A Comparative Study of Recent Advancements in The Field of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Technology
A Comparative Study of Recent Advancements in The Field of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Technology
A Comparative Study of Recent Advancements in The Field of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Technology
CITATION: Asthana, S., Bansal, S., Jaggi, S., and Kumar, N., "A Comparative Study of Recent Advancements in the Field of Variable
Compression Ratio Engine Technology.," SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0669, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-0669.
Abstract Engines which are designed to run without variability can only be
optimized for a single load. Previous work has been done in making
The Automobile industry is under great stress due to greenhouse gas
variable valve timing, variable length intake manifold and variable
emissions and health impacts of pollutants. The rapid decrease of
spark timing to optimize the engine output at varying loads.
fossil fuels has promoted the development of engine designs having
Experiments show that the use of variable valve timing leads to a
higher fuel economy. At the same time, these designs keep the
greater power and torque with reduced fuel consumption and lower
stringent emission standards in check without sacrificing brake
emissions [2,3]. Variable length intake manifolds improve full load
power. Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) is one such measure. This
performance and lower fuel consumption in the part load range.
work reviews the technological advancements in the design of a VCR
Efficiency at selected RPMs also show an increasing trend. A decrease
engine. VCR engines can minimize possible risks of irregular
in CO2 consumption at part loads is also seen [4,5,6]. Using Variable
combustion while optimizing Brake specific fuel consumption
spark timing results in the decrement of total hydrocarbon content
towards higher power and torque. An increase in fuel economy is
while O2, CO2 and CO emissions remains almost constant [7].
seen for VCR naturally aspirated engines when coupled with
downsizing. In addition to this, emissions of carbon dioxide decreases
Figure 1 shows the relationship between BMEP, CR and ignition
due to effective utilization of fuel at high loads. Since the first VCR
timing, It is seen that the effects of higher CRs(above 11∼12:1) are
design, there have been various modifications and improvements in
counterproductive due to spark advance.[8,9].
VCR engine design. This paper describes the various techniques by
which VCR is being implemented and provides a comparative study
Internal combustion engines are conventionally operated at a fixed
of original and modified technology on the basis of efficiency, engine
compression ratio (CR). Mathematically CR can be represented by
friction, specific fuel consumption, engine rigidity and piston
kinematics. The paper then reviews various historical designs which
use the above mentioned techniques patented by Ford, Mercedes
Benz, Nissan, Peugeot and Gomecsys and discusses their advantages.
Lastly the paper explains the design, working and advantage of three
VCR designs that are closer to production.
b = Cylinder bore
1. Introduction
s = Piston stroke length
Worldwide outcry to reduce automotive fuel consumption and toxic
emission such as CO2 and NOx, is leading to the development of new
Vc= Clearance Volume
technologies for gasoline engines, as it fiercely competes with the
diesel engine for market shares. The automobiles of tomorrow must
Most automotive spark ignition (SI) IC engine utilize a CR of 8,9:1
satisfy the two-pronged objectives of high performance along with
while compression ignition (CI) internal combustion usually keep a
maintaining affordability. These desired characteristics can be
higher CR of 18,19:1due to the need for auto-igniting diesel fuel [10].
achieved by varying engine design to obtain the most advantageous
working conditions. The addition of variable control to an engine
system results in the improvement of fuel efficiency and a reduction
of parasitic losses [1].
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the coupling for the moving exhaust and intake systems as well as the 2.4. Changing Piston Deck Height
sealing of the crankcase were considerable and led to an increase in The hydraulically operated piston was employed to vary piston deck
vehicle packaging and production costs. height. In this design CR was changed due to the variation of relative
position of an outer and inner piston. This was made possible by
2.2. Variation in Geometry of Connecting Rod supplying oil to the upper and lower chambers made in the inner
piston. Early experimentation on petrol engines (70 octane petrol)
The connecting rod is used to change the CR via two methods: using
showed a CR varying from 6.5 to 16 along with considerable
eccentric or linkages. Any modification in the connecting rod has to
efficiency improvements. In diesel engines, the power output of a
overcome disadvantages which include excessive reciprocating mass,
V12 direct injection tank engine was improved from 550 hp (30 hp
larger stress on the structure and low response time. To minimize
per liter) to 1475 hp (80 hp per liter) by Teledyne Continental [41].
