaja After returning to India Ideology
His Life and helped Ambedkar to Dr Abmedkar started to
Work by M.L start a fortnightly spread his ideologies
Shahare paper. The paper first and the events of
came out on January atrocities against
31, 1920 under the untouchables in
name of Mook Nayak. common people.
Although Ambedkar
was not its official
editor, this paper
became his mouthpiece.
He made full use of it to
expose, with his brilliant
logic, the irrationality
and injustice inherent in
the caste system.
9 Dr Ambedkar, The Hitkarni Sabha The programme Struggle for
His Life and launched a purposeful launched by Ambedkar Rights
Work by M.L programme in keeping wholly for untouchables
Shahare with its aim and object who were not able to
in order to arouse the afford the rent of house
untouchables and and the fee for their
make them conscious studies. He do not want
of their rights. them to face the same
troubles which he faced
during his education.
The Sabha arranged or
hostel accommodation
for high school student
who belong to the
family of untouchable.
All the expenses of
borders of the hostel
were met by the Sabha.
10 Dr Ambedkar, In 1926, some The prosecution was led Dr Ambedkar as
His Life and Brahmins of Pune had by L.B Bhopatkar, an a Lawyer
Work by M.L filled a suit against eminent lawyer of Pune
Shahare three non Brahmins and the defence by Dr
leaders, charging them Ambedkar. In his
with defamation. argument Dr Ambedkar
ably and eloquently
defended his client and
won the case. This was
major event in the life of
Dr Ambedkar, since it
established his
reputation as a lawyer
beyond any doubts.
11 Dr Ambedkar, Although the upper At that time the Social
His Life and caste Hindu did not condition of Indian Discrimination
Work by M.L mind the Muslim and society was worsen
Shahare Christians taking water against the untouchables
form tank, they did not they even do not allow
allow the untouchables to drink water from
who belonged to the public tank, against this
Hindu religion and the peaceful march was
worshipped the same an important event in
Gods and Goddesses the history of the
as the upper cast untouchables of our
Hindus, to do so. country. It was the first
occasion when they had
stood up for their rights
in such large numbers.
Dr Ambedkar was the
first to take water from
the tank and drink it,
followed by the entire
12 Dr Ambedkar, Realising the need to The ideologies and the Ideology
His Life and have a proper forum views of Dr Ambedkar
Work by M.L for expressing his were not properly
Shahare views, Dr Ambedkar reached to the people
started his fortnightly because of lack of
Marathi Paper communication facilities
Bahishkrit Bharat. so he decided to
launched a paper for
expressing his ideas and
views about the societies
and aware untouchables
to get know their rights.
13 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar said: To this argument Ideology
His Life and Some men say that Ambedkar said, the aim
Work by M.L they should be of abolition of
Shahare satisfied with the untouchability alone
abolition of without trying to abolish
untouchability only, the inequalities inherent
leaving the sate system in the caste system is a
alone. rather low. If disease is
not rightly diagnosed,
the remedy will be
useless and the cure may
be delayed.
14 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar had Dr Ambedkar and Ambedkar and
His Life and openly admitted that Mahatma Gandhi were Gandhi
Work by M.L he had no doubt at all not have any conflicts
Shahare about Gandhiji’s between them but their
sincerity in making way of solving the
efforts to remove the problem was different.
stigma of Both of them were men
untouchability from of deep convictions, and
the Hindu society. sincerity of purpose.
Two great people can
have genuine difference
with each other.
15 Dr Ambedkar, The British Premier To save the life of Ambedkar and
His Life and had declared his award Gandhiji, it was Gandhi
Work by M.L on the communal issue necessary to modify the
Shahare in India. It was award. A meeting was
condemned by all the arranged between Dr
political leaders and Ambedkar and Gandhiji.
the press. Gandhiji had After that Dr Ambedkar
gone on a fast unto finally agreed to the
death on the issue of granting of 148 seats to
separate electorates for the depressed classes,
the depressed classes. the pact was signed
between them wich was
also known as Poona
16 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar rallied Dr Ambedkar emerges Great Leader
His Life and his friends and as a great leader of
Work by M.L lieutenants and untouchables he
Shahare founded a new founded a new political
political party called party which aimed at
‘Independent Labour meeting all the
Party’ in August 1936. immediate needs and
voice the grievances of
the landless, poor
tenants, agriculturists
and industrial workers.
