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NetSim User Manual

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NetSim User Manual


1 NetSim – Introduction .................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Introduction to modeling and simulation of networks ................................................. 7
1.2 Versions of NetSim – Academic, Standard & Pro ..................................................... 7
1.3 Components (Technology Libraries) in Pro and Std versions.................................... 9

2 Getting Started in NetSim .......................................................................................... 11

2.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................ 11
NetSim Client (installs locally): ................................................................. 11
License Server (for running HostID/ Dongle locked floating licenses, not
applicable for node locked licenses): ................................................................... 11
2.2 Installing NetSim..................................................................................................... 11
Silent installation ...................................................................................... 21
2.3 Setting up License Server ....................................................................................... 22
Installing NetSim RLM Dongle Driver Software (Dongle Based Delivery) . 22
Running NetSim License Server .............................................................. 25
Running NetSim Software ........................................................................ 26
Menus in the NetSim Home Screen ......................................................... 26
Creating “New” Simulations...................................................................... 31
2.4 Modeling and Simulation of a simple network ......................................................... 33
Creating a Network scenario .................................................................... 34
Configuring devices and links in the scenario ........................................... 36
Display settings ........................................................................................ 37
Copy/Paste .............................................................................................. 38
Modeling Traffic ....................................................................................... 39
Logging Packet/ Event Trace ................................................................... 41
Run Simulation......................................................................................... 41
NetSim Interactive Simulation .................................................................. 42
2.5 Saving & Opening experiments and Printing results ............................................... 52
Opening Saved Experiments: Open Network – All Networks.................... 52
Saving an Experiment .............................................................................. 52
2.6 NetSim Keyboard Shortcuts.................................................................................... 53

3 Workspaces and Experiments ................................................................................... 54

Ver 11.1 1
3.1 What is an Experiment and what is a workspace in NetSim? .................................. 54
3.2 How does a user create and save an experiment in workspace? ............................ 55
3.3 Should each user have a workspace? .................................................................... 57
3.4 How does a user export an experiment?................................................................. 57
3.5 How does a user delete an Experiment in a workspace? ........................................ 58
3.6 How does a user create a new workspace?............................................................ 58
3.7 How does a user switch between workspaces? ...................................................... 61
3.8 How does a user export a workspace? ................................................................... 62
3.9 How does a user import a workspace? ................................................................... 65
3.10 How does a user import an experiment?............................................................... 67
3.11 How does a user delete a workspace? ................................................................. 68
3.12 How does a user open and modify source codes? ................................................ 69
3.13 Can I use NetSim's default code for my experiments? .......................................... 70

4 Simulating different networks in NetSim .................................................................. 71

4.1 Internetworks .......................................................................................................... 71
Internetworks Examples ........................................................................... 72
Internetwork Documentation .................................................................... 72
4.2 Legacy Networks .................................................................................................... 73
Legacy Networks Examples ..................................................................... 73
Legacy Network Documentation............................................................... 73
4.3 Cellular Networks ................................................................................................... 74
Cellular Networks Examples .................................................................... 74
Cellular Networks Documentation ............................................................ 74
4.4 MANETs ................................................................................................................. 75
MANET Examples .................................................................................... 75
MANET Documentation ........................................................................... 75
4.5 Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) .......................................................................... 76
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Examples ........................................... 76
WSN Library Documentation .................................................................... 76
4.6 Internet of Things.................................................................................................... 77
Internet of Things (IOT) Examples ........................................................... 77
IOT Library Documentation ...................................................................... 77
4.7 Software Defined Networks (SDN).......................................................................... 78
Software Defined Networks (SDN) Examples........................................... 78
SDN Library Documentation ..................................................................... 78

Ver 11.1 2
4.8 Cognitive Radio ...................................................................................................... 79
Cognitive Radio Examples ....................................................................... 79
Cognitive Radio Library Documentation ................................................... 79
4.9 LTE......................................................................................................................... 80
LTE Examples.......................................................................................... 80
LTE Library Documentation...................................................................... 80
4.10 VANETs................................................................................................................ 81
VANET Examples .................................................................................... 81
VANET Library Documentation ................................................................ 81
4.11 Military Radio (TDMA/DTDMA) ............................................................................. 82
Military Radio Examples ........................................................................... 82
Military Radio (TDMA/DTDMA) Library Documentation ............................ 82

5 Traffic generator (Application models) ..................................................................... 83

5.1 Common properties for all the traffic types .............................................................. 84
5.2 Application Types ................................................................................................... 85
5.3 Generation Rate for Different Applications .............................................................. 93
5.4 Priority and QoS of Applications ............................................................................. 95
5.5 Modelling Poisson arrivals in NetSim ...................................................................... 95

6 Running Simulation via CLI ....................................................................................... 98

6.1 Running NetSim via CLI ......................................................................................... 98
6.2 Understanding the Configuration.netsim file ......................................................... 103
How to use Visual Studio to edit the Configuration file? ......................... 103
Sections of Configuration file .................................................................. 105
Sample Configuration file ....................................................................... 106
Configuration.xsd file.............................................................................. 106

7 Results and Analysis ............................................................................................... 107

7.1 Result Window...................................................................................................... 107
7.2 Export to .csv ........................................................................................................ 118
7.3 Print ...................................................................................................................... 119
7.4 Packet Animation.................................................................................................. 120
Example on how to use NetSim packet animation feature: ..................... 121
7.5 Packet Trace ........................................................................................................ 124
How to set filters to NetSim trace file ...................................................... 124
Observing packet flow in the Network through packet trace file .............. 126

Ver 11.1 3
Analysing Packet Trace using Pivot Tables ............................................ 127
7.6 Event Trace (only in Standard/Pro Version) .......................................................... 141
NetSim Network Stack and Discrete Event Simulation working .............. 141
Calculation of Delay, Jitter and Application throughput from event trace 145
7.7 Packet Capture & analysis using Wireshark ......................................................... 156
Enabling Wireshark Capture in a node for packet capture ...................... 156
Viewing captured packets ...................................................................... 157
Filtering captured packets ...................................................................... 158
Analyzing packets in Wireshark.............................................................. 158
Window Scaling ..................................................................................... 160

8 Writing Custom Code in NetSim .............................................................................. 163

8.1 Writing your own code .......................................................................................... 163
Modifying code ....................................................................................... 163
Building Dlls ........................................................................................... 164
Running Simulation ................................................................................ 166
Source Code Dependencies .................................................................. 167
8.2 Implementing your code - Examples ..................................................................... 168
Hello World Program .............................................................................. 168
Introducing Node Failure in MANET ....................................................... 169
8.3 Debugging your code............................................................................................ 171
Via GUI .................................................................................................. 171
Via CLI ................................................................................................... 179
Co-relating with Event Trace .................................................................. 181
Viewing & Accessing variables ............................................................... 184
Print to console window in NetSim ......................................................... 191
8.4 Creating a new packet and adding a new event in NetSim ................................... 192
8.5 NetSim API’s ........................................................................................................ 198

9 Advanced Features .................................................................................................. 201

9.1 Random number Generator and Seed Values ...................................................... 201
9.2 Interfacing MATLAB with NetSim (Std/Pro versions) ............................................ 202
Implement Rician Distribution of MATLAB in NetSim without using .m file
Debug and understand communication between NetSim and MATLAB . 211
Implement Rician Distribution of MATLAB in NetSim using .m file: ......... 216

Ver 11.1 4
Plot a histogram in MATLAB per a Rician distribution (using .m file) ...... 217
9.3 Interfacing tail with NetSim ................................................................................... 221
9.4 Adding Custom Performance Metrics ................................................................... 226
9.5 Adding Custom Plots ............................................................................................ 229
9.6 Environment Variables in NetSim ......................................................................... 232

10 NetSim Emulator....................................................................................................... 234

10.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 234
Simulating and Analyzing Emulation Examples ...................................... 234

11 Troubleshooting in NetSim ...................................................................................... 235

11.1 CLI mode ............................................................................................................ 235
11.2 I/O warning displayed in CLI mode ..................................................................... 235
Connection refused at server<-111> error displayed: ............................. 235
Unable to load license config dll(126): .................................................... 236
“Error in getting License” error in CLI mode:........................................... 236
Unable to load license config dll displayed: ............................................ 237
11.3 Configuration.netsim ........................................................................................... 238
Invalid attribute in configuration file attributes: ........................................ 238
Error in tags in configuration file attributes: ............................................ 238
Error lines in configuration.xsd in the Configuration file: ......................... 239
11.4 Simulation terminates and “NetSim Backend has stopped working” displayed: ... 240
11.5 Monitor screen resolution is less than 1024X768: ............................................... 240
11.6 Licensing ............................................................................................................ 241
No License for product (-1) error ............................................................ 241
11.7 Troubleshooting VANET simulations that interface with SUMO .......................... 241
Guide for Sumo ...................................................................................... 241
Guide for Python .................................................................................... 241
VANET Simulation ................................................................................. 243
Python.................................................................................................... 243
NetSim Core Protocol Library ................................................................. 243

12 Known Issues in NetSim v11.1 ................................................................................ 244

13 NetSim Videos .......................................................................................................... 244

14 R&D projects in NetSim ........................................................................................... 244

Ver 11.1 5
15 NetSim FAQ/Knowledgebase................................................................................... 244

Ver 11.1 6
1 NetSim – Introduction

1.1 Introduction to modeling and simulation of networks

A network simulator enables users to virtually create a network comprising of devices, links,
applications etc, and study the behavior and performance of the Network.

Some example applications of network simulators are

 Protocol performance analysis

 Application modeling and analysis
 Network design and planning
 Research and development of new networking technologies
 Test and verification

The typical steps followed when simulating any network are:

 Building the model – Create a network with devices, links, applications etc
 Running the simulation - Run the discrete event simulation (DES) and log different
performance metrics
 Visualizing the simulation - Use the packet animator to view the flow of packets
 Analyzing the results - Examine output performance metrics such as throughput,
delay, loss etc. at multiple levels - network, link, queue, application etc.
 Developing your own protocol / algorithm - Extend existing algorithms by
modifying the simulator’s source C code

1.2 Versions of NetSim – Academic, Standard & Pro

NetSim is used by people from different areas such as academics, industry and defense to
design, simulate, analyze and verify the performance of different networks.

NetSim comes in three versions- Academic, Standard and Pro. The academic version is
used for lab experimentation and teaching. The standard version is used for R & D at
educations institutions while NetSim Pro version addresses the needs of defense and industry.
The standard and pro versions are available as components in NetSim v11 from which users
can choose and assemble. The academic version is available as a single product and includes
all the technologies shown below. A comparison of the features in the three versions are
tabulated below:

Ver 11.1 7
Features Academic Standard Pro
Technology Coverage
Internetworks Y Y Y
Legacy & CellularNetworks Y Y Y
Mobile Adhoc networks Y Y Y
Software Defined Networks Y Y Y
Wireless Sensor Networks Y Y Y
Internet of Things Y Y Y
Cognitive Radio Networks Y Y Y
LTE/LTE-A Networks Y Y Y
Performance Reporting Y Y Y
Performance metrics available for Network and
Packet Animator Y Y Y
Used to animate the packet flow in network
Packet Trace Y Y Y
Available in tab ordered .txt format for easy post
Event Trace N Y Y
Available in tab ordered .txt format for easy post
Protocol Library Source Codes with N Y Y
Protocol C source codes and appropriate header
files with extensive documentation
External Interfacing N
Interfacing with SUMO
Wireshark Y
Integrated debugging N Y Y
Users can write their own code, link their code to
NetSim and debug using Visual Studio
Plots Y Y Y
Allows users to plot the value of a parameter over
simulation time
Simulation Scale 100 Nodes 500 Nodes ~ 10,000

Custom Coding and Modeling Support N N Y

Emulator (Add on) N Y Y
Connect to real hardware running live application
Military Radio (Add On) N N Y
Target Users and Segment Educational Educational Commercial
(Lab (Research) (Industrial
Experimenta and
tion) Defense)

Ver 11.1 8
1.3 Components (Technology Libraries) in Pro and Std versions
In NetSim v11, users can choose and assemble components (Technology libraries) for Pro
and Standard version. The components are as follows:

Component No Networks / Protocols
Ethernet - Fast & Gigabit, ARP, Routing - RIP, OSPF,
WLAN - 802.11 a / b / g /p / n / ac & e,
Propagation models - HATA Urban / Suburban,
COST 231 HATA urban / Suburban, Indoor Home /
Office / Factory, Friis Free Space, Log Distance.
Shadowing - Constant, Lognormal. Fading - Rayleigh,
IEEE 802.3
IPv4, Firewalls, Queuing - Round Robin, FIFO,
Priority, WFQ,
IEEE 802.11
TCP, - Old Tahoe, Tahoe, Reno, New Reno, BIC,
Component 1 a/b/g/n/ac/p/e
CUBIC, Window Scaling, SACK
(Base. Required
for all
Common Modules
Traffic Generator: Voice, Video, FTP, Database,
HTTP, Email, P2P, Custom,
RFCs 2453, 2328,
Virtual Network Stack,
826, 793, 2001 and
Simulation Kernel,
Command Line Interface
Command Line Interpreter
Metrics Engine with packet and event trace
Plot Generator
Packet Animator,
Packet Encryption
External Interfaces: MATLAB, Wireshark
Legacy & Cellular Networks
Aloha – (Pure & Slotted)
Component 2 IS-95 A/B, IxRTT, 1x-
EV-Do, 3xRTT
Advanced Routing
Multicast Routing - IGMP, PIM, Access Control Lists, IETF RFC’s 1771 &
Component 3
Detailed Layer 3 switch mode, Virtual LAN (VLAN), 3121
Public IP, Network Address Translation (NAT)
Mobile Adhoc Networks IETF RFC 4728, 3561,
Component 4 MANET - DSR, AODV, OLSR, ZRP 3626
Multiple MANETs IEEE 802.16d

Component 5 Software Defined Network (SDN) Open Flow v1.3

Component 6 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC,

Internet of things (IOT) with RPL protocol
(Component 4 MANET in L3
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
required) RFC 6550
Cognitive Radio Networks
Component 7 WRAN IEEE 802.22

Long-Term Evolution Networks: LTE, LTE -

Component 8 Advanced, LTE Device to Device (LTE D2D), LTE 3GPP
Femto Cell, LTE VANET
Component 9 VANETs: IEEE 1609 WAVE, Basic Safety Message
(Component 4 (BSM) protocol per J2735 DSRC, Interface with IEEE 1609
required) SUMO for road traffic simulation

Ver 11.1 9
Military Radio (Only in PRO Version)
Military Radio TDMA Link 16, Dynamic TDMA, Frequencies – HF,
Add on (Pro VHF, UHF Bands, ----
version only) Frequency Hopping

Network Network Emulator

Emulator Connect real hardware running live applications to ----
Add On NetSim Simulator

Ver 11.1 10
2 Getting Started in NetSim

2.1 System Requirements

NetSim Client (installs locally):

 Hardware: i3 equivalent or above, 4 GB RAM (minimum)

 Monitor resolution: Min - 1024*768, Max - 1920*1028. Optional Scale and layout
setting: 100%
 Operating system: Win 7 (SP1 or higher), Win 8 or Win 10
 Software: MS Office, Adobe Reader
 Development Tools: Visual Studio
o NetSimv8 / v8.1 / v8.3 / v9 / v9.1: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (or higher),
Community edition (or higher for writing and debugging custom code
o NetSim v10/ v11: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (or higher), Community edition
(or higher) is required for writing and debugging custom code

License Server (for running HostID/ Dongle locked floating licenses, not
applicable for node locked licenses):

Any one system will have to be made as the license server, and it is to this PC that the license
is locked, either via its MAC ID or via a dongle. The dongle is a USB device which controls the
licensing. The system (hardware / OS) requirements is same as that applicable for NetSim
clients. USB Port is required for connecting and running the dongle. Client systems should be
able to communicate with license server through the network.

2.2 Installing NetSim

Install the 32-bit or 64-bit build of NetSim depending on your PC platform.

Ver 11.1 11
Based on the NetSim version under installation the version type being displayed in the
following windows will change. For example, you will see NetSim Standard for a standard
version install. Click on Yes button to install the software.

Setup prepares the installation wizard and software installation begins with a Welcome

Ver 11.1 12
Click on the Next button. In the next screen, License agreement will be displayed.

Read the agreement carefully, scroll down to read the complete license agreement. Click “I
Agree” button else quit the setup by clicking Cancel button.

If you agree with the license agreement, you will be prompted to select the components to be
installed. The list of components is available for selection and assembly only in the Standard
and Pro version. Other versions of NetSim are available as a single package.

Click on the Next button.

Ver 11.1 13
Note: Select all the supporting applications for complete installation of the software. In the
next screen, you will be requested to enter the installation path. Select the path in which the
software needs to be installed and click on Next button.

On the next screen, you will be requested to enter the Start menu folder name.

Click on the Install button to start the installation. The installation process begins.

Ver 11.1 14
After the installation of required NetSim files, the installation of third party tools begin.

For NetSim Standard Version and Pro Version, Wireshark installation will start by default (if
not deselected during 3rd party software selection). Click on Next to start Wireshark
installation. In the following window, click on I Agree.

Ver 11.1 15
Select all the components and click on Next.

Click on Next to go to Install Location window as shown below.

Ver 11.1 16
Specify the destination and click on Next.

Select Install WinPcap and click on Next.

Ver 11.1 17
Select Install USBPcap and click on Install. After the installation of the software, you will be
requested to click Next and then Finish to complete the installation process.

Select I agree and click on Install to continue installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Once
installation is completed, a message box will appear and then click on close.

Ver 11.1 18
To start Python software installation, select the checkbox of "Add python 3.7 to PATH", then
select Install Now and the Installation begins.

Click on Close once setup was successful.

To install Pywin32, Click on Next

Ver 11.1 19
Select the Python directory and Click on Next.

Click on Next and the installation Pywin32 begins.

Click on Finish. This completes the Installation of python software

Ver 11.1 20
Select “Run NetSim” and then click on the Finish button.This completes the installation of
NetSim Software.

Note: During the installation of NetSim Academic version the supporting software installed is WinPcap.

Silent installation

Steps for silent installation in NetSim are as follows:

For example, let us take the NetSim Standard 64 bit setup. Right click on NetSim Standard
64bit setup-> go to properties and copy the location

Ver 11.1 21
Open command prompt and paste the copied location as shown below:->cd <setup

Then, press enter.

Run Execute Command with the following parameters,

NetSim_Standard_11_1_11_HW_64bit.exe/S /silent=1

><setup location><space>/S<space>/silent=1

I. silent=1: will install NetSim and third party tools silently

II. /S : will Install NetSim itself Silently

Then press enter.

Users can click on “Yes” as shown below to begin installation of NetSim Standard.

NOTE: Complete installation of NetSim may take upto 2 to 3 minutes.

2.3 Setting up License Server

Installing NetSim RLM Dongle Driver Software (Dongle Based Delivery)

This section guides you to install the RLMDongle Driver software from the CD-ROM.

Insert the CD-ROM disc in the CD drive.

Double click on My Computer and access the CD Drive
Double click on Driver_Software folder.
Double click on HASPUserSetup.exe

Each prompt displayed during the process tells you what it is about to do and prompts to either
continue or Exit.

Ver 11.1 22
Setup prepares the installation wizard and the software installation begins with a Welcome
Screen.Click on the Next button

Note: Any other program running during the installation of the Dongle will affect the proper
installation of the software.

In the next screen, the License agreement is displayed.Read the license agreement carefully,
scroll down to read the complete license agreement. If the requirement of the license
agreement is accepted select the “I accept” button else quit the setup by clicking Cancel

Ver 11.1 23
Click on the Next button

The installation process begins.

After the installation of the software, you will be requested to click Finish button to complete
the installation process. Now the RLM driver software is installed successfully.

If the driver has been successfully installed then upon connecting the Dongle in the USB port
red light would glow (Refer picture below). If the driver is not correctly installed this light will
not glow when the dongle is connected to the USB port.

Ver 11.1 24
Running NetSim License Server

 Copy the NetSim License Server folder and paste it on Desktop. Check that it has
the license file. If not copy the paste the license file into the License server folder
 Double click on NetSim License Server folder from Desktop.
 Double click on rlm.exe
 For hardware dongle-based users: After the Driver Software installation, connect the
RLM dongle to the system USB port. Double click on My Computer and access the
CD Drive. This CD contents will have the NetSim License server folder.

Note: For running NetSim, rlm.exe must be running in the server (license server) system and
the server system IP address must be entered correctly. Without running rlm.exe, NetSim
won’t run. When you run rlm.exe, the screen will appear as shown below.

Ver 11.1 25
Running NetSim Software

After running rlm.exe, click the NetSim icon in the Desktop.The screen given below will be
obtained. Enter the Server IP address where the rlm.exe is running and click OK.

Menus in the NetSim Home Screen

You see the NetSim Home Screen when you run NetSim software for the first time, after
checking out a license from the NetSim License Server.

See the following image for an example of the NetSim Home screen.

Ver 11.1 26


7 6 5 8

You see the following items on the NetSim Home screen:

1. New Simulation: Use this menu to simulate different types of networks in NetSim. You
can simulate the following the types of networks: Internetworks, Legacy Networks,
Mobile Adhoc networks (Single MANET and Multiple MANETs), Cellular Networks,
Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Cognitive Radio Networks, LTE/LTE-A
Networks (LTE/LTE-A, LTE femtocell, LTE D2D, LTE Vanet) and VANETs.

2. Open Simulation: Use this menu to load saved configuration files from the current
workspace. You can view, modify or re-run existing simulations. Along with this users
can also export the saved files from the current workspace to their preferred location
on their PC’s.

3. Examples: Use this menu to perform simulations of different kinds categorized

technology-wise. Users can choose any network which they want to work and further
go down by using a double click on it or by a click on the arrow pointer which will take
you to the next level. By a click on any simulation file will open a pre-existing simulation
file which users can run and analyze the results. Users can click on the book icon
present in the right hand side of each network which opens the corresponding pdf files.

Ver 11.1 27
This helps the users with all information about the current simulation as well as the
entire network technology.

Similarly on the other side, users can find experiments section which has various
experiments covering all the technologies in NetSim. Users can choose their
experiment by either a double click on it or by a click on the pointer arrow which will
take you the samples. Click on the sample to open the particular experiment in NetSim.
All the settings to carry out a particular experiment are already done. Users can click
on the book icon present in the right hand side of each experiment. This will open the
corresponding pdf file for the experiment which consists of detailed description of that
particular experiment.

4. License Settings: Use this menu to perform the following. Click on License Settings
provides users with three sub-menus related to License information.

License Server Information: Use this menu to view details about the NetSim License
Server that is hosted locally to check the licenses you need to run NetSim.

See the following image for an example of what the NetSim Home screen displays, if
you click the License Server Information menu item.

Ver 11.1 28
You will see the following details on the NetSim Home screen, if you click the License
Server Info menu item: the type of platform on which NetSim is running, the version of
RLM, the Dongle RLM ID, the IP address of the NetSim License Server, and the path
to the license files in the server hosting NetSim License Server.

End User License Agreement: Use this menu to view the end user license
agreement. You will see the following details on NetSim Home screen, if you click the
End User License Agreement menu item: Grant of License and Use of the Services,
License Restrictions, License Duration, Upgrade and Support Service etc.

Configure Installed Components/Libraries: Use this menu to allow NetSim

users to simulate only specific types of networks (by the licenses and libraries
associated with the types of networks). You control access to types of networks by
selecting libraries for specific types of networks that NetSim License Server checks
out when NetSim users start NetSim.

NetSim Home screen displays libraries for components for which you have
purchased licenses.

Note: You can select or clear libraries and control access to NetSim users, only if you
are using floating licenses.

Ver 11.1 29
See the following image for an example of what the NetSim Home screen
displays, if you click the Configure Installed Components/Libraries menu item.

Use the License Settings menu as follows:

 Select the checkboxes for the component libraries (types of networks) that
NetSim users must be allowed to simulate.
 Clear the checkboxes for the component libraries (types of networks) that
NetSim users must not be allowed to simulate.