these errors a design was made which used a four-bar linkage
This engine improvement took place over a period of 50 years in
extending between the large and small ends of the connecting rod.
which all parts, except the crankcase and the original structure, have
This design utilizes inertial forces to obtain the required changes in
been improved and changed. Further tests indicated that the power
CR and is light weight, capable of providing better controllability and
output of a research engine with supercharger capability was
good response time [30]. A design with an eccentric ring minimized
incremented to 40 bar BMEP with a peak in cylinder pressure of 165
the resistance of the control frame with an added advantage that it
bar [41]. Another model of a VCR engine using these pistons showed
could be controlled by conventional methods (Hydraulic, servomotor)
a 50% increase in power output without a considerable increase in
thus allowing a fast response. It was also claimed that since most of
specific fuel consumption and combustion pressure over conventional
the load was taken by the crankpin of the crankshaft, the parts
engines. Fatigue strength was also improved by changing piston
associated with the design could be made compact, light, robust and
material from aluminum to malleable iron [42]. The initial designs
also be associated with less friction [31]. FEV developed a two-stage
and subsequent improvements of these variable compression pistons
VCR engine with a variable length conrod where an eccentric bearing
can be found for further understanding [43,44,45,46].
was fitted in the small end of the connecting rod. Superimposed gas
and inertia forces changed the conrod length and hence the CR. This
design claimed to have the capability to avoid engine knock, decrease 2.5. Dual Piston Mechanism
frictional losses, due to lower oscillating masses, and make Dual piston VCR engine is a fairly new conceptual design capable of
immediate use of improved efficiency [25,32]. Another design having a compact engine structure with an added advantage of
proposed by FEV promised lower mechanical stresses, decreased compatibility with mass production. However it suffers from two
NOx and particulate emissions, enhanced engine response, improved drawbacks namely the durability of engine and knocking tendency
fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions, at the same time keeping when the CR is changed [47]. To minimize these drawbacks a design
it economical [33]. was implemented in which an ignition control system independently
controlled each cylinder and also provided knock control. This led to
2.3. Moving the Crankshaft axis an improvement in fuel economy by 7.4% and a highly accurate
ignition timing relative to the same engine fixed at a compression
VCR can also be implemented by changing the rotational axis of the
ratio of 9.6:1. The variable compression ratio engine had the ability to
crankshaft. The main problems embodied in the designs, using this
change its value from 9.6:1 to 14.2:1 [48]. Honda described a double
principle, is the inability to provide a compact structural member for
piston mechanism which led to an increase in fuel economy by 6%
shifting of eccentric rings, large structural stresses due to pulsating
and a lower power consumption due to the usage of inertia forces of
loads and the change in configuration of the engine [34,35,36]. To
the piston and installation of a machine part to support explosion
overcome these problems a design was implemented which had an
load. The chances of malfunction also decreased because of the
output shaft with fixed centerline. The size of the engine was not
presence of a relief valve provided in this design [49].
found to increase significantly and the design claimed economic
feasibility. The current engine design technologies can easily
incorporate this design with minor changes [37]. A design with 2.6. Gear Based Mechanism
movable crankpin and movable counterweights claimed that the Another concept used to vary the CR of the engine is by the usage of
engine had the ability to provide automatic and manual control of gears. Lugo developments Inc designed an engine in which the CR of
CR. The design claimed that it could also provide multi-fuel the engine was being changed using the above principle. This led to
operation without stopping the engine and decrease engine pollution the improvement of output because all combustion phenomenon 15°
while improving engine efficiency [38]. In a different design, by FEV, before TDC were converted to positive torque. This also led to
a parallel crank transmission is seen, which used a Schmidt coupling reducing pre-ignition and knocking tendencies. The engine ran
to allow shaft misalignment even while offering undisturbed power smoothly from idle to 3,500 rpm (maximum speed of the prototype).
transmission at constant angular velocity. A favorable solution was There was minimal ‘noise, vibration and harshness’ (NVH), and no
observed with respect to robustness while reducing frictional losses detectable vibration. This is because the Lugo engine crown cams are
[39]. A compact, light weight and low friction VCR engine was at different places during two revolutions of the crank causing a
designed which reduced vibration and increased life of the bearings cancellation effect and hence no vibration take place [50].
by providing supports to the bearings contrary to current eccentric
crankshaft designs. Its advantages included low cost, durability and
reliability [40].