It also aimed for proper
village sanitation and
17 Dr Ambedkar, During the course of When campaign was Great Leader
His Life and his hectic election started by Dr Ambedkar
Work by M.L campaign, he extended many leaders of other
Shahare the support of his party parties joined him
to some enlightened because of his great
candidates of other dedication and ideology,
parties like Shri L.B. Shri Kelkar issued a
Bhopatkar, the leader special appeal to the
of the Democratic voters of Bombay to
Swaraj Party vote for Dr Ambedkar
whom he called the
‘Uncrowned King of
depressed classes’ and a
person who had attained
the highest academic
qualification, sincerity
of purpose and endless
Work by M.L opportunity of untouchables but all
Shahare continuing his those people who are
campaign for the needy, poor and tortured
upliftment not only of by high class. He
the depressed classes introduced a Bill to
but also of the abolish the Khoti system
agricultural labourers of land tenure in the
who were virtually Konkan area of the
held in bondage. Presidency. Dr
Ambedkar was the first
Indian who introduce a
Bill for the abolition of
the serfdom of
agricultural tenants,
which had been
perpetuated for the past
several centuries.
19 Dr Ambedkar, The 50th birthday of Dr On that occasion many Great Leader
His Life and Ambedkar was great leaders give tribute
Work by M.L celebrated on April 14, to Dr Ambedkar for his
Shahare 1942 and a big public honesty, sincerity of
meeting was held at purpose, intellect and
Poona at which devotion. Dr Jayakar
glowing tributes were said that he realised how
paid to Dr Ambedkar. a man from a depressed
class had been able to
raise a community as a
whole which had been
oppressed by Hindus for
thousands of years.
Apart from his services
to his own community,
he proved himself to be
a true patriot of this
20 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar started Dr Ambedkar started Eminent
His Life and Siddharth College on many organisations and Educationalist
Work by M.L June 20, 1946 under a college to provide
Shahare the auspices of the education to those who
People’s Education don’t have access for it.
Society founded by The main aim of these
him. was the advancement of
the educational interests
of the lower middle
classes, specially those
belonging to the
Scheduled Castes. He
named his college
Siddharth because he
wanted that teachers and
student in this institution
should follow Buddha’s
21 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar used to Dr Ambedkar’s Eminent
His Life and visit these institutions addresses were full of Educationalist
Work by M.L quite often, and information and used to
Shahare address the staff and narrate his own
students. During his experience as a student.
visit, he always stayed According to him a
in a small room of person should be always
college building student in his life
instead of going to a because it helps to
hotel. maintain a discipline in
the life of person. Also
he was simple person,
he always used to stay at
small room instead of
hotel. His opinion was
‘why spend money
unnecessarily? What I
need is just Bhaji
22 Dr Ambedkar, This community had Author is talking about Struggle for
His Life and no tradition the college students in Education
Work by M.L whatsoever of learning Dr Ambedkar’s college
Shahare even at school level. who were very poor and
Utter poverty and helpless, most of them
social handicaps were received scholarship
the two main hurdles although not sufficient
in the way of their for board and lodging
education. and they had to manage
with hardly one meal a
day. They did not have
enough text books. They
had to depend on class
notes and meagre library
facilities. Nevertheless,
they had strong will,
determination and
courage to complete
their higher education.
23 Dr Ambedkar, The draft Constitution There were seven The Constitution
His Life and was completed at the members of Drafting
Work by M.L end of February1948. Committee, but due to
Shahare The draft Constitution some reasons all the
which was finally burden of drafting the
accepted and passed constitution fell on Dr
by the Constitution Ambedkar and he
Assembly has several achieved this task in a
unique features. manner which is
commendable. It has
many unique features.
Firstly, it is one of the
very few written
constitutions in the
whole world. Secondly,
it combines the requisite
degree of flexibility as
well as rigidity. Till
today the Constitution
of India drafted by Dr
Ambedkar, has stood the
test of time.