The Internetwork component is greyed out. You cannot clear the Internetworks
component because Internetworks is a base component that is required for all the
other components to work.

5. Documentation: Use this section to open the following NetSim help documents:
These include the User Manual which consists of complete description about all the
features in NetSim and how it can be used by the end users, the Technology Libraries
which provides users with an access to a detailed description of various Network
Technologies present in NetSim through individual pdf files, and NetSim Source code
help which comes along with Standard and Pro Versions of NetSim, allows users to
gain a better understanding of the underlying code structure for in-depth analysis.

6. Learn: Use this section to learn more about the software which includes the following:
Videos section can be used to view TETCOS videos on the TETCOS channel on

Ver 11.1 30
YouTube. This channel helps users by providing frequent updates on what’s new in
NetSim, topics related to various network technologies covering different versions of
NetSim, and monthly webinars. The Experiments Manual section grants you access
to a well-designed experiments manual covering various networking concepts which
helps users to easily understand different networks and also gain ideas to carry out
their own experimentations in NetSim.

7. Support: Use this section to reach TETCOS helpdesk. Contact Technical Support
link can be used to raise a trouble ticket, you can also write to us via Email to
support@tetcos.com, and Answers/FAQ link grants you access to our Knowledge
Base which contains answers to all your questions most of the time. Users can utilize
the wealth of information present in it, which are further classified into the following:
FAQs, Technologies/Protocols, Modelling/UI/Results, and Writing your own code in

8. Contact Us: Use this section to contact us and know more information about our
product. You can write to us via Email to sales@tetcos.com or contact us via Phone
to our official number +91 76760 54321.

9. Website: Use this link www.tetcos.com to visit our website which consists of vast
information which will assist you during all walks of NetSim.

Creating “New” Simulations

The Simulation window loads up once user selects the desired network technology from the
New Menu.

To create a Network scenario

Ver 11.1 31
Click on New Simulation and select the desired kind of network to simulate


To save experiment, select File  Save, then specify the Experiment Name, Description
(Optional) and click Save. The short cut for the same is Ctrl + S.

Save as

To save a previously saved experiment in a different location without overwriting the existing
copy, Save As option can be used. The short cut for the same is Shift + Ctrl + S


The settings menu provides user’s access to the simulation environment settings.

Ver 11.1 32
Environment Settings:

The Environment Settings window is used to switch between Grid View and Map View
backgrounds in supported network technologies. For Grid view, users can configure the Grid
environment length in meters whereas for Map view users can configure the latitude and
longitude respectively.


This menu contains link to NetSim Youtube Videos and NetSim Experiment manual.


This menu contains link to NetSim user Manual, Technology Libraries and NetSim Source
code Help.

2.4 Modeling and Simulation of a simple network

This section will demonstrate how to create a basic network scenario and analyze in NetSim.
Let us consider Internetworks. To create a new scenario, go to New Simulation

Ver 11.1 33
Creating a Network scenario

In this example, a network with two subnets is designed. Let us say the subnet 1 consists of
two wired nodes connected via a Switch and the other subnet consists of one wired node. Both
the subnets are connected using a Router. Traffic in the Network flows from a wired node in
subnet 1 to the wired node in subnet 2.

Perform the following steps to create this network design.

Step 1: Drop the devices. Click on Node icon and select  Wired Node

Ver 11.1 34
Click on the environment (the grid) where you want the Wired Node to be placed. In this way,
place two more wired nodes. Similarly, to place a Switch and a Router, click on the respective
device and click on the environment at the desired location.

Note: The (x, y) position of any device on the grid is given by top left corner of the icon and not the center
of the icon.

Step 2: Connecting devices on the environment. : With respect to establishing connection

between devices, and in order to connect two devices, you will have to select the link and then
left click on one device, free the mouse button, then click on the second device and free the
mouse button. The wired links may disappear if you right click anywhere in the Environment.
Clicking and dragging without freeing the mouse pointer would displace the device in the

Ver 11.1 35
For example, select link and the click on Switch followed by router to connect them. In this
manner, continue to link all devices.

Configuring devices and links in the scenario

Step 1: To configure any device, right click on the device and select properties

User can set values according to their requirement. Modify the properties of any device and
click on Ok. In this example default values are accepted.

Ver 11.1 36
Step 2: To configure the links, right click on any Link and select Properties.

In above scenario, default values are accepted.

Display settings

In NetSim, users can Turn-On or Turn-Off display information such as IP Address of the
devices, Link speed etc. For doing this click on Display settings as shown below

Ver 11.1 37

In NetSim simple copy paste can be used. Using this feature users can copy all the properties
of a device and create a new device with similar properties.

Working of Copy/ Paste with example

Right click on the device, click on copy on the device that users need to use it to drop similar

In this example we have considered a Wired Node for which the Device Name and Device
Icon is modified. Right click on the device and select Copy.

Ver 11.1 38
Right click on the grid environment on the appropriate position that you need to drop the device
click on Paste. A new device with similar properties will be added to the grid at the specific
location as shown below:

Remove in the device options, is used to delete the device from the grid environment. Given
below is an example of removing the device User_Device_4 which was previously pasted.

Modeling Traffic

After the network is configured, user needs to model traffic from Wired Node 2 to Wired Node
3. This is done using the application icon. Click on the Application icon present on the ribbon.

Ver 11.1 39
In screen shot shown below the Application type is set to CBR, source_ID is 2 and
Destination_ID is 3. Click on OK.

Application Configuration:

1. In a wired network with routers and switches OSPF, Spanning tree etc takes times to
converge and hence it is a good practice to set the application start time greater than
OSPF convergence time. In general, the applications can start at 20s for smaller
networks and should be increased as the size of the network grows.

2. If applications are started before OSPF convergence, then

 Packets generated before OSPF table convergence may be dropped at the

gateway router.

 The application may also stop if ICMP is enabled in the router

 If TCP is enabled TCP may stop after the re-try limit is reached (since the SYN
packets would not reach the destination)

3. For MANET networks the application start time should be a min of 5s, since that
amount of time is required for convergence of OLSR/ZRP

Ver 11.1 40
4. Jumbo Frames are not supported in NetSim Ethernet Protocol

Logging Packet/ Event Trace

Packet and Event Trace files are useful for detailed simulation analysis. By default, these are
not enabled since it slows down the simulation. To enable logging of Packet Trace / Event
Trace click on the icon in the tool bar as shown below. Set the file name and select the required
attributes to be logged. For more information, please refer sections 7.5 and 7.6 respectively.

Run Simulation

For simulating the network scenario created, click on Run Simulation present in the Ribbon

Set the Simulation Time to 10 seconds. Click on OK.

Ver 11.1 41
NetSim Interactive Simulation

NetSim allows users to interact with the simulation at runtime via a socket or through a file.
User Interactions make simulation more realistic by allowing command execution to
view/modify certain device parameters during runtime.

Working: This section will demonstrate how to perform Interactive simulation for a simple
network scenario.

Let us consider Internetworks. To create a new scenario, go to New  Internetworks

Click & drop Wired Nodes and Router onto the Simulation Environment and link them as shown
below or otherwise Open the scenario for Interactive Simulation which is available in “<NetSim
Install Dir>\Docs\ Sample_Configuration\Internetworks\Interactive Simulation”

 Click on Application icon present in the top ribbon and set the Application type as CBR.
The Source_Id is 1 and Destination_Id is 2.

 Set Start Time as 30 Sec

 Enable Plots and Packet trace options

 Click on run simulation option and In the Run time Interaction tab set Interactive
Simulation as True and click on Accept

Ver 11.1 42
 Click on run simulation and set Simulation Time as 500 sec. (It is recommended to
specify a longer simulation time to ensure that there is sufficient time for the user to
execute the various commands and see the effect of that before Simulation ends) and
click OK

 Simulation (NetSimCore.exe) will start running and will display a message “waiting for
first client to connect” as shown below:

 After Simulation window opens, goto Network scenario and right click on Router_3 or
any other node and select NetSim Console option

Ver 11.1 43
 Now Client (NetSimCLI.exe) will start running and it will try to establish connection with
NetSimCore.exe. After connection is established the window will look similar like this
shown below:

 After this the command line interface can be used to execute the supported commands

Note: Commands are not a case sensitive

1. Simulation specific (Not applicable for file based interactive simulation)

1. Pause
2. PauseAt
3. Continue
4. Stop
5. Exit
6. Reconnect
Pause: To pause the currently running simulation

PauseAt: To pause the currently running simulation with respect to particular time (Ex: To
Pause simulation at 70.2 sec use command as PauseAt 70.2)

Continue: To start the currently paused simulation

Stop: To stop the currently running simulation (NetSimCore.exe)

Exit: To exit from the client (NetSimCLI.exe)

Ver 11.1 44
Reconnect: To reconnect client (NetSimCLI.exe) to simulation (NetSimCore.exe) when we
rerun simulation again

2. Ping Command

 The ping command is one of the most often used networking utilities for troubleshooting
network problems
 You can use the ping command to test the availability of a networking device (usually
a computer) on a network
 When you ping a device you send that device a short message, which it then sends
back (the echo)
 If you receive a reply then the device is in Network, if you don’t then the device is faulty,
disconnected, switched off, incorrectly configured

 You can use the ping cmd with an IP address or Device name
 ICMP_Status should be set as True in all nodes(Wired_Node and Router)

 Right click on Wired_Node_1 and go to properties. Under General properties enable

Wireshark Capture option as “Online”

Ping <IP address> e.g. ping

Ping <NodeName> e.g. ping Wired_Node_2

Ping Command Results:

Ver 11.1 45
 After simulation open packet trace and filter ICMP_EchoRequest and

 Open Wireshark and apply filter ICMP. we can see the ping request and reply packets
in Wireshark

3. Route Commands
1. route print
2. route delete
3. route add
In order to view the entire contents of the IP routing table, use following commands route

route print

Ver 11.1 46
 You will see the routing table entries with network destinations and the gateways to
which packets are forwarded when they are headed to that destination. Unless you’ve
already added static routes to the table, everything you see here will be dynamically
 In order to delete route in the IP routing table you will type a command using the
following syntax

route delete destination_network

 So, to delete the route with destination network, all we’d have to do is type this

route delete

 To check whether route has been deleted or not check again using route print command
 To add a static route to the table, you will type a command using the following syntax

route ADD destination_network MASK subnet_mask gateway_ip metric_cost interface

 So, for example, if you wanted to add a route specifying that all traffic bound for the subnet went to a gateway at

route ADD MASK METRIC 100 IF 2

Ver 11.1 47
 If you were to use the route print command to look at the table now, you would see your
new static route

Note: Entry added in IP table by routing protocol continuously gets updated. If a user tries to remove a
route via route delete command, there is always a chance that routing protocol will re-enter this entry again.
Users can use ACL / Static route to override the routing protocol entry if required.

3. ACL Configuration:

Routers provide basic traffic filtering capabilities, such as blocking Internet traffic, with access
control lists (ACLs). An ACL is a sequential list of permit or deny statements that apply to
addresses or upper-layer protocols. These lists tell the router what types of packets to: permit
or deny. When using an access-list to filter traffic, a permit statement is used to “allow” traffic,
while a deny statement is used to “block” traffic.

Commands to configure ACL:

 To view ACL syntax use: acl print

 Before using ACL’s we must first verify that acl option enabled. A common way to
enable ACL use command: ACL Enable
 Enters configuration mode of ACL using: aclconfig
 To view ACL Table: Print
 To exit from ACL configuration use command : exit
 To disable ACL use command: ACL Disable (use this command after exit from acl

To view ACL usage syntax use: acl print

Ver 11.1 48

Step to Configure ACL:

 To create a new rule in the ACL use command as shown below to block UDP packet
in Interface_2 and Interface_3 of the Router_3
 Disable TCP in all nodes(Wired Node and Router)

 Click on run simulation option and In the Run time Interaction tab set Interactive
Simulation as True and click on Accept
 Set the Simulation Time as 500 sec or more. Click Ok
 Right click on Router_3 and select NetSim Console. Use the command as follows:

NetSim>acl enable
ACL is enable
NetSim>acl disable
ACL is disable

Ver 11.1 49
ACL Results:

The impact of ACL rule applied over the simulation traffic can be observed in the
IP_Metrics_Table in the simulation results window, In Router_3 number of packets blocked by
firewall has been shown below

Note: Results will vary based on time of ACL command are executed

 Check Packet animation window whether packets has been blocked in Router_3 or not
after entering ACL command to deny UDP traffic
 Before applying ACL rule there is packet flow from Wired_Node_1 to Wired_Node_2

Ver 11.1 50
 After applying ACL rule Packet flows up to Router_3 only

The impact of ACL rule applied over the simulation traffic can be observed in the Application
throughput plot. Throughput graph will show a drop after ACL is set. If ACL is disabled after a
while, application packets will start flowing across the router. The Application throughput plot
will show a drop and increase(Moving througput graph) in throughput after setting ACL and
disabling ACL respectively.

Example: ACL rule applied at around 50sec user can see the drop in throughput in the graph,
since router blocks UDP packets in the plot. Once ACL has been disabled at around 240sec
router permits packets and hence throughput can be observed in the plot shown below

Ver 11.1 51
2.5 Saving & Opening experiments and Printing results
Opening Saved Experiments: Open Network – All Networks

Click on Open Simulation (Ctrl+O).

Open saved experiment file you want to open.

Saving an Experiment

During Simulation: Users can save by using the short cut CTRL + S

After Simulation: From Network Window: Click on File  Save button on the top left. Next,
specify the Experiment Name, Description (Optional) and click on Save.

Upon saving a number of files would get saved inside the folder, including

 Configuration file (.netsim format) & metrics file (xml format)

 Trace Files (csv format), if enabled, and
 Plot data (txt format)

Ver 11.1 52
2.6 NetSim Keyboard Shortcuts
NetSim keyboard shortcuts can be used for frequently performed tasks. The keyboard
shortcuts that are currently supported are listed in the table below:

Keys Function
Home Screen

Ctrl + N Open a New Network

Ctrl + O Open a Saved Network
Design Window (Any Network)
Ctrl + S Save the Experiment
Shift + Ctrl + S Save As
Alt+ F4 Close Window
F1 User Manual Help
Ctrl + '+/-' Zoom In/Zoom Out
Delete the devices in the Environment with
Simulation Console
Terminates Simulation in Mid way. Results
Ctrl + C will be calculated till the time at which the
simulation is terminated
Packet Animation Window
Space bar To Play/Pause animation

Ver 11.1 53
3 Workspaces and Experiments

3.1 What is an Experiment and what is a workspace in NetSim?

When you design & simulate a network in NetSim it is saved as an experiment. This
experiment is saved within a Workspace. In a logical sense, a workspace contains all
the source code files, executable files, icons, data files etc.

A workspace can contain one or more experiments.

In general, users need not change the workspace and can use the default workspace.

New workspaces need to be created by users when:

1. The user wants to modify the underlying source code of NetSim as is typically
in research applications. The modified code will be saved in that workspace.
2. A user chooses to save and organize a large number of experiments. These
can be saved under different workspaces provided by that user.
3. The same PC/NetSim build is shared between multiple users

The default workspace of NetSim will have the Master Source code and the Master
Binaries (Compiled files)

A default workspace is created under current user directory (Ex: C:\Users\PC5) path if
when NetSim is run for the first time after installation. This default workspace contains
the folders

1. \src - contains protocol source codes

2. \bin\bin_x86 - contains NetSim binaries for 32-bit and \bin\bin_x64 contains
NetSim binaries for 64-bit
3. \Icons - contains icons of the devices, links etc

Ver 11.1 54
3.2 How does a user create and save an experiment in workspace?
To create an experiment, select New Simulation-> <Any Network> in the NetSim Home

Create a network and save the experiment by clicking on File->Save button on the top

Ver 11.1 55
A save popup window appears which contains Experiment Name, Folder Name,
Workspace path and Description.

Specify the Experiment Name and Description (Optional) and then click on Save. The
workspace path is non-editable. Hence all the experiments will be saved in the default
workspace path. After specifying the Experiment Name click on Save.

In our example we saved with the name MANET and this experiment and it can be
found in the default workspace path as shown below:

Users can also see the saved experiments in Open Simulation menu shown below:

Ver 11.1 56
Note: “Save As” option is also available to save the current experiment with a different

3.3 Should each user have a workspace?

There is no strict association between users and workspaces. A single user can have
multiple workspaces (and in turn experiments in each workspace), or multiple users
can operate in one workspace

3.4 How does a user export an experiment?

To save experiments in a different location, first save the experiment in the current
workspace and use export option present under Open Simulation menu in the NetSim
Home Screen

If you click on Export, an Export Experiment pop-up window appears where you can
input the experiment name and the Export path.

Ver 11.1 57
The exported experiments would be saved with *.netsim_exp extension.

3.5 How does a user delete an Experiment in a workspace?

Users can delete experiments by clicking on the delete icon as shown below

It displays a popup window as shown below and click on OK.

3.6 How does a user create a new workspace?

To create a new workspace, click on Wokspace options present in Open Simulation
Menu shown below:

Ver 11.1 58
Then select More Options

Ver 11.1 59
And select New

A New Workspace pop-up window appears where you can input the Workspace Name,
Description and Workspace Path (where you want to create new workspace).

Ver 11.1 60
3.7 How does a user switch between workspaces?
Users can also switch from one workspace to another workspace. For doing this,
Select Open Simulation->Workspace Options->More Options and click on the
workspace you want to switch to.

And then select “Set as Current” as shown below:

Ver 11.1 61
3.8 How does a user export a workspace?
Users can export workspaces by selecting Open Simulation->Workspace Options-
>More Options. Then select Export as shown below:

Ver 11.1 62
The following window is displayed

Binaries, Source Code (available only for Standard and Pro) and Icons are added by
default as shown above. Users can add all experiments present in the current
workspace by clicking on the All Experiments check box and then click on Export as
shown below.

Ver 11.1 63
It displays a window shown below where users need to give the path to which the
workspace has to be exported and then click on OK.

Users can also have options to export individual experiments by right clicking on the
experiment and select Add to add the experiment to the export list as shown below

The added experiments will be available in the export list shown below

Ver 11.1 64
After adding the experiments click on Export and follow the same procedure as
explained above

Note: Users can import only the exported workspaces.

3.9 How does a user import a workspace?

Users can import workspaces by selecting Open Simulation->Workspace Options-
>More Options. Then select Import as shown below:

Ver 11.1 65
It displays a window where users need to give the path of the workspace folder and
click on OK as shown below

The Imported workspace will be set as the current workspace. To see the imported
workspace, click on Open Simulation->Workspace Options->More Options as shown

Ver 11.1 66
3.10 How does a user import an experiment?
Users can also have option to import experiments. For this click on Open Simulation
and then select Import Experiment as shown below:

Ver 11.1 67
The following window is displayed where users need to give the path from which the
experiment has to be imported and then click on OK

The imported experiment will be available in the current workspace. To see the
imported experiment click on Open Simulation as shown below:

Note: Users can import only the exported experiments

3.11 How does a user delete a workspace?

Users can also delete a workspace by clicking on the delete icon shown below:

Ver 11.1 68
Note: Deleting current workspace is not allowed. Deleting a workspace will delete all
saved experiments and code modifications done in that workspace.

3.12 How does a user open and modify source codes?

User can also modify the source codes within a workspace. For doing this, select open
Simulation->Workspace Options->Open Code as shown below.

Ver 11.1 69
This opens the source codes in MS Visual Studio.

Users can then modify the protocol codes and build the solution. Then users can create
a network in NetSim or open the saved experiment which involves the protocol that
has been modified and click on run simulation. This simulation will run per the modified

Note: The changes in the source codes applies to the current workspace only

3.13 Can I use NetSim's default code for my experiments?

Yes, each workspace will have a Reset option which would set

1. Binaries (compiled files) to default

2. Code (source C codes) to default

Ver 11.1 70
4 Simulating different networks in NetSim
When you install NetSim, you get access to inbuilt examples to help you understand how the
different types of networks work. For information on how to use the NetSim UI to simulate the
Examples and create your own simulations, see NetSim User Interface.

The following table lists what versions of NetSim you must use to simulate the networks.

Type of Network NetSim Versions

Internetwork All versions

Legacy Network All versions

Cellular Network All versions

MANET All versions

Wireless Sensor Network All versions

Software Defined Network All versions

Internet of Things All versions

Cognitive Radio All versions

LTE All versions

VANET Available only with NetSim Standard and NetSim Pro versions

Military Radio Available only with NetSim Pro version

4.1 Internetworks
An Internetwork is a collection of two or more computer networks (typically Local Area
Networks or LANs) which are interconnected to form a bigger network.

Ver 11.1 71
Internetworks library in NetSim covers Ethernet, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Wireless
LAN – 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac, Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
Virtual LAN (VLAN), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and routing protocols such as Routing
Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP), and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM).

To simulate Internetworks, click on New Simulation and then click on Internetworks

Internetworks Examples

To simulate the Examples for different types of Internetworks

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the Internetwork example you wish to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

Internetwork Documentation
To view help documentation users can either click on “Technology Libraries” under
documentation in the home screen or they can click the ‘Book’ link located next to
Internetworks in examples. The help documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 72
4.2 Legacy Networks
Legacy networks cover older generation protocols which are rarely used today and not part of
the TCP/IP protocol suite. With the advent of TCP/IP as a common networking platform in the
mid-1970s, most legacy networks are no longer used.

NetSim Legacy Network librarary cover Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha.

ALOHA is a protocol that was developed at the University of Hawaii and used for satellite
communication systems in the Pacific. ALOHA protocol was designed to send and receive
messages between multiple stations, on a shared medium. Slotted ALOHA is improvised
version of pure ALOHA designed to reduce the chances of collisions when sending data
between the sender and the receiver.

To simulate Legacy Networks, click on New Simulation and then under Legacy networks click
on either Pure Aloha or Slotted Aloha

Legacy Networks Examples

To simulate Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the Legacy Network example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the

Legacy Network Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next Legacy Networks in examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 73
4.3 Cellular Networks
A cellular network (also known as a mobile network) is a communication network where the
last link is wireless. The network is distributed over land areas called cells. Every cell is served
by at least one fixed-location transceiver known as a base station. These cells together provide
radio coverage over larger geographical areas. User equipments such as mobile phones, can
communicate even if the user is moving across different cells.

NetSim cellular networks library covers Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) and
Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

To simulate Cellular Networks, click on New Simulation and then under Cellular networks click
on either GSM or CDMA.

Cellular Networks Examples

To simulate GSM and CDMA Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the the Cellular Network example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the

Cellular Networks Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next Cellular Networks in examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 74
4.4 MANETs
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an ad hoc network that can change locations and
configure itself on the fly. Because MANETS are mobile, they use wireless connections to
connect to various networks.

NetSim MANET library covers:

 L3 Routing Protocols – DSR, AODV, OLSR and ZRP
 MAC Layer – 802.11, TDMA/DTDMA (available in NetSim pro only)
 Single MANET and multiple MANETs using bridge nodes

To simulate MANET, click on New Simulation and then under Mobile Adhoc networks click on
either Single MANETs or Multiple MANETs

MANET Examples

To simulate single MANET or multiple MANETs Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

MANET Documentation
To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next MANET Networks in examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 75
4.5 Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a group of spatially dispersed sensors that monitor and
collect the physical conditions of the environment and transmit the data they collect to a central
location. WSNs measure environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, pollution
levels, humidity, wind, and so on.

WSN in NetSim is part of NetSim’s IOT library and covers 802.15.4 MAC, PHY with MANET
routing protcols.

To simulate WSN, click on New Simulation and then Wireless Sensor Networks.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Examples

To simulate Wireless Sensor Networks Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

WSN Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to IOT-WSN examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 76
4.6 Internet of Things
Internet of things (IoT) is a network of object such as vehicles, people, home appliances that
contain electronics, software, actuators that are accessible from the public Internet. The
objects are embedded with suitable technology and use IP addresses to interact and exchange
data without manual assistance or intervention. The objects can also be remotely monitored
and controlled.