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3. Comparative Study between Original and The following section extensively describes these designs. The
VCR Designs companies under consideration are Mercedes Benz, Ford, Nissan,
Gomecsys and Peugeot.
3.1. Comparative Study
In previous section the principles to vary the CR has been shown. To 4.1. Mercedes Benz
achieve the said principles designs have been made and tested and
Mercedes Benz has extensively worked on the development of VCR
each of these design have their own advantages and disadvantages.
engines [54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61]. The following section discusses
The designs were compared to their original designs (fixed CR) on
two designs: one following the principal of a movable cylinder head
the basis of 8 parameters namely:- Combustion Chamber Integrity,
and the second follows a dual piston mechanism.
Crankshaft -piston assembly kinematics, Mechanical Losses, Engine
overall rigidity, effect of varying CR on engine displacement, CR
control accuracy, Capability to control CR cylinder by cylinder and 4.1.1. VCR Engine with Displaceable Cylinder Head and
Suitability for converting a stock engine into a VCR engine. Each of Cylinder Housing
these factor play an important role in determining the cost of a future In 2013, Benz showcased a design which accomplished VCR (figure
VCR engine by providing an idea on the changes in the design of the 2) by using the concept of movable cylinder housing 16 supporting
plant layout, the strength of the materials to be used and so on. the cylinder head 20 [62]. In this design as the cylinder housing is
vertically moved, combustion chamber volume is changed, leading to
One of the main challenges is to design low frictions losses VCR a dynamic change in CR. The IC engine model consists of a
engine. Generally, VCR engines are complex machines, where crankshaft 14 accommodated in a crank case 12. The cylinder head
frictional looses are higher than that of conventional engines. Mostly 20 and the housing 16 are connected to the crankshaft 14 via
the engine is run at low loads at which friction losses are especially eccentric bearings 32. These bearings are pivotable leading to a
penalizing. Therefore, an increase in friction losses due to the VCR change in relative position between the cylinder head 20 and the
design would impair or even wipe out the advantages of VCR. When crankshaft 14. Journals 28 are coaxial to the axis of rotation of the
designing a VCR engine, it is thus necessary to reduce some crankshaft as opposed to the crankpin 22. Elements 32 are eccentric
conventional engine friction sources, in order to compensate for new to the journals and encompass the same via through openings 34 (not
friction sources due to the variable compression components [51]. shown in figure).
Furthermore, a mass scale production of VCR engine is only feasible
if it can easily be integrated into the existing automobiles, ease of
connection to its transmission, pipes and peripherals can be ensured
and also be made robust, reliable, silent and economically viable [52].
As seen from table 2, each concept has its own limits: reduced
structural rigidity, unconventional piston kinematics, control
accuracy, difficulty in vehicle integration, heightened frictional looses
or modified chamber shape. Keeping the real world in mind, VCR
engines design should be made that apply the most conservative
approach compared to conventional engines. Hence VCR engine
should have combustion chamber shape and piston kinematics
identical to that of a conventional engine. Furthermore incorporating
technological advancements in the field of internal aerodynamics,
combustion processes, pollutants and emissions generation to VCR
engines will help in designing high power and torque engines. Figure 2. Cross Sectional Area of an IC engine at the level of Crank Pin and
Percentage rise in power and reduction in losses is not just dependent Journal for a low compression ratio respectively[62].
on the VCR system utilized but is also dependent on the size of the
engine, type of the engine and the conditions at which the engine is These eccentric elements 32 are present in the wall opening 36 of the
run at [53]. cylinder housing 16 and are directly connected to the cylinder head
20 and the cylinder housing 16. Moving the eccentric element 32
changes the relative position of cylinder head with respect to the
4. Historical Development of VCR by Prominent crankcase. The eccentric element 32 is connected to an actuator 50.
Manufactures According to the signal received by the actuator 50 the eccentric
Several companies have developed VCR engines over the last few element will rotate causing relative movement between crankcase and
decades by the application of techniques discussed above. Numerous cylinder head, hence changing the CR. (The distance ‘d’ is changed
designs have been made by the manufactures and the designs were as shown).
chosen specifically to demonstrate the usage of the above concepts.
