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Lab - Capture the Flag Walkthrough – Toppo


In this lab, you will be shown how to gain root access to a virtual machine designed as a
Capture the Flag (CTF) exercise. This CTF is rated as easy. These walk-throughs are designed
so students can learn by emulating the technical guidelines used in conducting an actual real-
world pentest using as few automated tools as possible.


For this machine, I used Oracle Virtual Box to run the target machine. Kali Linux is the
attacker machine for solving this CTF.

The Toppo OVA file can be downloaded here.

CTF Description

Difficulty: Easy

Flags: There is one flag

DHCP: Enabled
IP Address: Automatically assigned


Though the IP address for the target is on available at the login screen when the machine boots
up, it’s always a good practice to do your network discovery.

My target has an IP address of, and my Kali has an IP address of

These addresses to apply to me and my network, yours will probably differ.

Command used: netdiscover -i eth0

We next need to find out what ports and services are available. For this purpose, we can do a
full Nmap port scan.

Command used: nmap -v -Pn -p-

The scan returns the following results showing the target has four open ports.

Let’s begin by looking at what is available for port 80.

We open a browser, and in the address bar, we only need to type in the IP address of the target
and are given the home page for the website.

The webpage has nothing of use. Time to breakout Dirb.

Command used: dirb

After some time, dirb found some directories, and from the results, we have an admin directory
which would be my first choice of where to start looking. Just need to copy the URL and place
it in the address bar of our browser.

Inside the admin directory, we have a notes.txt file.

If we add the name of the file to the front of our URL, we can see the contents.

We have a password with a name in it! The target is running SSH and a possible username and
password combination.

Command used: ssh ted@

Post Exploitation

Now that we have logged onto the server, time to exploit, and to root. Let’s see if the OS
version is vulnerable.

Commands used:
uname –a
cat /etc/issue

Using searchsploit, we discover there are no known vulnerabilities for this version of
Debian 3.16.51-3.

Using the following command, we can enumerate all binaries and having SUID permission.

SUID is a special permission for executable files which enables other users to run the file with
the effective permissions of the file owner. Instead of the normal x which represents execute
permissions, you will see an s (to indicate SUID) special permission for the user.

Command used: find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

There are two binaries we can exploit. We have mawk, and we have python 2.7.

Option #1 - mawk

mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language. The AWK language is useful for
the manipulation of data files, text retrieval and processing, and for prototyping and
experimenting with algorithms.

Using the flowing command with mawk, gets us root access.

mawk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'
Change directory over to the root.
Command used: cd /root
List the contents inside the root directory.
Command use: ls
Print the content of the flag.txt to the screen.
Command used: cat flag.txt

Option #2 -Python 2.7

Using Python 2.7, we can also gain root access and capture the flag using the following

python2.7 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

Summary –

We captured this flag is short order. This CTF was easy but it certainly was fun. In this CTF, you
learned the following methodology.

• Network scanning
• Directory brute-force attack
• Abusing HTTP web directories
• Compromise confidential
• Spawn tty shell (ssh login)
• SUID privilege escalation
• Get root access and capture the flag

Regards –

Prof. k

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