In NetSim, IOT is modeled as a WSN that connects to the internet via a 6LowPAN Gateway.
WSN for IoT uses the following protocols: AODV with IPv6 addressing at the L3 layer and
802.15.4 at the MAC & PHY layers. WSN sends data to the LowPAN Gateway which uses a
Zigbee (802.15.4) interface and a WAN Interface. The Zigbee interface connects wirelessly to
the WSN and the WAN interface connects to the Internet. Additionally users can also simulate
and analyze energy model for IoT.

To simulate IOT, click on New Simulation and then Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IOT) Examples

To simulate IOT Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

IOT Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to IOT-WSN examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 77
4.7 Software Defined Networks (SDN)
Software-defined networking (SDN) is an architecture that makes networks agile and flexible.
SDN decouples the network control and forwarding functions. SDN allows you to program your
network control and abstracts the physical infrastructure for applications and network services.
This approach enables enterprises and service providers to respond quickly to the changing
business requirements.

Unlike other technologies, and due to the way SDN works it is not available as a menu item
under New Simulation. SDN can be configured when running Internworks, MANET, IOT, WSN,
Cognitive Radio, LTE or VANETs

Software Defined Networks (SDN) Examples

To simulate Software Defined Networks Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

SDN Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to Software Degined Network examples. The
help documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 78
4.8 Cognitive Radio
Cognitive Radio (CR) is an adaptive, intelligent radio and network technology that
automatically detects available channels in a wireless spectrum and changes transmission
parameters to enable higher levels of communication. Cognitive Radio can be programmed
and configured dynamically to use the best wireless channels in its vicinity to avoid user
interference and congestion.

NetSim Cognitive Radio module is based on the IEEE 802.22 standard. Additionally, you can
connect a Cognitive Radio with Internetwork devices and run all the protocols supported in

To simulate Cognitive Radio, click on New Simulation and then Cognitive Radio Networks

Cognitive Radio Examples

To simulate Cognitive Radio Examples:

3. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
4. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

Cognitive Radio Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to Cognitive Radio examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 79
4.9 LTE
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a standard for 4G wireless broadband technology that offers
increased network capacity and speed to mobile device users. LTE offers higher peak data
transfer rates -- up to 100 Mbps downstream and 30 Mbps upstream.

NetSim LTE Library support LTE/LTE-Advanced Networks along with LTE FemtoCell, LTE
D2D and LTE VANETs (which requires VANET library)

Additionally, you can connect an LTE Network with Internetwork devices and run all the
protocols supported in Internetworks.

To simulate LTE/LTE-A networks, click on New Simulation and then a suitable option under
Long Term Evolution Networks.

LTE Examples

To simulate LTE Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

LTE Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to LTE and LTE-A examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 80
4.10 VANETs
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is a sub form of a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network or MANET that
allows vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications to ensure safe

To simulate VANET click on New Simulation and then click on VANET

VANET Examples

To simulate VANET Examples:

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

VANET Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to VANET examples. The help documentation
explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 81
4.11 Military Radio (TDMA/DTDMA)
Military communications or military signals involve all aspects of communications to convey
information in armed forces. Military Communications include text, audio, facsimile, tactical
ground-based communications, terrestrial microwave, tropospheric scatter, naval, satellite
communications systems and equipment, surveillance and signal analysis, encryption and
security and direction-finding and jamming.

NetSim Military Radio module uses TDMA/DTDMA in MAC/PHY along with MANET Routing
in Layer 3.

To simulate Military Radios click on New Simulation, then click on MANET (Either Single or
Multiple) and select TDMA/DTDMA in MAC/PHY layer of the devices.

Military Radio Examples

To simulate Military Radio Examples:

3. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
4. Click the TDMA/DTDMA example you want to simulate. NetSim UI loads the example.

Military Radio (TDMA/DTDMA) Library Documentation

To view help documentation either click on “Technology Libraries” under documentation in the
home screen or click the ‘Book’ link located next to TDMA/DTDMA examples. The help
documentation explains the following:
 Simulation GUI
 Model Features
 Featured Examples
 Reference Documents
 Latest FAQ available online

Ver 11.1 82
5 Traffic generator (Application models)

NetSim allows users to model and simulate the applications:

Sensor App
Erlang Call
Emulation (Only if Emulator Add-on is present)

To set up the application click on the application icon from the tool bar as shown below.

Ver 11.1 83
This properties window allows you to model the application traffic. You can add (or) delete one
or more applications.

5.1 Common properties for all the traffic types

Application Method: It specifies the type of Application method either

Application Type: It specifies the type of application such as CBR, Custom, Peer to Peer,
COAP, Email, HTTP, FTP, Voice, Video, Database, Erlang Call, Emulation, BSM and

Application ID: This property represents the unique identification number of the application.

Application Name: It specifies the name of the application

Source Count: This property represents number of sources for the application. Voice, Video,
FTP, Database and Custom applications have only one source.

Source ID: This property represents the unique identification number of the source.

Destination Count: This property represents number of destinations for the application.
Voice, Video, FTP, Database and Custom applications have only one destination.

Destination ID: This property represents the unique identification numbers of the destination.
And to model, Broadcast applications users can select ‘0’ as the Destination ID.

Start time: This property represents the start time of the application in seconds.

End time: This property represents the end time of the application in seconds.

Note: Suppose Start time is 1 and end time is 10 then application starts generating traffic at 1 st second and
ends at 10th second.

Encryption: Encrypts the application

Random Startup: If random start up is set true, application will start at +1s. Having a random
start-up time provides more realism to the model since all applications need not necessarily
start at time = 0 in the real world.

QoS: NetSim provides QoS differentiation for the different types of applications through four
defined scheduling service types, also called QoS classes.

Ver 11.1 84
QoS Class Description Priority

UGS - The UGS scheduling service type is designed to support

Unsolicited real-time data streams consisting of fixed-size data High
Grant Service packets issued at periodic intervals

The rtPS scheduling service type is designed to support

real-time data streams consisting of variable-sized data Medium
rtPS - Real-time
packets that are issued at periodic intervals. This would
Polling Service
be the case, for example, for MPEG (Moving Pictures
Experts Group) video transmission

The ertPS is a scheduling mechanism that builds on the

ertPS -
efficiency of both UGS and rtPS. UGS allocations are Normal
Extended real-
fixed in size, ertPS allocations are dynamic. The ertPS
time Polling
is suitable for variable rate real-time applications that
have data rate and delay requirements.

The nrtPS is designed to support delay-tolerant data

nrtPS - Non- streams consisting of variable-size data packets for
real-time Polling which a minimum data rate is required. The standard Low
Service considers that this would be the case, for example, for
an FTP transmission.

The BE service is designed to support data streams for Low

BE - Best Effort which no minimum service guarantees are required and
therefore may be handled on a best basis.

Priority: In a complex network, packets may reach a router from many directions. Priority
scheduling algorithm will allow the router to fix priority level for different sources from different
directions. Higher priority packets are processed first and sent out.

5.2 Application Types

Brief explanation of application types

Properties Units Description
Packet size (Constant
distribution) – It is the size bytes
CBR – of the packet Packets of constant size are
Constant bit Inter Arrival Time generated at constant inter arrival
Rate (Constant distribution) – It times.
is the gap between two
successive packets
Packet size (Constant, It is User defined application that
Custom Exponential distribution) – bytes can be configured based on user
It is the size of the packet requirements

Ver 11.1 85
Inter Arrival Time
(Constant, Exponential
distribution) – It is the time µs
gap between two
successive packets
File size distribution
(Constant, Exponential - Peer-to-peer network does not have
distribution) the notion of clients or servers but
Value – Size of the file bytes only equal peer nodes that
Peer to Peer Piece size - Each file is simultaneously functioning as both
divided into equal sized "clients" and "servers" to the other
pieces. This property bytes nodes on the network.
represents the size of Ex – Torrent, Limewire etc.
each piece
Email send/receive –
Represents the rate at
which emails are
Allows users to send/receive email
Duration (Constant,
Email Exponential distribution) -
Seconds Ex – Outlook, Apple mail, Gmail
Time between two
successive emails
Email size(Constant,
Exponential distribution) – Bytes
Size of an email
Inter Arrival Time HTTP is a protocol that utilizes TCP
(Constant, Exponential to transfer its information between
distribution) – It is the time seconds computers (usually Web servers
gap between two and clients). Hence in NetSim, it is
successive HTTP requests imperative that TCP is enabled in
Page size (Constant, the Source Node.
HTTP – Exponential distribution) – bytes Ex - In the URL
Hyper Text It is the size of each page http://www.nowhere123.com/docs
Transfer Page count – Represents /index.html, the communication
Protocol the number of pages protocol is HTTP; the hostname
is www.nowhere123.com. The port
number was not specified in the URL,
and takes on the default number,
which is TCP port 80 for HTTP. The
path and file name for the resource to
be located is "/docs/index.html".
Inter Arrival Time
(Constant, Exponential
distribution) – It is the time It is a specialized web transfer
COAP – b//w two successive protocol for use with constrained
Constrained COAP requests nodes and constrained (e.g., low-
Application power, lossy) networks and
Protocol Page size (Constant, designed for M2M applications
Exponential distribution) –
It is the size of each page

Ver 11.1 86
Response time – It is the
time taken by a device to ms
generate response
Multicast response –
Represents the server
responds to multicast
response or not
NSTART – Limit the
number of simultaneous
outstanding interactions -
that a client maintains to a
given server
This setting is only
relevant in multicast
scenarios, outside the
scope of the EST-coaps
parameter which specifies
the rate of re-sending -
Ack required – It
represents whether the
ack for the -
request/response to be
sent or not
File size (Constant, It is a standard network
Exponential distribution) – protocol used for the transfer
It is the size of the file bytes of files between a client and server
FTP – File
Note: Devices must have TCP
enabled in Transport layer for
Protocol File Inter Arrival Time – It implementing FTP application
is the gap between two seconds successfully.
successful files Ex – Filezilla
Transaction size
(Constant, Exponential
distribution) - It represents bytes
A database application is a
the size of each
computer program whose primary
purpose is entering and retrieving
Database Transaction Inter Arrival
information from a
Time (Constant,
computerized database
Exponential distribution) –
µs Ex – MS Excel, MySQL etc.
It is the time gap between
two successful
Packet size (Constant,
It allows users to configure voice
Exponential) – It is the bytes
application between client and
size of the packet
Voice server
Packet Inter Arrival Time
Note – Distribution is constant only
(Constant, Exponential µs
for all codec types except custom
distribution) - It is the gap

Ver 11.1 87
between two successful Ex – Skype, Team Viewer, Google
packets Voice etc.
Service type – CBR, VBR -
Suppression models
available for VBR –
Deterministic, Markov
Success ratio - Sets the
ratio of the packets that
are not silenced during
VBR calls
Model Type - Continuous
Normal VB, Continuous It allows users to configure video
State Autoregressive application between client and
Video Markov, Quantized State - server
Continuous Time Markov, Ex – Skype
Simple IPB Composite
Packet size (Constant,
Exponential distribution) – bytes
It is the size of the packet
Packet Inter Arrival Time
(Constant, Exponential
distribution) - It is the gap µs
between two successful
Call duration (Constant,
Exponential distribution) –
seconds The erlang is a unit of traffic density
It is the duration of each
in a telecommunications system.
One erlang is the equivalent of one
Call Inter Arrival Time
Erlang Call call
(Constant, Exponential
distribution) - It is the gap seconds
Note – Distribution is constant only
between two successful
for all codec types except custom
Service type – VBR, CBR -
Suppression model
available for VBR –
Deterministic, Markov
Success ratio - Sets the
ratio of the packets that
are not silenced during
VBR calls
Packet size (Constant
distribution) – It is the size bytes
of the packet Used to create application between
Sensor App Packet Inter Arrival Time two sensors
(Constant distribution) - It Ex – Smart home, Smart water etc.
is the gap between two
successful packets

Ver 11.1 88
Packet size (Constant, The BSM Application class sends
Exponential distribution) – and receives the IEEE 1609 WAVE
It is the size of the packet (Wireless Access in Vehicular
Environments) Basic Safety
BSM – Basic Messages (BSMs). The BSM is a
safety 20-byte packet that is generally
message Packet Inter Arrival Time broadcast from every vehicle at a
(Constant, Exponential nominal rate of 10 Hz.
distribution) - It is the gap µs Note - Available only with VANET
between two successful component
packets Ex – Traffic management
Source Real IP -
Specifies the real IP
Address of source device
in Emulation NetSim Emulation application
Source Port - Specifies enables users to connect NetSim
the Port no used for simulator to real hardware and
transmission by interact with live applications.
Application running in Note
source device 1. Will be present only when
Emulation -
Destination Real IP - Emulator Add-on is installed.
Specifies the real IP 2. If user wants to modify
Address of destination application.dll and run emulation
device in Emulation then application.dll must be built in
Destination Port - release mode only. If built in debug
Specifies the Port no used mode then emulation won't work.
for reception by
Application running in
destination device

Voice, Erlang call

For Voice and Erlang call applications, Codec option is available as follows


Codec stands for Coder-decoder. Codecs are devices which encode / decode digital data
streams. Codec is the component of any voice system that translates between analog speech
and the bits used to transmit them. Every codec transmits a burst of data in a packet that can
be reconstructed into voice.

Five different standards of voice codec’s available in NetSim are G.711, G.729, G.723, GSM-
FR, GSM-EFR which can be selected depending on the variations required. Packet size and
Inter-arrival time value will vary depending on the codec value chosen.

G.711: G.711 is a Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies on a 64 kbps channel.
G.711 uses a sampling rate of 8,000 samples per second. Non-uniform quantization with 8

Ver 11.1 89
bits is used to represent each sample, resulting in a 64 kbps bit rate. There are two types of
standard compression algorithms are used.

 µ-law algorithm

 A-law algorithm.

G.729: The G.729 speech codec uses audio data compression algorithm and compress the
data at bit rates that vary between 6.4 and 12.4 kbps. Coding of speech at 8 kbps using
conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP).

G.723: G.723 is an ITU standard for speech codecs that uses the ADPCM method and
provides good quality audio at 24 and 40 Kbps.

GSM-FR: GSM–Full Rate (GSM-FR) speech codec was developed in early 1990s and was
adopted by the 3GPP for mobile telephony. The codec operates on each 20ms frame of
speech signals sampled at 8 KHz and generates compressed bit-streams with an average bit-
rate of 13 kbps. The codec uses Regular Pulse Excited – Long Term Prediction – Linear
Predictive Coder (RPE-LTP) technique to compress speech. The codec provides voice activity
detection (VAD) and comfort noise generation (CNG) algorithms and an inherent packet loss
concealment (PLC) algorithm for handling frame erasures. The codec was primarily developed
for mobile telephony over GSM networks.

GSM-EFR: GSM enhanced full rate speech codec is a speech coding standard that was
developed in order to improve the quite poor quality of GSM-Full Rate (FR) codec. Working at
12.2 kbps the EFR provides wire like quality in any noise free and background noise
conditions. The EFR 12.2 kbps speech coding standard is compatible with the
highest AMR mode (both are ACELP).

CUSTOM: It is similar to CUSTOM application type as explained above

Video Models

Model Type

 Continuous Normal VBR – This model is the simplest of all models. It uses Normal
Distribution for the generation of bits per pixel. In this model, consecutive packet
sizes are independent of each other.
 Frames per second – Number of frames arriving per second. This is in the
range of 10 – 50.

Ver 11.1 90
 Pixels per frame -Number of pixels in each frame. This is in the range of 10000
– 100000.
 Bits per pixel (µ) – Mean value of the normal distribution used to generate the
value of bits per pixel.
 Bits per pixel (Σ) – Standard Deviation of the normal distribution used to
generate the value of bits per pixel.
 The generation rate for video application can be calculated by using the
formula Generation Rate (bits per second) = fps * ppf * bpp
where, fps = frames per second, ppf = pixel per frame, bpp (µ) = bits per
pixel (mean)
 Users can set the above-mentioned parameters in the Application
 Continuous State Autoregressive Markov –This model incorporates the
autocorrelation between the frames. Also, current packet size depends on the
previous packet size via the first order autoregressive Markov process.
 Frames per second – Number of frames arriving per second. This is in the
range of 10 – 50.
 Pixels per frame - Number of pixels in each frame. This is in the range of
10000 – 100000.
 Constants A, B– First order autoregressive Markov process λ(n) can be
generated by the recursive relation λ(n) = aλ(n-1)+bw(n).
 Eta– The steady-state average E(λ)and discreet auto covariance C(n) are
given by E(λ) = (b / (1-a) ) η C(n)=(b2/(1-a2))an where η is the Gaussian
 Quantized State Continuous Time Markov –In this model the bit rate is quantized
into finite discrete levels. This model takes uniform quantization step as A bits/pixel.
There are M + 1 possible levels (0, A… MA).Transitions between levels are assumed
to occur with exponential rates that may depend on the current level. This model is
approximating the bit rate by a continuous time process λ(t) with discrete jumps at
random Poisson time.
 Frames per second – Number of frames arriving per second. This is in the
range of 10 – 50.
 Pixels per frame - Number of pixels in each frame. This is in the range of
10000 – 100000.
 No of Multiplexed Sources– This model considers the aggregate
instantaneous input rate λN (t) instead of the single source bit rate λ (t). The

Ver 11.1 91
total rate is the sum of N independent random processes each with mean E
(λ) and variance C (0) at steady state. Therefore, the steady state- mean of
λN (t) will be E (λ N) =N x E (λ) bits/pixel.
 Quantization Level– This model takes uniform quantization step as A
bits/pixel. There are M + 1 possible levels (0, A, MA). Transitions between
levels are assumed to occur with exponential rates that may depend on the
current level.
 Simple IPB Composite Model–In this model, the frames are organized as
IBBPBBPBBPBBIBBPBB… i.e., 12 frames in a Group of Pictures (GOP). Generate
X0 from a Gaussian distribution N(0, y 0).Set initial value N0= 0, D0 = 1.

For k = 1, 2,…, N-1, calculate Φkj , j = 1, 2,…,k iteratively using the following formulae

Nk = r(k) – j=1Σk-1Φk-1,j r(k-j)

Dk = Dk-1 –(N2k-1/Dk-1)

Φkk = Nk / Dk

Φkj = Φk-1, j-ΦkkΦk-1,k-j j=1,….,k-1

mk = j = 1ΣkΦkjXk-j

y k = (1- Φ2kk) yk-1

Finally, each Xk is chosen from N (mk, y k). Thus we get a process X with ACF approximating
to r (k).

The auto correlation function can be calculated in a recursive way as follows:

r(0) = 1, r(k+1) = ((k+d)/(k+1))r(k)

Where d= H-0.5.

H is called the Hurst parameter k-β is used as the ACF of a self-similar

process.We get the value of H parameter for a self-similar process using the relationship,

Β = 2 – 2H

Distribution of these data is Gaussian. For data to be Beta distributed, the following mapping
is being used.

Yk = F-1β (FN(Xk)), k>0

Xk: Self-similar Gaussian process,

Ver 11.1 92
FN: The cumulative probability of normal distribution,

F-1β: The inverse cumulative probability functions of the Beta model.

 Frames per second – Number of frames arriving per second. This is in the
range of 10 – 50.
 Gamma I, Gamma B, Gamma P, Eta I, Eta B, Eta P, Beta I, Beta P, Beta B
– Refer i-button help of Simple IPB Composite Model.

5.3 Generation Rate for Different Applications

This section explains how the generation rate can be calculated for different types of

CBR and Custom application

𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (µ𝑠))

Example: Packet size = 1460Bytes and Inter arrival time = 20000µs.

Generation rate (Mbps) = 1460*8/20000 = 0.584Mbps


The traffic generation rate for Video applications are based on the
simplest of all video models in NetSim. It uses Normal Distribution for the generation of bits
per pixel. In this model, consecutive packet sizes are independent of each other. The
generation rate for video application can be calculated by using the formula shown below:

𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑) = 𝑓𝑝𝑠 ∗ 𝑝𝑝𝑓 ∗ 𝑏𝑝𝑝

where, fps = frames per second

ppf = pixel per frame

bpp (µ) = bits per pixel (mean)

Users can set the above-mentioned parameters in the Application Properties.

Example: Frames per second = 20, pixels per frame = 10000, bits per pixel = 0.52 then the
generation rate would be

Ver 11.1 93
Generation rate (bps) = fps*ppf*bpp

= 20*10000*0.52 = 104000 bits per second = 0.1040 Mbps


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (µ𝑠))

Note – Distribution is constant for all codec types except custom


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑠))

Example: Email size = 20000bytes, Duration = 1s.

Generation rate (Mbps) = 20000*8/1 = 0.16Mbps


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8 ∗ 𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑠))

Example: Page size = 20000 Bytes, Page Count = 2, Inter arrival time = 3s

Generation rate (Mbps) = 20000*8*2/3 = 0.106Mbps


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝐹𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑠))

Example: File size = 100000 Bytes, Inter arrival time = 5s

Generation rate (Mbps) = 100000*8/5 = 0.16Mbps


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (µ𝑠))

Example: Packet size = 10000 Bytes, Inter arrival time = 1000000µs

Generation rate (Mbps) = 10000*8/1000000 = 0.08Mbps


𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) = (𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8) / 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (µ𝑠))

Ver 11.1 94
Example: Packet size = 20Bytes and Inter arrival time = 1000000µs.

Generation rate (Mbps) = 20*8/1000000 = 0.00016Mbps

5.4 Priority and QoS of Applications

The various application traffic generated in NetSim have the following priority and QoS values:

Application Type Priority Value Priority QoS Class

Voice – One way 8 High RTPS
Voice – Two way 8 High UGS
Video 6 Medium nRTPS
FTP 2 Low BE
Database 2 Low BE
Custom 2 Low BE
Voice – One way 8 High RTPS
Voice – Two way 8 High UGS
Video 6 Medium nRTPS
FTP 2 Low BE
Database 2 Low BE
Custom 2 Low BE

Note: Priority of “Normal” has a Priority Value of 4 and “nRTPS” QoS Class. Ex: Video over TCP.

5.5 Modelling Poisson arrivals in NetSim

What’s a Poisson process, and how is it useful?

Any time you have events which occur individually at random moments, but which tend to
occur at an average rate when viewed as a group, you have a Poisson process.

For example, we can estimate that a certain node generates 1200 packets per minute. These
are randomly generated throughput the hour throughput the 60 seconds, but there are on
average 1200 packets per minute. If 1200 packets generated per minute that, on average, one
packet is generated every 60 / 1200 = 0.05 seconds. So, let’s define a variable λ = 1/ 0.05 =
20 and call it the rate parameter. The rate parameter λ is a measure of frequency: the average
rate of events (packets) per unit of time (in this case, seconds).

Knowing this, we can ask questions like, what is the probability that a packet will be generated
within the next second? What’s the probability within the next 10 seconds? There’s a well-
known function to answer such questions. It’s called the cumulative distribution function for
the exponential distribution, and it looks like this:

Ver 11.1 95
F(x) =1−e−λx

Basically, the more time passes, the more likely it is that, a packet is generated. The word
“exponential”, in this context, actually refers to exponential decay. As time passes, the
probability of having no packets generated decays towards zero – and correspondingly, the
probability of having at least one packet generated increases towards one.

Plugging in a few values, we find that:

 The probability of generating a packet within the next 0.05 seconds is F(0.05)≈ 0.63
 The probability of generating a packet within 1 second is F(1)≈ 0.999999998

In particular, note that after 0.05 seconds – the prescribed average time between packets –
the probability is F(0.05)≈ 0.63 .

Generating Poisson arrivals in NetSim

We simply write a function to determine the exact amount of time until the next packet. This
function should return random numbers, but not the uniform kind of random number produced
by most generators. We want to generate random numbers in a way that follows our
exponential distribution.