This engine is an improved version of its predecessors due to the fact
that the crankshaft absorbs the forces developed because of relative
movement between crankcase and cylinder housing. Since engine
crankshafts are designed to withstand large forces, no modification in
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the crankshaft is required. Adequate lubrication to the crankshaft is The crank drive also holds a transverse lever 18 with two lever arms,
also provided in standard internal combustion engines hence there is a first lever arm 20 and a second lever arm 22, both of which are held
no need for additional lubrication for the eccentric adjustment [62]. together. The connecting rod is held at a bearing point 24, provided
on the transverse lever 18. The rotation axis of the connecting rod is
This design is also advantageous as compared to previous work done therefore point 28 which is h1 distance away from the axis of rotation
on account of the fact that it is capable of changing the CR without of crank pin. The lever arm 22 consists of a bearing point 34 to which
displacing the position of the output shaft and it does not require high a control piston 36 is attached. This piston pivots about the axis 40
strength. Since no additional components are added the mass of the which is spaced h2 distance from the rotation of the crankpin. The
reciprocating parts does not increase as described previously control piston consists of an adjusting means 38 comprising a
[63,64,65]. housing 41 to form a cylinder. The control piston 36 can be moved in
a translatory manner as shown by the arrow 43.
4.2. Ford
Ford has extensively worked on the development of VCR engines
[70,71,72,73,74,75,76].The following section discusses two of their
designs out of which one of them uses an additional combustion
chamber while the second design uses an elastomeric mass for
changing piston deck height.
4.3. Nissan
Nissan has achieved considerable success in the development of VCR
engines over time [81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88]. The following sections
discusses a single design with two different actuation processes both
developed by Nissan, However, the second actuation process
achieves significant advantages in resistance towards bending due to
several structural modifications.
The nominal overall free length is present when both washer and
Figure 6. Schematic Diagram of Nissan VCR,2009 [89].
elastomeric mass are relaxed. The pressure in the combustion
chamber at times, during the engine operating cycle, rises sufficiently
The controller prompts the motor to drive an actuator rod in such a
to move part 34 towards part 32. The rise in pressure results in a force
way to vary the movement of 11 and 12, which in turn varies the
which is used to overcome the resilience of the mass. The movement
position of control link 5 relative to control shaft 7. The angle
of part 34 (top part of the piston) stops when the external force on the
between upper link 3 and lower link 4 is an important parameter for
force is balanced by the elastomeric mass. This motion reduces the
changing CR.
overall effective length of the piston and connecting rod combination
leading to a reduction of engine CR. At lower pressures in the
In figure 6, the solid line mechanism indicates the position of the
combustion chamber the nominal overall effective length is restored
actuator rod for maximum CR. This is because when the actuator rod
by inherent resiliency of washer and elastomeric mass, returning the
moves towards the motor a counter clockwise rotation of the control
CR to its original value. The abutment of stop surfaces 44 and 46
shaft occurs, which leads to the lowering of position of offset pin 10.
limits the extent to which the CR can be reduced.
This causes counter clockwise movement of the lower link 4 due to
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the movement of control link 5. The connecting pin 8 moves up supported in bearings. The lever 24 is coupled to arms 25 and 27 by
causing upward movement of the piston thus increasing the CR. In a using linking pins 26 and 28 respectively, which can rotate relative to
similar manner, the dotted position of the linking rod and actuator both lever and arms. Radial clearance is provided between the pins
mechanism leads to clockwise turning of control shaft 7 and lower and the pin holes, which are on the arm to fit the pins. The linking
link 4, thus the connecting pin 8 moves down and CR decreases. pins are held in place by thrust surfaces, one of which is the control
shaft and the other one is the bearings. These linking pins’ axial end
The patent showed that on increasing CR bending loads on the movement is restricted due to the contact between these thrust
actuator 13 increased. It can be noticed from the figure, that at lower surfaces and the pins. A major advantage of this design is the
CR the length of actuator rod outside the housing 16 is more than that reduction in transfer of vibrations from control shaft 14 to control
at higher CR. Thus at a lower CR, when most of the rod is without shaft 23 because of the lever 24, thus keeping the gears of decelerator
support outside the housing, bending loads and consequent bending 21 and inductor coils of the motor 19 safe from damage. The axial
stresses are lower. At high CR, when the bending loads are high the clearance between the side surfaces of first control shaft 14 and lever
rod is well supported inside the housing hence the bending stresses 24 is determined as D1 and that between control shaft 23 and lever 24
developed are lower. Thus bending deformation plays little role in is D2, such that D2 is either zero or very close to zero. Thus clearance
divergence of ideal and actual CR due to which the dimensions of the D1 advantageously absorbs any wearing or buckling that control shaft
control rod and the housing structure can also be kept within low 14 suffers, due to combustion loading or the inertial force of parts.