24 Dr Ambedkar, The draft Constitution Dr Ambedkar during Ideology
His Life and underwent three addressing his speech in
Work by M.L readings by the the parliament talked
Shahare Constituent Assembly. about his ideologies and
Dr Ambedkar rights which were
delivered a 40 minute contented by him in the
speech in which he constitution. He warned
made an impassioned the Indian people about
appeal to the people of the contradictions in the
independent India to constitution and in their
defend their freedom social and economic
with the last drop of life. He said: “In
their blood. politics, we shall have
equality, and in social
and economic life we
will have inequality.”
25 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar’s When we talked about Eminent
His Life and authority in law, social the most intellectual Educationalist
Work by M.L and economic persons in Indian history
Shahare conditions of our then we should never
country, history, forget the name of Dr
anthropology, Ambedkar, he was one
constitution of the of the most educated
world jurisprudence person during his era.
was immense help. All the members of
assembly expressed
their appreciation of the
excellent and
monumental work done
by him and showered
praise on him for
successfully framing the
Constitution of free and
independent India.
26 Dr Ambedkar’s It is reasonable to The atmosphere of the Social
Struggle For suppose that Dr school in which Dr Discrimination
Education by Ambedkar have Ambedkar was studied
Dhananjay Keer studied in the High was quite bad, the
school without children used to treat
enduring humiliations. him very badly. One day
But although it was a when teacher called
govt institution, the Bhim to come to board
atmosphere in the and solve the problem
school was not free then children of his class
from casteism. used to keep their tiffin
boxes behind the black
board. Since they feared
that their food would be
polluted by Bhim’s
presence near the board.
27 Dr Ambedkar’s The repercussion of Dr Ambedkar was one Eminent
Struggle For these events were seen of the most Intellectual Educationalist
Education by on Ambedkar’s person of his era he, his
Dhananjay Keer patriotic mind later idea reached to the
when he wrote his people when he wrote
famous historic thesis, his historic thesis. The
The Evolution of patriot in Ambedkar
Provincial Finance in describes in it how the
British India. British Government
restored to repressive
measures during this
period and indicts the
British administration in
India. He tells us that
the Indian Press Act of
1910 put a complete
muzzle on the press.
28 Dr Ambedkar’s The climax of Dr Ambedkar was Social
Struggle For humiliation was humiliated at every field Discrimination
Education by reached when one day of his life whether it was
Dhananjay Keer a party of Parsees a school, houses, colony
armed with lathis and etc, one day when
called on Ambedkar some people asked him
and asked him who he who are you he said: I
was. am Hindu and in return
they reply ‘you are not
Hindu, you are the
despicable untouchable
we know’. No Hindu, no
Muslim would give him
shelter in the city.
29 Dr Ambedkar’s At first the student in When Dr Ambedkar join Eminent
Struggle For Sydenham College did College as a Professor, Educationalist
Education by not take him seriously. everyone thought that
Dhananjay Keer What could an what this man will teach
Untouchable teach the us. They knew not what
caste Hindu students happened when a man
and other from stood before them with
advanced societies? sincerity and serious
study behind him. The
young professor with his
fine dress, his profound
studies, his serious
glowing eyes became
well known in the circle
of students of economics
and as a result student
from other colleges also
attend his classes with
special permission.
30 Dr Ambedkar’s To save both money The conditions and Struggle for
Struggle For and time Dr Ambedkar circumstances in which Education
Education by would go to the Dr Ambedkar was
Dhananjay Keer Museum without a studied was very harsh
lunch. and poor, his landlady
offered very little
breakfast to him.
Cramming this stinted
little stuff, Ambedkar
ran to the Museum in
early morning and was
almost the first man to
enter it. Without food he
studied from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. daily, he being the
last man to leave the
Museum every day, with
his pocket bulging with
notes, his face pale, tired
and slimy.