Given that the inverse of the exponential function is ln, it’s pretty easy to write this analytically,
where U is the random value between 0 and 1:

Next Time when a packet is generated =−ln(1- RandNo) / λ

This is exactly the code used in NetSim, and this is available in the source C file in
../NetSim_Standard/Simulation/Application/Distribution.c. In the case exponential distribution,
you would see

case Distribution_Exponential: /*Exponential Distribution Function*/

Ver 11.1 96
fFirstArg = args[0];

nRandOut = fnRandomNo(10000000, &fRand, uSeed, uSeed1);

fRandomNumber = (double) (fRand);

fFirstArg = 1 / fFirstArg;

*fDistOut = (double) -(1 / fFirstArg)* (double) logl(1 - fRandomNumber);

The simple way of selecting this via the UI is to selecting exponential distribution for inter-
arrival time when modelling application properties.

Ver 11.1 97
6 Running Simulation via CLI

6.1 Running NetSim via CLI

Advanced users can model their simulation via a configuration file (which can be created
without the NetSim GUI) and run the simulation from command line. This is typically done in
cases where very large networks are to be simulated (it takes too long to create it in the GUI),
or to run a series of simulations automatically. The configuration file contains all required
information to run the simulation including the network topology, devices, links, traffic,
statistics, traces etc. To run Simulation in NetSim through command line interface (CLI), the
following steps have to be followed.

Step 1: Note the Application Path

Application path is the current workspace location of the NetSim that you want to run. The
default application path will be something like
“C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64” for 64-bit and
“C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86” for 32-bit. For more information on
NetSim workspace refer Section 3 “Workspaces and Experiments”.

Step 2: Note the IO Path

IO path (Input/output Path) is the path where the input and output files of an application is
written. This is similar to the temp path of windows OS. For NetSim, the IO path can be got by
Start Run %temp%/NetSim. Once you reach this folder, the user can notice that the path
would be something like “C:\Users\Ram\AppData\Local\Temp\NetSim”

The IO path is the path where the Configuration.netsim (NetSim Configuration file) of the
scenario, that will be simulated, should be present.

App path and IO path can also be same, i.e., Configuration.netsim can be placed inside the
app path (if the app path has write permission). Otherwise, users can create a folder for IO
path and Configuration.netsim can be placed inside that folder.

Note: Sample configuration.netsim files are available in the <NetSim installed Directory>/Docs/
Sample_Configurations folder of the NetSim install directory inside the respective protocol folder names.

Ver 11.1 98
Step 3: Running NetSim through command line for Simulation

To run NetSim through command line, copy the app path where NetSimCore.exe is present
and paste it in the command prompt.

>cd <app path>

Note: File path should be always added in the command prompt within double quotes. For example,

>cd “C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64”

For floating/roaming licenses, type the following in the command prompt.The type of license
can be seen by clicking on NetSim Help  About NetSim

>NetSimCore.exe<space> -apppath<space><app path><space>-

iopath<space><io path><space>-license<space>5053@<Server IP Address>


 <app path> contains all files of NetSim including NetSimCore.exe. Specifying the
app path is optional. NetSim will take the current path as app path if not specified.
 <iopath> contains Configuration.netsim and Configuration.xsd (Configuration.xsd is
available in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace path
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit folder). Refer
section 6.2.4 to know about configuration.xsd file.
 5053 is the port number through which the system communicates with the license
server i.e the system in which the dongle is running (for floating license users)
 <Server IP Address> is the ip address of the system where NetSim license server
(dongle) is running. Please contact your network administrator / lab in charge to know
the IP address of the PC where the NetSim license server is running.

The following screenshot is the example of running NetSim through CLI where the ip address
of the NetSim license server is

Ver 11.1 99
For node-locked licenses, type the following in the command prompt

>NetSimCore.exe<space> -apppath<space><app path><space>-

iopath<space><io path><space>


 <app path> contains all files of NetSim including NetSimCore.exe

 <iopath> contains Configuration.netsim and Configuration.xsd

The following screenshot is the example of running NetSim through CLI for the node locked

Simulation will be completed successfully and the text files that are requested by the end user
in Configuration.netsim will be written in the <iopath>.

Note: If the folder name contains white space, then mention the folder path within double quotes while
specifying the folder name in the command prompt. For example, if app path contains white space, then
the app path must be mentioned within double quotes in the command prompt as given below.

Ver 11.1 100

>cd <app path>

>NetSimCore.exe -apppath <”app path”> -iopath <io path>-license 5053@<License

Server IP Address>

To know more about the options that are available to run NetSim via CLI, type the following in
the command prompt.

>cd <app path>

>NetSimCore.exe –h

Ver 11.1 101

Running CLI via Quick edit mode:

With Quick Edit mode, you can copy text between a command window and Windows-based
programs, and you can also paste text into a command window by using a right-click
operation. To use Quick edit mode in command prompt users can run the command prompt
 Right Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the Command Prompt window, and then
Click Properties In the options, enable Quick Edit mode  and select ok.

Ver 11.1 102

6.2 Understanding the Configuration.netsim file
Let’s see under the hood to know how NetSim is working

Using UI



Engine +
Stack +

Fig.1. NetSim Architectural Overview

To model a scenario in order to generate metrics in NetSim, GUI will write all the details about
the devices used in the scenario and its properties, the links used and their properties, the
properties of the environment being used, etc. in Configuration.netsim just when the user
performs the simulation.

The back-end engine that contains dlls and NetSimCore.exe will read this
Configuration.netsim, execute the simulation and write output metrics files (in .txt format) to
the IO path. Then, the GUI will display the metrics based on the text files written by the

In order to run NetSim through command line (CLI), the user has to create the
Configuration.netsim furnishing all the details about the devices, links and the environment of
the desired scenario.

How to use Visual Studio to edit the Configuration file?

In Visual Studio, XML view provides an editor for editing raw XML and provides IntelliSense
and color coding. After you type the element name and press the CTRL+ SPACE, you will be

Ver 11.1 103

presented with a list of attributes that the element supports. This is known as “IntelliSense”.
Using this feature, you can select the options that are required to create the desired scenario.

Color coding is followed to indicate the elements and the attributes in a unique fashion.

The following screenshot displays the Configuration.netsim which is opened through the Visual

To reformat click on editAdvancedFormat Document

Ver 11.1 104

Sections of Configuration file

These are the different sections in Configuration.netsim:



This section contains the details about the user credentials, such as the user mode (Admin or
Exam or Practice), experiment name, date on which the experiment is created and the
comments about the experiment. This section plays a significant role while running NetSim
through GUI.


This section contains the GUI information like the environment length, view type etc. and the
network name which is desired to be run.


This section is used to configure the devices and the links of the desired network at the each
layer of the TCP/IP stack. It consists of DEVICE_CONFIGURATION, CONNECTION and
the desired network while the CONNECTION configures the links in the desired network and
APPLICATION configures the Applications.


Simulation time and seed values are described in this section.


IPV4 and static ARP are enabled or disabled in this section. The text files illustrating the static
routing and static ARP can be obtained by enabling the corresponding tags in the

Ver 11.1 105


The packet trace and the event trace can be observed in the text files which are created by
enabling the tags in this section. The required fields of the packet trace can be enabled in the
PACKET_TRACE while the event trace can be enabled in the EVENT_TRACE of this section.

Sample Configuration file

Sample “Configuration.netsim” file will be installed in user system along with the software at
<NetSim installed Path>\Docs\ Sample_Configuration\ <Network Technology>.User can open
and edit these files using Visual Studio 2015/2017 or any XML editor. The purpose of providing
the sample “Configuration.netsim” file is to assist the user in writing a network scenario
manually by analyzing the format for that specific network technology.

Configuration.xsd file

Configuration.xsd is a XML schema Definition file which is present in the bin folder of NetSim’s
current workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit
and <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit.

Configuration.xsd file can be placed inside the <iopath> along with the configuration.netsim
file to verify the contents in the configuration.netsim file. This file checks and validates the
structure and vocabulary of a configuration.netsim document against the grammatical rules of
the appropriate XML language.

It is not mandatory to place the configuration.xsd file along with the Configuration.netsim file
in the iopath. But if it is done, then it will be easier to check & validate changes that are done
to the Configuration.netsim file.

Ver 11.1 106

7 Results and Analysis

7.1 Result Window

NetSim provides performance metrics at various abstraction levels such as Network Metrics,
Queue metrics, TCP Metrics, Application Metrics, etc., at the end of simulation. With the help
of metrics, users can analyze the behavior of the modeled network and can compare the
impact of different algorithms on end-to-end behavior.

After simulation of a scenario is performed, NetSim Performance Metrics are shown on the
screen as shown below:-
Prints metric as
a HTML page

Displays the
metrics window

Restores to
original view with
four windows

Opens packet
trace and event

The Performance metrics is divided into sections

Network metrics: Here users can view the values of the metrics obtained based on the overall
network and also displays the values of the metrics pertaining to each link
 Link_ Id-It is the unique Id for the link.
 Link_ throughput_ graph – Plots throughput vs. Simulation time


Ver 11.1 107

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 ∗ 8
𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡(𝑖𝑛 𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) =
𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑀𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑐)

Total Bytes transmitted is counted for both data packets and control packets.

The calculation is based on the packet size (bytes) at the PHY layer, which would include app
layer payload plus the overheads of all layers. Error and collision packets are not included in
this calculation and only successful packets are counted for calculation of this metric.

To plot Time
To edit chart
title and view
Change Plot
Vary X - axis
Vary Y – axis

Reset Zoom
to default
Change plot
line color

Moving Average: This is the average of the metric up until the current time and is defined as

Ver 11.1 108

̅̅̅t) = 1 ∫𝒕 𝒓(𝒖)𝒅𝒖
𝑡 𝟎

Time Average: This is the average of the metric up to end of simulation current time

 Packets_ Transmitted - It is the total number of packets transmitted in the link. Along
with data packets, it includes protocol control packets like ARP Request, ARP Reply,
 Packets_ errored - Total number of packets error in the link inclusive of data and
control packets.
 Packets_ collided - Total number of packets collided in the link including data and
control packets.
 Bytes_ Transmitted - It is the total number of bytes transmitted in the link. It is equal
to the sum of the ‘Payload_ Transmitted’ and ‘Overhead_ Transmitted’ transmitted in
the link.
 Payload_ Transmitted - It is the total payload transmitted in the link.
 Overhead_ Transmitted - It is the total overhead transmitted in the link. It includes the
layer wise overheads and all control packets in the link.
Queue Metrics: Displays the values of the queue metrics for the devices containing buffer
queue like routers, access points etc.
 Device Id - Unique id number of the device.
 Port Id - Unique id number of the port of the device. This is also called as interface id.
 Queued Packet - Number of packets queued at a particular port of a device.
 Dequeued Packet - Number of packets removed from the queue at a particular port of
 Dropped Packet - Number of packets dropped at a particular port of a device.
Protocol metrics: Displays the protocol based metrics which are implemented in Network
scenario. Metrics will vary depending upon the type of network simulated.

TCP Metrics: Displayed if TCP is enabled in any of the devices

 Source - It displays the name with ID of the source device which generates TCP
 Destination - It displays the name with ID of the destination device which receives
TCP packets
 Local Address - It displays the local IP address with port number of the device
present in source column
 Remote Address It represents the remote IP address with port number for the
source and destination

Ver 11.1 109

 Syn Sent - It is the number of syn packets sent by the source
 Syn Ack sent - It is the number of syn ack packets sent by the destination
 Segment sent - It is the number of segments sent by a source
 Segment received - It is the number of segments received by a destination
 Segment retransmitted - It is the number of segments retransmitted by the source
 Ack sent - It is the number of acknowledgements sent by a source to destination in
response to TCP syn ack and the number of acks sent by destination to source in
response to the successful reception of data packet
 Ack received - It is the number of acknowledgements received by source in
response to data packets and the number of acks received by destination in response
to syn ack packet
 Duplicate segment received - It is the number of duplicate segments received by
 Out of order segments received - It is the number of out of ordered packets
received by destination
 Duplicate ack received - It is the number of duplicate acknowledgements received
by source
 Times RTO expired - It is the number of times RTO timer expired at source

UDP Metrics: Displayed if UDP is enabled in any of the devices

 Device Id - It is the Id of a device in which UDP is enabled

 Local Address - It represents the IP address with port number of the local device
(either source or destination)
 Foreign Address - It represents the IP address with port number of the remote
device (either source or destination)
 Datagram sent - It is the number of datagrams sent by source
 Datagram received - It is the number of datagrams received by destination

IP Metrics:

 Device_Id - It displays the Id’s of the layer 3 devices

 Packet sent - It is the number of packets sent by a source, intermediate devices
(Router or L3 switch)
 Packet forwarded - It is the number of packets forwarded by intermediate devices
(Router or L3 switch)
 Packet received - It is the number of data packets received by destination, routing
packets (OSPF, RIP etc.) received by Routers

Ver 11.1 110

 TTL expired - Time-to-live (TTL) is a value in an Internet Protocol (IP) packet that
tells a network router whether or not the packet has been in the network too long and
should be discarded
 Firewall blocked - It is the number of packets blocked by firewall at routers

IEEE802.11_Metrics: Displayed if WLAN is running in the network

 Device_Id - It represents the Id’s of the wireless devices which supports 802.11
 Interface_Id - It represents the interface Id’s of the wireless nodes
 Frame Sent - It is the Number of frames sent by Access Point
 Frame Received - It is the number of frames received by a wireless node
 RTS Sent - It is the number of Request to send (RTS) packets sent by a Wireless
Node. RTS/CTS frames are sent prior to transmission when the packet size exceeds
RTS threshold. The access point receives the RTS and responds with a CTS frame.
The station must receive a CTS frame before sending the data frame. The CTS also
contains a time value that alerts other stations to hold off from accessing the medium
while the station initiating the RTS transmits its data.
 RTS Received - It is the number of RTS packets received by an Access Points
 CTS Sent - It is the number of Clear to send (CTS) packets sent by an Access Points
 CTS Received - It is the number of CTS packets received by Wireless Nodes
 Successful Backoff - It is the number of successful backoffs running at a wireless
node. In the IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), network nodes
experiencing collisions on the shared channel need to backoff for a random period of
time, which is uniformly selected from the Contention Window (CW). Backoff is a
timer which is decreased as long as the medium is sensed to be idle for a DIFS, and
frozen when a transmission is detected on the medium, and resumed when the
channel is detected as idle again for a DIFS interval
 Failed Backoff - It is the number of failed backoffs at wireless node

LTE metrics: Displayed if LTE is running in the network

 Device Id - It is the unique Id of a device

 Packet transmitted - It is the number of packets transmitted by eNB and UE which is
having application
 Bytes transmitted - It is the number of bytes transmitted by eNB and UE
 Packet received - It is the number of packets received by a eNB and UE
 Bytes received - It is the number of bytes received by eNB and UE

Ver 11.1 111

 Handover count - It represents the number of handovers occurred in a UE.
Handover is a procedure for changing the serving cell of a UE

AODV/DSR Metrics: Displayed if AODV is running in the network

 Device Id - It is the Id of the wireless node

 RREQ sent - It is the number of Route Request packets sent by wireless node during
Route Discovery process
 RREQ forwarded - It is the number of Route Request packets forwarded by wireless
node during Route Discovery process
 RREP sent - It is the number of Route Reply packets sent by wireless node when
route is found during Route Discovery process
 RREP forwarded - It is the number of Route Reply packets forwarded by a wireless
node when route is found during Route Discovery process
 RERR sent - It is the total number of Route Error packets sent by a wireless node
during Route Maintenance
 RERR forwarded - It is the total number of Route Error packets forwarded by a
wireless node during Route Maintenance
 Packet originated - It is the total number of packets originated in a source node
 Packet transmitted - It is the total number of packets transmitted by a source node
and intermediate device (LoWPAN Gateway or sink node)
 Packet dropped - It is the total number of packets dropped by a wireless node

Device metrics: Displays device related metrics like ARP table, IP forwarding tables. This is
also dependent upon the type of network/technology simulated

IP_Forwarding Table:

 Network Destination - It represents the Network address of the destination

 Netmask/Prefix length - A 32-bit combination used to describe which portion of an
address refers to the subnet and which part refers to the host.
 Gateway - It is the IP address of the next-hop router
 Interface - It represents a network connection
 Metrics - It is the value used to choose between two routes
 Type - It represents the type of the network i.e. local/Multicast/Broadcast

Switch MAC Address Table: These metrics will be displayed when we run networks having

Ver 11.1 112

 MAC Address - It represents the MAC address of the switch interfaces
 Type - It is the type of the switch
 OutPort - It is the output port of the switch

Cellular Metrics: Displayed if GSM or CDMA is running in the network

GSM/CDMA Metrics

MS Metrics

 MS Id - It is the id of the Mobile station

 Call generated - It is the number of calls generated by a Mobile Station
 Call blocked - It is the number of calls blocked by a Base station when no channel
 Call blocking probability - It is the probability of calls blocked by a base station
 Channel request sent - It is the number of channel requests sent by a mobile station
 Call request sent - It is the number of call requests sent by a mobile station (at
 Call request received - It is the number of call requests received by a mobile station
(at destination)
 Call accepted - It represents the number of calls accepted by a mobile station
 Call rejected - It represents the number of calls rejected by a mobile station
 Handover request - It is the number of handover requests sent by a mobile station.
Handover refers to the process of transferring an ongoing call or data session from
one channel connected to the core network to another channel.
 Call dropped - It represents the number of calls dropped by a BS
 Call dropping probability - It represents the probability of number of calls dropped
by a BS

Channel metrics

 BS Id - It is the Id of a Base Station

 Channel Id - It represents the channel number
 Uplink frequency - It is the uplink frequency of the GSM network to send data from
mobile station to base station
 Downlink frequency - It is the downlink frequency of the GSM network to send data
from base station to mobile station
 Time slot - It represents the time slot. In GSM network, Frequency band is divided
into 200kHz carriers and then each carrier is divided into 8 time slots (0-7)

Ver 11.1 113

Sensor metrics: Displayced if WSN/IOT is running in the network

 Device Id - It represents the Id’s of the sensor and LoWPAN Gateway

 Packet Transmitted - It is the number of packets (either data/routing/zigbee)
transmitted by Sensor and LoWPAN gateway
 Packet Received - It is the number of packets (either data/routing/zigbee) received
by Sensor and LoWPAN gateway
 Ack Transmitted - It is the number of acknowledgements transmitted by particular
 Ack Received - It is the number of acknowledgements received by a particular
 CCA Attempt - It represents the number of Clear channel Assessment attempts at
sensors and LoWPAN Gateway used to determine whether the medium is idle or not
 Successful CCA Attempt - It represents the number of successful CCA attempts at
sensors and LoWPAN Gateway
 Failed CCA - It represents the number of failed CCA attempts at sensors
 Total Backoff Time - It is the total backoff time obtained. It is the time that sensors
has to wait before attempting to access the channel
 Average Backoff time - It is the average backoff time
 Beacon Transmitted - It the total number of beacons transmitted by a LoWPAN
Gateway. It transmits network beacons in a beacon enabled mode. If beacon mode is
enabed, it follows slotted CSMA/CA algorithm
 Beacon Received - It is the total number of beacons received by the sensors
 Beacon Forwarded - It is the total number of beacons forwarded by the sensors
 Beacon Time - It is the total time calculated for beacon transmission at LoWPAN
 CAP Time - It is the total Contention Access Period obtained during simulation.
During this time, sensors competes for channel
 CFP Time - It is the total Contention free period obtained. In CFP, nodes request for
Guarantee time slots. If GTS is allocated, nodes can transmit without contention

Battery Model

 Device Name - It represents the Name and Id of the Sensor

 Initial Energy - It represents the initial energy of the sensors
 Consumed Energy - This is the total energy consumed by the respective sensor.

Ver 11.1 114

 Remaining Energy - This is the remaining energy of the sensor at the end of the
 Transmission Energy - It is the energy consumed by the respective sensor for
transmitting data
 Receiving Energy - It is the energy consumed by the respective sensor while
receiving data
 Idle Energy - When the sensor is active and ready but not currently receiving or
transmitting data packets, it is said to be in an idle state. This metrics calculates the
energy consumed by the sensor in idle state
 Sleep Energy - This is the energy consumed when the respective sensor is in an
inactive mode

CR metrics: Displayed if 802.22 cognitive radio is running in the network

Base station Metrics

 BS Id - It is the id of a Base Station

 Interface Id - It is the Interface Id of a BS
 SCH sent - SCH. It is the number of Superframe Control Headers sent by a BS. SCH
carries Base Station’s MAC address along with the schedule of quiet periods for
sensing, as well as other information about the cell
 FCH sent - It represents the number of Frame Control Headers sent by a BS. It is
transmitted as a part of Down Stream (DS) Protocol Data Unit in DS subframe
specifies length of either DS-Map if transmitted or US-Map. It is sent in the first two
subchannels of the symbol immediately following the preamble symbol
 DSA req received - It is the number of Dynamic Service Addition requests received
by a BS used to create a new service flow
 DSA rep sent - It is the number of DSA replies sent by a BS
 DSC req received - It is the number of Dynamic Service Change requests received
by a BS to dynamically change the parameters of an existing service flow
 DSC rep sent - It is the number of DSC replies sent by a BS
 DSD req received - It is the number of Dynamic Service Deletion requests received
by a BS to delete an existing service flow
 DSD rep sent - It is the number of DSD replies sent by a BS
 CHS req sent - It is the number of Channel Switch Requests sent by a BS

CPE metrics

Ver 11.1 115

 CPE Id - It represents the Id of Customer Premise Equipment
 Interface Id - It represents the Interface Id of the CPE
 SCH received - It is the number of Superframe Control Headers received by a CPE.
 FCH received - It represents the number of Frame Control Headers received by a
 DSA req sent - It is the number of Dynamic Service Addition requests sent by a CPE
 DSA rep received - It is the number of DSA replies received by a CPE
 DSC req sent - It is the number of Dynamic Service Change requests sent by a CPE
 DSC rep received - It is the number of DSC replies received by a CPE
 DSD req sent - It is the number of Dynamic Service Deletion requests sent by a CPE
 DSD rep received - It is the number of DSD replies received by a CPE
 CHS req received - It is the number of Channel Switch Requests received by a CPE
 UCS Sent - It is the number of Urgent Coexistence Situations sent by a CPE

Incumbent Metrics

 BS Id - It represents the Id of the Base Station

 Incumbent Id - It represents the Id of the Incumbent
 Frequency - It is the frequency at which the incumbent operates
 Operational Time - It is the active period of the incumbent
 Idle Time - It is the inactive period of the incumbent
 Interference Time - It is the time when interference occurs due to CPE

Channel Metrics

 BS Id - It is the Id of the BS
 Channel Number - It represents the channel number at which the BS is operating
 Frequency - It is the frequency of the channel at which the BS is operating
 Spectral efficiency - It refers to the information rate that can be transmitted over a
given bandwidth in a specific communication system. It is a measure of how
efficiently a limited frequency spectrum is utilized by the physical layer protocol, and
sometimes by the media access control protocol.

Application Metrics: Displays Application performance metrics

 Application Id - It is the unique Id of the application running at the source.
 Application Name - It is unique name of the application running.
 Source Id - It is the unique Id of the device running that particular application.
 Destination Id - It is the unique Id of the destination device.

Ver 11.1 116

 Packets Generated - It is the total number of packets generated from the source.
 Packets Transmitted - It is the total number of packets generated and transmitted
from the source.
 Packets Received - It is the total number of packets received at the destination.
 Payload Transmitted - It is the total payload transmitted in bytes. It is equal to the
product of ‘Packets Transmitted’ and ‘Packet Size’. This calculation will apply only in
case of a constant packet size (CBR, CUSTOM (constant) etc. In other cases this
should be considered as the sum of the payload of the packets transmitted.
 Payload Received - It is the total payload received at the destination in bytes.
 Throughput - Total user data (or) payload delivered to their respective destination
every second.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8
𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡(𝑖𝑛 𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) =
𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑀𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑐)

 Delay - It is the average amount of time taken calculated for all the packets to reach
the destination from the source.