limits. Firstly, the design claimed that CR could be changed quickly Consequently no bending stress is transferred to the lever or the
from high to low hence improving knocking characteristics and the control shaft 23. Another major advantage due to this is the reduction
acceleration performance. It is also made sure that CR would not of axial dimensions of the control shaft 23 along with that of the
change too quickly because the maximum rate of change of CR is actuator without any loss in the load bearing capacity. Clearance can
determined by the rate of displacement of piston TDC per unit also be provided in the inclined direction to account for the tilting of
rotation of control shaft, which falls with the CR. Secondly, at a the control shafts.
lower CR, the friction between actuator rod and housing increases,
thereby restricting sudden movement.
4.4. Gomecsys
VCR Engine with Movable Crankshaft axis
This design from 2002, achieved VCR due to the transverse motion
of the crankshaft away from BDC which led to a decrease in the CR
because of increasing volume between the piston and the head of the
cylinder. A similar method takes place to increase the CR[91]. The
crux of the design is that the engine block is kept stationary while the
gear box is moving so as to keep the input shaft of the gear box and
Figure 10. Perspective exploded view of the crankshaft and eccentric bearings
the crankshaft aligned. [91]
According to figure 9, the engine block 1 has a crankshaft 5 rotatably As seen in figure 10, the lower bearing cups 9b are of smaller width
mounted on it. This design of the crankshaft consists of four cranks 6, than the upper bearing cups 9a in order to create room for the shells.
each of which supports the connecting rod 7 and the conrod is then The eccentrics or bushes 10 have an eccentricity of a few
connected to the piston via the small end bearing. The distance millimeters. By rotation of these eccentrics 10 in their bearings in
between the cranks 6 and the axis of rotation of the crankshaft 5 is the the engine block 1, the horizontal and vertical position of the
radius of rotation of crankpin. The stroke of each piston 4 occurs in a bearings 9 within the eccentrics 10 changes, and therefore the
cylinder 3, the length of which is determined by doubling the radius crankshaft centerline 8 is changed.
of the rotation of crankpin. The TDC and BDC of the piston depend
on the position of axis of rotation of the crankshaft 5. Hence the Referring to figure 9 the crankshaft 5 has on one end a crankshaft
repositioning of axis 8 can lead to VCR flange 12 which fixes the crankshaft to the gears of the gearbox,
through a flywheel 13 and a coupling 14. Thus the crankshaft 5 is
connected to the input shaft 15 of the gearbox. The change in
crankshaft centerline 8 makes it necessary for the gear box 2 to
change its position so that the input shaft 15 of the gear box is kept
aligned with the crankshaft 5. To achieve this the gearbox 2 is
movably connected to the engine block via a rim 18 which has the
same eccentricity as eccentrics 10. This rim 18 is mounted on a
gearbox flange 17 which is in turn connected to the eccentric
assembly 11 via a flange 16. This rim 18 also supports the gearbox 2
via a large roller bearing 19. To prevent rotation of gearbox 2 with
that of the crankshaft, a reaction rod 21 is provided whose other end
is attached to a fixed part of the engine block 1. The CR is changed
according to the engine conditions such as load and rotational speed.
To achieve this the eccentric is connected to a control system which
can either be hydraulic or electronic in nature.
Figure 9. Sectional View of the Engine [91] This design is advantageous as compared to the previous designs
because it keeps the engine block stationary and moves the axis of the
input shaft of the gearbox. Moving the engine blocks led to a
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multitude of moving parts such as water houses, exhaust, electrical magnetorheological fluid is again subjected to the magnetic field and
wiring etc. This caused excess stress on these moving parts as they the fluid freezes ,which secures the movable wall and the inner piston
need to absorb and adopt the engine block movements [92]. to the hollow cylindrical casing.