31 Dr Ambedkar’s Dr Ambedkar now Dr Ambedkar’s aim of Dr Ambedkar as
Struggle For decided to practise law life was to uplift a Lawyer
Education by which would provide untouchable, so he
Dhananjay Keer him opportunities, chosen law as a
means and leisure to profession because at
devote himself to aim that time there was no
of his, the uplift of the lawyer available to fight
Untouchables. for the rights of poor
Untouchables no lawyer
was ready to take their
case therefor they
always loose the case
against them. The thorns
of untouchability, the
colour of his skin, the
inexperience legal mind
and the unhelpful
surroundings in the
courts turned his path
into an uphill task. But
he was not disappointed.
Excellence in pursuit, he
knew, is achieved by
laborious application.
32 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar had Dr Ambedkar thought The Great
His Life and been since 1935 that it was necessary to Conversion
Work by M.L contemplating a change the religion of
Shahare change of religion for untouchable because
himself and his practically they were
followers. However, discriminated at every
he wanted to be moment and event their
careful in choosing the entry get once again
new religion. restricted in temples, so
he decided to change his
religion but at other side
he also thought that, the
religion should change
in such a way so that it
was not greatly effected
to his followers, so he
finally decided that he
would get converted to
Buddhism in October,
33 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar told the Dr Ambedkar chosen his The Great
His Life and news correspondents religion as Buddhism Conversion
Work by M.L that he would strictly because it was a religion
Shahare follow the original born on the Indian soil
principles of and had become in
Buddhism as laid course of time, an
down by Lord Buddha. integral part of the
Indian or a Bhartiya
culture. He also
expressed the fervent
hope that in the next 10
or 15 years, India would
become a Buddhist
34 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Babasahib Dr Ambedkar was one Great Leader
His Life and Ambedkar was truly a of the most cheerful
Work by M.L man faceted personality in Indian
Shahare personality. Besides history. His indomitable
being a high discipline spirit enabled him to
person, mainly acquire some of the
because of his highest academic
upbringing, he was a degrees from illustrious
man who was not centres of learning in
daunted by the England, the U.S.A and
innumerable Germany. Yet, in spite
humiliation and insult. of having spent several
years in the West, Dr
Ambedkar remained
firmly anchored to his
mooring as an Indian.
35 Dr Ambedkar, Being essentially a Dr Ambedkar was fully Great Leader
His Life and rebel at heart and also conscious of the
Work by M.L by conviction, Dr attainment which he had
Shahare Ambedkar never acquired after so much
minced his words sacrifice and this was,
either in his speech or perhaps, the reason he
his writings. was meticulous both in
thought and action,
absolutely upright, and
had an utter disdain for
hypocracy and
sycophancy and never
considered himself to be
inferior to any other
person. It were these
trait of character, which
often made him a great
36 Dr Ambedkar, In several others, he Like Pandit Nehru, Dr Ambedkar and
His Life and strangely resembled Babasahib Ambedkar Nehru
Work by M.L Pandit Jawaharlal was essentially a lonely
Shahare Nehru who was at time man. And like him he
equally impatient and did not have enough
hurry to build up his time to attend to his
country. immediate family. Since
both these great and
noble sons of the
country passed away
from this world several
years ago, it was mere
speculation to envision
the shape of things if
circumstance had not
forced them to part
ways. In fact each of
them ploughed a lonely
37 Dr Ambedkar, Another aspect of his Dr Ambedkar always Great Leader
His Life and personality is his full wanted to saw his
Work by M.L commitment and country united and
Shahare devotion to remove the social. He had himself
stigma of experienced humiliation
untouchability from and insult all his life.
the Indian society That is why he reject so
many attractive offers
and continued his
struggle for winning
human, social and
political rights for
downtrodden people. Dr
Ambedkar had declared
that the uplift of the
untouchable was the
uplift of the nation.