Note about metrics: NetSim uses the Douglas–Peucker algorithm for plotting the throughput
(link/application) over time. This is an iterative end-point fit algorithm, which takes a curve
composed of line segments and finds a similar curve with fewer points.

The metrics are calculated at each layer and might not be equivalent to the same metric
calculated at a different layer. For exactness and precision we recommend users also verify
the results with the event trace & packet trace generated by NetSim.

Note about packet transmission: The Network Stack forms the core of NetSim’s
architecture. The Stack consists of five IN and OUT events: PHYSICAL_IN, MAC_IN,
transferred between devices go through the above events in order. IN events occur when the
packet is entering a device and all the OUT events occur when packet leaves a device.

The following table lists the various files that will be written in the NetSim install directory/ IO
path on completion of simulation.

Ver 11.1 117

S. No File Contents
1 Metrics.xml Contains the metrics of the network that
is simulated recently.
2 Node.pcap Contains the information of captured
packets that is recently simulated.
3 LicenseErrorLog.txt Contains the status of the
communication between the NetSim
dongle and the client.
4 ConfigLog.txt This file will be written while reading the
Configuration file.
Provides errors if there are errors in the
configuration file.
5 LogFile.txt Contains the logs as the control flows
across various layers in the Network
6 PacketTrace.csv Contains the detailed packet information.
This file will be written only when Packet
Trace is enabled.
7 EventTrace.csv Contains the information about each
event. This file will be written only when
Event Trace is enabled.
8 Animation.txt Contains the information about the flow
of the packet.
9 Static ARP.txt Contains the information about the
dropped devices like Ip address and mac

If NetSim runs via the UI, then the metrics will be displayed automatically at the end of
simulation with illustrative tables.

If NetSim runs via CLI, then the metrics will be written into Metrics.txt and MetricsGraph.txt.

7.2 Export to .csv

In NetSim Result Dashboard, users can use the option Export to XL/CSV to export all the
metrics file to XL/CSV file for the further computation or analysis using it.

Ver 11.1 118

XL/CSV fle

7.3 Print
A web formatted (html file) report can be generated for simulations performed in NetSim, using
the Print button present in the results window.

The report that is generated contains:

 A screenshot of the network scenario created in NetSim GUI

 All the metrics tables that were part of the Simulation Results Window
 Dynamic Metrics Plots(if Dynamic Metrics is enabled prior to Simulation)

Ver 11.1 119

 The report that is generated makes it convenient for documentation, reference, study
and further analysis.
 This html report can be printed as PDF or printed out by selecting printer options as
per your need.

7.4 Packet Animation

NetSim provides the feature to play and record animations to the user. Packet animation
enables users to watch traffic flow through the network for in-depth visualization and analysis.
Users have the following options before running simulation:

 Record the animation,

 Don’t play/ record animation and
 Play and record animation while running simulation.

Ver 11.1 120

The packet animation would then be recorded and the user can view the animation from the
NetSim Packect Animation window as shown below:
Speed Control


Packet Label

25 plus field

While viewing packet animation, user can see the flow of packets as well as the type of packet.
Blue color packet denotes control packet, green color is used for data packet and red color is
error/collided packet. Packet Animation table is also provided for users to see the flow of
packets along with packet animation. The Table Filters option available in the Packet Animator
Window allows users to filter the parameters that will be displayed in the Packet Trace Window
displayed alongside animation. The View More Animation options can be used to view plots,
IP address of devices, Battery Level, Route tables etc alongside animation.

Example on how to use NetSim packet animation feature:

Ver 11.1 121


 Create a scenario with 3 wired nodes, 2 switches and 1 router and connect it based
on the following scenario.
 Disable TCP in all the wired nodes.
 Click on application and set Source_Id and Destination_Id as 1 and 2 respectively.
 Set Simulation time = 100s. After clicking on Run Simulation, edit Static ARP
Configuration tab by setting Static ARP as Disable. Click on OK button to simulate.

Now click on packet animation and analyse the following:

 NODE-1 sends ARP_Request which is then broadcasted by SWITCH-4.

 During the process the devices that receive the ARP_Request packet (Switch,
Router, and Node-2) will update their ARP table or the switch table.
 NODE -2 sends the ARP_Reply to NODE-1 via SWITCH-4.
 Now NODE-1 updates its ARP table with the MAC address of NODE-2 on receiving
the ARP_Reply.
 After this step, NODE-1 starts sending data packets to NODE-2 since the source
now has both IP and MAC addresses of destination.

Ver 11.1 122

Case 2: Across-Router-IP-forwarding

 Follow all the steps till Step 2 and perform the following sample.
 To run the simulation, click on the Application icon and set the Source_Id and
Destination_Id as 1 and 3 respectively.
 Click on Run Simulation and set Simulation time as 100 sec.
 Then go to Static ARP Configuration tab and set Static ARP as Disable. Click on
OK button to simulate.

Click on packet animation to analyse the following:

 NODE-1 transmits ARP_Request which is further broadcasted by SWITCH-4.

ROUTER-6 sends ARP_Reply to NODE-1 which goes through SWITCH-4. Then
NODE-1 starts to send data to NODE-3.
 If the router has the address of NODE-3 in its routing table, ARP protocol ends here
and data transfer starts that is PACKET_ID 1 is being sent from NODE-1 to NODE-

Ver 11.1 123

 In other case, Router sends ARP_Request to appropriate subnet and after getting
the MAC ADDRESS of the NODE-3, it forwards the packet which it has received
from NODE-1.
 When a node has to send data to a node with known IP address but unknown MAC
address, it sends an ARP request. If destination is in same subnet as the source
(found through subnet mask) then it sends the ARP (broadcast ARP message)
request, otherwise it forwards it to the default gateway.
 Former case happens in case of intra-LAN communication. The destination node
sends an ARP response which is then forwarded by the switch to the initial node.
Then data transmission starts.
 In latter case, a totally different approach is followed. Source sends the ARP request
to the default gateway and gets back the MAC address of default gateway. (If it
knows which router to send then it sends ARP request to the corresponding router
and not to Default gateway).
 When source sends data to default gateway (a router in this case), the router
broadcasts ARP request for the destined IP address in the appropriate subnet. On
getting the ARP response from destination, router then sends the data packet to
destination node.

7.5 Packet Trace

NetSim allows users to generate trace files which provide detailed packet information useful
for performance validation, statistical analysis and custom code de-bugging. Packet Trace logs
a set of chosen parameters for every packet as it flows through the network such as arrival
times, queuing times, departure times, payload, overhead, errors, collisions etc.

By providing a host of information and parameters of every packet that flows through the
network, packet trace provides necessary forensics for users to catch logical errors without
setting a lot of breakpoints or restarting the program often. Window size variation in TCP,
Route Table Formation in OSPF, Medium Access in Wi-fi, etc, are examples of protocol
functionalities that can be easily understood from the trace.

Note: By default packet tracing option is turned off. Turning on Packet Trace will slow down the simulation
significantly. After simulation, users would get the “open packet trace” link in the metrics window (will also
get Packet_Trace.csv file in the saved folder).

How to set filters to NetSim trace file

Step 1: Open the trace file. (In this example packet trace is opened)

Ver 11.1 124

Step 2: Click the arrow in the header of the column you want to filter. In the list of text or
numbers, uncheck the (Select All) box at the top of the list, and then check the boxes of the
items you want to show.

For example, click on arrow of SOURCE_ID and uncheck the “Select all” check box and select
NODE 2 then click on OK

All the rows which are having NODE 2 as source id will be shown.

Typically, filters can be set to observe “Errored/Collided/Successful “packets, packets of

destination and packets of source.

Ver 11.1 125

Observing packet flow in the Network through packet trace file

Open the packet trace file, Click the arrow in the header of the column PACKET_ID and
uncheck the “Select all” check box and select the packet id which you want to observe, for
example 1, and then click on OK.

Scenario is as shown below and traffic flow is from Wired Node 2 to Wired Node 3.

Flow of packet 1 can be observed from the packet trace as shown below.

Ver 11.1 126

Note: In the trace file device IDs are shown not device names. Wired Node 1’s ID is 2 so it is Shown as
NODE-2, Wired Node 2’s ID is 3 so it is shown as NODE -3, Router-1’ ID is 1 so it is shown as ROUTER-1.
Device IDs are shown on the top of the device icon in the above scenario.

In a scenario source and destinations are fixed but transmitter and receiver are changed. For
example, in the above scenario NODE-2 is the source and NODE-3 is the destination, but
when NODE- 2 sending the packet to the ROUTER-1 then NODE-2 is the transmitter and
ROUTER-1 is the receiver. When ROUTER-1 sending the packet to the NODE-3, ROUTER-
1 is the transmitter and NODE-3 is the receiver.

Analysing Packet Trace using Pivot Tables

NetSim Packet trace is saved as a spread sheet. Packet Trace can be converted to an Excel
table to make the management and analysis of data easier. A table typically contains related
data in a series of worksheet rows and columns that have been formatted as a table. By using
the table features, you can then manage the data in the table rows and columns independently
from the data in other rows and columns on the worksheet

PivotTables are a great way to summarize, analyse, explore, and present your data, and you
can create them with just a few clicks. PivotTables are highly flexible and can be quickly
adjusted depending on how you need to display your results. You can also create Pivot Charts
based on PivotTables that will automatically update when your PivotTables do.

If you enable packet trace, Open Packet Trace link present in the Simulation Results
Window can be used to load the packet Trace file in MS-Excel. Formats the spread sheet as
a table for convenient analysis.

Ver 11.1 127

Sheet 2 of the packet trace file has a pivot table – Pivot Table (TX-RX) automatically
populated to analyze the packets that were transmitted and received in the network that was
simulated. Further users can modify the table by adding or deleting the column headers.

Sheet 3 of the packet trace has a black pivot table – Pivot Table (Custom) which can
be used to create additional pivot tables from scratch.

Steps to analyse the packet trace using pivot tables

Step 1: Click on Packet Trace in the result dashboard, you can find 3 sheets will be created
i.e Packet Trace, Pivot Table (TX-RX), Pivot Table (Custom)

Ver 11.1 128

Step 2: Click on Pivot Table (Custom) to create your own pivot table.

Once you open the sheet PivotTable (Custom), you'll need to decide which fields to add.
Each field is simply a column header from the source data. In the PivotTable Field List,
check the box for each field you want to add.

Packet Transmitted / Received Analysis

 If you want to analyse packets sent from all sources to all destinations, then check

Ver 11.1 129

 The selected fields will be added to one of the four areas below the Field List. Click
SOURCE_ID, hold it and drag to the ROW field. Similarly, DESTINATION_ID to

 The PivotTable will calculate and summarize the selected fields. In this example, the
PivotTable shows the packets sent from all sources to all destinations.

 The above example shows all the packets which including data packets and control
 If you wish to know how many Data and how many were control packets then, check
the PACKET_TYPE and drag it to the ROWS field.

Ver 11.1 130

 This will look like

 Further, if you wish to know how many packets got errored and how many were
successful, check the PACKET_STATUS field and drag it to the ROWS field.

Ver 11.1 131

Delay analysis: To explain how users can do the delay analysis, we have chosen the packet
trace generated per the following network scenario

Create a network scenario with 1 router and 6 wired nodes. Create 3 applications as per the

Application Source Id Destination Packet Size Inter arrival time

Type Id (Bytes) (μs)
CBR 2 3 1460 20000
VOICE 4 5 1500 20000
CUSTOM 6 7 1200 20000

Enable Packet Trace and simulate the scenario for 10 seconds. Open packet trace and
perform the following steps:-

 Insert a column after PHY_LAYER_END_TIME, then select the whole column and
calculate delay for each and every packet by using the formula

 Then Press CTRL + ENTER. This will calculate delay for the whole column shown

Ver 11.1 132

 Name the column as DELAY
 Go to Insert->PivotTable and click on OK to create a blank Pivot Table with the newly
added column listed under the PivotTable Fields.

 Filter RECEIVER_ID to Node-3 by clicking on the drop down and select OK

Ver 11.1 133


 Drag and drop DELAY value that we have calculated earlier to ROWS and VALUES

 Click on Count of DELAY drop down and select Value Field settings, then Select
SUM and click on OK.

 Again Drag and drop DELAY to VALUES field.

Ver 11.1 134

 Select one cell and calculate the Application Delay, which is the average delay faced
by a packet by using the formula

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐴𝑌 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠

𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐴𝑌 =
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠

 Compare the obtained value with the DELAY in Application Metrics

 To calculate DELAY for VOICE application, filter DESTINATION_ID to Node-5,

APP2_VOICE and PACKET_STATUS to Successful

Ver 11.1 135

 Similarly calculate and compareDELAY for other applications by following the above

Throughput analysis: To explain how users can perform Throughput Analysis, we have used
same network design example as was used for Delay analysis above.

After loading the packet trace switch to sheet Pivot Table (Custom) , drag and drop
 Similarly drag and drop APP_LAYER_PAYLOAD to ROWS field and VALUES
 Click on Count of APP_LAYER_PAYLOAD drop down and select Value Field
settings, then Select Sum and click on OK.
 The pivot table would look like

 Select 1 cell and calculate the throughput by using the formula

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑝𝑝 𝐿𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝐵𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8

𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) =
𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝜇𝑠 )


Ver 11.1 136

 Now compare the throughput calculated using pivot table with the Application
Metrics throughput

 To calculate THROUGHPUT for VOICE application, filter SOURCE_ID to

to APP2_VOICE and PACKET_STATUS to Successful
 Similarly calculate and compareTHROUGHPUT for other applications by
following the above procedure.

Plotting with Pivot Charts

In a pivot table, you can create a new field that performs a calculation on the sum of
other pivot fields.
 Open Packet Trace, switch to sheet Pivot Table (Custom)
ROWS field and APP_LAYER_PAYLOAD to VALUES field as shown below

 Filter SOURCE_ID to Node 2, Node 4 and Node 6, then RECEIVER_ID to Node 3,

Node 5 and Node 7 and PACKET_STATUS to successful

Ver 11.1 137

 Select a cell in the pivot table, and on the Excel Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools
tab, click the Options tab (Analyse tab in Excel 2013).
 In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items, & Sets, and then click Calculated Field.

 Type a name for the calculated field, Application Throughput

 Then click on ADD to save the calculated field.

 Click on Formula text box and then select APP_LAYER_PAYLOAD in the Fields list
and click on Insert Field
 Calculate the throughput by using the following formula shown below and click on

Ver 11.1 138

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑝𝑝 𝐿𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝐵𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠) ∗ 8
𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝑀𝑏𝑝𝑠) =
𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝜇𝑠 )

 This would look like


 Select a cell in the pivot table, and on the Excel Ribbon, under the PivotTable
Tools tab, click the Options tab (Analyze tab in Excel 2013).
 In the Tools group, click Pivot chart and select OK.

 This will display a pivot chart shown below

Packet Trace Fields:


PACKET_ID Specifies the ID of the Data Packets.
For control packets this value is set to 0
SEGMENT_ID Specifies the ID of the segment of the Data Packet. Segmentation is
done in transport layer. If the packet size (generated in the APP layer)

Ver 11.1 139

is greater than the maximum segment size in TRANSPORT layer,
packet will get segmented.
For control packets it is N/A
PACKET_TYPE Specifies the type of application that generates the packet.
It can be Control Packet, Custom, CBR, Peer_to_peer, E-Mail,
DataBase, FTP, Video, Voice, HTTP.
CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE Specifies the type of Control Packet transmitted.
Following are the Protocol specific control packets
RIP: RIP_Message
GSM: GSM_Channel_Request, GSM_Channel_Granted,
GSM_Call_Request, GSM_Channel_Request_For_Incoming,
CDMA: CDMA_Channel_Request, CDMA_Channel_Granted,
CDMA_Call_Request, CDMA_Channel_Request_For_Incoming,
Zigbee: Zigbee_BEACON_FRAME, Zigbee_ACK
Cognitive Radio: SCH, FCH, DS-MAP, US-MAP, UCD, DCD,
SOURCE_ID Specifies the Node ID of the source set in the application
DESTINATION_ID Specifies the Node ID of the destination set in the application.
If the application is a broadcast application the destination field will
show 0
TRANSMITTER_ID Specifies the current node which is transmitting the packet.
The difference between a Source node and a Transmitter, is that when
the Source remains constant across the entire packet transmission
whereas the transmitter ID changes with each hop of the packet.
RECEIVER_ID Specifies the current node which is receiving the packet.
The difference between a Destination node and a Receiver, is that
when the Destination remains constant across the entire packet
transmission whereas the receiver ID changes with each hop of the
APP_LAYER_ARRIVAL_TI Specifies the time at which packet is at the Application_Layer of
ME (μs) Source_ID (or Transmitter_ID). This is usually the time at which the
packet is generated at Source_ID
TRX_LAYER_ARRIVAL_TI Specifies the time at which packet reaches the Transport_layer from
ME (μs) the application layer. This will usually be the same as
Application_layer_Arrival_Time unless there are TCP re-transmissions
NW_LAYER_ARRIVAL_TIM Specifies the time at which packet reaches the Network_Layer of
E (μs) Transmitter_ID if this is a Router (or) Time at which packet reaches the
Network_layer of previous Router / Source_ID (immediate previous
Layer 3 or higher device) if current device is Switch / Access Point.
MAC_LAYER_ARRIVAL_TI Specifies the time at which packet reaches MAC_Layer of
ME (μs) Transmitter_ID
PHY_LAYER_ARRIVAL_TI Specifies the time at which packet reaches PHY_layer of
ME (μs) Transmitter_ID

PHY_LAYER_START_TIME Specifies the time at which packet starts betting transmitted in the link
(μs) between Transmitter_ID and Receiver_ID

Ver 11.1 140

PHY_LAYER_END_TIME Specifies the time at which packet reaches Phy_Layer of Receiver_ID

APP_LAYER_PAYLOAD Specifies the size of the Payload at Application Layer

TRX_LAYER_PAYLOAD Specifies the size of the Payload at Transport Layer
NW_LAYER_PAYLOAD Specifies the size of the Payload at Network Layer
MAC_LAYER_PAYLOAD Specifies the size of the Payload at Data Link Layer
PHY_LAYER_PAYLOAD Specifies the size of the Payload at Physical Layer
PHY_LAYER_OVERHEAD Specifies the size of the overhead in Physical layer
PACKET_STATUS Specifies whether the Packet is Successful, Collided or Errored
LOCAL_ADDRESS Specifies the Port Number at Source Node. Port Numbers are chosen
randomly by NetSim.
FOREIGN_ADDRESS Specifies the Port Number at Destination Node. Port Numbers are
chosen randomly by NetSim.
CWND (bytes) Specifies the current size of the TCP congestion window
SEQ_NO If TCP is enabled, it specifies the TCP Sequence number of the packet
ACK_NO If TCP is enabled, it specifies the TCP Acknowledgement number of
the packet

RTT (seconds) Specifies the Round Trip Time for the packet
RTO (seconds) Specifies the Retransmission Timeouts
CONNECTION_STATE Specifies the state of TCP connection
isSyn If TCP is enabled, it specifies whether the packet is TCP_SYN or not
isAck If TCP is enabled, it specifies whether the packet is
isFin If TCP is enabled, it specifies whether the packet is TCP_FIN or not
SEGMENT_LENGTH Specifies the segment length of the packet
SOURCE_IP Specifies the IP address of the source
DESTINATION_IP Specifies the IP address of the destination
GATEWAY_IP Specifies the IP address of the device which is transmitting a packet
NEXT_HOP_IP Specifies the IP address of the next hop

Each line in the packet trace represents one hop of one packet.
The packet trace is logged in ascending order of time as measured in Phy_Layer_End_Time.

7.6 Event Trace (only in Standard/Pro Version)

NetSim Network Stack and Discrete Event Simulation working

NetSim’s Network Stack forms the core of NetSim and its architectural aspects are
diagrammatically explained below. It exactly mirrors the TCP/IP stack and has the following
five layers

Ver 11.1 141

1. Application Layer – CBR, Voice, Video, HTTP, COAP etc

2. Transport Layer – TCP, UDP

3. Network Layer – IP, OSPF, AODV, OLSR etc

4. MAC Layer – 802.11, 802.15.4, LTE etc

5. Physical Layer – Wired (P2P, P2MP, MP2MP), Wireless (RF Propagation)

Network Stack accepts inputs from the end-user in the form of Configuration file and the data
flows as packets from one layer to another layer in the Network Stack.

All packets, when transferred between devices move up and down the stack, and all events in
NetSim fall under one of these ten categories of events, namely, Physical IN, Data Link IN,
Network IN, Transport IN, Application IN, Application Out, Transport OUT, Network OUT,
Data Link OUT and Physical OUT. The IN events occur when the packets are entering a
device while the OUT events occur while the packet is leaving a device. In addition to these
events there can be TIMER events associated with each protocol.

Every device in NetSim has an instance of the Network Stack shown above. Switches &
Access points have a 2 layer stack, while routers have a 3 layer stack. End-nodes have a 5
layer stack.

The protocol engines are called based on the layer at which the protocols operate. For
example, TCP is called during execution of Transport IN or Transport OUT events, while

Ver 11.1 142

802.11b WLAN is called during execution of MAC IN, MAC OUT, PHY IN and PHY OUT

When these protocols are in operation they in turn generate events for NetSim's discrete event
engine to process. These are known as SUB EVENTS. All SUB EVENTS, fall into one of the
above 10 types of EVENTS and TIMER events if applicable.

Each event gets added in the Simulation kernel by the protocol operating at the particular layer
of the Network Stack. The required sub events are passed into the Simulation kernel. These
sub events are then fetched by the Network Stack in order to execute the functionality of each
protocol. At the end of Simulation, Network Stack writes trace files and the Metrics files that
assist the user in analyzing the performance metrics and statistical analysis.

Event Trace:

The event trace records every single event along with associated information such as time
stamp, event ID, event type etc in a text file or .csv file which can be stored at a user defined
location. Apart from a host of information, the event trace has two special information fields for

 A log of the file name and line number from where the event was generated (Please
refer “Writing Custom Code in NetSim  Debugging your code  Via CLI”) and
 Previous event which triggered the current event.

Note: Turning on Event Trace will slow down the simulation significantly

NetSim provides users with the option of turning on "Event Traces".

How to enable Event Trace via GUI?

If NetSim runs via GUI, event trace can be turned on by clicking the Event Trace icon in the
tool bar and selecting the required fields in the event trace.

How to enable Event Trace via CLI?

If NetSim runs via CLI, then the event trace can be turned on by enabling the event trace in
the STATISTICS_COLLECTION tag of the configuration file. Following is a screenshot of a
Configuration.netsim file with Event Trace disabled:

Ver 11.1 143

You can see that the STATUS is set to DISABLE, file name and file path are not set. To enable
Event trace these parameters can be modified by editing the Configuration file. Open
Configuration.netsim file and provide the file name, path and set status as Enable. Following
is a screenshot of a Configuration.netsim file with Event Trace enabled:

Event Trace Metrics:

Event_Id Specifies the ID of the Event

Event_Type Specifies the type of event being performed, for eg -
Event_Time Specifies the time(in microseconds) at which the event is being

Ver 11.1 144

Device_Type Specifies the type of device in which the current event is being
Device_Id Specifies the ID of device in which the current event is being executed
Interface_Id Specifies the Interface_Id of device in which the present event is being
Application_Id Specifies the ID of the Application on which the specific event is
Packet_Id Specifies the ID of the packet on which the current event is being
Segment_Id Specifies the ID of the segment of packet on which the current event is
being executed
Protocol_Name Specifies the Protocol which is presently executed
Subevent_Type Specifies the protocol sub event which is being executed. If the sub
event value is 0, it indicates interlayer communication (Ex: MAC_OUT
called by NETWORK_OUT) or a TIMER_EVENT which has no sub
Packet_Size Specifies the size of packet during the current event
Prev_Event_Id Specifies the ID of the event which generated the current event.

Calculation of Delay, Jitter and Application throughput from event trace

1. Enable Event trace and run simulation
2. Click Event Trace option (Open Event Trace) in the Simulation results window.
Note: Event tracing is available only in NetSim standard and pro versions.