4.5. Peugeot
4.5.1. VCR Engine with a Magnetorheological Fluid
This design for the VCR engine developed by Peugeot in 2007 has a
piston which in itself is an assembly [93]. It consists of a hollow
cylindrical casing 31 open from below, an inner piston 5 that slides
within the hollow casing, a mobile partition 4 present between the
inner piston and the hollow casing and a grid 32 secured to the
hollow cylindrical casing as shown in figure 11. The axial distance
between the inner piston and the movable partition remains constant
throughout the operation i.e. they move together. The volume
between the inner piston and mobile partition is divided by the grid
into two volumes A and B. A magnetorheological fluid is present
between the volumes A and B, whose viscosity can be varied by Figure 11a. A schematic diagram depicting high CR positions [93]
subjecting the fluid to a variable magnetic field 7. This magnetic field
is obtained by a winding 7 embedded in the cylinder liner 2. The
movement of the movable wall and of the inner piston is limited
within the hollow cylindrical casing by stops 33.
control chamber 22 which has a variable volume. The movement of Another design modification was proposed which included a spring
piston 4 is free and only governed by the gas in the combustion member placed in the control chamber between the two pistons to
chamber 21 and the fluid in control chamber 22. create a negative pressure. This negative pressure prefers the filling of
incompressible fluid into the chamber. Another proposed design
When the first piston 3 is at BDC and the secondary piston 4 is at an modification was the use of a third piston between the previous two
intermediate position in the cylinder an inlet duct 81 opens, pistons in the control chamber.
permitting the entry of an incompressible fluid (usually an oil) into
the control chamber 22. The oil is supplied by a supply pump 8
which is operated by the control device 9. When oil is fed into the 5. Present Trends of Development in VCR
control chamber 22 using the inlet 81, the relative position of the technology
two pistons is changed and hence combustion chamber volume
changes. The oil enters the control chamber 22 through the control 5.1. Gomecsys Auxiliary Gear Method
valve 82 and exits through the conduit 84 via the outlet valve 83. This design, developed in 2013, has a reciprocating piston
The yoke 7 consists of the intake valve 71, exhaust valve 72 and the mechanism 1 consisting of a crankshaft 2, a crankpin 4 and supported
spark plug 73. The components 32, 33, 34 and 41 are used to by crankcase 15 [96]. Referring to figure 13 a crank member 6 is
prevent the mixing of engine oil, incompressible fluid and the mounted on the crankpin 4. The crank member 6 has a bearing
combustion flame accordingly. portion 7 to which the big end 8 of the connecting rod 9 is connected.
Hence the piston 11 is connected to the crankshaft indirectly via a
At the ending of intake stroke, piston 3 is at BDC while inlet valve 71 crank member 6. The crank member 6 has an external gear 12, which
is still not closed as shown in figure 12. The control chamber 22 is in meshes with two intermediate gear 13a and 13b and finally with an
connection with the conduits 81 and 83. CR is increased by closing auxiliary gear 14. Crank member gear 12, intermediate gears 13 and
the valve 84 and opening the valve 82 to fill the control chamber 22 auxiliary gears 14 are mounted on the same side of the crankweb 17.
with incompressible fluid and thus incrementing its volume. During The shafts passing through the intermediate gears 13 are identified by
the ignition stage when the piston 3 is at TDC the secondary piston 4 13a and 13b (not shown in figure). Both these shafts have an axis
is segregated from it by the control chamber volume 22 in a way to parallel to that of the crankshaft axis 5.