38 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar’s Dr Ambedkar did not Great Leader
His Life and writings and speeches belive in false beliefs,
Work by M.L show that he was a superstitions, ritual or
Shahare rationalist to the core. observances. By nature
Nothing would satisfy as well as by training, he
him if it did not appeal hated to be vague and
to logic and reason. imprecise. That was
why though many of us
may wince at or feel
hurt by some of his
arguments or statement,
we could reject them
unless we deliberately
chose to be blind to
39 Dr Ambedkar, It is to be observed Dr Ambedkar was Ideology
His Life and that in any act, social patriotic to the core and
Work by M.L or political, he saw to wanted India to become
Shahare it that he never acted a prosperous country.
against the interest of He said that Mr Gandhi
the nation. Nation’s and Mr Jinnah – I
interest was always at dislike them – I do not
his heart hate them, it is because I
love India more. That is
the true faith of
nationalist. He further
said we have to be
determined to defend
our independence with
the last drop of our
40 Dr Ambedkar, Dr Ambedkar was not Dr Ambedkar was very Ideology
His Life and a hero worshipper. He much conscious of the
Work by M.L did not allow his evils of hero worship
Shahare followers to do it. and the havoc it had
caused in our country
down the centuries. The
reason according to him
was that “Over regard
for leaders sap self-
confidence of the
masses, leaving them
helpless when left
leaderless in the hour of
trial or when led by
unscrupulous leader.”
2. Social Discrimination 5
4. Ideology 7
5. Ambedkar As A Lawyer 2
7. Great Leader 8
8. Eminent Educationalist 5
In the graph and frequency table, we have taken only a few of the keywords which have come
across the above observations repeatedly. These are Struggle for rights, Struggle For
Education, Social Discrimination, Ideology, Ambedkar as a Lawyer, Ambedkar and Gandhi,
The Great Leader, Eminent Educationalist, Great Conversation, Ambedkar and Nehru and
The Constitution. What we have come know here is that Dr. Ambedkar was very motivating
personality, every student should learn from him how to tackle the situations in every
difficult moments of life and the role Dr. Ambedkar has played in designing the Constitution
of India was remarkable. There have been misuses of power by the people towards depressed
classes of the society that was at several points of time criticized by him and he struggled for
those depressed classes to uplift their social status. Also, he was a person ready to face
challenges as he had seen so many struggles in his life, the struggle he faced in getting the
education and uplift the untouchables was admirable.
The project on ‘biography of Dr B.R Ambedkar’ was a lovely and admirable experience as
researcher got to know about the struggle of Dr Abmedkar in the cruel society which refused
to accept upliftment of untouchables. The books Dr Ambedkar, His Life and Work by M.L
Shahare and Dr Ambedkar’s Struggle For Education by Dhananjay Keer were very helpful in
determining the life of Dr Ambedkar as a student and as a lawyer, also it were very helpful in
determining how Dr Ambedkar was different from other lawyers and great leaders. By
reading these books researcher also get to know about the crucial role of Dr Ambedkar in
writing the Constitution of India. He was constantly vigorous warrior in each push to elevate
untouchables and women in the general public, he was a first man who present Hindu Code
Bill in the parliament through which women get every one of the rights as men. He was
extraordinary a crusader. He made a campaign against fundamentalism, traditionalism and
stubbornness. He needed to make Indian governmental issues free from preservationist and
customary powers.
After reading these books researcher also get to know about how the thoughts of Dr
Ambedkar were different from other leaders of the India. Gandhi did not consider
untouchables to be people naturally introduced to a specific group; rather as to some degree
careless individuals from a current Hindu people group; Hinduism he saw as their "normal"
religion; their undertaking was to change it; they ought not abandon it. Ambedkar conversely
put the individual and his/her improvement at the focal point of his vision, and trusted this
advancement was incomprehensible without another, genuine religion. The encounter was
unavoidable.5 Also, many conflicts arise between Dr Ambedkar and Nehru on the issue of
Hindu Code Bill, Ambedkar wanted to pass this bill but Nehru and many other members were
not in support of that, so Ambedkar resigned from his post.
After reading these books and proper research on my project topic it is firmly felt that if any
student wouldn't examine totally the work and accomplishments of Ambedkar, history of
modem India will be inadequate. It is demonstrated that Ambedkar did yeoman benefit for
the advancement of Indian culture through his enthusiastic battling strategies. So
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar stayed in history as indefatigable warrior for ever.
Singh, Aakash. “Gandhi and Ambedkar: Irreconcilable Differences?” International Journal of Hindu
Studies, vol. 18, no. 3, 2014, pp. 413–449,