3. Click on Pivot Table(Custom) in excel sheet as shown below

Ver 11.1 145

4. A blank PivotTable and Field List will appear on a new worksheet.

5. Once PivotTable worksheet open, you'll need to decide which fields to add. Each
field is simply a column header from the source data. In the PivotTable Field List,
check the box for each field you want to add. Application Delay Analysis:

1. Drag and drop the Event_Type, Protocol_Name Fields into FILTERS, Packet_Id
into ROWS and Device_Id into COLUMNS.

Ver 11.1 146

2. Drag and Drop Event_Time Field into VALUES twice, then both will show Sum of
Event_Time. Recheck that you have dropped the Event_Time field twice.
3. Click on the second Event_Time field in the VALUES and select the Value Field

4. A window named Value Field Settings opens then select Count option and click
OK button
5. Then finally the Pivot Table Fields will be as shown below.

Ver 11.1 147

6. In the Event_Type select APPLICATION_IN and APPLICATION_OUT,
Protocol_Name select APPLICATION and in Column Labels select the
Source_Id and Destination_Id. In our example source node ID is 1 and
destination node ID is 10

And the Pivot Table created will be as shown (1 in the table is Source_Id and 10
is the Destination_Id)

Ver 11.1 148

7. Select the entire empty column H then and enter the formula =IF(AND(LEN(A1),
INT(A1)=A1),F1-G1*B1) in function and press CTRL+ENTER
F column is Total Sum of Event_Time, G Column is Total Count of Event_Time, B
Column is Sum of Event_time(µs) of the Source.

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
App Delay =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Note: If the packet size is > 1500 then fragmentation occurs and the packet is received as multiple
segments. In NetSim the destination counts each segment as different packet.
Then in an empty cell enter
=SUMIF(H:H,">0")/GETPIVOTDATA("Count of Event_Time(US)2",$A$4,"Device_Id",10)

Ver 11.1 149

GETPIVOTDATA ("Count of Event_Time(US)2",$A$4,"Device_Id",10) gives the total
number of packets received by the destination(in this case 10).This will give the exact
Application Delay

Compare with the Delay in Application_Metrics_Tables and it would exactly match. There
might be slight difference in the decimals due to Excel’s round offs. Application Jitter Analysis

In NetSim ‘jitter’ is defined as the variance of delay. Variance is statistically defined as the
square of deviation from the mean.

Note: This calculation is only valid only when there is with no packet segmentation. Packets will be
segmented in the Transport Layer if they exceed the Maximum Segment Size (MSS), which is 1460 Bytes
by default.

Sample Scenario:

Ver 11.1 150

1. Open Event trace, Goto Pivot table(Custom) Sheet
2. For Jitter Calculation Pivot table Fields

FILTERS to have of Event_Type, Protocol_Name, COLUMNS to have Device_Id,

ROWS to have Packet_Id and VALUES to have Event_Time (US) (Note that
Event_Time is added only once and not twice as was done for delay calculation)

Pivot table Fields should be as shown below

3. Then select Protocol_Name(2nd Row) in the top of the sheet and select
APPLICATION only and then click Ok

Ver 11.1 151

4. Then select any cell of Destination_Node_Id (2 in this case) column and right click
and select Show Values As option, it dropdown a list in which you select Difference
From option

5. Then it opens a window named Show Values As in that select Base Field as
Device_Id Base Item as the Source_Node_Id (1 in this case) and click OK button.

Ver 11.1 152

6. Then the Pivot Table will look like this and the Destination_Node_Id (2 in this Case)
column shows the delay of each packet

7. Place the mouse cursor on the top of Destination_Node_Id(2 in this Case) then left
click it will automatically selects the rows of the Destination_Node_Id, then select the
Name Box and name the row as Delay as shown below

Ver 11.1 153

8. Then in an empty cell type the following formula and press enter

=ADDRESS(ROW(Delay)+1,COLUMN(Delay)) &":"& ADDRESS(ROW(Delay)+ROWS(Delay)-


This will give you the Row Address ($C$6:$C$5005)

9. Then in an empty cell type the following formula and press enter

=VAR.S (Row Address), where the Row Address is one that you got in the previous step.

For example =VAR.S ($C$6:$C$5005) .This will give you the Application Jitter.

Ver 11.1 154 Application Throughput Analysis:

1. For Application Throughput drag and drop Event_type, Protocol_Name Fields in

FILTERS, Device_Id in ROWS, Packet_Size(Bytes) into VALUES. Change the Value
Field Settings of Packets_Size(Bytes) to SUM as mentioned in Delay Analysis.

Then Select the Event_Type as APPLICATION_IN, Protocol_Name as APPLICATION and

Device_Id as the Destination (in this case 10).

2. App Throughput = 𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Then in an empty cell type =GETPIVOTDATA ("Packet_Size(Bytes)",$A$4)*8/10000000

This give the Application Throughput in Mbps (Multiplied by 8 to convert Bytes to bits, and
divided by 100000 to convert into Mega)

Ver 11.1 155

Compare with the Application throughput in the Application_Metrics_Table

7.7 Packet Capture & analysis using Wireshark

Enabling Wireshark Capture in a node for packet capture

In NetSim, to enable packet capture in Wireshark, Right Click on the device where Wireshark
should capture packets. In the properties, go to Global_Properties and set the Wireshark
Capture parameter as Online

Ver 11.1 156

Wireshark Capture Option
Online Online will initiate a live interactive packet caputure, displaying
packets while running simulation
Offline Offline option will initiate silent packet caputure and generate
a pcap file which can be opened using Wireshark post-
Disable Packets are not captured during simulation.

Viewing captured packets

If enabled, Wireshark Capture automatically starts during simulation and displays all the
captured packets. To view the details of the packet displayed, click-on the packet as shown

The detail of the contents of the selected packet can be seen in the below panes.



In the above figure, the details of the packet are displayed in both tree form and bytes form. In
the tree form, user can expand the data by clicking on the part of the tree and view detailed
information about each protocol in each packet.

Ver 11.1 157

Filtering captured packets

Display filters allow you to concentrate on the packets you are interested in while hiding the
currently uninteresting ones. Packets can be filtered by protocol, presence of a field, values of
field’s etc.To select packets based on protocol, type the protocol in which you are interested
in the Filter: field of the Wireshark window and presenter to initiate the filter. In the figure below,
tcp protocol is filtered.

Youcan also build display filters that compare values using a number of different comparison
operators like ==, != , >, <, <=, etc.Following is an example displaying filtered packets whose
SYN Flag and ACK Flag are set to 1 in a TCP Stream.

Analyzing packets in Wireshark

Analyzing Conversation using graphs

A network conversation is the traffic between two specific end points.For example, an IP
conversation is all the traffic between two IP addresses.In Wireshark, Go to Statistics Menu

Ver 11.1 158

Different types of protocols will be available. User can select the specific conversation by going
to the desired protocol. For example, in the following diagram, we have selected TCP.

User can also analyze each of the conversation andcan create graphs by selecting them and
clicking on “Graph”.

The different types of graphs possible are

 Round Trip time

 Throughput
 Time/Sequence (Stevens)
 Time/Sequence (tcptrace)
 Window Scaling

Ver 11.1 159

Window Scaling

Click on data packet i.e. <None>.

Choose statisticsTCP Stream GraphWindow Scaling

Click on Switch Direction in the window scaling graph window

Ver 11.1 160

Fig: TCP congestion window Plot

Comparing the packet lengths

To analyze the packet sizes of all packets transmitted, go to Statistics MenuPacket

lengths. Users can also set filter to analyze a collection of specific packets only. For example,
tcp filter is set to obtain the packet length below:

Creating IO graphs

To get the graph, go to Statistics Menu  IO Graph.

Ver 11.1 161

Creating Flow graphs

The flow graph feature provides a quick and easy to use way of checking connections between
a client and a server. It can show where there might be issues with a TCP connection, such
as timeouts, re-transmitted frames, or dropped connections.To access flow graph, go to
Statistics Menu  Flow Graph and select the flow type. By default you can see the flow
graph of all the packets.

To get the TCP flow, select TCP flow in “Flow Type” dropdown box and you will obtain the flow
as shown:

Ver 11.1 162

8 Writing Custom Code in NetSim

8.1 Writing your own code

NetSim allows the user to write the custom code for all the protocols by creating a DLL
(Dynamic Link Library) for their custom code

There are various important steps in this process, and each of these steps has various options
as explained in the subsequent pages:

Modifying code

DLL is the shared library concept, implemented by Microsoft. All DLL files have a .dll file
extension. DLLs provide a mechanism for sharing code and data to upgrade functionality
without requiring applications to be re-linked or re-compiled. It is not possible to directly
execute a DLL, since it requires an EXE for the operating system to load it through an entry
point. NetSim requires Visual Studio Compiler for building DLL’s.

Note: Make sure that Visual Studio 2015 or above is installed in your system.

Refer section 3.12 section “How does a user open and modify source codes” to open NetSim
Source Codes

1. After this you may modify the source codes of any project. You can also add new files
to the project if required. As an example let us make a simple source code modification
to TCP. Inside Solution Explorer pane in Visual Studio, double click on TCP project.
Then open TCP.c file by double clicking on it. Using the drop down list of functions that
are part of the current file, choose fn_Netsim_TCP_Init().

Ver 11.1 163

2. Add the line fprintf(stderr, "\nSource is Modified\n"); statement inside the
fn_Netsim_TCP_Init() function as shown below to print “Source is modified”.

3. Once this is done click to save the changes and overwrite the file (in case of write

Building Dlls

Ver 11.1 164

Identify the build of NetSim that is installed in your system from NetSim Home Screen as
shown below:

Based on the build of NetSim installed modify the solution platform in Visual studio from
the drop down as shown below:

Ver 11.1 165

Choose x64 for 64 bit version of NetSim and Win32 for 32 bit version of NetSim. After
changing the solution platform, changes will be automatically applied to all projects that
are displayed in the Solution Explorer.

Now rebuild the network by right clicking on the project header and selecting Rebuild
creates a Dll file in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace path
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit which contains your
modifications. If build is successful a message similar to the following will be displayed in
the output window:

Running Simulation

1. After rebuilding the code, user can run the simulation via GUI (Please refer section 3).
In this case, user can create a scenario in any network which involves TCP protocol.
Running the simulation with the custom DLL will initially display a warning message as
shown below:

2. The warning message lists the Dll files which have been modified in the bin folder
(bin\bin_x86 for 32-bit and bin\bin_x64 for 64-bit) of NetSim’s current workspace path.

Ver 11.1 166

After pressing any key the statement “Source is modified” will be printed to console as
shown below:

3. Press any key to proceed with the simulation.

4. The warning message will not be displayed if no Dll’s are modified in the bin folder of
current workspace path (bin\bin_x32 for 32-bit and bin\bin_x64 for 64-bit).

Source Code Dependencies

The following are the list of projects that are part of NetSim source codes present in
<NetSim_Install_Directory>/src/Simulation directory and their dependencies:

Application IP
Cellular Application
CLIInterpertor Firewall, IP
Cognitive Radio Application
Ethernet Firewall
IEEE802_11 Battery Model
Routing IP
ZigBee Battery Model
Aloha -

Ver 11.1 167

ARP` -
Battery Model -
Firewall -
IEEE1609 -
IP -
Mobility -
P2P -
Support Function -
Token_BR -

For Eg: To perform modfications to Application Project, IP folder will also be required in
addition to lib folder, Include folder and NetSim.sln file.

8.2 Implementing your code - Examples

Hello World Program

Objective: Print Hello World from TCP protocol.

Implementation: Add fprintf (stderr, “<MESSAGE>”) statement inside the source code of TCP
as shown below to print “Hello World” when custom built dll is executing.
fprintf(stderr,”\nHello World\n”);


Ver 11.1 168

Build DLL as explained in Section 8.1 and run the simulation, you can see the following output
on the console.

Press enter then simulation will continue.

Introducing Node Failure in MANET

Objective: Node failure using MANET-DSR using Device Id.

Implementation: Identify the Device ID of the particular node to be failed.

Step 1: Create a file with the name NodeFailure.txt inside the bin folder of NetSim’s current
workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit. The file will contain two
columns: one being the Node ID of the device to be failed and other being the failure time (in

Ver 11.1 169

For example, to fail Node Id 2 from10th sec onwards and fail Node Id 1 from 90th sec onwards,
the NodeFailure.txt file will be as follows:

Step 2: Go to DSR.c in DSR protocol.

Step 3: The function fn_NetSim_DSR_Init() will execute before the protocol execution starts.
So in this function, we will read the NodeFailure.txt and save information regarding which
nodes will fail at which time. Add the following code inside the specified function.

int i;
FILE *fp1;
char *pszFilepath;
char pszConfigInput[1000];
pszFilepath = fnpAllocateMemory(36,sizeof(char)*50);
fp1 = fopen(pszFilepath,"r");
while(fgets(pszConfigInput,500,fp1)!= NULL)
sscanf(pszConfigInput,"%d %d",&NodeArray[i],&TimeArray[i]);

Step 4:The fn_NetSim_DSR_Run( ) is the main function to handle all the protocol
functionalities. So add the following code to the function at the start.

int i,nFlag=1;
if((pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId== NodeArray[i]) &&
(pstruEventDetails->dEventTime >= TimeArray[i]))
pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId = 0;
return 0;

Ver 11.1 170


Step 5: Add the following code inside DSR.h header file

//Node failure model

int NodeArray[200];
int TimeArray[200];

Step 6: Build DLL as explained in Section 8.1.

Step 7: Create a scenario in MANET where data packets should be travelling from source to
destination through the mentioned node in NodeFailure.txt file. For that user can increase
the pathloss exponent value and the distance among the nodes.User can utilize Packet
Animation to check the node failure (i.e. no packets are forwarded by failed nodes) after the
mentioned time.

8.3 Debugging your code

This section is helpful to debug the code which user has written. To write your own code please
refer Section 8.1.

Debugging your code via GUI there are two methods available

 Using _getch()
 Using Environment Variables (NETSIM_BREAK) Using _getch()

Step 1: Perform the required modification of the protocol source code and add _getch() (used
to hold the program execution until the user enters a character) statement inside init function
of the modified protocol. For example, take DSR protocol and add the following lines of code
in the init function as shown in the below screenshot

fprintf(stderr,”\nAttach to Process now\n”);


Ver 11.1 171

Step 2: Build the DSR protocol as explained in Section 8.1. Do not close Visual Studio.

Step 3: In NetSim, create a network scenario where the protocol is being used and start the
simulation. In the console window user would get a warning message shown in the below
screenshot and the simulation will pause for user input (because of _getch() added in the init

Step 4: In Visual Studio, put break point inside the source code where you want to debug.

Step 5: Go to “DebugAttach to Process” in Visual studio as shown and attach to


Ver 11.1 172

Click on Attach.Press enter in the command window.Then control goes to the project and stops
at the break point in the source code as shown below. All debugging options like step over
(F10), step into (F11), step out (Shift + F11), continue (F5) are available.

Ver 11.1 173

After execution of the function, the control goes back to NetSim and then comes back to the
custom code the next time the function is called in the simulation.

To stop debugging and continue execution, press Shift+F5 (key). This then gives the control
back to NetSim, for normal execution to continue. Using Environment Variable

This section is helpful to Debug Using Environment Variable (NETSIM_BREAK). To set

Environment variable follow the steps as shown

Note: Setting NETSIM_BREAK Environment Variable will cause the simulation to slow down and it is
recommended to remove this Environment Variables after debugging the simulation

Step 1: Right click on My Computer\ This PC and select Properties

Step 2: Go to Advanced System setting  Advanced Tab  Environment Variables option

Step 3: Click New in System variables. Type “NETSIM_BREAK” as Variable name and any
positive integer as variable value (e.g. 2). Click OK. The value of the variable is the event ID
at which you want NetSim Simulation to break. In this example we have set the value to 2,
which means that the simulation will break at the previous event.

Ver 11.1 174

Step 4: Open NetSim and then open the source codes. Please refer section 3.12 “How does
a user open and modify source codes” for more information

Step 5: Create a network scenario in NetSim (Internetworks or any other networks)

Step 6: In this example we are placing a break point in TCP source code and thus TCP should
be enabled in Transport Layer of the devices.

Step 7: Enable Event trace option and run the simulation

Simulation will break at event ID 1 as we have set the environment variable to 2 as shown

Here NetSim breakpoint has been triggered.

Ver 11.1 175

Step 10: Inside Solution Explorer pane in Visual Studio, double click on TCP project. Then
open TCP.c file by double clicking on it. Using the drop down list of functions that are part of
the current file, choose fn_NetSim_TCP_Run()

Step 11: In Visual Studio, Set the breakpoint in the code by clicking on the grey area on the
left of the line or by right clicking on the line and selecting Breakpoint->Insert Breakpoint

Step 12: Go to “DebugAttach to Process” in Visual studio as shown and select

NetSimCore.exe from the list of processes displayed.

Ver 11.1 176

Click on Attach. Press any key in the command window to continue the process.

Step 13: Now we need to enter next event ID to break

Ver 11.1 177

Then control goes to the project and stops at the break point in the source code (NetSim will
break where ever user has set the breakpoint) as shown below. All debugging options like
step over (F10), step into (F11), step out (Shift + F11), continue (F5) are available.

After execution of the function, the control goes back to NetSim and then comes back to the
custom code the next time the function is called in the simulation. To stop debugging and
continue execution, press Shift+F5 (key). This then gives the control back to NetSim, for
normal execution to continue.

If NETSIM_BREAK environment variable is set, NetSim event trace file additionally logs the
file name and line number of the source code where the event was added as shown below:

Ver 11.1 178


Modify the DSR protocol and build the code. Create a scenario on MANET then follow the
below steps.

Step 1: Open the Command prompt.Press “windows+R” and type “cmd”.

Step 2: To run the NetSim via CLI copy the path where “NetSimCore.exe” is present.

>cd <apppath>

iopath<space><iopath><space>-license<space>5053@<ServerIP Address><space> -d

Step 3: Type the following command.

Press enter, now you can see the following screen.

Ver 11.1 179

Step 4: Open the Project in Visual Studio and put break point inside the source code.

Step 5: Go to “DebugAttach to Process”

Attach to NetSimCore.exe.

Click on Attach.

Step 6: Go to command prompt which is already opened in Step 3. Enter the Event Id.

Note: If you don’t want to stop at any event you can specify 0 as event id.

Execution will stop at the specified event.

Ver 11.1 180

Press enter then control goes to the project and stops at the break point in the source code as
shown below.

All debugging options like step over (F10), step into (F11), step out (Shift + F11), continue (F5)
are available.

After execution of the function, the control goes back to NetSim and then comes back to the
custom code the next time the function is called in the simulation.

To stop debugging press Shift+F5. This thengives the control back to NetSim, for normal
execution to continue.

Co-relating with Event Trace

To debug your own (custom) code, it is often helpful to know which section of the code (file
name & line number) generated the event under study. There are 2 ways to enable this feature.

Procedure 1

Step 1:Open configuration.netsim file and provide the file name, path and set status as Enable.

Ver 11.1 181

Step 2: Run the NetSim via CLI in debug mode (Refer NetSim Help in chapter 6Running
Simulation via CLI) with –d as the fourth parameters

Press enter

Step 3: Enter -1 as the event ID

Upon running, NetSim will write the file name and line number of the source code that
generated each event.

Ver 11.1 182

Note: In the above trace file Event Id 56 is triggered inside the IEEE802_11_Phy.c file which is present in
IEEE802_11 project. Since all the lib files are opaque to the end user, you cannot see the source code of
the lib file. However, Event Id 56 is triggered at line number 396 of IEEE802_11_Phy.c file and you can find
the location of the event by opening the IEEE802_11_Phy.c file as shown below.

File Name

Line Number
Procedure 2:

Step 1: Right click on my computer and select Properties.

Step 2: Go to Advanced System setting  Advanced Tab  Environment Variables

Ver 11.1 183

Step 3: Click New. Type “NETSIM_BREAK” as Variable name and any negative integer as
Variable value. Click OK.

Step 4: Restart the system.

Step 5: Now perform simulation in NetSim (Enable event trace in

GUI). Upon running, NetSim will write the file name and line number of the source code that
generated each event.

Viewing & Accessing variables

Viewing variables while debugging code:

To see the value of a variable, when debugging hover the mouse over the variable name in
the code. A text box with variable contents appears. If the variable is a structure and contains
other variables, then click on the plus sign which is there to the left of the text box. Users can
pin the variable to watch by clicking on the pin icon to the right of that variable in the text box.

Ver 11.1 184

Adding the variable to watch –

Watch the change in the variable as the code progress by right clicking on the variable &
clicking on "add watch" tab. This is useful if to continuously monitor the change in the variable
as the code progresses.

Viewing external variables

During the process of debug users would come across variables that are defined outside the
source file being built as a .dll. Such variables cannot be viewed directly when added in the
watch tab, as this would throw the error

CX0017: Error:symbol “Variable_Name”not found.

Ver 11.1 185

In the call stack window one can find the file in which that variable is situated. Right click on
the dll file name in the call stack window, in this case NetworkStack.dll. Then in the pull down
menu which appears, select "load symbols from" and give the path of the pdb(program
database) file.

A program database (.pdb) file, also called a symbol file, maps the identifiers that a user
creates in source files for classes, methods, and other code to the identifiers that are used in
the compiled executables of the project. The .pdb file also maps the statements in the source
code to the execution instructions in the executables. The debugger uses this information to
determine: the source file and the line number displayed in the Visual Studio IDE and the
location in the executable to stop at when a user sets a breakpoint. A symbol file also contains
the original location of the source files, and optionally, the location of a source server where
the source files can be retrieved from.

When a user debugs a project in the Visual Studio IDE, the debugger knows exactly where to
find the .pdb and source files for the code. If the user wants to debug code outside their project
source code, such as the Windows or third-party code the project calls, the user has to specify
the location of the .pdb (and optionally, the source files of the external code) and those files
need to exactly match the build of the executables.

The pdb files are usually available in NetSim’s install directory, else write to
support@tetcos.com for the latest copy of these debug files. Go to Tools >
options>debugging>load all symbols.

Ver 11.1 186

Note: If the load symbols menu option is greyed, then it means symbols are already loaded

In the watch window, the variable which the user has to watch should be edited by double
clicking on it and prefixing {,, NetworkStack.dll} to the variable name and pressing enter. (The
name of the respective file in which the variable is defined should be mentioned - in this case

Prefixing to the
variable name

Accessing External Variables:

Each protocol in NetSim has a separate Dll file which contains the variables and functions
which can be shared. In case of cross layer protocol implementations variables of one protocol
may have to be accessed from another Dll.

An example is given below showing how Physical layer parameters of devices running
IEEE802.11 can be accessed in the Network Layer with DSR protocol configured.

Ver 11.1 187

The variable battery is defined in a structure stru_802_11_Phy_Var which is part of
IEEE802_11_Phy.h file. So the user will have to access a pointer of type
stru_802_11_Phy_Var. In the header file where the structure definition is given, the following
line of code must be written –

_declspec(dllexport) IEEE802_PHY_VAR *var1;
_declspec(dllimport) IEEE802_PHY_VAR *var1;


In the example, the code line must be written in IEEE802_11_Phy.h file present inside
IEEE802_11 folder.

In the main function where a user wishes to find the dReceivedPower_mw, the variable must
be assigned the respective value. In the above case, the following line of code must be written
inside fn_NetSim_IEEE802_11_PhyIn() function in IEEE802_11_Phy.c file present inside
IEEE802_11 folder.

var1 = DEVICE_PHYVAR(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId,pstruEventDetails-

Note that the parameters given in the macro or any function which assigns a value to the
variable must be defined beforehand in the code. Here nDeviceId and nInterfaceId are defined

Ver 11.1 188

The IEEE802_11 project must be built and the resulting libIEEE802.11.dll file which gets
created in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit NetSim.