reduce the combustion chamber volume 21. The valves 71, 72, 82
and 83 are closed at the moment. The spark plug 73 then ignites to The purpose of these intermediate gears is to keep the direction of
combust the mixture. rotation of the crank member 6 and the crankshaft 2 same. The
auxiliary gear 14 is fixed to an auxiliary shaft 16 which is concentric
with the crankshaft rotation axis 5. The bearing portion 7 is eccentric
to the crankpin. Depending on the position of the crank member 6,
the TDC and BDC of the piston 11 can be varied hence changing the
CR this case a control ring is attached to the auxiliary shaft. As
shown in figure 13, an actuator 21, which controls a pin, is fitted into
a recess 20. This actuator can be controlled hydraulically, electrically
or by other suitable means. The pin (not shown in figure) is controlled
by the actuator, which determines the position of pin depending on
combustion properties. In such a case the CR is changed in steps. If a
lower CR is required the pin is taken out of the recess 20. On
decreasing combustion pressure the torque, due to the auxiliary shaft
16, on the torsion spring 18 decreases, which leads to turning of the
Figure 12. Cross Sectional View of t he Engine Cylinder [95]
control ring and the auxiliary shaft in the direction of the resultant
This volume of control chamber 22 is kept fairly constant throughout force. This will lead to a decrease in the force felt by the spring and
the motion of piston because the oil is incompressible. This results in eventually reaching an equivalence point, after which the control ring
piston 4 following closely the motion of piston 3. At the completion will be fixed with respect to the crankcase by inserting the pin. The
of the expansion stage, the piston 3 is at BDC and control chamber 22 same concept is used to increase the CR. The advantage of this
is in line with the conduits 81 and 83. To achieve a lower CR, valve system is that it leads to the building of a compact and simple
82 is closed to prevent the entry of oil and valve 84 is instead opened reciprocating engine system.
to remove the oil from the control chamber. This decreases the
volume of the control chamber ensuring a lower compression, which To vary the CR in discrete and continues steps, two different control
is mostly required at higher loads. methods have been discussed. Referring to figure 14, the first method
is by the usage of a torsion spring 18. In figure 14, an actuator 21,
The filling or removal of the fluid from the control chamber happens which controls a pin, is fitted into a recess 20. This actuator can be
preferably when the piston 3 is at BDC at the end of intake and controlled hydraulically, electrically or by other suitable means. The
exhaust stroke respectively. This is because a pressure difference is pin (not shown in figure) is controlled by the actuator, which
created between the control chamber and the combustion chamber. determines the position of pin depending on combustion properties.
Thus there is a significant decrease in the energy required to change In such a case the CR is changed in steps. If a lower CR is required
the volume of the control chamber 22. the pin is taken out of the recess 20. On decreasing combustion
pressure the torque, due to the auxiliary shaft 16, on the torsion
spring 18 decreases, which leads to turning of the control ring and the
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auxiliary shaft in the direction of the resultant force. This will lead to previous design of the same concept [97]. Furthermore this design
a decrease in the force felt by the spring and eventually reaching an when implemented leads to a reduction in number of gears thus
equivalence point, after which the control ring will be fixed with enhancing compactness of the engine.
respect to the crankcase by inserting the pin. The same concept is
used to increase the CR. The advantage of this system is that it leads
to the building of a compact and simple reciprocating engine system.
4.2. MCE-5 VCRi
The kinematics of MCE-5 (figure 15) is identical in all aspects to that
of a conventional engine at all compression ratios leading to
minimum modification of combustion process and internal
aerodynamics. The engine is a combination of a rod-crank
mechanism and long life gears. Furthermore the engine is rigid,
compact and its integration into all vehicles remains identical to that
of conventional engines. The compact crankshaft and guided piston
reduce frictional losses while making it compatible with high
supercharging pressures over high mileages. The compression ratio in
this engine can be varied from 7:1 to 20:1.
The gears and roller guided piston are not subjected to piston slab
and radial stresses leading to a highly durable, robust and reliable
engine. A small crank radius combined with elimination of radial
stress on the piston makes it easier to design long stroke engines
leading to an increase in piston to cylinder clearance at high CR.
This feature also optimizes the cylinder filling at low speeds. The
engine block does not impact other vehicle components and
requires no additional parts for connection with gearbox, intake and
exhaust pipes and peripherals. Furthermore the engine can be easily
fixed into all vehicles.
two balls, each having two functions: act as a valve when a push rod
lifts them from their seat and to act as a check valve when resting in
their seat The balls were chosen as they ensured excellent sealing and
large passage section as well as being highly tolerant to impurities
found in engine oil.
The control piston of the VCR has physical stops at the end of the
maximum stroke These stops are never reached during normal Figure 16. Cross sectional view of the connecting rod[32].
operation. This is what defines the maximum compression ratio.