The Object file IEEE802_11.lib which also got created with all file must be copied and pasted
in the lib folder located in the current workspace path
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\src\Simulation\lib_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\src\Simulation\lib> for 32-bit.

Now expand the DSR project in solution explorer. For accessing the IEEE802_11 variable, the
following lines must be added in DSR.h file


#pragma comment(lib,"IEEE802_11.lib")

Ver 11.1 189

Add the following lines of code to the DSR.c file as shown below:

#include "../IEEE802_11/IEEE802_11_Phy.h"
#include "../BatteryModel/BatteryModel.h"

In the fn_NetSim_DSR_Run() function add the following lines of code to print the value of
dReceivedPower_mw variable from DSR project.

if (var1)
fprintf(stderr, "\n Remaining Energy(mJ): %lf\n"

Ver 11.1 190

The DSR project must be built and the resulting libDSR.dll file gets created in the bin folder of
NetSim’s current workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64>
for 64-bit and <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit. When a
scenario is run, the remaining energy of the node will be printed to the simulation console as
shown below:

Print to console window in NetSim

Users can try printing the Device ID, Application ID, Duplicate Ack Count etc.

To print to console: Print node positions in MANET

Ver 11.1 191

Open Mobility Project, and in Mobility.c file go to fn_NetSim_Mobility_Run() function. Inside
the default case add following codes

fprintf(stderr,"\n The position of %s at time %.2lfms is X=%.2lf and Y = %.2lf






Building Mobility project creates libMobility.dll inside the binary folder of NetSim’s current
workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit.Create a scenario in
MANET and configure the mobility model of the nodes.During simulation users can notice
that the positions of the nodes are displayed in the console w.r.t. the simulation time.

8.4 Creating a new packet and adding a new event in NetSim

In this example we show how users can create their own packet & event in 802.15.4 Zigbee.
The same methodology can be applied to any network / protocol.

1. Open the Source codes in Visual studio using the NetSim.sln file.
2. Go to ZigBee project and Open 802_15_4.h file and add a subevent called
“MY_EVENT” inside enum_IEEE802_15_4_Subevent_Type as shown below:

Ver 11.1 192

3. To add a new packet in NetSim first user has to initialize their new packet name inside
802_15_4.h file. Let us assume the new packet be “MY_PACKET” and it is a control
packet. So user has to define it inside the following enum as shown below:

4. We assume that MY_PACKET has the same fields as a Zigbee Ack and hence we are
adding the following ack frame to 802_15_4.h file(Add this code just above the enum
enum_IEEE_802_15_4_ControlPacket_Type{} defenition):

struct stru_My_Frame
int nBeaconId;
int nSuperFrameId;
int nBeaconTime;
double dPayload;
double dOverhead;
double dFrameSize;

typedef struct stru_My_Frame MY_FRAME;

enum enum_IEEE_802_15_4_ControlPacket_Type

5. Open 802_15_4.c file, go to the case TIMER_EVENT and add the following code to
the subevent type :-

Ver 11.1 193

case MY_EVENT:
//my event//
fprintf(stderr, "My_event");
pstruEventDetails->dEventTime = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime + 1 *
pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId = nGlobalPANCoordinatorId;
pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId = 1;
pstruEventDetails->nEventType = TIMER_EVENT;
pstruEventDetails->nSubEventType = MY_EVENT;
pstruEventDetails->nProtocolId = MAC_PROTOCOL_IEEE802_15_4;
//my event//


Here we are adding a new event inside the timer event, and this event will occur every 1
second in the GlobalPANCoordinator. i.e sink node. In this event,
fn_NetSim_WSN_MY_PACKET() is called as explained in step 5.

6. Inside 802_15_4.c file, add the following code at the end of the file for sending ack

int fn_NetSim_WSN_MY_PACKET()
double dTime;
NETSIM_ID nDeviceId = pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId;
NETSIM_ID nInterfaceId = pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId;
IEEE802_15_4_MAC_VAR *pstruMacVar =
DEVICE_MACVAR(nDeviceId, nInterfaceId);
IEEE802_15_4_PHY_VAR *pstruPhyVar =
DEVICE_PHYVAR(nDeviceId, nInterfaceId);
NetSim_PACKET *pstruPacket = pstruEventDetails->pPacket;
NetSim_PACKET *pstruAckPkt;
MY_FRAME *pstruAck;
dTime = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;

// Create MY_Frame
pstruAckPkt = fn_NetSim_Packet_CreatePacket(MAC_LAYER);
pstruAckPkt->nPacketType = PacketType_Control;
pstruAckPkt->nPacketPriority = Priority_High;
pstruAckPkt->nControlDataType = MY_PACKET;
pstruAck = fnpAllocateMemory(1, sizeof(MY_FRAME));

Ver 11.1 194

// Update packet fields
pstruAckPkt->nSourceId = nDeviceId;
pstruAckPkt->nTransmitterId = nDeviceId;
pstruAckPkt->nReceiverId = 0;
add_dest_to_packet(pstruAckPkt, pstruAckPkt->nReceiverId);
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->Packet_MACProtocol = pstruAck;
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->dArrivalTime = dTime;
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->dStartTime = dTime;
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->dEndTime = dTime;
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->dPacketSize =
pstruAckPkt->pstruMacData->nMACProtocol =
pstruAckPkt->nPacketId = 0;
strcpy(pstruAckPkt->szPacketType, "MY_PACKET");
//to see the packet in animation

// Add SEND ACK subevent

pstruEventDetails->dEventTime = dTime;
pstruEventDetails->dPacketSize =
pstruEventDetails->nSubEventType = 0;
pstruEventDetails->nEventType = PHYSICAL_OUT_EVENT;
pstruEventDetails->pPacket = pstruAckPkt;

//Free the packet

pstruPacket = NULL;
return 0;

7. Inside the above function NetSim API fn_NetSim_Packet_CreatePacket(MAC_LAYER); is

used. This is the API which creates a new packet in NetSim. Since in this example, new
packet is created in MAC layer, it is passed as an argument. Users can give the respective
Layer name for creating packets in any other layers. In the above code users can see the
following line:

strcpy(pstruAckPkt->szPacketType, "MY_PACKET");

This is used visualize the packet transmission in the packet animation.

8. In 802_15_4.c file, goto fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Init() function and add the following code in red
color to call the timer_event. i.e MY_EVENT

declspec (dllexport) int fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Init(struct stru_NetSim_Network

*pstruEventDetails_Formal,char *pszAppPath_Formal,\char
*pszWritePath_Formal,int nVersion_Type,void **fnPointer)

Ver 11.1 195

pszAppPath =pszAppPath_Formal;
pszIOPath = pszWritePath_Formal;
pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId = nGlobalPANCoordinatorId;
pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId = 1;
pstruEventDetails->dEventTime = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;
pstruEventDetails->nEventType = TIMER_EVENT;
pstruEventDetails->nSubEventType = MY_EVENT;
pstruEventDetails->nProtocolId = MAC_PROTOCOL_IEEE802_15_4;
return 0;

In the above function, subevent type, “MY_EVENT” is called. So this function calls the
MY_EVENT, timer event to execute.

9. fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Trace() is an API to print the trace details to the event trace.

So inside 802_15_4.c file add the following lines of code in red color inside
fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Trace(int nSubEvent) as shown below:-

_declspec (dllexport) char *fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Trace(int nSubEvent)

if (nSubEvent == MY_EVENT)
return "MY_EVENT";
return (fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Trace_F(nSubEvent));
10. Save the code and build Zigbee project, libZigBee.dll will get created in the bin
folder of NetSim’s current workspace path
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit. Create a basic
scenario in WSN with 2 sensors and 1 sink node.
11. While creating the application between two sensors, set
Application Type - Sensor App
Interarrival Time - 5000
12. Run simulation for 10 seconds.
13. Play packet animation. Here users can see that Sink node broadcasts “MY_PACKET”
to the sensor.

Ver 11.1 196

14. Also open packet trace and users can filter the control packet and see all the
packet details of “MY_PACKET” written in the packet trace.

15. To analyse the “MY_EVENT” users can open event trace and filter the subevent
type as “MY_EVENT”. Here users can analyse that the event occurs for every
1 seconds.

Ver 11.1 197

8.5 NetSim API’s
NetSim provides a wide variety of APIs for protocol developers. These are available in

packet.h – Packet related APIs

 Create a new packet

o fn_NetSim_Packet_CreatePacket_dbg(int nLayer,int line,const char* file);

 Copy a packet into a new packet

o fn_NetSim_Packet_CopyPacket_dbg(const NetSim_PACKET* pstruPacket,int

line,const char* file);

 Create error in packet

o fn_NetSim_Packet_DecideError(double dBER, long double dPacketSize);

 Free a packet

o fn_NetSim_Packet_FreePacket_dbg(NetSim_PACKET** pstruPacket,int
line,char* file);

stack.h – Network / device / link and event related APIs

 Calculate distance between nodes.

o fn_NetSim_Utilities_CalculateDistance(NetSim_COORDINATES*
coordinate1,NetSim_COORDINATES* coordinates2);

 Stores the event details. Only one time memory is allocated. Most used variable

o struct stru_NetSim_EventDetails* pstruEventDetails;

 Retrieve values from xml file

o GetXmlVal(void* var,char* name,void* xmlNode,int flag, XMLDATATYPE


list.h -- Optimized list operation calls since NetSim uses lists extensively
 Add elments in list

o list_add(void** list,void* mem,size_t offset,int (*check)(void* current,void*


Ver 11.1 198

 Sorting the list

o list_sort(void** list,size_t offset,int (*check)(void* current, void* mem));

IP_Addressing.h – For setting & getting IP address per the appropriate format
 Set Ip address of any node

o NETSIM_IPAddress

 Checking ip address is broadcast or multicast

o isBroadcastIP(NETSIM_IPAddress ip);
o isMulticastIP(NETSIM_IPAddress ip);

For detailed help please refer the appropriateheader (.h) files

inside:/NetSim_Standard/src/simulation/include or read through the doxygen source code
documentation available inside NetSim Help NetSim source code Help

 Include all the header (.h) files from the include folder
 NetworkStack.lib is a “import library” file and has the definitions for the functions
present in the NetworkStack.dll
 When developing new protocols users should create their own protocol.h and
declare all the protocol specific variables here. Stack & packet related variables
should be used from stack.h and packet.h

NetSim Network Stack calling individual Protocol

Every protocol should provide the following APIs as hooks to the network stack:

 int (*fn_NetSim_protocol_init)(conststruct stru_NetSim_Network*,conststruct

 Using this API the stack passes all the relevant pointers to variables, paths etc
needed for the protocol. Inside this function a) local variables should be initialized,
b) Initial events if any should be written,eg: Hello packet in RIP, STP in Ethernet c)
File pointers for reading & writing protocol_specific_IO files.
 int (*fn_NetSim_protocol_Configure)(conststruct stru_NetSim_Network*,int
nDeviceId, int nINterfaceID, int nlayertype, fnpAllocateMemory, fnpFreeMemory,
fpConfigLog );

Ver 11.1 199

 The stack calls this API when reading the config file. Upon reaching the appropriate
protocol definition in the XML file, the stack calls this and passes all these pointers
to the protocol
 int (*fn_NetSim_protocol_run)(): This is called by the stack to run the protocol
 char* (*fn_NetSim_protocol_trace)(int): This called by the stack to write the event
 int(*fn_NetSim_protocol_CopyPacket)(constNetSim_PACKET*
pstruDestPacket,const NetSim_PACKET* pstruSrcPacket):
 This is for copying protocol specific parameters / data into the packed
 int (*fn_NetSim_protocol_FreePacket)(const NetSim_PACKET* pstruPacket): The
this to free the protocol specific parameters / data in the packet
 (*fn_NetSim_protocol_Metrics)(const FILE* fpMetrics): This is to write the metrics
file upon completion of the simulation
 int (*fn_NetSim_protocol_Finish)(): To release all memory after completion
 char* (*fn_NetSim_protocol_ConfigPacketTrace)(constvoid* xmlNetSimNode); To
configure the packet packet trace in terms of the parameters to be logged
char* (*fn_NetSim_protocol_WritePacketTrace)(const NetSim_PACKET*); To
configure the event trace in terms of the parameters to be logged.

Ver 11.1 200

9 Advanced Features

9.1 Random number Generator and Seed Values

All network simulations involve an element of randomness. Some examples are -

It is possible to configure the traffic sources in the simulation to generate traffic in a perfectly
regular pattern. However, this is typically not the case in the real world. For example, Node
back-off’s after collisions are random to resolve contention issues. The exact bit which is
errored, based on Bit error probability of a wireless channel, is decided randomly

NetSim uses an in-built Linear Congruential Random Number Generator (RNG) to generate
the randomness. The RNG uses two seeds values to initialize the RNG.

Having the same set of seed values ensures that for a particular network configuration the
same output results will be got, irrespective of the PC or the time at which the simulation is
run. This ensures repeatability of experimentation.

Modifying the seed value will lead to the generation of a different set of random numbers and
thereby lead to a different sequence of events in NetSim. When simulations are run for a
network configuration with different seed values, the results will likely be slightly different.

More advanced users get “Confidence” by analyzing a set of results with different seed values
for the same network scenario.

Ver 11.1 201

9.2 Interfacing MATLAB with NetSim (Std/Pro versions)

Implement Rician Distribution of MATLAB in NetSim without using .m file

In this example we will replace the default Rayleigh Fading (part of the path loss
calculation) used in NetSim, with a Fading Power calculated using the Rician
Distribution from MATLAB


i. Create a MATLAB_Interface.c file inside the IEEE802_11 folder which can be found in
the current workspace location of the NetSim that you are running and it would be
something like “C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64” for 64-bit and
“C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86” for 32-bit. For more
information on NetSim workspace refer Section 3 “Workspaces and Experiments”. Write
the following code inside the MATLAB_Interface.c file:

* This is a simple program that illustrates how to call the MATLAB
* Engine functions from NetSim C Code.

char buf[100];
Engine *ep;
int status;
mxArray *h = NULL, *i = NULL, *j = NULL, *k = NULL;
mxArray *out;
double *result;

double fn_netsim_matlab_init()
* Start the MATLAB engine
fprintf(stderr, "\nPress any key to Initialize MATLAB\n");
if(!(ep = engOpen(NULL))) {
MessageBox((HWND)NULL, (LPCWSTR)"Can't start MATLAB engine",
(LPCWSTR) "MATLAB_Interface.c", MB_OK);

Ver 11.1 202


engEvalString(ep, "desktop");

return 0;

double fn_netsim_matlab_run()

//write your own implementation here

int rician_noncentrality = 1, rician_scale = 2;

engPutVariable(ep, "h", h);

//use ProbDistUnivParam() function for matlab 2016
sprintf(buf, "h=ProbDistUnivParam('rician',[%d %d])", rician_noncentrality,
//use makedist() function for matlab 2017
//sprintf(buf, "h=makedist('rician',%d %d)", rician_noncentrality, rician_scale);

status = engEvalString(ep, buf);

engPutVariable(ep, "i", i);

sprintf(buf, "i=random(h,1)");

status = engEvalString(ep, buf);

out = engGetVariable(ep, "i");
result = mxGetPr(out);

return *result;

double fn_netsim_matlab_finish()
fprintf(stderr, "\nPress any key to close MATLAB\n");
status = engEvalString(ep, "exit");
return 0;

Ver 11.1 203

4. Now open the code
5. Right click on “IEEE802_11 Project” present in “Solution Explorer” window and
select Add  Existing Item and select the MATLAB_Interface.c file.
6. MATLAB_Interface.c file contains the following functions

a) fn_netsim_matlab_init() - Opens the MATLAB Engine

b) fn_netsim_matlab_run() - Communicates with MATLAB Command
c) fn_netsim_matlab_finish() - Closes the MATLAB Engine
7. In the Solution Explorer double click on the IEEE802_11.c file.

Ver 11.1 204

8. Add a call to fn_netsim_matlab_init(); inside the fn_NetSim_IEEE802_11_Init()

9. Similarly add a call to fn_netsim_matlab_finish(); inside the

fn_NetSim_IEEE802_11_Finish() function.

10. In the Solution Explorer double click on the IEEE802_11.h file. Add definitions
of the following functions

double fn_netsim_matlab_init();
double fn_netsim_matlab_run();

Ver 11.1 205

double fn_netsim_matlab_finish();

11. In the Solution Explorer double click on the IEE802_11_PHY.c file.

12. Inside fn_Netsim_IEEE802_11_PHYIn() function comment the lines,

dFadingPower = propagation_calculate_fadingloss(propagationHandle,



Make a call to the fn_netsim_matlab_run() function by adding the following line,

dFadingPower = fn_netsim_matlab_run();

13. To compile a MATLAB engine application in the Microsoft Visual Studio (2017)
environment, Right click on the IEEE802_11 project and select PROPERTIES
in the solution explorer. Once this window has opened, make the following

Ver 11.1 206

o Under C/C++  General, add the following directory to the field
<Path where MATLAB is installed>\extern\include

NOTE: To determine path where MATLAB is installed, entering the following command in the
MATLAB command prompt:

Go to the Preprosessor-->In Preprocessor Defination add

_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS; to the beginning of the existing entries as shown below
and click on Apply and then click on OK.

Ver 11.1 207

Under C/C++  Precompiled Headers, set PRECOMPILED HEADERS as "Not Using
Precompiled Headers".

o Under Linker  General, add the directory to the field ADDITIONAL LIBRARY
<Path where MATLAB is installed>\extern\lib\win32\microsoft

Ver 11.1 208

o Under Configuration Properties Debugging, Add the following Target path in the
ENVIRONMENT: <Path where MATLAB is installed>\bin\win32

o Under Linker  Input, add the following names to the field marked ADDITIONAL
DEPENDENCIES: libeng.lib;libmx.lib;libmat.lib;

o Make sure that the following directory is in the environment variable PATH:
<Path where MATLAB is installed>\bin\win32

Ver 11.1 209

NOTE: To do step 14, check the Windows system path by clicking on Start  Right click on Computer
 Properties  Advanced System Settings  Environment variables  System Variables  Open
"Path" for editing.
Note: If the machine has more than one MATLAB installed, the directory for the target platform must
be ahead of any other MATLAB directory (for instance, when compiling a 32-bit application, the
directory in the MATLAB 32-bit installation must be the first one on the PATH). To run 64-bit NetSim,
users has to change the above mentioned matlab paths to 64-bit matlab paths

o Now Right Click on IEEE802_11 project and select Rebuild

o A new libIEEE802.11.dll gets created in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace
path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit. [For more
information, follow steps provided in Section8.1 “Writing your own code”.
o Run NetSim in Administrative mode. Create a Network scenario involving IEEE802_11
say MANET, right click on the environment and select properties. Make sure that the
Channel Characteristics is set to PathLoss and Fading and Shadowing.

Ver 11.1 210

o Perform Simulation. You will find that once the Simulation starts MATLAB command
window starts and gets closed once the simulation is over.

Note: On Windows systems, engOpen opens a COM channel to MATLAB. The MATLAB software you
registered during installation starts. If you did not register during installation, enter the following
command at the MATLAB prompt:
!matlab -regserver

Debug and understand communication between NetSim and MATLAB

1. In the Solution Explorer double click on MATLAB_Interface.c file and place a

breakpoint inside the fn_netsim_matlab_run() function before the return statement.

Ver 11.1 211

2. Rebuild the code.
3. Now run the NetSim Scenario. The simulation window stops for user interrupt.
4. In Visual studio, go to Debug  Attach to Process.
5. From the list of Processes select NetSimCore.exe and click on Attach.

6. Now go to the Simulation window and press Enter.

7. MATLAB Command Window and MATLAB Desktop Window will start and breakpoint
in Visual Studio gets triggered.

Ver 11.1 212

8. Now when debugging (say, by pressing F5 each time) you will find the computation
taking place in the MATLAB Workspace.

9. This value of i obtained from MATLAB is used to calculate fading power instead of
the already available models in NetSim.
10. Now place another breakpoint after the line dFadingPower = fn_netsim_matlab_run()

Ver 11.1 213

11. Add the variable dFadingPower in IEEE802_11.Phy.c file, to watch. For this, right
click on the variable dFadingPower and select “Add Watch” option. You will find a
watch window containing the variable name and its value in the bottom left corner.

12. Now when debugging (say by pressing F5 each time) you will find that the watch
window displays the value of dFadingPower whenever the control reaches the
recently set breakpoint. You will also find that the value of dFadingPower in the
Visual Studio Watch window and the value of i in the MATLAB workspace window are

Ver 11.1 214

Ver 11.1 215
Implement Rician Distribution of MATLAB in NetSim using .m file:


1. Create a file named rician_distribution.m file inside <Path where MATLAB is installed>.
The rician_distribution.m file contains the following code:

function WLAN= rician_distribution(noncentrality,scale)

%use ProbDistUnivParam() function for matlab 2016
%use makedist() function for matlab 2017

2. Place this file in the MATLAB’s default working directory. This will usually be MATLAB’s
root directory or the bin folder in MATLAB’s installation path.

NOTE: To determine path where MATLAB is installed, entering the following

command in the MATLAB command prompt:

3. You will have to create a MATLAB_Interface.c file in the IEEE802_11 folder similar to
the previous example. The funcitons fn_netsim_matlab_init() and
fn_netsim_matlab_finish() will remain the same. Modify the function
fn_netsim_matlab_run() that is part of MATLAB_Interfacing.c which was used in the
previous example as shown below:

double fn_netsim_matlab_run()
//write your own implementation here
int rician_noncentrality = 1, rician_scale = 2;
engPutVariable(ep, "h", h);
sprintf(buf, "k=rician_distribution(%d,%d)", rician_noncentrality, rician_scale);
status = engEvalString(ep, buf);
out = engGetVariable(ep, "k");
result = mxGetPr(out);
return *result;
4. Follow steps 2 to 14 as explained in the section “Implement Rician Distribution of
MATLAB in NetSim without using .m file” above.
5. A call to the rician_distribution () function inside the rician_distribution.m file is made,
and rician_noncentrality and rician_scale parameters are passed from NetSim.
6. Right Click on IEEE802_11 project and select Rebuild.

Ver 11.1 216

7. A new libIEEE802.11.dll will get created in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace
path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit. Open NetSim in
Administrative mode. Create a Network scenario involving IEEE802_11 say MANET,
right click on the environment and select properties. Make sure that the Channel
Characteristics is set to PathLoss and Fading and Shadowing.
8. You will find that once the Simulation is run MATLAB Command Window starts and
gets closed once the Simulation is over.You can also debug the code to understand
the communication between NetSim and MATLAB as explained in the DEBUGGING
section above.

Plot a histogram in MATLAB per a Rician distribution (using .m file)


1. Create a file NETSIM_MATLAB.m file containing the following code:

function WLAN=NETSIM_MATLAB(choice,varargin)


%use ProbDistUnivParam function for matlab 2016
%use makedist function for matlab 2017
%h=makedist('rician',varargin{1}, varargin{2});
fid = fopen('plotvalues.txt','a+');

2. Modify the function fn_netsim_matlab_run() that is part of MATLAB_Interfacing.c which
was used in the previous example.

double fn_netsim_matlab_run(char *arr)

//write your own implementation here

int rician_noncentrality = 1, rician_scale = 2;

Ver 11.1 217

if (strcmp(arr, "rician") == 0)
engPutVariable(ep, "h", h);
sprintf(buf, "h=NETSIM_MATLAB('rician',%d,%d)", rician_noncentrality,
status = engEvalString(ep, buf);
out = engGetVariable(ep, "h");
result = mxGetPr(out);
return *result;
else if (strcmp(arr, "plothistogram") == 0)
status = engEvalString(ep, "NETSIM_MATLAB('plothistogram')");
return 0;
return 0;

Follow steps 2 to 11 as explained in the section on “Implement rician Distribution of MATLAB

in NetSim without using .m file” above.
 A call to the NetSim_MATLAB() function inside the NetSim_MATLAB.m file is made, for
fading power calculation with parameters distribution(‘rician’), rician_noncentrality and
rician_scale parameters are passed from NetSim.
 A call to the NetSim_MATLAB() function inside the NetSim_MATLAB.m file is made, for
plotting histogram for the values generated by MATLAB..
 Also add the following call to fn_netsim_matlab_run() function along with a _getch() to
plot the histogram before closing the MATLAB Engine.