During the assembly of the engine, the combustion piston is adjusted To reverse the eccentric's direction of rotation, the 3/2 way value is
such that the combustion chamber can never collide with the cylinder triggered. This is a mechanical switch which actuates two cam discs
even when the maximum compression ratio is reached [52,98-99]. in such a way that the valve is axially moved in either "CR-low" or in
the "CR-high" direction. The actuation is completed in a single
engine revolution. The valve body, at the end position, is arrested by
4.3. FEV Geometrically Modified Conrod a combination of spring and ball catches due to which changes by
FEV has made a two stage VCR system which has low manufacturing subsequent engine revolutions are restricted. Furthermore on
cost and can be easily integrated into conventional engine dismantling the engine the parts did not show significant wear.
architectures. The engine uses a length-adjustable connecting rod
with an eccentric piston pin in the small end of the conrod as shown
in figure 16. A combination of gas and mass forces causes a change in
the compression ratio adjustment. Conrod length is varied by rotating
the eccentric bearing in the small end of the conrod. The moment
acting on the eccentric due to the vectorial sum of gas and interia
forces is used to adjust the length of the conrod. The moment acting
on the eccentric can be both positive and negative during a
combustion cycle as seen in figure 17, hence making it feasible to
adjust in both directions ( can increase or decrease the conrod length).
The two support chambers are connected to the oil circuit via one Figure 17. Movement of the eccentric due to the gas and inertial forces[32].
check valve each. Further by means of a 3/2 check valve, a passage
from the chamber to the crankcase can be controlled. This makes it The key feature to meet a cost effective VCR solution provided by
possible for one hydraulic piston to enter more deeply into its support FEV in this design is by not having used expensive and power
chamber, displacing oil from it in the process, while the other support consuming actuators as well as adding all functional elements into
chamber is being filled with oil. In this scenario the eccentric can only one component, the connecting rod [32,100].
rotate in a single direction. The drawback is that the adjustment
process takes several working cycles to conclude. The number of
cycles required for the adjustment depends on two factors mainly the Conclusion
operating point and the hydraulic resistance. Orificies are used to This paper reviews the major principles on the basis of which a VCR
control the hydraulic resistance. The hydraulic resistance is to be engine can be developed, namely by the variation in cylinder head,
adjusted in a manner so as to conclude the adjustment process as geometry of connecting rod, crankshaft axis, piston deck height, and
quickly as possible. Failure to do so will lead to engine knocking be application of dual piston mechanism and gear mechanism. The
during step load changes from part load to full load and the usage of above mentioned principles are comparatively studied on the basis of
improved efficiency of the higher compression at load changes will 8 parameters namely:- combustion chamber integrity, crankshaft -
not be possible. However adjustment time must not be too short as it piston assembly kinematics, mechanical losses, engine overall
can cause cavitation at the check valve of the enlarging support rigidity, effect of varying CR on engine displacement, CR control
chamber and Inordinately high impact loads on the support accuracy, capability to control CR cylinder by cylinder and suitability
mechanism when the end stops are reached. Calculations have of conversion of a stock engine to VCR engine. As seen from the
demonstrated that it is possible to achieve switch-over times of less comparison, each parameter has own limitations and thus those
than one second. principles should be selected which have high compatibility with
Downloaded from SAE International by Shikhar Asthana, Sunday, October 11, 2020
existing engines. To achieve this, it is imperative that the combustion VCR engines can truly be referred to as the state-of-the-art
chamber shape and piston kinematics are identical to that of a technology of near future in automotive industry because of the
conventional engine. inherent benefits it presents. The number of automobiles is increasing
at a incredible rate and the demand for increased performance is
Table 2. Summary of Designs by Manufacturers undying. VCR promises to reduce the consumption of fuels by
decreasing the fuel consumption at low loads. It claims in minimizing
the damage to the environment by reducing the C02 emissions, while
providing increased power and torque at high loads.
However these VCR designs face some stumbling blocks in the form
of higher costs of development, lack of reproducibility of the design
on mass scale and integration with the existing units. This is an
exciting technology in the field of automotive engineering, which
when fully supported by economic and intellectual means will pave
the path towards a revolutionized means of efficient transportation.
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