 Similarly in the call made to fn_netsim_matlab_run() function in IEEE802_11_Phy.c file

add the parameter “rician” as shown below:-

Ver 11.1 218

 Also modify the function definition of fn_netsim_matlab_run() function in
IEEE802_11.h file as shown below:

 Right Click on IEEE802_11 project and select Rebuild will create a new
libIEEE802.11. in the bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace path
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit.
 Open NetSim in Administrative mode. Create a Network scenario involving
IEEE802_11 say MANET, right click on the environment and select properties. Make
sure that the Channel Characteristics is set to PathLoss and Fading and Shadowing.
 You will find that once the Simulation is run MATLAB Command Window starts and
once the Simulation is over a histogram is displayed in MATLAB for the values that
were generated using rician distribution.

Ver 11.1 219

 The graph and the MATLAB windows gets closed once you press any key.

You can also debug the code to understand the communication between NetSim and
MATLAB as explained in the DEBUGGING section above.

Ver 11.1 220

9.3 Interfacing tail with NetSim
What is a tail command?

The tail command is a command-line utility for outputting the last part of files given to it via
standard input. It writes results to standard output. By default tail returns the last ten lines of
each file that it is given. It may also be used to follow a file in real-time and watch as new
lines are written to it.


Tail options

 The following command is used to log the file

tail " path_to_file " -f
where -f option is used to watch a file for changes with the tail command pass the -f
option. This will show the last ten lines of a file and will update when new lines are
added. This is commonly used to watch log files in real-time. As new lines are written
to the log the console will update will new lines.
 If users don’t want the last ten lines of the file, then use the following command
tail -n 0 " path_to_file " –f
where –n option is used to show the last n number of lines
 If you want to open more than 1 file then use the following command
tail –n 0 " path_to_file " " path_to_file " –f


Steps to log NetSim files using tail console

 Open bin folder of NetSim’s current workspace path

(<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit and
<C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit) which contains
 Open command window and change the directory to bin path of NetSim’s current
workspace path (bin\bin_x86 for 32-bit and bin\bin_x64 for 64-bit)
 Type the following command to open ospf_log.txt file and press enter

tail -n 0 "C:\Users\soniya\AppData\Local\Temp\NetSim\ospf_SPF_log.txt" –f

Note: Users need to change the path of the file. In this example we are using ospf_log.txt file

 Open solution file and add the following line in fn_NetSim_OSPF_Init() function in
ospf.c file present inside OSPF project

Ver 11.1 221

 Rebuild the project
 Upon rebuilding, libOSPF.dll will get created in the bin folder of NetSim’s current
workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit
and <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit.
 Create a scenario in NetSim as per the screenshot below and run simulation

 In the console window user would get a warning message shown in the below
screenshot (because of changed DLL) and then the simulation will pause for user
input (because of _getch() added in the init function)

 In Visual Studio, put break point inside all the functions in OSPF_SPF.c file present
inside OSPF project

Ver 11.1 222

 Go to “Debug->Attach to Process” in Visual studio and attach to NetSimCore.exe.
 Press enter in the command window. Then control goes to the project and stops at
the break point in the source code as shown below

 Press F5 and check the tail console to watch the ospf_SPF log would look like the
following screenshot which calculates the shortest path for Router2

 Keep pressing F5 will add the ospf_SPF log to the tail console. The below screenshot
examines the WAN links connected to Router2 i.e. and

 In the above screenshot, the shortest path for Router2 is with Metrics 0 since
it is one of the Router2’s interface
 The below screenshot calculates the shortest path for Router5 and examines the
WAN links connected to Router5 i.e. and

Ver 11.1 223

 In the above screenshot, the shortest path for Router5 is with Metrics 0 since
it is one of the Router5’s interface
 The below screenshot calculates the shortest path for Router1 and examines the
WAN links connected to Router1 i.e. and

 In the above screenshot, the shortest path for Router1 is with Metrics 0 since
it is one of the Router5’s interface
 As shown in the below screenshot, the router1 calculates another new entry i.e. with metrics 100 since it is the next hop (Router5’s 1st interface) connected
to Router1

Ver 11.1 224

 Like this, users can debug the code and observe how the OSPF tables get filled
 Users can also open multiple files by using the command given in section1

Ver 11.1 225

9.4 Adding Custom Performance Metrics
NetSim allows users to add additional metrics tables to the Simulation Results window in
addition to the default set of tables that are available at the end of any simulation. This has to
be done via code by editing the source codes of the respective protocol.

General format to add custom metrics in Result window:

Every protocol has a main C file which contains a Metrics() function. For Eg: TCP project will
have a TCP.c file, UDP will have an UDP.c file etc. In the following example we have added a
new table as part of TCP protocol. TCP.c file contains fn_NetSim_TCP_Metrics() function
where code related to custom metrics is added as shown below:

_declspec(dllexport) int fn_NetSim_TCP_Metrics(PMETRICSWRITER metricsWriter)

//Set table name
PMETRICSNODE table = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Table, "CUSTOM METRICS",
//set table headers
add_table_heading(table, "COLUMN_HEADER_1", true, 0);
add_table_heading(table, "COLUMN_HEADER_2", false, 0);
//Add table data
add_table_row_formatted(false, table, "%s,%s,", "ROW_DATA1","ROW_DATA2");
PMETRICSNODE menu = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Menu,"CUSTOM_METRICS",
//Add table to menu
add_node_to_menu(menu, table);
//Write to Metrics file
write_metrics_node(metricsWriter, WriterPosition_Current, NULL, menu);
return fn_NetSim_TCP_Metrics_F(metricsWriter);

Ver 11.1 226

For illustration, an example regarding Wireless Sensor Network is provided. In this example,
parameters such as Sensor Node Name, Residual Energy, State (On/Off) and turn–off time
are tracked and added to a new table in the Simulation Results window.

Refer Section 8.1 on writing your own code, for more information

After loading the source codes in Visual Studio, perform the following modifications:

Step 1: Copy the provided code at the top in 802_15_4.h file

string NetSim_Node_name[100];
double NetSim_Off_Time[100];
string NetSim_Node_state[100];

Step 2:

Add the header file in 802_15_4.c file

#include "../BatteryModel/BatteryModel.h"

Step 3:

Copy the below code (in red colour) in 802_15_4.c file (inside fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Metrics()

/** This function write the metrics in metrics.txt */

_declspec(dllexport) int fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Metrics(PMETRICSWRITERmetricsWriter)

ptrIEEE802_15_4_PHY_VAR phy;
ptrBATTERY battery;
int i;
char radiostate[BUFSIZ];
NETSIM_ID nDeviceCount = NETWORK->nDeviceCount;
//Set table name
PMETRICSNODE table = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Table,
//set table headers
add_table_heading(table, "Node Name", true, 0);
add_table_heading(table, "Status(ON/OFF)", true, 0);
add_table_heading(table, "Residual_Energy (mJ)", true, 0);
add_table_heading(table, "Time - Turned OFF (microseconds)", false, 0);

Ver 11.1 227

for (i = 1; i <= nDeviceCount; i++)
sprintf(radiostate, "ON");
phy = WSN_PHY(i);
if (strcmp(DEVICE(i)->type, "SENSOR"))
if (WSN_MAC(i)->nNodeStatus == 5)
sprintf(radiostate, "OFF");
//Add table data
add_table_row_formatted(false, table, "%s,%s,%.2lf,%.2lf,",
NetSim_Off_Time[i - 1]);
PMETRICSNODE menu = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Menu,
add_node_to_menu(menu, table);
write_metrics_node(metricsWriter, WriterPosition_Current, NULL, menu);
return fn_NetSim_Zigbee_Metrics_F(metricsWriter);

Step 4:

Copy the below code (in red colour) at the end of ChangeRadioState.c file

phy->nOldState = nOldState;
phy->nRadioState = nNewState;
NetSim_Node_state[nDeviceId - 1] = "ON";
NetSim_Node_name[nDeviceId - 1] =
NETWORK->ppstruDeviceList [nDeviceId - 1] -> szDeviceName;
phy->nRadioState = RX_OFF;
WSN_MAC(nDeviceId)->nNodeStatus = OFF;
NetSim_Off_Time[nDeviceId - 1] = ldEventTime;

Ver 11.1 228

NetSim_Node_state[nDeviceId - 1] = "OFF";
NetSim_Node_name[nDeviceId - 1] =
NETWORK->ppstruDeviceList [nDeviceId - 1] -> szDeviceName;

return isChange;

Step 5:

Build DLL with the modified code and run a Wireless Sensor Network scenario. After
Simulation, user will notice a new Performance metrics named “Custom Metrics” is added. The
newly added NODE_FAILURE_METRICS table is shown below:

9.5 Adding Custom Plots

SNR measured by UE can be logged into a text file in a format expected by NetSim metrics
window. Upon adding a reference to the SNR plot text files in the Metrics.xml file users can
conveniently obtain SNR plots in NetSim Metrics window without having to use other tools like
MS Excel, GNU Plot etc. Following is one such example where we log the SNR for each UE
in a separate text file and obtain plots in NetSim Metrics window at the end of the simulation.

Step 1: Open NetSim source code in NetSim current workspace. For more information, please
refer section “3.12 How does a user open and modify source codes”.

Step 2: Go to LTE project through the solution explorer and open the LTE.c file. In the
function fn_NetSim_LTE_Init(), modify the function definition as shown below:

_declspec(dllexport) int fn_NetSim_LTE_Init()

int i = 0, j = 0;
FILE* fp;
char filename[BUFSIZ], nodename[BUFSIZ];
j = fn_NetSim_LTE_Init_F();

Ver 11.1 229

for (i = 0; i < NETWORK->nDeviceCount; i++)
if (DEVICE_TYPE(i + 1) == UE &&
DEVICE_MACLAYER(i + 1, 1)->nMacProtocolId == MAC_PROTOCOL_LTE)
sprintf(nodename, "LTE_SNR_UE_%d", i + 1);
sprintf(filename, "%s\\%s.txt", pszIOPath, nodename);
fp = fopen(filename, "w+");
if (fp)
fprintf(fp, "#Type=Line\n#Heading=SNR Vs Time\n#XLabel=Time(micro\

return j;
return fn_NetSim_LTE_Init_F();

Step 3:In the function fn_NetSim_LTE_Metrics(), add the lines of code highlighted in red as
shown below:

_declspec(dllexport) int fn_NetSim_LTE_Metrics(PMETRICSWRITER file)

char filename[BUFSIZ], nodename[BUFSIZ];
int i = 0;
if (!rmenu)
rmenu = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Menu, "Plots", NULL);
if (!menu)
menu = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Menu, "LTE_PLOTS", NULL);
add_node_to_menu(rmenu, menu);
for (i = 0; i < NETWORK->nDeviceCount; i++)
if (DEVICE_TYPE(i + 1) == UE &&
DEVICE_MACLAYER(i + 1, 1)->nMacProtocolId == MAC_PROTOCOL_LTE)
sprintf(nodename, "LTE_SNR_UE_%d", (i + 1));
sprintf(filename, "%s\\%s.txt", pszIOPath, nodename);
submenu1 = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Menu, nodename, NULL);
add_node_to_menu(menu, submenu1);
submenu = init_metrics_node(MetricsNode_Plot, nodename, filename);
add_node_to_menu(submenu1, submenu);
if (menu)
write_metrics_node(file, WriterPosition_Current, NULL, rmenu);
return fn_NetSim_LTE_Metrics_F(file);

Ver 11.1 230

Step 4:Open LTE_Phy.c file and add the lines of code highlighted in red in the
function fn_NetSim_LTE_Mobility() as shown below:

int fn_NetSim_LTE_Mobility(NETSIM_ID nDeviceId)

FILE* fp = NULL;
char filename[BUFSIZ], nodename[BUFSIZ];
double dETime = 0;
unsigned int j;
if(DEVICE_MACLAYER(nDeviceId,1)->nMacProtocolId == MAC_PROTOCOL_LTE)
sprintf(nodename, "LTE_SNR_UE_%d.txt", fn_NetSim_GetDeviceIdByConfigId(\
sprintf(filename, "%s\\%s", pszIOPath, nodename);
fp = fopen(filename, "a+");
dETime = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;
if (fp)
fprintf(fp, "\n%lf,%lf", dETime, info->ULInfo[0].dSNR);
//Do nothing other mac protocol
return 1;

Step 5: Save the changes and right click on LTE module in the solution explorer and
select Rebuild.

Step 6: Upon successful build, you will get a new libLTE.dll file in the bin folder of NetSim’s
current workspace path <C:\Users\PC\NetSim_11.1.7_64_std_default\bin\bin_x64> for 64-bit
and <C:\Users\PC5\NetSim_11.1.7_32_std_default\bin\bin_x86> for 32-bit.

Step 7: Now on running any simulation in LTE, you will get individual SNR plots for each UE,
in the NetSim Metrics window under Plots->LTE_PLOTS as shown below:

Ver 11.1 231

9.6 Environment Variables in NetSim
NETSIM_PACKET_FILTER = <filter_string>
// used by NetSim developers to debug. Emulator code to passes filter string to //
windivert. See windivert doc for more information.
NETSIM_EMULATOR_LOG = <log_file_path> // Used by Real time sync function to log
get event and add event. Used by NetSim developers to debug
NETSIM_EMULATOR = 1 // Set by application dll or user to notify NetSim internal
modules to run in emulation mode
NETSIM_CUSTOM_EMULATOR = 1 // To notify NetworkStack to not load emulation dll
and to only do time sync.
NETSIM_SIM_AREA_X = <int> // Area used by Mobility functions for movement of device.
Set by config file parser or user.
NETSIM_SIM_AREA_Y = <int> // Same as above
NETSIM_ERROR_MODE = 1 // if set then windows won't popup gui screen for error
reporting on exception.
// Event id at which simulation will break and wait for user input.
// Equivalent to -d command in CLI mode.
NETSIM_AUTO = <int> // If set NetSim won't ask for keypress after simulation. //Useful
to run batch simulations.
// IO path of NetSim from where it will read Config file and write output file.
// Equivalent to -IOPATH command in CLI mode.

Ver 11.1 232

NETSIM_MAP = 1 // Set by Networkstack to inform other modules that simulation is
running per map view.
// If set, NetSim provides a set of extra metrics.
// In application metrics, you can see duplicate packets received.
// Config file name. This file must present in IOPath.
// If not set default value is Configuration.netsim
NETSIM_NEG_ID = 1 // If set, then control packets will have negative id.

Ver 11.1 233

10 NetSim Emulator
NOTE: Emulator will be featured in NetSim only if license for Emulator Add-on is available

10.1 Introduction
A network simulator mimics the behavior of networks but cannot connect to real networks.
NetSim Emulator enables users to connect NetSim simulator to real hardware and interact
with live applications.

Simulating and Analyzing Emulation Examples

To simulate the different types of Emulations Examples such as PING (both one way and two
way communications), Video (one way communication), File trasfer using Filezilla, Skype etc

1. Go to the NetSim UI and click Examples.

The Example Simulation pane appears at the right.
2. Click the type of Emulation example you want to simulate.
NetSim UI loads the example and displays the stage and the UI options to simulate.
3. To view help documentation for Emulation, click the ‘Book’ link located next the Emulation

Ver 11.1 234

11 Troubleshooting in NetSim

This section discusses some common issues and solutions:

11.1 CLI mode

While running NetSim via CLI for the scenarios described in the Configuration file, you may
bump into few problems.

Note: While running NetSim via CLI, try to ensure that there are no errors in the
Configuration.netsim file. The file, ConfigLog.txt, written to the windows temp path would show
errors, if any, found by NetSim’s config parser.

11.2 I/O warning displayed in CLI mode

Reason: While typing the CLI command if you enter wrong I/O Path, or if there is no
Configuration.netsim file then the following error is thrown

Solution: Please check the I/O path.

Connection refused at server<-111> error displayed:

Reason: Unable to communicate with the license server

Ver 11.1 235

Solution:In this example, license server IP address is but it is given as Here server IP address is wrong.Same error message is shown for wrong port
number, wrong tag name like–apppath,-iopath,-license. For example, if –appppath is typed
instead of –apppath then this message will be shown. So, check those details.

Unable to load license config dll(126):

Apppath and I/O path have white spaces

Solution:If the folder name contains white space, then mention the folder path within double
quoteswhile specifying the folder name in the command prompt. For example, if app path
containswhite space, then the app path must be mentioned within double quotes in the
command prompt.

“Error in getting License” error in CLI mode:

Simulation does not commence. “No license for product (-1)” is displayed in the command


Ver 11.1 236

Solution:NetSim is based on the client-server architecture. When NetSim runs in the client
machine, it will check for the license in the same machine, first. If license is not available in the
same machine, then “No license for product (-1)” will be displayed in the command prompt and
the server machine will be checked for the availability of license. If no license is available in
the server machine also, then again “No license for product (-1)” will be displayed in the
command prompt.

If ”No license for product(-1)” is displayed in the command prompt two times, then check in the
NetSim license server to know about the availability of license and adjust the number of current
users of NetSim, in order to get the license.

Unable to load license config dll displayed:

Reason: If the command/iopath provided by the user is first written in MS Word and then copy
pasted to Command prompt, some special characters(not visible in command prompt) gets
inserted and on execution, license config dll is not found.

Ver 11.1 237

Solution:Type the command manually or copy paste the command/iopath from notepad.

11.3 Configuration.netsim
Invalid attribute in configuration file attributes:

Specific attributes in the Configuration file are highlighted with zigzag lines

Reason:If invalid input is given in the Configuration file, then the corresponding attribute is
highlighted as blue lines as shown in the figure given below.

Solution:To resolve this issue mouse over the corresponding attribute, in order to get the tool
tip that furnishes the details about the valid input for that attribute.

Note: If the schema file and the configuration file are not present in the same folder, the zigzag lines won’t
appear. So place the Configuration file and Schema File in the same location or change the path of schema
file in the configuration file.

Error in tags in configuration file attributes:

Simulation does not commence and error is displayed at the command prompt. Also, red lines
appearing at the tag specifying the Layer in the Configuration file

Reason: This issue arises mainly when the closing tag is not specified correctly for a particular
layer in the Configuration file.

Ver 11.1 238

Example: If the closing tag is not specified for the Data link Layer, then the zigzag lines appear
at the starting tags of Data link Layer and the Network Layer.

When NetSim is made to run through CLI, then the following error gets displayed in the
command prompt.

Solution: The bug can be fixed by setting the closing tag correctly in the Configuration file

Error lines in configuration.xsd in the Configuration file:

Blue lines appear at configuration.xsd in the Configuration file

Reason: This issue arises when the schema and the configuration file are not in the same

Ver 11.1 239

Solution: The bug can be fixed by placing the Configuration file and schema in the same

11.4 Simulation terminates and “NetSim Backend has stopped working”


Simulation terminates and exhibits unpredictable behavior. An error message stating, “An exe
to run NetSim backend has stopped working” is thrown


This problem arises if there is any flaw in the Configuration.netsim or in the dll.

Solution: Check whether the desired scenario has been configured properly in the

11.5 Monitor screen resolution is less than 1024X768:

While starting NetSim, error shows the monitor screen resolution is less than 1024 X 768.

Reason:This error will come if monitor resolution is less than 1024 and 768. For example,
1260 X 720 will also show this error

Solution: Change your monitor resolution to 1024 X 768 or above.

Ver 11.1 240

11.6 Licensing
No License for product (-1) error

NetSim dongle is running in the server system. When running the NetSim in the Client system
showing “No License for product (-1)” error.

Possible Reasons

Firewall in the client system is blocking the Network traffic.

No network connection between Client and Server.
License Server is not running in the Server system.


The installed firewall may block traffic at 5053 port used for licensing. So either the user
can stop the firewall, or may configure it to allow port 5053.
Contact the Network-in-charge and check if the Server system can be pinged from client.
Check whether License Server is running in the Server system or not.

11.7 Troubleshooting VANET simulations that interface with SUMO

Guide for Sumo
 Link for the Sumo Website - http://www.dlr.de/ts/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-
9883/16931_read-41000/for help related to Sumo.
 In case sumo Configuration files do not open, Right click on any Sumo Configuration
file, go to propertiesopen withsumo.
 While Running NetSim Vanet Simulation – If any message pops up as
“SUMO_HOME” Not found Go to My computer  System Properties 
Advanced system settings  Environment Variables. Add an Environment variable
 Sumo Configuration File must contain the paths of the Vehicle routes and Networks
 Set the exact End Time for Sumo Simulation in Sumo Configuration File.

Guide for Python

 Any Python 2.7 version Installer would work fine for running simulations.
 If you have installed python by an external Installer, make sure the Python Path is
set. It would be set automatically by python installer that comes with NetSim.
 In case “Pywin 32” is not getting installed, or during simulation, error occurs as
“win32 modules not found” try the code below (Run it as a python Code).

Ver 11.1 241

import sys
from _winreg import *
# tweak as necessary
version = sys.version[:3]
installpath = sys.prefix
regpath = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\Pythoncore\\%s\\" % (version)
installkey = "InstallPath"
pythonkey = "PythonPath"
pythonpath = "%s;%s\\Lib\\;%s\\DLLs\\" % (
installpath, installpath, installpath
def RegisterPy():
reg = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath)
except EnvironmentError as e:
reg = CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath)
SetValue(reg, installkey, REG_SZ, installpath)
SetValue(reg, pythonkey, REG_SZ, pythonpath)
print "*** Unable to register!"
print "--- Python", version, "is now registered!"
if (QueryValue(reg, installkey) == installpath and
QueryValue(reg, pythonkey) == pythonpath):
print "=== Python", version, "is already registered!"
print "*** Unable to register!"
print "*** You probably have another Python installation!"
if __name__ == "__main__":

Ver 11.1 242

VANET Simulation
i. Changing Vehicle (Node) Names, Moving or deleting vehicles etc are disabled in
Vanets Simulation.

ii. On running simulation, Backend calls Python file.

iii. NetSim protocol engine waits for the Pipes connection to be established.

 SUMO_HOME Environment variable is checked. If Environment variable is not
present, Error is displayed as “key interrupt error” in SUMO_HOME.
 Python File waits for Pipes connection. (“waiting for pipes to connect”).
 It reads initial data as GUI enable/disable from backend.
 “Checking sumo” is printed. If the environment variable SUMO_HOME points to
wrong directory, error is displayed.
 Sumo Simulation is started where Sumo Binary is checked (To check Sumo.exe or
Sumo GUI are working in the system or not). Then a TCP connection is made
 A while loop runs – It follows the following procedure

i.Send Garbage value to Backend to clear pipe buffers (pipes).

ii.Read Vehicle name from NetSim (pipes).

iii.Compare with each vehicle present in Sumo. If vehicle is present –Then write
confirmation (pipes) and read its position from NetSim (2pipes for X and Y
coordinates). Also, sumo is stepped forward for every first vehicle In the list of
current vehicles in sumo.

 If vehicle not present, fail (‘f’) is sent.

 Pipes and TCP closed.

NetSim Core Protocol Library

 After establishing the connection, NetSim VANET Library checks for GUI flag,
and sends ‘1’ if animation status is online.
 As simulation proceeds, NetSim VANET library sends vehicle name to python,
and receives XY positions, which are passed from python.
 Positions are updated and simulation proceeds.

Ver 11.1 243

12 Known Issues in NetSim v11.1

List of known issues in v11.1 is available at


13 NetSim Videos

In order to have a better understanding of NetSim, users can access YouTube channel of
Tetcos at www.youtube.com/tetcos and check out the various videos available

14 R&D projects in NetSim

Example R & D projects in NetSim is available in www.tetcos.com/file-exchange.

15 NetSim FAQ/Knowledgebase

NetSim knowledgebase with hundreds on FAQs on how NetSim works is available at


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